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ATP General Guidelines

In practical work, units and significant figures are specifically tested. Numerical values with missing or
incorrect unit results in loss of marks.

Significant figures
There are usually 2 or 3 significant figures in most readings.
In calculated values, never give more significant figures then were used in the raw data.
E.g. the average of 27.95, 26.54 and 27.36 is actually 27.28333333 but should be given as either 27.28 to
the four significant figures given in the data or 27.3 as the variation of the readings suggests that four
significant figures are too many.

 Diagrams should be drawn carefully and neatly and should be labelled, so that its intention is clear.
 The accuracy of straight lines on diagrams could be greatly improved by using a sharp pencil and
ruler. Drawing circuit diagrams, ray diagrams, etc without using ruler (with free hand) results in loss of

Marking Distances on a diagram

Candidates should be advised to use rulers and should use “guide-lines” to mark distances and make sure
their labeling lines have arrows that go accurately to the guide lines.


Use correct name of an Apparatus

Use correct name of an apparatus otherwise your answer will not be given credit. For Example;
 “Meter Rule” and NOT just Rule or ruler
 “Measuring Tape” or “Tape Measure” and NOT just Tape

Calculating Ratios
A ratio should be calculated as a decimal number, of two or three significant figures. Do not calculate ratio
in fraction, unless specifically asked in question

Recording Measurements
It is important to record measurements to the correct precision of the instrument. Examples:
 If a measured length from a ruler is exactly 5 cm, the value should be quoted as 5.0 cm and not just 5
 If a measured length is between 5.1 and 5.2, quote either 5.1 or 5.2. DO NOT record the measurement
as 5.15 as a ruler cannot measure up to tenth of a millimeter (up to 2 decimal points)
 If a stopwatch can read up to hundredth of a second, write 9.24 s – not 9 or 9.2 s (and not 09:24 s).

Parallax Error:
Error in taking measurement/reading due to position of the observer
How to avoid Parallax Error: “Line of sight should be perpendicular to the reading on apparatus” OR “view
at eye-level of the apparatus” (DON’T forget to mention the name of apparatus)
You can also draw eye position on the diagram. Candidates can be awarded credit for this even if the
explanation in words is not clear.

Control Variables or Key Variables

Control Variables should be kept constant or same to ensure a FAIR test or comparison.
Example: When investigating effect of type of surface colour (dull and shiny) on rate of cooling of hot water,
the amount of water and initial temperature of water must be same otherwise the comparison will not be

Prepared By: Ms Urooj Fatima

ATP General Guidelines
Writing/Completing Column Headings in a Table
Write both the quantity and unit in the heading in the format “Quantity / Unit”.
e.g: current/ampere or just I /A

Recording Values in a Table:

 In cases where a calculated value is to be recorded in a table, the other values already given in the
table give a clue as to how many significant figures are required
 All values in a column should be given to the same number of significant figures, rounding off where

Drawing Table of Values

 A table should record all the measurements needed to obtain the value of a given physical quantity. For
example if a length l is derived from l = l2 - l1 then both l1 and l2 should appear in the table
 No need to add a column labeled “Serial number” which just goes 1, 2, 3 etc.
 DO NOT write the unit after every reading in the table

Quote values from table or graph when justifying a relationship/statement

If you are asked to “use your results” to explain or justify something, then quote the values (either from the
table or from the graph). Do not just mention the theory you know.

Limits of Experimental Accuracy/Error

When asked to compare two values and decide whether they are same/equal or not; always consider the
limits of experimental accuracy/error. Again, do not forget to quote the actual values that are being
compared in your answer.
In Experimental data, two values even (slightly) different are considered same if the difference is within the
Limits of Experimental Accuracy.
Usually a difference of (±10%) is considered to be within limit of experimental accuracy
 If difference between values (being compared) is within (±10%) then the values are considered to be
 If difference between values is greater than (±10%) then the values are considered to be too far apart
and hence NOT equal

How to obtain a more ACCURATE reading or measurement

In ATP it is very frequently asked how you can measure a certain length or take a reading or perform an
experiment more accurately. Accuracy can be achieved by following good practices and/or reducing
sources of errors and/or taking precautions relevant to an experimental procedure.
Example: following good practices/precautions are applicable in almost all cases
 Repeat and take average or Repeat using a larger range of data
 Avoid making parallax error in reading (name of instrument)
For more details; please see the document “ATP- Good Experimental Practices”

How to IMPROVE Design of an Experiment or Make the results more RELIABLE

When asked how to improve design of an experiment or how to get more reliable results, Suggest
adding/changing a procedure or method that will improve the overall experiment in terms of reliability or
ease. Do not just write about how to make (existing) measurements more accurate. For example, avoiding
parallax error will make the readings more accurate only but it will not improve the design or reliability of the
Example: If asked how to improve an experiment to determine time period of a pendulum, suggest using
different lengths of thread or types of bob.
 Repeating an experiment over larger range of values also improves the design and reliability of the
 Repeating an experiment so that the results are valid under varied/changing conditions or variables will
also improve the reliability and design of the experiment
Prepared By: Ms Urooj Fatima
ATP General Guidelines
Variation in Raw data
 When there is a LARGE variation in raw data then values up to 2 decimal places are
Example: 1.19 1.00 0.93 1.03 1.08
Question: Why it is enough to record/measure the values shown above up to 2 dp only?
Answer: Because there is large variation in raw data (so more accuracy is not needed)

 When there is a SMALL variation in raw data then the values should be given to more than 2 decimal
Example: 1.192 1.188 1.195 1.189 1.190

Avoid Writing Rote Phrases

Candidates should be advised to avoid using rote phrases, such as, ‘to make it more accurate’ or ‘to avoid
parallax error’. These comments need to be linked to the practical situation being considered and
candidates should state why the accuracy has improved or how parallax error was avoided.
Example#1: Why it is better to repeat the Readings or take several readings?
Wrong Statement: “Because it is more accurate or it gives more accurate reading.”
Right Statement: “Because repeating experiments gives average and average is more accurate.”

Example#2: Writing About parallax error:

Wrong Statement: “avoid parallax error”
Right Statement: “avoid parallax error in reading [name of apparatus]” or “keep line of sight perpendicular to
the reading on [name of apparatus]”.

Example#3: Writing About Human Reaction Error:

Wrong Statement: “Reduces/Minimizes human error”
Right Statement: “Reduces/minimizes the effect of human reaction error.”

Avoid Writing Vague answers

 If a question asks for the effect of changing something such as “the length of a wire” then make sure
your answer shows a comparison.
o Correct answer: “the longer the wire, the more the resistance”.
o Wrong/vague answer: “changing the length of wire will change the resistance”
 When two quantities are involved in a question, be careful to specify which one you are referring to.
For example “longer” can mean either a longer time or a longer length. There is no confusion if you use
the words “a longer time” or “a shorter time”.

Follow Instructions Carefully

Failure to Follow simple instructions often result in loss of marks. For Example;
 Draw and label the image I. (Don’t forget to label)
 Mark an X to show the position of ammeter. (Do not draw the ammeter symbol to show its position, use
X as instructed)

Describing an Experimental Procedure

When asked to write down how to perform an experiment, your explanation should contain following points:
 List of apparatus that you will use (if not already given in the question)
 How you will use this apparatus? Visualize the steps of procedure and include every Practical Detail.
Example; “measure the angles” not just state that i = r
 State the readings you will take and calculations involved.
 In the end always mention a method to improve accuracy of the experiment. For Example: Repeat and
take average.

Prepared By: Ms Urooj Fatima

ATP General Guidelines
Graphs in ATP

Break-up of Marking Criteria for Graph Plotting

Axes 1
Correct way round, labelled quantity and unit in correct format (Qty/Unit)
Scales More than 1/2 grid, linear, not awkward/Sensible scale (no scales of 3, 7 etc). 1
No discontinuity /zig-zag line in the scale
Plotting Points plotted accurately within ½ small square; neat crosses or small dots 1
with circle around the dot. Large dots are penalized
Drawing 1
Best fit straight line/Curve drawn. (Neat, thin line using sharp pencil).

Reading Graphs
 Don’t just assume that values (on both axes) start from zero. Check if your graph starts from (0, 0) or
 Make sure you read the scales correctly when reading a value from a graph. It may be that they are in
mA rather than A or km rather than m.
 If you are doing calculations by taking values from a graph then make sure that units are consistent.
For e.g. in a speed-time graph, if speed (on y-axis) is given in m/s, however time (on x-axis) is given in
minutes and you are asked to find acceleration then you must perform necessary conversion.

Calculating Gradient of Graph

 When calculating the gradient, always use new points on the line, not your plotted points.
 Draw a large triangle when measuring the gradient of a line. The hypotenuse of triangle must be at
least half the length of the line/curve. It is best to draw a triangle the full size of the graph and to show
the coordinates on the sides of the triangle when finding the gradient. If needed, extend your line
beyond plotted points (only for a straight line graph)
 Draw a tangent to find the gradient of a curve. Make sure it is at the right place on the curve. Again, use
a large triangle

Analyzing Graphs/Describing Relationships

Shape of Graph Relationship How to Describe
o Linear/Straight line (constant and +ve As x increases, y also increases with same
gradient). ratio (and vice versa).
Directly Proportional
o passes through origin. Ratio of x & y is constant
Mathematically: y = kx  k = y / x
o Linear/straight line (constant When x increases, y also increases
and +ve gradient) Direct - Linear Mathematically: y = kx + c
o DO NOT pass through origin
o Curve with Increasing and +ve As x increases, y also increases with an
Direct - Non Linear
gradient increasing rate (or non-linearly)
with increasing rate
Ratio of x & y is NOT constant (y ≠ kx)
o Curve with Decreasing and +ve As x increases, y also increases with a
Direct - Non Linear
gradient decreasing rate (or non-linearly)
with decreasing rate
Ratio of x & y is NOT constant (y ≠ kx)
o Curve with negative gradient As x increases, y decreases with same ratio
(Hyperbola) (and vice versa)
o DO NOT pass through Mathematically: xy = k
o Linear/straight line with NEGATIVE and As x increases, y decreases and v.versa.
Inverse - Linear Product of x & y is NOT constant (xy ≠ k)
constant gradient
o Curve with increasing and negative When x increases, y decreases with
Inverse – with
gradient increasing rate.
increasing rate
Product of x & y is NOT constant (xy ≠ k)
o Curve with decreasing and negative Inverse – with When x increases, y decreases with
gradient increasing rate decreasing rate.
Product of x & y is NOT constant (xy ≠ k)

Prepared By: Ms Urooj Fatima

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