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GD Topic

1. 70 hour work week

3. AI-driven decision-making – Pros & Cons
4. Are corporate jobs a new form of slavery?
5. Are influencers really influencing?
6. Big Data and Information Privacy – A future challenge
7. Black Box
8. Blood is thicker than water
9. Buy Now Pay Later
10. Censorship in movies
11. Citizenship Amendment Act - What and Why
12. Coaching centers are destroying education
13. Controversy as a marketing strategy
14. Coronavirus and lockdown has exposed social inequality in modern India
15. Corporate Social Responsibility – Charity or Marketing gimmick
16. Crimes against women in India
17. Cryptocurrency - bright future or fad?
18. Current India - Canada Relations
19. Data is the new Oil
20. Deepfakes - Pros and Cons
21. Discounts on E-commerce website are harmful in the end
22. Do brands rule our lives
23. Do deadlines destroy creativity
24. Door
25. Effect of ChatGPT on Journalism/ Education
26. Enemies make you stronger, allies make you weaker
27. EV Adoption in India
28. Every cloud has a silver lining
29. Fame is a double-edged sword
30. Food is more important than ethics
31. Formal degrees are things of the past
32. Free Speech an excuse to polarise
33. Freedom is a myth
34. Frog in a well
35. Future of fintech in India
36. Global Refugee Crisis
37. GST
38. Gun culture in the USA
39. Happy v. Successful
40. Impact of reviews on consumer decisions
41. Inclusion of African Union in G20
42. India - China relations
43. India v. Bharat
44. Indian vaccines vs foreign vaccines
45. India's population - Boon or bane
46. Interim Budget 2024-25
47. Is Climate Change a Hoax
48. Is India ready for electric vehicles
49. Is internet curbing creativity?
50. Is social distancing the new world order
51. Is Technology creating income inequalities
52. Israel - Palestine issue
53. Lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic
54. Make in India v. Make for India
55. Markets are found not created
56. Medical Tourism - the new frontier in tourism
57. Metaverse
58. Might is always right
59. Money is honey
60. Moonlighting: Ethical or Unethical
61. Movies breed crime
62. Nice guys finish last
63. Nuclear Energy in India
64. Open Network for Digital Commerce (ONDC)
65. OTT vs Theatre
66. Pink
67. Privatization of Railways - Does India need it?
68. Ram Mandir was neccessary ?
69. Rat is better in the cat race
70. Red
71. Bullet Trains in India
72. Restriction on Paytm Payment Bank
73. Role of Microfinance in India’s Economic Growth
74. Russia - Ukraine war has destroyed the socio - economic balance
75. Russia-Ukraine crisis – Impact on India
76. Same-sex marriage
77. Should celebrities join politics?
78. Should Driverless cars be allowed in India
79. Should mobile phones be allowed in schools & colleges
80. Should there be a limit to Media Freedom?
81. Social Media – Impact on human behavior and society
82. Space Tourism
83. Sri Lanka's Economic Crisis
84. Stay hungry, stay foolish
85. Straight roads do not make skillful drivers
86. Tata taking over Air India
87. The Edtech bubble has burst
88. The Ethics of Artificial Intelligence & Automation
89. The gender unemployment gap in India
90. The Growing Threat of Digital Payment Frauds
91. The rise of the Gig economy
92. The time to repair the roof is when the sun is shining
93. The wheel
94. There is always a tomorrow
95. There is no right way to do a wrong thing
96. USA's Supremacy in International Affairs
97. Use of technology in agriculture
98. What's there in a name?
99. Why are PSUs in losses?
100. Zero
101. Transformation of India in last two decades

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