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3000 words critical (75%, marked out of 100) 1000 words reflective (25%) Contemporary-existing, modern but could have been developed> 3000 years ago Consumer, commercial, industrial product or service How it inspires you Explain how this product/service has influenced you Do not insult us by saying that you like the product why- will explain


Development of item
Characteristics have altered over time in order to suit changing need Changing need suggests WHY-analytical If you choose a brand you would be limiting your research to that brand development only, need to consider product and its development, capturing all aspects of the development taking place with that product
patricksamuel2006 2

2- characteristics
If you are researching mattresses you need to write about all brands, in the development from leaves, cotton, fibre to, SERTA , Memory Foam, Sleep Number, Sealy, Posturepaedic, Simmons Beauty Rest, Air camping mattresses( battery or electricity) If you write about SERTA you would only look at the development of box and spring from single to interlocking and pillow top The brand with the most appeal because of easily recall ads, sheep
patricksamuel2006 3

Marketing aspect of the assignment as applied to the product

Show competitive advantage gain and how competition counteracted- mk plan Segmentation-target audience-mk plan Communication -how they use the different platforms Marketing models used Patents and trademarks registered for protection ---a must, a learning outcome
patricksamuel2006 4

Marketing aspect of the assignment

Innovation and Diffusion Environmental and green issues/SCR- which company more involved Use brands to show differentiation and development Require in-depth research and analysis Do not rewrite lectures notes- descriptive-000


Theory to practice
Use your models, theorists, what authors are saying Link to your assignment Read your assignment on analysis and evaluation Description would get you 39 marks


Summary of development
Cannot use Chronological table to show development as assignment no words, a table However this can be used as a summary at the end Spot at a glance by marker


Benefits as characteristics change, simultaneous with the change

As the characteristics change-features, style Indicate benefits and value derived by customers Primary added and secondary added value- may mention/involve the company Symbolic and functional Product levels1-5 Segment that benefitted As feature is added or developed may get more benefits- Carl Ziess lens for glasses, clearer, brighter polycarbonate, transitional, anti glare Drill
patricksamuel2006 8

As the item change

Product or service design/differentiation Product and service process /design lecture Shape, colour design imagination relevance usefulness Style, form, reparability, replaceability, conformance , performance Difficult to describe , you can show small pictures in body of essay
patricksamuel2006 9

Brand appeal
Choose one because of word limit
Meaning Brand equity, brand awareness, image, relationship Quality, cost, status, performance, differentiation Branding strategy Innovation centered -first to market Customer service- warrantees, guarantees International appeal also Check notes on appeal
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REFLECTIVE Marketing Design and Innovation

Marking Criteria Reflective Essay

1. The ability to critically evaluate own performance in completion of the main assignment 10% 2. Ability to evaluate key learning from the assignment 10% 3. Structure and Presentation 5% Total 25%

Schon, Gibbs etc see:

Reflective Practice

1. What happened what I did? 2. Whats important about this? 3. How did this happen? 4. Further Action?

Evaluate own performance in completion of the main assignment,-time, work load , lost, paced oneself How has my understanding and appreciation of the role and value of marketing, design and innovation to the organisation has changed?- application, or unaware off the MDI and linkage What specific topics have been particularly valuable to me?-models, theories

Reflective Essay Separate cover sheet 25% of marks

What learning can I take on board for the future? How it can help to improve real life and work life and apply to current social needs, idea generation What barriers are likely to create a problem in implementing some of my ideas and recommendations at the work place? How will I overcome these barriers

What contributions did I make to my class group and the module as a whole? What did I learn from my group colleagues? -theory and behavioural

?any elements that need to be mentioned, storming , norming, performing , adjourning Lecture- type differentiation, use of videos, edutainment, interesting or boooored, help with assignment or not, understanding of assignment

The end
Best of luck Remember new regulations so make time for your assignment You will party next year at graduation.



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