Target 1 UT01 Physics Model Papers

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of 1000 V/m isapplied to of
An electric field value
1 The two metallic plates of 4 angle of 45°, The
radius rare placed electric dipole at What is
at a distance d
apart and moment is 10-29 Cm.
a plate of radiuS rl2 its capacity is C. If electric dipole dipole?
and energy of the electric
dielectric constant 6 is placedthickness
d of
the potential
plates of the condenser, then its
capacity will (1) -9 x 10-20 J
(2) -10x 10-29 J
(1) 7CI2
(2) 3C/7 (3) 7 x 10-27 J
(3) 7C/3 (4) -20 x 10-18 J
(4) 9C/4
radius Rcarries a charge
5 A solid sphere of overits volume. A
Q+qdistributed uniformly
2. A capacitor is made of two square plates of it of mass m
very small point like piece sphere
each of side 'a' making a very small angle a
gets detached from the bottom of the
between them, as shown in figure. The under gravity. This
and falls down vertically acquires a speed
capacitance will be close to
piece carries charge q. If it vertical height
Vwhen it has falen through a
(assume the remaining
y(see figure), then:
portion to be spherical).

(1) ¬pa?

(2) Eoa y
(1- #)
(3) Epa
(1 (1) 2 = y 4mE R(R+y)m
(4) Epa
(2) gQR
=2y 47Eo(R+y)m
A parallel plate air capacitor has
3. (3) 2 =y +
capacitance C. Now half of the space is filled
with a dielectric material of dielectric
constant K = 3 as shown in figure. The new (4) 2 =2y 4neo R(R+y)m
capacitance is C. Then

6. A particle has charge +q and a paricle B

Air has charge +4g with each of them having
the same mass m. When allowed to fall from
rest through the same electric potential
difference, the ratio of their speed will
(1) 2:1
(1) C'= 2 C (2) 1:2
(2) C'= 4 C (3) 1:4
(4) 4:1
(3) C'=c
(4) C = C
7. Find the equivalent capacitance of the 10. Charge is distributed within a sphere of
radius R with volume charge density
grouping between points Aand B. -2r
20 where A and a are
constants. If Q is the total charge of this
charge distribution, the radius R is
(1) 1

(1) 17C
10 (2)
(2) 10C log (1 2TaA
(3) 12C (3) a log (1 2raA
(4) 5C (4) 1
a log
8. The electric potential at O is
11, Acapacitor is used to store 24 watt hour of
energy at 1200 volt. What should be the
1uF capacitance of the capacitor
(1) 120 7m F
6V 0V
(2) 120 F
4 uf 2uf (3) 24u F
(4) 24 mnF
12. A piece of cloud having area 25 X

(1) 3.2 V
10°m and electric potential of 10 volts. Ift
the height of cloud is 0.75 km,then energy of
(2) 3.5 V electric fieldbetween earth and cloudwill be
(3) 3.6 V
(4) 3.4 V (1) 250 J
(2) 750J
9. TWo capacitors of capacitance 3 uF and 6 UF (3) 1225J
respecively are charged to a potential of 12 (4) 1475.J
Veach. They are connected to each other
Such that the positive plate of one is joined
to the negative plate of the other. The 13. A body has - 80 micro coulomb of charge.
potential difference across each capacitor Number of additional electrons in it will be
will now be
(1) Zero (1) 8x10-5
(2) 3 V (2) 80 x 10-17
(3) 4 V
(4) 6V
(3) 5 x 1014
(4) 1.28 x 10-7

14. 64 small drops of mercury, each of radius r

and charge gc0alesce to form a big drop.
The ratio of the surface density of charge of
each small drop with that of the big drop is
(1) 1:64
(2) 64:1
(3) 4:1
(4) 1:4
15. TWo charged balls, each of mass m Along
cylindrical volume (of radius R)
and 18. a uniformly
distributed charge of
each carrying charge q, when suspended electric field at a
from the same point, by insulating density p. Variation ofshown by
threads, distance xfrom axis is
hang in equilibrium, when
they are
immersed in an insulating liquid of density = (1) E
times density of solid and di-electric
constant k, the angle between them remains
same. Then the value of'k' is
(1) 3.5
(2) 2.5
(3) 1.5
(4) 3 R
16. Electric charges of luC,
luCand (2) En
2uCare placed in air at the corners A, B and
Crespectively of an equilateral triangle ABC
having length of each side 10 cm. The pR
resultant force on the charge atC is
(1) 0.9 N
(2) 1.8 N
(3) 2.7 N
(4) 3.6N R X

(3) E
17. The potential difference between two
uniformly charged concentric spherical
shells depends on pR
(1) Charge on the inner shell alone
(2) Charge on the outer shell alone
(3) Charges on inner as wellas outer shell
(4) Sum of charges on the inner shell and R
Outer shell

19. A spherical cavity of radius RI2 is formed in
a uniformly charged sphere of radius R and
volume charge density p as shown. Potential
difference between centre of sphere O and
center of cavity O is


(1) pR?
(2) pR?

(3) pR?
(4) p?

20. Electric field at point P(x, ) makes an angle

tanwith positive x-axis. Equation of
electric field lines maybe
(1) x +y=constant
(2) -x'= constant
(3) constant
(4) +
the .
21, charges Qare placed on
Three identical, Two point T=-10/2.A
B and Care parallel conducting plates A, 25.
z = +10y2and y-axis such
JC IS given to placed as shown, A axís at placed on the
B. IfS,
and So charge -b third chargeg' is charge q ismaximum.
on Find the amount of both are closed the
thatthe force on meter) of charge g' from
A inner surface of plate C charge (in ) The distance (in
in C.
the origin is
26. =4zi - (y+1)jN/C
Anelectric field Ebox shown in figure. The
passes through the field through surfaces
flux of the electric marked as and
ABCD and BCGE are (in
rrespectively. Find value of (Ø1+ I )
22. A
capacitor of
capacitance C1 = 1 uF A (0. 0, 2) B (3.0.2)
withstands a
while another of voltage V = 6 kv
withstands a capacitance V,C = 2 p
they are voltage =4 kV. Ir (0. 2, 2) (3. 2. 2)
connected in series, what
will maximum
voltage (in kV) the system F
now? withstand (0.0, 0) (3. 0, 0)

23. H
Four capacitors and two (0. 2, 0) (3, 2, 0)
connected as shown in figure. batteries are
Find potential
difference VM-N (in volts)
27. A point charge +2Q is placed just inside a
cube corner on the body diagonal of the
cube. If electric flux passing through any of
the adjacent face (close to the charge) is
3uF keo
then value of k is
26 V 54 V

M 20
24. Slant surface of cone (approximately) shown
in figure is a soap (solution) film of surface
tension 'T createdon a non conducting fixed
ring of radius Ro. At the center of the ring a
charge tg is fixed and in apex of the cone a 28. The maximum charge that can be given to
charge of +2g is fixed, which can be treated the outer surface so0 that there is no
as point charge and is free to move along breakdown of air around is nTEgR<Eh. Find
with the soap material. For equilibrium we n. Given that breakdown field strength of air
got the relation g²=YTE0Th'. Then the is Eb.(Both spheres are made of conducting
value of the product xy is (Assumeh<<Ro material),.
and neglect the gravity)


29. A soap bubble (R = 10 cm) with wall
thickness of 3.3 x 100 cm is charged to a
potential of 10 V. The bubble bursts and falls
as a spherical drop. Find the potential
(nearest integer) of the drop (in kV).

30. There is an infinitely long straight wire

carrying a charge of linear density = 40
C/m. The potential difference between
points 1 and 2 is nx 10" V, where point 2is
two times farther from the wire than point 1.
Find value of n.


1. The plates of parallel plate capacitor are 2.. Separation between the platesof a parallel
charged upto 100 V. A 2mm thick plate is plate capacitor is d and the area of each
inserted between the plates. Then to plate is A. When a slab of material of
maintain the same potential difference, the dielectric constant k and thickness t(t<d) is
distance between the plates is increased by introduced between the plates, its
1.6 mm. The dielectric constant of the plate capacitance becomes
(1) EoA
(1) 5
(2) 1.25 dnt(1-)
(3) 4
(4) 2.5 de(1+1)
(3) EoA

(4) Eo A

Step (Group-l)-2024_TO1 (Code-B)
3. A carrying some
particle of
charge q and mass m is small point mass
from the edge of a
in the
to an
electric field E = E(1- ax) 7. A released field inthis
charge on it, is uniform electric Which of
constants. Initially the
where a and En are
region in the
table. There ishorizontal direction. describe
=0. Other than particle was at rest at x
the initial options then
the following of the mass?
(Curves are
energy of position the kinetic
the distancetheof particle becomes the trajectory
schematically and are
not to scale).
the particle from thezero when
origin is

(2) 2
(4) a
(1) Y^
4. Two electric
are placed indipoles of moment and 64P P
distance of 25opposite
a direction
cm, The electric on a line at
zero at point field will be (2) Y^
distance from thebetween the dipoles whose
dipole of moment P is
(1) 5 cm
(2) 25 cm

(3) 10 cm (3) Y^
(4) cm

5. Fa and Fe represents gravitational and (4) Y^

electrostatic force
electrons situated at arespectively between
distance 10 cm. The
ratio of F,/F is of the order of ’X
(1) 1042
(2) 10 8. A uniformly charged thin spherical shell of
(3) 1 radius R carries uniform surface charge
(4) 10-43 density of o per unit area. It is made of two
hemispherical shells, held together by
pressing them with force F. Fisequal to
Two point charges 100 Cand 5uCare
placed at points A and B respectively with
AB=40 cm. The work done by external
force in displacing the charge 5C from B F
to C where BC= 30cm, angle
ABC = and 1
=9x 10Nm?/C2
(1) 9J
(2) 81
20 (1) To'R²
(3) 925 2E0
(2) o'R
(4) -J (3) T
2 EoR
(4) ng²
12. A point charge q is placed inside a
9 An uncharged spherical conducting shell conducting spherical shell of inner radius R
surrounding a charge -g at the centre of the the
shell. Then charge +3g is placed on the and outer radius 2R at a distance from
point outside of the shell. When static centre of the shell. Find the potential at the
equilibrium is reached, the total charges on centre of the shell.
the inner and outer surfaces of the shell are 5
respectively (1) 27meg R
(1) +q,-q (2)
(2) -q, tq 4meg R
(3) +q, +2q (3)
24meg R
(4) +2q, +q
(4) 3g
10. The fqure present an arrangement in
horizontal plane, It consists of a parallel A hemispherical shell of radius R carries
plate capacitor with one of its square plate uniformly charged density o on its surface.
fixed by means of an insulating support. Potential Von the edge A, 0s
While the other plate is attached to the free
end of a spring made of insulating material
of force constant K. If the capacitor carries
charge Q and battery is disconnected, mass
and side length of plate A be M and L
respectively, time period of oscillation of A
(assuming that it does not strike B) would be (1) gk
(ignore any friction)
(2) gR
A 8
(3) oR
K 2E0
(4) 2aR

(1) K 14. A charge of 5C experiences a force of

5000N when it is kept in a uniform electric
field. What is the potential difference
(2) 2 M K
between two points separated by a distance
of 1 cm?
(3) 2MegI (1) 10 V
(2) 250V
(3) 1000 V
(4) 2T M
(4) 2500 V

15. A body of capacity 4u F is charged to

11, In general, metallic ropes are suspended on 80V and another body of capacity 6 uF is
the carriers which take inflammable material.
charged to 30V. When they are connected
The reason is
(1) Their speed is controlled the energy lost by 4pF capacitor is
(1) 7.8 mJ
(2) To keep the centre of gravity of the (2) 4.6 mJ
carrier nearer to the earth
(3) To keep the body of the carrier in (3) 3.2 mJ
Contact with the earth (4) 2.5 mJ
(4) Nothing should be placed under the
16. An alpha particle is accelerated through a
potential difference of 10 volt. Its kinetic
energy will be
(1) 1 MeV
(2) 2 MeV
(3) 4 MeV
(4) 8 MeV
(Group-l)-2024 TO1 (Code-B) charge g
=3.0 mC.
Four 20g has a and
one at charges +50 Amass m = velocity of20mis in the same
side 2 m. HoW each corner of uCeach
19. a 80NC
are moves withelectricfield
of The
the mass. this
required to much external sguare of region of
velocity of seconds in
direction as mass after 3
+50 uC from bring another charge energy ofis velocity of the
infinity to the centre of the region is
(1) 64 J
Given9y 109Nm (1) 80m/s
(2) 56n/s
(2) 41 J
(3) 44 m/s
(3) 16 J
(4) 10 J (4) 40 mn/s
metallic spheres P and Q
18. of two given the
A simple 20. The radii respectively. They are
between the of
plates oflength L is
placed are rËand r,
>.then on

capacitor a
parallel same charge. If r floW
having electric field E, as platein thin wire,the charge will
figure. Its
bob has mass m and shown them with a
The time period of the charge q (1) From P to Q
by: pendulum
is given (2) From Q to P
charge will flow from P
(3) Neither the
nor from Q to P
(4) The information is

(1) 2T
(2) 27 L
(3) 27T

(4) 27


21. In the shown figure, charge on 4 uF

capacitor is

8 uF 4 uF 8 uf

10 V
22. Find the equivalent 28. The electric field components in a region of
between points P and Ocapacitance
in F
of the combination space is given as
shown in figure if capacitance of Ey =200, Ey=0, E3 =0.
C=4.5uF capacitor is
(All quantities are in S.I. units)

23. The equivalent capacitance between Aand

B is kC, the value of k is 0.2 m

B Find the charge (in pC) enclosed within the

cube shown in the figure

3C 3C 29. A uniform electric field of strength 200 V/m

exist in X-y plane as shown below, then the
24. potential difference V - B is V.
Two point charges +8g and -2g are located V i m

at x =0 and x = 8 cm respectively. The 2 0 0

location of a point on the X-axis (in cm) at Ë


which the net electric field due to these two

point charges is zero, is

25. Two charged particles q and 4q are kept at

distance 3 m as shown in figure. 60
-2 m
P 4q
The force on a charge Q kept at P is
2reg 30. A charge -2 coulombs is at centre of
Value of n is semicircular wire of radiusTt meters. Another
charge 2 coulombs is uniformly distributed
semicircular on the wire. The dipole moment of the
26. A rod of length / is bent into a Slunits.
linear charge system is
arc. The rod has a uniform
distribution A. If potential at the centre of arc,
is then find value of k.

at the point
27. A charge +Q is located in space total electric
(X=1 m, y= 10 m,z =5m). The
plane is EO
fux that passes through the y-z
Find n.


1, A particle of mass m and Conduction electrons are almost uniformly

charge g is 4.
released from rest in a uniform electric field. distributed within a conducting plate. When
If there is no other force on
the particle, the placed in an electrostatic field E, the
dependence of its speed v on the distance x
travelled by it is correctly given by (graphs electric field within the plate
are schematic and not drawn to scale) (1) Is zero
(1) (2) Depends uponE
Depends upon
(4) Depends upon the atomic number of
the conducting element
5. For the circuit shown in figure, equivalent
capacitance between point Aand B, is

(4) (1) 30

V (2) 40
(3) 3C

(4) 407
2. The outer sphere of a spherical air capacitor
is earthed. For increasing its capacitance 6. Force acting upon a charged particle kept
(1) Vacuum is created between two between the plates of a charged condenser
spheres is F. If one plate of the condenser is
(2) Diele ctric material is filled between the removed, then the force acting on the same
two spheres particle will become
(3) The space between two spheres is (1) 0
increased (2) FI2
(4) The earthing of the outer sphere is (3) F
(4) 2F

3. Gauss's law is true only if force due to a 7. Two charged spheres of radii 10 cm and 15
charge variesas cm are connected by a thin wire. No current
(1) 1 willflow, if they have
(1) The same charge on each
(2) 2
(2) The same potential
(3) 3
(3) The same energy
(4) 4 (4) The same field on their surfaces
hit Test for
11. Abody can be negatively charged by
within a sphere of (1) Giving excess of electrons to it
8 Charge is distributed charge density
radius with volume (2) Removing some electrons from it
A and a are
p(r) = s -nWhere (3) Giving some protons to it
charge of this (4) Removing some neutrons from it
constants, If O is the total
charge distribution, the radius R is
(1) 12. ASoap bubble is given a negative charge,
log then its radius
(1) Decreases
(2) (2) Increases
log 2ra4
(3) Remains unchanged
a log (1 2TaA (4) Nothing can be predicted
information is insufficient
(4) 1
a log
13. The dimension of (1/2) EoE"(Eo permittivity
of free space; E :electric field) is
9. A block X of charge g1 is fixed and second (1) MIT
block of mass m and charge gT is free to
move on the floor. Coefficient of friction
(2) MI2T-2
between second block and floor is u. The (3) ML-lb-2
range of gT for which the second block (4) MI2T-1
remains at rest is

Xq |m,q2 14. TWo insulated metallic spheres of 3 pF and

5 uF capacitances are charged to 300 V
fixed and 500 V respectively. The energy loss,
when they are connected bya wire is
(1 TEOumgr TEOLmgr? (1) 0.012 J
< q2 91
(2) 0.0218 J
(2 47EoLmgr 47EOLgr
(3) 0.0375 J
2TEOLumgr" 2TEOLmgr (4) 3.75J
(3) < 2 <
91 91

(4) TEOLmgr TEOLmgr 15. The radius of nucleus of silver (atomic

2q1 2q1 number = 47) is 3.4 x 10-14 m. The electric
potential on the surface of nucleus is (e = 1.6
10. A charge particle 'Q' is placed at point P as x 10-19 Cc)
shown. Net force acing on the charge (1) 1.99 x 10° volt
particle, is
(2) 2.9 x 10 volt
3q (3) 4.99 x 10 volt
(4) 0.99 x 10° volt

16. TWO spheres A and B of radius 'a' and 'b'

respectively are at same electric potential.
The ratio of the surface charge densities of A

and B is
4a (2)
(1) 25qQ
288TEgu2 (3) a
(2) 25gQ
1447Egu2 (4) B
(3) 5qQ
48nE u?
(4) 3gQ
The electrìc potential Vat symmetric
all in metres) in any point O (x, y, 19. There is a uniform spherically
space is given by V =Z surface charge density at a distance Ro from
4xvolt. The electric field at the point the origin. The charge distribution is initially
2m) in volt/metre is (1m, 0,
at rest and starts expanding because of
(1) 8along mutual repulsion, The figure that represents
negative X-axis as a
(2) 8 along best the speed V(R0) of the distribution
positive X-axis function of its instantaneous radiuS R() is
(3) 16 along
negative X-axis
(4) 16 along positive (1) V(RO)
18. The wrong
force is
statement albout electric lines of
(1) These originate from
and end on negative positive charge
(2) They do not charge
intersect each other at a
point R
(3) They have the same
fom for a point
charge and a sphere (2) VIR0)
(4) They have physical existence

(3) V(R)

Ro R(t)

Ro R(t)

20. An electric dipole when placed in a uniform

electric field E will have minimum potential
energy, if the positive direction of dipole
moment makes the folowing angle with E
(1) Tt
(2) /2
(3) Zero
(4) 3n/2

the 25. TWo free positive charges 4q and g
21. For the given network of capacitors, distance " apart. Find the magnitude are at
value of C = 2 uF, C, = 6 uF, C3 = 8 pF of
charge (in pC) needed to achieve the state
and Ca = 4 yF. And the corresponding of eguilibrium of the entre
breakdown voltages are V =12 volts, V system of three
10 volts, V = 9 volts and Va = 8 volts. How
charges. q= 81c|
much maximum value of the battery's emf ()
could be,so that the whole system would be 26. Four positive charges (2V2 -1) Qare
working safety? arranged at Corner 0f a square. Another
V, charge q is placed at the centre of the
square. Resultant force acting on
V, corner is zero. If q is - xQ/4 then value ofeach
x is

27. Aparallel plate capacitor ofplate area A

plate separation 'd' has capacitance
C= AE)d 6uF.
It is connected to a battery of 4 volts. Now it
22. A solid sphere of radius R is charged with is pulled slowly by an external agent to
increase its plate separation from d to 4d.
volume charge density p = K,where Kand While pulling, the
n are constants and r is the distance from its battery remains
centre. If electric field inside the sphere is
connected. What is the work done (in uJ) by
external agent in increasing the separation
proportional to , then find the value ofn. between the plates?

23, Two infinite rods parallel to z-axis with linear 28. A cylinder with uniformly distributed p0sitive
charge density Àpasses through points (-a, charge has infinite length and radius R. The
0, 0) and (a, 0, 0) respectivetly. A charge charge density per unit volume of the
paricle having charge (-) and mass m cylinder is p. The electric field ata distance
placed at origin is given slight displacement 2R radially outward from Surface is
in y-axis. Time period of resulting motion is
,value of x is
(Given ph =64 In Sl unit)

29. Ahollow conducting spherical shell of radius
4R is charged to 3V volts and another
24. The potential difference between x and y is
for the combination of capacitors shown, conducting sphere of radius R is charged to
where E 0s the emf of battery. Find the value volts. Then the sphere is placed
concentrically inside the shell without
of changing the net charge on shell and
sphere. The potential difference between the
shell and sphere would be wolts, where
and y are integer in simplest forms. Then
find the value of product xy.

30. A particle of mass m and charge

q circulates around a fixed charge q in a
circle of radiusrunder electrostatic force.
The total energy of the system is n times total
kinetic energy, Modulus of n is
alternative regarding
3 Select the incorrect
SECTION -I electrostatic field lines.
Multiple Choice Questions: This section contains
12 multiple choice questions. Each question has never intersect
(1) Two field lines
4 choices (1), (2), (3) and (4), out of which ONLY lines are continuous
ONE is correct. (2) In free space, field
1 A small spherically symmetric charge q is Curves
can be straiaht
placed at one vertex of a cube as shown. The (3) In non-uniform field, lines
flux through the faces ABCDand HGFE are, (4) Field lines can form closed
respectively 4 Which of the following is incorrect?
(1) Electric charge obeys law of conservation
H of charge
(2) Coulomb force is a conservative force
(3) Charge of an object depends on its mass
(4) Coulomb force is a central force
5 Which of the following is correct regarding the
order of strength of electric field intensity?
(1) q
24¬0 2460 B

(3) 9.0
(1) EA Eg = Ec
(4) 40
24¬0 (2) EA> EB > Ec
2. Acharged ball hangs in equilibrium from asilk (3) EA < Eg < Ec
thread of length / which makes an angle with (4) EA> Ec> EB
a large charged non-conducting sheet, as
6 Calculate electric field intensity at point O due
shown in figure. The surface charge density of to all point charges placed at the vetices of a

the sheet is o. The angle made by the string regular hexagon as shown in figure.
as shown, in equilibrium position is given as 1

(1) tan = (2) tan0 = 2eomg kQ kQ

2eg/mg qo (1) (2)
R R2
(3) tan0 = Comg (4) tan 2kQ
(3) (4) Zero
office: Aak.
St-01 (SSRG1 Code-A1) &Advanced)- 2023
7 10. Two charged particles q
In which regions. electric field can be zero TO and
distance 3 m as shown in figure4g are kept at
gven arrangement of an electron and two
-2 m
[e: electron, P: proton) 4q
The force on a
charge Q kept at Pis
(1) 5kQq
(1) I, I1, IIl and IV (2) kQq
(2) Iand l (3) 2kg?
(3) land lll (4) Zero

(4) Nowhere 11. Apoint charge q is

placed at x= 0. The electric
field at X= Lis
Four point charges each with charges tq are E.When another
placed at the four cormers of a square of edge placed at x = 2L, what is the new charge 4g is
vector at x = L? electric field
length 1and a charge 1 is at centre of the
4 (1) -3Ë
Square. Force on the charge at the centre due
to other charges is (2)

(1) (3) 4
V2q? 4

12. Figure shows a charged particle (-g),

(3) Zero along the axis of uniformly charged fixed ring
of radius R. Initially charge is released from its
(4) position (2R, 0, 0), predict its motion. (Q and q
both have same sign)
9. An infinitely long solid cylinder of radius Rhas
uniform volume charge density p. The
magnitude of electric field at point P which is
at a distance from axis of cylinder is
(2R, 0, 0)
0, 0,0)) +
(1) pR
(2) PR Ring in yz plane

(1) Periodic motion

(3) PR (2) SHM
(3) Uniform motion
pR? return to its
(4) (4) Charged particle does not
8E0 initial position
field at point(30, 30, 0) due to apoint
13. Electric
charge of 8 x10-3 at origin will be

i) N/C. The value of n is equal to

200 / (i ++
(coordinates are in cm)
charges of equal magnitude Q are
14 Two point
vertices of an equilateral triangle
placed at two
Magnitude of electric field at the third
of side a.

vertex due to twO charges is Find the

value of n.

15. A charge q is placed at apoint exactly above

the centre of square (of side a) at adistance

The flux passing through square will be

The value of n is equal to

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