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Unit 1
a) Define norms.
Ans. Michael Hechter and Karl-Dieter Opp define norms as
"cultural phenomena that prescribe and proscribe behavior in
specific circumstances
b) Define social status.
Ans. Social status refers to the honor or prestige attached to
one's position in society
c) Who is the father of sociology?
Ans. Auguste Comte is the father of Sociology.
d) Give examples of values.
Ans. Examples of personal values – self-respect, comfortable
life, freedom etc. Social Values – Important for other people's
well being. Examples of social values – equality, social justice,
national security, world peace etc.
e) What are the social groups?
Ans. A social group consists of two or more people who
regularly interact and share a sense of unity and common
identity. I
f) Write the meaning of sociology
Ans. Sociology is the study of social life, social change, and the
social causes and consequences of human behavior.
g) Give examples of association.
Ans. imagine the relationship between a doctor and a patient. A
doctor can be associated with multiple patients
H) Who was the Karl Marx?
Ans. Karl Marx was a German philosopher during the 19th
century. He worked primarily in the realm of political philosophy
i) Who was the Max weber?
Ans. Maximilian Carl Emil “Max” Weber (1864–1920) was born
in the Prussian city of Erfurt to a family of notable heritage.
j) Define sociology.
Ans. Sociology is the study of social life, social change, and the
social causes and consequences of human behavior
Unit 2
a)Define marriage.
Ans. the state of being united as spouses in a consensual and
contractual relationship recognized by law.
b) What are types of marriage?
Monogamy :Polygamy
One spouse at a time: More than one spouse at a given time
No forms : Polyandry when a woman marries more than one
man and Polygyne when a man marries more than one woman.
c) What are the types of Hindu marriages?
Ans. Out of the eight forms of Hindu marriage, the first four,
i.e. 'Brahma', 'Daiva', 'Arsha' and 'Prajapatya'
d) Define family.
Ans. Family: A family is a group of two or more persons related
by birth, marriage, or adoption who live together;
e) What are the types of family?
Ans. Common Family Types
• Nuclear families.
• Single-parent families.
• Extended families.
• Childless families.
• Stepfamilies.
• Grandparent families.
f) Define power.
Ans. the capacity to influence, lead, dominate, or otherwise
have an impact on the life and actions of others in society
g) What is authority?
Ans. In sociology, authority is the legitimate or socially approved
power which one person or a group possesses and practices
over another.
H) Define Religion
Ans. Religion describes the beliefs, values, and practices
related to sacred or spiritual concerns.
i) What is beaurocracy?
Ans. A bureaucracy is an organization of non-elected officials
of a government or organization who implements the rules,
laws, and functions of their institution
J) Write the types of institutions.
Ans. What are the five major social institutions? Most societies'
five major social institutions are the family, the state or
government, economy, education, and religion
Unit 3
a) What is learning?
Ans. Social learning theory suggests that social behavior is
learned by observing and imitating the behavior of others.
b) Define socialization.
Ans. In sociology, socialization (Modern English; or
socialisation - see spelling differences) is the process of
internalizing the norms and ideologies of society.
c) What is education?
Ans. Education is a social institution through which a society's
children are taught basic academic knowledge, learning skills,
and cultural norms.
d) Which are the agencies of socializations?
Ans. Families, early education, peer groups, the workplace,
religion, government, and media all communicate expectations
and reinf orce norms.
e) Define social control.
Ans. Social control is the active or passive process of a group
regulating itself according to its beliefs, principles, and values.
f) What are the forms of social control?
Ans. The two types of social control are informal and formal.
Formal social control is used by governments, religious bodies,
and other institutions. Informal social control is a tool of
families, friends, coworkers, and other peers.
g) Write the name of religions of India.
ans. According to the 2011 census, 79.8% of the population of
India practices Hinduism, 14.2% adheres to Islam, 2.3%
adheres to Christianity, 1.7% adheres to Sikhism, 0.7% adheres
to Buddhism and 0.4% adheres to Jainism.
h) Explain the aim of education.
Ans. Educational sociology aims to develop a curriculum that
will adequately socialize each individual student
i) What are the education institution?
Ans. An educational institution is a place where people of
different ages gain an education, including preschools,
childcare, primary-elementary schools, secondary-high
schools, and universities.
j) What is Hindu religion?
Ans. Hinduism is not only the world's oldest, but also its third
largest religion and combines the beliefs, cultural practices, and
philosophy of India.
Unit 4
a) Define stratification.
Ans. Social stratification refers to a society's categorization of
its people into rankings of socioeconomic tiers based on factors
like wealth, income, race, education, and power.
b) What is class?
Ans. Most sociologists define social class as a grouping based
on similar social factors like wealth, income, education, and
c) Define caste.
Ans. The caste system is a societal order built on religious and
cultural norms in which the population of a state is divided into
a hierarchy of classes.
d) What is gender?
Ans. The term gender refers to the cultural and social
characteristics attributed to men and women on the basis of
perceived biological differences.
e) Define social mobility.
Ans. Social mobility refers to change in a person's socio-
economic situation, either in relation to their parents (inter-
generational mobility) or throughout their lifetime (intra-
generational mobility)
f) Define social change.
Ans. Sociologists define social change as changes in human
interactions and relationships that transform cultural and social
g) What is achieve status?
Ans. An achieved status is a position in a social group that one
earns based on merit or one's choices.
h) Who are the agency of social change?
Ans. technology, social institutions, population, and the
I) Define profession.
Ans. Generally, sociological definitions understand a profession
to be any honest occupation whose practitioners have high
social status, high income, advanced education, important
social function, or some combination of these or other features
easy for the social sciences to measure.
j) What is development?
Ans. Development sociology is the study of the causes and
consequences of economic change in society.

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