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‘T.B.C. RL OPEN THIS TEST BOOKLET UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD TO DO SO ON ULOS-XARCH Test Booklet Series NOT Serial TEST BOOKLET ARCHITECTURE Time Allowed : Two Hours ‘Maximum Marks : 300 : INSTRUCTIONS IMMEDIATELY AFTER THE COMMENCEMENT OF THE EXAMINATION, YOU SHOULD CHECK THAT ‘THIS TEST BOOKLET DOES NOT HAVE ANY UNPRINTED OR TORN OR MISSING PAGES OR ITEMS, ETO. IF SO, GET IT REPLACED BY A COMPLETE TEST BOOKLET. Please note that it is the candidate's responsibility to encode and fill in the Roll Number and Test Booklet Series Code A, B, C or D carefully and without any omission or discrepancy at the appropriate places in the OMR Answer Sheet. Any omission/diserepancy will render the Answer Sheet liable for rejection. 3. You have to enter your Roll Number on the 694 Test Booklet inthe Dox provided alongside eee DO NOT weit anything else onthe Test Books, 4. This Test Booklet contains 120 items (question: will select the response more than one correct re: Each item comprises four responses (answers). You ‘ich you want to mark on the Answer Sheet. In case you feel that there is, . mark the response which you consider the best. In any case, choose ONLY ONE response for each item, ‘You have to mark all your responses ONLY on the separate Answer Sheet provided. See directions in the Answer Sheet. 6. Allitems earry equal marks, 1. Before you proceed to mark in the Answer Sheet the response to various items in the Test Booklet, you have to fill in some particulars in the Answer Sheet as per instructions sent to you with your ‘Admission Cortifieate. After you have completed filling in all your responses on the Answer Sheet and the examination has coneluided, you should hand over to the Invigilator only the Answer Sheet. You are permitted to take away with you the Test Booklet. 9. Sheets for rough work are appended in the Test Booklet at the end. 10. Penalty for wrong answer: ‘THERE WILL BE PENALTY FOR WRONG ANSWERS MARKED BY A CANDIDATE. @ ‘There are four alternatives for the answer to every question. For each question for which a wrong answer hhas been given by the candidate, one-third (0-98) of the marks assigned to that question will be deducted as penalty Gi) Tha eandidate gives more than one answer, it will be treated as a wrong answer even if one of the given answers happens to be correct and there will be same penalty as above to that question. Gi) UF a question is left blank, question, ., no answer is given by the candidate, there will be no penalty for that DO NOT OPEN THIS TEST BOOKLET UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD TO DO SO KLOS-X-ARCH (1-8) © scanned with OKEN Scanner Ag Which one of the following statements is Match the following : correct regarding the types of mortar used for : orp mo) various purposes ? (Historic Cities) (Short eae a ar is used associated with the (a) Type M: A high-strength mortar is use: ity layouts) in exposed masonry applications. = P. Venice in 1575, 1,/The megalopolis of (b) Type S: Medivmestrength mortar is Y sentinental Asia, ee Q. London in 1682/2, The streets of the (o) Type O; A low-strength mortar is used city are intersected for interior non-load-bearing by canals, which are ’ spanned by wooden spree and stone bridges. (@) Type N: Medium-strength mortar is R. Shanghai in 3, All the town burned, ‘used where lateral and flexural strength 1935 auid’s miserable are required. sight of Paul's Church, withal the roof fallen, and the 2. Conceptual estimating body of the quire (a) _ isalso known as parametric estimating. fallen. () “should nok ‘ba based: on, incomplete, or. Select the correct answer using the code given missing drawings. below (©) should not be based on incomplete P QR specifications. (idee 12. 2 (@) may not need more time because it is is based on a complete guess at cost, o2 2 : 8 2 1 ‘The radiant city concept was originated by @ 2 1 3 (a) Ebenezer Howard (b) Le Corbusier (©) Clarence Perry On the Ekistic scale of Doxiadis, there are (@) Thomas More (a) 12 levels of settlement size consisting of a single man to 50 — 60 billion people. 4. In the context of seminal work on cities in evolution, the pioneer who has articulated the (b) 15 levels of settlement size consisting of Place-Work-Folk interrelationships is a single man to 50 ~ 60 billion people. (a) Patrick Geddes (©) 15 levels of settlement size consisting of () Ian Bentley a single man to 30 ~ 50 billion people. (©) Paul Oliver (@) 12 levels of settlement size consisting of GQ ee a single man to 30 ~ 50 billion people. KLOS-X-ARCH (2-8) © scanned with OKEN Scanner In any land use transportation study, ae Lowry. model considers the spatial characteristies sf fa utban ara in temo thee band soe of activity. These three broad sectors are (a) Population, Land use l ‘Transportation ™ (b) Population, Employment and Service sector “() Land use, Traftie volume and Service sector (@) Land use, Employment and ‘Transportation 8. Who presented a theory on hexa of settlement pattern with a superimposition of physical constraints ? wyonal system (a) Doxiadis (b) Edwin Lutyens (©) Patrick Abercrombie (@) Clarence Stein In the Vedie period, which structure was always kept in the center of the settlement ? (a) King’s palace (b) Court (©) Water pond (a) Temple 10. As per the Manual of Architectural Practice (MAP) of the Council of Architecture, India, which of the following’ tenders quotes a fixed price, if the quote is Varied, it involves contractual problems and methodology to arrive at the rates for addition, deletion and alterations would be necessary and it is to be built in the tender document ? (a) Cost plus fee tender (b) Turnkey tender (©) Lump sum tender (@) BOOT tender KLOS-X-ARCH (ae LL, As por the Architects Act, 1972, the architect thas to ensure (a) o) rc) @ from legal action even if the title cont that his professional activities do not conflict with his general responsibility to contribute to the quality of the environment and future welfare of the society, that his image within the society is well maintained. that his designs solve the emergencies of environment that his designs are of lowest. cost to save the country’s finances and future welfare of society. dogradation. 12, As per Section 37 of the Architects Act, 1972, one of the following title is exempted tains use of the word ‘Architect’ ? (a) ) © @ fa, Interior Architect Software Architect Landseape Architect, Fagade Architect ‘The constitution of Council of Architecture as prescribed by the Architects Act, 1972, does not mention which of the following as one of the members of the Council ? @ ) © @ 8) Five architects possessing recognised qualifications elected by the Indian Institute of Architects from among its members ‘Two persons nominated by the All India q Council for Technical Education established by the Resolution of the Government of India in the late - Ministry of Education ‘An architect from each State nominated by the Government of that State ‘A woman architect representing any of the States of India © scanned with OKEN Scanner {4. As per the professional code of conduct, +t is liable for action if he (a) allows his name to appear in advertisements ted in the press by the suppliers, manufacturers of materials used in the building he has designed provided his: name is included in an unostentatious manner and docs not accept any consideration for its use. (©) exhibits his name outside his office or building completed/ander construction for which he igwas an architect ina manner — all open publicity campaign without any signage restrictions, (© allows his name in brochures prepared by the client for the purpose of advertising, promoting projects for which he has been commissioned, (@ produces or publishes brochures, Pamphlets describing his experience, capabilities for distribution to. those Potential clients whom he can identify by name and positions, 15. Every architect cither in practice or employment is subject to the provisions of the Central Civil Services (Conduct) Rules and also shall be obliged with which one of the following regulations that have been framed vide powers of Council under Section 45 of the Architects Act, 1972? ~ (@) Architects (Professional Conduct) Regulations, 1989 (b) Architects (Professional Conduet) Regulations, 1964 (©) Architects (Professional Conduet) Regulations, 1982 (@) Architects (Professional Conduet) Regulations, 1999 KLOS-X-ARCH (4. 16. 1, 8) Which one of the following is a — DN 4 3 Measy, resistance to the motion of sound ya given point, and is one of the most ja acoustical properties of a material ? (a) (by fo) @ Porta, Impedance Inertia Propagation Velocity Consider the following characteristics in the mechanism of transmission of sound ; 1 In solids, acoustic waves are always composed of a longitudinal and a transverse component, for any given type of excitation. These phenomena depend on the type of bonds existing between the particles. . In liquids, the two types of waves always coexist even though the longitudinal vibrations are dominant. In gases, the longitudinal vibrations are practically negligible even though their effects can still be observed particularly near walls limiting the considered space. Which of the above characteristics is/are correct ? (a) 3only ©) 1,2ana3 (© 2and 3 only @ Land 2 only Which one of the following reflections, directed to the opening of the ear canal, combine vectorially (according amplitudes and phases) ? (a) &) ) @ Reverberation plane Wavefront Azimuth Quarter wave pipe © scanned with OKEN Scanner 18. The mia i ea audible frequencies are called i, © Spee Tt frequencies 7 © wm ‘ular frequencies itror frequencies () Heavy frequencies 20. Porous absorbents are good for absorbing me sound of vee (@) Very tow frequency (©) Very narrow band of any frequency (Medium frequeney () Higher frequeney 21, Which one of the following equations is correct that shows the relationship between linking velocity of sound (@), wavelength (2) and frequency (0)? (a) heelt é () Azeet © c-f @) A=fle 32. Sri Aurobindo Ashram,’ Golconde, at Puducherry, is the work of (a) Joseph Allen Stein (b) Frank Lloyd Wright an (c) Walter Gropius (a) Raymond Antonin ¢ 23. “Form follows function” ~ one of the famous slogans widespread in modern design culture, So. is coined by (@) Louis Sullivan () Anthony Giddens (©) Henry Van de Velde (@) Daniel Libeskind KLOS-X-ARCH Ue) Match the following : Group A Group B (Renowned (Philosophical Architects) Approaches) P. Richard 1. ‘Towards a Critical Rogors Regionalism Q. HMaxsan 2. Beliefs in Fathy x I. Kenneth 3, Frampton ‘Turned to traditional forms and metho of construction, seeking both to accommodate the needs of the community and to hint at a way to being a revived tradition of building Select the correct answer using the code given below : P Q eR @ 1 38 2 oo) 2 2 3 @ 2 8 1 @ 1 2 3 ‘A famous book, “The Disappearing City” is written by (a) Frank Lloyd Wright () Doxiadis (©) Ebenezer Howard (@ Gordon Cullen Excellent integration between structural and. decorative design reflects in the work of (a) Philip Johnson (b) Charles Correa (© Antoni Gaudi (@ Alvar Aalto © scanned with OKEN Scanner aug] aatsoupy —(P) aaagy sqo1e) — (a) - song suinaploq —(q) aug) wont, 4, 89010) Sutmo(]9j a4p Jo BuO YRS Sq pasneo st axoydsoune ey pur yey om waaagag s94e[ Azepunog ayy 4v afleddys ayy, Aqwo puwg (p) yeUrE's'T () Awogpuwg (@) Aquoy pueg‘T (@) { 3922209 az suorEpuoD BAoqN ax Jo YEE, “spnop quiod sasn wars aus, “F TepoUr UOUIpADO E SUIEIUOD MaIA A, —°e ‘punoaiiypoq, aSeum 10 Ays ‘quoypesd v sasn sora oy, “Z “ayes penta oustess 40 papeys © sasn mora Oy, “T + parapystuos faze suorpuco Suyaojjos ayy Jo uv Jt aota v 40) Surssao01d soyses sasn AjjuaneMOINE WAY, uoren2e eHuaZayi —(p) Sumpueg . (0) aurydsourg —(Q) sisauofoydiow peanyey, —¢ 89019) puv souony Tewayxe = pur —sayyordes eyo aISuIsqUT-WaysAs Jo uonaBaWU! a4] wd] aduys ue uoNvsruRA20 xojdwios sroyy WIE qo TYR suiaysis sopesauos “yym0s8 pue quowdojosap Aseuonnjosa jo ssaaod ayy sf Suwoqey 93 Jo ou0 yorya ‘uSisoq] poply soandurog) Uy Teyvauuonaue asvayog véLpy Burund de susyed jouer (a- +e “ee 9) HOUYX-SODI ows oom, (P) 4200 snoqe] pauopang —@) Aud adoqoauo om uy) anoweanoqey (®) sw unowy oo 8 omar Su “OB 340U T490N@) AuoT (2) spuert qed (q) Au0z 0) {roa asy uous oxoge on Jo YORU sanju qua uy 20) pyod pu “yo ‘eSurpyrous ‘Suyionseid ev sapnfout WHA OA a9|du400 oY aop Coo} Siuuuns) axjour Suwuns wy, posneoaus fase saquico of, 10 poyuawoUS opbur axe Suoyeujd oy sys suonanpop pu aaejans afoym 30) ‘urs WY poqo|oqyo st stem uy Surwog + aqouugse Spin v Buuredoad Jo ssooud any Suprosix suowows Suyworey om sopIueD 6g 00Zr = (P) ar) O8F 2 (9) cera &) webs sod og 2 8 Szoyv(a jo pov arma Joa gggt a 84 ymypHEq Jo oH aN 700 [U}1 ow BF HAART WO PY Ww ¢ ‘Huo Wp eH ww ¥ oywy avaty 2) aoyenquog eT (q) snidnoag J9yeq (®) q won sven IyBnoyp Jo foous sEyNERL © scanned with OKEN Scanner sonuusp masks (P) waayY ©) Suropout euopwmndwsog — (4) ido yemeN (8) { suto3sis x9sn 9ip 0 sypeapaAJ 0 syoaye apy pur suonoD oyqissod ‘suoRUa}UT LuSisep oangaq sdiysuonyjar SuruTLEIO}eD jo pouyour ax st SuLoifo5 axp JO 940 HOSA ‘sonmquo squreyies are sofleas oy (P) “oures ary Sunasdaoqut 0} quopeamnba aq uvo uonDE oy Suratsoxed (9) suonoe oy Suusypoods pue woryuoyu ay ‘Suymiz9) wasmz0q aouDza4sIp OW St ar0q} (A) ‘yon uoIUE ue peo uaoayoq dui ox saapiaq woe (ey pug aazosqo Ue) uo ‘ssaoord uSsap v Jo sales snopwa ou UT a1a2stp sywmmpuery — (P) sapon (0) sepa (@) syed (©) 4 Suomen a 94 p14 MOH wee oy pop ansuoqut 918 wptgm puE ‘HN ree ache ue ruin ow 4p © uF S088 saan ab powsjas “syuod ore Su) a oun Jo o6u] UL, 9808 Cy soy A POR 8 0) 0) ayy 19d ogy Arn} wove pono ox (g- 1) HOUVSODI somydayioxory (P) saqydestou0., —@) soudessiowtg (4) soxydoaBojoy (©) eam yo suoneauesadas ay Jo OAL soounysisax Ayano (P) ssuonpuoa poqwamjon0 (2) saoyory roman aanookqns ay (A) saunwows &q paonposd oyes Susjoo(®) two pasuq st ssays [etso4 Jo NAPUT saoyes, way aypadg ©) Adonug (4) quoy yay () 2 (oeB4/pa) arngusodurai jo aax%=p S1oa9 30} yubsostyor wut ABs9ue Tay jo amnseau ayy sf BuIoqIo} at Zo aL USK xopty rawuins pwoidory, wepurssansyaH 0) opus uonesues yewseuL, (4) xoput Aypruany aanyesaduray, —(®) { quowuoxsuo uaa ot sv woestS eunoyy sures arp syedun yor Ayypoumy, Danqupad quaored og 38 aye tupY Jo aampeoduo} soxoptt Susmoyjgy ayy JO uO YOIAS 4, 8100pano paw Suypring asap 0} pasn ytrouIO> swowop Aamazy op puod way 0 seuur ppunayy 49) ssvu qa (B) 4 eaY] 910}8 pue grosqe or Syoudea ayy oany WI saWrE HOKaNASUOD OF Sager BUONO ayy Jo auO Yoru 68. “us © scanned with OKEN Scanner 46. 44. ) © @ 48. wing is ¢ triangular ea | portion of wall enclosing the end of a pitched roof? (a) Girder Motif (©) Gable~ (@ Plenum 49. Which one of the following is a wedge-shaped tread used in circular, spiral, and turning stairs? oe (a) Rabbet (b) Vitreous (Valance (@ Winder 50. Which of the following buildings is not designed by Le Corbusier ? (a) Carpenter Center for the Visual Arts, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts. (b) Taliesin West, Scottsdale, Arizona, USA. ~ © Owners’ Association Building, wedabad, India. (@ The High Court Chandigarh, Capitol Complex, India. KLOS-X-ARCH (8-8) how light or dark the colour appears. purity of the colour. appearance of the colour. blackness of the colour. Which one of the following colours stands out in relation to other nearby hues ? Accent colour Descent colour Important colour Analogous colour Which one of the following is a progression of whole numbers wherein each term is the sum of the preceding two numbers ? (a) Buclidean series Ab) Fibonacci series Pythagorean series (a) Golden ratio series Lightening a hue's normal value by adding (b) tint ofthat hue, (c)_ashade of that hue, (a) a chroma of that hue. ” © scanned with OKEN Scanner f 56. Match the following Group A (Primary Solid Forms) P. Sphere 1 Q. Cylinder, 2 R Pyramid | S. Cone PQ @) 3 4 7b) 3 4 © 2 1 @ 2 1 KLOS-X-ARCH point or v ‘generated by the revolution of @ semicircle about its diameter, whose surface ‘is, at all points equidistant from the centre. A solid generated by the revolution of a rectangle about one of its sides. It is centralized about the axis passing through the centres of two circular faces, newer using the code given | go, 57. Natural hues do not include (a) browns, grays and muted reds and whi Ye was sup to carry out the ooperating in a dialogue sith the architect ‘was pioneered by ww ” (©) _ Nicholas Negroponte (a) Frank Gehry £4. Which one of the fllowing is a mathematical model for generating and representing architectural curves and surfaces ? (a) NURBS () BURB () AutoCAD (a) SWARM Which one of the following is a low-end version of additive fabrication technology optimized primarily for speed and cost efficiency, making it suitable for quick physical models ? (a) Steel Fabrication -(o) 8D Printing (©) Computer-Aided Manufacturing (a) Rapid Prototyping (9-8) © scanned with OKEN Scanner ol. 62, 64, 65. KLOS-X-ARCH ‘Acronym ‘PRASAC' represents protective and asures Preservation Refurbi nt. Traditional Stucco is a (@) cement, sand and lime (b) lime and cement () cement and surkehi (@) lime, spirit and sand In the context of Building Automation Systems, ATAMS is known as (a) Automated Technical Mechanical Services (b) Automated Asset Management System (©) Automated Architectural Management Architectural System (@) Autonomous Advantage Modular System In building automation systems, contro! loop hunting refers to (a) problem with the loop tuning parameters of the control loop which exhibits itself during off-hours. (b) problem with the loop tuning which exhik itself during full load situations. (c) problem with the control loop which exhibits itself during extreme load on the building services. (@ problem with the control loop with Information Technology 69. building. " 68. mentioned objective is urvesting technique of conventional energy ©) Latent energy 4) Lithium battery stored energy h of the following is not considered as part of building automation ? (a) Fire and smoke detectors b) Occupancy sensors to control lighting control room ©) Thermostats to temperature Wireless sensors Which one of the following is the first hotel in the world to have a platinum rating under LEED's Existing Building Programme ? ITC Maurya, New Del Holiday Inn, New Delhi ©) The Goleonda Hotel, Hyderabad 1¢ Leela Ambience Hotel, New Delhi @ 1 one of the following is a local wospherie zone where the climate differs srom the surrounding areas ? jent climate © scanned with OKEN Scanner 71. Whit cd sh store, rout @ 8 -b) © s @ one of the follow en Invert 2. Which one of the following is outw concrete support to the sides of >) channel above the conerete bet “ 4a) Channeling (b) Haunching 78. As per the National Building Code, Public and Semi-Public land use is indicated in which ‘one of the following colours ? (a) Dark blue (&) Purple (c)_ Light green (@ Light blue JA. As per Development Control Rules and General Building Requirements of National Building Code 2016, there shall be one dispensary for every (@) 10,000 population (b) 5,000 population (©) 15,000 population (@) 20,000 population 75. As per National Building Code 2016, the size of plot for industrial use shall not be less than (a) 200m? (b) 300m? (©) 100m? (@) 400m? KLOS-X-ARCH (i1- lat the biosphere sory” stating, contributes to the stabil physical processes, such ocean water salt levels, ete., flourish, is proposed by (a) Ian Meflarg (b) Christopher (©) James Lovelock (@ Madhav Gadgil 78 Phosphate pollution of rivers and lakes causes the algal bloom which reduces dissolved oxygen in water and disrupts the food chain. ‘The process is called (a) Oligotrophy (b) Desertification (©) Fermentation (@) Eutrophication Which one of the following is elevated temperatures in urban areas caused by heat fluxes due to the presence of buildings, roads, and so on, and to emissions of pollutants ? (@) Greenhouse effect (©) Carbon trapping (©) Heat island effect (@) Physical weathering B) © scanned with OKEN Scanner 80. As per Gazette notification, 18" December 2012, which of the following river stretch has been declared as an eco-sensitive zone from ecological and environmental point of view ? (a) Bhagirathi from Gat a Uttarkashi (b) , Ganga from Haridwar to Roor (@) Pennar Ri (@) Krishna River Vijayawada 81. Ken Yeang proposes eco master planning approach that requires the bisintegration of four-coded infrastructural armatures. ‘They are Red, Blue, Green and Grey. The colour Grey indicates (a) the eco infrastructure provided by nature, (b) the water infrastructure associated with systems of drainage, hydrological systems and water assets. (©) the engineering infrastructure of roads, utilities and other support systems for human life (@) the human infrastructure of buildings, spaces, activities. 82. As per Model Building Bye-laws 2016, the minimum plot size for low income group housing shall be nof less than (@) 20sqm ) 30sqm (©) 10sq.m (@ 15 sqm 83, As per Model Building Bye-laws 2016, for Resettlement and Slum in-situ upgradation, the net density shall be up to (a) 300 Tenements/ Hectare (b) 350 Tenements/ Hectare (©) 250 Tenements/ Hectare (@) 400 Tenements/ Hectare KLOS-X-ARCH (12 85. 8) cry of Housing and Urban Pover| idelines define affordal n to 20 sq.m carpet area (by ©) 1m to BO sq.m carpet area (d) 80 sq.m to 100 sq.m carpet area In 2017, Bureau of Energy Efficiency leunched a new version of code, Energy ing Code. One of the major inclusion of code is voluntary energy p ECBC plus compliant building has approximately mance 15% compared to co more savings as compared to more compared to conventional b compared to conventional building. ss per National housing consists of Building Code, Group (3) more than one dwelling unit, where land is owned jointly and construetion is undertaken by one agency. more than two dwelling units, where land is owned jointly and construction is also undertaken jointly more than eight dwelling units, where Jand is owned jointly and construction is also undertaken jointly ) more than eight dwelling units, where Jand is owned jointly and construction is undertaken by one agency. © scanned with OKEN Scanner also the private spaces, access roads wil (©) area occupied by gardens, access parking spaces adj ‘area occupied by the hi gardens, parking spaces, access roads within the site and half the width of surrounding roads. 88. Which one of the fol Charter is focused on the Conservation and n of Monuments and Sites ? Burra Charter, 2018, (b) Venice Charter, 1964 (©) Washington Charter, 1987 (@) Charter on Built Vernacular Heritage, 1999 $9, Whi of the following Acts is to provide < for the nt and historical logical sites and | importance, for the regulation of archaeological excavations and for the protection of sculptures, earvings and ce objects ? (a) ‘The Architects Act, 1972 (b) ‘The AMASR Act, 1958 (c) The Publie Records Act, 1993, (@) ‘The Indian Trusts Act, 1882 90. Action taken to modify the existing material and structure of @ cultural property to represent a known earlier state is ealled reservation Renovation (g) Restoration (@) Reconstruction KLOS-X-ARCH (13 93, 4. 8) Group A Group B (Disaster) — (Ministry) P. Landslide, 1. Ministry of Baviro \/" Forest and | Ghange Q. Tounamia)| 2. Ministry of Housing and R CityF a Urban Affairs S. Industrial” 4, Ministry of Mines Ministry of Barth Sciences ‘Select the correct answer using the code given below : @) ) © @ Which one of the following disaster agencies is. responsible to provide human resource development and capacity building for disaster management ? nae weoag (a) NDMA 4) NDRF ( NIDM (@ NMC “Densities below three to four dwelling units per acre, auto dependency, a road system designed to minimize traffic in residential areas, single-use zoning, discontinuous developments and stand-alone bi ‘essentially trigger the phenomenon of (a) Mlegal construction (b) Urban sprawl (©) Conurbation (a) Urban explosion © scanned with OKEN Scanner 95, Perceived, Conceived and Lived spaces triad is eoined by 96, New urbanism (©) Globalization of re (@) Classical urbanism 97. Recommended walkways for outdoor areas should preferably be of (a) 1800 mm of width with 900 mm clearance from any structure without any obstruction, 4) 1500. mm of width with minimum of 750 mm clearance from any structure without any obstruction, (©) 1200 mm of width with minimum of 900 mm clearance from any’ structure without any obstruction (@ 800. mm at least obstruction, without any 98. Eccentricity index of a city is defined as (a) the percentage of the distance between the CBD and the centre of gravity of the population over the average distance per person to the CBD. (b) the ratio between the average distance per person to the CBD and the average distance to the centre of gravity of a circle whose area would be equal to the built-up area, (©) the ratio between the average distance «per person to the CBD and the area of the city. (@) the percentage of the distance between nted development, op is not preferred along the road 99. commercial zone is preferred at the neighbourhood. enty percent should be use zone, and parallel routes may not be provided, 100, Outbreaks of Legios ¢ which have been attributed to the growth of bacteria in nt water in wet co le of towers, are an (a) (b) sick building syndrome. (c) climate change affecting the building services. (a) post-pandemic building services 101, Consider the following statements with respect to resource planning in construction 1. Resource allocation shall be done by allocating the slack resources from non-critical path to critical path activity in order to obtain a reduction of time or by shifting the act within the floats available with them, to obtain opti requirements, ‘um uniform resource 2 Resource levelling is where the feasibility of the network shall be checked with respect to manpower, equipment, materials, other resources required at the site ich of the above statements is/are correct ? (a) Both 1and2 (b) Lonly (©) 2only the CBD and the area of the city. (a) Neither 1 nor 2 KLOS-X-ARCH (14-8) © scanned with OKEN Scanner ta) Scope Scope v Seope veri 103. In struction project m refers to (a) Program Evaluation and Review Technique (b) Project Evaluation and Review (©) Project Bxtension and Review Time (a) Program Evaluation and Research ‘Technique | 104, Damp-proofing technique (a) is basically a Tiquid-applie damp-proofing, (b) involves brushing a bituminous-based tar like coating on the area, (© involves plastering a cement-based ‘mixture over the area. is intended to resist water pressure. 105. Which one of the following is the maximum population size of a species that an ecosystem or habitat can support indefinitely ? (a) Maximum city (b) Sustainability () Canrying cap 198. au. (@) Biomagnif KLOS-X-ARCH 45 -B) 0) (Lux 4a) Luminance Which one of the following is a continuous recess that visually separates the meeting of two planes and articulates their edges by the shadow lines they create ? fa) Skirting (b) Dado (©) Shape (a) Reveal Which one of the following is the key proponent of seven principles of universal design that is also widely applied in the design of interior spaces as well as outdoor environments ? (a) Ronald Mace (b) Marion Roberts (© Nabeel Hamdi (@) Frank Lloyd Wright Possible solutions to problems of reflected flare include : (a) locate the light source away from the viewer (b) use properly shielded or baffled lighting fixtures (©) raise the background brightness of the light sources and reduce the brightness ratio (@) lower the level of general overhead ighting and supplement it with localized task light closer to the work surface © scanned with OKEN Scanner 112 Which one of the following theories has been very influential in the development of understanding landseape experience and informs many aspects such as edges, foci and thresholds ? (a) Prospeet and Refuge Theory ©) Genius Loci theory (©) Central Place Theory (@) Sense of Place Theory. AUB. Which one of the following provides to describe design principles and elements, that is, contrast, symmetry, wideness "and constriction, threshold and vistas, which ean help the designer to control spatial compositions in design ? (@) Imagebility (b) Theories of Gestaltung (© Figure-ground thinking £4) Bauhaus techniques 114, Which one of the following seeks to highlight the importance of landscape architecture for determining urban form and seeing the landscape as the framework that defines cities ? {0 Smart city “) Reocity design (©) Green urbanism (@) Landseape urbanism 115. Which one of the following is a measurement of the circumference of trunk of a tree at 14 metres above ground level ? (a) Girth of the tree (b) Canopy of the tree (©) Size of the tree (@) Grade of the tree 116. Which one of the following is the lowest inside point of a pipe culvert or channel ? (a) Invert (b) Ingress © Dip (@) Depression KLOS-X-ARCH (16 118, 119. 120, B) Which one of the following plants established le part of the Mora of a local other than its place of origin ? (a) Native plant th) Invasive plant (c) Endemic plant () Naturalised plant Which one of the following is a measure of the wnt of energy released during an earthquake ? (a) Earthquake magnitude (b) Fault (oc) Isoseismal (@)Epicentral distance Consider the following statements for earthquake-prone areas : 1. Adobe walls are commonly used.” 2. Diagonal eracks lead from the edges of windows to the bottom, 3 Ifthe wall between window and door or between opening and corner is not long ie and Daub wall system are correct ? suitable (a) 1,2and 3 only tb) 1,S.and4 only 4ey 2) B.and4 only @ = 1,2,3end4 Which of the following statements is not a correct reason for buildings shaped like a box, such as rectangular or square, both in plan and elevation, being inherently stronger than ones that are Lshaped or U-shaped, that is, buildings with wings? (a) Asymmetric compositions can present local deformations, — (b) Local deformations in asymmetric compositions are caused due to the Presence of re-entrant corners and excessive openings, (©) Box-shaped buildings ean present ideal ismic behaviour, because they have ame displacements at every point in the slab. (a) Box-shaped buildings can present ideal seismic behaviour, because they have different displacements at every point in che slab. © scanned with OKEN Scanner

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