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Level 1, Midterm written test

Full name: ________________________________________

Right now, I am looking at a picture of Barbara. She is not at home in the
picture. She is at the park. She is sitting on a bench. She is eating her
lunch. Some boys and girls are running skates in the park. A dog is sitting
on the ground in front of Barbara. The dog is drinking water. Barbara is
looking at the dog. She always sees dogs when she eats her lunch in the
park. Some ducks are swimming, and some birds are flying in the sky. A
policeman is riding a bike. He rides a bike in the park every day. Near
Barbara, a family is having a picnic. They go on a picnic every week.

a. Where is Barbara in the picture and what is she doing?
b. What is the dog doing in the picture?
c. What does Barbara always do when she has lunch in the park?
d. What does the policeman do every day in the park?


1- Choose the best answer:

a) Marry and Carol ................ good friends.
a) am b) are c) is d) isn’t
b) Sue ........... a science teacher.
a) are not b) is c) are d) am
c) Mark Steven .............. rice every day.
a) eat b) eating c) eats d) is eating
d) You and I .................the same language.
a) is b) speaks c) is speaking d) speak
e) George usually ..................Haitien movie.
a) is watching b) watch c) watches d) watching
2-Give a short answer!
a) Are you learning English? Yes __________________
b) Is Tom in the garden? No ______________________
c) Do you know my mother? No _________________________
3-Give a long answer!
a) Does your little sister speak English? ________________________
b) Are you an Haitien? _______________________________
c) Is the exam easy? __________________________________
4) Change the sentences into questions.
a) Linda is a pretty girl.
b) She speaks 4 languages.
c) Jack and Robert aren’t good swimmers.
d) I always sleep when I am tired.
e) They are talking about your God father.

5-Give the opposite of these words.

a) Handsome ≠.................................
b) Thin ≠ ........................................
c) Expensive ≠ .................................
d) Cold ≠ ........................................
e) Short ≠ .......................................

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