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Name of School : SMA Regina Pacis

Name of Subject : English Conversation

Grade Level : XI

Semester /Week : 1 / 1-2

Time Allocation : 4 x 45’

Teacher : Jack Winter




A. Learning Targets
1. To be able to use and understand about question forms, subject and object.
2. To be able to discuss and talk about new year and new goals and objectives.
3. To be able to read and understand the reading about “sixth form stories” and
answer the relevant questions.
4. To be able to listen and answer the questions correctly related to “quiz”
using the listening the exercise.
5. To learn phrasal verbs related to education.
6. To be able to think and write about profile of a person.

B. Learning Skills
• Reading
• Listening
• Speaking
• Writing
• Pronunciation

C. Materials/Resources
• Cambridge English Prepare (Student’s book and Workbook)
• PowerPoint Presentation
• Speaker
• Video

D. Instructional Strategies
Lesson SESSION 1
1. Start the class by warming-up the students and brainstorm them
about the topic. (5 minutes)
2. The students will be asked to talk about new year with new goals and
objectives. (15 minutes)
3. Students will be asked to pay attention to the listening
exercise and answer the questions properly. (5 minutes)
4. Introduce the lesson using the article “sixth form stories” (15 minutes)
5. Answer the questions related to the article. (10 minutes)
6. Explain and give examples about question forms with subject
and object. (20 minutes)
7. Ask the students to practice and make examples. (10 minutes)

Source of ❖ Cambridge English Prepare (Student’s book and Workbook) Level

the Task 6
Cambridge English Language Assessment B2
- Joanna Kosta
- Melanie Williams
- Annette Capel (Series Editor)

E. Evaluation:
• Fill and answer the pages on their workbook related to Unit 1.
• Talking about new year
• Writing a short text about profile of a person

F. Homework:
• Fill and answer the questions related to Unit 1 on their workbook.

Approved by, Jakarta, July 2020

_________________ _________________
Principal English Teacher

Name of School : SMA Regina Pacis

Name of Subject : English Conversation

Grade Level : XI

Semester /Week : 1 / 3-4

Time Allocation : 4 x 45’

Teacher : Jack Winter


Name of Unit : UNIT 2: LIVE MUSIC


A. Learning Targets
1. To be able to understand about present tense review.
2. To be able to discuss and describe their favorite song.
3. To be able to read and understand the article about “music requests: riders”
and answer the required questions.
4. To be able to listen and answer correctly about the topic “favorite music”
using the listening exercise.
5. To be able to learn about music, charts and performance
6. To be able to think and write about their favorite singer.

B. Learning Skills
• Reading
• Listening
• Speaking
• Writing
• Pronunciation

C. Materials/Resources
• Cambridge English Prepare (Student’s book and Workbook)
• PowerPoint Presentation
• Speaker
• Video

D. Instructional Strategies
Lesson SESSION 2
1. Start the class by warming-up the students and brainstorm them
about the topic. (5 minutes)
2. The students will be asked to describe their favorite song. (15 minutes)
3. Students will be asked to pay attention to the listening
exercise and answer the questions properly. (5 minutes)
4. Introduce the lesson using the article “music requests: riders” (15
5. Answer the questions related to the article. (10 minutes)
6. Explain and give examples about present tense review. (20
7. Ask the students to practice and make examples. (10 minutes)

Source of ❖ Cambridge English Prepare (Student’s book and Workbook) Level

the Task 6
Cambridge English Language Assessment B2
- Joanna Kosta
- Melanie Williams
- Annette Capel (Series Editor)

E. Evaluation:
• Fill and answer the pages on their workbook related to Unit 2
• Talking about favorite song
• Writing a text about favorite singer

F. Homework:
• Fill and answer the questions related to Unit 2 on their workbook.

Approved by, Jakarta, July 2020

_________________ _________________
Principal English Teacher

Name of School : SMA Regina Pacis

Name of Subject : English Conversation

Grade Level : XI

Semester /Week : 1 / 5-6

Time Allocation : 4 x 45’

Teacher : Jack Winter




A. Learning Targets
1. To be able to learn about past tense review.
2. To be able to discuss and talk about family matters.
3. To be able to read and understand the article about “brothers and sisters” and
answer the required questions.
4. To be able to listen and answer the questions correctly about the topic
“matching pictures to the conversation” using the listening exercise.
5. To learn about the verbs of communication.
6. To be able to think and write an apology email.

B. Learning Skills
• Reading
• Listening
• Speaking
• Writing
• Pronunciation

C. Materials/Resources
• Cambridge English Prepare (Student’s book and Workbook)
• PowerPoint Presentation
• Speaker
• Video

D. Instructional Strategies
Lesson SESSION 3
1. Start the class by warming-up the students and brainstorm them
about the topic. (5 minutes)
2. The students will be asked to talk about family matters and
relationships. (15 minutes)
3. Students will be asked to pay attention to the listening
exercise and answer the questions properly. (5 minutes)
4. Introduce the lesson using the article “brothers and sisters” (15
5. Answer the questions related to the article. (10 minutes)
6. Explain and give examples about past tense review. (20 minutes)
7. Ask the students to practice and make examples. (10 minutes)

Source of ❖ Cambridge English Prepare (Student’s book and Workbook) Level

the Task 6
Cambridge English Language Assessment B2
- Joanna Kosta
- Melanie Williams
- Annette Capel (Series Editor)

E. Evaluation:
• Fill in and answer the pages on their workbook related to Unit 3
• Talk about family matters/relationships
• Write an apology email

F. Homework:
• Fill and answer the questions related to Unit 3 on their workbook.

Approved by, Jakarta, July 2020

_________________ _________________
Principal English Teacher

Name of School : SMA Regina Pacis

Name of Subject : English Conversation

Grade Level : XI

Semester /Week : 1 / 7-8

Time Allocation : 4 x 45’

Teacher : Jack Winter




A. Learning Targets
1. To be able to learn about making comparisons with adjectives.
2. To be able to discuss and talk about the given options.
3. To be able to read and understand the article about “asteroid attack” and
answer the required questions.
4. To be able to listen and answer the questions correctly about the topic
“sinkholes” using the listening exercise.
5. To learn and memorize the words related to natural disasters.
6. To be able to think and write a comparative note about two products.

B. Learning Skills
a. Reading
b. Listening
c. Speaking
d. Writing
e. Pronunciation

C. Materials/Resources
• Cambridge English Prepare (Student’s book and Workbook)
• PowerPoint Presentation
• Speaker
• Video

D. Instructional Strategies
Lesson SESSION 4
1. Start the class by warming-up the students and brainstorm them
about the topic. (5 minutes)
2. The students will be asked to discuss and talk about the given options.
(15 minutes)
3. Students will be asked to pay attention to the listening
exercise and answer the questions properly. (5 minutes)
4. Introduce the lesson using the article “asteroid attack” (15 minutes)
5. Answer the questions related to the article. (10 minutes)
6. Explain and gives examples about making comparisons.(20
7. Ask the students to practice and make examples. (10 minutes)

Source of ❖ Cambridge English Prepare (Student’s book and Workbook) Level

the Task 6
Cambridge English Language Assessment B2
- Joanna Kosta
- Melanie Williams
- Annette Capel (Series Editor)

E. Evaluation:
• Fill in and answer the pages on their workbook related to Unit 4
• Talk about given options
• Write a comparative note about two products

F. Homework:
• Fill and answer the questions related to Unit 4 on their workbook.

Approved by, Jakarta, July 2020

_________________ _________________
Principal English Teacher

Name of School : SMA Regina Pacis

Name of Subject : English Conversation

Grade Level : XI

Semester /Week : 1 /9-10

Time Allocation : 4 X 45’

Teacher : Jack Winter




A. Learning Targets
7. To be able to use and understand about relative clauses.
8. To be able to discuss and talk about video games.
9. To be able to read and understand the reading about “video games” and
answer the relevant questions.
10. To be able to listen and answer the questions correctly related to “games”
using the listening the exercise.
11. To learn about the verbs related to video games.
12. To be able to think and write a review about a video game.

C. Learning Skills
• Reading
• Listening
• Speaking
• Writing
• Pronunciation

C. Materials/Resources
• Cambridge English Prepare (Student’s book and Workbook)
• PowerPoint Presentation
• Speaker
• Video

D. Instructional Strategies
Lesson SESSION 1
1. Start the class by warming-up the students and brainstorm them
about the topic. (5 minutes)
2. The students will be asked to talk about their favorite video games. (15
3. Students will be asked to pay attention to the listening
exercise and answer the questions properly. (5 minutes)
4. Introduce the lesson using the article “video games” (15 minutes)
5. Answer the questions related to the article. (10 minutes)
6. Explain and give examples about relative clauses. (20 minutes)
7. Ask the students to practice and make examples. (10 minutes)

Source of ❖ Cambridge English Prepare (Student’s book and Workbook) Level

the Task 6
Cambridge English Language Assessment B2
- Joanna Kosta
- Melanie Williams
- Annette Capel (Series Editor)

E. Evaluation:
• Fill and answer the pages on their workbook related to Unit 5.
• Talking about video games
• Writing about favorite video game

F. Homework:
• Fill and answer the questions related to Unit 5 on their workbook.

Approved by, Jakarta, July 2020

_________________ _________________
Principal English Teacher

Name of School : SMA Regina Pacis

Name of Subject : English Conversation

Grade Level : XI

Semester /Week : 1 / 11-12

Time Allocation : 4 X 45’

Teacher : Jack Winter




A. Learning Targets
7. To be able to understand about present perfect and past perfect tenses.
8. To be able to discuss and ask for and giving advice/recommendations.
9. To be able to read and understand the article about “Stefan Gates” and
answer the required questions.
10. To be able to listen and answer correctly about the topic “Teenage top
chef” using the listening exercise.
11. To be able to learn about phrasal verbs related to food and drink
12. To be able to think and write about a weird food.

B. Learning Skills
• Reading
• Listening
• Speaking
• Writing
• Pronunciation

C. Materials/Resources
• Cambridge English Prepare (Student’s book and Workbook)
• PowerPoint Presentation
• Speaker
• Video

D. Instructional Strategies
Lesson SESSION 2
1. Start the class by warming-up the students and brainstorm them
about the topic. (5 minutes)
2. The students will be asked to ask for and giving advice or
recommendations about various situations. (15 minutes)
3. Students will be asked to pay attention to the listening
exercise and answer the questions properly. (5 minutes)
4. Introduce the lesson using the article “Stefan Gates” (15 minutes)
5. Answer the questions related to the article. (10 minutes)
6. Explain and give examples about present and past perfect
tenses. (20 minutes)
7. Ask the students to practice and make examples. (10 minutes)

Source of ❖ Cambridge English Prepare (Student’s book and Workbook) Level

the Task 6
Cambridge English Language Assessment B2
- Joanna Kosta
- Melanie Williams
- Annette Capel (Series Editor)

E. Evaluation:
• Fill and answer the pages on their workbook related to Unit 6
• Asking for and giving advice/recommendations
• Writing about a weird food

F. Homework:
• Fill and answer the questions related to Unit 6 on their workbook.

Approved by, Jakarta, July 2020

_________________ _________________
Principal English Teacher

Name of School : SMA Regina Pacis

Name of Subject : English Conversation

Grade Level : XI

Semester /Week : 1 / 13-14

Time Allocation : 4 X 45’

Teacher : Jack Winter


Name of Unit : UNIT 7: TEEN FICTION


A. Learning Targets
1. To be able to learn about modals related to ability, possibility and managed to.
2. To be able to discuss and talk about fictions stories and novels.
3. To be able to read and understand the article about “Malorie Blackman” and
answer the required questions.
4. To be able to listen and answer the questions correctly about the topic
“matching novels” using the listening exercise.
5. To learn about the fiction adjectives.
6. To be able to think and write a fiction story.

B. Learning Skills
• Reading
• Listening
• Speaking
• Writing
• Pronunciation

C. Materials/Resources
• Cambridge English Prepare (Student’s book and Workbook)
• PowerPoint Presentation
• Speaker
• Video

D. Instructional Strategies
Lesson SESSION 3
1. Start the class by warming-up the students and brainstorm them
about the topic. (5 minutes)
2. The students will be asked to talk about fiction stories and novels. (15
3. Students will be asked to pay attention to the listening
exercise and answer the questions properly. (5 minutes)
4. Introduce the lesson using the article “Malorie Blackman” (15 minutes)
5. Answer the questions related to the article. (10 minutes)
6. Explain and give examples about modals of ability, possibility and
managed to. (20 minutes)
7. Ask the students to practice and make examples. (10 minutes)

Source of ❖ Cambridge English Prepare (Student’s book and Workbook) Level

the Task 6
Cambridge English Language Assessment B2
- Joanna Kosta
- Melanie Williams
- Annette Capel (Series Editor)

E. Evaluation:
• Fill in and answer the pages on their workbook related to Unit 7
• Talk about fiction stories/novels
• Write a fiction story

F. Homework:
• Fill and answer the questions related to Unit 7 on their workbook.

Approved by, Jakarta, July 2020

_________________ _________________
Principal English Teacher

Name of School : SMA Regina Pacis

Name of Subject : English Conversation

Grade Level : XI

Semester /Week : 1 / 15-16

Time Allocation : 4 X 45’

Teacher : Jack Winter




A. Learning Targets
1. To be able to learn about future plans and intentions.
2. To be able to think and discuss a problem and make suggestions.
3. To be able to read and understand the article about “Pack and Go!” and
answer the required questions.
4. To be able to listen and answer the questions correctly about the topic
“working holidays” using the listening exercise.
5. To learn about the words used for holidays.
6. To be able to think and write about their future plans.

C. Learning Skills
a. Reading
b. Listening
c. Speaking
d. Writing
e. Pronunciation

C. Materials/Resources
• Cambridge English Prepare (Student’s book and Workbook)
• PowerPoint Presentation
• Speaker
• Video

D. Instructional Strategies
Lesson SESSION 4
1. Start the class by warming-up the students and brainstorm them
about the topic. (5 minutes)
2. The students will be asked to discuss a problem and suggest solutions.
(15 minutes)
3. Students will be asked to pay attention to the listening
exercise and answer the questions properly. (5 minutes)
4. Introduce the lesson using the article “Pack and Go!” (15 minutes)
5. Answer the questions related to the article. (10 minutes)
6. Explain and gives examples about future plans and intentions.(20
7. Ask the students to practice and make examples. (10 minutes)

Source of ❖ Cambridge English Prepare (Student’s book and Workbook) Level

the Task 6
Cambridge English Language Assessment B2
- Joanna Kosta
- Melanie Williams
- Annette Capel (Series Editor)

E. Evaluation:
• Fill in and answer the pages on their workbook related to Unit 8
• Discuss problems and give suggestions
• Write about future plans

F. Homework:
• Fill and answer the questions related to Unit 8 on their workbook.

Approved by, Jakarta, July 2020

_________________ _________________
Principal English Teacher

Name of School : SMA Regina Pacis

Name of Subject : English Conversation

Grade Level : XI

Semester /Week : 1 / 17-18

Time Allocation : 4 x 45’’

Teacher : Jack Winter


Name of Unit : UNIT 9: SPEND OR SAVE?


A. Learning Targets
13. To be able to use and understand about future predictions.
14. To be able to discuss and talk about expenditures and savings.
15. To be able to read and understand the reading about “money matters” and
answer the relevant questions.
16. To be able to listen and answer the questions correctly related to
“questions” using the listening the exercise.
17. To learn about the words related to budget, money.
18. To be able to think and write an article about money.

D. Learning Skills
• Reading
• Listening
• Speaking
• Writing
• Pronunciation

C. Materials/Resources
• Cambridge English Prepare (Student’s book and Workbook)
• PowerPoint Presentation
• Speaker
• Video

D. Instructional Strategies
Lesson SESSION 1
1. Start the class by warming-up the students and brainstorm them
about the topic. (5 minutes)
2. The students will be asked to talk about their daily expenditures and
savings. (15 minutes)
3. Students will be asked to pay attention to the listening
exercise and answer the questions properly. (5 minutes)
4. Introduce the lesson using the article “money matters” (15 minutes)
5. Answer the questions related to the article. (10 minutes)
6. Explain and give examples about future predictions. (20 minutes)
7. Ask the students to practice and make examples. (10 minutes)

Source of ❖ Cambridge English Prepare (Student’s book and Workbook) Level

the Task 6
Cambridge English Language Assessment B2
- Joanna Kosta
- Melanie Williams
- Annette Capel (Series Editor)

E. Evaluation:
• Fill and answer the pages on their workbook related to Unit 9.
• Talking about expenses and savings
• Writing an article about money

F. Homework:
• Fill and answer the questions related to Unit 9 on their workbook.

Approved by, Jakarta, July 2020

_________________ _________________
Principal English Teacher

Name of School : SMA Regina Pacis

Name of Subject : English Conversation

Grade Level : XI

Semester /Week : 1 / 19-20

Time Allocation : 4 x 45’’

Teacher : Jack Winter


Name of Unit : UNIT 10: GIVE ME A HAND


A. Learning Targets
13. To be able to understand about the passive voice.
14. To be able to discuss and asking for and giving permission.
15. To be able to read and understand the article about “Chores: it’s a family
affair” and answer the required questions.
16. To be able to listen and answer correctly about the topic “the internet of
things” using the listening exercise.
17. To be able to learn about household tasks.
18. To be able to think and write about their daily chores.

B. Learning Skills
• Reading
• Listening
• Speaking
• Writing
• Pronunciation

C. Materials/Resources
• Cambridge English Prepare (Student’s book and Workbook)
• PowerPoint Presentation
• Speaker
• Video

D. Instructional Strategies
Lesson SESSION 2
1. Start the class by warming-up the students and brainstorm them
about the topic. (5 minutes)
2. The students will be asked to ask for and give permission pertaining
different situations. (15 minutes)
3. Students will be asked to pay attention to the listening
exercise and answer the questions properly. (5 minutes)
4. Introduce the lesson using the article “Chores: it’s a family affair” (15
5. Answer the questions related to the article. (10 minutes)
6. Explain and give examples about passive voice. (20 minutes)
7. Ask the students to practice and make examples. (10 minutes)

Source of ❖ Cambridge English Prepare (Student’s book and Workbook) Level

the Task 6
Cambridge English Language Assessment B2
- Joanna Kosta
- Melanie Williams
- Annette Capel (Series Editor)

E. Evaluation:
• Fill and answer the pages on their workbook related to Unit 10
• Asking for and giving permission
• Writing about daily chores

F. Homework:
• Fill and answer the questions related to Unit 10 on their workbook.

Approved by, Jakarta, July 2020

_________________ _________________
Principal English Teacher

Name of School : SMA Regina Pacis

Name of Subject : English Conversation

Grade Level : XI

Semester /Week : 2 / 1-2

Time Allocation : 4 x 45’’

Teacher : Jack Winter


Name of Unit : UNIT 11: THE DIGITAL AGE


A. Learning Targets
1. To be able to learn about present perfect continuous tense.
2. To be able to discuss and talk about the digital and technology based era.
3. To be able to read and understand the article about “want it? Need it? Print it?”
and answer the required questions.
4. To be able to listen and answer the questions correctly about the topic
“conversation about technology” using the listening exercise.
5. To learn about the technological advances.
6. To be able to think and write a persuasive email.

B. Learning Skills
• Reading
• Listening
• Speaking
• Writing
• Pronunciation

C. Materials/Resources
• Cambridge English Prepare (Student’s book and Workbook)
• PowerPoint Presentation
• Speaker
• Video

D. Instructional Strategies
Lesson SESSION 3
1. Start the class by warming-up the students and brainstorm them
about the topic. (5 minutes)
2. The students will be asked to talk about how technology has changed
our lives. (15 minutes)
3. Students will be asked to pay attention to the listening
exercise and answer the questions properly. (5 minutes)
4. Introduce the lesson using the article “want it? Need it? Print it?” (15
5. Answer the questions related to the article. (10 minutes)
6. Explain and give examples about present perfect continuous. (20
7. Ask the students to practice and make examples. (10 minutes)

Source of ❖ Cambridge English Prepare (Student’s book and Workbook) Level

the Task 6
Cambridge English Language Assessment B2
- Joanna Kosta
- Melanie Williams
- Annette Capel (Series Editor)

E. Evaluation:
• Fill in and answer the pages on their workbook related to Unit 11
• Talk about technological advances
• Write a persuasive email

F. Homework:
• Fill and answer the questions related to Unit 11 on their workbook.

Approved by, Jakarta, July 2020

_________________ _________________
Principal English Teacher

Name of School : SMA Regina Pacis

Name of Subject : English Conversation

Grade Level : XI

Semester /Week : 2 / 3-4

Time Allocation : 4 x 45’’

Teacher : Jack Winter




A. Learning Targets
1. To be able to learn about zero and first conditionals.
2. To be able to think and make polite requests.
3. To be able to read and understand the article about “friends – how many is too
many?” and answer the required questions.
4. To be able to listen and answer the questions correctly about the topic “best
friends” using the listening exercise.
5. To learn about personality adjectives.
6. To be able to think and write about their best friend.

D. Learning Skills
a. Reading
b. Listening
c. Speaking
d. Writing
e. Pronunciation

C. Materials/Resources
• Cambridge English Prepare (Student’s book and Workbook)
• PowerPoint Presentation
• Speaker
• Video

D. Instructional Strategies
Lesson SESSION 4
1. Start the class by warming-up the students and brainstorm them
about the topic. (5 minutes)
2. The students will be asked to make polite requests and respond them
accordingly. (15 minutes)
3. Students will be asked to pay attention to the listening
exercise and answer the questions properly. (5 minutes)
4. Introduce the lesson using the article “friends – how many is too
many?” (15 minutes)
5. Answer the questions related to the article. (10 minutes)
6. Explain and gives examples about zero and first conditionals.(20
7. Ask the students to practice and make examples. (10 minutes)

Source of ❖ Cambridge English Prepare (Student’s book and Workbook) Level

the Task 6
Cambridge English Language Assessment B2
- Joanna Kosta
- Melanie Williams
- Annette Capel (Series Editor)

E. Evaluation:
• Fill in and answer the pages on their workbook related to Unit 12
• Making polite requests
• Write about a best friend

F. Homework:
• Fill and answer the questions related to Unit 12 on their workbook.

Approved by, Jakarta, July 2020

_________________ _________________
Principal English Teacher

Name of School :_________________

Name of Subject : English Conversation

Grade Level : XI

Semester /Week : 2 / 5-6

Time Allocation : 4 x 45’

Teacher : Jack Winter


Name of Unit : UNIT 13: SPORTS STARS


A. Learning Targets
19. To be able to use and understand about reported statements.
20. To be able to discuss and talk about sports and stars.
21. To be able to read and understand the reading about “making the transition
to professional sports person” and answer the relevant questions.
22. To be able to listen and answer the questions correctly related to “words”
using the listening the exercise.
23. To learn about the nouns in reporting.
24. To be able to think and write a sport report.

E. Learning Skills
• Reading
• Listening
• Speaking
• Writing
• Pronunciation

C. Materials/Resources
• Cambridge English Prepare (Student’s book and Workbook)
• PowerPoint Presentation
• Speaker
• Video

D. Instructional Strategies
Lesson SESSION 1
1. Start the class by warming-up the students and brainstorm them
about the topic. (5 minutes)
2. The students will be asked to talk about sports and stars. (15 minutes)
3. Students will be asked to pay attention to the listening
exercise and answer the questions properly. (5 minutes)
4. Introduce the lesson using the article “making the transition to
professional sports person” (15 minutes)
5. Answer the questions related to the article. (10 minutes)
6. Explain and give examples about reported statements. (20
7. Ask the students to practice and make examples. (10 minutes)

Source of ❖ Cambridge English Prepare (Student’s book and Workbook) Level

the Task 6
Cambridge English Language Assessment B2
- Joanna Kosta
- Melanie Williams
- Annette Capel (Series Editor)

E. Evaluation:
• Fill and answer the pages on their workbook related to Unit 13.
• Talking about sports and stars
• Writing a sports report

F. Homework:
• Fill and answer the questions related to Unit 13 on their workbook.

Approved by, Jakarta, July 2020

_________________ _________________
Principal English Teacher

Name of School :_________________

Name of Subject : English Conversation

Grade Level : XI

Semester /Week : 2 / 7-8

Time Allocation : 4 x 45’

Teacher : Jack





A. Learning Targets
19. To be able to understand about reported questions and requests.
20. To be able to discuss and describe the given pictures.
21. To be able to read and understand the article about “It’s an emergency! Or is
it?” and answer the required questions.
22. To be able to listen and answer correctly about the topic “emergencies”
using the listening exercise.
23. To be able to learn about the words related to accidents and emergencies.
24. To be able to think and write about an emergency situation.

B. Learning Skills
• Reading
• Listening
• Speaking
• Writing
• Pronunciation

C. Materials/Resources
• Cambridge English Prepare (Student’s book and Workbook)
• PowerPoint Presentation
• Speaker
• Video

D. Instructional Strategies
Lesson SESSION 2
1. Start the class by warming-up the students and brainstorm them
about the topic. (5 minutes)
2. The students will be asked to describe the given pictures. (15 minutes)
3. Students will be asked to pay attention to the listening
exercise and answer the questions properly. (5 minutes)
4. Introduce the lesson using the article “It’s an emergency! Or is it?” (15
5. Answer the questions related to the article. (10 minutes)
6. Explain and give examples about reported questions and
requests. (20 minutes)
7. Ask the students to practice and make examples. (10 minutes)

Source of ❖ Cambridge English Prepare (Student’s book and Workbook) Level

the Task 6
Cambridge English Language Assessment B2
- Joanna Kosta
- Melanie Williams
- Annette Capel (Series Editor)

E. Evaluation:
• Fill and answer the pages on their workbook related to Unit 14
• Describing pictures
• Writing about an emergency situation

F. Homework:
• Fill and answer the questions related to Unit 14 on their workbook.

Approved by, Jakarta, July 2020

_________________ _________________
Principal English Teacher

Name of School :_________________

Name of Subject : English Conversation

Grade Level : XI

Semester /Week : 2 / 9-10

Time Allocation : 4 x 45’

Teacher : Jack Winter




A. Learning Targets
1. To be able to learn about the correct use of have/get.
2. To be able to discuss and talk about the value of truth in our life.
3. To be able to read and understand the article about “the truth about lying” and
answer the required questions.
4. To be able to listen and answer the questions correctly about the topic
“phrases” using the listening exercise.
5. To learn about the facial expressions.
6. To be able to think and write a story about truth.

B. Learning Skills
• Reading
• Listening
• Speaking
• Writing
• Pronunciation

C. Materials/Resources
• Cambridge English Prepare (Student’s book and Workbook)
• PowerPoint Presentation
• Speaker
• Video

D. Instructional Strategies
Lesson SESSION 3
1. Start the class by warming-up the students and brainstorm them
about the topic. (5 minutes)
2. The students will be asked to talk about the value of truth in our lives.
(15 minutes)
3. Students will be asked to pay attention to the listening
exercise and answer the questions properly. (5 minutes)
4. Introduce the lesson using the article “the truth about lying” (15
5. Answer the questions related to the article. (10 minutes)
6. Explain and give examples about the use of have/get. (20
7. Ask the students to practice and make examples. (10 minutes)

Source of ❖ Cambridge English Prepare (Student’s book and Workbook) Level

the Task 6
Cambridge English Language Assessment B2
- Joanna Kosta
- Melanie Williams
- Annette Capel (Series Editor)

E. Evaluation:
• Fill in and answer the pages on their workbook related to Unit 15
• Talk about value of truth
• Write a story about truth

F. Homework:
• Fill and answer the questions related to Unit 15 on their workbook.

Approved by, Jakarta, July 2020

_________________ _________________
Principal English Teacher

Name of School :_________________

Name of Subject : English Conversation

Grade Level : XI

Semester /Week : 2 / 11-12

Time Allocation : 4 x 45’

Teacher : Jack Winter


Name of Unit : UNIT 16: WHO CARES?


A. Learning Targets
1. To be able to learn about second conditional clauses.
2. To be able to argue for and go against something.
3. To be able to read and understand the article about “fact or fiction” and answer
the required questions.
4. To be able to listen and answer the questions correctly about the topic “an
eco-house” using the listening exercise.
5. To learn about words related to climate change.
6. To be able to think and write about their favorite weather.

E. Learning Skills
a. Reading
b. Listening
c. Speaking
d. Writing
e. Pronunciation

C. Materials/Resources
• Cambridge English Prepare (Student’s book and Workbook)
• PowerPoint Presentation
• Speaker
• Video

D. Instructional Strategies
Lesson SESSION 4
1. Start the class by warming-up the students and brainstorm them
about the topic. (5 minutes)
2. The students will be asked to argue and go against the given topics.
(15 minutes)
3. Students will be asked to pay attention to the listening
exercise and answer the questions properly. (5 minutes)
4. Introduce the lesson using the article “fact or fiction” (15 minutes)
5. Answer the questions related to the article. (10 minutes)
6. Explain and gives examples about second conditionals.(20
7. Ask the students to practice and make examples. (10 minutes)

Source of ❖ Cambridge English Prepare (Student’s book and Workbook) Level

the Task 6
Cambridge English Language Assessment B2
- Joanna Kosta
- Melanie Williams
- Annette Capel (Series Editor)

E. Evaluation:
• Fill in and answer the pages on their workbook related to Unit 16
• Argue and show disagreement
• Write about favorite weather

F. Homework:
• Fill and answer the questions related to Unit 16 on their workbook.

Approved by, Jakarta, July 2020

_________________ _________________
Principal English Teacher

Name of School : SMA Regina Pacis

Name of Subject : English Conversation

Grade Level : XI

Semester /Week : 2 / 13-14

Time Allocation : 4 x 45’

Teacher : Jack Winter


Name of Unit : UNIT 17: ART IS FUN!


A. Learning Targets
25. To be able to use and understand about modals of deduction: present.
26. To be able to discuss and talk about the world of arts.
27. To be able to read and understand the reading about “art installation” and
answer the relevant questions.
28. To be able to listen and answer the questions correctly related to “works of
arts” using the listening the exercise.
29. To learn about adjectives describing arts.
30. To be able to think and write an essay.

F. Learning Skills
• Reading
• Listening
• Speaking
• Writing
• Pronunciation

C. Materials/Resources
• Cambridge English Prepare (Student’s book and Workbook)
• PowerPoint Presentation
• Speaker
• Video

D. Instructional Strategies
Lesson SESSION 1
1. Start the class by warming-up the students and brainstorm them
about the topic. (5 minutes)
2. The students will be asked to talk about arts. (15 minutes)
3. Students will be asked to pay attention to the listening
exercise and answer the questions properly. (5 minutes)
4. Introduce the lesson using the article “art installations” (15 minutes)
5. Answer the questions related to the article. (10 minutes)
6. Explain and give examples about modals of deduction in present
time. (20 minutes)
7. Ask the students to practice and make examples. (10 minutes)

Source of ❖ Cambridge English Prepare (Student’s book and Workbook) Level

the Task 6
Cambridge English Language Assessment B2
- Joanna Kosta
- Melanie Williams
- Annette Capel (Series Editor)

E. Evaluation:
• Fill and answer the pages on their workbook related to Unit 17.
• Talking about arts
• Writing an essay

F. Homework:
• Fill and answer the questions related to Unit 17 on their workbook.

Approved by, Jakarta, July 2020

_________________ _________________
Principal English Teacher

Name of School : SMA Regina Pacis

Name of Subject : English Conversation

Grade Level : XI

Semester /Week : 2 / 15-16

Time Allocation : 4 x 45’

Teacher : Jack





A. Learning Targets
25. To be able to understand about third conditional clauses.
26. To be able to think and discuss the given ideas.
27. To be able to read and understand the article about “Tales of courage” and
answer the required questions.
28. To be able to listen and answer correctly about the topic “understanding
conversations” using the listening exercise.
29. To be able to learn about personal qualities.
30. To be able to think and write about a successful story.

B. Learning Skills
• Reading
• Listening
• Speaking
• Writing
• Pronunciation

C. Materials/Resources
• Cambridge English Prepare (Student’s book and Workbook)
• PowerPoint Presentation
• Speaker
• Video

D. Instructional Strategies
Lesson SESSION 2
1. Start the class by warming-up the students and brainstorm them
about the topic. (5 minutes)
2. The students will be asked to discuss the given ideas. (15 minutes)
3. Students will be asked to pay attention to the listening
exercise and answer the questions properly. (5 minutes)
4. Introduce the lesson using the article “tales of courage” (15 minutes)
5. Answer the questions related to the article. (10 minutes)
6. Explain and give examples about third conditional clauses. (20
7. Ask the students to practice and make examples. (10 minutes)

Source of ❖ Cambridge English Prepare (Student’s book and Workbook) Level

the Task 6
Cambridge English Language Assessment B2
- Joanna Kosta
- Melanie Williams
- Annette Capel (Series Editor)

E. Evaluation:
• Fill and answer the pages on their workbook related to Unit 18
• Discussing the ideas
• Writing about a successful story

F. Homework:
• Fill and answer the questions related to Unit 18 on their workbook.

Approved by, Jakarta, July 2020

_________________ _________________
Principal English Teacher

Name of School : SMA Regina Pacis

Name of Subject : English Conversation

Grade Level : XI

Semester /Week : 2 / 17-18

Time Allocation : 4 x 45’

Teacher : Jack



Name of Unit : UNIT 19: AGAINST THE LAW


A. Learning Targets
1. To be able to learn about the modals of deduction: past.
2. To be able to discuss and talk about rules and regulations.
3. To be able to read and understand the article about “we asked the police to
arrest our son” and answer the required questions.
4. To be able to listen and answer the questions correctly about the topic “the
story” using the listening exercise.
5. To learn about the words describing crimes and criminals.
6. To be able to think and write a news article.

B. Learning Skills
• Reading
• Listening
• Speaking
• Writing
• Pronunciation

C. Materials/Resources
• Cambridge English Prepare (Student’s book and Workbook)
• PowerPoint Presentation
• Speaker
• Video

D. Instructional Strategies
Lesson SESSION 3
1. Start the class by warming-up the students and brainstorm them
about the topic. (5 minutes)
2. The students will be asked to talk about the rules and regulations. (15
3. Students will be asked to pay attention to the listening
exercise and answer the questions properly. (5 minutes)
4. Introduce the lesson using the article “we asked the police to arrest
our son” (15 minutes)
5. Answer the questions related to the article. (10 minutes)
6. Explain and give examples about the use of modals of deduction
in past time. (20 minutes)
7. Ask the students to practice and make examples. (10 minutes)

Source of ❖ Cambridge English Prepare (Student’s book and Workbook) Level

the Task 6
Cambridge English Language Assessment B2
- Joanna Kosta
- Melanie Williams
- Annette Capel (Series Editor)

E. Evaluation:
• Fill in and answer the pages on their workbook related to Unit 19
• Talk about rules and regulations
• Write a news article

F. Homework:
• Fill and answer the questions related to Unit 19 on their workbook.

Approved by, Jakarta, July 2020

_________________ _________________
Principal English Teacher

Name of School : SMA Regina Pacis

Name of Subject : English Conversation

Grade Level : XI

Semester /Week : 2 / 19-20

Time Allocation : 4 x 45’

Teacher : Jack



Name of Unit : UNIT 20: PLACES TO HANG OUT


A. Learning Targets
1. To be able to learn about ing forms.
2. To be able to think and talk about themselves.
3. To be able to read and understand the article about “a place of your own” and
answer the required questions.
4. To be able to listen and answer the questions correctly about the topic
“favorite places” using the listening exercise.
5. To learn about words related to places and feelings.
6. To be able to think and write about their favorite hangouts.

F. Learning Skills
a. Reading
b. Listening
c. Speaking
d. Writing
e. Pronunciation

C. Materials/Resources
• Cambridge English Prepare (Student’s book and Workbook)
• PowerPoint Presentation
• Speaker
• Video

D. Instructional Strategies
Lesson SESSION 4
1. Start the class by warming-up the students and brainstorm them
about the topic. (5 minutes)
2. The students will be asked to think and talk about their favorite
hangouts. (15 minutes)
3. Students will be asked to pay attention to the listening
exercise and answer the questions properly. (5 minutes)
4. Introduce the lesson using the article “a place of your own” (15
5. Answer the questions related to the article. (10 minutes)
6. Explain and gives examples about ing forms. (20 minutes)
7. Ask the students to practice and make examples. (10 minutes)

Source of ❖ Cambridge English Prepare (Student’s book and Workbook) Level

the Task 6
Cambridge English Language Assessment B2
- Joanna Kosta
- Melanie Williams
- Annette Capel (Series Editor)

E. Evaluation:
• Fill in and answer the pages on their workbook related to Unit 20
• Talking about favorite hangouts
• Writing about holidays.

F. Homework:
• Fill and answer the questions related to Unit 20 on their workbook.

Approved by, Jakarta, July 2020

_________________ _________________
Principal English Teacher

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