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Topic Status

Singleton pattern done

Factory Design Pattern done
Observer design pattern done
Event & Observer done
Publisher and subscriber model done
Agile methodologies in-progress
SDLC (software development life cycle) yet to start
Project details in depth: yet to start
Patient Medicine and Appointment Tracking System yet to start
Fashion Club (E-Commerce) yet to start
Adwan Marketing company done
Dusk Integration done
Responsibility & roles in Sigma company yet to start
Git & GitHub done
OOPs concepts yet to start
SQL queries done
Java backend technologies: yet to start
Spring DI & IOC yet to start
Spring MVC done
Springboot REST APIs yet to start
Springboot Graphql yet to start
postman done
Git commands with explanation done
Java Collections framework in depth understanding. done
Java 8 & older Java version differences yet to start
Exception handling (with multiple catch blocks) yet to start
Wrapper class with implementation yet to start
Advance java (multi-threading, callables in multi-threading, Lamda
function, Generic type) yet to start
DSA: yet to start
Arrays yet to start
String yet to start
Stack & Queue yet to start
Linked List yet to start
Sorting algorithms (Insertion, Bubble, Heap sort, Quick sort,
selection sort, merge sort) yet to start
Seraching (Linear & binary search) yet to start
Linux Commands yet to start
Docker containerization (dependencies related to files) yet to start
AWS (S-3 service) yet to start

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