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GEC 3 -The Contemporary World

University of Antique
Sibalom, Antique
February 15, 2024
• This course introduces students to the contemporary
. Using the various disciplines of the social

. To this end, the course

Beyond exposing the student to the

world outside the Philippines,
Finland Sweden

USA South Korea


“Let me begin with . [...] Narrowly defined, it is meant to mean

Its larger connotations, however, are less

innocent, encompassing as
Toni Morrison
In This Lesson
Develop a nuanced definition of globalization in order to begin to understand the processes of
View a video and develop their own definition of globalization.
Understand the key features of globalization.
Identify the pros and cons of globalization.
The Meaning of Globalization
The noun
. But three decades passed
before globalization was developed in social sciences as a
paradigm or example.

Every day we hear the term globalization on the

news, read it in the papers, and overhear people talking about
The Meaning of Globalization
defined globalization as

• As a complex and multifaceted phenomenon,

Geographical Economic

Technological Military

Political Cultural

Factors That Have Contributed to Globalization
Factors That Have Contributed to Globalization
• Workers can lose their
competitiveness when
companies build
in low wage countries,
making them as productive as
those in the developed countries.
• A number of experts argue that both the anti-globalization and
the pro-globalization stances are exaggerated.
• Those in the middle ground tend to argue that economic
globalization is indeed unavoidable. They point out that even the
anti-globalization movement is made possible by the Internet and
is, therefore, itself an expression of globalization.
• Further contend that globalization can be managed, at both the
national and international levels, to reduce economic inequalities
and protect the natural environment.
• Such scholars
s (such as the UN, World Bank, and
IMF), along with networks of watchdog environmental, labor, and
human rights groups.

(Rowntree, Lewis, Price & Wyckoff, 2008

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