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Statistics for Social Science


Assignment 8

1. A researcher strives to determine relationship between motivation (X) and satisfaction (Y).
Data collected from a randomly selected sample is presented in the following table.
(4 points)

Subject X Y
1 5 8
2 7 5
3 11 17
4 8 12
5 4 12
6 13 18
7 9 15
8 7 13

a. Calculate Pearson correlation coefficient (r) between the two variables

b. Describe the nature of relationship between the two variables
c. Test the hypothesis on the relationship at .05 level of significance
i. State the appropriate null and alternative hypotheses
ii. Calculate the test statistic.
iii. Determine the critical value
iv. What would be your decision and conclusion? Justify your answer.

2. Review of literature reveals a negative relationship between tenure (X) and commitment
(Y). Data collected from a randomly selected sample is presented in the following table.
In addition, summary statistics for the data is also listed below.
(3 points)

Subject X Y
1 6 7
2 4 15
3 3 16
4 2 15
5 7 9 Summary Statistics:
6 4 8 ΣX 44
7 9 8 ΣY 119
8 1 16 ΣX2 246
ΣY2 1,573
9 3 8
ΣXY 472
10 5 17

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a. Calculate Pearson correlation coefficient (r) between the two variables
b. Describe the nature of relationship between the two variables
c. Test the hypothesis on the relationship at .01 level of significance
i. State the appropriate null and alternative hypotheses
ii. Calculate the test statistics.
iii. Determine the critical value
iv. What would be your decision and conclusion? Justify your answer.

3. Choose two APPROPRIATE variables from “5950 Assignment 1 Data” and run Pearson
(5 points)
a. Run Pearson correlation and present the results in a table (complete with title and
b. Describe the nature of relationship between the two variables
c. Use the 5-step procedure to test the significance of relationship between the two
variables at .05 level of confidence
d. Prepare a write up on the results using APA presentation style

Note: Please attach the results of SPSS output for Q3

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