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The city of Outset is known for being the world of Tyne’s first city. It’s home to millennia of history, even though every
few generations the city’s architecture sinks down as the city expands ever-upward. An ancient pact with the elemental
deities known as the Old Powers prohibits the city from expanding horizontally across the nearby lands, and so the city
expands to the heavens. Thanks to its long-standing history, both figuratively and literally, Outset has buried untold
secrets in its many iterations.
In recent months, Jaddeus Quint (NE male magical con artist) After Jaeddeus discovered the outsider contained by magical
found himself chased out of Outset’s bustling King’s Pilaster district warding, he quickly researched the ancient text on the nearby
by aggressive members of the Merchants’ Guild following several walls to learn what had transpired. Further research revealed
altercations involving the sale of fake goods. Jaddeus had been in the to Quint that the particulum was capable of creating a unique
business of selling false alchemical tinctures that he claimed could compound made of distilled Fundamental energy. This compound,
cure a variety of ailments. When members of the Merchants’ Guild documented by the ancient arcane practitioners as the anima of
uncovered the falsity of Jaddeus’s wares, they sent enforcers to perfection, could be ingested by a living creature to instil them with
quickly remove Quint from the King’s Pilaster and reclaim his store heightened intelligence and cognitive ability, which had been the
space for other interested vendors. goal of the original arcanists who had bound it to the chamber.
Left to fend for himself in the overcrowded slums of Outset’s What Quint didn’t know was that the anima of Perfection (or the
lower Commons region, Quint took up residence in the clustered harvested anima of any Fundamental) has a horrific side effect.
buildings of the outer Pawn’s Pilaster. This region is further from Those imbibing the substance have the chance of contracting an
the gaping sinkhole and is tight-knit open housing that is left extraplanar disease that leads to a mote of Fundamental power
mostly uninhabited by all but the city’s most downtrodden of folk. to grow within them. After gestating for several days, the mote
While scouting for a new place to reside, Quint discovered a hidden bursts into being, puppeteering the remains of the afflicted body
passage that led into the Buried City below Outset. At the end of to continue its temporary existence.
the path, Jaddeus uncovered a chamber housing an imprisoned
Incorrectly believing the anima to be safe, Quint began
harvesting the chemical from the imprisoned Perfectite. He set up
Known as a Perfectite particulum, the creature Quint found was a small clinic in the Pawn’s Pilaster, and began selling his “miracle
an extension of the Fundamental concept of Law, known to the intellect tincture” to those down on their luck.
people of Tyne as the Perfection. Arcane practitioners of Outset’s
past ages had imprisoned the particulum in the chamber for

The adventure begins with the PCs at Rikiar’s Cabaret, in the Commons of the
to know more?
Pawn’s Pilaster district. The group is enjoying a quiet night of drinks and chatting Rotgrind is a growing setting, as
with the owner when one of them is asked to come on stage to perform with is the whole of the World of Tyne.
an up-and-coming performing hypnotist. As the display begins, the hypnotist’s
This adventure works best if the
head explodes and a mote of strange energy takes hold of the corpse as it begins
GM has access to the following
attacking the gathered guests!
documents, which can all be found
Following the horrific incident, Rikiar asks the PCs to go investigate the
hypnotist’s home for any clues on what might have happened and to avoid it in
the future. As the PCs approach, one of the adjoining tenaments collapses and
releases a swarm of angered pick spiders which attack the PCs in the narrow ROTGRIND: PRIMER
alleys. Following this brief encounter, the PCs reach the hypnotist’s home.
Provides a basic overview of the
Inside the small dwelling, the PCs meet a duo of enforcers belonging to the World of Tyne and key concepts of
Children of the Blaze, a local gang who operate out of the Pawn’s Pilaster and had the Rotgrind setting.
dealings with the hypnotist in the past. The enforcers explain to the PCs that the
hypnotist had taken out a small loan with them to seek medical treatment at a
new clinic. They’d come to collect the money, and wait for the hypnotist to return. ROTGRIND: OUTSET PRIMER
Learning about the clinic, the PCs head to investigate it, and quickly find Provides details on the city of Outset,
themselves confronted by more wandering Fundamental motes. Inside the where this adventure takes place.
seemingly abandoned clinic, they bypass hastily set-up traps while investigating.
After a brief exploration of the premises, the PCs find a hidden passage leading into ROTGRIND: CHARACTER GUIDE
the Buried City and eventually uncover Jaddeus Quint’s bound outsider and the irate
con artist who refuses to see another business fail! Provides additional player and GM
options for Rotgrind games.

The Perfection Infection is a short adventure intended to provide a few hours of

play and introduce the players to the city of Outset. It is written for a group of
four 1st-level characters, with some notations on how to adjust certain combat
encounters to accommodate groups of five or six players. Players should be
encouraged to create their own 1st-level characters, and this adventure can serve
as a springboard for a new campaign set in the Rotgrind setting and the city of
Outset, or as a small diversion adventure as the PCs spend some downtime in the
big city.
The most important narrative element
for the start of this adventure, is that one or
more of the PCs should be an acquaintance of
Rikiar (NG female gnome altruist), a business-
minded gnome who operates a cabaret that
bears her name in Outset’s ground-level slums.
The adventure begins assuming that the PCs are
enjoying some downtime at Rikiar’s Cabaret and
partaking in some comped food and drinks.


The party has come to the Cabaret for an evening of camaraderie and entertainment.
Little do they realize that something mind-blowing awaits...
The adventure begins in Rikiar’s Cabaret, which is described further a cloth drape mostly obscuring the stone wall behind it. The shape of
in the read-aloud text. Read or paraphrase the following to get the one of Outset’s many crafted stone faces pushes against the fabric on
adventure underway. one side, giving the impromptu curtain an uneven appearance.
Your group sits at one of the tables closest to the bar, able to carry on
Times aren’t great in the vast city of Outset, just as they are across the conversations with Rikiar, who acts as bartender. Only two of the other
whole of Tyne. Some people say that the world is just continuing to die tables are occupied, with a group of four citizens clustered around
its slow death, while street preachers claim that the end of all things is the centermost table and a couple enjoying an intimate candle-lit
just around the corner. Regardless, in this world, everyone needs time dinner closer to the stage. Meanwhile, a confident half-elven woman
to destress. in a tattered suit begins setting up two chairs and a suitcase on the
You and your companions have taken up a rare offer of camaraderie elevated stage.
from the owner of a cabaret in the Pawn’s Pilaster of Outset. The owner,
a talkative but business-minded gnome named Rikiar, has provided Following this introduction, the PCs have some time to talk
you with a table for a night of storytelling and relaxation—not to amongst themselves. If the party isn’t particularly talkative, Rikiar
mention a few good drinks and some passable food! takes up the chatty role and begins asking the PCs questions about
Stuttering magical flames create the cabaret’s dim ambience, and about their long-term plans and what their life goals are. Rather than
a dozen round tables cover most of the open space. A bar lined with forcing the PCs to answer immediate questions, Rikiar remains
glass bottles and a handful of dusty art pieces rests near the wooden business-minded and always thinks long-term and gives the PCs
door entrance. A raised stone pad acts as a stage opposite the bar, with time to tell her about their goals.



The four citizens at the central table (two humans, a dwarf and the process of setting up a stage performance where she’ll hypnotize
a half-orc) all claim to be experienced Buried City delvers. This is one of the audience members. She’s currently in the final stages of
an exaggeration, as the group is actually part of a guild-sponsored infection from consuming some anima of Perfection from Jaddeus
construction team that trawls the highest levels of the Buried City to Quint’s clinic. A PC who succeeds at a DC 15 Perception check notices
recycle metals and stones that can be used for the city’s many guilds. the half-elf has begun sweating, despite the room’s generally chill
The group puts on a lot of bravado, but their lack of courage is put on temperature. She brushes off any attempts at conversation, giving a
display later in the encounter. flourish and promising an exciting show once she’s done setting up.
Aalisa similarly dodges any comments about her sweating, as she’s
Enjoying a quiet night out, the couple at the table (a quiet elven
barely noticed it herself and incorrectly chalks it up to stage fright
man and a swooning halfling woman) spend more time looking into
(not that she lets anyone else know this).
each other’s eyes than ordering drinks or eating their food. They
came here for some time away from their cramped lodgings, as they Development: Give the PCs as much time as they need to get
live next to a particularly large family with several loud children. into character and interact with one another and Rikiar. The other
The couple doesn’t entertain any conversation, and is quick to leave guests aren’t much conversationalists, as the central table is more
if accosted, as evidenced by a quick departure when the hypnotist interested in drinking and chatting among themselves, while the
begins her routine. couple specifically chose Rikiar’s Cabaret for its generally quiet tone.
Once the PCs have had ample roleplaying opportunities, Aalisa
The woman on stage is Aalisa Heth (LN female half-elf hypnotist),
finishes setting up her stage and begins her performance.
a struggling entertainer in Outset’s ground level. She’s currently in


As Aalisa finishes her set-up, the cloth curtain falls and reveals a Read or paraphrase the following as Aalisa begins her routine:
three-foot-tall stone face jutting out from the wall. The hypnotist
tries several times to put it back up, but the cloth keeps falling and Sitting down opposite her participant, Aalisa the hypnotist smiles as
the group at the central table begins to heckle Aalisa as a result. she adjusts her tattered top hat. Taking out a small stone attached to a
After a third failed attempt, Rikiar shouts from behind the bar that loose silver chain, she balances it in front of her target and gently taps
the stone, causing it to sway back and forth in the air while dangling
“it’s okay!” and that Aalisa is good to start her performance and she
from her outstretched hand.
can consider the face just “one more audience member.” PCs who
succeed at a DC 13 Crafting, Occultism, Society, or an appropriate “On the count of three, you’ll see. On the count of three, you’ll see. Just
Lore check to Recall Knowledge know that Outset’s generational like the gulls who take their fee. One… two… three.”
architecture always seems to incorporate humanoid faces as motifs, As Aalisa finishes her countdown, the swaying stone comes to a stop.
though the reason remains one of the city’s many mysteries. The hypnotist smiles oddly, with only the right side of her face moving,
while the left remains still as though under a temporary palsy.
Aalisa sits down on one of the chairs and confidently introduces
A moment later, a wet popping sound echoes through the cabaret.
herself as a ‘mistress of the mental arts.’ During her introduction,
Aalisa’s head has disappeared, replaced with a floating silvery mote
PCs can attempt a DC 16 Perception check to Sense Motive to that crackles with electrical discharge that jolts into the headless body,
realize that Aalisa’s body language isn’t natural and could be which slowly begins to stand up from the chair!
magical in nature. A Critical Success on this check reveals that
Aalisa is under the effect of some kind of alchemical substance. Creatures: Aalisa has just succumbed to the Fundamental
The hypnotist quickly begins scouting the audience for a growth inside her body. A mote manifested inside her brain,
participant, and unless the PCs have already actively asked to join causing her head to pop like a wet balloon. Having just come into
the festivities, she begins with the halfling woman at the couple’s being in the material world, the Perfectite mote instinctively views
table. The woman responds with negative hand gestures, at which all creatures as threats and attempts to remove them. The mote
point her and her elven paramor quickly depart the cabaret. uses Aalisa’s headless body as its puppet. The mote rolls Stealth
Following a few chuckles from the center table of city trawlers, for initiative, while the puppet uses Perception despite its lack of
Aalisa turns her attention to the PCs and asks a random PC to join head—just roll with it.
her on stage. If none of the PCs agree, the dejected hypnotist asks The mote begins combat by lashing out with electric arcs at the
the central table, and one of the more raucous of the group (the nearest target. It first targets whoever was Aalisa’s subject in her
dwarf) agrees and makes his way up to the stage. hypnotism performance and then makes one ranged Strike against
As the participant comes on stage, Aalisa explains that she’s a random NPC at the central table (assume the patrons have AC
going to hypnotize them into thinking that they’re an Outset gull. 13 and 10 Hit Points). Meanwhile, the mote puppet uses its first
PCs who succeed at a DC 13 Nature, Society or Outset-related Lore actions to stand and shuffle off the stage.
check to Recall Knowledge know that Outset gulls are a tiny animal On subsequent rounds, the mote continues assailing targets
that move about Outset’s outer walls and collect objects of interest with its electrical arcs, while the controlled puppet moves towards
and engage in rudimentary non-verbal trade with other gulls or the nearest target and attacks with its fists. If the mote begins its
citizens. A critical success also reveals that such gulls are known turn with the puppet engaged in melee with a threat, it uses its
to impart a curse if slain, which causes the killer to regularly lose first action to electric arc another target and then its second action
minor items they keep on their person. to make a shaped strike through the puppet. Once the puppet
is defeated, the mote spends all its actions making electric arc
attacks against any foe in range.


This adventure has Aalisa begin her hypnotism routine just before her head explodes. If you want to add
a bit of humor to the adventure, and one of the PCs stepped up to the stage, then have it so Aalisa’s mental
implantation succeeded just prior to her death. In this case, the affected PC has a minor mental effect that
makes them occasionally act out like an Outset gull. Rather than have the PC make saves against the effect,
instead offer them the ability to act on this impulse at inopportune times in exchange for earning some Hero
Points throughout the adventure.

Horrified by the gruesome sight, the occupants of the central
table drop their bravado and immediately flee the cabaret
(assume this occurs on initiative count 0). Rikiar cowers behind
the bar and doesn’t take an active role in the combat. N Medium Mindless Humanoid

A small energy-charged orb has erupted from this corpse, ripping

Scaling A Performance You’ll Never Forget itself free of its host body.
To accommodate a group of more than four PCs, make
the following adjustments. These adjustments are not Perception +0; darkvision
cumulative. Skills Athletics +5
Str +3, Dex –2, Con +2, Int –5, Wis +0, Cha –2
Five PCs: Add 5 Hit Points to the mote puppet.
Slow A mote puppet is permanently slowed 1 and can’t use
Six PCs: Add 10 Hit Points to the mote puppet and 5 reactions.
Hit Points to the fundamental mote.
AC 12; Fort +6, Ref +0, Will +2
HP 20; Immunities death effects, disease, fatigued, mental,
nonlethal attacks,
FUNDAMENTAL MOTE CREATURE 1 paralyzed, poison, unconscious; Weaknesses area damage 3,
(PERFECTITE) splash damage 3, slashing 3
Ridden Host The mote puppet is piloted by a fundamental
mote, that can be targeted separately but has cover. When the
LN Tiny Mindless Fundamental
mote puppet moves for any reason, the piloting fundamental
Perfectite mote moves with it. The fundamental mote can take actions
This small ball-sized platinum orb arcs with green electric while piloting the puppet, but is permanently slowed 1 while
energy as it floats in the air.. Strands of electricity connect it to its piloting the puppet. If the piloting mote is slain, the mote
gruesomely decapitated host body. puppet is also slain.

Perception +9; darkvision Speed 25 feet

Skills Acrobatics +7, Stealth +7 1
Melee fist +7, Damage 1d6+3 bludgeoning
Str +0, Dex +3, Con +2, Int +1, Wis +0, Cha +0
AC 15; Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +7
HP 22; Immunities death effects, disease, emotion, poison,
Weaknesses chaotic 3, Resistances mental 3
Puppeteer A fundamental mote can share a space with a mote
puppet (see this page). When doing so, the mote puppet is
considered to be piloting the puppet. A fundamental mote
cannot move on its own while piloting a puppet. Any forced
movement effects that affect the mote instead affect the
puppet. A fundamental mote can only use its shaped weapon
Strike when piloting a mote puppet. Any shaped strikes made
from the fundamental mote are considered to have come from
the mote puppet for purposes of reactions (like Attack
of Opportunity), however the multiple attack penalty for
shaped strikes applies to the mote and not the puppet.
Speed 10 feet, fly 20 feet
Melee shaped weapon +7 (magical, versatile S),
Damage 1d6+1 piercing
Ranged electric arc +7 (electricity, magical, range 15
feet), Damage 1d6 electricty

Calm returns once the PCs defeat the mote and Aalisa’s animated Rikiar dissuades the PCs from trying to bring in law-
corpse. Rikiar emerges from behind the bar and thanks the PCs for enforcement, as she notes that it’ll probably bring unwanted
their actions in defense of her bar, but also expresses worry about attention to her business, and that everyone knows that the
the strange occurrence. Tyrants’ Guild are either corrupt officials or unfeeling undead
programmed to stop civil unrest. She comments that she’ll call
A PC who succeeds at a DC 16 Arcana, Occultism, or Religion
in the district’s representative with the Medics’ Guild to collect
check to Recall Knowledge recognizes the mote as resembling the
Aalisa’s headless corpse, though she suspects it will be at least a
basest form of Fundamental energy—the energy that corresponds
week before someone is dispatched, giving the PCs plenty of time
to the concepts of Chaos, Evil, Good and Law. The PC also knows
to investigate.
that this particular mote had the hallmark metallic appearance
of the Fundamental concept of Perfection, associated with Law. A Treasure: Rikiar offers the PCs a reward of 4 gp each, if they
PC who gets a critical success on such a check also knows that such agree to investigate and uncover what has happened. The judicious
motes come about on Tyne when a humanoid comes into contact gnome also presents the PCs with Aalisa’s surviving equipment,
with raw Fundamental energy. which includes a minor elixir of life and a potency crystal (the same
crystal she used in her hypnotism performance) and a brass key to
Whether or not the PCs know the Fundamental nature of
Aalisa’s home.
this threat, Rikiar asks the PCs to investigate what might have
happened. She explains that Aalisa had been known as a rather
terrible performer, but in the past week she’d really been putting
on stellar performances. Rikiar continues by explaining that the
hypnotist lived in some tenements only a few blocks from her
cabaret and requests the PCs investigate.



Following the events at Rikiar’s Cabaret, the PCs head out into the streets of Outset’s
crowded ground-level on their way to Aalisa’s home.

This is an excellent opportunity to present the shifting,

claustrophobic and spacious nature of Outset, as streets shift from A CITY OF FACES
congested pathways where two human-sized creatures can barely
walk abreast to cavernous open spaces where the ceiling is several Outset is known for being the ‘City of a
stories tall. There are a few things you should emphasize as the PCs Million Faces’, and while that generally
travel to their destination:
refers to its large number of inhabitants,
♦ There’s rarely visible sky inside Outset’s ground levels, which locals also associate the title with the faces
are known as the Commons. Almost everywhere has a ceiling, that fill the city’s architecture. No one can
with cracked stone being the most common sight, while higher
point out specifically where the face motif
chambers may have some metal arches and struts. The most
traveled and populous locations have painted frescoes on the began, but Buried City delvers insist that
ceiling, though many of these are pitted and worn. it is a constant throughout the city’s many
past generations.
♦ There’s little natural light. Almost all light in Outset’s interior
comes from irregularly spaced continual flame spells in sconces, To set the city’s tone, try to include small
immense magical light cages known as captured sunbursts, or details relating to faces as the PCs explore.
other more mundane lights set up by citizens. Areas lacking
While walking down the congested streets
such light sources are patrolled by mindless undead known
of the slums, the PCs may find ten-foot-
as candlebacked. These hunchbacked, unliving hulks of flesh
and wax walk with their balled fist arms acting as impromptu tall stone visages leering down at them
legs. As their name suggests, the backs of the candlebacked are from above, or have to maneuver around
covered in wax and countless candles, which are tended to by a face that splits a street as it stares up
robed members of the mysterious Luminants Guild. at the ceiling. Focusing on these elements
♦ Spaces range from overcrowded to entirely deserted. should help define Outset as a unique
Depending on the flow of traffic, main thoroughfares are location, while adding a level of unease
congested with groups moving along at varied speeds, while and repetition to the PCs exploration.
other side passages are entirely devoid of travel (and often
devoid of light).

Gathering Information: It’s possible that the PCs may choose to
converse with some of the locals to see what they can learn about
the events at Rikiar’s Cabaret and if they’ve occurred elsewhere. A
PC who succeeds at a DC 14 Diplomacy check to Gather Information
can pick-up some information during their journey to Aalisa’s
home. On a success, locals caution the PCs not to travel in large
groups to the area where Aalisa’s home is, though the exact reason
varies and many locals view it as just superstition. On a critical
success, the PCs learn that the area is home to a group of pick
spiders (see Pick Spider Ambush below for more details).



As the PCs approach Aalisa’s tenement, they need to take a side JUVENILE PICK SPIDERS (4) CREATURE –1
passage alley that leads them to their ultimate destination.
Regular magical sconces light the alley, however after about five
N Small Animal
minutes of walking, many of the sconces begin to stutter in and out
of illumination (a side effect of deteriorating magic). The lights on This dog-sized spider is covered in interlocking plates of slate gray
the walls of this area provide illumination every other round, which chitin. Its eight legs each end in a slightly-curved blade that it uses
may necessitate the PCs switching to their own light sources. to attach itself to nearby surfaces. Its mouth leaks a small amount
Along the path, a crack in the ground becomes visible ahead, of vibrant violet fluid from between its fangs.
with a man-sized hole dropping 15 feet into a smaller set of caves. Perception +5; darkvision, tremorsense (imprecise) 60 feet
The hole is recent, and the result of the pick spiders clawing away Skills Acrobatics +4, Athletics +5, Stealth +5
at a smaller hole they noticed in the passage. Str +1, Dex +3, Con +1, Int –5, Wis +0, Cha –4
Creatures: A cluster of juvenile pick spiders have taken up AC 15; Fort +4, Ref +7, Will +3
residence near Aalisa’s tenement. Pick spiders are a breed of giant HP 8
spiders in Outset who’ve grown to have pick-like legs that allow
them to move along the stone walls and break into areas with
Spring Upon Prey (attack) Requirement Initiative has not yet
been rolled. Trigger A creature comes within 15 feet of a stone
concentrated effort. The locals here know about the spiders, surface the spider is currently moving on. Effect The juvenile pick
which the PCs may have heard about while traveling, and the spider automatically notices the creature and Strides, Climbs or
spiders are the reason why most people travel in groups Momentous Hurls before it rolls initiative.
of two at most. The spiders view groups larger than two as
Speed 25 feet, climb 25 feet
encroaching on their territory and quickly attack.
Two spiders lounge on the sides of the walls, just past the hole,
Melee fangs +7 (finesse), Damage 1d4+1 piercing plus juvenile
pick spider venom
while the other two wait on the ceiling of the room just under the
hole. The spiders use Stealth for initiative, as they remain immobile
Melee pick leg +7 (agile, deadly 1d6, finesse), Damage 1d4
along the stone walls as the PCs pass through. They take advantage
of their Spring Upon Prey ability to leap off the walls and ceiling to 1
Momentous Hurl (move) The juvenile pick spider launches
itself towards its target. It can attempt a DC 20 Athletics check to
position themselves once the PCs enter the area. The spiders fight
Long Jump with a +4 circumstance bonus. If it succeeds, it Leaps a
for their perceived territory fiercely and won’t retreat.
distance up to its climb speed. If it fails, it only Leaps 10 feet. Treat a
critical failure as a failure.
Juvenile Pick Spider Venom (poison); Saving Throw Fortitude DC 13;
Maximum Duration 6 rounds; Stage 1 1d4 poison and enfeebled 1;
Stage 2 1d6 poison and enfeebled 2, Stage 3 2d4 poison, enfeebled
2, and paralyzed (1 round)

Scaling Pick Spider Ambush
To accommodate a group of more than four PCs,
make the following adjustments. These adjustments
are not cumulative.
Five PCs: Add one juvenile pick spider to the encounter.
Six PCs: Add two juvenile pick spiders to the encounter.

Treasure: The hidden chamber here contains the eviscerated

corpse of a citizen who fell into the chamber and startled the
spiders before becoming their meal. The body has a satchel
on it with 2 gp, an uncut sapphire worth 2 gp, and a scroll of
hydraulic push. The body also contains a small brass key that EIGHT-LEGGED FRIENDS
looks similar to the one the PCs received from Aalisa’s corpse.
Want more spiders to throw at your
players? You can get lore and rules
for adult pick spiders (and maybe
a chucklewuckery or two) in the
Patreon-exclusive release of
Rotgrind: Pick Spiders.






1 SQUARE = 5 FEET @ToTellStories


Aalisa’s home is just beyond where the PCs encounter the pick female elf enforcer) were dispatched by their superior to forcibly
spiders, and is accessible through a small ten-foot-wide passage. reclaim a loan given to Aalisa by the Children of the Blaze. They
The passage ends abruptly in a circular space with a dried-out broke in, intending to ransack the hypnotist’s home for anything
fountain in the center and three passages leading off to other of value and then further intimidate Aalisa, but were surprised to
tenements. One of the doors has fallen over to reveal a collapse. find an envelope in the living room addressed to their boss with a
The second door is locked with a poor lock (requiring two generous overdue amount.
successful DC 15 Thievery checks to pick) or can be opened with the
The two aren’t sure how to proceed, but when they hear the
brass key from the body in the pick spiders’ lair. The interior of the
sounds of the PCs' combat with the spiders, they opt to wait and see
second door is a spartan living space with some cloth bedding and a
if someone is coming. The two don’t engage in combat immediately,
week of rations. The third door leads into Aalisa’s home, and is closed
see Discussion with the Enforcers for more information.
but not locked—a clue to the fact that someone is already inside.
The home is a small living space with some kitchen amenities, DISCUSSION WITH THE ENFORCERS
a bedroom, a storage closet and a toilet. Aalisa led a very private
life in a tenement that most people in Outset would spend a year’s Once the PCs enter Aalisa’s home, Binx emerges from the bedroom
worth of wages to acquire—she came across it by chance after followed by Jinks. The two are a bit of an odd-couple, dressed in
learning that it had been abandoned due to the pick spiders. leather armor with notable suspenders and bowler hats. Binx is the
As Aalisa had some rudimentary knowledge of the creatures, more eloquent of the two, and speaks with a formal tone offering
she realized that she could come and go alone without attracting greetings and asking if Aalisa is with the group. Conversely, Jinks is
the vermin’s attention. always ready for a fight but only does so when provoked or at the
behest of her partner. Binx does the majority of the pair’s talking,
Creatures: A duo of enforcers belonging to a local criminal while Jinks simply responds with an affirmative “definitely” or a
outfit called the Children of the Blaze have already broken into more ambiguous “possibly” for every question thrown her way.
Aalisa’s home. Binx (LN male half-orc enforcer) and Jinks (NE


@ d20monkey

The two enforcers begin with a starting attitude of indifferent.
A successful DC 15 Diplomacy or Intimidation check shifts their
attitude to friendly, at which point they inform the PCs that they
belong to a ‘charitable organization’ called the Children of the
Blaze. A PC who succeeds at a DC 15 Society or Outset-related
Lore check to Recall Knowledge recognizes that the Children of
the Blaze are a criminal organization known for blackmailing
and intimidating the people of the city’s Commons in the Pawn’s
Pilaster. If made helpful with a critical success, the two relay that
they were collecting on a loan that Aalisa took from the Children of
the Blaze to get some treatment for her constant distractions at a
medical clinic in the slums. Binx provides the clinic’s location near
the central feature of the district: the sinkhole.
As long as the two enforcers remain indifferent, they have no
desire to start a fight. If the PCs provide them with their reason
for arriving, the two enforcers provide what information they can
based on their attitude and then quickly try to leave. Given Aalisa’s
additional compensation, as provided in the envelope that Binks
now carries, the two enforcers have no interest in ransacking the
home. They allow the PCs the opportunity to search for whatever
they need. The two quickly depart to inform their boss of their
Investigation: A casual investigation of Aalisa’s home reveals
that she lived a reasonable life in her hidden homestead. She
kept numerous documents relating to her hypnotism career in
good order in her bedroom. A stack of paper posters can be found
stacked in a box under her bed, along with three books about
hypnotism. Documents in the living room reveal some recent
hand-written invoices for “alchemical tinctures” obtained from
a clinic near the sinkhole.
A PC who succeeds at a DC 18 Perception check can also spot a
loose stone in the wall in the living room that can be removed to
access a small cubbyhole for storage.
Treasure: The books on hypnotism can be sold for 1 gp each
and weigh 1 Bulk together. The hidden wall storage contains
Aalisa’s hidden wealth, including a sack with 8 gp, a silver ring
worth 2 gp, and a predictable silver piece (Pathfinder Advanced
Player’s Guide page 263) with the stylized images of the deities of
the King and the Prince on either side. The most valuable, and
perhaps dangerous, item inside the cache is a single dose of anima
of Perfection (see page 24) kept within a red velvet kerchief. Aalisa
had this dose leftover from her last visit to the clinic. A well-
penned shred of parchment rests between the small vial and the
velvet cover, reading “Return to the clinic if you need more. Repeat
business is a boon for us all.” and is signed from a “Jaddeus Quint.”
Development: By the end of their time at Aalisa’s home,
the PCs should find information directing them to the clinic
operated by Jaddeus Quint near the Pilaster of the Squire. If by
some unfortunate circumstance, the PCs failed to uncover any
information about the clinic, then they can return to Rikiar who
exclaims that another fundamental mote creature was spotted
near the clinic.

Binx and Jinks are intended to provide a bit of levity to the ongoing serious story of the adventure. It’s likely most parties
won’t bother fighting the two enforcers, and instead the enforcers should be presented as a bit of slapstick comedy.


Unique LN Medium Human Unique NE Medium Elf

Humanoid Orc Humanoid
This tall orc is wearing a goofy smile, and dressed in a combination of A short elf dressed in a combination of leather armor, suspenders, and a
leather armor, suspenders, and a bowler hat. bowler hat. She doesn't look friendly or pleased.

Male half-orc enforcer Female elf enforcer

Perception +8; darkvision Perception +8; low-light vision
Languages Common Languages Common
Skills Athletics +7, Diplomacy +6, Intimidation +6, Society +4 Skills Acrobatics +8, Athletics +8, Intimidation +6, Stealth +6
Str +4, Dex +2, Con +3, Int –1, Wis +1, Cha +2 Str +1, Dex +3, Con +1, Int +0, Wis +1, Cha +1
Items daggers (2), sap, studded leather, envelope from Aalisa Items daggers (4), shortsword, studded leather
(contains 15 gp) AC 16; Fort +6, Ref +8, Will +3
AC 16; Fort +8, Ref +7, Will +4 HP 20
HP 25 Speed 25 feet
Speed 25 feet 1
Melee dagger +8 (agile, finesse, thrown 10 ft, versatile S),
Melee dagger +7 (agile, finesse, thrown 10 ft, versatile S), Damage 1d4+3 piercing
Damage 1d4+4 piercing 1
Melee shortsword +8 (agile, finesse, versatile S), Damage 1d6+4
Melee sap +7 (agile, nonlethal), Damage 1d6+4 bludgeoning piercing
Ranged dagger +7 (agile, finesse, thrown 10 ft., versatile S), 1
Ranged dagger +8 (agile, finesse, thrown 10 ft., versatile S),
Damage 1d4+4 piercing Damage 1d4+3 piercing
Toss ‘n Womp 3 Binx makes a ranged Strike with a dagger, then Sudden Start 2 Requirements first round of combat Effect Jinks
Strides and can make a melee Strike with his sap against the same draws a dagger and can make a ranged Strike with it. She then
target as his dagger Strike. If he hits with the dagger Strike, Binx does this again, and must select a different target. Creatures that
deals 1d6 extra precision damage to his target with his sap Strike. haven’t acted are flat-footed to these attacks.
Sneak Attack Jinks deals an extra 1d6 precision damage to flat-
Binx and Jinks art by @laura_pendl footed creatures.



Jaddeus Quint’s clinic is located near the northern edge of Outset’s

sprawling sinkhole: the remains of the former Pawn’s Pilaster. MOTE PUPPETS (2) CREATURE -1
The Commons level slums surrounding this pilaster are home to
countless makeshift homes and medical centers for those in need See page 7
of a place to rest or recuperate. Supplies irregularly come in from Initiative Perception +0
other districts, thanks in part to the charitable nature of those from
the nearby Squire’s Pilaster district. The clinic is built on a vestigial
structure of stone and wood that juts from several other buildings FUNDAMENTAL MOTES (2) CREATURE 1
in the area. The stone is the remains of a larger structure that was
torn apart when the Pawn’s Pilaster fell into the earth and it serves See page 7
as a backdrop for several buildings in the area. A recently painted Initiative Stealth +7
sign hangs on some metal chains just outside the door and reads
“Jaddeus Quint’s Clinic & Miraculous Tincture Dispensary.” Scaling Travel to the Clinic
Creatures: Jaddeus Quint recognized the growing popularity To accommodate a group of more than four PCs, make
of his wares and went about hiring security for his protection the following adjustments. These adjustments are not
and the protection of his hidden Fundamental prisoner. He hired cumulative.
two locals to serve as some muscle to keep lines moving and to Five PCs: Add 5 Hit Points to each mote puppet and each
protect the clinic if he needed to leave. Since funds were originally fundamental mote.
tight, Jaddeus originally paid the two with a dose of the anima
Six PCs: Add a fundamental mote (without its puppet) to
of Perfection he’d been collecting. The two hired guards quickly the encounter.
became addicted to the substance, and just as their heightened
intelligence made them consider new employment opportunities,
the motes growing within them burst! Development: Once the PCs defeat the fundamental motes
and their puppets, they can access to Jaddeus Quint’s clinic. The
The two Perfectite motes and their puppets now wander outside wooden door is currently locked with a simple lock (requiring three
the clinic. Their recent appearance has scared off locals from successful DC 20 Thievery checks to pick), though the adjacent
the clinic and forced Jaddeus Quint into the hidden chamber for reinforced glass window can be unlocked with a single successful
further research. Unable to comprehend the world they’ve been DC 15 Thievery check or smashed (Hardness 2, 8 Hit Points).
born into, the motes instinctively attack anyone who comes close Alternatively, a PC who succeeds at a DC 18 Athletics check to Force
to the clinic’s entrance, which they somehow feel compelled to stay Open can break down the door.
around (a lingering memory of their puppet’s minds). The two motes
don’t work together and fight until destroyed. They do not chase
anyone away from the clinic, but they do follow intruders inside.



The party has finally made its way to Jaddeus Quint’s clinic, ready to explore
and confront the man about his 'perfect' scheme.

Jaddeus Quint’s clinic is little more than a handful of rooms in a Light comes from some everburning torches that Quint purchased
stone building that was previously unoccupied, tucked away in and mounted on walls. Each of these torches requires a successful DC
an alcove of a dingy alley. The tall building has a fifteen-foot high 13 Athletics check to Force Open in order to remove them from their
ceiling of stone, reinforced with wooden beams (which also hide a places and take them as an item.
dangerous alchemical trap).








@ToTellStories 17

The interior of the clinic opens to a rectangular foyer filled with a half-
dozen wooden chairs of varying types. A banged-up wooden desk partly ALCHEMICAL BARRAGE HAZARD 2
blocks the path deeper into the clinic, beyond which is a larger room
partly concealed by waving stained white fabric. A single wooden door Uncommon Bomb Complex
admits entry into the building, while an adjacent wide bay window
looks out into the street beyond. Mechanical Trap

A cluster of alchemical bombs are placed in strategic points in the

The entrance to the clinic is a sparse affair that Quint has barely ceiling and connected with intricate strings and wires that cause them
upkept. Most of the time, his two hired guards would sit in the to tumble in a cascade.
chairs here and converse between their exterior patrols. Since
most patrons didn’t have to wait, the room hasn’t seen much use. Stealth +8 (trained); DC 18 (expert) to notice various vials and
The desk remains empty, as Quint didn’t have a reason to do any alchemical substances stacked in the ceiling.
bookkeeping here. Disable Thievery DC 18 (trained) to disable the strings located
Hazard: Jaddeus realized that he could well have a repeat of his throughout the room, or three Crafting DC 16 (trained) to
time in the King’s Pilaster, and decided to boobytrap his clinic to combine alchemical agents that can counteract one another
prevent unwanted outsiders from interfering in his work. Quint has AC 16; Fort +10, Ref +4
diligently set up several alchemical bombs in the ceilings of various Hardness 2; HP 20 (BT 10) to break the various vials in the
rooms. These alchemicals are attached to a rat’s nest of strings and ceiling including several duds; Immunities critical hits, object
wires set up throughout the entire area. immunities, precision damage
Alchemical Spill Trigger More than two Small or larger creatures
pass the clinic’s foyer. Effect The trap drops two alchemical bombs
(one against each creature), then rolls initiative.
Routine 3 The trap loses 1 action for each counteracted set of
alchemical substances. On each of the trap’s actions, it drops one
alchemical bomb (randomly determined) on a creature anywhere
in the clinic (including the foyer).
Ranged bomb +8 (splash), Damage varies by bomb (see below), no
multiple attack penalty
Bombs When firing a bomb roll 1d4 to determine the type of bomb
1–acid flask (1d6 persistent acid damage and 1 acid
splash damage)
2–alchemist’s fire (1d8 fire damage, 1 persistent fire
damage, and 1 acid splash damage)
3–frost vial (1d6 cold damage and 1 cold splash damage,
and the target takes a –5-foot penalty to its Speeds until
the end of its next turn)
4–thunderstone (1d4 sonic damage, 1 sonic splash damage,
and a DC 17 Fortitude save or be deafened until the end of
next turn)
Reset The trap runs out of alchemical bombs after it has dispensed
12 of them. Each successful counteracting of alchemical substances
reduces this number by 3. Once its bombs are expended, the trap
ceases to function.

Two single-occupant beds sit in the center of this square room, which A single wooden desk filled with papers stands at a slanted angle at the
is lined with haphazard white and tan sheets. A rusty metal push tray northern edge of the room to permit it to fit in here. The northwestern
with several medical utensils rests along the northern wall, to the wall has a sturdy wooden bookshelf that stands entirely empty with
right of a cloth-covered doorway to another room. Opposite the tray is a torch sconce at its side providing light to the room. Papers and
a partly rotted wooden bookshelf that is lined with vials and potions. documents fill the surface of the desk, while a single doorway covered
The second bottom shelf has collapsed and a rainbow of hues mixes on by a white cloth allows entry to the room.
the floor here. Other cloth covered doorways lead out to the west and
another to the south. This is the room Jaddeus took as his office, and is also the access
point to the secret passage that he found after investigating
The ‘clinic’ primarily exists in this room. Jaddeus would bring in the area. The passage is a section of stone put atop a magically
patients here, where he would perform basic examinations with his reinforced wooden door frame that allows it to slide out. Quint’s
shoddy medical equipment and then ply them with a variety of his repeated use of the door has made it more visible in recent days,
alchemical concoctions. A PC who succeeds at a DC 15 Crafting or and PCs can detect it with a successful DC 12 Perception check to
Nature check to Recall Knowledge can identify the majority of the Seek. The hidden door leads to area A5.
chemicals on the bookshelf as being little more than colored water
The pile of documents on Quint’s desk represent his various
or herbs crushed and added to alcohol.
dealings in the city, though he doesn’t keep his invoices for the
Treasure: Though the room is mostly for show, Quint did keep anima of Perfection sales here (those are in area A7). If the PCs
some actual alchemical items here in case of emergency. He stored succeed at a DC 15 Society check to Decipher Writing, they can
three minor elixirs of life on the highest shelf of the bookshelf, uncover that Quint’s business has been incredibly depressing,
located behind several empty vials. Also, despite the state of though there’s an inordinate number of free consultations that
disrepair of much of the equipment in this room, a PC who spends he’s offered to repeat customers. A critical success on this check
10 minutes scrounging can put together enough equipment to reveals that Quint’s accounting notes mean he must have a much
make a complete set of healer’s tools. larger income stream to support his losses.
Development: If the PCs miss the door, have them start
A3. LIVING SPACE hearing strange sounds coming up from the particulum in area
This small chamber has a single bedroll that Jaddeus Quint uses A6 which can allow them to fail-forward to find the hidden area.
to sleep in. A shelf along the northern wall acts as an impromptu Alternatively, if the PCs completely miss the mark, then have
kitchen, though most of the foodstuffs here are preserved rations Jaddeus Quint emerge from below in search of food, only to retreat
or items ordered from local dining establishments and brought at the sight of the PCs!
back to the clinic on the infrequent times Quint left for sustenance.
A cloth has been draped over the everburning torch that rests in a A5. PASSAGE TUNNEL
sconce on the wall. A PC who succeeds at a DC 14 Perception check
The hidden door opens to a spiral stone staircase that descends for
notes that the room hasn’t seen use in at least two days.
several levels. There are no natural light sources here, so the PCs must
bring their own light. As the path continues downwards, the walls take
on a different tone and hue. A PC who succeeds at a DC 15 Crafting or
Society check to Recall Knowledge recognizes that the PCs are entering
Outset’s Buried City and the change in structure represents the
architectural style of prior generations.

PCs who succeed at a DC 12 Perception check can hear strange

vibrating sonic sounds coming from deeper below. The sounds
don’t hurt, but the PCs probably feel their teeth vibrate slightly.
These sounds come from the particulum at the end of the
An ajar wooden doorway at the base of the stairs bleeds some
light into the spiral stairway and leads into area A6.


A6. A7.




This immense circular stone chamber has a ceiling that rises up The sounds the PCs heard from below are the cries of the
almost thirty-feet. Angled symbols of bronze, gold, and silver entity in the Fundamental language of Perfection. As it’s unlikely
stretch up along the walls here, ascending to the edges of the light any of the PCs speak this obscure language, their means of
provided by four torches set halfway up in cardinal directions. communicating with the Perfectite remain limited. All the creature
The center floor of the chamber is covered in a higher concentration
wants is to escape its prison so it can return to its home plane.
of such symbols, above which floats a mass of liquid platinum metal
that shifts into a conical form before creating a duo of thin discs at its Unless the PCs manage to convey their lack of hostility in a
ends. A doorway leads west to an adjoining spiral staircase, while another suitable manner, the Particulum is hostile. It immediately targets
closed wooden door leads to the east. anyone who enters its prison holding a weapon drawn with a
command spell. It then gets the target to drop their weapon, and
Generations ago, a sect of arcane practitioners in Outset built there’s a 50% chance that the weapon drop scratches the symbols
this chamber to experiment on extraplanar creatures. Their first enough to allow the Particulum to escape its prison. If it escapes,
and only success was in binding a lesser Fundamental known as the Particulum attempts to break down the door to area A7 or
a Perfectite Particulum. The symbols on the floors and walls here attack Jaddeus Quint if he’s in the room. Otherwise, it attacks
are intended to contain the particulum, and can be identified with any creature in the room that confronts it, using its sound burst if
a successful DC 14 Arcana, Occultism, or Religion check. Critically reduced below half Hit Points.
succeeding the check reveals that the fundamental is currently
bound to the center 15-feet of the chamber and prevented from
using its abilities beyond such a range. The door leading to area Scaling Particulum’s Prison
A7 is unlocked. To accommodate a group of more than four PCs, make
Creatures: The Perfectite Particulum that was summoned so the following adjustments. These adjustments are not
long ago still remains trapped in this chamber. As a timeless being cumulative.
of manifested lawful energy, the fundamental bides its time here. Five PCs: Add 15 Hit Points to the particulum.
The PCs can identify the being with a successful DC 15 Arcana, Six PCs: The particulum gains the quickened condition
Occultism or Religion check to Recall Knowledge. for the first 3 rounds of combat .


LN Small Fundamental Perfectite

This object shifts its form to different shapes, undulating and unceasing. It emits the faintest glow.

Perception +11; darkvision

Languages Perfection
Skills Acrobatics +9, Athletics +9, Perfection Lore +11, Stealth +9
Str +1, Dex +4, Con +3, Int +3, Wis +1, Cha +0
AC 18; Fort +6, Ref +6, Will +10
HP 45; Immunities death effects, disease, emotion, poison, unconscious; Weaknesses
chaotic 5, Resistances mental 5
Form Adjustment R Trigger A creature targets the particulum with an attack and the
particulum can see the attacker. Effect The particulum modifies its form to avoid the
attack, gaining a +2 circumstance bonus to AC against the triggering attack. After the
attack resolves, the particulum Steps.
Speed 20 feet, fly 40 feet
Melee metamorphic strike +10 (agile, finesse, lawful, magical, versatile S),
Damage 1d6+4 piercing plus 1d4 lawful
Divine Innate Spells DC 20; 2nd sound burst; 1st command (x3), sanctuary
Word of Law (divine, lawful) A perfectite’s auditory and linguistic abilities affect
other creatures, even if they cannot understand Perfection.
Change Shape (concentrate, divine, polymorph, transmutation)
A perfectite particulum can adjust its appearance, mutating into
whatever shape it desires, as long as it occupies the same space
as its current form. This allows it to turn into shapes like a flat
disc, a roiling helix, or even a featureless humanoid. This doesn’t
change any of its abilities, though particulums often use this to
convey concepts to others.


Development: If the Particulum escapes, it attempts to kill Jaddeus Quint and any
creature that gets in its way. It continues this for 10 rounds, at the end of which the breakdown
of the arcane power in the room releases its remaining bindings and the Fundamental returns
to its home plane of existence on the Fundamental Battlefield.


The PCs are incredibly limited in how they can interact with the Perfectite Particulum, as its language is best
interpreted as a high-frequency wailing. However, the Particulum’s ability to change shape allows it to convey
different concepts through shape. As an intelligent being, the Particulum can use its Change Shape ability to
assume the form of a humanoid to interact visually with the PCs. Alternatively, in a more comedic game,
it might assume the shape of a giant floating arrow or convey emotions like a floating emoji-like face.


Stacks of parchment, books, and scroll cases form a pile along the Treasure: Beyond the information in the stack of paperwork,
western edge of this small, circular chamber. A single chandelier of there is a scroll of magic missile, a scroll of sanctuary, and a scroll
brass hangs off the ceiling, some fifteen feet above. Alcoves line the walls of unseen servant. A PC who succeeds at a DC 15 Perception check
here, some containing more parchments and empty scroll cases, though while investigating the stash can uncover a hidden +1 weapon
the lion’s share rests in the frantic pile. A small wooden table littered with
potency rune hidden in the cap of one of the discarded scroll cases.
alchemical compounds stands against the southern edge of the room.
A single wooden door exits to the east. Development: In the event the PCs manage to not irritate Quint
or incapacitate him, they can attempt to calm him down. He
Ancient arcanists once used this chamber to store their has a starting attitude of unfriendly, which can only be changed
documents and privately converse away from their captured with a successful DC 20 Diplomacy or Intimidate check. If made
Fundamental. Jaddeus Quint, a magical con artist exiled from the indifferent, then Quint isn’t interested in combat but still isn’t
King’s Pilaster, has set up his laboratory here. The growing pile willing to take responsibility. He plans to leave Outset and let the
of parchments and documents is the result of Quint frantically PCs decide on how to clean up the situation. If made friendly, then
researching the notes of the old arcanists in some vain attempt to Quint explains his actions were in error and he’ll help however
uncover the cause of the fundamental motes and the problems he can, which is most likely providing a list of those he’s been in
with the anima of Perfection. business with (see Conclusion).
Creatures: Jaddeus Quint, hides in this chamber. He’s desperate The PCs can also examine the stack of documents here, though
to find an answer to what has happened with the anima he learned doing so takes a minimum of four hours. During this time, any
to create from the notes he found here. If the PCs made any loud researching PC can attempt a DC 18 Arcana, Occultism Religion
noises while interacting with the Particulum in the adjacent or Society check to Recall Knowledge to get information from the
chamber, he realizes that his time is almost up. Quint quickly hodgepodge of Quint’s personal notes and the letters left by the
quaffs his lesser cognitive mutagen to try to better research his long-dead arcanists. Succeeding at this check reveals the basic
notes, which has no major effect on his frantic reading (beyond backstory of the adventure, with Jaddeus’s notes confirming he
lowering his combat capabilities for the next minute). Once the found the site after being forced out of the King’s Pilaster by the
PCs try to enter the room, he drinks his invisibility potion to remain Merchants' Guild. The PCs also learn that the prison was the result
hidden as they enter. of arcane practitioners from a prior generation attempting to
harness an imprisoned Fundamental.
Worried that the PCs have been sent by the Merchants' Guild
to end his operation—or worse, take it over—Jaddeus remains
hidden long enough to hear anything even remotely incriminating.
Scaling Quint’s Lab
He drops his invisibility by casting a magic missile at the target of
his ire. He tries to position himself near the door to area A6 and To accommodate a group of more than four PCs, make
then moves into the Particulum’s prison chamber once combat the following adjustments. These adjustments are not
begins. He tries to maneuver around the prison, goading PCs to get
close to him, so he can use his telekinetic maneuver spell to try to Five PCs: Add 10 Hit Points to Jaddeus Quint.
Shove one of them into the prison where the Particulum can attack Six PCs: Add 15 Hit Points to Jaddeus Quint and he can
them. If he succeeds in this, Quint takes advantage of the confusion cast a second telekinetic maneuver spell.
to try to escape.


Unique NE Medium Human Humanoid

A shady-looking man narrows his eyes as he glares at you. He holds a staff and has some alchemical potions and a spellbook at his side.

Male human magical con-artist

Perception +7
Languages Common
Skills Arcana +11, Crafting +7, Deception +11, Medicine +7, Society +9, Thievery +9
Str +0, Dex +2, Con +1, Int +3, Wis +1, Cha +2
Items invisibility potion, lesser cognitive mutagen, quarterstaff, alchemist’s tools, spellbook, staff, thieves’ tools
AC 17; Fort +8, Ref +9, Will +10
HP 30
Speed 25 feet
Melee staff (two-hand d8), Damage 1d4 bludgeoning
Arcane Prepared Spells DC 20, attack +12; 2nd blur, telekinetic maneuver, touch of idiocy; 1st grease, mage armor, magic missile (x2); Cantrips (2nd)
dancing lights, daze, detect magic, mage hand, message, read aura, shield
Wizard School Spell 1 Focus Point, DC 20; 2nd force bolt (Core Rulebook 407)


The adventure ends once the PCs defeat or drive off Jaddeus Quint of Jaddeus’ clients from his corpse (or the pile of documents
and find the imprisoned Fundamental responsible for the creation in his lab). The contents of the list are beyond the scope of this
of the anima of perfection. Exactly how the PCs decide to handle adventure, but could lead the PCs to other potential infected, and
the situation is up to them. They may keep the Fundamental give the PCs new springboards for adventure in the city of Outset.
imprisoned and call on other agencies to deal with it, or they may If Jaddeus escaped, then he can return as a possible antagonist or
intentionally or inadvertently release the imprisoned outsider supporting character in future adventures.
during their interactions with it.
Alternatively, the PCs might find themselves pulled into the
Jaddeus Quint is another matter, and the con artist may or may wide web of operations underway by the notorious Children of the
not be alive at the end of the adventure. If slain, then there’s no Blaze and their mysterious leader, Mr. Ilort.
further links to the ongoing infections, though the PCs can get a list

The following new rules are used within this adventure, and can also be adapted for use in your campaign.


Rare Alchemical Consumable Rare Disease Divine Virulent

Drug Ingested Poison
Price 15gp
Price 15gp Usage held in 1 hand; Bulk L
Usage held in 1 hand; Bulk L 1
Activate Interact
Activate Interact
A Fundamental Cyst is a result of direct ingestion of a
This unique drug is made from taking small portions of Fundamental—a substance that does not normally exist on the
Fundamentals and refining it with various alchemical substances Material Plane. Sometimes, small particulate matter remains
and alcohols. The result is a silvery liquid that has an incredibly in the bloodstream and eventually begins to grow within the
sweet taste. The drug itself increases cognitive abilities, but host. For humanoids, this results in a horrific death as the mote
leaves the imbiber susceptible to the growth of a foreign eventually gathers enough energy to mature in an explosion that
Fundamental mote. is terminal for its host.
Saving Throw DC 19 Fortitude; Onset 10 minutes; Maximum Saving Throw DC 18 Fortitude. Non-humanoids can’t progress
Duration 8 hours; Stage 1 gain a +1 circumstance bonus to beyond Stage 1; Onset 1 day; Stage 1 fatigued (1d4 days); Stage 2
Intelligence-based skill checks (1 hour); Stage 2 gain a +2 the target dies as a Fundamental Mote emerges from a part of its
circumstance bonus to Intelligence-based skill checks (2 hours); body. The target’s lifeless body becomes a Mote Puppet.
Stage 3 fatigued, must save against Fundamental Cyst (5 hours)


The world of Tyne don't have to stop at the end of this adventure. Check out our other releases to learn more about how you
can make your own campaign set in the world with unique characters set to face the Demise.



The Rotgrind primer gives an introduction to the world of Tyne.


The Rot is an infecting malady that can take root in almost all
things and gradually corrupts them. First appearing roughly
300 years ago, the Rot has spread across the entirety of Tyne,
threatening the world in a way never seen before.


Outset is known by many names:The City of a Million Faces, the

First City, and the Sinking City (among dozens of others). The city
is home to over a million citizens in its nine districts, each built
around massive pilasters over 140 stories high. Parts now tower
above the clouds as it simultaneously pushes itself down, sinking
into the deepest depths beneath its own weight.


Tyne is a world filled with danger and intrigue, and its people are
uniquely skilled in a world on the brink of collapse. Use this guide
to create your own Pathfinder Second Edition character using
backgrounds, skills and spells, archetypes, and more, including
content from the Rotgrind show with never-before-published rules!

Subscribing to our Patreon will also give access to exclusive
monsters, items, and lore, plus maps, tokens, and more! New
content every month, including everything seen in the Rotgrind
live-play show!

Our goal is to build a fully realized world to adventure,
explore, and run your own tabletop RPG games in.
We are releasing custom rules content for Pathfinder 2nd Edition,
though the rules can easily be adapted for other game systems as
necessary. We’re regularly creating bespoke new rules and mechanics,
as well as expansions to existing rules like: new monsters, new spells,
unique items, backgrounds, ancestries, and so much more!
As the Rotgrind campaign continues and we release more and more
content, the focus will be on the city of Outset and the surrounding
area, plus macro-level elements of the setting (continents, nations,
pantheons, cosmology, etc.). All of this bespoke content—as well as
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©2022 Payton Smith, Narrative Declaration. All rights reserved.
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on the compatibility license.

The following text is the property of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. and is 7. Use of Product Identity: You agree not to Use any Product Identity,
Copyright 2000 Wizards of the Coast, Inc. (“Wizards”). All Rights Reserved. including as an indication as to compatibility, except as expressly licensed
in another, independent Agreement with the owner of each element of
1. Definitions: (a) “Contributors” means the copyright and/or trademark that Product Identity. You agree not to indicate compatibility or co-
owners who have contributed Open Game Content; (b) “Derivative adaptability with any Trademark or Registered Trademark in conjunction
Material” means copyrighted material including derivative works and with a work containing Open Game Content except as expressly licensed
translations (including into other computer languages), potation, in another, independent Agreement with the owner of such Trademark
modification, correction, addition, extension, upgrade, improvement, or Registered Trademark. The use of any Product Identity in Open Game
compilation, abridgment or other form in which an existing work may Content does not constitute a challenge to the ownership of that Product
be recast, transformed or adapted; (c) “Distribute” means to reproduce, Identity. The owner of any Product Identity used in Open Game Content
license, rent, lease, sell, broadcast, publicly display, transmit or otherwise shall retain all rights, title and interest in and to that Product Identity.
distribute; (d) “Open Game Content” means the game mechanic and
includes the methods, procedures, processes and routines to the 8. Identification: If you distribute Open Game Content You must clearly
extent such content does not embody the Product Identity and is an indicate which portions of the work that you are distributing are Open
enhancement over the prior art and any additional content clearly Game Content.
identified as Open Game Content by the Contributor, and means any
work covered by this License, including translations and derivative 9. Updating the License: Wizards or its designated Agents may publish
works under copyright law, but specifically excludes Product Identity. updated versions of this License. You may use any authorized version
(e) “Product Identity” means product and product line names, logos and of this License to copy, modify and distribute any Open Game Content
identifying marks including trade dress; artifacts, creatures, characters, originally distributed under any version of this License.
stories, storylines, plots, thematic elements, dialogue, incidents, 10. Copy of this License: You MUST include a copy of this License with every
language, artwork, symbols, designs, depictions, likenesses, formats, copy of the Open Game Content You distribute.
poses, concepts, themes and graphic, photographic and other visual
or audio representations; names and descriptions of characters, spells, 11. Use of Contributor Credits: You may not market or advertise the Open
enchantments, personalities, teams, personas, likenesses and special Game Content using the name of any Contributor unless You have written
abilities; places, locations, environments, creatures, equipment, magical permission from the Contributor to do so.
or supernatural abilities or effects, logos, symbols, or graphic designs; 12. Inability to Comply: If it is impossible for You to comply with any of the
and any other trademark or registered trademark clearly identified terms of this License with respect to some or all of the Open Game Content
as Product identity by the owner of the Product Identity, and which due to statute, judicial order, or governmental regulation then You may
specifically excludes the Open Game Content; (f) “Trademark” means the not Use any Open Game Material so affected.
logos, names, mark, sign, motto, designs that are used by a Contributor to
identify itself or its products or the associated products contributed to the 13. Termination: This License will terminate automatically if You fail
Open Game License by the Contributor (g) “Use”, “Used” or “Using” means to comply with all terms herein and fail to cure such breach within 30
to use, Distribute, copy, edit, format, modify, translate and otherwise days of becoming aware of the breach. All sublicenses shall survive the
create Derivative Material of Open Game Content. (h) “You” or “Your” termination of this License.
means the licensee in terms of this agreement.
14. Reformation: If any provision of this License is held to be unenforceable,
2. The License: This License applies to any Open Game Content that such provision shall be reformed only to the extent necessary to make it
contains a notice indicating that the Open Game Content may only be enforceable.
Used under and in terms of this License. You must affix such a notice to any
Open Game Content that you Use. No terms may be added to or subtracted 15. COPYRIGHT NOTICE
from this License except as described by the License itself. No other terms Open Game License v 1.0a © 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
or conditions may be applied to any Open Game Content distributed using
this License. System Reference Document © 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors:
Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, and Skip Williams, based on material by E.
3. Offer and Acceptance: By Using the Open Game Content You indicate Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.
Your acceptance of the terms of this License.
Pathfinder Core Rulebook (Second Edition) © 2019, Paizo Inc.; Authors:
4. Grant and Consideration: In consideration for agreeing to use this Logan Bonner, Jason Bulmahn, Stephen Radney-MacFarland, and Mark
License, the Contributors grant You a perpetual, worldwide, royalty-free, Seifter.
non-exclusive license with the exact terms of this License to Use, the Open
Game Content. Pathfinder Bestiary (Second Edition) © 2019, Paizo Inc.; Authors:
Alexander Augunas, Logan Bonner, Jason Bulmahn, John Compton, Paris
5. Representation of Authority to Contribute: If You are contributing Crenshaw, Adam Daigle, Eleanor Ferron, Leo Glass, Thurston Hillman,
original material as Open Game Content, You represent that Your James Jacobs, Jason Keeley, Lyz Liddell, Ron Lundeen, Robert G. McCreary,
Contributions are Your original creation and/or You have sufficient rights Tim Nightengale, Stephen Radney-MacFarland, Alex Riggs, David N. Ross,
to grant the rights conveyed by this License. Michael Sayre, Mark Seifter, Chris S. Sims, Jeffrey Swank, Jason Tondro,
6. Notice of License Copyright: You must update the COPYRIGHT NOTICE Tonya Woldridge, and Linda Zayas-Palmer.
portion of this License to include the exact text of the COPYRIGHT NOTICE of Pathfinder Advanced Player’s Guide © 2020, Paizo Inc.; Authors: Amirali
any Open Game Content You are copying, modifying or distributing, and You Attar Olyaee, Alexander Augunas, Kate Baker, Brian Bauman, Logan
must add the title, the copyright date, and the copyright holder’s name to Bonner, Carlos Cabrera, James Case, Jessica Catalan, John Compton, Paris
the COPYRIGHT NOTICE of any original Open Game Content you distribute. Crenshaw, Jesse Decker, Fabby Garza Marroquín, Steven Hammond, Sasha
Laranoa Harving, Joan Hong, Nicolas Hornyak, Vanessa Hoskins, James
Jacobs, Erik Keith, Lyz Liddell, Luis Loza, Ron Lundeen, Patchen Mortimer,
Dennis Muldoon, Stephen Radney‑MacFarland, Jessica Redekop, Mikhail
Rekun, Alex Riggs, David N. Ross, Michael Sayre, Mark Seifter, Kendra
Leigh Speedling, Jason Tondro, Clark Valentine, and Andrew White.
Rotgrind: One-Shot Adventure #001 - The Perfection Infection © 2022,
Payton Smith, Author: Thurston Hillman.


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