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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region I
Poblacion, Alaminos City
Quarter 2

Life Lessons: Ladder to Success

Most Essential Learning Competencies:

 Share to others the knowledge gained from school and community beneficial in life (HGJA-IIb-5)
 Demonstrate the ability to independently deal with personal tasks and actively participate in school
activities (HGJA-Ic-5)

Answer all the processing questions on a separate clean paper. Make sure to write your name, grade level
and section, quarter and title of the activity. Your outputs will be compiled in your portfolio.

Title of the Activity: My Most Unforgettable Experience

Directions: Try to remember your most unforgettable experiences in your school and in your community. Fill out the
table below and indicate the lessons that you have learned from those experiences.
Most Unforgettable Experience Lesson Learned

Ex: I was the only one who forgot to Ex: I will check and do my
School accomplish the assignment in English. assignment regularly.
1. I failed our test. Review next time.
2. I can’t answer the question what my I will do advance studying.
teacher asked.
3. I didn’t passed my assignment due to I will avoid playing games if I
playing games. have a task to do
Ex: Our district won the “Cleanest Purok Ex: We can do our part in little
Award”. We helped in cleaning and ways to contribute in our
maintaining the cleanliness of our place. community.
Community 1. : Participating in a community To ensure a sustainable and
clean-up campaign healthy future.
2. Supporting local businesses Making mindful choices
and artisans about where we spend our

Processing Questions:
1. How many positive and negative experiences do you have?
2. Do you think these positive and negative experiences will help you to be better in your studies? How?
3. How did these make an impact on you and how will the lessons help you?

Title of the Activity: My Ladder to Success

Directions: On a sheet of paper, make your plan for success on the ladder. Using your experiences in the past, make a
plan on how you can be successful. On the top portion, write your goal for this school year and label each step what will
you do to reach the top of the ladder or your goal.
Goal: What do I want to achieve this year? Being with high honor
Learn: In order to achieve this, I need to learn how to manage my time.
Acknowledge: I know that I am _hardworking_________ and I am not __lazy.____________
Discipline: I can show discipline through my actions.
Dream: In the future I dream of being a business women.
Explore: I would like to explore every country like, South Korea and Saudi Arabia.
Responsible: In order for me to achieve my goal, I will show responsibility in school.

Processing Questions:

1. What do you think is the importance of setting your goal/s?

2. Do you think those steps will help you reach you goal? Why do you say so?

Keep in Mind

LADDER to Success
Everyone has a story to tell. We have positive experiences that make us feel good and happy, like winning in a
school competition, celebrating a milestone, and receiving gifts or praise from other people. We also have negative
experiences that make us feel uncomfortable, sad, fearful, or angry, like losing in a game, getting sick or getting failing
grade. These positive and negative experiences can serve as our guide and inspiration in achieving success. Through
these experiences we learn from our mistakes and we realize the value of our decisions. Here are some tips to success
using the LADDER:
 Learn from experience and make it a point that you continue and move on whatever challenges you may
 Acknowledge your strengths and weaknesses, the lessons you learned from your personal experiences, and
from other person’s experiences, so that you will know what to do in challenging times.
 Discipline should be observed in your thoughts and actions. This is an important aspect of learning that would
help you in your everyday life.
 Dream big and do better. Always remember successful people dreamed first to become successful.
 Explore. Discover new things and be open to all possibilities. Do not be afraid to join in organizations or try to
learn new skills.
 Responsibilities. Be responsible for all the decisions you will make.
The experiences you learn from your home, school, and community will contribute in your success because it
will give you confidence in meeting challenges in life as you work toward your goals and climbing the ladder to

My Journey To a Stronger Me
Most Essential Learning Competencies:
 Demonstrate how to develop strengths and overcome weaknesses (HGJA-IIc-7)

Title of the Activity: This is Me

Directions: Rate the statements that best describes you by checking the corresponding box using the rating legend
below. Write your answers on a sheet of paper, including your responses to the Processing Questions.
5- Very True Me
4- True Me
3- Somewhat True of Me
2- Somewhat Untrue of Me

1. 5
2. 5
3. 5
4. 4
5. 4
6. 5
7. 5
8. 5
9. 5
10. 5
11. 5
12. 5
13. 4
14. 5
15. 5

Processing Questions:
1. What are your realizations about your strengths? About your weaknesses?
2. Can these strengths and weaknesses help you in facing the new normal? How?

Title of the Activity: My Weaknesses and My Strengths

Directions: Think of a weakness that hindered you in achieving your academic goal when you were still in elementary.
Complete the table by answering the questions under the second and third columns. Copy and answer this on a clean
sheet of paper.

1. Being judged.
2. Not thinking what people would think of me.
3. This will help me to be confidents specially
i am an ste student.

Directions: Create a slogan that would best describe your journey in discovering your strengths and weakness. Write
this on a clean sheet of paper. You may follow the sample shown below:

With every challenge I encounter, I strive to learn and

embracing my flaws and limitations, as stepping stones to

Ke ep in Mind
Life experiences teach us lessons that lead us to better understand ourselves. In the previous activities
in this module, you may have some difficulty in determining the specific life experience that made you realize your
strengths and weaknesses. That is completely normal. The value that you put in each experience definitely impacts your
personal journey to become a better person. As you embark in this experience of discovering your strengths and
weaknesses, you may consider J.O.U.R.N.E.Y.
 Join in different activities to connect and maintain healthy relationships. Being with people who support
you like your family and friends is an essential factor that can lead to better experiences. This will help you in
developing your strengths and in overcoming your weaknesses.
 Observe. You can learn many things through observation. Try to observe yourself when dealing with different
situations as you use your strengths and weaknesses. You may also get to learn as you observe the experiences
of others as they overcome their difficulties.
 Understand. Understanding oneself, others, different situations and experiences is an indicator of becoming
reflective which is a strength of person who finds meaning in every experience.
 Remember. Do not forget about the lessons you learned from different experiences. Make sure that when you
are faced with similar situations, you can always look back and recall how you dealt with it in the past.
 Never stop. Continue discovering your potentials and in learning different ways on how you can improve
yourself and your decisions in the future. Your strengths and weaknesses changes over time. It is important that
you allow yourself to continue despite difficulties.
 Exercise regular routines that lead to the development of strengths and in overcoming weaknesses.
 Yearn to apply what you have learned in this lesson in your everyday life.

To Be Or Not To Be

Most Essential Learning Competencies:
 Examine the appropriate and inappropriate steps in personal decision-making (HGJPS-IId-8)
 Formulate one’s steps in decision making (HGJPS-IIe-10)
 Practice independent decision-making (HGJPS-IIf-11)
 Express views on issues relevant to oneself and others (HGJPS-IIg-13)
 Identify the various views on personal and social issues (HGJPS-IIg-14)

Title of the Activity: How To Make Decisions

Directions: Read the scenario below and answer the following questions. Write your answers on a clean sheet of
There was nobody in the classroom as everybody’s out in the school grounds for the recess period. On
your way to the canteen, you noticed someone inside the room. Out of curiosity, you peeked at the windows and
saw one of your friends reaching into a classmate’s desk and seemingly getting something out of it. Just before
the lunch bell rang, your classmate reported to your teacher that his pouch containing money was missing.

1. What is the problem? Someone's pouch containing money has gone missing, and there
is suspicion that your friend may be involved based on what you witnessed.
2. What are the choices you have?Confront my friend directly about what i saw.
3. What do you think are the consequences of these choices?Confronting my friend could strain
our friendship, potentially leading to conflict and damage to our relationship.
4. How do you feel about the situation? Confusion
5. Is there anything else you need to learn about it? It may be helpful to gather more information
or evidence before making a decision.
6. Do you need to ask for help? Whom should you ask?Yes, my teacher.
7. What is your decision?Report what i witnessed to a teacher or trusted adult, providing them
with the details of what i saw.
8. Do you think you made the right decision? Why? Yes, because It helps to ensure that the truth
is revealed and appropriate actions are taken.

Processing Questions:
1. Were the questions helpful in making your decision? In what way?
2. Do you consider the same questions every time you need to act on a particular thing? Why or why not?
3. How did this activity help you in making the decisions?

Ke ep in Mind

Sound Decision-Making

One of the important life skills is decision-making. Decision-making is choosing between two or more choices
or options. You always need to make decisions every day. Hence, it is important to know how to make a sound one.
Here are the steps in making a sound decision:
1. Identify the problem. It is important to know what is your problem so that you would understand the
source and the reasons of your problem.
2. Identify your choices or options with the relevant information. What are the options or choices you
have with your identified problem and the possible result of each choice/option?
3. Evaluate and choose an option. What do you think and feel is the best among the choices or options?
4. Ask for help. Think of a person whom you can ask for help whenever you face problems o someone
who can guide you in doing it like your Guidance Counselor. It is important to ask for help or guidance
from your trusted persons so that you can see how others view your problem.
5. Make a decision. After considering important factors, it is time to make or come up with a decision
about what to do with your problem. If you think you are satisfied with what you have decided, then go
ahead and do it. On the other hand, if you are still confused and you think you are not confident with it
then go back to step one until you can decide what is best for you.

Title of the Activity: Decision-Making

Directions: Today, the world is facing a pandemic. Everyone has been affected and our experiences during this
time may be different from one another, and yet we find ways to look for solutions to solve our problems and make

1. Identify a problem that you have experienced during this time of pandemic that you need to address
2. On a clean sheet of paper, with your identified problem during this time of pandemic, formulate your steps
in decision-making using the table below as template.

1. Laziness attacks me.

2. A. I will stay being lazy.
B. I will change myself.
3. A. I will stay being lazy; I may not be able to
achieve with honors.
B.I will change myself; I’m able to live a
healthy life
4. I will ask help from my mother to
encourage me study hard and live a healthy life.
5. I will choose option B because it will help me
live longer and healthier.

Looking Deeper at My Career Pathing

Most Essential Learning Competencies:
 Identify the important aspects to be considered in choosing a profession, vocation, and the future
 Analyze personal abilities and experiences (HGJC-IIj-20)
 Recognize the important opinions of parents, guardians, and significant others to make meaningful decisions

Title of the Activity: All About Job

Directions: Copy the table on a separate sheet of paper. Ask your family members/guardians about the information
needed to complete the table below.

Family Members/Guardian Present Job Dream Job Reasons for Taking their
(Yes/No) Present Job
Father Business Man Business Man Because this is what he
dreamed of.
Mother Business Buisness Because this is what she
Woman Woman dreamed of.

(Add rows/s if necessary)

Processing Questions:
1. What did they consider in taking their current job?
2. Is their present job their dream job? Why?
3. Are they happy with their present jobs? Why?

Ke ep in Mind

Career Planning
Career preparation continues for you as a grade 8 student. You need to be consistent in developing your
skills and knowledge with your preferred career path. This means that it is not easy to focus on a profession
immediately. Steps need to be made to come up with potential priorities that are well-chosen and well-decided,
which also contain the considerations to be weighed.

Here is the Career Decision-Making Model adapted from Rutgers University which may serve as your
guide in choosing your future career.

1. Be clear on what you need to decide on. It would be helpful if you have certain clarity on your preferred
occupation or even work in the future. You may ask yourself the subjects where you perform well, and your
interest, talents, hobbies, and skills relevant to your preferred future occupation which may serve as your guide
in choosing your future career.
2. Understand yourself deeper. Though your still in the process of self-discovery, it is highly advisable for you
to be mindful of your strengths and weaknesses. Be particular on the things that you are really good at and the
skills that you need to develop.
3. Try to enumerate your preferred occupations. Imagine yourself 10 years from now. What would then keep
you busy during weekdays? Narrow down your list of preferred occupation into three.
4. Understand the listed occupations better. Enough information and facts about your preferred occupations
would help you in your decision-making. Aside from reading information in different respectable sources, you
may seek the help of your guidance counselor, career guidance advocate or Homeroom Guidance teacher to
share whatever information they have about your preferences. You may also consider consulting your trusted
adults about it.
5. Analyze your preferred occupations. Try to consider the different factors in each occupation like its pros and
cons, your personal attributes, family context, values, resources, culture, challenges, health, and many more.
6. Rank your options according to your preferences. You don’t need to decide right now but at least be mindful
of your ranking of preferences. It would help you to plan and explore other relevant activities that can enrich
your knowledge and affirm your decision on your future occupation.

Title of the Activity: Planning Ahead of My Future

Directions: Using your preferred occupation, fill in the things being asked in the first column. You could ask assistance
from your parents or any household member/s who are knowledgeable about choosing a career. Use the table below as
your guide.

Dream Job 1 Dream Job 2

Ex. Business woman Ex. Doctor
Senior High School Tracks & Academic- ABM Academic- STEM
Strand to Take
Applicable … Business Minded Likes to operate everything haha!
Skills/abilities Multitasking Multitasking
Values Success Leadership
Personality Ambitious Analytical
Experience/s Selling Teamwork
Possible Challenges Competition in the business Demanding workload and long
industry: hours:
How to deal with those challenges Focus on developing a unique Practice effective time
value proposition for my management and prioritize
business. tasks to maintain a work-life

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