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The Micromho calibration on the 1575 and KS-15750 Li and L2 is performed or outlined in the attached procedure, article #5, Equipment required to make the Hicromho calibration is an A.C potentiometer or an A.C. source that can be accurately controlled and measured at 30 volts and at 6 volts, Standard resistors required are 6000 ohms, 10 watt + or ~ 50 ohms and 11.53 K ohms - 10 watt + or - 10 ohms, NOTE: ~- All items of Calibration procedure must be performed in sequence of Calibration procedure before making Micronho Calibration, CEL/pu. CLEVELAND, OHIO CALIBRATION PROCEDURE. TUBE TESTER, 115/230 Volt Operation wopst w0“/818780-4/ KOK ELECTRICAL INSTRUMENT CO, Cops NO._19123-75 * ssus _Original _ pars March, 1964 SIGNATURE HE Teen. Date | 3-2 y-) ES FOR ISSUE AuTHOR- | PAGE [ Issue IZATION | HO. a sao a LIST OF TEST EQUIPMENT 1, DC Voltmeter - 1000 ohms/ volt with following ranges: a. 200V b. 50V c. 10 2. Thermoelement Voltmeter - 100 chms/volt, 1/2 of 1% full scale accuracy, 100 division scale, full scale ranges of 100 and 200 volts, Weston Model 622 or equivalent. 0 3. AC VIVM - Ballantine Model 300D or equivalent, having the following ranges: a, 0 - Lvolt b, 0 = 10 volt c, 0 - 100 volt d. 0 - 1000 volt 4, DC Milliammeter - 0 ~ 100 ma. 5. Standard Resistors: a, 470K 10% A 2watt - P/N 18414-472 b. 10K 1% 1/2 watt - P/N 18525-372 c. 100K 10% — 1/2watt - P/N 18414-102 qd, 50K 1% A Divatt - P/N 18525-380 e, 6000 ohms” +50 ohms 10 watt £, 11,53K #10ohms — 10 watt 6, Micromho Calibrator - consists of an AC potentiometer and parts (e) and (£) of 5). above, 7. ‘Ground Tester - See Figure A. 8, Variable Frequency Power Supply a. 60 cycles = LI7V b, 400 cycles’ - 117 9. 6L6 Tube 10. Dummy Rectifier Tube - See Figure C. LL. Wiring Changes for 230V Operation ~ See Figure B, 19123-75 MODEL 1575 CALIBRATION PROCEDURE 1. Ground Test. Caution high voltage, Connect a lead from the "Ground “Tester” to the chassis and with the tube tester face down on the bench touch all transformer, switch and other available terminals with the other lead from the ground tester. Indicator lamp will glow if circuit is grounded, 2. DC Supplies Check, a, Set Up Set selector switches to ]R-5347-2, Turn VR voltage control fully CCW, Set shorts switch to “Tube Test”, Set bias VM range to "50". Set function switch to "3000 High”, Set PLT-SCRN volts switch to "Normal", ‘Tighten Self Bias shorting bar in position. on meters will adjust poiuter above aud PN ANP wD Make sure "zero adjust below zero, Turn tester on and adjust Line Adjust control until line meter pointer is at red line. 2 3) and (-pin 8) Press "P4 Lock”, Reading shall be 148 to 156 V. SCRN volts switch to "Low". Reading shall be 64 to 70 V. For outvf-tolerance indications, check line test meter, wiring and circuit components. See ey 2 s y 2 c. Screen Voltages - 60 Cycles. Connect 1000 ohm/volt DC meter between (+pin 4) and (-pin 8) of octal test socket, 2. Press "P4 Lock", 3. Reading shall be 63 to 66 V. 4. Set PLT RN volts switch to "Normal", 5 6 Reading shall be 128 to 134 V. For out-of-tolerance indications, check wiring, 5Y3 and circuit components, ble irequency power supply to 400 cycles, 117 volts, ine Adjust control fully CCW. Connect thermoelement voltmeter between (+pin 3) and(pin 8) of octal socket, “36 19123-75, Press "P4 Lock”, Slowly turn Line Adjust control CW to red line. Reading shall be'148 to 165 V. ‘Turn line adjust control fully CCW. Set PLT-SCRN volts switch to "Low", Press "P4 Lock”, Using 100V range of thermoclement voltmeter, slowly turn Line ‘Adjust coatrul CW tw red line. Reading shall be 55 to 68 V For out-of-tolerauce indivations, check line test meter at 400 cycles, e. Screen Voltages - 400 Cycles. 1. Connect 1000 chm/ volt DC meter between (+pin 4) and bw 1. Set Vik bi (-pin 8) of octal test soc Press "P4 Lock", shall be 62 to 67 V. Set PLT-SCRN volts switch to "Normal", Reading shall be 124 to 136,5 V. switch to "SOV", Set VR bias volt switch to "Bias Volts". Connect 1000 ohm/ volt DC meter 50 volt range between (-pin 5) and (+pin 8) of octal test socket, y CW, SOV 4 2% of the full scale value from calibration control Set bias range switch to "SV", Set 1000 ohm/‘volt meter to SV r: of bias pot and Self Bias jacks, Reading shall be 5V + 2%. Varying bias control, check meter at 4, 3, 2and 1V. Tolerance is 40.1 volt, e, Conuect test meter to arm R Volt volts switch to "VR" 2, Check meter reverse switch for proper operation. 3. Connect 1000 ohm/ volt voltmeter between (+pin 3)and (-pin 8) test socket, 4. P4 Lock", 5. Rotate VR volts control and compare Model 1575 meter with DC voltmeter at 80 and 160 volts. Tolerance is # 2 volts, 6, Rotate VR volts control to 120V. Tolerance is #1 volt, If necessary, adjust R45, 560 Q spool, 7, Connect DC 0 - 100 ma meter to plate (+pin 3) and cathode (-pin 8) of octal test socket, 74> > 19123-75, cy 8. Set Function switch to VR position. Press P4, rotate VR control slowly CwW and read VR mils on Bias voltmeter 0 - 50 ma. Compare ‘40 mils against standard meter, Tolerance is #1 mil, ~~ 9. For out-of-tolerance indication, check R11 - 4 ohm spool or meter. 4, AC Voltage Check, a, AC Plate Voltages. T. Connect AC VIVM between pins 3 and 8 of octal test socket, () Press "PL" Read 18 to 20V. () Press "P2" Read 285 to 300 V. () Press "P3" Read 35 to 39Y. b, Filament Voltages. I, Connect AC VIVM between pin 2 and pin 7 of octal socket, Using suitable ranges, switch through all positions of filament switch and check readings, Nominal Min, Max, Nominal Min, Max. 0.6 0.6 0.7 7.5 2.7 8.3 LL Ld. 1.2 10.0 10.1 11.0 15 1,45 1.6 12,6 12,4 13.4 2.0 2.10 2.3 20.0 20,2 21.9 2.5 2.7 3.0 25.0 26.0 28.5 3.0 3.10 3.4 35.0 36.7 39.7 4.3 4.4 4.8 50.0 52.0 57.0 5.0 5.2 5.7 75.0 79.0 86.0 6.3 6.3 6.9 117.0 122.0 133.0 2. Move Cath, Act. switch to test, voltage should drop 10%, c. Signal Voltages, T. Connect AC VTVM between pin 5 and pin 8 of octal socket. 2, Set function switch to positions listed below and check readings, (a) Shunt - 4.8 to 5.2V ) 3000 High - 4.8 to 5.2V (©) 6000High - 4.8 to 5.2V (4) 15,000 High- 4.8 to 5.2 () 60,000 Low - 24 to .26V () 30,000 Low - 148 to .52V () 15,000 Low = .98 to 1,02V (h) 6000 Low = 198 to 1. 02V * i) G00Low - 198 to 1.02V ® Press Meter Range X2, read . 48 to .52 V 3. For out-of-tolerance indications, check resistors R-26, -27, -35, -37. 5. t Micromho calibrator between pins 3 and 8 of octal test socket, Make line adjust to red line, b, Set AC pot to 30 volts, use 6000 ohm resistor. c, Set Shunt dial at 73, |e) rneriou favceye a9 sueon d, Press P4 lock and twist rear half of shunt pot until meter reads 1000 + 2 div. 19123-75, e, Lock rear section of shunt pot to front section with solder, f. Recheck dial setting at 73. g. With AC pot set at 30 volts, check and adjust the following ranges: High 3000 - should read 1000 + High 6000 - should read 1000 + High 15,000 - should read 1000 + Low 60,000 - should read 20, 000 + Low 30,000 - should read 10,000 + ‘Low 15,000 - should read 5,000 + Low 6000 - should read 5,000 + 1 div, - Check R28 or R29, 41 ohms idiv. - Check R18, 270 ohms ldiy, - Check R17, 70 ohms idiv. - Check R16, 105 ohms ldiv, - Check R16, 105 ohms ldiv. - Check R16, 105 ohms Idiv, - Check R15, 610 ohms h, For low 600 range, set AC pot at 6,0 volis, use 11,530 ohms, Meter should read 500 #2 div, to correct, adjust pot (R42) across 83 tube filaments. 6. , Adjust line adjust until meter pointer rests 2 divisions above the red line, b, Connect a 470K resistor across pins 3 and § of loctal socket. ¢, Adjust potentiometer "R54" mounted on board at rear of line test meter until neon lamp just glows with toggle switch in normal position, d, Readjust line meter to red line,neon lamp should not glow. 2 ifiers. Set seléctors to JR-5346-2, b. Function switch on Shunt, 3 ¢, Shunt dial at 73. ~ d. Press P3. Adjust line meter to red line; e, Adjust spool R9 until meter reads at center of top scale, 100 # 1 div. 8, 230 Volt Operation, Make changes in wiring as per Figure B. Replace #81 fuse lamp with #63 lamp. Connect tester to an accurate 220 volt source, Press P7 and adjust meter pot until line test meter reads 220 volts. Lock pot with cement. 19123-75 Cy DWOY RECTIFIER TURE FOR MODEL 1575 FIG "0" soa, wie! a 168, sums Wei —~ (OO ye ALIN SOP SBIRORORS JR-5346-2 FUNCTION ON-SHUNT 7 SHUNT DIAL = 73 PRESS P3 - ADJUST TO REDLINE METER SHOULD READ 100 + 1 DIV, (Center Scale) ADJUST SPOOL_R9 TO CORRECT 19123-75

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