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Lec 1 Communication BS English(4th)

Communications is fundamental to the existence and survival of humans as well as to an
organization. It is a process of creating and sharing ideas, information, views, facts and feelings
among the people to reach a common understanding. The root of the word “communication” is
Latin word communicare, which means to share, or to make common. Communication is used to
promote understanding and sharing meaning. Communication is the relationship that involves
interaction between participants. Communication is dynamic activity that is hard to describe
because it changes. Imagine you are alone thinking in your kitchen. Someone you know (say,
your mother) enters the kitchen and you talk briefly. What has changed? Now, imagine that your
mother is joined by someone else, someone you haven’t met before—and this stranger listens
intently as you speak, almost as if you were giving a speech. What has changed? Your
perspective might change, and you might watch your words more closely. The feedback or
response from your mother and the stranger (who are, in essence, your audience) may cause you
to reevaluate what you are saying. When we interact, all these factors—and many more—
influence the process of communication. Understanding shows our perception and interpretation
related to particular subject matter and it also relate our perception and interpretation to what we
already know. If a friend tells you a story about falling off a bike, what image comes to mind?
Now your friend points out the window and you see a motorcycle lying on the ground.
Understanding the words and the concepts or objects they refer to is an important part of the
communication process. Next comes the word sharing. Sharing means doing something together
with one or more people. You may share a joint activity, as when you share in compiling a
report; or you may benefit jointly from a resource, as when you and several coworkers share a
pizza. In communication, sharing occurs when you convey thoughts, feelings, ideas, or insights
to others. You can also share with yourself (a process called intrapersonal communication) when
you bring ideas to consciousness, ponder how you feel about something, or figure out the
solution to a classic problem to make something more clear. The word “bike” represents both a
bicycle and a short name for a motorcycle. By looking at the context in which word is used and
by asking questions, we can discover the shared meaning of the word and understand the

Five Types of Communication

Verbal Communication
Verbal communication occurs when we engage in speaking with others. It can be face-to-face,
over the telephone, via Skype or Zoom, etc. Some verbal engagements are informal, such as
chatting with a friend over coffee or in the office kitchen, while others are more formal, such as a
scheduled meeting. Regardless of the type, it is not just about the words, it is also about the
caliber and complexity of those words, how we string those words together to create an
overarching message, as well as the intonation (pitch, tone, cadence, etc.) used while speaking.
And when occurring face-to-face, while the words are important, they cannot be separated from
non-verbal communication.

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Lec 1 Communication BS English(4th)

Non-Verbal Communication
What we do while we speak often says more than the actual words. Non-verbal communication
includes facial expressions, posture, eye contact, hand movements, and touch. For example, if
you’re engaged in a conversation with your boss about your cost-saving idea, it is important to
pay attention to both their words and their non-verbal communication. Your boss might be in
agreement with your idea verbally, but their nonverbal cues: avoiding eye contact, sighing,
scrunched up face, etc. indicate something different.

Written Communication
Whether it is an email, a memo, a report, a Facebook post, a Tweet, a contract, etc. all forms of
written communication have the same goal to disseminate information in a clear and concise
manner – though that objective is often not achieved. In fact, poor writing skills often lead to
confusion and embarrassment, and even potential legal jeopardy. One important thing to
remember about written communication, especially in the digital age, is the message lives on,
perhaps in perpetuity. Thus, there are two things to remember: first, write well – poorly
constructed sentences and careless errors make you look bad; and second, ensure the content of
the message is something you want to promote or be associated with for the long haul.

The act of listening does not often make its way onto the list of types of communication. Active
listening, however, is perhaps one of the most important types of communication because if we
cannot listen to the person sitting across from us, we cannot effectively engage with them. Think
about a negotiation – part of the process is to assess what the opposition wants and needs.
Without listening, it is impossible to assess that, which makes it difficult to achieve a win/win

Visual Communication
Visual communication is the conveyance of ideas and information in forms that can be seen.
Visual communication in part or whole relies on eyesight.[1] Visual communication is a broad
spectrum that includes signs, typography, drawing, graphic design, illustration, industrial design,
advertising, animation, color, and electronic resources.

The debate about the nature of visual communication dates back thousands of years. Visual
communication relies on a collection of activities, communicating ideas, attitudes, and values via
visual resources, i.e. text, graphics, or video.

The evaluation of a good visual communication design is mainly based on measuring

comprehension by the audience, not on personal aesthetic and/or artistic preference as there are

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no universally agreed-upon principles of aesthetics. Besides two dimensional images, there are
other ways to express information visually - gestures and body language, animation (digital or
analogue), and film. Visual communication by e-mail, a textual medium, is commonly expressed
with ASCII art, emoticons, and embedded digital images. Visual communication has become one
of the most important approaches using which people communicate and share information. The
term 'visual presentation is used to refer to the actual presentation of information through a
visible medium such as text or images. Recent research in the field has focused on web design
and graphically-oriented usability.

Web Design and Visual Communication

Visual communication on the World Wide Web is perhaps the most important form of
communication that takes place while users are surfing the Internet. When experiencing the web,
one uses the eyes as the primary sense, and therefore the visual presentation of a website is very
important for users to understand the message or of the communication taking place.

Symbolism in Visual Communication

The Eye of Horus is often referred to as the symbol of visual communication. It is said to be a
representation of an eclipse, to symbolize Horus' right eye which was torn out and that the myth
refers to a solar eclipse in which the sun is momentarily blotted from the sky.

Important figures

Aldous Huxley is regarded as one of the most prominent explorers of visual communication and
sight-related theories. Becoming near-blind in his teen years as the result of an illness set the
stage for what would make him one of the most intellectual people to have ever explored visual
communication. His work includes important novels on the dehumanizing aspects of scientific
progress, most famously Brave New World and The Art of Seeing. He described "seeing" as
being the sum of sensing, selecting, and perceiving. One of his most famous quotes is "The more
you see, the more you know."

Max Wertheimer is said to be the father of Gestalt psychology. Gestalt means form or shape in
German, and the study of Gestalt psychology show emphasis in simplicity, as its properties
group visuals by similarity in shape or colour, continuity and proximity. Additional laws include
closure and figure-ground principles in studied images is also intensively taught.

Visual aids
Visual aids are often used to help audiences of informative and persuasive speeches understand
the topic being presented. Visual aids can play a large role in how the audience understands and
takes in information that is presented. There are many different types of visual aids that range
from handouts to slide shows. The type of visual aid a speaker uses depends on their preference
and the information they are trying to present.

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Visual communication plays an important role in our daily life. Advertisements, teaching and
learning, speeches and presentations, and so on all involve visual communication to some extent.

Each type of visual aid has pros and cons that must be evaluated to ensure it will be beneficial to
the overall presentation. Before incorporating visual aids into speeches, the speaker should
understand that if used incorrectly, the visual will not be an aid, but a distraction. Planning ahead
is important when using visual aids. It is necessary to choose a visual aid that is appropriate for
the material and audience.

Visual aids can be a very powerful tool to enhance the impact of presentations. The purpose of
the visual aid is to enhance the presentation. Visual aids are not notes. Instead, they should add
impact and emphasis to messages, thus increasing what listeners remember and how long they
retain it.

Visual aids media: simple to advance

Chalkboard or whiteboard

Chalkboards and whiteboards are very useful visual aids, particularly when more advanced types
of media are unavailable. They are cheap and also allow for much flexibility. The use of
chalkboards or whiteboards is convenient, but they are not a perfect visual aid. Often, using this
medium as an aid can create confusion or boredom. Particularly if a student who is not familiar
with how to properly use visual aids attempts to draw on a board while they are speaking, they
detract time and attention from their actual speech.

Poster board

A poster is a very simple and easy visual aid. Posters can display charts, graphs, pictures, or
illustrations. The biggest drawback of using a poster as a visual aid is that often a poster can
appear unprofessional. Since a poster board paper is relatively flimsy, often the paper will bend
or fall over. The best way to present a poster is to hang it up or tape it to a wall.


Handouts can also display charts, graphs, pictures, or illustrations. An important aspect of the use
of a handout is that a person can keep a handout with them long after the presentation is over.
This can help the person better remember what was discussed. Passing out handouts, however,
can be extremely distracting. Once a handout is given out, it might potentially be difficult to
bring back your audience’s attention. The person who receives the handout might be tempted to
read what is on the paper, which will keep them from listening to what the speaker is saying. If
using a handout, the speaker distributes the hand out right before you reference it. Distributing
handouts is acceptable in a lecture that is an hour or two, but in a short lecture of five to ten
minutes, a handout should not be used.

Video excerpts

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A video can be a great visual aid and attention grabber, however, a video is not a replacement for
an actual speech. There are several potential drawbacks to playing a video during a speech or
lecture. First, if a video is playing that includes audio, the speaker will not be able to talk. Also,
if the video is very exciting and interesting, it can make what the speaker is saying appear boring
and uninteresting. The key to showing a video during a presentation is to make sure to transition
smoothly into the video and to only show very short clips.

Projection equipment

There are several types of projectors. These include slide projectors, PowerPoint presentations,
overhead projectors, and computer projectors. Slide projectors are the oldest form of projector,
and are no longer used. PowerPoint presentations are very popular and are used often. Overhead
projectors are still used but are somewhat inconvenient to use. In order to use an overhead
projector, a transparency must be made of whatever is being projected onto the screen. This takes
time and costs money. Computer projectors are the most technologically advanced projectors.
When using a computer projector, pictures and slides are easily taken right from a computer
either online or from a saved file and are blown up and shown on a large screen. Though
computer projectors are technologically advanced, they are not always completely reliable
because technological breakdowns are not uncommon of the computers of today.

Computer-assisted presentations

PowerPoint presentations can be an extremely useful visual aid, especially for longer
presentations. For five- to ten-minute presentations, it is probably not worth the time or effort to
put together a PowerPoint. For longer presentations, however, PowerPoints can be a great way to
keep the audience engaged and keep the speaker on track. A potential drawback of using a
PowerPoint is that it usually takes a lot of time and energy to put together. There is also the
possibility of a computer malfunction, which can mess up the flow of a presentation.

Social media

Social media is one of the most effective ways to communicate. The incorporation of text and
images deliver messages quicker and more simplistic through social media platforms. A potential
drawback can be there is limited access due to the internet access requirement and certain
limitations to the number of characters and image size.

Visual elements

The use of objects as visual aids involves bringing the actual object to demonstrate on during the
speech. For example, a speech about tying knots would be more effective by bringing in a rope.

 Pro: the use of the actual object is often necessary when demonstrating how to do
something so that the audience can fully understand procedure.
 Con: some objects are too large or unavailable for a speaker to bring with them.

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Models are representations of another object that serve to demonstrate that object when use of
the real object is ineffective for some reason. Examples include human skeletal systems, the solar
system, or architecture.

 Pros: models can serve as substitutes that provide a better example of the real thing to the
audience when the object being spoken about is of an awkward size or composure for use
in the demonstration.
 Cons: sometimes a model may take away from the reality of what is being spoken about.
For example, the vast size of the solar system cannot be seen from a model, and the
actual composure of a human body cannot be seen from a dummy.


Graphs are used to visualize relationships between different quantities. Various types are used as
visual aids, including bar graphs, line graphs, pie graphs, and scatter plots.

 Pros: graphs help the audience to visualize statistics so that they make a greater impact
than just listing them verbally would.
 Cons: graphs can easily become cluttered during use in a speech by including too much
detail, overwhelming the audience and making the graph ineffective.


Maps show geographic areas that are of interest to the speech. They often are used as aids when
speaking of differences between geographical areas or showing the location of something.

 Pros: when maps are simple and clear, they can be used to effectively make points about
certain areas. For example, a map showing the building site for a new hospital could
show its close location to key neighbourhoods, or a map could show the differences in
distribution of AIDS victims in North American and African countries.
 Cons: inclusion of too much detail on a map can cause the audience to lose focus on the
key point being made. Also, if the map is disproportional or unrealistic, it may prove
ineffective for the point being made.


Tables are columns and rows that organize words, symbols, and/or data.

 Pros: Good tables are easy to understand. They are a good way to compare facts and to
gain a better overall understanding of the topic being discussed. For example, a table is a
good choice to use when comparing the amount of rainfall in 3 counties each month.
 Cons: Tables are not very interesting or pleasing to the eye. They can be overwhelming if
too much information is in a small space or the information is not organized in a
convenient way. A table is not a good choice to use if the person viewing it has to take a

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lot of time to be able to understand it. Tables can be visual distractions if it is hard to read
because the font is too small or the writing is too close together. It can also be a visual
distraction if the table is not drawn evenly.


 Pros: Photographs are good tools to make or emphasize a point or to explain a topic. For
example, when explaining the shanty-towns in a Third World country it would be
beneficial to show a picture of one so the reader can have a better understanding of how
those people live. A photograph is also good to use when the actual object cannot be
viewed. For example, in a health class learning about cocaine, the teacher cannot bring in
cocaine to show the class because that would be illegal, but the teacher could show a
picture of cocaine to the class. Using local photos can also help emphasize how your
topic is important in the audience's area.
 Cons: If the photograph is too small it just becomes a distraction. Enlarging photographs
can be expensive if not using a power point or other viewing device.

Drawings or diagrams

 Pros: Drawings or diagrams can be used when photographs do not show exactly what the
speaker wants to show or explain. It could also be used when a photograph is too
detailed. For example, a drawing or diagram of the circulatory system throughout the
body is a lot more effective than a picture of a cadaver showing the circulatory system.
 Cons: If not drawn correctly a drawing can look sloppy and be ineffective. This type of
drawing will appear unprofessional.

Importance of Communications Process

Have you ever thought that what would happen if you see that there is no communication with
one another in this universe? It is high time we did our communication with one another every
single day. We know how important it is! No matter what we can’t deny the importance of
communication in our day to day life.

1. Importance of Communication in Life

In our daily interaction communication plays an important role in making interaction faster. For making
life easier we need to communicate in the fastest way. As a social being our one and only way to solve out
any problem. As the world has developed we also need to develop our skills in every sector. Without
communication, you cannot even think about a part of development.

2. Importance of Communication in an Organization

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For motivating and inspiring an organization communication plays an effective role. For distributing
every single effective skill in a foundation, communication plays brave support. It is called effective
communication in an organization. The employer has to know how the job is being executed by the
employee. For that, the employer must have to communicate every sector in the foundation. If the job not
being performed perfectly, an organization will be harmed. As a result, the organization may face
difficulties in the long run. If an employer keep communicates regularly with every sector in the
organization, he/she can find the problem for which job not being performed regularly. This
communication will also assist the organization to find out the proper solution for the problem.

3. Importance of Communication in Business

What are communications skills in business? Business is all about negotiation to acquire your goals.
Owners often need to develop their selling for earning more revenue. Communication will show the
owner how he/she can improve selling in other countries. If the company keeps communicating properly
with the culture of a foreign country, it will be benefited from some skills that surely will help in every
facet of their business performance. The functions that will help to develop a great business market has
given below. Importance of communication in business that you need to know if you want to improve in
the business sector.

Importance of Communication in business

 Successful Brand messaging

 Great team relationships
 Preventing confrontment

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 The inspiration for an innovative promotion

4. Importance of Communication in Society

The importance of communication in society can be described by the aspect that we humans are a social
being. To live in society we have to do regular communication every day. You can’t discuss anything to
anyone. What would it feel then? As human beings, we have to discuss and keep communication with
others. It’s like a relationship that we can’t oppose.

5. Importance of Communication in Management

There is some communications procedure for management. We follow these procedures without any

 To manage different kinds of works.

 We have to manage others for a desired opts.
 We manage our home task by ourselves

Managerial works lie in every sector of life. You should keep in mind that communication plays a vital
role in managerial works.

6. Importance of Communication in Education

Education means to learn. In our education system teachers and students need to communicate with one
another for proper learning but for developing the speaking & listening skill of the students,
communication is a must. We all know that today’s student will be a leader or public speaker of the
future. So, if they learn to communicate with the teacher in a proper way there will be no hesitation,
discomfort and low confidence. Communication also helps to become a friendly person, which is a really
important act. By learning proper communication students can earn skill for developing their career and
professionalism in their attitude.

7. In Transportation
Communication & transportation are the main issues for developing of any region. In
developed countries, we can see that facilities off road are far more developed than undeveloped
countries. Not only roads, if we look at the transportation system of their train, plane, the boat we
will see that they are using the maximum advantage of their communication system.

Most of the developed countries have sent satellites for developing their transportation. They are
communicating with satellites to keep safe their plane root, sea root safely. So, their transport
infrastructure is far safer than developing and undeveloped countries.

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8. In leadership skill
Do you want to be a great leader someday? Then try to communicate with the public as more as
you can. Communication is the best way to achieve the leadership skill.

If you communicate with others then you will able to understand the demand of people. You will
also get an idea that in what situation you have to talk about what topic and that is the best thing
to achieve advanced leadership skills.

9. Importance of communication in Social

At present social media is a platform where you can express your opinion. Like, right now you
can comment on anything, related to this article below. Think about a problem that you are
facing and you asked for help online and there you will find a solution. We all are
interconnected. Social Media is already an effective thing about the importance of ICT and the
IT world.

There are a lot of social media available at present. In those social media, communication is the
primary condition to get connected to others.

10. Importance of Communication in

As many countries are sending spacecraft in space for discovering the cosmos, they need to keep
a connection with a cosmonaut on a regular basis. Modern communication system plays a vital
role in this sector also.

Like space science for the existing technologies, we have to get connected. Communication is a
better way to spread away new technology among all of us.

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