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Ramos, Jullanna Anne N.

BS Psychology 2A S.Y. 2023-2024


Page 109
1. How the different countries establish regional organizations?
Aside from being geographically close to each other, the different countries
established regional organizations by considering similar aspects such as culture, political
system, language, religion, common strengths and weaknesses, economic problems, and
interests. For example, the European Union’s goal is to establish stability and prevent future
conflicts, so they created a single market program. On the other hand, ASEAN countries,
although sharing little commonalities other than location, still aim for economic
development and peace. Countries form organizations to gain mutual benefit and address
common issues by creating agreements and policies.

2. What is regionalism?
Regionalism is the formation of policies, economic, and social systems among
countries that share similar identities, ethics, regions, ecological sustainability, and health.
This is defined by policymakers, economic actors, and social movements. This is also
formed to deal with the challenges of globalization. Examples of groups created due to
regionalism are the European Union (EU), the Association of Southeast Asian Nations
(ASEAN), and the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC).

3. How regionalism influence globalization?

Regionalism revolves around countries that share common goals and globalization
within those countries is shaped well. As they are geographically and culturally close,
trades are more likely to be liberal, and fewer investment barriers are present which would
result into better economic integration. This also means larger markets, enhanced trade,
and the promotion of cultural exchange. Example of this is the European Union’s
development of a single currency. Therefore, regionalism influences globalization by
developing a strong connection within member countries.
Ramos, Jullanna Anne N. GECONTWO
BS Psychology 2A S.Y. 2023-2024
Page 136

1. How globalization affects the global migration?

Globalization is the exchange of goods, services, and even people. It increases the
connection between different countries thus giving people the option to migrate depending
on reasons such as economic issues. In today’s world, people move to other countries to
find better opportunities that their own country cannot offer. This can have positive effects
on countries and migrants such as economic growth and connectedness. However,
underlying challenges involve security and human rights concerns. A strong policy and
protection system must be established to address these concerns

2. Discuss the relation of religion to globalization.

Globalization has contributed to creating connections among countries through the
spread of goods, services, knowledge, and even culture. With that, different religions have
been influenced by this global exchange. For example, religious beliefs and practices of a
certain country or region can be adopted or learned by an immigrant. There are also cases
where they convert to that religion due to marriage or personal decisions. Additionally, in
the modern world, people can easily access information using the Internet where they can
learn about the different religions and even decide to practice it.

3. What are the characteristics of global state?

A global state aims to address global challenges and promote cooperation among
nations. With that, they have various international financial services to offer, considerable
decision-making power, they center in new ideas and innovation particularly in economic
aspects, high quality institutions to govern international affairs. All of it are utilized to
achieve global security and economic integration among countries.
Ramos, Jullanna Anne N. GECONTWO
BS Psychology 2A S.Y. 2023-2024


Page 150

1. Why food security, must prioritize by the government?

Food is one of the basic needs of humans and the world is dominated by them.
Therefore, food security is essential for survival. Besides promoting human rights, proper
nutrition is crucial for the development of an individual especially children of young age.
A healthy individual tends to have better physical and mental abilities thus allowing them
to be a productive citizen that contributes to the community. Additionally, without food
security, other problems such as social unrest and food shortages during natural disasters
and pandemics may arise.

2. What is sustainable development?

Sustainable development is an idea that aims to satisfy the current needs without
risking the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. To further explain, it
means utilizing resources enough for the current generation and leaving something to use
in the future. For example, some countries focus on the environmental aspect where they
only cut trees enough for the year and re-grow them. Others are promoting walking or
public transportation instead of personal vehicles to reduce expenses, reduce pollution, and
improve human health.

3. How do we attain the so-called sustainable development in our economy?

I think that our country would need a great effort to attain sustainable development
because we’re currently experiencing root problems that haven’t been eliminated for a long
time. For instance, we are in desperate need of good governance, leaders, and policymakers
who are intelligent enough to create feasible strategies based on our current resources.
Looking for partnerships and assistance from other countries will also not be enough so the
citizens must also cooperate. If everyone are well-informed of the situation and develop
the right mindset, it will be easier to work our way in attaining sustainable development.
Ramos, Jullanna Anne N. GECONTWO
BS Psychology 2A S.Y. 2023-2024


Page 21

1. How the globalization affects the foreign relations of different countries in terms of :
a. Economic aspect - In the economic aspect, globalization affects foreign relations by
establishing connections among countries through exchange of products services, and
knowledge. With that, countries will tend to depend on each other to keep their market
growing and finances flowing.

b. Security aspect – Globalization can impact foreign relations in the security aspect
through factors such as migration, public health crises, and environmental degradation.
Covid-19 for instance put most countries at health risk and initiated cooperation of different
countries to send vaccines and other assistance.

c. Military aspect – Globalization poses opportunities for military alliances and arms trade
among countries which guarantees defense during shared security threats, promote
stability, and enhance military capabilities.

2. What are the positive and negative impact of globalization?

Globalization positively impacts the world through outsourcing and finding
customers throughout the world thus improving a country’s economy. On the other hand,
it can also change traditional ways of doing business which can give an economy a hard
time adapting. Furthermore, global market opportunities and global market threats are also
present. Global market opportunities increases market potential, trade, and investment
potential, and resource accessibility. Meanwhile, global market threats can destroy
performance due to increased market competition.
Page 29

1. Why is globalization irreversible and inevitable?

Globalization has been inevitable since it already started many years ago and the
people of this world continue doing it. Its positive impacts give us no reason to eliminate
globalization in the world. Moreover, it is also irreversible since the effects in the past, may
they be positive or negative still affects the present. For example, the Covid-19 pandemic
almost caused most economies to go down. Even though some are starting to work their
way up again, we can’t erase the fact that the pandemic hit the economy hard and will
probably affect our future.

2. How neoliberalism influences the trends of globalization?

Neoliberalism has influenced global trade patterns, investment flows, and the
distribution of economic benefits and challenges worldwide by shaping policies and
practices that promote interconnectedness and economic openness among countries.
Neoliberalism's focus on free markets, removing regulations, and promoting global
economic connections has fueled the process of globalization.

3. How the economic policy of American affects the economy of other countries?
The economic decisions made by the United States have important effects on other
countries' economies because of its position as a major global economic powerhouse. The
size, influence, and interconnectedness of the United States make its economic policies
have a significant effect on the global economy. Adjustments in US economic strategies
have the potential to cause backlash throughout international financial markets, trading
activities, investment trends, and economic development prospects for other nations.
Ramos, Jullanna Anne N. GECONTWO
BS Psychology 2A S.Y. 2023-2024

Page 43
1. What are the different aspects of global economy?
The global economy consists of characteristics such as globalization, international
trade, international finance, and global investment. Globalization is the integration of
economies, societies, and cultures while international trade is the impact of globalization
which is the exchange of goods and services between countries. Furthermore, international
finance involves topics about currency exchange rates and monetary policies. Lastly, global
investment is a strategy than mainly takes place via foreign direct investment.

2. How the economy benefited from the global economy?

The global economy offers free trade which allows countries to exchange goods
and services and specialize in the production of products in which they have an advantage.
It also facilitated movement of labor by increasing the migration of the labor force which
can also reduce geographical inequality. It also contributed to increased economies scale
due to lower average costs and prices for customers. Additionally, countries have been able
to attract short-term and long-term investments which they can use in improving their

Page 52
1. What is glocalization
Glocalization is adapting international products, services, ideas, or businesses to fit
in the local system, the citizen’s preferences, and the country or region’s culture. It’s a
mixture of international and local influences on businesses and establishments. Examples
of these are the Multinational Corporations such as Apple and McDonald’s.

2. Explain the economic dimension of globalization

The growing interconnection and integration of international economies is referred
to as the "economic dimension of globalization." The worldwide market is becoming
increasingly integrated and interrelated as a result of the cross-border movement of capital,
information, products, and services. The economic dimension has led to increased trade,
investment, and innovations.

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