( History 1)

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( History 1)

unit 1
A) What do you mean by History?
Ans. History is the study of change over time, and it covers all
aspects of human society.
b) Discuss the relationiship between History and Sociology?
Ans. History is the study of past events. It also includes a
survey of conditions and developments in economic, religious
and social affairs. Sociology is the study of the pattern of
human interaction, culture, and social relationships that
surround everyday life.
c) Discuss the relationiship between History and Law?
Ans. History serves as a source of legal precedents. Past legal
decisions and court rulings provide the foundation for the
development of legal principles and doctrines
d) To what extent is literature helpful in knowing the history
of ancient India?
Ans. authentic, valuable and very reliable sources to know the
various aspects of Indian culture.
e) Which subject is explained in detail in the Upanishads?
Ans Upanishads deal with philosophical aspect of Hinduism,
and is central to various philosophical traditions of India.
f) Which texts give information about Mauryan India?
Ans. The Arthashastra and the Edicts of Ashoka are the primary
sources of written records of Mauryan times.
g) What kind of information do you get from records?
Ans.Records are a great way to make sense of past events.
They can also be used to describe or interpret events, and
show how different people or groups responded to a particular
h) If a tourist wants to see the part of the Indus Civilization in
Rajasthan where its remains have been found, where would
you take him?
Ans. Remains of Indus Valley Civilization in Rajasthan have been
found at Kalibanga.
I) What was the most important feature of the Indus
Ans. The most significant feature of Indus Valley civilization was
the buildings made of the bricks
j) Which scholars are credited with the discovery of the Indus
Ans.The civilisation was first discovered by an archaeologist
named Sir John Marshall in the year 1924.
Unit 2
1. How many types of Vedas are there and which is the oldest
Ans. the Rig Veda is the oldest and was composed about 3500
years ago
2. Write the names of any 4 Puranas.
Ans. The earliest Puranas, composed perhaps between 350
and 750 ce, are the Brahmanda, Devi, Kurma, Markandeya,
3. Write the names of Panch Mahavratas of Jain philosophy.
Ans. • Ahiṃsā (Non-violence)
• Satya (Truth)
• Asteya (Non-stealing)
• Brahmacharya (Chastity)
• Aparigraha (Non-possession)
4. What are the four truths according to Buddhism?
Ans. They are the truth of suffering, the truth of the cause of
suffering, the truth of the end of suffering, and the truth of the
path that leads to the end of suffering.
5. What are the Eightfold Paths of Buddhism?
Ans. The Eightfold Path consists of eight practices: right view,
right resolve, right speech, right conduct, right livelihood, right
effort, right mindfulness, and right samadhi
6. Who was Megasthenes and in whose court did he come?
Ans. Megasthenes was a Greek ambassador of Seleucus I
Nicator in the court of Chandragupta Maurya.
7. Why is Ashoka's religion called Manav Dharma? Write in
brief? ans. Ashoka's Dhamma was not a new religion. It
was not a new form of political philosophy either. Dharma is the
Sanskrit word for “dhamma.”
8. Who were the Aryans and from where did they come?
Ans. The Arya were central Asian Steppe pastoralists who
arrived in India between roughly 2000 BCE and 1500 BCE, and
brought Indo-European languages to the subcontinent.
9. Write the names of any four books composed by Kalidas.
Ans. Kalidasa, the great poet of ancient India, wrote Abhijnana
Shakuntalam, Vikramorvashiyam, Malavikagnimitram,
Kumarasambhava books.
10. Who was the author of the play Devichandraguptam?
Ans. Devichandraguptam is a play written by him.
Unit 3
1. Write the names of four literary works of Gupta period.
Ans. Drama Dramatist
Malvikagnamitram Kalidas
Vikramorshiyam Kalidas
Abhigyanshakuntalam Kalidas
2. What is the status and role of women in India?
Ans. Women's rights under the Constitution of India mainly
include equality, dignity, and freedom from discrimination;
additionally, India has various statutes governing the rights of
3. How were women treated in Ancient India?
Ans. In ancient Indian culture, women were treated as equal to
men, and there was no discrimination on the bases of gender,
4. What rights did women have in ancient?
Ans. the right to control stridhan, or property before marriage,
which includes gifts from parents, friends and strangers as well
as earnings from her own work.
5. What are the challenges faced by women in ancient India?
Ans. Earlier women in India were facing problems like child
marriage, sati pratha, parda pratha, restriction to widow
remarriage, widow exploitation, devadasi system, etc.
6. Which factor is responsible for status of women in India?
Ans. Role Stereotyping: Still a large section of our Indian
Society considered the roles of men as taking all the financial
responsibilities and work outside
7. What are the solutions of status of women in ancient India?
Ans. In ancient Indian culture, women were treated as equal to
men, and there was no discrimination on the bases of gender,
instead of that women were honored by society, and society at
the time considered women as Janani which means mother,
even in Hindu scripts women are considered as Devi.
8. What social inequalities existed among the people in the
medieval period?
ans. Those who engaged in agriculture and handcraft belonged
to lower social classes.
9 What economic inequalities existed among the people in
the mediaeval period?
Ans. Caste system and slavery intensified inequalities in the
social set up
Unit 4
1. What is the importance of Arthshastra?
Ans. Kautilyas Arthashastra provides guidance to a wise king to
further the national interests of the state that center on issues
of security, wealth, and prestige.
2. Arthshastra written by whom?
Ans. Chanakya
3. What was the main sources of Hindu law?
Ans.the Vedas, the Upanishads, and the Smritis. They are
considered to be the most important sources of Hindu law
because they contain the original teachings of Hinduism.
4. How many types of courts in Ancient India?
Ans. six categories based on their rank. They are as follows:
The Kula (Family Councils or groups): A group of elderly people
who educated members of the family how to handle conflicts
inside the family or among families of similar background.
5. What is the meaning of kantakshodhan?
Ans. In the Mauryan empire Kautilya refers to two types of
courts : Dharmasthiyas (dealt with civil matters).
Kantakasodhana(dealt with criminal matters).
6. Define Dharma?
Ans. dharma denotes behaviours that are considered to be in
accord with Ṛta—the "order and custom" that makes life and
universe possible
7. What is the most popular punishment in ancient India?
Ans. death penalty, cutting off the limb with which the offence
was committed,
8. What is Shruti?
Ans. Expert in Vedas, Insight, Knowledge of the Vedas, Expert
in vedas, hearing.
9. What is Smriti? Write in short.
Ans. that class of Hindu sacred literature based on human
10. What is the difference between Smriti and Shruti in
ancient India?
Ans. Shruti is a Sanskrit word that means "what is said". Smriti
is a Sanskrit word that means "remembered." Shruti is an eye-
opener. Smriti is a Hindu ritual.

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