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Introspective research provides a Basic framework of Introspection within the goal boundaries of
Introspection Area. It provides the lucid scaling of Introspection Operations, so as to make the
Introspection work yeilds maximum Introspection resources with minimum efforts, time and
monetory expense. Introspection Study is bound with the purpose. This Problem Introspection
Purpose is to study interactive association amongst the era when GoGreen Computing was widely
used with the name of GoGreen Grid, and recent nomenclature of Distributed Computing as
GreenCloud Computing. Nowadays every second firm, enterprise, is ready to go for GreenCloud
Computing. There are so many similarities and so many enhancements in GreenCloud Computing,
and all advancements hold its own cost. Researcheralways had the habbit to analyze the feasibility
of the new concept before adopting it completely. And it became the baseline of my curiosity and
study area of research., and recent nomenclature of GoGreen Computing as GreenCloud
Computing. Nowadays every second firm, enterprise, is ready to go for GreenCloud Computing.
There are so many similarities and so many enhancements in GreenCloud Computing, and all
advancements hold its own cost. Researcheralways had the habbit to analyze the feasibility of the
new concept before adopting it completely. And it became the baseline of my curiosity and study
area of research. Carrying out the Study of Introspection through a Systematic Model and Stepped
Process is adopted. The Introspection Methodology of Problem Research is meant by the Use of
proper Introspection Resources Selection of Relevant Data, Sample Representation, Application of
appropriate Introspection Tools and Analyzing the Procured Data Introspection Results
Interpretation of after Scientific Data Introspection of Introspection Dilemma .
The Problem Research Study is Stepped Process. The First Step in any Research is the Recognizing
and Formulating the Research Problem. Poorly defined research doesn't end up in Results. "A well
defined Problem is half Solved". So the Problem Definition of this Thesis work states as " An
introspection of GreenCloud Computing v/sGoGreen Grid- with special reference of Cost of
Storage and security.”
Below stated Research Objectives are Planned for Research Study.
1. Exploring the Key Parameters for GoGreen Grid.
2. Exploring the Key Parameters for GreenCloud Computing with special reference to GoGreen

3. To study the factors affecting the cost of storage and security in these two concepts of GoGreen
4.To study merits and demerits of GreenCloud Computing and GoGreen Grid.
5. To study what are the basic requirement issues that one should opt for GreenCloud
Computing in place of GoGreen Grid.

6. To study the effect of feasibility of GreenCloud Computing over GoGreen Grid .research
As Introspector has through the Problem Identification and Research Objective Definition steps and
formulated Question of Introspections. Now proceeds through the design Problem Statement and
Question of Introspections to deal with. and application of Introspection Methodology or
Introspection Strategy. Introspection Strategy defines a stepped scientific approach and Guideline
to Introspector to be applied to reach up to Answer to Question of Introspections. Introspector
keenly observe the Introspection Strategy, Method for Researchologies, Analyzing tools to Data
Collection, Introspection tools, Logics etc. Introspector have to Justify the Appropriate
Introspection Strategy.
Method for Research is very efficient tool to reach to the Reseach Solutions to Introspection
Dilemma to derive New Information Knowledge as suggested gy Leckwall&Wahbin. Marshall
Rossman focuses three conditions to select any Introspection Strategy either Scientific
Experiments, Result Oriented Surveys, Arhieval Analysis, Case Studies or History. Introspector
follows Answering i) The type of Question of Introspection ii) Event Based and Event resulted
Control on Introspection. iii) Focus on Contemporary Events.
The Primary concern of Introspector is Question of Introspection. the Question of Introspection can
be categorized as Explanatory, Descriptive and Exploratory. Such as "What" question indicates
Exploratory approach, whereas "How" and "Why" Question can be identified as Explanatory Study.
As this Thesis targets the "What" questions like "What are the drawback for GreenCloud
Computing and factors that show the Necessary Shift to GreenCloud Computin from GoGreen
Grid. So the Study of Introspection is Exploratory in Nature. Essential Variables related to Problem
Objectives, Phenomena, GreenCloud Computing, and Information System in Enterprises, Effect of
Cost, Security, with affecting factors on Enterprise are keenly focused. Introspection provides
answers to the Question of Introspections and collects as much as information resources as possible.
Introspector has sufficient informtion to answer. that's why the Introspection Question starts with
"What". Introspector intends to answer How the GreenCloud Computing works, This results in
exploratory study, So the Introspector had to deal with both the exploratory and case study approach

Introspector has to focus on simultaneous events of the contemporary studies going on same area.
So he acquires the case study approach as the best technique for the Introspection the Introspector
went through multiple case studies already performed on the problem area as in
Sonik_Technologies_ Pvt. Limited the GreenGoGreen Cloud user and second in GreenCloud
Computing facilitator. .The task of Analyzing the specific Basic framework of Introspection
primarily concerning with the investigative approach towards the benefits and drawbacks of the
GreenCloud Computing adaptation in the Enterprises regarding the cost, the data security issues.
Now the selection of the candidate on which this research maybe taken on is a very big task the
Introspector selected the Sonik_Technologies_ Pvt. Limited as the Enterprises was in the
approachable distance and easy to contact you for the Case Study information that are to be
collected for the Introspection purpose Hans conducting interviews in Sonik_Technologies_ Pvt.
Limited was very similar to the interviews that are conducted in other Enterprises..As stated by Yen
that a Case Study is the mostly used in the research studies to conduct the Introspection Dilemma it
is an empirical enquiry that investigates a contemporary phenomena within its real life contact the
Introspection Dilemma of this thesis contains the phenomena of investigating the different
application simultaneously running in Enterprises as of GreenCloud Computing and GoGreen Grid
therefore the technology of Case Study Approach suits best to this Introspection Dilemma
methodology the quality of information acquired with the Case Study Approach it is related to be
found really suitable for this Introspection Dilemma primarily the i) Case Study was focused on
Sonik_Technologies_ Pvt. Limited a Enterprise and the system and price is running or using the
GreenCloud Computing ii) Case Study was based on the GreenCloud Computing facilitators
regarding the management and satisfaction level of needs and demands of the Enterprise
As a very first step taken for the Introspection Dilemma Case Study Approach was to decide the
study protocol the research study protocol was to gathers information add in the form of data from a
single respondent.
That Case Study Protocol primary focus up on the basic perspective of the specific study and with
the context of the problem is search the field procedures taken and the basic Case Study questions
the correct questions wall design appropriate questions over design for the Enterprise and the users
of the GreenCloud Computing to reach up to the result with the right conclusions Introspector was
not Indust in arousing personal feelings about the system and the data collected was free of personal
feeling preoccupied information or any other prevention regarding the usage of GreenCloud
Computing in the Enterprise the Introspector was specifically concerned about the real outcomes of
the Enterprises using the GreenCloud Computing rather than the feeling connected to the
Employees about the adaptation of new system this methodology can be taken as the preparation for

the information gathering but it also assure the accurate information collection the Introspector
conducted the interviews to get the appropriate information relevant to the case study of the
problem area it gathered use information resource regarding the GreenCloud Computing and its
adaptation as suggested interview is a communication in unstructured format to reach up to the goal
or Objective of study.
Now to decide the best approach for the interview out of 4 interview types, specifically based on
the number of interviewee and the control over the sample space. Primarily focusing on the
Introspection objective. The most important thing to achieve evaluating the research goals. the
method of Introspection adopted was the questions to be addressed in Introspection Case Study
Approach. The Research Objective was to acquire the collective impression of the problem area.
then and informal unstructured interview was adopted as a best suiting approach.
So the seven stages of Introspection interview were decided.To start with i) thematizing (clearly
setting the purpose of an Introspection to the interviewee and explain the basic concept of
Introspection Before any questions commences). ii) Designing ( the Basic plan of how interview
proceeds through starting till end.) III)Interviewing ( to conduct the interview questions and
answers or replies according to the guideline of interview) iv) Transcription (preparation of
interview analysis work from audio to text) V) Analysing (selecting the best suiting methodology
for analysis depending upon the goal or objective of the problem or research area )VI) varifying ( to
ascertain the reliability, validity and generalization of the interview outcome) and last reporting to
conduct the result in easily understood form here the Introspector adopt qualitative method with the
aim to gather collective understanding of the Enterprise and GreenCloud computing, perceived
benefits, and drawbacks of adaptation of this new technology. so the Introspector selected the semi-
structured interview approach.
Different types of interview questions can be adopdate. Kvale mentions the questions like probing
question, follow up questions, specific questions, direct questions, indirect questions, structuring
question, silence interpreting questions, etc. The very specific part of interview is to formulate the
question to get maximum information with very few question set, because it becomes very boring
and cumbersome when it comes the number of questions in interview. and biased results maybe
gathered, if interview questions are in very large numbers, hence the types of questions of this
Introspection was decided as semi-structured interview for interactive and informal approach.
To start with, Introspector's interview with the Sonik_Technology_ Pvt. Limited, (The
GreenGoGreen Cloud User, the Introspector focuses on the cost_effectiveness regarding the
Enterprise as a GreenGoGreen Cloud user, the Introspector designs and plans the Introspection
interview(Appendix A) The Introspection es introduces the information gathering questions after a

brief description of GreenCloud computing. Commencing from general questions the Introspector
slowly proceeds through and develop some specific and direct questions to collect the information
about the cost effects on the Enterprise the cost model and enterprise's size, administration cost,
the elasticity of adaptation of GreenCloud computing and so on.
The next interview with the same employee of the Sonic_Technologies_ Pvt. Limited primarily
focuses on the data security and adaptation of GreenCloud computing for Enterprise.The interview
commences with general question about the SysData security issues and deepening with time
focusing specifically on the implementation of security, encryption, data connection, TLS and
governance issues with different types of GreenGoGreen Cloud providers. Introspector also
formulates interview Questions regarding the benefits to the Enterprises on adopting the
GreenGoGreen Cloud paradigm. The benefits like centralized data, effective updates and Audit.
( appendix b). The third interview was primarily focused with the facilitators perspective.
GreenCloud computing with the the GoGreen Cloud provider, here also the interview commences
with general questions regarding both cost and security and its effects on system Enterprise in
contemporary market as appendix c.
Now the next step was to get the text out of speech. The Introspector used digital audio recording
device which was very common way to record an interview then transaction reliability and validity
was taken care of
There are many Technologies that make Data Analysis more meaningful. These techniques are busy
the used to manage the introspection interview in a textual format, compressed in the form of short
sentences, so that important outcomes/results from rigorous interview sessions can be achieved.
Data analysis is done in consideration with the methods and tools used by the Introspector in a
semi-structured interviews audio conversation and its conversion to the text that holds very big
importance to understand the audio and convert into the textual data accurately is very Herculean
task any important part should not be missed while converting to the text and must be able to
comprehend to get the effective meaning for good expression to bring the coherence. Introspector
implies circular process. Introspector understand the text as a whole and then conclude after
interpreting it important aspects and parts of the text go to hell a better understanding of the phone
and get the gist of the whole conversation the Introspector had undergone through various problem
case studies Hence confronted to the number of people involved in this interview session users and
providers of GreenCloud Computing therefore the Introspection .
Introspector Analyzes all the Information with full sincerity being present in the part of Data
Collection. Introspector was able to find the connectivity and outline between each element and

steps collected at the process of Data Collection. The tools and Methodologies used by the
Introspector while the Research Case Study Analysis, were chosen with its fullest of consideration.
Introspector was able to define links between the components and results, and establishes patterns
amongst different parameters by checking the similarities, familiarities and differences.
Naturalistics Normalization of the Analyzed Data was deviced.
Cloud Computing allow the Enterprises to reduce the cost to reduce administration and faster
development cycle with better utilisation, infrastructure Costs, whereas GoGreen Cloud Computing
is both a GoGreen Cloud platform and an GoGreen Cloud application. Being a platform it
provides facilitis provided by servers, configures and reconfigures servers.
Thoughit is known to all that GoGreen Cloud Computing Companies listed above have to go long
way before they can be compared to the big giants of GoGreen Cloud Computing faciliti Providers,
GoGreen Cloud Computing has become technology most discussed in recent trendz..
Most of the Enterprises started consolidating there it operations and later using virtual ization
Technology to reduce the computing cost and there are GoGreen Cloud Computing faciliti
providers to help them adopting new technology.
Different researchers attracted many Enterprises to preferably adopt GoGreen Cloud Computing
with its due benefits and usage.
Soit can be conclude that it is the Enterprise itself to make decision of adoption of GoGreen Cloud
Computing considering the advantages and disadvantages, pros and cons, benefits and effects of
usage of GoGreen Cloud Computing in their Organization. So it is also dependant on the maturity
of cultural and organizational procedures as a advancement of technology .
Hence it can be sense that still there is not complete clearance in adopting this emerging technology
so issues related to economincs and security in GoGreen Cloud Computing for Enterprise may be
another arena of research.
Large Organizations have multi layered architechture and complex behavior difficult to interpret.
So it is expected through GoGreen Cloud Computing to provide real like faciliti values rather than
being a simply platform or applications satisfying the needs of stakeholders.
The stake holder may be financial managers, technical experts, projects, and operations with
engineers developing and supporting the autonomous system. Economics and Cost Effectiveness
are of highest proirity to Large Enterprises but at same time equal importance to public image,
business community and commitment, compliance, flexibility, and trust, relationship must be given
says Khajeh-Hosseini. Hense Enterprise should also take full consideration to all these issues.

Fair Pricing for GoGreen Computing Resources beneficial for both Provider and User should be
preliminary basic step. from here the uptake of mass-customer creation through growth takes place
and modeled. it requires to be equitable with the legal framework of creating marketplace.
ecently every body is moving ahead to GoGreen Cloud without knowing if it is having proper, a
very few or no capability of store or GoGreen Cloud backup processess and the single repositoty
stores multiple GoGreen Cloud customer;s storages. But the storage becomes the challenge towards
the forensic inspection, and proper understanding of file access and deletion. Organizaed criminals
and hakers may steal the GoGreen Cloud Pvt. information,
Recent advancement is busy in developing satisfying economic model for requirements of varied
facilitis protecting and covering user and consumer with regulatory and legal architecture. this
economic model will help in creating tariffs and pricing model mechanism within scope of
regulatory bodies for GoGreen Computing facilitis. Introspector validates its results through
simulations for effective Real World GoGreen Compuing against multiple constraints of facilitis
they get and offers. and assures the validity of model for both the GoGreen Computing Models.
For better research quality Introspector had to respect the Concent Principle. Introspector has to
take care that each and every person involved in Research Interview Sessions must fully grasp and
understand the basic objectives of the Introspection and the Interviewee must agree in voluntarily
Confidentiality: Introspector must ensure the the confidentiality of the the Interviewee, and the
answering candidates involved in the questionnaire must have fullest of confidence of the
information the candidate is providing the information is not to be misused elsewhere. It must be an
agreement while dealing with certain informaiton. Introspector should see that the unwanted
informations must not be exposed, without their consent.
It must be clear to the candidates that without their desire, not a single information will be existing
in reports and if disagreement is found, there must be favourable dialogue between the two.
The next Principle, is not to harm the candidate integrity and do well if possible. the Introspector
must be careful not to make any harm the candidate psychologically, Mentally, or physically.
The last principle refers to integrity of interview respondant, healthy relationship between the two,
and Ethical values must be secured. as it is the matter of relation of trust to provide confidential
information to the Introspector without any intension of harm. so Integrity of the respondant must
be secured so as to make the interview respondant fully confidant to participate in the event by


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