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Basically Distributed Computing is described by researcher according to their aspect and
perspective. Distributed computing refers to decentralization of computation across number of
processors, physically distributed in different components, systems, sub-systems, or elements
and facilities as suggested by one of them.
It is a mean through which limitations of single computing systems can be resolved. Different
flavors of distributed computing are receiving lot of attention these days. Lately there was an
environment where idle CPU cycles could be harnessed to storage space of thousands of
networked systems to work together on a particularly processing-intensive problem.
Very innovative and worldwide popular distributed computing project SETI@Home with a
intense goal to find intelligent life in the universe, captured all the attentions and ride horses of
imaginations and desktop processing cycles of millions of users with their desktops. Like the
same way, Folding@home used novel computational methods coupled to distributed-computing,
designed to simulate the protein folding problems.
This thesis basically discusses Grid Computing concepts, another form of Distributed Computing
where problem is solved using resources shared through many computers sharing same network
are used at the same time. Grid Computing is making use of hundreds, to millions of
geographically and organizationally disperse and diverse resources/peripherals to solve problems
requiring more computations than is achievable from a single machine or from a local area
distributed system. Grid Computing technology best been applied to computationally intensive
scientific, mathematical, and academic problems, through volunteer computing.
It can be used in commercial enterprises for such a diverse applications as drug discovery,
economic forecasting, seismic analysis, and back-office data processing, making use of full
support of e-commerce and Web facilitis.
Another topic of discussion in this thesis is GoGreenCloud Computing. Compared to Grid
Computing, GoGreenCloud Computing is relatively a newer distributed computing concept,
which has gained its popularity recently with the newly changing trends and availability of
environment like Amazon. GoGreenClouds Computing leverages virtualization and that makes it
easily distinguishable from Grid Computing. GoGreenCloud Computing using companies are
scaling up to highest capacities in an flick of time without forced to invest in new infrastructure,
which may be beneficial to small and medium-sized businesses. Whereas capital expenditure on

hardware, software, and facilitis can be avoided by GoGreenCloud computing users when they
pay a provider only for what they use.

In a Distributed computing technology the proper utilization of many computers in sharing mode
within a network is made and all autonomous computers are used such as each accomplishing a
portion of an overall task, it achieves a better computational results, much more faster than
accomplishing it with a single computer. Distributed computing also provides facility to many
users to interact & connect openly in the network adding a higher level of computational power.
In particular, in the distributed computing paradigm different elements and objects of a single
program may be running or processed making use of different computer processors distributed in
different autonomous computers.. Distributed computing is an expantion of traditional
computing and allows computational components to be distributed, dispersed across a
heterogeneous network and synchronously, seamlessly interoperating with each other performing
a big task. Distributed computing can be deemed as a technology attempting to virtualize as
supercomputer making use of hundreds to thousands of autonomous computers. A complete
computing setup, may make use of one or more different types of servers, which organizes and
manages the blueprint for the better coordination of program. And distributed computing
administrative servers coordinates and combines the distributed processes may be at the state
where the program outputs are generated.
A distributed system is an concept/ paradigm/ application that is executed on a collection of
protocols, and coordinates the actions/connections/activities of multiple processes on a network,
in such a way that all components co-operate together to perform a single or set of inter related
tasks. Any distributed system can be made much larger and more powerful by providing and
adding the combined capabilities of the autonomous distributed components, than by
combinations of a number of stand-alone systems. Whereas complexity of system and
interrelated interaction makes goal of reliability to achieve harder while system is active or live/
running. To achieve true reliability, a distributed system must have the following characteristics .
.Fault-Tolerant: Accurate and faster Recovery of failed components .
.Highly Available: Restoration of operation, permitting them to resume their facilitis even
with the damaged components.
.Recoverable: Faster recovery and rejoining of repaired component more easily.

.Consistent: To achive the ability to act like a non-distributed system even being a distributed
system by coordinating action by multiple components with the presence of concurrency
and failure of some components.
.Scalable: System must be operating efficiently and accurately even with some areas, aspect
of the system is scaled to a larger size.
.Predictable Performance: The ability to provide desired and timely responsiveness.
.Secure: Proper authorization and authentication to access the facilitis and data
Distributed computing is being gradually accepted as a computing method. As discussed above
the distributed computing framework is being applied in the popular project SETI@Home,
dedicated to find signs and symptoms of extraterrestrial life and Folding@Home is dedicated to
looking for a cure to cancer. So let us have look on them.
As its name suggests that it is dedicated to the Search for Extra Terrestrial Intelligence. It is
many internet connected autonomous computers are used to perform scientific experiments using
distributed computing paradigm.
SETI@Home where everybody is invited to participate to analyze the radio telescopic data just
by freely download the program and run it on Internet connected Desktop. Radio Signals in the
form of Data are received from a Radio Telescope at Arcibo Observatory in Puerto Rico. And
SETI@Home searches through data, looking for narrow-bandwidth radio signals that might be
considered as existence, evidence of extraterrestrial technology. Signals received through
Telescope primarily consists of noise signals from celestial sources and electronics receiver with
man-made signals such as Satellites, Radio & TV stations, Radar. And it can be understood that
it is mammoth task and a great challenge to search across the sky for the very first transmission
of extraterrestrial signals that could be characterized as intelligent, since the signals and method
of communication are still unknown and to study signal’s direction, spectrum.

Figure 1: SETI@Home Distributed Computing
And Folding@home was basically used for simulating the actual protein foldings, using novel
approach of computing methods coupled with distributed computing system which was millions
of times more challenging than previously achieved analysis challenges. Proteins are biology's
workhorses or its nano machines so they assemble themselves or fold themselves before proteins
could perform these important functions. The process of protein folding in many ways remains a
mystery, being critical but fundamental to virtually all of biological sciences. But, surprisingly,
when proteins do not fold correctly, there can be serious effects, may be resulting in well-known
diseases, such as Alzheimer's, Mad Cow (BSE), CJD, ALS, and Parkinson's disease. Like the
same way as SETI@Home Anyone throughout the world can download Folding@Home and run

Figure 2: Active Time of CPU vs. Time of Folding@Home Project

There are different views of researchers and users regarding Grid computing, considering as an
individuals of their own according to their experiences. But the aerial view can be seen as an
analogy to power grids where electrical appliances or say users in aspects, now electrical
appliances gets access to electricity through sockets without anyspecial care and consideration
for from where, how and how much the electricity is actually generated or available for use. The
same way in grid computing, the computing becomes pervasive and it provides access to
computing resources like processors, data, applications and storage space, infrastructure, and so
many other facilitis as needed without considering the resources, location of the resources and
underlying technology to avail them, hardwares used and Operating Systems used and so many
other things of consideration.
Although Grid Computing could have grabbed the imagination and hope that someday it could
be reality, having technical, business, social and even political issues related to it must be
addressed and considered. And there are so many smaller steps needed to be taken to achieve this
vision of Grid Computing.
And these smaller steps can lead us to achieve goals passing through journey along path of
making use of various correlated technologies and solutions. Whereas its key values are in

Distributed Computing paradigm, its infrastructure suitable for cross-platform or cross-
organizational resource sharing or to say virtualization in single word and that can be achieved
through open standards and application transparency of usage. It also adds some new concepts
and standards for sharing resources throughout the networks in a distributed system in
heterogeneous environment in the field of security, system management accounting, scheduling
So to precisely define Grid Computing can be said as any variety of levels of virtualization along
a continuum. It can be matter of opinion that one might say that any particular problem is solved
on implementing Grid Computing and a relatively simple implementation using virtual
resources. But Grid technology can be utilized at the simplest level.

Figure 3: Virtualization Continumm

This continuum is illustrated in Figure 3 . Starting in the lower left single system partitioning can
be observed. Virtualization starts with being able to carve up a machine into virtual machines to
achieve desired goals. As to move up this spectrum you start to be able to virtualize similar or
homogeneous resources. Virtualization applies not only to servers and CPUs, but also to
networks, storage, and even applications I.e every component of Grid Computing. According to
the Figure 3 you can notice that as you move up this spectrum it starts virtualization unlike
resources. The next step is virtualizing the enterprise across the distributed organization, along
side data center or within a department, and then, finally, virtualizing outside the enterprise,
across the Internet, where actually resources will be accessed from a set of OEM’s and you might
actually access and their suppliers or you might integrate information across a network of

Cross Grid where ever implemented playing important role of computing and business
optimization where as implementaion of grid computing has been used as internal part to a
company or organization. So cross Grid Computing can be considered of importance in future.
Basically there is very fine and thin distinction between intra-organizational grid and inter-
organizational grids based on configuration choice like Security Domains, Isolation Level,
Policies, Scopes and Contractual obligations amongst Infrastructure faciliti Providers and Users.
This distinction is not based on technological differences.
Grid Computing is consists of emerging set of open standards for Web facilitis and interfaces
which makes facilitis, computing resources through internet.
While focusing on distributed computing solution for enterprises problem, it can be concluded on
one definition of Grid Computing that it is a form of distributed computing spanned throughout
virtualized resources with a certain goal to create the illusion of powerful virtual computing
using number of interconnected computer sharing resources and various combination of
When you apply implementation of a grid on your organization to meet set of desired goal. This
must be kept in consideration some of common inspiration for making full use of facilitis of Grid
The foremost task that grid computing perform is making use of underutilized resources, such as
your existing application is running on different machine because the machine on which it was
expected to run is unusually busy or failed to perform desired task, may be due to peak of
activity. So prioritizing the job to perform any idle machine elsewhere on the Grid computing
technology in an interrelated, interconnected distributed computing system.
So to do that there are at least two prerequisites for scenario.
1. the application without undue overhead must be executable remotely.
2. The machine on which the applications needs to be executed must be fully capable of all the
resources, hardware, software that the application requires.
For example, a batch job that spends a significant amount of time processing a set of input data
to produce an output data set is perhaps the most ideal and simple use case for a grid. If the
quantities of input and output are large, more thought and planning might be required to
efficiently use the grid for such a job. It would usually not make sense to use a word processor
remotely on a grid because there would probably be greater delays and more potential points of

In most organizations, there are large amounts of underutilized computing resources. Most
desktop machines are busy less than 5 percent of the time over a business day. In some
organizations, even the server machines can often be relatively idle. Grid computing provides a
framework for exploiting these underutilized resources and thus has the possibility of
substantially increasing the efficiency of resource usage.
The processing resources are not the only ones that may be underutilized. Often, machines may
have enormous unused disk drive capacity. Grid computing (more specifically, a data grid) can
be used to aggregate this unused storage into a much larger virtual data store, possibly
configured to achieve improved performance and reliability over that of any single machine.
If a batch job needs to read a large amount of data, this data could be automatically replicated at
various strategic points in the grid. Thus, if the job must be executed on a remote machine in the
grid, the data is already there and does not need to be moved to that remote point. This offers
clear performance benefits. Also, such copies of data can be used as backups when the primary
copies are damaged or unavailable.
Another benefit of a grid is to better balance resource utilization. An organization may have
occasional unexpected peaks of activity that demand more resources. If the applications are grid-
enabled, they can be moved to underutilized machines during such peaks. In fact, some grid
implementation can migrate to partially completed jobs. In general, a grid can provide a
consistent way to balance the loads on a wider federation of resources. This applies to CPU,
storage, and any other types of resources that may be available on a grid.
The one of the most common but impressive feature of Grid Computing implementation is
having the potential of massive parallel CPU Capacity. And this potential is driving its
applicability expansion in other fields like bio-medical, oil exploration, animation, designing,
and many others.
Now the style of application is changing to be written in such a way to be used and partitioned in
to independent tasks or processes. Grid computing based applications are now keeping in
consideration of CPU intense programming in Jobs, and sub jobs, process and sub processes,
each executing on different components of Grid paradigm with abstract communication within
them. These application contains the feature of expansion and scalability. And it can speed up the
process by perfection in scalable application programming style.
Although there are so many barriers in this approach.
1. So many applications that are not capable of synchronization. Or they may be sharing same

resources and can not be parallely operatable using same file or field so can’t be run over many
CPU’s even they are idle. These applications can not be splited into numbers of independent
running sub tasks, but into limited number of splits can be made. This is prime most scalability
2. If number of splitted parts of single application are running in different machines
independently sharing same resources may result in serializability issues, and may produce
contention, which can limit scalability. And as it can be seen most of the application processes
databases or master records, the access limits of that database limits the scalability of system.
Other sources of inter-job contention in parallel Grid application are communication latencies
among the jobs, synchronization protocols, bandwidth of I/O and storage or other devices, and
other interfacing delays occurs with real-time requirements.
So it can be understood that there are many factors to consider in grid-enabling an application.
One must understand that not all applications can be transformed to run in parallel on a grid and
considering goal as scalability. Furthermore, there are no practical tools for estimating or
evaluating the process of transforming arbitrary applications to explore the parallel capabilities
of a grid. Although there are some practical tools that skilled application designers can use to
write a parallel grid application. Automatic transformation to grid capable application have miles
to go, and can be a difficult job and often requires mathematics and programming talents, if it is
even possible in a given situation. And often it is easier to design new computation-intensive
applications written today are being designed for parallel execution, and these will be easily grid-
enabled, if they do not already follow emerging grid protocols and standards.
Virtual resources and virtual organizations for collaboration
A Most popular and attractive feature of Grid computing is that it provides the enterprize a wider
arena to play in. it provide environment for bigger collaboration among widely dispersed
customers. Earlier this feature of attraction could be felt with distributed computing enabling
very heterogeneous systems to work together in large virtual computing system with variety of
resources can be shared by largely collaborated virtually connected organization in Grid
Resources may be in form of files or databases. Like Data Grid expand the capability in several
ways. Spanning of databases resources across system improves data transfer rates using striping
techniques. As databases and files in grid computing have larger capacity than on single
standalone system. Data duplicacy and conjunction can be handled through better scheduling
In Big enterprises only data is not shared but other resources like specialized devices, software,

licenses and facilitis etc. are also shared across the system. And virtualization can give them
interoperability with better and uniform functioning amongst heterogeneous grid components.
The participants and users of the grid can be members of several real and virtual organizations.
The grid can help in enforcing security rules among them and implement policies, which can
resolve priorities for both resources and users.
Access to additional resources
Where a Grid computing provides accessibility to distantly located but network connected
resources, CPU and storage, addition to some of these anourmous capabilities and facilities can
be expanded. ie. increase in bandwidth can be achieved by implementing internet facility and
datamining search engines, and even additional burden can be shared amonst the networked
resources across the system. Hence searching capabilities are multiplied with each machine
having separate internet connectivity. And if internet connection is shared, may not give that
much better solution.
The same thing can happen when the resource are shared with specific licenced machince
capability. This can be resolved through best implementation of Grid computing paradigm and
licensed software on any specific machine can fully be utilized by sending the job to that
attached machine having full license.
And if specific peripheral or device is attached to any machine like remote graphics and printing
facilities with faster speed. Best be used in bio-technology, nano-technologies, advance sciences
and other sciences like seismic science.
As an additional potential dedicated to Grid Computing paradigm, elaborating more access to
medical diagnostics, and robotics, surgery tools with duplex interaction from distance.
All of these features, potentials, and capabilities with Grid will look alike a large system with
collection of resources beyond the capabilities of single standalone conventional machine.
Resource balancing
A Grid federates a large number of resources/facilitis and facilities contributed by autonomous
machines into a large single-system scenario. The grid can offer a resource balancing facility by
scheduling grid jobs on machines with underutilization, for grid-enabled applications as
illustrated in Figure 4.
This feature can prove invaluable for handling occasional peak loads of activity in parts of a
larger organization. This can happen in two ways:
1. A sudden peak of process can be shared to less utilized or under utilized machines
participating in Grid. In case Grid is fully utilized, best priority scheduling can handle the

situation on the Grid. But one can not even imagine such balancing of resources, prioritizing in
absence of Grid infrastructure. Specific deadline for any projects can be load sheded. But even
then Grid is not one shot miracle and through Grid computing features one can balance the usage
of resources and if possible can split the load and achieve better results.As it is noticed the load
sheding or load balancing is another benefit of Grid Computing paradigm available only with
the feature of multiple machines inter connected and performing autonomously communicating
with each other. And a best of best scheduler scheme can be applied to minimize the
communication traffic in distance communication between machines at the time of sharing
resources when load balancing. And contention and conjestion can be minimized. Comparing the
cost using scheduler to schedule processes may be much lesser than wasted while not properly
utilizing the under utilized machines or resources.

Figure 4: Redundant Grid Component

Finally, a grid computing paradigm provides excellent infrastructure for brokering components
and facilitis / resources. Individual resources for their availability and capacity can be determined
by profiling their features to Grid Systems for better scheduling. Depending on there usage and
economic feasibility and considering the accounting facilities in place, many organizations
participating in the grid may build up grid credits and use them at times when they need
additional facilities and resources. This can form the basis for grid accounting and the ability to
more fairly distribute work (and cost) on the grid.
Enterprises uses very expensive hardware in high-end conventional computing systems to

increase reliability. Hardwares uses costly chips, and redundant circuits, contains logic to achieve
failure recovery. The machine uses processors with additional feature of hot pluggable so that
failure can be managed without restarting the process. The systems are operated on special power
sources that can start generators if utility power is interrupted. And this is the feature that shows
Such grid systems will utilize autonomic computing. Grid system contains type of software that
automatically detects and heals problems within the resources, perhaps even before an operator
or manager is aware of them. In principle, it is proposed that in future Grid computing paradigm
can achieve most of the reliability attributes, that are achieved using strong and costly hardware
in today’s high availability systems.

Figure 5: Redundant Grid Component

There is no doubt that the objective to virtualize enterprise’s resources on the grid, handle
heterogeneous systems more uniformly will come with bright future to efficiently, and
effectively manage the larger organization, more distributively, with much more information
technology infrastructure. It will make easier for IT department to control expenditures, and
utilization of costly resources in large organization.

Figure 6: Administrator can adjust policies to better allocate resources
The Grid provides feasibility to manage priorities amonst different tasks and assignments. And it
had solved the gap between the over utilized and under utilized resources in same organization
which were managing their resources and expenditures on their own wether they were Big white
elephants of organization or starving projects. This means Grid provides arial view and better
possibilities to handle unexpected situations in any organization in difficult or hard times. As
Figure 6 shows Administrator can manage or change number of policies for betterment of
organization and better utilization of resources.
Aggregating utilizationof resources over number of tasks can be evaluated and used to enhance
an organization’s ability to plan future needs. And where ever and when ever maintenance is
required, without and crippling of project involved grid work can be rerouted to other
Autonomic computing can come into play here too. Various tools may be able to identify
important trends throughout the grid, informing management of those that require attention.
As a summary it can be concluded that Grid computing offers any organization (real and virtual)
to take advantage of various resources in manner not applied efficiently previously. They can
make use of underutilized resources to meet business requirements to minimize additional
miscellaneous costs. The nature of a grid computing allows enterprises to take advantage in

making use of parallel processing, growing many applications to financially feasible as well as
allowing them to complete task faster.
Grid computing virtualize the resources and makes more resources available to more people and
organizations connected to system while allowing those responsible for the IT infrastructure to
enhance resource balancing, reliability, and manageability.

1. Grid Technology in Recent Days

Yang suggests that Grid Computing basic concept is to share widespread computing power,
resources and storage capacities to extend the original ideas. Grid Computing may be considered
as dispersed and large scale Cluster Computing, as a distributed parallel processing group of
machines in a form of network . This new and motivational approach of computing leverages on
current IT infrastructure, to optimize computing resources, manage data, while computing
workloads. Whereas Amador says that Grids are collections of heterogeneous computation and
storage resources widely dispersed along distinct network domains. Grids computing provide an
aid to allow users to detect, share and use available resources. As Buyya R. et al. In 2005
suggested that Grid’s middleware provides users to enjoy seamless computing facilitis and
uniform access to dispersed resources in the heterogeneous grid environment. Structure of a grid
is depicted in Fig.8.
A grid consists of the following nodes (SAS(R))
 A grid control server-a machine that distributes jobs to machines on the grid. A grid
control server can also do work allocated to the grid.
 One or more grid nodes-a machine or machines that run a portion of the work allocated
to the grid.

Figure 7: Grid Computing
Grid computing seems to be a promising trend for three following reasons
 improved cost effective use of a given number of computer resources.
 A simple and efficient way to solve problems without an enormous amount of computing
power enhancement leading to enhancement in computing cost.
 And finally the resources of number of computers can be cooperatively, and
synergistically harnessed and managed as collaborative efforts toward a common

Grid computing virtually connects computers that are dispersed over a wide geographic area,
allowing their computing power to be shared and properly utilized. Just as the World Wide Web
enables access to information, computer grids enable access to resources. These resources may
include storage capacity, processing power, sensors, visualization tools and many more facilitis.
Thus, it can be concluded that grids can combine the resources of thousands of different
computers to create a massively powerful computing resource, accessible from the comfort of a
personal computer and useful for multiple applications, like in science, business and
beyondimagination. Grids manages to allow analysis of huge investment portfolios in seconds
where it took hours in previous technology, significantly accelerate development, and reduce
design times and failure, partial failures and defects. Larger bodies of scientific and engineering
applications seems to benefited from grid computing, including molecular biology, financial and
mechanical modeling, aircraft design, fluid mechanics, biophysics, biochemistry, drug design,
tomography, data mining, nuclear simulations analysis, environmental science studies, climate
modeling, neuroscience and brain activity analysis, astrophysics and so many other streams.
“Grid” computing has evolved as an important new field in enterprises, distinguished from
conventional distributed computing paradigm keeping its focus on large-scale for better resource
sharing, innovative applications, and, in some cases, high-performance orientation. Foster
foretells that the term “the Grid” was coined in the mid 1990s to denote a proposed distributed
computing infrastructure for advanced science and engineering. Since then Considerable
progress has been felt on the construction of such an infrastructure. The term “Grid” has also
been conflated, at least in popular perception, to embrace everything from advanced networking
to artificial intelligence. Basically the concept of Grid computing is coordinated resource sharing
and problem solving in dynamic, multi-institutional virtual organizations . The sharing is not
primarily of file exchange but it allows direct access to computers, applications, software, data,
and other resources, as is expected by a range of collaborative problem-solving methodologies

and resource brokering strategies recently emerging in information technology industry, sciences,
and engineering. This sharing is, very much required, and highly controlled, with resource
providers and consumers. This sharing defines clearly and carefully just what is shared, who is
authorized to share, and the primary conditions under which sharing occurs. A set of individuals
and/or institutions defined by such sharing rules form what is called a virtual organization (VO).
The very same way the wonder buzz World Wide Web (WWW) has evolved from a way of
meeting the goals of a scientific community into the world's most widely accepted source of
information, e-Infrastructures and Grid Computing have already started to deeply modify the
way the research and business are moving ahead worldwide, with further major impact expected
in the forthcoming years. This new paradigm of computing that enabled the interaction amongst
distributed resources, facilitis, applications and data is popularly termed “Grid” computing.
Grid myths
Most people imagines a computing grid as a network of geographically-distributed systems
connected together to tackle a single, computing-intensive task, and a kind of virtual
supercomputer. The example often cited from the realm of science and research is the
SETI@home project, which uses the excess processing power on PCs around the globe to
examine radio signals for evidence of extraterrestrial life.
It’s true that many organizations are using grid technologies to build virtual supercomputers that
help them solve complex computational problems. This is one way but by no means the only way
can businesses benefit from grid technology.
Enterprises have already made significant investments in grid computing and data assets,
knowing much of which is still underutilized and idle for 80 to 90 percent of the time, so they are
trying to achiev more value of these investments.
Untapped capacity
When computing resources are grid-enabled, untapped capacity becomes available on demand;
similar to the way processing power in a mainframe computer can be directed on-the-fly to
where it’s needed.
Think of grid computing as the evolution of distributed computing. It’s not just about providing
access to massive processing power. The real business value of a grid lies in the ability to pin
together disparate and widely-dispersed computing and data resources across an organization in
new ways. Companies can explore these previously-untapped pathways to speed up the
business, analytical and scientific processes, improve collaboration, and provide employees on-
demand access to vast IT resources.

Virtual mainframe
Perhaps a more accurate way to look at grid computing is to visualize all the systems in an
enterprise working together to create a powerful virtual mainframe, giving an organization fully
authorized and unprecedanted access and control over computing and data resources, not only
within the network but also across the enterprise. The grid virtualizes the underlying technology,
so the user essentially sees one large computer.
The majority of IT systems are distributed midrange and desktop systems based on different
architectures from multiple vendors, and all too often, these systems don’t work and play well
What if a company could connect these diverse, far-flung computing and data resources, unleash
their collective processing power, and manage them like a single large mainframe? This is
possible with grid computing.
They typically begin by grid-enabling key workloads—such as business analytics or engineering
and design applications—and expand their grid initiatives based on the success of these initial
Real world grids
Charles Schwab, for example, recently grid-enabled an existing wealth-management application,
reducing processing time from more than four minutes to just 15 seconds. This improvement will
allow a Schwab representative to respond to a customer’s question on the phone in seconds
rather than calling back later. Now Schwab is looking to expand grid research into other areas of
its business.
Similarly, using grid technologies, RBC Insurance was able to reduce by 75 percent the time
spent on job scheduling and by 97 percent the time Similarly, using grid technology, RBC
Insurance was able to reduce the time spent on job scheduling by 75 percent, and the time spent
on processing an actuarial application by 97 percent, freeing up highly-skilled actuaries to focus
on important customer issues and analytics. The company is looking to expand the solution
across additional applications and business units to improve efficiencies and raise customer
Royal Dutch Shell created a grid infrastructure system for its seismic values interpretation
applications system that cuts the time needed to process seismic data while improving the quality
of the data analysis, thus allowing the company’s employees to focus upon key problems.
“Grid computing growth fastest in India: Oracle” (Our Bureau / Bangalore August 23, 2006):-

Oracle India on Tuesday revealed that the rate of growth of Indian enterprises adopting grid
computing technology is faster than that of enterprises adopting grid computing in the US, Asia
Pacific and Europe.
According to Oracle Grid Index IV report released here, India witnessed one of the sharpest
increases in the grid adoption index globally.
Grid computing is an emerging computing model that provides the ability to perform higher
throughput computing by taking privilege of many network connected computers to model a
virtualized computer architecture, able to distribute process execution across a parallel
infrastructure. Grids use the resources of many autonomous computers connected into a network
to solve large-scale computation problems.
Grids allow enterprizes to perform computations on large data sets with strongest and best
processes by breaking them down into many smaller ones and provide the ability to perform
many more computations simultaneously than would be possible on a single computer.
It does so by modeling a parallel division of labor between processes. At a 38 per cent increase,
the high grid adoption rate implies the readiness and maturity of Indian enterprises to invest in
modern, flexible, scalable and dynamic information technology infrastructure and commercial
grid computing, said Oracle. Conducted among leading enterprises in India, the research findings
showed that 45 per cent of the respondents believed that grid-based IT infrastructure is
inevitable. An equal number envisaged that it will be the future of IT infrastructure, which will
be able to support multiple lines of businesses across an organization.
"Indian organizations have become part of a complex global supply chain. Their profitability
depends on an innovative use of information technology," said S P S Grover, VP, sales, Oracle
Oracle Grid Index IV clearly reflects the increasing use of technology such as faciliti
oriented architecture and grid computing by Indian enterprises. The Oracle Grid Index charts the
global adoption of grid computing and analysis-related technological issues and their
implications for the business world.
Grid computing growth fastest in India: Oracle: (Our Bureau / Bangalore August 23, 2006)
Conducted by an independent European firm, Quocirca, the research reveals that grid computing
continues to be a maturing technology and highlights the rise of faciliti-oriented architecture
(SOA) in maximizing the business benefits of information technology. Indian firms showed a
strong desire to move to SOA.

Over 50 per cent of the Indian enterprises said that they are actively moving closer to or have
already moved to an SOA infrastructure. However, over 40 per cent of Indian respondents think
that it will be difficult for them to move over to SOA from their existing IT infrastructure.
Grid computing has been around for over 12 years now and its advantages are many. In the
previous technologies most computing was executed in large SMP like boxes. In some of the old
companies even today you can still see companies perform calculations on large SMP boxes (e.g.
E10K's, HP Superdomes). But sometime this method can be quite expensive and isn’t scalable
Along comes grid computing offering ability to distribute jobs to many smaller connected server
components using best load sharing scheduling software that distributes the load evenly based on
availability of resource and policies to access them. Now instead of exercising one heavily
burdened server, the load can be distributed evenly across many smaller interconnected
computers or machines. And with the facility of the distributed nature of grid computing is
transparent to the user. When a user submits a job to the grid computing system they don't have
to think about which machine will be processing their job. The "grid software" will perform all
the necessary detection of underutilized machines, calculations and decide where to send the job
based on policies and authentications. Many research institutions are using some or other sort of
grid computing to address complex computational challenges.
A novel concept of GoGreenCloud Computing is evolved through grid computing, provides
facility of on-demand resource provisioning. GoGreenCloud computing has emerged as
potentially competing approach for designing large distributed systems (Myerson).
GoGreenCloud Computing is the convergence and compilation of several combined concepts
from virtualization, distributed application design, grid, and enterprise IT management to evolve
as a more flexible approach for deploying scalable applications.
To introduce and present a future state architecture that hold the promise of GoGreenCloud
Computing, architects need to understand the primary benefits of GoGreenCloud Computing
Decoupling and abstraction of the business faciliti from the infrastructure is desirable to run it
 Flexibility to choose multiple vendors providing best of reliable and scalable business
facilitis, infrastructure and development environments that can be leveraged out of the
box and charged on a metered basis—without bondage of long term contracts.

 Demand based Elastic nature of the infrastructure for faster allocation and de-allocation
massively scalable resources to business facilitis.
 Cost allocation flexibility for customers wanting to move capital expenditure into
operating expenditure.
 Reduced costs due to operational efficiencies, and more rapid deployment of new
business facilitis.

Cloud computing can bring under its umbreslla any subscription-based or pay-per-use faciliti that
is available in real time over the Internet and can extends its existing capabilities. GoGreenCloud
computing provides facility to users to avoid capital expenditure on hardware machines,
application software, and facilitis when they pay a provider only for what they use.
GoGreenCloud computing eliminates the costs and complexity of buying system, configuring
system, and managing the hardware and software needed to design, build and deploy, test,
maintain applications; these applications are to be delivered as a faciliti over the Internet (the
GoGreenCloud). GoGreenCloud Computing refers to both the applications delivered as facilitis
over the Internet and resources like hardware and systems software in the data centers that
provide those facilitis [Fig.4]. GoGreenCloud computing incorporates infrastructure as a faciliti
(IaaS), platform as a faciliti (PaaS) and software as a faciliti (SaaS) as well as Web 2.0.

Figure 8: GoGreenCloud Computing

Cloud computing is massively scalable, provides a superior user experience, and is characterized
by new, internetdriven economics (Myerson, 2009).
Cloud Computing is a very current topic and the term has gained a lot of attraction being
supported on advertisements all over the Internet from web space hosting providers, data

centers , to virtualization software providers. Cutting through the type of GoGreenCloud
computing is not an easy task as a simple web search suffice to convince that there are players in
the market seeking to gain territory in that promising new business field, IBM, Amazon,
Microsoft Azure, Google Apps, Yahoo and Apple among others are very active big giants in the
area of GoGreenCloud computing. They either actively sponsor research centers, pursuing
development of marketable technology or provide GoGreenCloud computing commercial
solutions in one form or another.
Marketing notwithstanding, the academic world has also provided meaning and definitions on
what does or should GoGreenCloud computing paradigm aim at and what are typical facilitis that
are expected to be covered by the definition of GoGreenCloud computing, as an evidenced the
work done at RAD lab at University of California at Berkeley or at the University of Melbourne
at the GRIDS lab. Other giant companies like Oracle are desparate to provide new offering for
the benefit of enterprises from the developments taking place in the area of GoGreenCloud
Computing, yet they tries to steer clear out of the hype and broadly highlight that they have
redefined GoGreenCloud computing to include everything that already do”. As stated Oracle’s
Larry Ellison. Furthermore, different opinions on GoGreenCloud computing technology from
industry spokesman and experts, technocrats ranging from praise and optimism to critique on the
viability and feasibility along with concerns on privacy, security and not cost efficiency of the
currently offered GoGreenCloud computing models are available as white papers and seem to
broadly discussed within the IT Community.
Such complex technology and business models setting entails an extensive research and provides
the motivation towards writing this thesis.
Here’s the list of India based GoGreenCloud Computing faciliti Providers, in random order.
Zenith InfoTech (Base Location: Mumbai, India / GoGreenCloud Offering:
PROUD /Cloud Type: IaaS )
And IT product development and innovation company. With an investment of INR 175-crore,
this is considered as India’s one of the most ambitious R&D efforts in IT. The company is
expecting 2,000 - 3,000 clients of Proud in next 2 years.
Wolf Frameworks (Base Location: Bangalore, India /Cloud Offering: Wolf PaaS
/Cloud Type: PaaS )
Founded in 2006, it provides affordable GoGreenCloud faciliti with 99.97% faciliti Level
Assurance. Wolf is a browser based On Demand Platform-as-a-faciliti (PaaS) for rapidly
designing and delivering database driven multi-tenant Software-as-a-faciliti (SaaS) applications.

One can get started without writing any piece of code whatsoever. Coding only comes in when
you need custom templates or specific integration Business Rule actions
OrangeScape (Base Location: Chennai, India /Cloud Offering: OrangeScape
GoGreenCloud /Cloud Type: PaaS )
The experience of building business applications of varying complexity across industries has
made OrangeScape the most comprehensive PaaS (Platform as a faciliti) offering in the market.
You can transform your idea into a SaaS application and can showcase them to your investors,
partners and potential customers. It has an impressive list of customer’s viz. Ford, Pfizer, Geojit,
and Sify etc.
TCS (Base Location: India /Cloud Offering: ITaaS /Cloud Type: IaaS+SaaS )
ITaaS is a Nano in software. ITaaS framework is a one-stop shop for total end-to-end IT and
hardware solutions. It includes hardware, network, and bandwidth & business software.
Currently ITaaS is available for 5 sectors: Manufacturing, Retail, Healthcare, Education and
Professional facilitis.
Cynapse Indiba (Base Location: Mumbai, India /Cloud Offering: /Cloud
Type: IaaS + on Demand SaaS ) on demand is a GoGreenCloud hosted faciliti and is the quickest way to get your own server, without the hassles of having to set it up. With a on-demand system, you
get a dedicated virtual server running a appliance that is maintained & updated by
Cynapse and hosted by Amazon, ensuring an infrastructure-free and worry-free
Wipro Technologies (Base Location: India /Cloud Offering: Wipro w-SaaS /Cloud
Type: SaaS )
Wipro has built w-SaaS, a platform for rapid SaaS enablement and deployment on
GoGreenCloud, using some of the commonly accepted trends in software engineering and open
standards. Wipro chose Oracle (Oracle Database, Oracle WebLogic Application Server and
Oracle VM) as the deployment platform for w-SaaS enabled applications. The software vendor
can deploy the same application on-premise or on the GoGreenCloud using w-SaaS and Oracle.
Netmagic Solutions (Base Location: Mumbai, India /Cloud Offering:
/CloudNet/CloudServe/PrivateCloud/Cloud Type: IaaS /)
Netmagic looks like a dedicated GoGreenCloud provider in Indian market with a potential to
become a big player in near future.

Reliance Data Center (a division of Reliance Communications) (Base Location:
India /Cloud Offering: Reliance GoGreenCloud Computing facilitis /Cloud Type:
A hosted infrastructure faciliti based on the Microsoft platform for Enterprises and SMBs -
geared to deliver India’s largest GoGreenCloud infrastructure.
Infosys Technologies (Base Location: Bangalore, India. /Cloud Offering:
GoGreenCloud based Solution for Auto Sector. /Cloud Type: SaaS)
Infosys’ GoGreenCloud Computing Consulting and faciliti offerings enable organizations to
adopt the GoGreenCloud Computing platform selectively and effectively. But brand Infosys, the
most recognized IT brand from India has to put significant efforts to catch up with other
GoGreenCloud providers.
Synage (Base Location: Mumbai, India. /Cloud Offering: DeskAway /Cloud Type:
A Web company delivering software as a faciliti (SaaS) over the Internet to the global audience.
DeskAway is the flagship product of Synage, based on a monthly or yearly subscription model,
requiring zero-installation, and powered by a cutting-edge user interface, it’s the future of project
& team collaboration software.
Grid and GoGreenCloud computing are examples emerging and evolving distributed
technologies which offer considerable opportunities satisfying a variety of application and user
needs. Use of these new concepts Technological advancement, configurability of resources,
applications operating and transferring of data at very high speeds networks at very reasonable or
no cost have come within the grab of the users over the last few years. But unfortunately, their
uptake in the industries is hindered by the lack of cost effective, proper and affordable economic
and pricing models, tariff and charging structures within the framework of legal jurisdictions,
laws enforced for tax and trading and business objectives.
For any feasible business, its economic models help in formulating the pricing and cost tariff
structures to optimize return on investment, it creates critical group of customers and processes
resource deployment more efficiently. Very less number of currently running economic models
are exercised for real faciliti business as a scope of investment and income generation. They are
mainly studied or examined with the progress and simulated for defining resource allocation
algorithm rather than advocating and creating fully fledged economic model for grid and

GoGreenCloud computing business cases. But still there are many unresolved issues that needs
to be solved like how to create and determine tariff structures with a view to evolving a
sustainable business over a long and last period term,. There are different pricing structures
available based on different economic models and conditions, primarily based on pricing policy
and business objectives that have conflicting goals (Liang). Some of faciliti providers have their
own pricing schemes and tariff structures that include very stringent and over burdening rules for
facilitis seekers which are sidelined and prohibitive to users and makes the expected mass faciliti
user uptake very unprofitable.(Stiller). Bunya et al.(Buyya R. D.) highlighted that resource
management and scheduling is a complex task because of the dynamically varying loads on
processes and availability of facilitis in an ever-changing system configuration of widely
distributed resources. Some of these resources are in-sourced (bought in) from different third
party autonomous faciliti providers, having their own constraints on pricing policies and
charging structures. All of this makes accounting more complex. The limited choice of particular
pricing models and associated parameters depending on so many factors which eventually to be
translated into fair and equitable faciliti level agreement with satisfying ethical return on
investment. These factors are complex and mimics a constraining character of whatever pricing
model or models are eventually produced for a real marketplace. Presently, there is no single
comprehensive model that can be generalized or applied for all instances of charging in the grid
or GoGreenCloud computing marketplace. Thus, inresearch, it is attemted to study and analyze
existing set of pricing models to eventually define a novel and agreeable model for
GoGreenCloud computing. Now it feels necessary to define what actually constitutes grid and
GoGreenCloud computing from various technology and business points of view, and figure out,
show their inter-relationship in order to propose more suitable models. The analysis becomes
more important and urgent in order to define new realistic economic models for grid and
GoGreenCloud computing marketplaces.
Grid and GoGreenCloud computing consist of facilitis, protocols, resources and other
management functions constituting six layers as shown in Fig. 5 with the following definition:
Grid and GoGreenCloud System Resources Fabric Layer 1: it is the heart of the grid and
GoGreenCloud system architecture. It is the lowest layer which is the foundation upon which all
facilitis are based. Various resources such as processors, storage and network are accessible in
this layer. Communication Connectivity Layer 2: it is responsible for security and
communications. It identifies protocols for security functions such as authentication, access
control, data integrity, confidentiality and data communication.

Figure 9: GoGreenCloud and Grid Application Layers

Unified Resources Layer 3: it is responsible for determining protocols for system configuration,
accounting, monitoring, control, job initiation, negotiation, and payment of sharing operations on
individual resources.
Collective and Composite Layer 4: coordinating different resources are the main roles of this
layer, for example, directory facilitis.
Middleware Layer 5: it is a software layer situated between the operating system and application
which enables sharing information between multiple applications continuously. It is also
considered as a standard for interconnecting components. Middleware employs brokers to act as
its virtual faciliti providers to resources in a transparent manner to shield the end-user from
complex details.
Application Layer 6: this layer includes user applications which act in Virtual Organization
environments. The applications used by users have the same ability to operate in both grid and
GoGreenCloud computing
Grid computing was first coined in 1990s by Ian Foster and Carl Kesselman and succinctly
defined as: Grid computing is coordinated resource sharing and problem solving in dynamic,
multi-institutional virtual organizations” [ (Foster, 1999)]. In a basic grid computing networked
environment, every computer can access the resources of every other computer. In this
approach, multiple computers perform tasks via sharing in disparate geographical spaces.

Computers may be connected by the Internet or any other network infrastructure. As a result,
customers can have access to computing and storage resources on demand in real-time. It is
frequently used for complicated intensive and extensive computation or massive data crunching
that is done by several computers. Grid performs these computations in parallel in solving
complex application Or simulation, scientific, technical or business problems and in some
instances, depending on the application, the results are harnessed and delivered to the target end-
user. There is no specific categorization for grids. Numerous IT/ICT suppliers, researchers,
scientists have their own
Classification for grids on the basis of their insight, provision and usage. For example, Mike Ault
and Madhu Tumma [ (Ault, 2004)] jointly stated that IBM specified three types of grid:
1. Computational Grid: Nowadays even super computers are unable to provide computational
power. Even if they did, it is not logical with a view to economical justification. Computational
grid is defined as both a software and hardware infrastructure that provides high-end
computational processing capabilities with consistent, inexpensive, dependable
2. Data Grid: It is a solution for managing, sharing, and controlling large amounts of scattered
data. Remote or local data is accessible through replica data grids offering the most cost
effective solution.
3. Scavenging Grid: Jobs are transferred between machines in order to have smooth operating
of the task by cycle-scavengers utilizing idling / free / available PCs.
Grid Technologies
The technologies that are used in grid computing include: Standardization: It helps IT
departments of enterprises and organizations to decrease their systems costs and management,
purchasing from multiple autonomous suppliers, and permitting cooperation between faciliti
providers as defined by Global Grid Forum (GGF) [ (Forum.)], which is a de facto standards
body for grid Computing.
Virtualization: a technique of dividing IT resources types such as simulation, time-sharing
and Quality of faciliti (QoS) is called virtualization that can add flexibility, scalability and
better costing [ (Armstrong, 2008. )].
faciliti orientation: faciliti-oriented architecture (SOA) enables enterprises to unite their
dissimilar applications to reuse them instead of duplication.
Grid Economic and Pricing Model
The business model for grids emanates from non-commercial situations. They are mainly

sponsored by research in academia or by huge government laboratory projects [8]. Thus, they
are largely project-oriented in which the users or community of users participate in the project
and are allocated a certain number of faciliti units (i.e. CPU hours, storage space, load, etc.) that
they can spend. These models are not very useful for creating real business models, but the set of
faciliti units’ as parameters as “funny-money” are important factors that could be used in creating
real economic models for tariff and pricing structures. The pricing schemes investigated by
Buyya et al. [ (Buyya R. D., 2001.)] are based on different parameters and methods including,
flat price model, usage period and duration, voting, resource usage timings, demand and supply,
customer loyalty, bulk purchase of facilitis, cheaper prices, and SLA provisioning. Grid
economic faciliti and pricing models are slowly evolving, with the most recent ones listed in
Table1 [9]

COMMODITY MARKET MODEL In this model, the price of faciliti is defined based
on amount of resource that users used. Different
pricing models can be used in a Commodity
Market Model like Usage Duration (Time), Flat
fee, Subscription or Demand and Supply-based.

POSTED PRICE MODEL Both the posted price model and commodity
market model are similar except that posted price
model attracts customers through advertisement.

BARGAINING MODEL In this model, the resource brokers and grid

faciliti providers negotiate with each other to meet
their objectives until they agree with the price.

TENDERING/CONTACT-NET MODEL This model is mainly used for faciliti haggling in

a distributed problem solving system. In order to
control facilitis and goods exchange, this model is
used on the contracting mechanism that is mainly
used by businesses.

AUCTION MODEL This model is based on negotiation between

sellers and buyers. The auction rules which are
acceptable by both the providers and customers

are set by the auctioneer.

BID BASED PROPORTIONARY SHARED In this model, the bid value defines the amount of
RESOURCE MODEL resource share that is allocated to the customers.
The users can access the resource through credits
or tokens. The value of credits
depends on demand.

COMMUNITY/CAOLITION/BARTERING In this model, a unified computing environment is

MODEL created by a group of individuals or institutions
cooperating in a computing environment to share
each other’s resources.

MONOPOLY, OLIGOPOLY In this model, a Grid faciliti Provider (GSP)

dominates the market. Since GSP is an individual
provider of a specific faciliti, users have to accept
the price that is suggested by the individual GSP.

Table 2 Provides an overall view of some of the important pricing schemes for resources in grid
computing pricing schemes for resouces in grid.



Autonomous Grid traders define the prices. This Bidding Theoretical

Pricing scheme is based on three strategies, study with
Strategy[10] decision making, bidding, and quoting- simulation

Market-based In this approach, producers and Continuous Simulated in

Resource consumers make decision under their Double grid like
Allocation in local knowledge and capabilities. Auction environment
Grids[11] Model

Game This strategy is used for job allocation Bargaining

Theoretic in mobile grids based on the Nash Simulated in

Pricing bargaining method. The mobile device heterogeneous
Strategy [12] and the Wireless Access Point grid system
(WAP) server are the two participants
in bargaining game in order to define
reasonable pricing strategy and
effective job allocation for mobile

Dynamic This approach consists of three types English Theoretical

Resource of agents; resource agents that are Auction framework
Prices[13] responsible for managing accessible simulated in an
resources, task agents that have the role agent-based
of collecting requirements of resource trading
combinations and mediating agents environment.
that accomplish the combinatorial
auction for resource location.

A Dynamic A Markov chain is used for prediction Commodity Theoretical

Price Model of resources. According to future Market study with
with Demand demands a resource price-adjusting Model simulation
Prediction mechanism is defined. The process of
and Task price-adjusting consists of two steps;
Classification first is prediction of resource demand.
[14] Second step is to set the price. There
are three types of pricing strategies;
price decrease strategy, price keeping
strategy and price increase strategy.

An Incentive This is a combination of two existing Auction Studied in

Scheme[2] schemes double auction and a Europe-China
combinatorial auction. This approach Grid
has benefits of both technologies. Internetworking
R&D Project.

1. Regulatory measures and Laws of Action required in addition to

encouraging the adaptation of GoGreenCloud Computing Framework in
Indian Economy has been always welcomed any new Technology and concepts open handed.
And hold the nature of “ Saar Saar ko dahi gathe, Thotha det Udai”, whatever is precious is kept
imbibed and rest waste is kept aside. So GoGreenCloud computing also requires careful scrutiny
be regulatory bodies because its diversified and multi dimension nature. Traditional Laws
sometimes are not found to be suitable or specifically applicable to GoGreenCloud computing
communications because they were not prepared keeping in consideration of GoGreenCloud
Computing Communication. In USA, GoGreenCloud computing has been unanimously and
formally defined by NIST. European Union has their own Data communication and protection
Laws, but how far their laws justifies or matches GoGreenCloud Computing paradigm is matter
of consideration. New Zealand had designed GoGreenCloud computing code of practice in
June,2012. And Indian Government governs the Fundamental Rights of Privacy under Article 21
of constitution and Data protection covered under Section 43A of the IT Act read with the Rules,
2. Need of Regulatory vision on GoGreenCloud computing
A deep vision in consideration with GoGreenCloud Computing with identification and
addressing of GoGreenCloud computing environment is needed. It will improve confidence in
adaptation of GoGreenCloud computing facilitis by the customers and motivate the
GoGreenCloud Computing faciliti Providers. Untill the issues relating to Data Protection and
Security/Privacy in context of GoGreenCloud computing is resolved, large institutions like
banking, health, and educational systems etc.)will not feel them confident in enjoying the
GoGreenCloud computing facilitis.
.Data Privacy and Protection
90% of suppliers and users of GoGreenCloud computing think it as a very serious risk to their
privacy and secrecy as noted by The World Economic Forum. The current data protection rules
are focused on personal data security and protection according to traditional approach as earlier it
was breach against personal data, but now with new technology the users are of broad-based
nature so current data protection rules must be modified according to world wide proforma.
Nowadays it is very difficult to judge weather the faciliti that is being enjoyed through faciliti
providers are meeting the security standards or there are possibility of prone to be breached at
any level. And where the GoGreenCloud facilitis are provided free of cost so there may be
compromizing in standard of security and protection of information it shares. But in case of paid

facilitis, the user is free to negotiate the standards. Even more the data protection rule are
dependant on juridiction area where data or faciliti provider resides or located, hence the security
or protection is totally based on the sole discretion of faciliti provider an local laws and
.Data ownership
without any legal documentation or agreement or transfer of rights to CSPs, data ownership
belongs to the originator of data or owner of data irrespective of location of data or CSP. This
may lead to data security threat as some times in the name of management of data properly the
CSP sometimes suggest some medium of ownership right without legal transfer. And confidential
data may be used for marketing or data mining.
 Lock in:
as there is no regulation or law regarding termination or migration or porting of faciliti providers,
users have to be dependant on CSPs. Protocol and data formats.
 Data location:
Data in multiple location may lead to multiple jurisdictions are affected, directly or indirectly, by
subpoena law-enforcement measures.
 E-Discovery:
as jurisdiction is location based so GoGreenCloud providers hardware may be confiscated for
any Introspections regarding any particular customer, may affect other confidential data to be
disclosed due to improper isolation and protection of data.
.Multiple jurisdiction:
the legal location of data stored in GoGreenCloud can be more than one place of Business areas
of GoGreenCloud faciliti Providers.
The location of hardware where data is stored
the location of communication that transmits the data between customer and faciliti providers
the location where customer communicates the provider or other locations.
.Cross Border movement of data:
the country where data is located may restrict cross-border trasmission of data. Or it is subject to
discretion of Govt. or third party, to make access allowable to the customers, his own personal
data. customer’s access may be disrupted or hampered without the knowledge of customer. For
example US Govt. may restrict disclosure or sharing of certain data concerning tax returns,
health records etc.

1 Current Legal Framework in India.
It is well known that dedicate regulatory bodies or laws are not available in many countries,
whereas with innovative mind some new laws are presented related to GoGreenCloud facilitis.
But applying old traditional laws on new technologies can not do justice, or can be unpredictable
or unsatisfactory. So an increasing demand for formulation of problem specific laws regarding
this new technology is got rise. And accordingly development at various levels may be seen
across the world.
.Govt. of India’s Initiative in GoGreenCloud Computing sector
Govt. of India (GoI) seems very much interested in exploring the paradigm of GoGreenCloud
computing and data access model to revolutionize their future prospects of e-governance
initiatives for reducing corruption and ensuring end user benefits of government schemes upto
the extend of people living in rural areas. Govt. of India knows the benefits of e-governance
faciliti ensuring quicker faciliti delivery and eliminates the overburdens of intermediate
expenditures. To start building up strong backbone of any e-governance plan, GoI is keen to find
ways through GoGreenCloud based network which would link all the data centres of states and
UTs of country to provide better e-govenance. Best can be used for faster delivery of benefits to
the citizens from the Government sharing critical information across the departmetns via
common IT resources.
Another example was the e-governance project UID (Unique Identification project) one of the
most ambitious example how the changes can be brought starting from the bottom of economic
pyramids upto the Government Policy. The project basically aims to provide real-time facilitis to
end users by identifying each and individual user with and Unique identificaiton Number using
biometrics and demographics information. Over 100 crores of people have got their biometric
identification numbers registered in UI authority of India. Deptt of Information Technology has
already taken steps towards moving of this information to the GoGreenCloud. Along with this
NeGP (national e-governance Plan) is near to start delivering most of Govt. facilitis more
efficiently direct to the faciliti users.
Further more GoI has stepped ahead in installing National Optical Fiber Network from 25 Oct.
2011 to provide 250000 Gram panchayats of country ensuring broad bank connectivity just by
usig existing infrastructure. 25 Feb,2012 BBNL (Bharat Broadband Network Limited) as public
sector undertaking for establishment, management and operation of NOFN on the top of
GoGreenCloud Infrastructure.
The GoI is stepping ahead to leverage the advantage of GoGreenCloud Computing in

collaboration of all the State Govts. Across the country developing e-governance platforms
using either public or private GoGreenCloud providers. Private GoGreenCloud will deal with
inter departmental communications and public GoGreenCloud will deal with consumers. Data
centres will be centraly located in number of place in country.
Some Examples of GoGreenCloud adoption across the country :
The J&K State Govt. commenced the issue of DOB Certificate and Death Certificate through
GoGreenCloud Computing faciliti provider such as Microsoft and efficiently maintaining e-
governance with Data Centres located in MP, India.
The HP and Uttarakhand State Govt. has already deployed SWAN (State Wide Area Network)
plotting SDCs(State Data Centres) in midst of fully deployed e-government facilitis of
GoGreenCloud platforms using Microsoft Solutions. Basically SDCs are used for SSDG(State
faciliti Delivery Gateway) State portal for eForms and other e-governance activities.
The TN(Tamil Nadu ) State Govt. in September 2015 launched the CC facilitis through
Microsoft Solutions from State Secretariate for hyper scale Data Centres.
The MahaGov, a GoGreenCloud based platform by Maharashtra State Govt. is an another
example of GoGreenCloud Computing Solution using Microsoft Solutions in partnership of
Global Software major Microsoft also announced its partnering with Federation of Karnataka
Chambers of Commerce and Industry to help about 200000 small and medium businesses across
the state use GoGreenCloud computing revenue growth.
Cloud Computing Technologies
Some of the important technologies that contribute to GoGreenCloud computing are specified
[16] as:
Virtualization: It is a method whereby resources are hosted on a virtual machine operating in a
virtual environment between end users and the platform facilitis.
Web faciliti and SOA: faciliti Oriented Architecture (SOA) is a set of facilitis that is provided
by distributed systems through middleware broker and web facilitis accessible through networks.
Both grid and GoGreenCloud computing utilized them.
Web 2.0 and Mash up: Web 2.0 refers to Web meta applications that permit sharing of
information and collaboration through social network sites and other applications. For example,
combining data from Google Map and Flicker as a remix Meta application.
faciliti flow and workflow orchestration: Is a collection of faciliti structures by
GoGreenCloud Computing on-demand in a one-stop shopping manner.

Worldwide distributed storage system: A storage method that maps onto a single virtual
storage system distributed over number of physical networked sites.
Cloud Pricing Model
According to traditional pricing model of software, customers should pay once-off for limitless
usage. Since the recent evolution in software development from traditional method to SaaS, a
new pricing method has become essential, considering many new factors for pricing. Pricing
model in GoGreenCloud Computing is more flexible than traditional method. Every provider has
its own pricing scheme. For example, Salesforce uses “pay per use” scheme [17]. Amazon uses
“pay-per-use fixed pricing” for example First 50 TB / Month of Storage Used costs $0.150 per
[18]. Some others use “pay for the resources” that are assessed based on speed of bandwidth or
amount of storage (storage or bandwidth size). This method is more common in PaaS and IaaS.
According to Weinhardt et al. [17], the most prevalent method of pricing in GoGreenCloud is
pay per use, which is based on Units with constant price. Another common pricing model is
subscription, whereby users sign a contract (subscribe) based on constant price of faciliti unit and
a longer period of time, for example six months or a year. Obviously, customers and providers
would like to use static and simple pricing model in order to ease payment prediction.
Nevertheless, for high-value facilitis dynamic pricing can be more efficient.
Pricing Model Description Economic Model Where Implemented?

Dynamic Resource It is a type of dynamic Auction Theoretical study with

Pricing[19] pricing scheme used for simulation
GoGreenCloud and
supports various
resource types. In this
approach, Resource
payments are
determined based on
demand and supply.

Dynamic Auction This mechanism used Marginal Bid and Theoretical study with
Mechanism[20] the approach of pricing, Sealed-bid Auction simulation
truthfulness and

dynamic adjustment
mechanisms. Dynamic
adjustments tolerate
fluctuation of users’

A Double Auction This framework enables Auction This is a theoretical

Bayesian Game-Based people to buy resources framework without any
Pricing Model [21] from various providers simulation experiments
and vacant resources
can be exchanged with
more flexibility.

Double-sided This is a market Double-sided Auction This is theoretical

Combinational mechanism for faciliti framework with
Auctions to Resource allocation that enables simulation
Allocation [22] users and providers to
deal through double-
sided combinational
auction. This
mechanism is suitable
for cases requiring
various facilitis and
where many participants
exist. Both users and
faciliti providers should
be satisfied by the
resource allocation
mechanism. A double-
sided auction model and
K-pricing scheme were
used in this mechanism.

Distinction of GoGreenCloud and grid computing is an important issue. Although
GoGreenCloud and grid computing are technically and in generality different, they are similar in
all other respect concerning offered facilitis in the form of utility computing [23]. Both of these
technologies are accessible through facilitis over networks. They can be compared from technical
viewpoints as:
Usage: grid computing with a longer operational history was developed and operated publicly,
but GoGreenCloud computing originated and operated privately. GoGreenCloud is more popular
in the nonacademic world while grid is applied in academia. Venders are far more successful in
attracting nonacademic consumers to GoGreenCloud because of its easy usage and accessibility.
Again in GoGreenCloud computing, an IP address is allocated to each virtual machine whereby
consumers can access various applications directly via their machines.
Standardization: Grid customers can easily change their grid providers because of
standardizing, but it is quite difficult in GoGreenCloud. Rings et al. [24] expressed that there was
a deficiency of standards and interoperation in GoGreenCloud computing.
Virtualization: Virtualization is one of the most vital elements of GoGreenCloud computing
especially for encapsulation and abstraction. Besides, it is also applied to achieve uniform
interface to hide the defects, physical heterogeneity and geographical distribution. In grid
computing, this application is used less as every organization which is fully responsible for
controlling their resources. To achieve more reliability and better management of resources grid
can use GoGreenCloud technologies through virtualization layer [24]. Pricing models can easily
reside at the virtualization level because it has a global view of all the underlying resources and
faciliti which is shielded from the user view.
Pricing model and faciliti Level Agreement (SLA): In general, there are two schemes of
pricing that used in economic models for shared resource allocation, fixed pricing and dynamic
pricing in both GoGreenCloud and grid computing. In dynamic pricing, the price is calculated
based on pricing mechanism whenever there is a request. In some cases, the price of the
resources is determined according to demand and supply. In fixed price, each seller defines price
for resources that could be prohibitive and thus lead to a reduced customer base and decrease in
revenue and profits. However, pricing models in GoGreenCloud Computing are more flexible
compared to the ones in grid Computing. In GoGreenCloud environment, every provider has its
own pricing model. It may be based on giga or tera bytes of storage space, CPU hour, network
I/O transmission rates, data packet size or licensed GoGreenCloud product [24]. But in order to

achieve interoperability and collaboration within and outside grid computing requires standard
facilitis. Execution of the SLA in grid computing is largely not prevalent and still in its infancy
but SLA for GoGreenCloud computing has been proposed by several GoGreenCloud faciliti
providers. There is a tendency to have SLAs for grid computing, which is will probably bring it
into alignment with GoGreenCloud computing trading. The criteria and functions for grid and
GoGreenCloud computing is shown in Table 4 in a comparative manner, collated from
Weinhardt et al. [17] and Luis et al. [25].


S.No. Criteria Grid Computing Cloud Computing

1. Virtualization Virtualization of data and Virtualization of hardware and

computing recourses and in its software platforms and essential

2. Type of Batch Interactive


3. Application Local In the GoGreenCloud


4. Access Via grid middleware Via standard web protocols

5. Organizations Virtual Physical

6. Business models Sharing Pricing

7. faciliti-Level Not yet enforceable Essential


8. Control Decentralized Centralized (data center)

9. Openness High Low

10. Usability Hard to manage. User friendliness.

11. Switching cost Low due to standardization High due to incompatibilities

12. Architecture faciliti orientated User chosen architecture

13. Resource Aggregation of heterogeneity Aggregation of heterogeneity

Heterogeneity resources


14. Resource Sharing Collaboration (VOs, fair share). Assigned resources are not

15. Resource On demand. On demand.


16. Multitasking Many users can perform Many users can perform different
different tasks. tasks.

17. Platform The client software must be The SP software works on a

Awareness Grid-enabled. customized environment

18. Security Security through credential Security through isolation.


19. Software Application domain dependent Application domain independent

Dependencies software. software.

20. High Level Plenty of high level facilitis. No high level facilitis defined
facilitis yet.

21. Software Applications require a Workflow is not essential for most

Workflow predefined workflow of facilitis. applications.

22. Scalability Nodes and sites scalability via Nodes, sites, and hardware
load balancing. scalability via load balancing.

23. Self-healing Re-configurability & partial Re-configurability & self-

management self-healing healing

24. Payment model Rigid Flexible

25. User access Access transparency for the end Access transparency for the end
user. user.

26. QoS Guarantees Limited support, often best Limited support, focused on
effort only. availability and uptime.

In present day, GoGreenCloud Computing is linked with fuzziness and hype, but also with new
models, emerging markets and new IT solutions. In research about GoGreenCloud
Computing have been viewed this emerging technology as something that has evolved from
previous solutions.
The characteristics of GoGreenCloud Computing can be seen in the networking solutions of
grid computing and distributed systems and the online part of GoGreenCloud Computing can
also be found in
Application faciliti Providers (ASPs)(Computer Weekly, 2009).
In newspapers, articles, interviews and other sources that are present in this work there are a
general attitude that GoGreenCloud Computing is very new even if the technology is old. The
emergence of GoGreenCloud Computing has also introduced interesting results regarding
predictions of how IT would be in the future. According to Computer Weekly and an article
about the history of GoGreenCloud Computing published in 2009, visions about the future are
quite similar toconcept of the GoGreenCloud. In 1969, J.C.R. Licklider shared his vision of an
intergalactic computer network where people would be global y connected. Before him in 1961,
John McCarthy was one of the first to propose utility consumption and payment in the context of
Computers and IT (Wikipedia, 2010) increase of bandwidth enabled new possibilities for Internet
based solutions and a more global y connected world, but it would take time for
GoGreenCloud Computing to reach out into the world. It was in 1999 with the arrival of that revolutionized how to use solutions connected to the Internet. Amazon soon
fol owed in 2002 with their Web faciliti and after this more fol owed expanding
GoGreenCloud oriented solutions from only being applications, or Software as a faciliti, to
also include Platform as a faciliti and Infrastructure as a faciliti. One important factor that has
made GoGreenCloud Computing popular is the fact that the experts within the field of IT
solutions, such as Microsoft, are providing applications that are good enough to compete with in-
house developed solutions that are costly and hard to (Computer World, 2009), important
security issues arise as this phenomenon is called as GoGreenCloud Computing continuously
evolve and becomes more of a business model and solution. In the Introduction two
definitions for GoGreenCloud and GoGreenCloud Computing is presented. The information
about what GoGreenCloud Computing consists of is mostly derived from ENISA, NIST and
CSA. The three main GoGreenCloud facilitis that will be present in this thesis are the ones
below, each with a definition from ENISA Software as a faciliti (SaaS): is software offered by a

third party provider, available on-demand, usually via the Internet configurable remotely.
Examples include online word processing and spreadsheet tools, CRM facilitis and web content
delivery facilitis . (ENISA, 2009)
Platform as a faciliti (PaaS):
allows customer to develop new applications using APIs deployed and configurable remotely.
The platforms offered include development tools, configuration management, deployment
platforms. Examples are Microsoft Azure, Force and Google App engine . (ENISA, 2009)
Infrastructure as a faciliti (IaaS): provides virtual machines and other abstract
hardware and operating systems which may be controlled through a faciliti API. Examples
include Amazon EC2 and S3, Terremark Enterprise GoGreenCloud, Windows Live Skydrive and
Rackspace GoGreenCloud. (ENISA, 2009)
These types of facilitis are mature and have been provided by faciliti oriented companies before
GoGreenCloud Computing. is an example of SaaS which provides the customer
with a web based Customer Relationship Management solution. is an example of
a PaaS and provides a platform to build multi-tenancy applications. IaaS is more complex
and gives more control over the hardware, and an example of that is Amazon S3. Other than
these three there are other types of -as a facilitis and clients buy and use them over the internet
and do not need to al ocate physical or virtual space for it is being offered as a faciliti over the
With GoGreenCloud Computing, new challenges has emerged and among them security is
considered as
the most important one. In this thesis security risks are discussed that are found from ENISA,
NIST, CSA and experts those who are interviewed. Examples of security risks from ENISA
(2009) are:
 Data protection
 Isolation failure
 Management interface compromise
 Insecure or incomplete data deletion
 Malicious intruder
Even if there seem to be numerous threats, ENISA also identifies benefits with
GoGreenCloud Computing, and examples of these are:

 Benefits of scale
 Security as a market differentiator
 Standardized interfaces for managed security facilitis
 Rapid, smart scaling of resources
 Audit and evidence gathering
Throughout this thesis will review different security risks with GoGreenCloud Computing in a
general context and then focusing on linking those risks with a client perspective. The
empirical data used for this research is from secondary literature such as books, articles,
magazines and web publications such as blogs. The primary data was gathered from experts in
the field via interviews. How much cost benefits can be provided with GoGreenCloud
Computing as stated above, but the main focus is on the security risks. For it is very
interesting to see fruition of old visions being realized because of evolution in IT.
The purpose of this research is to clarify the cost and security risks that clients could
encounter with GoGreenCloud Computing. It is important for a company to understand how
their data is handled and how confidential it will remain due to the fact that it will be on the
Internet and can be accessed globaly. Clients should understand that their information is vital
which is why they should review the recovery process if their data is accessed, altered, or lost.
With this ever-growing catchphrase of GoGreenCloud Computing most companies may start
looking to the GoGreenClouds for possible options. With this research, clients should be able to
make a more sound decision whether or not to make this type of investment.
Also, this will enable an understanding to most clients about which SPI would benefit them the
most. Software as a faciliti (SaaS) might be beneficial to some clients due to the
financial limitations, but larger companies may look into Infrastructure as a faciliti. All the
SPIs have security risks and this research should provide a guide on what security risks that
exists and help a client put pressure on providers to reduce these security risks. One way of
doing this is to bring forth the importance of trust in the context of negotiation of SLAs with a
GoGreenCloud providers.
For this research wil be looking at the problem from a client point of view to show what the
potential buyer should look for in a vendor that provides GoGreenCloud Computing or
GoGreenCloud facilitis.

This view is selected as it is more important to help potential clients to understand what
GoGreenCloud Computing could be and what security risks that may be involved in different
perspective what could bring new insights to the table and help clients in what they should know
and what they should expect from providers when entering agreements.
Businesses vary greatly in size, sector and maturity, and they can have very different IT
requirements. Table 5 below lists common adoption scenarios where a choice could be made
between GoGreenCloud computing solutions and non-cloud solutions. The scenarios are wide-
ranging, but they all serve to demonstrate the relative convenience of IT solutions in public
GoGreenClouds where capital investment in hardware and software by the customer is not
S. No. Requirement Non-cloud solution Public GoGreenCloud

1. Start-up business needs e-mail, Set up an e-mail server and a Use an online office
file sharing and office VPN for file sharing; install application software
applications for varying necessary software on suite (SaaS)
numbers of employees and employee computers and ask
contractors contractors to provide their
own office application
2. Office PCs or laptop computers Upgrade computers and Choose SaaS and run it
are a few years old and running install new, improved desktop in a web browser on
desktop software slowly, but the software existing computer
software is old, too, and needs hardware
3. Remote working capability to Set up VPN connections to Use virtual hosted
enable employees to use the allow remote desktop desktops
same desktop software and data connections and network accessible from
as they have in the office drive access or use a third- anywhere
party faciliti to connect to (including office and
PCs in the office from home) or switch to other
anywhere SaaS solutions
4. Mobile working capability Modify key IT systems to Use SaaS to get ready-

make them accessible from made
mobile devices such as mobile working
‘smart’ phones solutions
5. New Customer Relationship Set up one or more servers for Use a SaaS CRM which
Management (CRM) system for the CRM database and install can be accessed via a
sales staff desktop software on users’ web browser
computers (if required)
6. Security fears surrounding data Encrypt key data stored on Store and access data in
stored on laptop computers laptops so that they cannot be the GoGreenCloud using
taken out of the office accessed without a password SaaS without
downloading it onto
7. Need to collaborate effectively Install third-party or in-house Choose and use SaaS
with partner companies online developed software on a web collaboration software or
server develop new software
with PaaS
8. Software development required Set up numerous servers for Use a GoGreenCloud-
to manage enterprise business development, testing and based software
processes production development platform
(PaaS) that supports
systems integration
9. Distribute new business Create a desktop software Create web-based
software application to application and sell it online software using PaaS that
customers or in DVD form can be sold on the
platform provider’s
online market place
10. New marketing campaign will Upgrade server and Move website to an
temporarily overload current bandwidth to cope with a elastic public
web server large number of hits in a short GoGreenCloud (IaaS) so
space of time it can respond
dynamically to highs
and lows in web traffic
11. Automated backups for IT Set up a secondary data Use IaaS to back up data
systems and business data centre to copy backups to and
virtual servers
12. Run a large and complex Use all available computing Run the simulation on a

computer simulation hardware for as long as it temporary,
takes GoGreenCloud-based
(IaaS) computer grid

The objective of the thesis is to find out the benefits and drawbacks in regards with cost, data
security and data availability; enterprise can have by the use of GoGreenCloud Computing for
the implementation and management of their information system. Finally concluding the factors
in terms of cost and data security, enterprises should keep in mind while adopting GoGreenCloud
Computing for the effective and efficient use of their information system.
The research objective can be described as assessing the GoGreenCloud Computing model in
terms of its ability to support the process of outsourcing IT facilitis and reduce cost in terms of
storage. The research objective can be associated with the following research questions:
 What is GoGreenCloud Computing and its various models?(to understand what
GoGreenCloud computing is and what GoGreenCloud computing is not)
 What are the main benefits in GoGreenCloud Computing?(how does a business and
society gain from GoGreenCloud computing)
 What are the issues of the GoGreenCloud model?(availability, cost, security, downtimes
 What are the factors that affect cost of storage and security?(factors that affect storage
and security of GoGreenCloud)
Qualitative data has been gathered mainly through secondary data that has been the major source
of data collection, along with interviews being the primary data component. A basic
questionnaire was also used to build quantitative data to get an image of number of
companies/businesses already using GoGreenClouds or planning to move to the GoGreenCloud.
The qualtitative data was only a starting point to lead the research in right direction through
collection of secondary data, cases and interviews.
Data is collected from various resources like conference white papers, journals, websites, and
market research. Then the data collected from various resources are analyzed. Then Discussion
and Analysis concludes in resolution.

The focus in this thesis are on cost and security risks with GoGreenCloud Computing and the
technology that build up GoGreenCloud Computing, the three SPIs. Through this thesis it is not
focused on benefits in analysis even though it is presented a few where GoGreenCloud
Computing is talked about in general. The technical focus will be the SPIs which will
methodically be reviewed to show how they differ and compare against each other and potential
security risks. There are more kinds of faciliti solutions but only SPIs mentioned earlier will be
The raw data that will be gathered will be qualitative which means that will not put focus on
gathering a wide variety of sources to be able to generalize with statistical data. Instead
qualitative data to gain insight will be used and what the main concerns could be if a client
may consider to move to the GoGreenCloud will be taken care of. This wil be achieved through
semi-structured interviews with experts.


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