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J. Indian Inst. Sci.

A Multidisciplinary Reviews Journal

ISSN: 0970-4140 Coden-JIISAD

© The Author(s) 2019.

Emerging Big Data Sources for Public Transport
Planning: A Systematic Review on Current State
of Art and Future Research Directions

Khatun E Zannat1,2 and Charisma F. Choudhury1*

Abstract | The rapid advancement of information and communication

technology has brought a revolution in the domain of public transport
(PT) planning alongside other areas of transport planning and opera-
tions. Of particular significance are the passively generated big data
sources (e.g., smart cards, detailed vehicle location data, mobile phone
traces, social media) which have started replacing the traditional surveys
conducted onboard, at the stops/stations and/or at the household level
for gathering insights about the behavior of the PT users. This paper pre-
sents a systematic review of the contemporary research papers related
to the use of novel data sources in PT planning with particular focus on
(1) assessing the usability and potential strengths and weaknesses of
different emerging big data sources, (2) identifying the challenges and
highlighting research gaps. Reviewed articles were categorized based
on qualitative pattern matching (similarities/dissimilarities) and multiple
sources of evidence analysis under three categories—use of big data
in (1) travel pattern analysis, (2) PT modelling, and (3) PT performance
assessment. The review revealed research gaps ranging from method-
ological and applied research on fusing different forms of big data as
well as big data and traditional survey data; further work to validate the
models and assumptions; lack of progress on developing more dynamic
planning models. Findings of this study could inform transport planners
and researchers about the opportunities/challenges big data bring for
PT planning. Harnessing the full potential of the big data sources for
PT planning can be extremely useful for cities in the developing world,
where the PT landscape is changing more rapidly, but traditional forms
of data are expensive to collect.
Choice Modelling
1 Introduction riders and non-riders71. Understanding travel Centre, Institute
Rapid urbanization and associated increase in pattern and travel behavior of PT users, forecast- for Transport Studies,
population are resulting in a higher growth of ing their demand, performance improvement University of Leeds,
Leeds, UK.
motorized traffic flow in urban areas. As a conse- of PT service, etc., are central to PT planning. 2
Department of Urban
quence, cities are experiencing different problems Traditionally, public/transport research domain and Regional Planning,
such as air pollution, road accidents, and conges- was reliant on manual travel surveys conducted Chittagong University
of Engineering
tions. In response to these problems, public trans- onboard, at the stops/stations or at household and Technology (CUET),
portation (PT) could help to reduce air pollution, level14, 17. These methods are useful in describ- Chittagong 4349,
road congestion and travel time, and dependency ing socio-demographic characteristics (age, gen- Bangladesh.
on non-renewable energy, which benefit both der, income, occupation, etc.) of the respondents

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K. Zannat, C. F. Choudhury

along with their detailed travel information (trip of the same person), though data linking has the
Mode choice: Mode choice is purpose, mode choice etc.). However, these meth- risk of breaching privacy issues. Thirdly, these
the process by which the trip
ods are labor intensive, leading to higher costs can be used to reconstruct large-scale trajectory1
between traffic analysis zones
in the study area are allocated and consequently smaller sample size and lower data for a larger sample size and longer observa-
using available modes update frequencies. This is particularly problem- tion period. The availability of such large dataset
atic in the context of the developing countries in unveils possibilities for more dynamic research
the Global South where the resources are more in the field of transportation planning. Despite
limited. Further, the data can have reporting these opportunities, there are also challenges
errors and are prone to statistical biases17, 27. Most associated with collection, processing and ana-
importantly, data collected through manual sur- lyzing of big data, which need to be addressed
veys are typically non-panel in nature and unable while employing these data in transport plan-
to capture the short-term/long-term variations in ning. Further, mining of big data for its mean-
PT usage. Due to the coarse spatial characteristics ingful application requires different methods
and non-dynamic nature, it is typically not pos- and techniques for data processing and transport
sible to combine such data with land use, weather, modeling, which raise new technical challenges
and dynamic network conditions. This makes it to ensure computational efficiency, data process-
difficult to use it for PT planning and operational ing, integration, evaluation, validation and user
decisions. privacy. Major challenges include: (1) presence of
On the other hand, the rapid advancement data gap (e.g., discontinuity in the location data,
of information and communication technol- errors and missing information); (2) some details
ogy (ICT) has brought revolution in the domain (e.g., trip purposes, accompanying travelers) are
of transport research over the last decade. These not explicitly recorded; (3) in case of some forms
range from PT-specific sources like smart cards of big data, termed as extrinsic mobility data, the
used for automatic fare collection and global location information is generated by non-trans-
positioning system (GPS) traces for automatic port activity (e.g., during phone call, text mes-
vehicle location (AVL) to more generic data like sage etc.); hence, cannot be converted directly to
digital footprints of mobile phone users, geo- mobility data for transport studies which often
coded social media records, etc. The ubiquity require significant processing; (4) absence of per-
of these data sources has led to passive genera- sonal or socio-demographic information of the
tion of unprecedented amount of data, which user, which are key inputs to some of the tradi-
are precisely geo-referenced and spatiotemporal tional models (econometric models for example).
in nature and suitable to explain human mobil- In the last two decades, many articles had
ity patterns at much lower costs2, 57, 58. Other reviewed the application of different big data
heterogeneous data sources include loop detec- sources in transportation planning. Among
Loop detector: Traffic loop
detectors are sensors used for tors (collects traffic data), probe vehicles (meas- the current review-based studies, Anda et al.5
measuring traffic flows and ures traffic condition), Bluetooth (enumerates reviewed the current application of big data
speeds, typically at intersec- travel times or average speeds and the associated sources to understand travel behavior and
tions, links, parking lots, etc.
variability), video cameras, remote sensing, street develop travel demand models for transport plan-
imagery such as Google Street View (GSV), and ning. They prescribed using big data for ‘activ-
Agent-based transport Bing StreetSide27, 55. Given that most of these data ity-based model’ and ‘agent-based simulations’
model: Agent-based transport sources are large in volume, they fall into the gen- to understand individual travel behavior. They
models treat each decision
eral umbrella of big data. further described recent advancements in data-
maker as an agent (with char-
acteristics, goals and behavio- In comparison with the traditional data mining methods, applied for trip identification,
ral rules) and simulate their sources, these novel sources of data show many activity inference, and mode inference at the indi-
actions on the environment
unique attributes and advantages17, 26, 69. Firstly, vidual level. Yue et al.74 reviewed current studies
they inhabit and traverse.
big data sources contain updated and near or related to travel behavior, which used trajectory-
real-time spatial and temporal information that based data and explored scattered technologies,
Activity-based model: Activ-
ity based models are based
is quite impossible to collect through tradi- tools, and data sources (traditional travel sur-
on the principle that travel is tional travel survey (e.g., face to face interview, vey data, GPS log data, smart card data, mobile
ultimately derived from the telephone interview, travel diary, and web form phone data, and other non-conventional sources
necessity to participate in ac-
tivities. Activity-based models
survey). Secondly, they contain a large amount such as social media and banknote data). They
predict which activities are of individual level data with greater details and have also documented major challenges of using
conducted when, where, for higher accuracy at lower cost. Some of these trajectory data in behavioral studies such as data
how long, for and with whom,
and the travel choices they
data can be potentially linked with supplemen-
will make to complete them. tary data (e.g., land use, bus time tables, etc.) as
well as with each other (different types of data 1
Series of location points at discrete time intervals.

13 J. Indian Inst. Sci.| VOL 99:4 | 601–619 December 2019 |
Emerging Big Data Sources for Public Transport Planning

privacy, data accessibility for different stakehold- The main purpose of this systematic review-
ers, socio-demographic biasness in available data, based study is to explore the recent research in
and absence of new data modeling techniques PT planning using big data and assess the usabil-
to reduce computational cost. Additionally, they ity and potentiality of the novel data sources (in
highlighted new opportunities of complex net- comparison to conventional data such as house-
work science, computational social science and hold travel diary surveys and population census).
bottom-up approach in travel behavior stud- Therefore, existing relevant literature is reviewed
ies. Further, Wang et al.69 provided a review of according to different aspects of PT planning
travel behavior research based on mobile phone such as analyses of travel pattern and understand-
data, obtained from different sources (cellular ing travel behavior. Our review differs from exist-
network and smartphone sensor-based data). ing review-based articles in the following ways.
They highlighted that the majority of these stud- Firstly, our focus is on the research, targeting to
ies are focused on the re-identification of human validate the application of big data source in PT
travel patterns (such as travel frequency and dis- planning. Secondly, the aim is to give the reader
tance), but failed to exhibit the inherent mecha- an overview of the application of big data in the
nism responsible for the observed pattern. They domain of PT planning. The article is organized
have also elaborated the major potentials and in the following order. Section 2 summarizes the
challenges of using mobile phone data in travel methodological approach followed in this study.
behavioral studies. Chen et al.17 reviewed the cur- Section 3 includes available novel data sources
rent methodologies of using mobile phone data used directly/indirectly in PT research. Section 4
for travel behavior analysis in three sub-areas: critically reviews the selected paper. Section 5
modeling travel behavior, behavioral factor, and explores the conclusions and future research path.
human mobility pattern. They raised emerging It may be noted that most of the articles
necessities for cross-discipline research with the related to big data use in PT studies were from
aim of conversations and collaboration among North America and Asia. About 11% reviewed
different disciplines. Huang et al.34 reviewed the articles were from North American and 18%
advantages and disadvantages of different meth- from the Asian context. The USA, Canada, UK,
ods to detect transport mode based on mobile China, South Korea, and Australia were among
phone network data. They emphasized that most the leading countries practicing big data exten-
of the studies were focused on easy-to-detect sively for PT planning. From the Global South,
modes due to the lack of ground truth data. Also, very few articles were from Chile and Brazil. Only
they highlighted that most of the studies did not one article was found in the African context.
validate their results, or simply validated their
proposed methods with aggregated data. How-
2 Methodology of Review
ever, the above-mentioned reviews are generic,
This study adopted a three-stage systematic lit-
whereas the research needs, available big data
erature review approach proposed by Bask and
sources, analyses, and analyses methodologies are
Rajahonka11. The stage 1, entitled as “Planning
distinctly different for PT.
stage”, includes objectives and review protocol
In the context of PT, Pelletier et al.57 focused
for a review, defining sources and procedures for
on the application of smart card payment data
article/paper searches. At this stage, we identified
in PT, showing that in addition to fare collection
our research question based on our research aim
this data can be used for many purposes such
and objective: What is the current state-of-the-art
as strategic-level studies (long-term planning),
application of big data in PT planning? We fur-
tactile-level studies (service adjustment, transfer
ther selected the inclusion and exclusion criteria
journey studies, etc.), and operational level stud-
for the final review. To ensure a comprehensive
ies (calculation of PT performance indicators,
search, our database included five data sources:
payment management, etc.). This study however
Scopus, Science Direct, Wiley Online Library,
focuses only on smart card data and is slightly
Taylor & Francis, and Google scholar. The fol-
dated. In particular, over the last decade, there has
lowing keywords were used to search articles:
been emergence of many other types of big data
“Big Data” or “Smart Card” or “Mobile Phone”
which can be used for PT planning. Therefore,
or “Social Media” or “Passive Data” AND “Public
further study is needed to investigate what the
Transport” or “Transportation” AND “Planning”.
new big data sources have to offer and what novel
The same key words were used in the five data
methods can be deployed to best utilize them for
sources to avoid any biasness in the search pro-
informed decision-making to guide the improved
cess. A total of 272 articles were found after this
performance of the PT modes.

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K. Zannat, C. F. Choudhury

stage. The inclusion criteria were determined to distributed in different outlets of PT planning
fulfill the research aim. domain. Systematic and comprehensive reviews
The stage 2 is the “Screening”, which includes on the application of big data in PT planning are
descriptive and structure analysis. The titles and unavailable. Hence, in this study we only focused
abstracts of 272 articles were screened for pre- on disparate application of the novel data sources
liminary selection. The screening was primarily for PT planning. The systematic review of litera-
based on the following criteria: accepted/pub- ture revealed three key categories of data for PT
lished academic journal articles, full text avail- planning.
able, and published in English. We found a total
of 102 articles at this stage. When the abstract of (a) Smart card data The key purpose of smart
an article indicated a research aim similar to our card data is to ensure a smooth automatic
study, the full text was scanned to include it in the
fare collection in PT. Currently, many large-/
review pool. Besides, we excluded articles appear-
ing redundantly in different search engines, edito- medium-sized cities in the world such as
rials, book chapters, conference proceedings, and London (Oyster card), New York (Smart-
articles not in English. Finally, 47 articles were Link), Boston (Charlie card), Beijing (Yika-
selected for critical review. The selected 47 articles tong), and Hong Kong (Octopus card), have
were further categorized based on qualitative pat-
their own smart card system. These cards
tern matching (similarities/dissimilarities) and
multiple sources of evidence analysis (validation are based on radio-frequency identification
and acceptance of hypothesis)73. Thus, the aims (RFID) technology and passengers are
and hypotheses considered in the selected article required to tap the cards during entry and/
were tabulated and the articles were categorized or exit. Depending on the type of smart
under three themes according to the respective card, it automatically and continuously col-
research purpose. Other supporting articles were
lects different trip records while using PT.
also included during the review of the 47 articles
to elaborate and support the overall findings of For example, an entry-only smart card
the reviewed paper. records information (boarding time, loca-
In Stage 3 “Reporting and Dissemination”, we tion of stop, transport mode, and/or stop
organized our findings to write the review paper. number) when passengers enter/board a
In the writing stage, we followed the category
transit station10, 25. Hence, no information in
developed in the “Review Stage” to summarize
our findings. Eventually, we explained the signifi- destination stop is recorded. On the other
Multimodal public transport cance of the reviewed paper and their contribu- hand, multimodal smart cards such as Lon-
system: Multimodal public
transport system can be
tions in the PT research domain along with the don Oyster card also collects information
defined as a system through research gap and opportunities of future research. related to both entry and exit point and
which a movement is accom-
plished using two or more transport mode28. Therefore, information
different modes 3 Types of Big Data in PT Planning collected from the smart card can be used
Among the different definitions of big data, we for PT planning other than merely the fare
refer to the simplest one: “any data that cannot collection57.
fit into an Excel spreadsheet”12. These encompass (b) Mobile phone data At present, most indi-
automatically and routinely generated diverse viduals carry mobile phone almost every-
dynamic information coming from different where, which results in mobile phone data—
sources (e.g., sensors, devices, third parties, web the largest human mobility data source8.
applications, and social media) at various speeds There are broadly two sources of mobile
and frequencies12, 17, 59. These data sources are phone data—cellular network-based data
thus also aligned with the definitions proposed by and smartphone sensor-based data69. Cel-
Laney41 and 31, where big data is defined with 3 Vs lular network-based data are collected by
(volume, velocity, variety) and 5 V + C (3 V + var- telecommunication companies. Two types
iability, veracity, complexity), respectively. of network-based data have been used in the
From the last two decades, a plethora of contemporary PT studies: call data record
studies applied multiple passively collected data (CDR) and global system for mobile com-
sources for transport planning research. How- munication (GSM) data1, 43. CDR data com-
ever, the discussion regarding the application prises a set of phone activity (phone call,
of big data for PT planning is fragmented and text message or Internet access) records

13 J. Indian Inst. Sci.| VOL 99:4 | 601–619 December 2019 |
Emerging Big Data Sources for Public Transport Planning

along with the time and location informa- be considered as big data by definition and used
tion of cell towers channeling the call. The in the transport research domain; however, these
GSM data are generated from an interaction were not included in this study, as their applica-
between a device and the mobile network as tion was non-specific in the reviewed articles on
long as it is turned on69. For a single mobile PT research domain.
phone, CDR or GSM data are dispersed and
provide very little information. However,
aggregation of thousands of mobile phone 4 Current State‑of‑the‑Art of PT Studies
data overcomes the above-mentioned limi- Using Big Data
tation1. Among the two types, GSM data has 4.1 Theme 1: Use of Big Data in Travel
a higher frequency compared to CDR data, Pattern Analysis
but is typically more difficult to get access In the broad spectrum of urban planning and
to. CDR data on the other hand is routinely transport studies, it is important to understand
saved by the mobile phone companies for and model how individuals move in time and
billing purposes and involves no additional space, called travel behavior analysis, which is
effort in data provision. important to understand the travel demand14, 18.
In the context of PT, travel pattern and related
On the other hand, smartphone sensor-based statistical analyses are important while adopting
data can be collected by dedicated applications69. plans to improve current and promote new PT
For example, check in information from social services. In this section, we explore whether “big
media (Twitter, Facebook, etc.) or popular sports data” can substitute the conventional data col-
tracking apps provide higher spatial resolution lected through field survey for travel behavior
data compared to network-based data. However, analysis in PT planning.
this form of data is associated with serious sam- More than one-third (36%) of the arti-
pling bias and poor temporal granularity; there- cles reviewed in this study were focused on
fore, very few studies used this data form for PT travel behavior analyses of PT users using big
research58. Nevertheless, advancement of Internet data. Major research found under this theme is
and smartphone technology provides a unique about—identification of aggregate/individual,
opportunity to transport planners/modelers single day/multiday travel behavior, inference of
to estimate demand fluctuations under special trip purpose, socio-demographic status of transit
events (e.g., Olympic Games, Formula 1). users, analysis of activity pattern, and spatial and
temporal variability in transit use (Table 1). As
(c) GPS data and automatic vehicle location seen in the Table 1, all authors mainly used smart
(AVL) The GPS technology installed in the card data for travel behavior analysis of transit
vehicle enables collecting time, location, users. Along with smart card data, AVL data were
and service status of transport modes66. also incorporated in travel behavior analysis.
AVL database is prepared by collecting vari-
ous geo-coded information about the mode 4.1.1 Aggregate vs Individual Travel Behavior
(such as latitude, longitude, time, date) using Day to day travel behavior analysis is difficult
GPS (on vehicle) at a constant or varying using conventional data, due to the cost and
time interval. AVL data is widely used in con- complexities associated with the data collection
junction with smart card data in different method. Among different novel data sources,
outlets of PT planning research30, 48, 49, 54, 80, smart card data has the capability to enhance
and extends the application of geographic existing decision-making tools, minimizing the
information system (GIS) to perform spa- complexities associated with conventional data
tial and temporal analysis in an urban land- collection systems (e.g., of onboard surveys)42.
scape. Even though GPS data has many other Several studies explored the potentiality of this
applications (in private transport) such as data for aggregated and individual travel behav-
car route mapping, measuring taxi service, ior analysis37. Zhang et al.75 proposed a method
freight tracking, and commercial fleet man- to identify group travel behavior (GTB) with
agement, in this study we only considered PT smart card data based on proxemics theory.
GPS data that is collected in the PT modes Although aggregated behavior analysis draws the
and used to develop the AVL database. trip pattern of the general user, it fails to capture
the individuality in travel behavior36. Hence, Kieu
Other heterogeneous data sources such as et al.36 proposed a new method entitled Weighted
loop detectors, Bluetooth, and video camera can

J. Indian Inst. Sci.| VOL 99:4 | 601–619 December 2019 | 13
Table 1: Review of studies on big data for travel pattern analysis in PT planning. Source: prepared by the author, 2019.

Article Focus Data used Key findings

Aggregate vs. individual Zhao et al.77 Proposing a methodology to predict daily indi- Smart card data Promising results obtained, which shows the proposed
travel behavior vidual mobility and testing the method using method can predict daily travel behavior and accu-
smart card records from more than 10,000 racy varies by the attributes considered
users in London, U.K. over 2 years
Zhang et al.75 Developing a method to identify group travel Smart card data Proposed method and smart card data have the
K. Zannat, C. F. Choudhury

behavior (GTB) of the PT user using 1-week potentiality to describe the characteristics and the
records of subway fare card spatio-temporal pattern of GTB
Briand et al.14 Proposing a generative model to regroup PT Smart card data Proposed unsupervised clustering method (Gaussian
passengers based on their temporal habits mixture model) makes it possible to model continu-
using smart card information collected for ous representation of temporal travel pattern using
5 years smart card data
Kieu et al.36 Developing an algorithm to understand indi- Smart card data Proposed Weighted Stop Density-Based Scanning
vidual passenger travel behavior using smart Algorithm with Noise (WS-DBSCAN) algorithm is
card data of 4 months period able to detect the daily changes in spatial travel
pattern using smart card data with lower computa-
tion time
Chu and Chapleau21 Proposing a method to enhance transit trip Smart card data and AVL data Proposed rule-based algorithm and classification ena-
characterization by adding a multiday bles multiday travel behavior analysis of individual
dimension to a month of smart card transac- and subgroup using smart card transactions
Inference of travel Alsger et al.3 Proposing a model calibrated and validated Smart card data, ­HTSa, land use Promising results obtained, shows a strong capability
behavioral attributes to infer individual trip purpose of a PT user database, ­SEQSTMb, GTFS, O–D of the proposed model to predict trip purpose at a
using smart card information survey data high level of accuracy
Amaya et al.4 Estimating the residence zone of card users Smart card data and OD survey data The proposed method applicable for a segregate
to enable socioeconomic variable for travel society allows to infer residence of the cardhold-
pattern analysis ers who are frequent PT users showing over 70%
correct estimation
Wang et al.68 Modeling location choice of metro commut- Smart card data The proposed model performs well in explaining the
ers for after-work activities using smart card station choices for after-work activities
Goulet-Langlois et al.29 Proposing a methodology to identify clusters Smart card data and Socio-demo- Smart card data can be used to identify the connec-
of PT users with similar activity sequence graphic information tions existed between the demographic attributes
using smart card data of users and activity patterns identified exclusively
from fare transactions

J. Indian Inst. Sci.| VOL 99:4 | 601–619 December 2019 |

Table 1: continued

Article Focus Data used Key findings

Han and Sohn32 Proposing a method to infer the sequences of Smart card data and land use Proposed continuous hidden Markov model (CHMM)
activity using smart card information information is able to predict activity patterns which are consist-
ent with the actual activity pattern
Long et al.46 Understanding extreme PT riders using smart Smart card data and household Smart card data along with household survey data
card data travel survey data can be used to identify the spatio-temporal pat-
terns of extreme transit behaviors
Arana et al.7 Determining the influence of meteorological Smart card and AVL data Smart card data can be used to determine the influ-
conditions on transit ridership using smart ence of external factor on PT ridership
card data
Kusakabe and Asakura40 Developing a data fusion methodology to Smart card data and person trip Smart card data can successfully estimate (86.2%)
estimate behavioral attributes of trips using survey data the trip purpose using the proposed naïve Bayes
smart card data to observe continuous long- probabilistic model which has low calculation load
term changes in the attributes of trip
Lee and Hickman42 Inferring trip purpose and activity information Smart card data, land use, ­GTFSc Inferences can be made through the trip purpose
of transit users using smart card transaction assignment process using a typical weekday smart
data card data integrated with land use data
Tao et al.63 Examining spatio-temporal dynamics or BRT Smart card data Smart card data has the potentiality to reflect spatial
trips in comparison with non-BRT trips using heterogeneity in BRT/non-BRT trips

J. Indian Inst. Sci.| VOL 99:4 | 601–619 December 2019 |

smart card data
Ma et al.49 Proposing data-mining procedures that mod- Smart card data Using data mining techniques, smart card data can
els the travel patterns of transit riders using be used to understand individual travel pattern and
smart card data travel regularity
Morency et al.51 Measuring the spatial and temporal variability Smart card data Proposed data-mining techniques successfully provides
of PT network use using smart card continuous profile of spatial and temporal variability
of transit use
Household travel surveys (HTS)
South East Queensland Strategic Transport Model (SEQSTM)
Google’s general transit feed specification (GTFS) is an open format updated by hundreds of transit agencies in the USA and used by Google to incorporate transit information

Emerging Big Data Sources for Public Transport Planning

K. Zannat, C. F. Choudhury

Stop Density-Based Scanning Algorithm with activity location using smart card data. The
Noise (WS-DBSCAN) using smart card informa- method proposed by Ma et al.47 achieved 94.1%
tion to detect the spatial variability of individual overall accuracy in identifying commuter trips.
travel pattern. Smart card data was further used Further, Long et al.46 classified different extreme
for single day to multiday travel behavior analy- PT riders using both traditional household data
sis. Zhao et al.77 proposed a regularized logistic and smart card information. Besides, big data was
regression model to predict daily individual travel used to determine the influence of external fac-
pattern using historic sequence of individual trip tors such as weather conditions on transit rider-
records collected from smart card and reached ship using regression analysis7. Therefore, by
20–30% accuracy in predicting time, origin, and synthesizing these novel data sources, more
destination combinedly. In addition, studies pro- meaningful insights about travel behavior can be
posed data-mining methods and probabilistic inferred.
models to analyze multiday travel behavior and Though manual survey contains socio-demo-
regularities of individual and subgroup14, 21. graphic attributes and activity information, this
Since the proposed methodologies aided in information is more often associated with sam-
predicting individual and aggregated trip patterns pling bias. Therefore, conventional models devel-
of PT users using smart card and AVL data, the oped using manual survey-based data are often
outcome of the research would be useful to pro- misleading to interpret travel pattern. On the
pose short-term and long-term policies and strat- other hand, the proposed models (followed clas-
egies to support predictable users. For example, sification, clustering, and prediction techniques)
the proposed trip prediction models can be used developed using big data are more dynamic in
to develop traveler information system which will nature, capable of incorporating multiple data
inform the user about service shortage and delays sources from fine to coarse resolution to predict
in certain areas77. As smart card and AVL data are socio-demographic attributes, and reduces the
collected routinely and passively, such behavioral requirement of conventional survey for want of
prediction can be done within a short/long time socio-demographic information.
interval which will provide the opportunities to
evaluate the impact of policy changes.
4.2 Theme 2: Use of Big Data in PT
4.1.2 Inference of Travel Behavioral Attributes Since the 1960s, one of the most prominent and
It is considered that additional attributes such widely acknowledged transport modeling
as socio-demographic and activity information approaches has been the four-stage modeling44. It
improves the understanding of travel behavior21. is widely used as a systematic framework for both
Smart card or other passive data sources are criti- public and private transport modeling, which fol-
Trip distribution: Trip cized due to the absence of socio-demographic lows the sequence of (a) trip generation, (b) trip
distribution is the process by information, which is collected in survey-based distribution, (c) modal split, and (d) trip assign-
which all the trips generated
in a study area are allocated
methods. Hence, efforts have been made to inte- ment. This modeling approach requires a large
among the zones grate socio-demographic information with big amount of spatio-temporal individual trip infor-
data to portray a comprehensive picture of travel mation and demographic data, the collection of
Trip generation: Trip genera-
behavior. Several studies proposed data-mining which is a manpower-, time-, and investment-
tion is the process of estimat- and probabilistic models to use smart card data intensive process5. After the emergence of big
ing the number of trips that to infer trip purposes3, 23, 40, 42. Goulet-Langlois data sources, efforts have been made to use big
will begin or end in each zone
within a study area.
et al.29 followed agglomerative hierarchical clus- data as an alternative to conventional survey data
tering techniques to understand passenger het- in transport modeling. But the question remains
erogeneity from longitudinal representation of as to whether it is possible to replace the costly
each user’s multiweek activity using smart card conventional survey data using big data in PT
data. Further, Amaya et al.4 attempted to identify modeling. About 14 (30%) articles reviewed in
residence zone of smart card users to include this this study answered this question.
Location choice model: Loca- socioeconomic variables in travel pattern analysis. Among the different sources of big data, the
tion choice model predicts the
individual household’s choice Moreover, various studies assessed spatio- use of smart card information in PT modeling
of residence to aggregated temporal variability of PT use using clustering is observed in all 14 relevant articles reviewed
zones with an aim to quantify techniques and probabilistic model integrating in this study (Table 2). After the emergence of
the impact of different resi-
dential location characteristics smart card multiday data record38, 47, 49, 51, 63. “smart card” for PT fare payment, it is consid-
and their interaction with Wang et al.68 proposed a location choice model of ered as a useful data source for the planner and
household characteristics metro commuters for predicting after-work researcher, since it produces a large amount of

13 J. Indian Inst. Sci.| VOL 99:4 | 601–619 December 2019 |
Table 2: Review of studies on big data for PT modeling. Source: prepared by the author, 2019.

Article Focus Data used Key findings

O–D estimation Kumar et al. Inferring the trajectory of PT user using trip- Smart card data and GTFS data Proposed trip-chaining algorithm tries to relax the
chaining method, deriving information from assumptions on the parameters such as GPS inac-
smart card data curacy buffer zone for boarding stop inference for
origin and destination inference
Tamblay et al.62 Inferring the zonal O–D matrix for observed Smart card data, socioeconomic, land use, and Smart card data can be used with other data to
trip between two PT stops (i.e., bus stops or network information infer zonal O–D matrix and the proposed model
metro stations) captures the expected effect of land use on trip
generation and trip distribution
Gordon et al.28 Proposing a method to infer origins and desti- Smart card data, AVL and survey data Smart card data is a useful source to infer boarding
nation matrices for bus passenger and alighting times and locations for individual
bus passengers, transfers between passenger trips
of various public modes, and origin–destination
matrices of linked intermodal transit journeys
Munizaga and Palma54 Proposing a method suitable for large multi- Smart card data, AVL data and geo-coded PT Linked journey O–D matrix can be constructed for a
modal PT system to predict origin–destina- network multimodal PT system using interchange inference
tion (OD) matrix obtained from entry-only algorithm using smart card data
smartcard data
Wang et al.67 Inferring O–D for bus passenger using data Smart card data, AVL and manual survey data It is feasible and easy to apply trip-chaining to infer
from automated data collection systems O–D for both weekend and weekday and alight-

J. Indian Inst. Sci.| VOL 99:4 | 601–619 December 2019 |

(ADCS) ing stop of bus passenger, using smart card data
Barry et al.9 Proposing a method to determine O–D trip Smart card data O–D matrix can be developed using smart card data
tables by using entry-only smart card data for multimodal transport network even when AVL
for all PT user (subway, local and express data is not available
buses, ferry, and tramway)
Chu and Chapleau20 Derive more complete information from smart Smart card data Smart card can be used to infer passenger journeys,
card for planning purposes analyze transfer activity and synthesize vehicle
load profile for the better analysis of linked trips,
trip chains, and activity space using run time
Trépanier et al.65 Estimating trip destination using smart card Smart card data Smart card data can be used for destination infer-
fare collection data ence of bus passenger when alighting informa-
tion is not available

Emerging Big Data Sources for Public Transport Planning

Table 2: continued

Article Focus Data used Key findings


Zhao et al. Proposing a method for predicting rail passen- Smart card data and AVL data Smart card data can be used to infer O–D matrix
ger O–D table from smart card data (rail to rail and rail to bus) for rail passenger from
an origin-only smart card data to replace expen-
sive passenger O–D surveys.
Barry et al.10 Proposing a method to determine station-to- Smart card data, Travel diary survey data for Proposed destination inference model using metro
station O–D trip tables by using entry-only validation purpose card information can be used to create O–D
K. Zannat, C. F. Choudhury

smart card data for subway user (unimodal matrix for different temporal scales
Farzin25 Creating O–D matrix using multiple data Smart card data and AVL data Multiple data can be infused with smart card data
source along with smart card data to develop and validate zonally aggregated O–D
Route choice Cheon et al.19 Developing a method for analyzing the route Smart card data The developed model considers coexistence of vari-
modeling choice of travelers in multimodal transit net- ous mode in a single network including multiple
works by considering multiple attributes attributes to effectively reduce the unreasonable
paths with high accuracy
Nassir et al.56 Proposing a path choice model using smart Smart card data Proposed recursive link-based choice model allows
card model calibration with incomplete path choice
observations with transit smart card data in
higher-frequency bus and rail services
Jánošíková et al.35 Estimating route choice model for urban PT Smart card data, street map and time table In-vehicle travel time, transfer walking time and to
using smart card data get from alighting stop to trip destination, the need
to change, and the time headway of the first trans-
portation line, can be determined by the combina-
tion of smart card data with other data sources

J. Indian Inst. Sci.| VOL 99:4 | 601–619 December 2019 |

Emerging Big Data Sources for Public Transport Planning

boarding/alighting information depending on the Kumar et al.39 proposed a new trip-chaining algo-
type of card57. rithm for O–D inference that tries to relax the
assumptions on the parameters such as GPS inac-
curacy (buffer zone for boarding stop inference).
4.2.1 Estimation of Origin and Destination (O–D)
At the beginning of the last decade, this form of
data was employed to elicit basic information
4.2.2 Route Choice Modeling
required for transport modeling such as origin
Three articles dealt with route choice of travelers Traffic assignment/Route
and destination (O–D) to quantify transport choice model: Traffic assign-
in PT networks by considering multiple attrib-
demand between geographical regions in a city. ment determine the routes
utes. The interchanges between the segments of a that will be used.
Various algorithms were proposed to determine
linked journey can be recognized using smart
station-to-station O–D trip tables by using smart Trip chain: A trip chain is
card data infused with other data sources35. Nas-
card data for unimodal PT trip (subway/bus)10, 25, travel involving multiple
65, 67 sir et al.56 proposed a recursive link-based path purposes to single or multiple
. Then, various studies proposed methods destinations and begins and
choice model using smart card data in higher-fre-
suitable for large multimodal PT system to esti- ends at home or a similar
quency bus and rail services and added a new
mate the O–D matrix from smart card data9, 28, 54, origin.
76 measure of “attractiveness” to allow for random-
. As such, along with rail to rail trip, Zhao et al.
76 ness in the choice of attractive routes. Cheon
considered rail to bus trip to develop the O–D
et al.19 proposed a trip assignment model consid-
matrix. Further, Barry et al. 9 incorporated multi-
ered the coexistence of various modes in a single
ple modes (subway, local and express buses, ferry,
network considering multiple attributes to effec-
and tramway) for O–D estimation. In these stud-
tively reduce the unreasonable paths. Besides,
ies, other data sources such as AVL data and geo-
Kim et al.37 introduced a new attribute entitled as
coded GPS data were infused with smart card
‘stickiness’ to understand individuals’ habitual
information. Using the proposed algorithms by
route choice through cross-sectional and longitu-
Barry et al. 9, O–D trip tables were created for
dinal analysis using the whole trajectories of indi-
short-term and long-term demand estimation.
vidual passengers, constructed from smart card
Besides disaggregate O–D estimation, a study
conducted by Tamblay et al. 62 also attempted to
Therefore, the application of big data in PT
infer zonal O–D matrix form smart card infor-
modeling is observed in three (trip generation,
mation to reflect the city-wise travel demand.
distribution, and trip assignment) of the four
Since PT journeys often comprise multiple trans-
stages of transport modeling. Future research is
fers, smart card data were also used in the con-
needed to delineate modal classification using big
temporary studies to understand linked trips to
data source. Thus far, it was attempted to establish
derive more complete information of PT trip.
passively collected data as an alternative source
Methods were proposed to infer passenger jour-
of conventional survey data for PT modeling. By
neys and analyze transfer pattern 20, 28, 54, 60.
using different data sources (smart card, AVL,
Through the analysis of transfer pattern of linked
travel survey data, etc.), the proposed models
trip, multiple modes used to complete the trip
exhibit promising result in developing aggregate
were also detected to complete the O–D
and disaggregate O–D matrix. After precise iden-
tification or prediction of origin and destination
To validate the various methods for the use of
of different trips, outcomes (spatial and temporal
smart card data and other passive data sources in
information of trip) from the models would be
O–D estimation, multiple validation techniques
useful for further analysis to understand the rea-
have been proposed in several studies. As such,
sons behind the trip-making behavior, seasonal
travel diary, manual survey data, and historical
and daily travel demand, and macro- to micro-
observations were used to validate the methods
level interaction among the factors governing
proposed to estimate the O–D matrix 10, 28. These
travel pattern,. Also, the proposed methods over-
methods can predict O–D with an accuracy level
come the challenges to capture the complex travel
ranging from 66% to 90%. In addition, Muni-
pattern in modern PT system (involving multiple
zaga et al. 53 proposed an endogenous validation
transfers and modes) that may be quite impossi-
method (analyze the data to verify assumption)
ble to infer precisely from traditional survey data
to validate the assumptions considered for PT
(e.g., cordon line, screen line, or household sur-
origin–destination (O–D) matrices using smart
vey data).
card data and survey data. On the other hand,

J. Indian Inst. Sci.| VOL 99:4 | 601–619 December 2019 | 13
Table 3: Review of studies on big data in PT performance improvement. Source: prepared by the author, 2019.

References Aim Major observation

Measurement of performance Lee et al.43 Measuring the accessibility to PT using CDR data and census data Proposed Huff model-based floating catchment area
assessment indicators mobile phone data method measures reliable time-varying accessibility to
PT using mobile phone data
Tavassoli et al.64 Modeling passenger waiting time at transit Smart card data and GTFS data Log-logistic AFT models is inferred to be the best fit
stop using smart card data for passenger waiting time using smart card data
K. Zannat, C. F. Choudhury

Tu et al.66 Analyzing the spatial variations of urban Smart card data and GPS trajectories The effects of demographic, land use and transporta-
PT ridership using smart card data tion factors on the ridership of PT can be explored
using GWR analysis using smart card data
Zhou et al.79 Developing a model to calculate bus arrival Smart card and travel survey data Bus arrival time is calculated using the distribution of
time using smart card data the card swiping time distribution, occupancy and
the seating capacity information
Zhu et al.80 Proposing a model to infer left behind pas- Smart card and AVL data The estimated probabilities of passengers being left
senger using smart card data behind using smart card data is similar to manual
survey results and provide crowding information
Hong et al.33 Estimating both the physical and schedule- Smart card data Promising results obtained and the model estimated
based connections of metro passengers precisely the passengers boarding, transferring, and
by examining the Smart Card data alighting of trains based on the entry and exit times
and stations of a passenger
Min et al.50 Proposing method to recover the arrival Smart card data The proposed method is applicable, when logs are
times of trains from the gate times of missing for an entire line and the procedure recov-
metro passengers from smart card data ered the arrival time of higher accuracy
Aguiléra et al.1 Measuring quality of service and passen- GSM, smart card data and field observa- Train occupancy levels, travel times, and origin–des-
ger flows using mobile phone data tion data tination flows is estimated at a very fine-grain
level using GSM data and compared with the field
observations (train trajectory) and smart card data

J. Indian Inst. Sci.| VOL 99:4 | 601–619 December 2019 |

Table 3: continued

References Aim Major observation

Evaluation of performance Liu et al. Proposing method to replicate the multi- Smart card data The disaggregated replication provides trip informa-
modal PT system tion with precision of a few minutes and the out-
puts are precise temporal and spatial travel demand
analysis, transfer pattern analysis, traffic condition
investigation and bus utilization analysis
Liu et al.45 Assessing the impact of fare policy change Smart card data Impact of fare policy on PT ridership can be assessed
on ridership using smart card informa- through the comparison of number of card users,
tion their journeys, and travel costs before and after the
policy reform
Zhou et al.78 Explicating the potentiality of big data in Smart card data Proposed and implemented methods such as “trajec-
quantifying and visualizing the relation- tory rebuilding”, “fare matching”, “segment tag-
ship between transit fare, space and ging”, “desired line/stop visualization”, “commuter
justice identification” and “scenario analysis” using smart
card data
Moyano et al.52 Evaluating the importance of access and GTFS, speed profile and Twitter data Travel time measures are analyzed temporally and
egress times to/from HSR stations in an spatially for access/egress to/from stations consider-
urban context ing both taxis and PT
Yap et al.72 Improve the prediction accuracy of the Smart card data Proposed rule-based three-step search procedure
impact of planned, temporary distur- results in higher accuracy in predicting PT usage

J. Indian Inst. Sci.| VOL 99:4 | 601–619 December 2019 |

bances on PT usage during disturbances
Pereira et al.58 Predicting PT arrivals under special events Internet Proposed a methodology extracts events information
using Internet from the Internet and matches such information
with bus and subway tap-in/tap-out data
Williams et al.70 Collecting a comprehensive data set on Cell phone data The proposed method shows how to transform cell
a semi-formal transit system using cell phone data into a GTFS format useful for planning,
phones research, operations, and transit routing applica-
Ma and Wang48 Developing a data-driven platform for Smart card data, AVL data and geospatial The proposed framework demonstrates several transit
online PT performance assessment data performance indicators at different scales (e.g.,
network level, route level, and stop level) and the
feasibility of establishing a web-based e-science
system for transit performance measures

Emerging Big Data Sources for Public Transport Planning

K. Zannat, C. F. Choudhury

4.3 Theme 3: Use of Big Data in PT Also, an attempt has been made to create online
Performance Assessment data-driven platform for performance measure-
In recent years, big data has been applied in PT ment in Beijing, China48. Liu et al.44 proposed a
Transit performance assess- performance assessment. By reviewing 16 selected method to replicate the multimodal PT system
ment: Transit performance using smart card data and the resulting replica-
articles under this theme, we attempted to answer
assessment is a framework for
evaluating public transport the question on whether big data can substitute tion covers about 96% of trips made in PT in
service quality from the conventional data in assessing performance of PT Singapore. Also, using cell phone data, a com-
perspective of different prehensive dataset was built for para-transit ser-
service. Unlike the previous two themes, where
stakeholder (user/operator/
government authority). the hegemony of smart card was observed, here, vice for performance improvement in Nairobi,
the use of other passive data sources (e.g., mobile Kenya70. Use of big data is also observed to moni-
phone, social media) along with big data was tor special events/circumstances. Pereira et al.58
evident. developed method to predict PT arrivals on the
Performance assessment has become an inte- time of special events using Twitter data. In addi-
gral part in transport planning and management, tion, to ensure prediction accuracy of the impact
which helps to ensure accountability, transpar- of planned, temporary disturbances (such as tem-
ency, and service quality16. The resultant infor- porary track closures) of PT usage, Yap et al.72
mation from performance assessment is necessary proposed a method using smart card data.
for the decision makers to evaluate investment To initiate PT improvement and manage-
alternatives in the transport sector61. Therefore, ment programs, the prerequisite is to measure
augmenting the multipurpose uses of perfor- the performance of existing PT system to elicit
mance assessment expedites the development of problems, their root causes, and sectors requiring
Performance Measures: performance measures, which are the integral special attention24. Even though the performance
Performance Measures are the part of the performance assessment13. Review of assessment of PT service has been acknowledged
indicators used to assess the
performance. For example: for studies on big data in PT performance improve- as an effective planning, management, monitor-
the performance assessment ment is summarized in Table 3. ing and evaluation tool, it is less prioritized and
of public transport service practiced in developing countries due to the scar-
ridership, cost efficiency, on-
city of data required for performance assessment,
time performance, customer 4.3.1 M
 easurement of Performance Assessment
service, and financial perfor- even after the implementation of a project. Lack
mance are potential measures of tangible outcomes from performance assess-
to consider. To use big data in performance assessment of PT ment could create political negligence, compared
services, attempts have been made to measure dif- to investment-intensive infrastructure develop-
ferent performance indicators of PT. The major- ment program. The application of big data for
ity of the existing contributions focused on measuring performance indicators (e.g., service
developing methodologies for PT performance quality, accessibility to PT) and evaluation of
assessment. In the reviewed articles, big data was performance (under special circumstances) has
used to estimate regular performance measures overcome the budget constraint associated with
such as quality of PT service using GSM data1, conventional data collection methods. An evolu-
physical and schedule-based connections of tion of such application could enable the decision
metro user using quadruple33, bus arrival time maker to use big data in public transport policy
using smart card data79, left behind passenger making6.
Accessibility: Accessibility using smart card data and AVL data80, accessibil-
can be defined by the "ability ity to PT service using mobile phone data43, pas-
to access" and benefits from a
senger waiting time using smart card data64, and
system or entity. In transport 5 Conclusion and Future Research
planning, accessibility refers spatial variations of urban PT ridership using
to a measure of the ease of GPS trajectories and smart card data66. Further,
reaching (and interacting This systematic review-based study critically
with) destinations or activi- Min et al.50 proposed a method to recover the
analyzed the current advances in application of
ties distributed in space, e.g. arrival times of trains from the exit times of
around a city or country.
big data in PT planning. Following a three-stage
metro passengers.
review process, we categorized 47 review paper
under three subsection—travel pattern analysis,
4.3.2 Evaluation of Performance PT modeling, and PT performance assessment.
The use of big data is also observed in evaluat- It is found that the high potential and useful-
ing the performance of PT service such as the ness of big data (particularly smart card data,
importance of access and egress times to/from mobile data, and AVL data) in PT planning is
high speed railway (HSR) stations52, impact of widely acknowledged. The general finding is that
fare policy change on PT ridership45, and the rela- the emerging big data sources provide at least as
tionship between transit fare, space and justice78. good if not better models/tools for PT planning.

13 J. Indian Inst. Sci.| VOL 99:4 | 601–619 December 2019 |
Emerging Big Data Sources for Public Transport Planning

Further, it is claimed in the majority of the stud- criticized for not providing information such as
ies that due to the ‘by-product’ nature of such socio-demographic characteristics of the passen-
data, these tools are cheaper to develop compared gers. Integrating data collected from small-scale
to those involving collection of traditional data. surveys and correcting the potential biases with
However, the majority of the reviewed stud- the big data sources (as proposed by Bwambale
ies have focused on investigating conventional et al.15 in the context of generic travel behavior)
PT planning topics (e.g., O–D estimation, can provide more insights into travel behavior.
route choice modeling) with passively collected In addition, cross-cutting research is needed to
data sources. There is a research gap in extend- explain the applicability of big data in the extended
ing these to discover more novel applications domain of PT, such as spatio-temporal relation-
of big data for PT planning. One particular ship between origin and destination choice, transit
promising direction in this regard is the poten- users’ transfer choice, and mode choice behavior19. Mode choice: Mode choice is
tial to develop more dynamic planning models Besides, disjointed O–D estimation, route choice, the process by which the trip
between traffic analysis zones
that better utilize the panel nature of the data transfer choice, and mode choice research can be in the study area are allocated
in modeling the variability in behavior and integrated to understand the complex trip chain using available modes
the interaction of different influencing vari- and travel behavior25. Trip-chaining and linked
ables over time. For example, the trip-chaining trip analysis can be further extended for infer-
data available from the smart cards can be uti- ring trip purpose, analyzing spatial and temporal
lized to optimize the overall transfer times; the travel pattern, and analyzing route choice behavior
increased/decreased boarding numbers on a of passenger32, 39. To improve the performance of
certain bus stop can be utilized to make minor PT service, research is needed to determine the
adjustments in the dwell time at the subsequent relationship between passenger travel demand and
stops to prevent systematic ‘bus bunching’; performance indicator such as speed of vehicle,
establishing relationship between weather and quality of service, accessibility to PT, and passenger
OD patterns can be used to improve the sea- waiting time22, 43, 64.
sonal changes in the time table. In understanding travel behavior (individual/
Existing algorithms and models in the con- aggregated), clustering techniques such as den-
temporary studies to predict origin, destination, sity-based spatial clustering, K-means++ cluster-
and route choice have many applications and ing, and Gaussian mixture model are generally
substantial level of accuracy. But, the develop- applied. However, application of supervised clas-
ment of these models involved multiple steps sification process, interpretation, and validation
and considered many assumptions and sampling with onboard data are needed to classify the het-
approximation. While the validity of these mod- erogeneous transit user42. But, to understand
els depends on the accuracy of these assumptions activity-based travel behavior in PT use, none of
and sampling approximation, very few attempts the studies have either used big data in develop-
have been made to validate these assumptions in ing agent-based individual model or imple-
a context different from the training/estimation mented model in an open-sourced agent-based
context53. Therefore, future research is needed to micro-simulation tool5. Therefore, advanced Traffic microsimulation:
propose new techniques to validate the underly- mathematical model, machine learning toolkit, Traffic microsimulation is an
agent-based analytical tool to
ing assumptions in PT modeling using big data and application of spatial statistics integrated simulate the decisions of each
and potentially provide insights about their fore- with spatial analysis are needed to understand the travler to deduce the network
casting performance. interaction of PT user with the surroundings. conditions. They are used as
laboratories to evaluate the
Further, though there are possibilities of com- Since, big data has the potentiality to provide effects of proposed interven-
bining multiple big data sources or big and small both short-/long-term records, future research tions before the implemented
data for PT planning (e.g., smart card data with can evaluate alternative scenarios of different PT in the real world

mobile phone data), only few studies have focused policy environment (e.g., before and after policy
on this aspect on a limited scale. There is poten- implementation), which will enable to under-
tiality to develop wide-scale models combin- stand the potential impacts of a PT policy4, 22.
ing land use, weather, events, and other big data Finally, apart from a few reviewed papers, big
sources to understand travel behavior in differ- data has been used in transport research predom-
ent landscapes. While there exist various sources inantly in context of developed countries, similar
of big data, methods to integrate these different uses of such data in planning and operation of PT
types of data to solve problems (e.g., congestion system is needed in developing countries, where
and service deficiency), which could improve the the PT landscape is changing more rapidly.
accuracy in predicting individual travel behavior, It is expected that in future the accuracy and
do not exist. Existing sources of big data are often precision of the PT data will improve over time

J. Indian Inst. Sci.| VOL 99:4 | 601–619 December 2019 | 13
K. Zannat, C. F. Choudhury

leading to fewer missing data and gaps in the smart card fare data. Transp Res Part C Emerg Technol
trajectory. The improved data quality holds the 87:123–137
promise of leading to more robust PT planning 4. Amaya M, Cruzat R, Munizaga MA (2018) Estimating
models. A more promising direction is, however, the residence zone of frequent public transport users to
the emergence of multimodal data (e.g., data make travel pattern and time use analysis. J Transp Geogr
from ride-sharing modes, shared bikes). These 66:330–339
emerging data sources are promising for PT plan- 5. Anda C, Erath A, Fourie PJ (2017) Transport modelling
ning from two aspects. Firstly, such data can be in the age of big data. Int J Urban Sci 21:19–42
leveraged to optimize the transport network as a 6. Aragona B, De Rosa R (2019) Big data in policy making.
whole as opposed to PT only. Secondly, they can Math Popul Stud 26(2):107–113
be used to infer the latent PT demand and take 7. Arana P, Cabezudo S, Peñalba M (2014) Influence of
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This review could be a useful guide for fellow using data from Smartcards. Transp Res Part A Policy
researchers who intend to work with “big data” Pract 59:1–12
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for car use, hopefully, academic research with tion flows by transport mode using mobile phone data.
big data will provide useful guideline on how to Transp Res Part C Emerg Technol 101:254–275
reduce car use considering the current situation 9. Barry JJ, Freimer R, Slavin H (2009) Use of entry-only
of PT usage. Hence, exploring new methods and automatic fare collection data to estimate linked transit
techniques is essential to employ big data in accu- trips in New York City. Transp Res Rec 2112:53–61
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PT system. Origin and destination estimation in New York City
with automated fare system data. Transp Res Rec
Publisher’s Note 11. Bask A, Rajahonka M (2017) The role of environmen-
Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to tal sustainability in the freight transport mode choice: a
jurisdictional claims in published maps and insti- systematic literature review with focus on the EU. Int J
tutional affiliations. Phys Distrib Logist Manag 47:560–602
12. Batty M (2013) Big data, smart cities and city planning.
Open Access Dialog Hum Geogr 3:274–279
This article is distributed under the terms of 13. Benjamin J, Obeng K (1990) The effect of policy and
the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 Inter- background variables on total factor productivity for
national License (http://creat​iveco​mmons​.org/ public transit. Transp Res Part B Methodol 24:1–14
licen​ses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, 14. Briand A-S, Côme E, Trépanier M, Oukhellou L (2017)
distribution, and reproduction in any medium, Analyzing year-to-year changes in public transport pas-
provided you give appropriate credit to the origi- senger behaviour using smart card data. Transp Res
nal author(s) and the source, provide a link to Part C Emerg Technol 79:274–289
the Creative Commons license, and indicate if 15. Bwambale A, Choudhury CF, Hess S, Iqbal MS (2019)
changes were made. Getting the best of both worlds—a framework for com-
bining disaggregate travel survey data and aggregate
Received: 18 July 2019 Accepted: 19 September 2019
mobile phone data for trip generation modelling. In:
Published online: 9 October 2019
15th World conference on transport research India
16. Carter DN, Lomax TJ (1992) Development and applica-
tion of performance measures for rural public transpor-
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collection system. Transp Res Part C Emerg Technol 35. Jánošíková Ľ, Slavík J, Koháni M (2014) Estimation of
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13 J. Indian Inst. Sci.| VOL 99:4 | 601–619 December 2019 |
Emerging Big Data Sources for Public Transport Planning

Khatun E Zannat is a PhD student at the Charisma Choudhury is an Associate

Institute for Transport Studies (ITS), at the Professor at the Institute for Transport
University of Leeds in the UK. She com- Studies and School of Civil Engineering at
pleted the Bachelor of Urban and Regional the University of Leeds (UoL) where she
Planning degree from Bangladesh Univer- leads the Choice Modelling Research
sity of Engineering and Technology Group. She also serves as the Deputy-Direc-
(BUET) followed by a Master’s degree in International tor of the interdisciplinary Choice Modelling Centre, UoL.
Cooperation in Urban Development, as an Erasmus Mun- Charisma is an Honorary Guest Professor at Beijing Jiao-
dus scholar, from Technische Universität Darmstadt (TUD). tong University, China and a Fellow of the Alan Turing
Zannat has been working as a faculty member in the Institute - UK’s national institute for data science and artifi-
Department of Urban and Regional Planning of Chittagong cial intelligence.
University of Engineering and Technology (CUET) since
2013 (currently on study leave).

J. Indian Inst. Sci.| VOL 99:4 | 601–619 December 2019 | 13

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