Study Notes about material handing

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Study Notes

1. What is Stress?
The force of resistance, offered by a body against deforma on is called stress.
Mathema cally stress is wri en as
Ơ = P/A
Ơ = Stress, P = External force or load, A = Cross-sec onal area
Unit – N/m2 = 10-6N/mm2
There are three types of stress.
a. Tensile stress – The stress induced in a body, when subjected to two equal and
opposite pulls as a result of which there is an increase in length, is known as
tensile stress.
b. Compressive stress - The stress induced in a body, when subjected to two equal
and opposite pushed as a result of which there is a decrease in length, is known
as compressive stress.
c. Shear stress - The stress induced in a body, when subjected to two equal and
opposite forces which are ac ng tangen ally across the resis ng sec on as a
result of which the body tends shear of across the sec on, is known as shear

2. What is Strain?
When a body subjected to some external force, there is some change of dimension
of the body. The ra o of change of dimension of the body to the original dimension is
known as strain. Starin is dimensionless.
Mathema cally strain is wri en as = e = dL/L

There are four types of strain.

a. Tensile strain – If there is some increase in length of a body due to some external
force, then the ra o of increase of length to the original length of the body is
called tensile strain.
b. Compressive strain - If there is some decrease in length of a body due to some
external force, then the ra o of decrease of length to the original length of the
body is called tensile strain.
c. Volumetric strain - If there is some change in volume of a body due to some
external force, then the ra o of change in volume to the original volume of the
body is called tensile strain.
d. Shear strain – The strain produced by shear stress is called shear strain.

3. What is elas city and elas c limit?

When an external force acts on a body, the body tends to undergo some
deforma on. If the external force is removed and the body comes back to its original
shape and size, then the body known as elas c body.
This property by virtue of which certain materials return back to their original
posi on a er removal of the external force, is called elas city.

The body will regain its previous shape and size only when the deforma on caused
by the external force is within certain limit. The value of stress corresponding to the
limi ng force is called elas c limit.

4. What is hooks law?

Hook’s law state that when a material is loaded within elas c limit, the stress is
propor onal to the strain produced by stress. This means the ra o of stress to the
corresponding strain is a contact within elas c limit.
This constant is known as Modulus of elas city or Modulus of rigidity or Elas c

5. What is Young’s modulus.

Ra o of tensile stress to tensile strain is known as Young’s modulus.
E = Ơ/e

6. What is Modulus of rigidity or shear modulus.

Ra o of shear stress to shear strain is known as Modulus of rigidity.

7. What is factor of safety?

It is defined as the ra o of ul mate stress to the permissible stress.

8. Draw Stress Strain diagram.

9. What is poisson’s ra o?
The ra o of lateral strain to longitudinal strain is called poisson’s ra o.

10. What is centre of gravity?

Centre of gravity of a body is the point through which the whole weight of the body

11. What is Moment of iner a?
The product of the are or mass and the square of the distance of centre of gravity of
the area or mass from an axis is known as moment of iner a.

12. What is torque?

Torque is a twis ng moment, which is produced by the force applied and radius of the sha .
T = F x r Sin Ѳ
13. Define vector and scaler quan es.

14. What is tensile strength?

The resistance of a material to breaking under tension.
15. What is shear strength?
Shear strength is a material property that describes a material’s resistance against a
shear load before the component fails in shear

16. What is yield strength?

The stress at which a specific amount of plas c deforma on is produced.

17. What is proof stress?
At which material undergoes plas c deforma on.

18. What is yield stress?

It is the property of a material that indicate minimum stress at which material deform

19. What do you understand by 4.6 grade bolt?

A 4.6 grade bolt refers to a specific type of bolt that is categorized based on its material
composi on and strength. In this ra ng system, the first number (4) indicates the
minimum tensile strength in megapascals (MPa) of the bolt material, and the second
number (6) represents the ra o of the yield strength to the tensile strength. So, a 4.6
grade bolt has a minimum tensile strength of 400 megapascals and a yield strength that
is approximately 60% of the tensile strength. These bolts are commonly used in
applica ons where moderate strength is required.

20. What do you understand by 8.8 grade bolt?

An 8.8 grade bolt is a type of bolt characterized by its material strength and durability. In
the grading system, the first number (8) indicates the minimum tensile strength in
megapascals (MPa) of the bolt material, while the second number (8) represents the
ra o of the yield strength to the tensile strength. Therefore, an 8.8 grade bolt has a
minimum tensile strength of 800 megapascals, and the yield strength is approximately
80% of the tensile strength. These bolts are commonly used in applica ons requiring
higher strength and reliability, such as construc on and engineering projects.

21. What do you understand by 10.4 grade bolt?

A 10.9 grade bolt is a type of bolt known for its high strength and durability. In the
grading system, the first number (10) indicates the minimum tensile strength in
megapascals (MPa) of the bolt material, while the second number (9) represents the
ra o of the yield strength to the tensile strength. Therefore, a 10.9 grade bolt has a
minimum tensile strength of 1000 megapascals, and the yield strength is approximately
90% of the tensile strength. These bolts are commonly used in applica ons requiring
excep onal strength and reliability, such as structural engineering and heavy machinery.

22. What is the Indian standard for bolt?

The Indian Standard for bolts is governed by the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS),
specifically IS 1363, which covers the metric series of hexagon head bolts, screws, and
nuts for general engineering purposes. Addi onally, IS 1364 specifies the dimensions for
hexagon head bolts, screws, and nuts of product grade 'C'. These standards ensure
uniformity and quality in bolt manufacturing and usage across India.

23. What is shear force?

The algebraic sum of the ver cal forces at any sec on of a beam to the right or le of
the sec on is known as shear force.
24. What is Bending moment?
Bending moment is a measure of the internal bending force exerted on a structural
element when subjected to external loads that cause it to bend. It is a fundamental

concept in structural engineering and mechanics, par cularly in the analysis and
design of beams, columns, and other structural members.
When a beam or any other structural member is subjected to external loads, such as
forces or moments, it experiences internal forces and moments that resist
deforma on. Bending moment specifically refers to the internal moment that
develops within the material of the beam due to the bending ac on caused by
external loads.
Mathema cally, bending moment (M) at any point along the length of a beam is
calculated by mul plying the applied force (F) by the perpendicular distance (d) from
the point to the line of ac on of the force:
25. Show shear force and bending moment diagram
a. Shear force and bending moment diagram for a can lever beam with a point load

b. Shear force and bending moment diagram for a can lever beam with a uniformly
distributed load –

c. Shear force and bending moment diagram for a can lever beam with a gradually
varying load –

d. Shear force and bending moment diagram for a simply supported beam with a
point load –

e. Shear force and bending moment diagram for a simply supported beam with a
uniformly distributed load –

f. Shear force and bending moment diagram for a simply supported beam with a
gradually varying load –

g. Shear force and bending moment diagram for a overhanging beam with a point
load –

26. Describe Limit, Fits and Tolerance.

a. Limit:
In engineering, a limit refers to the extreme values of a dimension or a property that a
manufactured part is allowed to have. Limits are usually specified as upper and lower
bounds to ensure that the part fits and func ons within the desired parameters.
For example, if a part has a specified length limit of 100 ± 0.1 millimetres, it means the
acceptable range for the length is from 99.9 to 100.1 millimetres.
b. Fit:
Fit describes the rela onship between two ma ng parts or components. It specifies how
ghtly or loosely they should connect or interact with each other.

There are various fit types, and they are denoted by le ers such as H (for a loose fit), N (for a
normal fit), and C (for a ght fit). The choice of fit depends on the specific applica on and
requirements of the components.
There are three main types of fits:
Clearance Fit: The allowance between ma ng parts allows for free movement or
assembly without interference.
Interference Fit: The dimensions of ma ng parts result in an interference when
assembled, requiring force or pressure to fit them together.
Transi on Fit: A fit that falls between a clearance fit and an interference fit, providing
both clearance and interference depending on the actual dimensions of the parts.
Fits ensure that ma ng parts assemble together correctly while providing the desired
level of ghtness or looseness for the intended applica on.

c. Tolerance:
Tolerance refers to the allowable devia on or varia on from a specified dimension or
property. It is the acceptable range within which a dimension can vary without affec ng
the func onality of a part or a product.
Tolerances are o en expressed as a numerical value or percentage. For example, if a hole
diameter has a tolerance of ± 0.02 millimetres, it means the actual diameter can vary by
up to 0.02 millimetres from the specified value.
In summary, limits define the extreme values of a dimension, fit describes the
rela onship between ma ng parts, and tolerance specifies the allowable devia on from a
specified dimension. Together, these concepts help ensure the proper assembly and
func onality of mechanical components in engineering and manufacturing processes.

27. What is sha basis and hole basis system?

a. Sha Basis System:
Sha is kept constant and different fits are obtained to varying the hole size.
b. Hole Basis System:
Hole is kept constant and different fits are obtained to varying the sha size.

28. How many types of tolerance grades are there?

No of tolerance grade are 16. Number of Grades are IT01, IT0, IT1,….IT16.

29. Define fit applica ons.

30. What is the maximum tolerance used for pulley sha ?

31. What is hardening?
In the context of materials science and metallurgy, hardening refers to the process of
increasing the strength and hardness of a metal or alloy through various mechanisms.
Hardening can result from changes in the microstructure of the material, such as the
forma on of new phases or the rearrangement of exis ng phases, which enhance the
material's resistance to deforma on and wear.
There are several methods of hardening metals and alloys, including:

Heat Treatment:
Heat treatment processes such as quenching and tempering are commonly used to harden
metals. Quenching involves rapidly cooling the material from high temperatures, which traps
atoms in a metastable state and increases the material's hardness. Tempering follows
quenching and involves rehea ng the material to a lower temperature to relieve internal
stresses and improve toughness while maintaining hardness.
Cold Working:
Cold working, also known as cold deforma on or strain hardening, involves subjec ng the
material to plas c deforma on at room temperature or slightly elevated temperatures. This
process increases disloca on density within the crystal la ce, hindering the movement of
disloca ons and strengthening the material. Common cold working techniques include
rolling, forging, drawing, and extrusion.
Precipita on Hardening:
Precipita on hardening, also called age hardening or age precipita on, involves a sequence
of heat treatment steps to form fine precipitates within the material. These precipitates
impede disloca on movement and strengthen the material. Commonly used precipita on-
hardening alloys include aluminium alloys (e.g., 7075-T6) and some stainless steels (e.g., 17-
4 PH stainless steel).
Solid-Solu on Hardening:
Solid-solu on hardening occurs when alloying elements are added to a metal to form a solid
solu on. These alloying elements occupy inters al or subs tu onal posi ons in the crystal
la ce, disrup ng the la ce structure and impeding disloca on movement. Examples
include adding carbon to iron to form steel or adding chromium to iron to form stainless
Surface Hardening:
Surface hardening techniques modify only the outer layer of a material to increase hardness
and wear resistance while retaining the material's toughness and duc lity in the core.
Common surface hardening methods include carburizing, nitriding, induc on hardening,
flame hardening, and laser hardening.
32. What is quenching?
Quenching is a heat treatment process used to rapidly cool a metal or alloy from elevated
temperatures to achieve specific mechanical proper es, such as increased hardness and
strength. The rapid cooling rate during quenching "freezes" the microstructure of the
material, trapping atoms in a metastable state and preven ng the forma on of equilibrium
phases. This results in a hardened material with improved mechanical proper es.
The quenching process typically involves the following steps:

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Hea ng:
The metal or alloy is heated to a temperature above its cri cal transforma on temperature,
also known as the austeni zing temperature. This temperature varies depending on the
material composi on and desired proper es.
A er reaching the desired temperature, the material is rapidly cooled by immersing it in a
quenching medium, such as water, oil, or polymer solu on. The choice of quenching
medium depends on factors such as the material type, size, shape, and desired cooling rate.
Cooling Rate:
The cooling rate during quenching is cri cal and directly affects the resul ng microstructure
and mechanical proper es of the material. A faster cooling rate generally leads to higher
hardness but may also increase the risk of distor on, cracking, or residual stresses.
Transforma on:
During quenching, the material undergoes phase transforma ons, such as the conversion of
austenite to martensite in ferrous alloys (e.g., steel). Martensite is a hard, metastable phase
with a body-centered tetragonal crystal structure, which contributes to the increased
hardness and strength of the material.
Tempering (Op onal):
Depending on the desired proper es, the hardened material may undergo a tempering
process a er quenching. Tempering involves rehea ng the material to a lower temperature
and holding it for a specific me to relieve internal stresses, improve toughness, and adjust
the hardness to the desired level.
33. What is normalising?
Normalizing is a heat treatment process used to refine the grain structure of a metal or alloy,
improve its mechanical proper es, and relieve internal stresses. The process involves
hea ng the material to a temperature above its cri cal transforma on temperature, holding
it at that temperature for a specific me, and then allowing it to cool in s ll air.
Here's how the normalizing process typically works:
Hea ng:
The material is heated to a temperature above its upper cri cal temperature, also known as
the austeni zing temperature. This temperature varies depending on the material
composi on and desired proper es.
Once the material reaches the austeni zing temperature, it is held at that temperature for a
predetermined period to ensure uniform hea ng throughout the en re cross-sec on of the

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material. This soaking me allows for the forma on of austenite, a high-temperature phase
with a face-centred cubic crystal structure.
A er the soaking period, the material is removed from the furnace and allowed to cool in
s ll air. Unlike quenching, which involves rapid cooling to achieve a hardened
microstructure, normalizing results in a slower cooling rate, promo ng the forma on of a
more refined and uniform grain structure.
Grain Refinement:
During normalizing, the slow cooling rate allows for the transforma on of the austenite
phase into a fine-grained structure consis ng of ferrite and pearlite. This refined grain
structure improves the material's mechanical proper es, such as strength, toughness, and
duc lity, while also enhancing its machinability and weldability.
Stress Relief:

Normalizing helps relieve internal stresses and strains that may have developed during
previous manufacturing processes, such as cas ng, forging, or machining. By hea ng the
material to the austeni zing temperature and allowing it to cool slowly, internal stresses are
gradually reduced, resul ng in a more stable and dimensionally consistent material.
Normalizing is commonly used in the manufacturing of steel and other ferrous alloys to
improve their mechanical proper es and uniformity. It is o en applied to cas ngs, forgings,
welded components, and machined parts to refine their microstructure, reduce distor on,
and enhance overall performance. The process is also used to prepare materials for
subsequent heat treatment processes, such as quenching and tempering, by ensuring a
more uniform and consistent star ng microstructure.
34. What is the difference between heat treatment and normalising?
Heat Treatment: The objec ve of heat treatment is to alter the mechanical, physical, or
chemical proper es of a material to improve its performance, durability, or
manufacturability. Depending on the desired outcome, heat treatment processes can be
used to increase hardness, improve toughness, enhance machinability, relieve internal
stresses, or achieve other specific proper es.
Normalizing: The primary objec ve of normalizing is to refine the grain structure of a
material to improve its mechanical proper es, such as strength, toughness, and duc lity. By
promo ng the forma on of a fine-grained structure, normalizing helps to enhance the
material's uniformity, machinability, and weldability.
35. What type of load applied on pulley, point load or uniformly distributed load?
Point load
36. What is the material used for pulley sha ?

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37. What is the maximum deflec on of pulley sha material?
The industry standard is 0.0015 radian to 0.0017 radian maximum allowable deflec on
38. What is maximum permissible stress for pulley sha material?
EN3 = 43 mpa, EN8 = 55 mpa, EN9 = 83 mpa

39. What is the procedure for selec on of pulley bearing diameter?

40. How can you explain horizontal and ver cal force over pulley?
Horizontal Force (Fx) = K x ((T1 x CosƟ1) + (T2 x CosƟ2))
Ver cal Force (Fy) = K x ((T1 x SinƟ1) + (T2 x SinƟ2))-W
41. What is the formula for reac on at pulley sha ?
R= Fx2 + Fy2
42. What is formula for bending moment at pulley sha ?
M = R/2 x a (R = Reac on and a = shear zone distance)

43. How to calculate torque/torsional moment transmi ed through sha ?

T = K x (T1-T2) x D/2 (K = Overload factor, D = Sha diameter and T = Tension values)\

44. What are the advantages of taper lock assemblies?

a. It is used for high torque transmission
b. It can make connec on over complete diameter.

45. What is the maximum permissible stress for pulley sha material?
EN3 = 43 Mpa
EN8 = 55 Mpa
EN9 = 83 Mpa

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46. What is the maximum deflec on allowed in pulley sha ?
0.0015 rad to 0.0017 rad or 5 to 8 degree.

47. What is the func on of bearing?

The func on of bearing is to guide with minimum fric ons and maximum accuracy to
movement one part rela ve to other.
48. What do you mean by bearing series 23048?
2 = Spherical Roller
3 = Width factor
0 = Dia Factor
48*5 = Diameter
49. How to calculate bearing L10 life?
L10 life in hours = 1000000/60xn x (C/P)p
C = Basic dynamic load ra ng of bearing
P = Equivalent dynamic load
P = Exponen al life equa on

50. What are the bearing materials?


51. What is belt sag?

The amount of ver cal deflec on of conveyor belt from a straight line between idlers,
usually expressed as a % of the centre to centre spacing of idlers.

52. How can you measure belt sag?

Sag = Si2 x (Wb+Wm)/8T

53. How can you measure belt sag for return idler?
Sag = Si2 x Wb/8T

54. How to calculate idler spacing?

H = (S2 x V) / 8T, where H = Sag, S = Spacing in , T = Tension in lbs, W = weight of belt in

55. What is % of sag?

It is the % of ver cal drop of belt from a straight line between idlers, usually expressed as
a % of the centre to centre spacing of idler.

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56. What is gear?
A gear is a machine element which is used for transmission of power or mo on or both
from one sha to the other.

57. What is pitch and module?

Modules are the unit size that represents how big or small a single gear is. Modules are
equal to the pitch diameter divided by the number of teeth in a single gear.

58. Pitch Circle: It is an imaginary circle which by pure rolling ac on, would give the same
mo on as the actual gear.

59. Pitch Circle Diameter: It is the diameter of the pitch circle. It is also called pitch diameter.

60. Pitch Point: It is the common point of contact between to pitch circle.
61. Module: It is the ra o of pitch circle diameter in mm to the number of teeth. It is usually
denoted by m.
M = D/I
62. What is dedendum?
It is the radial distance of the tooth from the pitch circle to the bo om of the tooth.
63. What is addendum?
It is the radial distance of the tooth from the pitch circle to the top of the tooth.

64. Men on different types of welding?

Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW):

Also known as s ck welding, SMAW is a manual welding process that uses a consumable
electrode coated with flux. The arc is established between the electrode and the workpiece,
crea ng a molten weld pool that fuses the base metals together as the electrode is
Gas Metal Arc Welding (GMAW):
Commonly known as MIG (Metal Inert Gas) or MAG (Metal Ac ve Gas) welding, GMAW uses
a con nuously fed wire electrode and a shielding gas to protect the weld pool from
atmospheric contamina on. It is versa le, rela vely easy to learn, and suitable for welding a
wide range of materials, including steel, aluminium, and stainless steel.
Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (GTAW):
Also called TIG (Tungsten Inert Gas) welding, GTAW uses a non-consumable tungsten
electrode and a shielding gas to create the weld. GTAW produces high-quality welds with
precise control over heat input, making it suitable for welding thin materials and exo c
metals like stainless steel, aluminium, and tanium.

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Flux-Cored Arc Welding (FCAW):
FCAW is similar to GMAW but uses a tubular wire electrode filled with flux instead of a solid
wire. The flux provides shielding, allowing for welding in outdoor or windy condi ons. FCAW
is commonly used in heavy fabrica on and construc on due to its high deposi on rates and
deep penetra on.
Submerged Arc Welding (SAW):
SAW involves feeding a con nuous wire electrode beneath a layer of granular flux, which
shields the arc and weld pool from atmospheric contamina on. SAW is known for its high
deposi on rates and deep penetra on, making it suitable for welding thick materials in
heavy fabrica on and manufacturing.
Arc Welding with Consumable Electrode in an Inert Gas Atmosphere (GMAW):
Also known as MIG (Metal Inert Gas) welding, GMAW uses a consumable wire electrode and
an inert gas shield to protect the weld pool. It is a versa le process suitable for welding a
wide range of materials, including steel, aluminium, and stainless steel.
Resistance Welding:
Resistance welding includes several processes such as spot welding, seam welding, and
projec on welding. These processes use the heat generated by the resistance to electrical
current flowing through the workpieces to create the weld. Resistance welding is fast,
efficient, and suitable for high-volume produc on in industries like automo ve and
appliance manufacturing.
Oxy-Fuel Welding (OFW):
Oxy-fuel welding uses a fuel gas and oxygen to create a high-temperature flame that melts
the base metals, allowing them to fuse together. OFW is versa le and can be used for
welding, cu ng, brazing, and hea ng applica ons.
65. Show welding symbols
Welding Symbol:
The welding symbol consists of an arrow, reference line, and other elements that convey
informa on about the weld joint. The arrow indicates the loca on and direc on of the weld,
while the reference line represents the edge of the weldment or the joint where the weld
will be made.
The arrow points to the loca on where the weld is to be made and indicates the direc on of
the weld. The tail of the arrow is a ached to the reference line, while the head of the arrow
points to the weld joint.

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Reference Line:
The reference line is a horizontal or ver cal line a ached to the tail of the arrow. It
represents the edge of the weldment or the joint where the weld will be made. Dimensions
and other informa on about the weld are placed above or below the reference line.
Welding Process:
Symbols represen ng the welding process are placed above or below the reference line to
indicate the type of welding to be performed, such as fillet weld, groove weld, plug weld,
etc. Common welding process symbols include "F" for fillet weld, "G" for groove weld, "PW"
for plug weld, etc.
Weld Size and Length:
The size and length of the weld are indicated next to the welding symbol. Dimensions may
be expressed in terms of leg length, throat thickness, depth of penetra on, or other
parameters depending on the type of weld.
Welding Symbol Tail:
Addi onal informa on about the weld, such as welding specifica ons, welding posi ons,
and supplementary symbols, may be included in the tail of the welding symbol.
Basic Weld Symbols:
Basic weld symbols represent specific types of welds, such as fillet welds, groove welds, and
plug welds. These symbols are standardized and universally recognized in engineering
66. Show welding symbols?

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67. Define High, medium and low carbon steel with example.
Low-carbon steel consists of less than 0.30% carbon. - Duc le
Medium-carbon steel consists of 0.30% to 0.60% carbon. - Tough
High-carbon steel contains more than 0.60% carbon. – Hard/Strong
68. Examples & Applica ons
Low-carbon steel
Low carbon steels are o en used in automobile body components, structural shapes (I-
beams, channel and angle iron), pipes, construc on and bridge components, and food cans.
Medium-carbon steel
As a result of their high strength, resistance to wear and toughness, medium-carbon steels
are o en used for railway tracks, train wheels, cranksha s, and gears and machinery parts
requiring this combina on of proper es.
High-carbon steel (EN-8, EN-9)

Due to their high wear-resistance and hardness, high-carbon steels are used in cu ng tools,
springs high strength wire and dies.

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69. Difference between C45, 42crmo2, EN8, EN9, EN19
C45 (1.0503):

C45 is a medium carbon steel with good machinability and weldability.

It is commonly used for parts requiring moderate strength and wear resistance, such as
gears, sha s, axles, and forgings.
Typical chemical composi on: Carbon (C) - 0.42-0.50%, Manganese (Mn) - 0.50-0.80%,
Silicon (Si) - 0.15-0.35%.
42CrMo4 (1.7225):

42CrMo4 is a chromium-molybdenum alloy steel with high strength and toughness.

It is commonly used for highly stressed components in machinery, automo ve, and
aerospace industries, such as gears, sha s, and connec ng rods.
Typical chemical composi on: Carbon (C) - 0.38-0.45%, Chromium (Cr) - 0.90-1.20%,
Molybdenum (Mo) - 0.15-0.30%.
EN8 (080M40):

EN8 is a medium carbon steel with good tensile strength and hardness.
It is commonly used for general engineering applica ons, such as axles, sha s, bolts, and
Typical chemical composi on: Carbon (C) - 0.36-0.44%, Manganese (Mn) - 0.60-1.00%,
Silicon (Si) - 0.10-0.40%.
EN9 (070M55):

EN9 is a medium carbon steel with good machinability and wear resistance.
It is commonly used for gears, cranksha s, connec ng rods, and general engineering
Typical chemical composi on: Carbon (C) - 0.50-0.60%, Manganese (Mn) - 0.50-0.80%,
Silicon (Si) - 0.10-0.40%.
EN19 (709M40):

EN19 is a high tensile alloy steel with excellent toughness and fa gue resistance.
It is commonly used for high-strength applica ons in the automo ve, aerospace, and oil &
gas industries, such as cranksha s, gears, and axles.
Typical chemical composi on: Carbon (C) - 0.35-0.45%, Chromium (Cr) - 0.80-1.10%,
Molybdenum (Mo) - 0.15-0.25%.

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70. Define material property.
a. Duc lity – It is the property of a material through which it can be drawn into wire.
b. S ffness – It is the property of a material through which it can resist deforma on.
c. Rigidity - It is the property of a material through which it can resist shock and impact.
d. Toughness - It is the property of a material through which it can resist rapture.
e. Hardness - It is the property of a material through which it can cut another material.

71. What is the difference between Bin, Hopper and Silo?


DESIGN A "bin" typically refers to a A "hopper" is also a A "silo," on the other hand,
container used for storage, container used for storage, is a tall, cylindrical tower or
o en for bulk materials but it o en implies a structure with a uniform
like grains, seeds, or even container with a funnel- diameter throughout its
waste. Bins can vary in size shaped opening at the top height. Silos can be either
and shape and are to facilitate the loading of ver cal or horizontal. They
commonly used in materials. Hoppers are are designed for long-term
agriculture, frequently used in storage of bulk materials
manufacturing, and waste industrial se ngs for such as grains, cement, or
management. storing and dispensing chemicals.
materials like grains, coal,
or aggregates.
FUNCTION Bins are generally sta c Hoppers, on the other Silos are intended for long-
containers used for longer- hand, o en have term storage of bulk
term storage. They might mechanisms for controlled materials, protec ng them
have lids or covers to discharge or dispensing of from environmental factors
protect the stored materials. They might have such as moisture, air, and
materials from gates or valves at the pests. They are o en used
environmental factors. bo om to regulate the flow in agriculture for storing
of materials out of the grains, in construc on for
hopper. storing cement or
aggregates, and in various
industries for storing raw
materials or finished
USAGE Bins are commonly used in Hoppers are frequently Silos are prevalent in
agriculture for storing found in manufacturing agricultural se ngs for
grains, seeds, or feed. facili es, mines, and storing grains, seeds, and
They are also used in construc on sites for animal feed. They are also
various industries for loading materials into used in industries such as
storing raw materials or machinery or for bulk cement produc on, food
finished products. material handling. processing, and chemical
manufacturing for storing
raw materials or finished
products in bulk quan es.

20 | P a g e
72. Can you discuss the importance of material proper es in the design of a bulk material
handling system?
Flow Characteris cs: Different materials exhibit varying flow characteris cs, such as
cohesion, adhesion, and par cle size distribu on. For example, some materials may be free-
flowing and easily transported through conveyors, while others may be cohesive and prone
to clogging. Understanding these flow proper es helps in selec ng the appropriate conveyor
type, hopper design, and feeder mechanism to ensure smooth material flow throughout the
Abrasive and Wear Proper es: Materials with abrasive proper es can cause excessive wear
and damage to equipment components, leading to increased maintenance costs and
down me. By considering the abrasive nature of the material, designers can choose wear-
resistant materials for conveyor belts, liners, and other components to extend their lifespan
and minimize maintenance requirements.

Bulk Density and Par cle Size: The bulk density and par cle size distribu on of a material
affect its handling characteris cs, including its flow rate, fill level in storage vessels, and
required conveying velocity. Designers need to account for these proper es when sizing
storage bins, determining conveyor capaci es, and calcula ng power requirements for
conveying equipment.
Moisture Content: Moisture content can significantly impact a material's flowability,
cohesion, and handling proper es. Materials with high moisture content may become s cky
and adhere to equipment surfaces, leading to material buildup and blockages. Designers
must consider the moisture content of the material and implement measures to prevent
material degrada on and equipment corrosion.
Chemical Compa bility: Some materials may react chemically with certain equipment
materials or components, leading to contamina on or equipment failure. It's essen al to
assess the chemical compa bility between the material being handled and the materials
used in the construc on of the handling system to ensure safe and reliable opera on.
Temperature Sensi vity: Temperature varia ons can affect the handling proper es of
materials, especially those that exhibit thermal expansion or contrac on. Designers must
account for temperature fluctua ons and implement insula on or hea ng/cooling systems
as needed to maintain material flowability and prevent equipment damage.
73. Define basic principles for crushing along with crusher type?
Impact Crushing Rotary Crusher, Ring Granulator, Impactor, Hammer
Compression Crushing Ring Granulator, Roll Crusher, Jaw Crusher
A ri on Crushing Hammer mill, Jaw Crusher
Shear Crushing Ring Granulator, Hammer mill, Roll crusher

21 | P a g e
74. Define type of Crusher.
Primary Crusher Rotary breaker, Ring Granulator, Jaw Crusher,
Gyratory Crusher
Secondary Crusher Impactor, Roller Crusher, Cone Crusher
Ter ary Crusher Impactor, Roll Crusher, Cone Crusher

75. How to select Crusher?

a. Material to be crushed
b. Feed size
c. Product size
d. Capacity
e. HGI value of material
f. Moisture content of material
g. Restric on on fines genera on

76. What crusher is suitable for what materials?

Jaw Crusher:
Suitable for most hard and abrasive materials.
Ideal for primary crushing of materials with compressive strength up to 320 MPa.
Commonly used for coarse crushing of various rock types, including granite, basalt,
limestone, and quartz.
Cone Crusher:
Suitable for secondary and ter ary crushing stages.
Ideal for crushing materials with medium to high hardness.
Commonly used for crushing materials such as granite, basalt, limestone, river pebbles, and
Impact Crusher:
Suitable for processing materials with medium hardness and low abrasiveness.
Ideal for crushing so to medium-hard materials, including limestone, gypsum, gravel, and
Commonly used for producing cubical-shaped aggregates and sand.
Gyratory Crusher:
Suitable for primary crushing of large-size materials.
Ideal for crushing hard and abrasive materials, such as hard rock and ores.
Commonly used in mining and mineral processing applica ons.

22 | P a g e
Roll Crusher:
Suitable for crushing materials with low to medium hardness.
Ideal for secondary and ter ary crushing stages.
Commonly used for crushing coal, limestone, gypsum, and similar materials.
Hammer Crusher:
Suitable for crushing materials with low to medium hardness.
Ideal for crushing bri le materials, such as coal, limestone, gypsum, and clay.
Commonly used in cement, mining, and construc on industries.
Ver cal Sha Impact Crusher (VSI):
Suitable for crushing materials with high hardness and abrasiveness.
Ideal for shaping and producing high-quality aggregates for concrete and asphalt produc on.
Commonly used for crushing and shaping hard and abrasive materials, such as granite,
basalt, and quartzite.
Horizontal Sha Impact Crusher (HSI):
Suitable for processing materials with medium to high hardness.
Ideal for producing cubical-shaped aggregates and sand.
Commonly used for crushing various rock types, including limestone, dolomite, and

77. What are the screen principles?

a. Circular mo on – To separate wet and dry materials - Vibropulse
b. Ellip cal mo on – To separate s cky and challenging materials - Turflow
c. Linear mo on – To separate large and small materials - Ultraflow
d. Gyropluse (Drive + Circular) - Gyropulse

78. What is the least count for micrometre?

Pitch of the screw/ No of divisions on the thimble

79. What is the least count for Vernier Caliper?

Smallest division on main scale/No. of divisions on vernier scale

80. What are classifica ons and characteris cs of material?

• Lump Size:
– The distribu on of par cles of a par cular bulk material according to their
– The size ‘a’ of the par cle denoted by its diagonal
– sized (graded)

23 | P a g e
amax : amin < 2.5
– unsized (ungraded)
amax : amin > 2.5
• Bulk density
– Weight of the material per unit of volume in bulk (i.e., the volume including
the voids or air pockets present in the heap)
– Generally denoted by 
– Units of measurement are Tons/Cu.meter
• Angle of Repose:
– When a loose material spills unobstructed on a horizontal plane, it assumes a
slope, the angle of which with the horizontal plane is its angle of repose, 
– This defines the mobility or flowability of material.
• Angle of Surcharge:
– Angle to the horizontal which the surface of the material assumes while the
material is at rest on horizontal suppor ng surface vibra ng ver cally.
– Angle of surcharge is approximately 5 to 15 degree less than the angle of
– This also defines the mobility or flowability of material.
• Coefficient of Fric on:
Coefficient of Fric on of a bulk material on steel, wood, concrete, rubber etc., is taken
into account in designing conveying machines and auxiliary equipments. The fric on
factor determines the angle of inclina on of walls of hoppers, chutes and also the
maximum inclina on of certain conveyors.
• Abrasiveness:
The property of par cles of bulk materials to wear away the surface they are in contact
with when in mo on is abrasiveness of the material. The extent of abrasion depends on
the hardness, surface condi on, shape and size of the par cles. Some bulk materials
such as bauxite, iron ore, sand, coke etc. are highly abrasive.

81. How to calculate gear box ra o?

(Pi x Pulley Diameter x Motor RPM)/60000 x Belt speed

82. How to calculate drive pulley speed?

(Belt speed x 60)/(Pi x Pulley diameter)

83. How to select conveyor belt width w.r.t lump size?

The use of belt is restricted by the lump size. If the maximum diagonal of a irregular
lump is X then the belt width (B) is approximately given by:
B  Xa  200
where, B: Belt width, mm
X: Longest diagonal of irregular lump, mm

24 | P a g e
a: Factor to account for grading. a is taken as 2.5 for graded material
and 3 for un-graded material. However, for particular material these
values must be properly estimated.
84. What are the essential properties of belt?
a. Flexibility
b. Transverse rigidity
c. Low mass per unit length
d. High strength
e. Simplicity and inexpensive
f. Longer life
g. Should not stretch under normal working stresses ,i.e., low rela ve elonga on.
h. Wear resistant
i. Fire resistant

85. Basic formula of Conveyor Power and Tension?

86. What is Kx factor?

Total resistance to rota on of both carrying and return idlers in lbs/feet
Kx = 0.00068 x (Wb+Wm) + Ai/Si

87. What Ai factor?

Fric onal resistance to rota on for both carrying and return idler.
For regenera ve conveyor Ai = 0
88. What is Ky factor?
Factor to calculate the load of belt and belt flexture over idlers

89. What is power formula for conveyor motor?

Belt HP = (Te x V) / 33000 or
Te x V / 1000 KW

25 | P a g e
90. What is the thumb rule for conveyor belt cross-sec on area?
B2/10, B = Belt width

91. What is the maximum cross sec on of material?

For belt width less than 2m = b = 0.9B-0.05
For belt width greater then 2m = b = B-0.25
Where b = Edge margin

92. What is belt modulus?

Belt modulus is the product of the specific modulus of the material for belt carcass and
rated tensile strength.
E = Es x Rated tensile strength, For N/N Es = 70 and 400 for ST
93. What are the factors for determine the belt tensions?
a. The gravita onal load to lower or li the material
b. The fric onal resistance of the conveyor component
c. The fric onal resistance of material as it is being conveyed
d. The force required to accelerate the material

94. How to select idler?

a. Type of material handled
b. Idler load
c. L10 life of bearing
d. Belt speed
e. Roll diameter
f. Environmental, maintenance and other condi ons.

95. How to calculate impact force?

Fs = K x Q x hd hd = Drop height, K = Conversion factor (1.234)

96. What are the advantages of fluid coupling?

a. Smooth accelera on there by reducing Te max
b. Quicker accelera on of motor reducing its hea ng during its star ng
c. Reduc on on oversizing of cables for motor to compensate terminal voltage drop
during star ng.

97. What is valley angle?

The valley angle of a pyramidal hopper is the real angle (with the horizontal) of the edge
formed at the corner where the two adjacent sloping sheets of the hopper meet.

26 | P a g e
98. How to decide chute cross sec on?
The chute body should be designed to suit the transfer requirements, without changing
the direc on of the material severely. The area of the chute containing the body of the
material flow must be at least 2.5 to 3.0 mes the area of the material, based on the
design capacity of the conveyor and the material speed at the point of considera on.
The minimum area of the chute is then given by


S = Material stream speed [m/s], (which could be belt speed)

D = Bulk density of the material [t/m3]
Cdc = Belt design capacity [t/h]

99. Describe main features of designing good chute?

a. The upper end of discharge chute shall be enclosing the cleaning device and each
material cleaned from the belt if necessary by employing a separate chute.
b. Calculate the trajectory of the material and ensure that material falling from the end
of the discharge pulley falls on the back plate of loading chute.
c. Provision of removable liners in case of abrasive material.
d. Providing sliding surface at an angle of about 20 to 30 degree higher than angle of
e. Avoiding abrupt changes of direc on in the chute to eliminate material build up and
f. Provision of rock boxes in the discharge chute, where necessary for abrasive, lumpy
and heavy materials.

27 | P a g e
g. Providing cross sec onal area of 4 mes, the load cross sec on and minimum three
mes of the material size.

100. How to decide skirt length and width?

Skirt width = 2/3 of belt width or 0.5B for free flowing materials,i.e. grain
Skirt length = 0.6m for each 0.5m.sec belt speed.
Minimum skirt length should be 3 or 1.6m

101. Men on liner details for materials?

102. What are the func ons of take up?

a. To maintain a slack side tension necessary for the drive to operate the belt.
b. To keep sag of belt between idlers at a point where required HO will be at minimum
and load will move with least distance over idlers.
c. To take care of length varia on due to belt stretch and shrinkage.
d. Star ng shock is eliminated from belt.

28 | P a g e
103. What are the co-efficient of fric ons considered for conveyor power and tension
f = ar ficial coefficient of fric on, dimensionless comprising of rolling resistance of the
idlers along the carrying and return sides of belt and the belt advancement
= 0.020, is a basic value for normally aligned belt conveyors; and
= 0.012, is a basic value for downhill conveyors.
a. Under favourable condi ons such as fixed and properly aligned
installa ons with easily rolling idlers and low internal fric on material/may be as low as
0.016 (basic value of 0.020 reduced by 20 percent) and for unfavourable condi ons such as
aligned belt conveyors with badly rolling idlers and high internal fric on material,f may be as
high as 0.030 (basic value of 0.020 increased by 50 percent). The basic value 0.020 conforms
to majority of cases.
b. The basic value, 0.020 of f is only applicable to installa ons
used at around 70 to 110 percent of their nominal capacity, conveying products with an
average internal fric on coefficient, equipped with threeroll carrying idlers for the upper
side of the
belt, a 30° side troughing angle, belt speeds of about 5 m/s, surrounding temperatures of
about 20°C and 108 to 159 mm diameter carrying idlers with labyrinth grease seals, together
with idler spacing of 1 to 1.5 m for the carrying side of the belt and of around 3 m for the
return side of the belt.
c. The value,f, may, increase above the value 0.020 range up to

0.030 in the following cases:

a) for handled materials with a high internal fric on
b) for troughing angle of over 30°;
c) for belt speeds of over 5 m/s;
d) for carrying idler diameters lower than the above men oned;
e) for surrounding temperatures of less than 20°C;
f) for a decrease of the belt tension;
g) for flexible carcass belts and those with thick and flexible covers;
h) for poorly aligned installa ons;

29 | P a g e
j) when opera ng condi ons are dusty and wet and/or s cky;
k) for idler spacing of markedly more than 1.5 m for the carrying side upper strand of the
belt and 3 m for the return side (lower strand) of the belt.
d. The ar ficial fric on coefficient, f, may decrease under the basic
value of 0.020 if the condi ons stated in Note 3 are reversed.
e. When the installa on is running under no load condi ons,
the value of f can be either lower or higher than under full load opera ng condi ons,
depending on the mass of the moving parts and on the conveyor belt tension. Downhill
conveyors which require to be braked by brake motor, shall, as a safety measure, be
calculated with a value lower by 40 percent than used for the calcula on of driven belt
conveyors. The result of this is a basic value of f = 0.012.
f. Value of f may increase above the value of 0.030 under certain
adverse condi ons and/or type installa on as for example in case of underground mines.
α1) = numerical
104. Draw motor torque speed curve.

105. Write on bearing types and applica on.

a. Ball bearing
b. Roller bearing
a.1 Deep groove ball bearing - Radial load and thrust load
a.2 Angular contact ball bearing – Large Radial load and thrust load
a.3 Self aligning ball bearing – Angular misalignment

30 | P a g e
b.1 Cylindrical roller bearing – Radial load
b.2 Spherical roller bearing - Axial load, Radial load and shock load

b.3 Taper roller bearing - Radial load and thrust load

b.4 Needle roller bearing – Axial thrust
106. What is torsion?
Torque is twis ng of object a er applied torque.

107. How to derive T1, T1s, T2, Tt and Tup tension for conveyor?
T2 = Te x1/( eµθ-1)
T2 for sag = 6.25 x Si x (Wb + Wm) for 2% sag
Consider T2 whichever is higher
T1 = Te + T2
T1s = (Star ng factor x Te) + T2
Tt = T2+Tyr-Tb
Tup = Tail Tension + ( 0.0I5 X L1 X Wb) -(H1x Wb )

108. What is Indian standard for Pulley and Idler?

Pulley – IS:8531, Idler – IS:8598

109. What is the Indian standard for limit and fit?


110. What is the Indian standard for tolerance?


111. What is the Indian standard for material characteris cs?


112. What is iron beneficia on plant?

Iron ore beneficia on is mainly a process of separa ng valuable minerals and iron
minerals from ores to extract high-quality iron ore. The iron ore process mainly
includes crushing, grinding, washing, beneficia on, dewatering, etc.

113. What is coal beneficia on plant?

Coal beneficia on is the process of improving the calorific value of the coal by removing
the extraneous ma er or reducing the ash content. This helps the power plants to
generate a lesser amount of fly ash, which is harmful to the environment.
Coal beneficia on can be done at two stages:
1. Mining stage– removal of stones and
2. Post-mining— Dry method –crushing
Wet method- washing

31 | P a g e
114. What is Sf and sf* in pulley calcula on?
Sf = ka x kb x kc x kd x ke x kf x kg x sf*
Ka = Surface factor
Kb = Size factor
Kc = Reliability factor
Kd = Temperature factor
Ke = Duty cycle factor
Kf = Fa gue stress concentra on factor
Kg = Misc. factor
Sf*= 50% of Ul mate tensile strength

115. What is iron ore pellet?

Produced from iron ore fines, iron ore pellets are small, spherical balls that serve as a
raw material in the produc on of steel. They are used in blast furnaces as a feedstock,
providing a more efficient and consistent iron input compared to tradi onal iron ore.

116. What materials used in iron ore pellet forma on?

a. Iron ore
b. Bentonite
c. Coke breeze
d. Limestone
e. Dolomite

117. What is Sinter?

Ore sinter, o en referred to simply as "sinter," is a porous and cohesive mass formed by
hea ng a mixture of iron ore fines, fluxes, and other addi ves without mel ng. The
sintering process aims to agglomerate fine par cles of iron ore into larger par cles
suitable for use in the blast furnace for ironmaking.
During the sintering process, the iron ore fines are mixed with fluxes such as limestone
or dolomite, as well as other addi ves, and then granulated into small par cles. This
mixture is then fed onto a sintering bed or grate, where it is heated to a temperature
below its mel ng point. The heat causes the par cles to bond together, forming porous
agglomerates or "sinter cakes."

118. For production of 1ton hot metal which quantity ore and fluxes required?
a. 1.6 to 2 tons of iron ore to produce 1 ton of hot metal in a blast furnace.
b. 0.8 to 1 ton of fluxes (limestone and dolomite combined) to produce 1 ton of hot metal.

119. What is the role of sulphur in FGD system?

Sulfur Removal: By reac ng with sulfur dioxide, the sorbent captures and removes sulfur
from the flue gas stream, reducing the emissions of SO2 into the atmosphere. This is
crucial for mi ga ng air pollu on and addressing environmental concerns associated
with sulfur emissions, such as acid rain and respiratory health effects.

32 | P a g e
Forma on of Gypsum: In many FGD systems, the calcium sulfate (CaSO4) formed during
the sulfur removal process is converted into gypsum, a valuable byproduct. Gypsum can
be used in various industrial applica ons, including construc on materials, agriculture,
and manufacturing processes.

120. Describe how to derive conveyor power and tension by using CEMA method?
Te = Tx+Tyc+Tyr+Tym+Tm+Tsb+Tbc+Tb+Tam
Tx = LxKxxKt
Kx = 0.00068x(Wb+Wm)+Ai/Si
Tyc = LxKyxWbxKt
Tyr = Lx0.015xWbxKt
Tym = LxKyxWm
Tm = Hx(+/-)Wm
Tp = 200 lbs/pulley
150 lbs/pulley
100 lbs/pulley
Tsb = Tsb1+Tsb2
Tsb1 = Csxlbxhs2
Tsb2 = 2lbx3
Tam = 2.8755x10-4xQx(V-V0)
Tbc = 5x3.41xBelt width

T2 = Te x1/( eµθ-1)
T0 for sag = 6.25 x Si x (Wb + Wm) for 2% sag
T2 = T0+Tb+Tyr
Consider T2 whichever is higher
T1 = Te + T2
T1s = (Star ng factor x Te) + T2
Tt = T2+Tyr-Tb
Tup = Tail Tension + ( 0.0I5 X L1 X Wb) -(H1x Wb )

121. Describe how to derive conveyor power and tension by using CEMA method?

μ = Co-efficient of friction between head pulley and belt = 0.35

μ0 = Co-efficient of friction between idler and belt = 0.3 - 0.4
μ1 = Co-efficient of friction between material and belt = 0.35
μ2 = Co-efficient of friction between material and skirt = 0.5 - 0.7
μ3 = Co-efficient of friction between belt and belt cleaner = 0.6 - 0.7
f = Artificial co-efficient of friction = 0.02 or 0.03

Te = R+Rs+Rsp+Rsl


33 | P a g e
Rs = Ra+Rska+Rw+Rb
Ra = Qx1000xƤx(V-V0)
Rska = nos of feed point x (μ2xQ2x1000xƤxgxla)/(((V+V0)/)2xlb12)
La = v2-v02
b1 = Width between skirt plates

Rw = n1xWrxn2xWR+n3xWR
Rb = 0.005xRvxd/D
Rv = Vertical sum of belt tensions on two side and weight of each pulley.

Rsp = Ri+Rsk+Rbc+Rb

Ri = gx μ0x(L-2xpc/1000)sinβxcix(mB+mG)
Rsk = (2x μ2xQ2x1000xƤxgxlsk)/(v2xb12)
Rbc = AixCpxμ3

Cp = Pressure of belt cleaner = 105 N/m2

Rsl = mGxgx(H+Htp)

T1 = Te x exp(μѲ)/(exp(μѲ-1))
T2 = Te//(exp(μѲ-1)) = = Te/eμѲ-1
T2 considering sag =
At carrying side = (Pcx(mb+mg)*g)/8s
At return side = (Pcxmg*g)/8s
Consider T2 whichever is maximum.

122. How do you calculate the capacity of a bucket elevator?

Answer: Bucket elevator capacity is calculated based on the bucket capacity, bucket spacing,
belt speed, and filling factor. The capacity can be determined using the following formula:
Capacity (t/h) = Bucket Capacity (m³) × Bucket Spacing (m) × Belt Speed (m/s) × Filling Factor.
123. What are the key components of a bulk material handling system?
Storage Equipment:
Silos: Tall cylindrical structures used for storing bulk materials such as grains, cement, or
Bins: Containers used for storing bulk materials, o en with various shapes and sizes
depending on the material and applica on.
Hoppers: Containers with funnel-shaped bo oms for temporary storage or controlled
discharge of materials.

34 | P a g e
Conveying Equipment:
Belt Conveyors: Con nuous moving belts used to transport bulk materials horizontally or
Screw Conveyors: Helical screw blades rota ng inside a trough to move materials along a
fixed path.
Bucket Elevators: Ver cal conveyors with buckets a ached to a chain or belt for li ing bulk
materials ver cally.
Feeding and Loading Equipment:
Feeders: Devices used to control the flow of bulk materials into processing equipment or
Chutes and Gates: Mechanisms for direc ng and controlling the flow of materials from
storage bins or hoppers onto conveyors or other equipment.
Handling Equipment:
Cranes and Hoists: Machinery used for li ing and moving bulk materials within a facility.
Processing Equipment:
Crushers and Grinders: Machinery used to reduce the size of bulk materials for further
processing or transporta on.
Screens and Classifiers: Equipment for separa ng and classifying bulk materials based on
size or other characteris cs.
Mixers and Blenders: Machinery used to homogenize or blend bulk materials to achieve
desired proper es or composi ons.
Control Systems:
PLCs (Programmable Logic Controllers) and SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data
Acquisi on) systems: Automa on systems used to monitor and control the opera on of
various components in the bulk material handling system.
Sensors and Instrumenta on: Devices for measuring parameters such as level, flow,
temperature, and pressure to ensure efficient and safe opera on of the system.
124. Mention MOC of gear box?
Casing – Cast iron/ Fabricated steel
Bevel Gear and pinion – 18CrNiMo76
Helical Gear and pinion – 20MnCr5
Output sha – C60E
Kay – C45/EN8

35 | P a g e
125. Why coke is being used in blast furnace?
To make steel in a blast furnace, coal must first be turned into coke. Coke has a dual role
in the steelmaking process. First, it provides the heat needed to melt the ore, and
second, when it is burnt, it has the effect of 'stealing' the oxygen from the iron ore,
leaving only the pure iron behind.

Burning coal emits pollutants such as sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, and par culate
ma er, contribu ng to air and water pollu on as well as greenhouse gas emissions.

126. How to decide rope diameter of take up and sheave pulley diameter?
a. Calculate the total force including total fric on factor of safety, and 15% extra on
total load.
b. Calculate the area requirement considering rope tensile strength.
c. Calculate the diameter from the rope area.

a. Calculate the total force including total fric on factor of safety, and 15% extra on
total load.
b. Select the nearest breaking force from IS:2266
c. Select the rope diameter from IS:2266 corresponding to the breaking strength.
Sheave diameter normally taken 18 to 22 mes of rope diameter.

127. What is the difference between EP and NN belt?

EP Belt: EP belts are made from ethylene-propylene rubber, a synthe c rubber material
known for its durability, strength, and resistance to abrasion. These belts consist of mul ple
layers of synthe c fabric (polyester or nylon) embedded between layers of EP rubber.
In an EP (ethylene-propylene) conveyor belt, here's what typically comprises the material in the wrap
and we direc ons

NN Belt: NN belts, on the other hand, are made from nylon fabric. They consist of mul ple
layers of nylon fabric plies bonded together with rubber. Nylon is known for its high tensile
strength and elas city, making NN belts par cularly suitable for heavy-duty applica ons.
128. How to select minimum diameter of pulley?

Carcass thickness x CTr

36 | P a g e
129. Difference between Trac on, DFC and Scoop coupling?

130. Different types of couplings and their uses.

1. Sha Couplings: These are used to connect sha s together to transmit power from
one sha to another. Common types include:
a. Rigid Couplings: Provide a solid connec on between sha s, suitable for
applica ons where precise alignment is cri cal.
Rigid couplings, such as sleeve couplings, provide a solid connec on between
sha s, ensuring precise alignment and efficient power transmission. They are
suitable for applica ons where minimal misalignment is expected.
Example – Flange coupling, Sleeve coupling.
b. Flexible Couplings: Absorb misalignment and shock loads, reducing stress on
connected equipment. Examples include elastomeric, jaw, and grid couplings.
Flexible couplings, like elastomeric or tyre couplings, accommodate
misalignments and shock loads, reducing stress on the connected equipment
and enhancing system reliability. They are ideal for conveyor systems where
there may be moderate misalignment or vibra on.
Example – Tyre, Jaw and Grid coupling.
2. Gear Couplings: Gear couplings are used to transmit torque between sha s. They
offer high torque capacity and are suitable for heavy-duty applica ons.
3. Fluid Couplings: Fluid couplings use hydraulic fluid to transmit power between input
and output sha s. They are o en used in conveyor systems where there is a need for
smooth accelera on and torque limita on.
The choice of coupling depends on various factors such as the applica on requirements,
torque, speed, misalignment tolerance, and environmental condi ons. Proper selec on and

37 | P a g e
maintenance of couplings are crucial for the efficient and reliable opera on of conveyor
131. What are the advantages of using fluid coupling over flexible coupling?
Fluid couplings and flexible couplings serve different purposes and have dis nct advantages
depending on the applica on. Here are some advantages of using fluid couplings over
flexible couplings in certain scenarios:
Smooth Start-up: Fluid couplings provide a smooth and gradual start-up by allowing the
motor to start under no-load condi ons. This feature helps reduce mechanical stress on the
motor and the connected equipment, leading to longer equipment lifespan and decreased
maintenance costs. In contrast, flexible couplings do not provide inherent speed control or
torque limi ng during start-up.
Torque Limi ng: Fluid couplings can limit the torque transmi ed to the connected
equipment, protec ng it from sudden overloads or shocks. This torque limi ng feature is
beneficial in applica ons where there is a risk of equipment damage due to sudden changes
in load or shock loads. Flexible couplings also provide some degree of torque absorp on but
may not offer the same level of protec on against overload as fluid couplings.
Vibra on Isola on: Fluid couplings can help isolate vibra ons generated by the connected
equipment, reducing noise and vibra on transmi ed to the surrounding environment. This
feature is par cularly advantageous in applica ons where vibra on damping is cri cal for
the smooth opera on of the machinery and to minimize disturbance to nearby equipment
or personnel. While flexible couplings offer some vibra on damping capabili es, fluid
couplings can provide more effec ve isola on in certain scenarios.
Overload Protec on: Fluid couplings can act as a mechanical fuse by slipping when the
torque exceeds a certain threshold, thereby protec ng the motor and connected equipment
from damage during overload condi ons. This overload protec on feature can help prevent
costly down me and repairs. Flexible couplings, while offering some degree of protec on
against overloads, may not provide the same level of safety as fluid couplings in high-torque
applica ons.
Constant Speed Opera on: Fluid couplings can maintain a rela vely constant speed even
when there are fluctua ons in the load or opera ng condi ons. This feature is beneficial in
applica ons where maintaining a consistent speed is cri cal for the performance of the
conveyor system or other machinery. Flexible couplings do not inherently provide speed
regula on capabili es.
132. What is belt carcass?
In the context of conveyor belts, the term "carcass" refers to the founda onal structure of
the belt, providing tensile strength and support. The carcass is the core component that
determines the belt's load-carrying capacity, flexibility, and overall durability. It is typically
composed of mul ple layers of fabric or other materials arranged in a specific pa ern.

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133. What is the Indian standard for bull dog grip and how is designated?
Designa on for 20mm rope diameter.
F x G x 20 IS:2361
F= Forged, C=Cast
G = Galvanized, NG=Not galvanized

134. What is the minimum number of bull dog grip?

Up to and including 20mm rope = 3
Over 20 mm to 32mm = 4
Over 32mm to 38mm = 5
For 41mm = 6

Spacing should be approximate 6 mes of rope diameter.

135. What is the Indian standard for thimble and how is designated?

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136. What is the Indian standard for plain and spring washer?
Plain washer – IS:2016:1967
Spring washer – IS:3063:1994

137. What is Indian standard for Dee shackle?


138. What is Indian standard for Clevis pin?


139. What is Indian standard for wire rope and supply condi on of wire ropes?

140. What is Indian standard for Sheaves?


141. What is Indian standard for Parallel key and keyways?


142. Show tolerance details in pulley.

Sha :
At Hub = h8
At non drive end = h9
At coupling side = g7

At hub inner side = H8

143. What is the material for plummer block?

Plummer block material should be as per IS:210
Up to 140 bearing diameter FG-200 and for above FG-260

144. Equivalent grade of materials?

EN8 = 45C8
EN9 = C55
EN-19 = 40Cr4Mo3
EN24 = 40NiCr4Mo3

145. Unit conversion.

1 horse power = 0.746 KW
1 N = 101.9716 KG

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146. What is the importance of torque speed curve?

Performance Analysis: The torque-speed curve provides valuable insights into the
performance capabili es of a motor or engine. By examining this curve, engineers can
determine the range of speeds at which the motor can operate efficiently and the
corresponding torque output. This informa on is essen al for selec ng the appropriate
motor for a specific applica on.
Load Matching: Different applica ons require motors with specific torque and speed
characteris cs. The torque-speed curve helps in selec ng a motor that can effec vely
meet the demands of the applica on. Matching the motor's capabili es to the
requirements of the load ensures op mal performance and efficiency.
Opera ng Condi ons: Understanding the torque-speed rela onship allows engineers to
assess how a motor will perform under various opera ng condi ons. For example, in a
vehicle, the torque-speed curve helps determine the accelera on, towing capacity, and
overall drivability based on the motor's response to different speeds and loads.
Efficiency Analysis: The shape of the torque-speed curve provides insights into the
efficiency of the motor across its opera ng range. Motors typically have an op mal
opera ng region where they achieve maximum efficiency. By analysing the curve,
engineers can iden fy this region and design systems to operate within it, thus
maximizing energy efficiency and minimizing wasted power.
Control Strategies: Control systems o en rely on the torque-speed curve to regulate
motor performance. For instance, in variable speed drives or electronic speed
controllers, the control algorithm may adjust the motor's speed and torque output based
on real- me feedback from sensors, ensuring that the motor operates within safe and
efficient limits.
Troubleshoo ng and Diagnosis: The torque-speed curve can also be used for
troubleshoo ng and diagnosing motor-related issues. Devia ons from expected
performance, such as dips or spikes in torque output at certain speeds, can indicate
problems like mechanical binding, electrical faults, or inadequate power supply.

147. What is slip in coupling?

The ra o of the difference in angular velocity of the driving and driven sha to the
angular velocity of the driving sha is termed as the slip. The slip is generally very small
about 3% at peak load.

41 | P a g e
148. Note on Crusher.
Crushers are mechanical equipment, widely used in Bulk Material Handling. Its
applica on is found almost in all sectors like Power Plant. Steel Plant, Cement Plant,
Mines etc.
Crushers are broadly classified as :-
a. Primary Crusher - Primary Crushers are those which have large mouth opening to
take big size of rock/ROM material. These crushers are NOT intended to prepare the
material to meet the final specifica on, but simply to reduce it to a more workable
b. Secondary Crusher - Secondary Crushers are those which accept smaller size material
(usually product of Primary Crusher).
c. Ter ary Crusher – are those which are used to achieve final reduc on of material as
per requirement.

149. How to calculate chute liner thickness?

Understand the Material Characteris cs
Type of Material: Know the abrasiveness, hardness, and size of the material being
Flow Rate: Determine the amount of material passing through the chute per unit of
Chute Liner Material Proper es
Hardness: Measure the hardness of the chute liner material (e.g., using the Rockwell or
Brinell scale).
Wear Resistance: Obtain wear resistance data specific to the liner material, typically
from the manufacturer.
Opera ng Condi ons
Impact Energy: Calculate the impact energy of the material hi ng the chute liner.
Angle of Impact: Determine the angle at which the material impacts the liner, as this
affects wear.
Calculate the Wear Rate
The wear rate can be calculated using empirical formulas or data from wear tests. A
common approach is to use the Archard’s wear equa on:
V = Volume of material worn away
K = Wear coefficient (depends on material proper es)
F = Normal force applied
s = Sliding distance
H = Hardness of the liner material
Es mate the Liner Thickness Reduc on
Using the wear rate, es mate the reduc on in liner thickness over me. The wear depth
can be es mated as:
Wear depth=V/A
where A is the contact area.

42 | P a g e
Determine the Liner Life
Finally, determine the liner life by dividing the ini al thickness of the liner by the wear
Liner life=Ini al thickness/Wear rate per unit me

150. What is forging?

Forging is a manufacturing process involving the shaping of metal using localized
compressive forces.
a. Open die forging
b. Closed die forging
c. Drop forging
d. Roll forging
e. Press forging
f. Upset forging
151. What is cas ng?
Cas ng is a manufacturing process where a liquid material is poured into a mold with a
specific shape and allowed to solidify. Once the material solidifies, it takes the shape of
the mold, crea ng a cast part.
a. Sand cas ng
b. Wax cas ng
c. Die cas ng
d. Centrifugal cas ng
e. Con nuous cas ng
152. What is the difference between cas ng and forging material?
a. Metals commonly used in cas ng include aluminum, iron, steel, brass, bronze,
magnesium, and zinc.
b. Metals commonly forged include carbon steel, alloy steel, stainless steel,
aluminum, tanium, and copper alloys.
c. Superior strength, toughness, and fa gue resistance due to refined grain
d. Be er dimensional accuracy and consistency.
e. Lower likelihood of defects compared to cas ngs.
153. What is the difference between density and bulk density?
In summary, while density measures how much mass is contained within a given volume
of a substance, bulk density specifically accounts for the volume occupied by void spaces
within a loose arrangement of par cles.

154. What is the construc onal difference between wagon pper and track hopper?
Size of wagon ppler is approx. 35m(L)x15m(W)x20m(D)
Whereas size of a track hopper is approx. 300m(L)x15m(W)x10m(D)

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155. What type of wagons are used in wagon ppler and Track hopper?
BOXN,DFC and BCN fype wagons.

156. What are rail gauge for Indian railways?

Broad gauge – 1676mm
Meter gauge – 1000mm
Narrow gauge – 762mm

157. Use of crusher material wise.

a. Coal – Jaw crusher, Impact crusher, Hammer mill, Ring granulator, Cone
crusher and roll crusher.
b. Ore - Jaw crusher, Hammer mill, Cone crusher, Ver cal sha impactor and roll
c. Flux materials - - Jaw crusher, Hammer mill, Cone crusher, Ver cal sha
Impactor and roll crusher.
d. Coke - Jaw crusher, Impact crusher, Hammer mill, Ring granulator, Cone
crusher and roll crusher.
e. Slag - Jaw crusher, Impactor, Hammer mill, Cone crusher, Ver cal sha
Impactor and roll crusher.

158. How to calculate RPM of a motor?

Rpm = (120 x Fs)/P
Where Fs = Frequency in hrtz. And P = No of poles

159. Why 1500 rpm motors used in conveyor systems?

a. 1500 RPM motors provide a good balance between speed and torque.
b. 1500 RPM motors are generally energy efficient, which is crucial for conveyor
systems that operate con nuously.
c. Motors running at 1500 RPM typically generate less vibra on and noise
compared to higher speed motors, contribu ng to a more stable and quieter
opera on.
160. What is the difference between 4 pole and 6 pole motor?
a. 4-Pole Motor: Typically more compact for a given power ra ng due to fewer
6-Pole Motor: O en larger for the same power ra ng because more poles
require more space in the stator.
b. 4-Pole Motor: May produce more vibra on and noise due to higher opera ng
6-Pole Motor: Generally produces less vibra on and noise due to lower speed
opera on.
c. Use a 4-pole motor for higher speed applica ons where efficiency and
compact size are important.

44 | P a g e
Use a 6-pole motor for applica ons requiring higher torque at lower speeds, with
considera ons for reduced vibra on and noise.
161. What is thermal ra ng in gear box?

The thermal ra ng of a gearbox is an important specifica on that indicates the maximum

amount of power the gearbox can transmit con nuously without exceeding a safe
opera ng temperature.

162. What are the materials used for gearbox casing?

Cast iron for excellent machinability, good wear resistance, and relatively low cost.
Aluminum for weight reduction

163. Example for alloy steel?

EN8 - Medium carbon steel with mild alloying elements such as chromium and
EN-19 - Alloy steel with chromium and molybdenum.
EN-24 - Alloy steel with chromium and molybdenum.

164. How to select wheel diameter?

165. Explain wagon ppler cycle me in detail.

Placement of loaded wagon & ejec on of empty wagon – 59 sec.
Weighing of loaded wagon – 3 sec.
Tippling – 39 sec.
Pause – 5 sec.
Return – 35 sec.
Weighing of empty wagon – 3 sec.
Total – 144 sec.

166. What is the maximum angle of rota on for Wagon ppler?

160 degree.

167. What is the hopper volume for wagon ppler and track hopper?
Wagon ppler – 300 Cum
Track hopper – 7600 Cum

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168. What is the difference between DFC and HDFC coupling?
DFC Coupling: Suitable for moderate torque and misalignment, typically used in less
demanding applica ons. It is cost-effec ve and easier to maintain.
HDFC Coupling: Designed for higher torque, load, and misalignment capabili es, ideal
for heavy-duty applica ons. It offers enhanced durability and performance but at a
higher cost.

169. What is the formula for selec ng idler roll diameter?

170. What is the lt angle for idler?

The idler lt angle, o en referred to as the "idler roll angle" or "idler angle," is the angle
at which the idler rolls are posi oned rela ve to the horizontal plane of the conveyor

171. What is belt load support?

46 | P a g e
172. What is troughability of belt?

173. Example of belt weight and thickness calcula on.

Total cover thickness (top + bo om) = (5 + 2 ) = 7 mm
Cover weight specifica on (Phoenix) 1.11 kg/m2 per 1mm thickness
Carcass weight specifica on (Phoenix) 3.7 kg./m2
Cover weight = 7 x 1.11 x 1.4 kg./m = 10.878 kg./m
Carcass weight calcula on (Phoenix) = 3.7 x 1.4 kg./m = 5.18 kg./m
Therefore total belt weight (cover wt. + carcass wt ) = 15.938 kg/m length
As per Phoenix belt carcass thickness is 3.1 mm
Belt thickness = cover thk. + carcass thk. = 7 + 3.1 = 10.1 mm

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174. What is the behaviour of conveyor, if drives located at both head and tail end?

Increased Power and Torque: Having drives at both ends can increase the overall power
and torque available to move the conveyor belt. This is especially beneficial for long
conveyors or those carrying heavy loads, as it helps to distribute the load more evenly
and reduce the risk of overloading a single drive.

Enhanced Trac on and Control: Drives at both ends can improve the trac on of the belt,
reducing the likelihood of slippage, especially in high-tension or high-fric on scenarios.
This can lead to smoother opera on and be er control over the belt's movement.

Reduced Belt Tension: By driving the conveyor from both ends, the tension in the belt
can be reduced. Lower belt tension can lead to longer belt life and reduced maintenance
costs, as the belt experiences less wear and tear.

Improved Start-Up and Shut-Down: With drives at both ends, the conveyor can start up
and shut down more smoothly. The synchronized opera on of the drives helps in
managing the belt accelera on and decelera on, minimizing jerks and reducing the
stress on mechanical components.

Flexibility in Conveyor Length: This setup allows for greater flexibility in designing longer
conveyors. The distributed driving force can handle longer distances without requiring
excessively high belt tension, making it feasible to transport materials over greater
lengths efficiently.

Balanced Load Distribu on: When the load on the conveyor is uneven or concentrated
in certain sec ons, having drives at both ends can help balance the load distribu on.
This can prevent situa ons where one drive is under significant strain while the other is
underu lized.

Complex Control Systems: The presence of mul ple drives necessitates a more
sophis cated control system to ensure synchroniza on and prevent issues like belt
misalignment or differen al speeds between the drives. This requires careful
coordina on and monitoring.

Energy Efficiency: By distribu ng the load between two drives, the overall energy
consump on might be op mized, as each drive operates within a more efficient range
compared to a single drive handling the en re load.

Overall, the primary benefits of having drives at both the head and tail ends of a
conveyor are improved performance, greater load-handling capability, and enhanced
reliability. However, it also introduces the need for more advanced control systems to
ensure coordinated and efficient opera on.

175. What is the opera ng principle of screen?

Vibra on through unbalance mass.

48 | P a g e
176. What is sieve Analysis?
Lump size categoriza on in a given stock of material.
177. What is separa on size of the screen?
The size of material to be separated in a given stock of material.
178. How many types of screens are manufactured by TRF?
Circular mo on, ellip cal mo on and linear mo on screen.
179. What do you mean by stroke of screen?
Amplitude of vibra on . Jumping of screen in the desired mo on.
180. What do you mean by RPM of screen?
Speed of the screen sha in belt drive (generally 800 rpm) and cardon sha (1000 rpm) in
direct drive.
181. What is WR of the screen?
182. Explain the working principle of Ellip cal Mo on screen?
The screen line of ac on is usually located at 45 deg angle, in few cases at 35 or 60 deg. The
Vibra on is carried out by two Eccentric Sha moving in opposite direc on to create
ellip cal mo on.
183. Explain the working principle of Circular Mo on screen?
The screen is usually mounted at 18 deg angle. The Vibra on is carried out by a single
concentric Sha
With counter weight mounted at both ends two create circular mo on.
184. Enlist some of the Major sub-assembly of Screen.
Live frame, Vibrator assembly, Bucker-up frame, Feed box, Motor base assembly.
185. List how many types of screen deck Media used in TRF Screen?
Perforated Plate, Screen Cloth panel, P.U.Panel, Wedge Wire panel. Rubber deck, Grizzly bar,
Cast deck
186. What are the Major Parts of Live frame?
Side plate, bucker up frame, feed box, discharge lip , back plate , cross strut, centre clamp ,
187. What are the Major Parts of Vibrator- assembly?
Vibrator sheave, sha , vibrator side plate, bearing housing, gear set, bearing closure, cross
strut .oil seal
188. What do you mean by bearing life of the screen?

49 | P a g e
Total running hours of the screen duty bearing during opera on. 10,000 hours
189. What are the Major Parts of Drive Assembly?
Vibrator sheave, Motor sheave, V-belt, Cardon sha , Pivoted motor base. Drive motor.
190. What do you mean by efficiency of the screen?
Ability of the screen to separate a given separa on size of material from a given stock of
191. How moisture Effect the Efficiency of the screen?
It tends to Clogging, material becomes s cky, and flow rate is affected.
192. What is bed depth of the screen?
Height of material from screen bed to top of material.
193. What do you mean by effec ve screen Area?

Total open area or screening area in the given deck media for separa on.
194. What is the recommended ra o between length & Width of the screen?
Length to width ra o is 2 to 2.5 mes
195. What is the line of ac on? Why the line of ac on is generally kept as 45 deg?
To keep balance between Efficiency, stroke and T.P.H of screen.
196. Can we change the stroke of the screen?
In circular and linear mo on yes. But on ellip cal mo on it is generally not possible.
197. If we can change the stroke then how and in which type of screen?
In circular mo on we adjust stroke by adding or reducing counter weights and linear mo on
by adjus ng weights through lead or steel.
198. If in one type of screen, why the stroke cannot be changed?
In ellip cal mo on it is generally not possible as unbalance mass is part of the sha .
199. How can we calculate the bed depth of the screen?
Bed Depth (h) - Capacity, Qt / (3600 x (w x v x s))
200. What is the permissible deflec on on the rotor sha of Ring Granulator/Impactor.
0.001- 0.003 mes of distance between bearings.
201. What is the impact of non-uniform feeding in the crusher.
Vibra on, Hammer breaking/wearing, Reduce capacity
202. How to calculate demand power for Impactor /Ring Granulator.

50 | P a g e
Power requirement as per bond formula and consider blast factor range 0.5 – 0.75
Consume power for rated capacity = Rated cap.X Kw/Tones (for bond formula including blast
Consume power for design capacity = design cap.X Kw/Tones (for bond formula including
blast factor)
For motor power we consider 10 to 20% extra on design capacity.
203. How to select bearing size for impactor /Ring Granulator
Equivalent dynamic bearing load.
Selec on bearing size using the sta c load carrying capacity.
Bearing life and load ra ng.
204. What is the meaning of HGI.
Hard Groove Index
205. What is the range of HGI for coal and lime stone.
For coal 44 – 85 HGI, For limestone 54 - 78 HGI
206. What do you understand by Blast factor.
Blast factor is a cracks on lump of coal during blas ng. BF range of coal is 0.5 – 0.75
depending on HGI
207. What are the required proper es of liners used in crusher.
Wear resistance with work hardening property.
208. What is the unique feature of RG as compared to other crusher.
Standard cubical product , Only Crusher where removal of uncrushed material is possible.
209. What type of vibra on isola on used for crushers.
Spring type, GERB unit type.
210. How do you decide the need of vib. Isola on.
Max. Allowable vibra on at present 180 micron achieve the requirement we need to use
211. What are the permissible values of vibra on level
150 microns
212. How do you convert the vib. From amplitude to velocity.
v=aω = [2xpi x N / 60 ] X a.
213. What is the material of Roll Tyre of DR Crusher.
Mn. Steel (as per IS: 276 Gr III)
51 | P a g e
214. Explain the working principle of Rotary Breaker.
Rotary breaker material crush by gravity impact only. Breaker cylinder rotate at slow speed
of from 12 – 18 RPM depending upon the cylinder diameter.
215. Guidelines for selec on of Wagon Tippler and Side Arm Charger are governed by
which organisa on? (Give full name)
Research Designs & Standards Organiza on (RDSO)
216. Where is the organisa on office for the Guidelines for selec on of Wagon Tippler
and Side Arm Charger located?
At Manak Nagar Lucknow
217. What is the maximum gross weight of the single wagon to be ppled by the wagon
ppler (G33 R1)?
-140 Ton
218. What is the maximum locomo ve weight and speed for passing over the ppler
150 ton and speed 8 km/hr
219. What is the maximum weight of empty wagon?
40 TON MAX( DFC-25/32.5)
220. How many clamp pads are there and how much maximum force exerted by each
clamp pad on top coping of the wagon?
6 Nos, Maximum Force Exerted By Each Clamp by 1.5 Ton as Per RDSO
221. At what angle of rota on the top clamping starts and at what angle of rota on the
clamping completes.
Top Clamping To Start Clamping At 10 Degree and Complete Clamp At 40 Degree.
222. Give the name of at least five materials which are unloaded by the Wagon Tippler.
Coal, Iron Ore, bauxite, Clinker, lime stone & dolomite
223. What is the necessity of usage of counterweight?
For shi centre of Gravity toward axis of rota on due to reduce (for Op miza on of) power
224. Give the name of at least five major components of wagon Tippler.
Cradle, side beam, end ring, transfer beam, movable side support.
225. What is the basic func on of the Side Arm charger?
It is marshalling equipment to proper placing & replacing of wagon at cradle.

52 | P a g e
226. Give at least five names of the major components of Side Arm charger.
Trolley Frame, Arm assembly, Trolley Wheel Assembly, Festoon Arrangement, rail & guide
227. What is the sequence of opera on of the Side Arm charger?
First SAC is placed at inhaul now coupling of SAC hit the wagon coupler automa cally
coupled & start move to ha rake half rake in forward direc on and to be stopped at
posi on and manual decoupled balance wagons. SAC again move forward and wagon placed
centre at cradle and SAC automa cally de-coupled from loaded wagon and empty wagon
push the outhaul.

228. Describe briefly how the pull for SAC has been calculated.
Count total nos loaded wagon, gross weight wagon, find nature of track layout i.e curve &
gradient of track, dead weight of SAC and speed of SAC
229. What is the only manual opera on required for SAC.
Manual decoupled balance wagons
230. What is the speed of SAC during forward and reverse movement?
0.52 m/sec forward and reverse.
231. Is power for SAC also depending on the reverse movement speed?
232. What is the material of Rack for SAC?
CS-IS-1030, GRADE-280-520
233. Give two drive op ons for SAC.
Hydro Mechanical Drive & Direct Hydraulic Drive
234. Give three drive op ons for Wagon Tippler.
Electro Mechanical Drive, Hydro Mechanical Drive & Direct Hydraulic Drive
235. What is the probable reason for using the movable side beam?
Difference Width Wagon Dimensions to be handled.
236. What types of materials are required for making iron ore pellets?
Iron ore pellets are a type of agglomerated iron ore material used in steelmaking. The
process of making iron ore pellets involves several key materials:
Iron Ore Fines: The primary raw material for making pellets. These are small par cles of iron
ore, typically below 6-10 mm in size.

53 | P a g e
Binders: Binders are added to help the iron ore fines s ck together during the pelle zing
process. Common binders include:
a. Bentonite Clay: The most commonly used binder.
b. Organic Binders: Such as carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) or starch.
c. Limestone or Dolomite: Some mes used to improve the physical proper es
of the pellets.
Fluxing Agents: These materials are added to adjust the chemical composi on of the pellets
and improve the metallurgical proper es. Common fluxing agents include:
a. Limestone: Used to adjust the basicity and improve the metallurgical proper es.
b. Dolomite: Similar to limestone, it adjusts basicity and provides MgO to the pellets.
c. Addi ves: Various addi ves can be used to enhance the pellet proper es:
d. Olive Oil: Some mes used as a lubricant during the pelle zing process.
e. Lime: Can be added to improve the strength of the pellets.
Coke or Coal Dust: Can be added to provide carbon, which helps in the reduc on process
during smel ng.
Moisture: Water is added to the iron ore fines to create a moist mixture that can be shaped
into pellets. The moisture content is carefully controlled to ensure op mal pelle zing
condi ons.
The pelle zing process typically involves the following steps:
a. Mixing the iron ore fines with binders, fluxing agents, and addi ves.
b. Adding water to create a homogenous mixture.
c. Forming the mixture into green pellets using a pelle zing disc or drum.
d. Drying and prehea ng the green pellets.
Indura ng (hardening) the pellets in an indura on furnace to achieve the desired
mechanical strength and metallurgical proper es.
This results in iron ore pellets that can be efficiently used in blast furnaces or direct
reduc on iron (DRI) processes for steelmaking.
237. What is the iron ore pellet forma on process?
The process of preparing iron ore pellets involves several key stages, which are essen al to
produce high-quality pellets suitable for use in steelmaking. Here are the main steps in the
iron ore pellet prepara on process:
Iron Ore Concentra on:
Crushing and Grinding: Iron ore is first crushed and ground to a fine powder to increase the
surface area for the next steps.
Magne c Separa on or Flota on: The ground ore is subjected to magne c separa on or
flota on to remove impuri es and concentrate the iron content.

54 | P a g e
The concentrated iron ore fines are mixed with binders (such as bentonite), fluxing agents
(such as limestone or dolomite), and addi ves (such as lime or coke). This mixture helps to
bind the fine par cles together and adjust the chemical composi on of the pellets.
The mixed material is then formed into green pellets using a pelle zing disc or drum. The
discs or drums rotate, causing the mixture to roll into spherical balls of a specific size,
typically ranging from 9 to 16 mm in diameter.
The green pellets are dried to remove moisture. This step is crucial to prevent the pellets
from cracking or breaking apart during the subsequent hea ng process.
Prehea ng:
The dried pellets are preheated in a preheat furnace. This step gradually raises the
temperature of the pellets, further removing moisture and preparing them for indura on.
Indura on:
Indura on is the process of hardening the green pellets by hea ng them in an indura on
furnace. This furnace can be of various types, such as a straight grate, grate-kiln, or rotary
kiln. The pellets are heated to temperatures between 1200°C and 1350°C, causing the
par cles to fuse together and form strong, hard pellets.
A er indura on, the hot pellets are cooled down, usually by air, in a cooling system. The
cooled pellets are then ready for handling and transporta on.
The cooled pellets are screened to remove any undersized or oversized pellets. The
undersized pellets can be recycled back into the process, while the properly sized pellets are
sent to storage or directly to the blast furnace or direct reduc on iron (DRI) plant.
Each of these steps is cri cal to ensure the produc on of high-quality iron ore pellets with
the desired physical and metallurgical proper es required for efficient steelmaking.

Prepared by:
Arindam Ghosh

55 | P a g e

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