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Procedure Checklist: Bed Making


1. It is a type of bed with patient in it
1. To provide clean and comfortable bed environment to the patient without injury to the
patient and the nurse.

Procedure Able to Able to Unable to

Perform Perform Perform
1. Check the doctor's order and the client's
diagnosis and restrictions.
2. Gather all the equipment needed.
3. Introduce yourself and explain the procedure.
4. Raise the bed to an appropriate working height.
5. Remove the pillow and place it on a clean
6. Lower the side rails on the nearside of the bed,
leaving the opposite side rail raised.
7. Turn the client on his/her side facing away from
8. Loosen the soiled linens or sheet pads and roll
each piece toward the center of the bed.
9. Place the bottom sheet initially on the clean side
of the bed.
10. Place the sheet pad down and roll it by tucking
it under the patient’s body.
11. Logroll the client, by helping client to roll over
the folded linen into the clean linen. Raise the side
rail facing the client.
12. Move to the other side of the bed, loosen and
remove soiled linen including the top sheet and
blanket and place them in a laundry hamper
keeping away from touching your uniform.
13. Pull the bottom sheet that was tucked in at the
center together with the sheet pad.
14. Take the old pillow case off and replace it with
clean pillow case.
15. Place the top sheet over the client and let it
hang at the end of the bed with not touching the

16. Place and spread the blanket over the client.

17. Miter the corner and tuck in the top sheet and
blanket under the corners of the bed.
18. Evaluate client's response and tolerance to the
GRADE: __________

Rating Scale:

Excellent : 96-100%
Very Satisfactory : 90-95%
Very Good : 85-89%
Good : 80-84%
Fair : 75-79%
Poor : 74 & below

___________________________ _____________________________
Clinical Instructor Student’s Name and Signature

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