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ABOUT THE SELF-DIAGNOSTIC FUNCTION “This model has some sel-diagnostic capabilties. There are two types of se-diagnostic functions: the “power on self-test" which runs a test when the power is tured on and notifies the user ifn error is detected, and the "service mode" which is used when servicing the unit, i Power on self-test “This model cuns the following sel-diagnostic test when powers turned on. If an error is detected, a message is displayed on the LOD to notify the user. ‘Communication check between the Control Panel CPU (CPL P.C.B.: IC1/CPR P.C.B.: 1C1) and the MAIN CPU (MAIN P.C.B.: C8) When powers tured on, the model checks communications between the MAIN CPU and each Gontrol Panel CPU. if an error is detected, the following message is displayed on the LCD. CAUTION!! ** ERROR in CPU data transmission ** Please try turing of and on again. If this message appeers again, ‘This unt needs repairing, Ii this error occurs, perform the Control Panel CPU check from within the service mode. Using the self-diagnostic function itis possible to determine which CPU (CPLICPA P.C.B,) is suffering trouble, Bi Service mode “The service mode makes it possible to determine whether the various test modes pass or fil. he test modes in the following table are presented in an order based on circuit operation, but they are completely independent of ‘one another. Select a mode as necessary, and run the test or check. We. Diagnostic Part/Diagnostic Device Procedure of Service Mode 7 | MAINP.C.B.: MAIN CPU peripheral devices | 1.Connect the CHECKING DEVICE to GN4 on the MAIN P.C.B. (refer DRAM (IC13) to page I-20). DRAM (IC11) 2.Tusn on the power switch while holding down the CHECKING DE- 3. EEROM (IC8) VICE switch, Unassigned PROGRAM ROM (1C4) PROGRAM ROM (IC2) ‘TABLE DATA ROM (IC7) 8, TABLE DATA ROM (ICS) 9. RHYTHM DATA ROM (IC14) 410, Unassigned : 11, LOD CONTROLLER (IC16) 12, Unassigned When the power swich is tumed on, the LED of the CHECKING DEVICE flashes 12 times . The order of the LED flashes ‘corresponds to the IC number on the respective P.C.B.s as shown below. If an IC is defective, the corresponding flash time is longer. we + @ @ KEYBOARD SWITCH! 2. EEROM (108) defect ore . (0) | SCANNING test mode i seroomunonien 4 6 4 gS aa detective oe on ° ae ! Iced = Indicates ing ish ene + KEYBOARD SWITCH SCANNING test Whén the power switch is tured on, the LED of the CHECKING DEVICE flashes 12 times and then engages the KEYBOARD SWITCH SCANNING test mode (see the figure above). Pressing any of the 88 keys will ight the LED of the CHECKING DEVICE, while the LED will go out when the key is released. The KEYBOARD SWITCH SCANNING test determines whether the key switches and the Tone Generator LSI (MAIN P.C.B.: C108) are working properly oF not. 1-17 Te. | Diagnostie Par/Diagnostie Device Procedure of Service Mode 2 | LeDiest =] Tum onthe power swiich while holding down the two G Keys shown below. a eo ‘Wile the message "LCD PANEL TEST Is displayed on the LCD, the entre sorean is repeatodly gvilched in th ordor of white — black — “H" pattern. ‘ “"HT pattems @ big" It fs used to check for erosstalk. 3 | OPRIGPL PCB: “Tin case the LOD is defective, connect the CHECKING DEVICE to | 1 chip Microcomputer (It) check CON4 on the MAIN P.C.B. (reer to page 1:20). 2.Turm onthe power switch while halaing down the two D keys shown below and the CHECKING DEVICE switch # connected. 7 r Tn os ba ‘The resuls ofthe test wil be displayed on the LGD with ‘PANEL GPU CHECKING® message. Incase the CHECKING DEVICE is connected, the LED ofthe CHECKING DEVICE flashes 4 mes when the power svich is tumed on. The order of te LED flashes corresponds tothe Microcomputer (IC) number on ine respective P.6.8 sas shown below. fan IC fs defective, the corresponding flash time is longer Examples 120 4 1. CPR (IC1), CPL (IC1) OK —— @ () @ © 2. CPR (IC1) detective, CPL (C1) OK = ———=+ ‘= igi"(@) 0 tettet cen crt ges NOTE : @ indicates short flash time sn oo = incicates long flash time Unassigned @ | OPRIGPL PCB: “Tarn on the power switch while holding down the two F keys shown Control Panel switch and LED check below. LEE Fa First, all ofthe LEDs on the Control Panel will ight up simultaneously. Check that they do, Then, press the buttons on the Control Panel and confirm that the corresponding LED lights. For buttons without LEDs, the 4 BEAT display LEDs by the STARTISTOP button will light up simultaneously. + To light up all of the LEDs on the Control Panel, press DEMO buiton, = No. | Diagnostic PartDiagnostic Device Procedure of Service Mode 8 | MAINP.C.B. - “Turn on the power switch while holding down the two E keys shown Wave ROM (I0104-107) check below. Ie es__ea When set to the self-diagnostic mode, the “The key number indicates the Wave ROM number. Wave ROM output a sine wave. The Wave (:IC104/105, @:1C106"107) = ROMs correspond to the keyboard keys as shown in the diagram tothe right. When a key is pressed, the corresponding sine wave | + ® sound s produced, fno soundis produced, or ifthe sound is distored, the Wave ROM corre- sponding to the key is detective. o1e!* A more detailed explanation as to setting con- ditions and other matters wll be displayed on the LCD for your reference. | 6 | MAINP.CB. Peripehral devices “Tum on the power switch while holding down the two A keys shown 4. FOG IG (IC15) test below. 2, DSP IC (IC108) test i he test results on the FOG IC willbe displayed on tho LCD. NOTE: This test only checks communications between the FDC IC and MAIN CPU. It does not test operation of the FDC IC itself, the route from the FDC IC to Floppy Disk Drive operation. To include the Floppy Disk Drive in testing, use the “Floppy Disk Drive SAVE/LOAD test” described below. 2. The correct sine wave sound will be produced i the DSP IC is working properiy NOTE: Set the MAIN VOLUME to an appropriate level This test only checks the operation of the DSP IC itself Ifthe DSP IC operation is detective, check the relative DRAM (IC108) also. 7_| Floppy Disk Drive: TLinsert the floppy disk formatted into the Disk Drive. SAVEILOAD test 2:Tur on the power switch while holding down the two B keys shown below. CAAT Pressing the button Below the "> * displayed on the LOD staris the Floppy Disk Drive SAVEILOAD test. The testis carried out repeatedly. Data is saved and loaded, and then the two data sets aie compared. The number of times the test results “OK” or “NG" are counted and displayed on the LCD. To stop the test, press the button below the * Il" displayed on the LCD. Even when the Floppy Disk Drive is functioning properiy, the test can result "NG". If this happens frequently, clean the ‘magnetic heads of the Floppy Disk Drive with a cleaning disk. Then, change the disk used in testing with another disk and roperform the test. If the trouble is not solved, Its likely that the Disk Drive unit or some other part of the hardware is broken. eesti 1B Connection between serving CHECKING DEVICE and MAIN P.C.B. MAIN P.C.B. (SIDE : A) ares : PRECAUTIONS BEFORE SERVICING THE MAIN CIRCUIT. Note: in the intial production (over several months) ofthis model (Type A), FLASH ROMs (EEPROM) were used for the PROGRAM ROMS. in models produced thereafter (Type 8), FLASH ROMs were not used. If changing any of these ICs, service the MAIN CIRCUIT as explained here following. B About the FLASH ROM ‘The FLASH ROM can be electrically erased and rewritten. This model is designed so thatthe repair technician can easily write ‘and change programs and data in the FLASH ROM, by using a floppy disk. Block Diagram of MAIN CIRCUIT CPU and peripheral ICs TYPEA MAIN CPU (1C8) _f gf eT procram || PROGRAM patarom || DATAROM Rom (000) || ROM (EVEN) (00) (EVEN) BM bit aM bit am bit - ‘aM bit FLASH ROM || FLASH ROM MASK ROM || MASK ROM ica) (ica) (cs) cr) * FLASH ROM contents IC2;_ MAIN CPU program (ODD) IC4: MAIN GPU program (EVEN) * TYPEB MAIN CPU (ics) jy gt Socket Socket MASKROM || MASK ROM (00D) (EVEN) tomoit |] tombie qic2) (ic4) (ICs) (ic7) 7 Ei How to distinguish Type A from Type B ‘While pressing PANEL MEMORY buttons 1, 2 and 3 at the same time, tum the power on. The model type can be determined frogs, the resulting display. For Type A, "DEVIC “LASH ROM" is shown on the display. For Type B, “DEVIC! 1ASK ROM" Is shown on the display. 1-21 1 Notes on replacing FLASH ROMs for Type A ‘The replacement parts include a FLASH ROM with a availabla memory and the "PROGRAM DISK which contains the program tobe wren into the FLASH ROM. After replacing the FLASH ROM, always write the program int ft from the floppy disk included in the replacement parts. For details on programming, see “How to write the programidata to the FLASH ROMs for Type A (or for ‘Type B in which the FLASH ROMs has been installed in the sockets" below. El How to write the program/data to the FLASH ROMs for Type A (or for Type B in which the FLASH ROMs has been installed in the sockets) © Load the "PROGRAM DISK included in the replacement parts into the Floppy Disk Drive. @ Hold down the PANEL MEMORY buttons 1, 2, 8 and 4, and turn on the power switch, © Check "Flash Memory Update" is displayed on the LD. Only then, release the PANEL MEMORY butons. ‘The program will be written into the FLASH FIOM automatically. ‘© When the operation is complete, “Completed” will be displayed on the LCD. Turn the power switch off and then back on again, Check the instrument is functioning properly. Ei How to write the program for Type B | Follow the steps below to write the program for Type B model in which the FLASH ROMs have not been installed. © Install the FLASH ROMs inthe unused sockets | © Change the jumper wire ssttings as follows: Discontinued: JPS, JP8, JP10 | Added: JP6, JP7, JP9 ! @ Writ the programdata in the same manner as for Type A, above. 1-22 MIDI IMPLEMENTATION CHART ieyboara (SXKW1600) , (Trani) unevon | MRT2AEFT. | ogeyg| acu [ceza| anss | onuus | exon lecwrrox| —ramaries Basic Default 116 416 116 | 116 118 146 116 1-18 | memorized Channel Changed 116 1-16 | 1-18. 1416 116 1-16 1416 1-18 Default 2 aps ps fs] 8 | 8] 2 jammornracy nose Mose Messages x x |x fx fx fx fox | x Altered - e - |---| - sar | ose |= (Sa eine Noe oie | oa] one | one | one | oar | ono ios tne Nnber True vie ~ 2 - | - | - | - | - [eter Vetotty ‘Note ON ° ° fe} oO ° fe} oO Now OFF x x |x| x [x |x | «| - iter Keys x x |x px px >x x] Touch Ch’s ox" x x) x x x x - ich en ox |x fox] ox fox | x fox | « oa | ox [ox | ox | Ox | Om | Ow | On | © faoncenna nse, us0 1 Ox: | 8 [Ox | oes | Oke | OS | Oke) kd mctutatn oe] BP EPPS LOE Or) atte, ese 7 Ox fox: | ox: | ox fox fox fox | x fren Be FO] Be | xe | Bae |S LSE | Se Yasar u Ox: om: | Oe: | ox | Ox: | |S. | ov: |etprasin a Be | O/B] Ox] Bae fo foe | OC |e = x ELBE] OP POE PS LOE | em aay chore comes x EY EP S| ESE] S| obs fitiinzest n ox: fox: | ox: | ox | ox | ox: | ox: | See [remo 2 Oxf Om] OY PL Oe oats 2 % Be [be] ef x |e | x | & | ox fosreme: = Oe | Oe fox fom fox | x | ox | Or fatter te: = x EPO LSPS] LS] 6 [eed ition wef oom | xx fx | x] x | | & frewtso nes 12 6 Soe |e fe ff |e ites tt Ce ee rr Ox Pox | ox | Ox [Ox [Ox | Gor |x | Shaner cencng on nae True = - | - | - | - | - | | = [etic en am te ° Tong Por om vm Sr ong Se ox (018) Tune x ‘system Clock ° Feal Time Commands ox : start/stop,continue tw 7 oF J a ue An? x x| xf x |x| x | «| - essoe se So ° o fat x No (Oxon Wh nt data or a oft se aneid can beat Nose OMNI ON, POLY — Mado 2: ONION, MONO Ones Mode 3: OMINI OFF, POLY Mode 4: OMNI OFF, MONO xNo . 1-23 Keyboard [SX-KN1600] (Recognized) Funetion GRTUZLEFT. | eaaris|| cut |acuezs| ass | onums | cHoro |covrmot| Remarks Base Default 118 ras | 8 | ete [ate | te | te | rt [memorized [Chansel_ Changed 1418 ras | 4s | tte | rs | r46 | tte | 16 Default 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 ‘3 [OMNI OFF.POLY MODE Mode Massages x x |x |x |x |x |x] x Altered = Silelisiis dps pois note ora | orzr | orzr | ony | orzr | oar | onan | — | Shaper gepmning on te Number True voice os2r | oer | osar | oar | osa7 | oar | ora | — _fepamatgnevescit ana ei NOBON 3 ofofoflofofof|= Not OFF x x | x |x | «| «| x] - ater Key's x x |xfxfxtxfxf— Touch chs ox: x | x |x | «|x| x | - Pit Bend ox x | ox | ox ]ox | x [ox] x 032 ox: fox: | ox: [ ox: | ox: fox: | ox: | x [bank seteer mse, Use 1 Ox: x [ox | ax | ox: | x | ox: | x [modulation 838 Ox: x fox tow fox | ox [ox | x [eateontry mse, uss 7 ox: | ox: | ox: | ox: | ox: | ox: | ox | x rotume | 0 Ox: x [ox: | ox: | ox: | ox | x | x [panpot n ox: | ox: | ox: | ox: | ox: | x | x | o> [expression 6 Ox x |ox: | ox: }ox: | x | ox: | x |eutain | 20 x x fox |x fox |x |x | x faite play chord Jconrat =z x x fox fox |x fox | x |e fintor tit in, ending change 83 x x fox fox | ox fox |x | ox: [fade in/out 4 1 ox: | ox: | ox: | ox: | ox | ox: | ox | Ox- |revers 2 ox: fox: |x [ox |x [ox | ox | x. [ose etec 2 s ox: fox | x | x | ox | x | x | ox: [ose etect 1 a4 ox: x ox: | ox: ]ox: | x | ox: | x foigialaftec 5 * x fox fox [ox | x fox | oO faccustiittusion 400,101 ox: x fx fx |x fox | ox | [Rewese mse 120 ° 0] o | 0 | o | o | 0 | x |attsousor ma ox: | ox: | ox: | ox: | ox: | ox: | ox: | x [restait corroters Proa ox fox: | ox: | ox: | ox: ox: | Ox |x |ehanaes depending on program change mo | Change True ¢ ose | oxz7 | orzr | o127 | oar | onz7 | oz7 | - | nd prog.cng to prem. System exlsive ° : Song Pos ox Sytem Sre= Son a ox (e18) Tune x system Clock ° | Peal Time Commands ox start/stop continue Lol OV/ OFF x x>Tx>xpep*?>* >> a aux Alo OFF ° ofofojfo}jfo]fo| - Messages Ae See 3 est x Notes Xs Whether oF not the data for each oF these items is received con beset Mod 1: OMINI ON, POLY Mode 2: OMNI ON, MONO ves Mode: OMINI OFF, POLY Mode 4: OMNI OFF, MONO 4 No OES EEE EEO——EaoaoeeEUWTZECEe PRECAUTIONS BEFORE SERVICING El Precautions for measuring of the output waveforms. — a eee 1. The waveform was measured witha “National Digital Storage Oscilloscope VP-5790A". Therefore the waveforms of musical tone signals shown may difer somewhat due tothe diference in the timing of triggering, : 2. Since the 1/10 test probe is used, the indicated voltage value on the bottom part of each waveform illustration is 1/10 of the ‘actual value (e.g. 0.2 V/em should be 2.0 Viem). ‘8, To measure the waveforms, first set this nit othe sell-diagnostic mode (refer to page I-19, No. 6), The Wave ROM output ull then be output as a sine wave to faciitate the servicing check. Bi Important safety notice: ‘Components identified by a 2, mark have special characteristics impotant for safety. When replacing any of these components, use only manufacture’s specified parts, IB Symbolic Marks ‘The symbolic marks for resistors and capacitors which used inthis cicults are classified as following TABLE-1 and TABLE-2. 1. RESISTORS + Resistors without symbolic mark are FIXED CARBON FILM RESISTORS (EAD-\ype). + All esistors aro 1/4 WATT, 35 % TOLERANCE unless otherwise designated in schematic diagrams. (TABLE-1) ‘SYMBOL, ‘SPECIFICATION SYMBOL, __ SPECIFICATION. © _ | Fise Carbon Fim Resistors © _| Fixed Metal Fim Resistors “FLAME-PROOF" (ERD—F—typs) © _| Feed wire Wound Resistors “FLAME-PROOF" (ERF—type) © _| Fixed Maal Oxdo Fim Resistors "FLAME-PROOF" (ERG—Iype) *FLAME-PROOF" (ERX—lype) Fuse Type Fixed Metal Oxide Film Resistors "FLAME-PROOF" (ERO—type) Fuse Type Fixed Carbon File Resistors “FLAME-PROOF” (ERD2FO—type) @l\ea © _| Fixed Metal Fim Resistors Precision and High Stability) (ERO—ype) 2. CAPACITORS + Capacitors without symbolic mark are POLYESTER CAPACITORS. (ECQM-type, ECQG-ype, #10 % Tolerance) + Polarized capacitors without symbolic mark are Aluminum Electrolytic Capapcitors. (ECEA-ype, #20 % Tolerance) (TABLE-2) SYMBOL SPECIFICATION TPE @ _| NonPolarized Electrolytic Capacitors ° ECEA_KN type @® _ | Non-Potarized Electrolytic (or Network systom) ECEAY_ype @ __| Tantalum Soi Electroiytic Capactors E0S_ypo @®_| Motaized Plastic Film Capacitors (TF Series) 7 "| Ecav_type 7 Temperature Compensating Ceramic Capacitors ECC_type | © | High Ditectc Constant Ceramic Capacitors - EC Ye ‘Axial Lead Coramie Capactors ECB _type Metalzed Polyester Flim Capacitor for Across the Line ECO_EW_hype R Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors for Smoothing Circuit : ECES_type ~ . Mulayer Ceramic Chip Capactors ECUV_ype HEWIRING CONNECTION Diagram SPI 122m, 42 $3 B5en, 82 Byrawece, Hwee. Hvxe2P.ce. AC CORD, 1 $2 Vem, 49 Powen ‘TRANSFORMER 8 ACP PCB. Sbwenswren | aon To 2 ow aa = SP4 65cm, 82 = 2 @ ‘Ana Ge al > Looen P.c8. iB mes: pce. TCD BACKLIGHT IBLOCK Diagram —> Tone Signal ~ ficrr Gicrec ae = enn a LOD BACKUGHT, ‘LEDS —t eee * ezies| is FLOPPY S, CNT [LED pRVER]) DISK Ic1 er yatnonccauere Byun + = { = oe UI Ps | FLOPPY ‘MAIN CPU we oIsk eoMTROl ian constac | i2| | | 0 a © oh ah = al oO oa) onl) PROGRAM Taste || Taste | |BYikiac | | Bynannc | | Revie food) row || Rom | [RAY raM para | a || FS, | — tem air sow or Wave Foau wave Fon ROM ROM Bice Exe: LL STONES aLEDS H f f | Puess® Ics. 06-10 Ct - = = [LED DAIVER, - ake oD 6 7 "EMO-Che SWO-SW? ADO Mab 1 3 er yeoTmcnocoururen tou] 18 Yetwe 7 PEF diem ior 1p 0 o 03.4, aro1icior 08.9 +50 yee zs Recuaton 4 é wo } — MEMORY Q102 +50 ’ neser | 1220 , oy icnse tents g DA CONVERTER Icio ic108 5 4M ar orca Brac | | Sanat RAM PROCESSOR 5 018 L lovs[— RECEIVER I — | 8 Daan a c g| 6 iuxe2 on Hives tee. ry bs [swirces peconerial Stee = U cna leno Lows CRE Lp aso HEADPHONE AMPLIFIER 1088.68 07.8 EQUALIZING ACP 5 ‘Accoro si Power S| vite ow 8 " owen FRtNeorocR [spo esemao spr fizcma Ic2B.ic38, 1C7 eas power AMPLIFIER sp2 i2cma 2 ses esemag LINE OUT L Line our R, [HEADPHONE [fh auxwe | ei PHOTO [COUPLER commac: Comper compca ‘COMMIDI COMPUTER,

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