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DRUKHARI THEY ARE THE PREY-TAKERS, THE BLADEMASTERS AND THE FLESHCRAFTERS. THEY ARE THE SCHEMING, SELF-SERVING RAIDERS OF A GALAXY FIT TO FULFIL THEIR HAUNTED PLEASURES. THESE TORTURERS AND ENSLAVERS FEED A SICKENING SOUL-HUNGER WITH THE PAIN AND FEAR OF OTHERS. THEY HUNT ON MOONLESS NIGHTS. AND CRAWL FROM POOLS OF SHADOW, ALL TO FEAST ON ANGUISH. PRAY YOU ARE WORTHLESS ENOUGH TO BE IGNORED. PRAY YOU WILL SEE THE DAWN’S LIGHT WITH INTACT EYES. PRAY THEY DON’T TAKE YOU ALIVE ‘Kahal ofthe Black Heart Kabal of the Poisoned Tongue. CONTENTS Introduction. od O1RET KABA a soennnnnnnsnine 57 UHlen RAKAT omen 9 Wyeh Cults... Kabalite Warriors... 295 Drukhari....... senses Cult of Strife. z Wychs.. Twilight Raiders. oT Cat ofthe Cursed Blade Wracks, ‘The Genesis of Evil Galt ofthe Red Grief. Court ofthe Archon ‘The Rise to Power. Other Cults anon Tncubi Commorraghs Kabals..cccuon---1 Haemonculus Covens Mandrakee Wych Cults. : ‘The Prophets of Flesh Grotesque’... cei Haemonculus Covens ‘The Dark Creed... Beastmaster or sacnnnennncensne 102 Kabal ofthe Black Heart. The Coven of Twelve wwws-n-----64 — Clawed Fiends... 102 Kabals Uncounted Other Covens. ‘reennae65 Rezorwing Flock.. 103 Cultof strife Example Realspace Raid 66 Khymerae. Cults of the Hekati. Stratagems... Reavers - ‘War Zone: Gaban, Matched Play Rules. Hellion’ noosa The Prophets of Fes Chapter Approved “The Caras Galctie Army Rules. Fealtys Price. ‘Warlord Tats Incubi Shrines. Reet enone Crusade Rules... Showease.. ‘Agendas Requisitions... Rezorwing Jtighter a2 ‘The Rules.. Battle Traits Voidraven Bombe sll Combat Patol 48 Tertitorial Dominance Points 14 Battle forged Res “29 Spoil of Battle Points Valuers csnnnn Ma Detachment Abii 749 Weapon Eahancemnenis, Wargear. m6 Lorde of Commo Tso Battle Scars. ‘Weapon Profs us Favoured Retinues "52 Crusade Relics. Rules Reference. ons Drukhati Kebls, Crusade Army. Glossary Caits and Covens... 53 Datasheets. Reference 120 Kabel ‘Archon. Succubus Haemoncuius Lelith Hesperax Drathar Kabal of the Flayed Skull. Kabal of the Obsidian Rose PRODUCED BY THE WARHAMMER STUDIO \Withthonks tothe Mournival and the Infinity Cnet for their addtional playtesting services olen Onda Copyitht Canes Noishop Linked 0, ndex Dor GU, Coes Woahep Sree Mane lk Wahanas Madame 00th | “Nasts Docte-hsded Seog, ona scone gee tnsrers imu tava evans meee tices newore weeps carer elie ‘oct anes hee, eter 1, tar anes Wochp Linie wry egared ron e werd AE EUS Reserved Nopmatth pation maybe pede cred ina eval sym or tanned in ny em ot yay eans elect edt poco “hei workofcon Ath crmcersand event priaecin ths beck ae fon aay reser free pepe of en's ee ener ite cadeganesr-eton Ona Atal eof tisbook able fon he Bish Lbery Pures wed rise purpose ey ‘eraincitadel ers na De tara # sed corey and Goes Wershoo dsr exmmens ten frase by den nde ie wea eu ct spear, Mutsreryouroe beac vhe ning ees ned eupnet se spys ara sth yu Yada ftom fw ston co ‘Se pacegne. [Games Workshop Ld, Wille Ra Lenton, Neringham, NG7 2075 ‘gemee-workshop.som INTRODUCTION Welcome, galactic raider, to Codes: Drulihar. In your hands isa tome to entice and amuse your jaded passions. Inked upon its bound pages are revelations ofthe crucl drives of « decadent alien ‘dove to survive and the ways in which they flourish, unhindered, The Drukhariarea degenerate society of the ancient Aeldar xenos race. Thay are aderk culture of torturers and raiders, Striking out atthe galaxy inhabitants from their labyrinthine shadow-realm of Commorragh. Selfish, prideful, arroge and murderous, the Drukhari are asf. serving people The militant syndicates of their Kabul, the hedonistic gladlavorla cliques known as Wych Cults and the Haeraoaculus Covens that operate igrussome guilds of arcane alchemists all vi with each other for power and ‘material wealth, The Drakhae’ fractured civilisation i held together with fes, intimidation and ahorvific trade in pain | tnd torment that feds thelr withered boule, With advanced ecience they emerge | fom webnay portals to rad with supe ants-grv vehicles, hideous vat-grown ‘yborgs and ecteris of venom shooting Salers allt secure yet mare captives for their bloody arenas and vile borateres | war by exotic heasis. Or perhaps your ‘The diners range of Duka miniatures | offers a fantastic array of options for bath | seteran hobbyists and newcomers alike Jast asthe factions within Commorragh society ally and rupture in shiting collusions, your ralspace raiding party ‘on the abletop might he made up of 2 rizture of forces, Converecly, they may to repeesent the warnors of single, obsessed noble. Perhaps you prefer gane- like certels made up of Kabalite Werors snd thei ruling Archons, supported by attack craft such as Voidraven Bombers for the winged services of mercenary Scourges. Maybe the exotic arena fighters ofthe Wyches are more your styl, leaping into battle from baroque, skimming transports and being accompanied to raiding party requires the surgical horror ‘ofthe Haemvonculi and their shambling ‘creations, welding toxin-coated blades. istocracy, the depths to which these sadistic pirates gladly na Fractured and fearful galaxy However you pat your Drukhar force together, they offer a satsiying panting ‘experience for people ofall abilities. Te range offers myriad textures of smooth curves and angular armour panels, exposed les, barbed chains and flayed Skin, 901 to mention the possibilty of strange, alien creatures that fight for the Deukhai. These provide rich palette that can he vividly brought to if simple or 2 complex a way a you prefer This Codex contains ll the rich beckground, stunning imagery and evocative rules you ned 0 put together your own relepace raiding party of Drakhari along with photographs of sanning'y painted examples to inspire ‘your own creations It abo contains ‘exciting Ceuside content you can use to followthe sadistic careers of your arrogaa! warriors from one prey world to the next as they amass ever more paver, ire PTT UN GLa ; C {he most sadistic, decadent and vicious an a me of a long-lost stellar empire. Sa RUC Lace Commorragh within the twilight domain of the ‘ancient webway. From there. the Drukhari raid ECON EEE La CCL ‘The Drukhari are experts in precise torture, sharp blades, cruel polsons and eldriich abominations. Using the labyrinthine neluork of webway spars, they strike almost anyuhere. Realspace ralding parties prey upon PTE CG ML Ca portals unknown to those they see merely as callle or playthings. To those they leave alive lo spread fear of their passing, these arrogant xenos are evil Pe UR TLE Sa Peau a uA a LG PVCU ese cae OMAP Tee PA COE UG Victims value, they come to inflict suffering and anguish only ingenious epicureans oF Tormen! could imagine. The agony-of ethers {ills an aching void within them, a cursed soul debt they must all pay. PUN UE CEC ae ae TWILIGHT RAIDERS the Drukhari exemplify every obsessive and wanton act of cruelty that all Aeldari risk giving into. They area selfish breed of peer nes Birrestins eat eet or peer ete arenas Sees tt Petne eneaititcs pe eereeer eer otter Pee awa Peace oer ray eee es Pervert ere pees ge Lite pleases the Drukhari more than Reon ere ence eer ac revere ates Every nuance of misery that the rfined eee es Peters ney eer stg cen pee eee eeg cd ethene untrue econ ees Peace eet ty Dye nad pecs eect aero ee rts See ese Preretiacmen cnc Soe ere erie tg eee eter erates Peregrine tt Pree tay eats skillin close-quarters slaughter extends toeach part oftheir body. Many oftheir eee na eecuy Peete eee eee and often incorporate razor-sharp blades error Peete ene oe oer preset ees Corey ore ence nancy Pete neta aswellas lightning-fast strike craft and een! reer retreat that inflict painful death In exotic wars ~ REALSPACE RAIDERS eee eerie eee erences ee Senor! Peed eee e tte a eee Pare ee ett Per cre er ey Sirti. arora penteteer enna Trin pees ene ieee rere nine ete oe eee a eet oe prey upon. Their splinter weapons Ponee ee ess Perr eae Permian tics Pee eset Sey Preteter taieeroesrt| noe es Pee eer act Peer eg eee eee Peeters Perey eect td See ie eras eee een aay ‘or their scrange technology cam even erent tteat ms romeo 1g only their own twisted fulilment at the expense of all others, even their own kind. In pratical forays of harl prey upon the races ofthe fractured galaxy revelling inthe slaughter and fear they cause. Recent core ac etree eat ‘upon which Draldari society thrives. ‘Once brought to Commocragh, these Petree te eee See ae ee) ke eer ees Per eee ty by which the Drukhar can profit of eee eee a eee Peer eecreeretrrssttd eed penta ars Pee Stee perro en etc ieee ety ee eters Pepeeerercr nes tcsiaerrs Pee eer eon Peat cerca rs Pere cami) ees Buia Va cou ern ea eee eet) oteeet ne! Pero eer wwobveay of legend. Human captives Peery oe en ere Pere er tae are Pomme reer Seer ene eee st] eee ee een eet captives and snarling beasis - overlays Peat ery rere! Pena tenray have allowed Commorragh to spread Petree eters iesecr id poet en creat ene Pee eres pretreat Cee ot in Commorragh, and the Drakhari have thad millennia to winnow out the weak A CONCENTRATION OF EVIL Ree Rene eee the warp, There, the bright flare oftheir souls would attract the attention of the Chios God Slaanesi, whom Scene Sansa m ‘employ the webway's maze pessages. At the centre Brann en eee eects ‘The Dark City’s mountain-sized spires house the ostentatious halls of the Drukhari clit. Beneath these crooked pinnacles cluster weapons shops and Pees ee eed Piece ice mec Pee nee ee ences) et eee i aero ae ae dead-end alleyways and predatorhaunted hovels, while pees ae ee cn domesnes of fleshcrafters and arcanologists Entire Pee er ee ere rues Bees gre ie ene eked Poh eee rc nae ascents Reece kang eG shine weakly in the firmament, orbited by captured Seno horror geo long since prized out of every cranny, The impossible landscape of Commorragh is the result of millennia of Pete er rein eer ome ay ‘many scars of Drulhari hubris, such as the yawning maw known as Khaine Gate, hrough which the denizens of, Bee eect Senet ge) An 508 0 aun ha, me THE GENESIS OF EVIL More than ten millennia ago, the galaxy-spanning empire ofthe Aeldaei came to cataclysmic end in the races Fal. Many of the splintered survivors of that apocalypse forged their own course of desperate existence from that time onwards, but the Drukhari can be sald to have trodden thelr dark path for far longer, turning an established decadence into thelr salvation Any knowledge of xenos is brutally ‘supprested within the Imperium, Tans ‘only a fraction of Mankind’s teeming twillions knows anything of the Aedaris supposed history Of these, most are high-ranking agents within the shadowy ‘Ordo Xenos ofthe Inquisition. Some within thie group are entrusted by AAcklari contacts with tales that daim total ofthe Fall oftheir race yet natural suspicion of Inguisitors leads them to view sich data as disinformation, myth of at best, apocalyptic metaphor. Nevertheless, they ae tals that all ‘Asldar learn end that dierent strands ‘oftheir ace teat variously as cautionary tales of hubris, stores of ultimate betrayal and even accounts ofthe excision of weakacss. The ancient Aeldari empire existed as the mos: advanced and daminant race {nthe gelacy many millions of years ago. Through ther science they ereated worlds and extinguished stars, while the unlimited potential oftheir paychic arts ensured that there was no force that could deny their authority. The technologies at ther fingertips meant the Aeléar could livea life of leisure free from concepts of manual labour, able to pursuc any diversions their powerful emotions and searing intellect could conceive. Using the webway, they travelled between the tars of the galaxy ina heartbeat, delving into esoteric studies and unusual passions ‘The long lifespan ofthe Aelder led many to seek ever more extreme avenues of exploration as they tevted the limits of their own psyches, The thoughts and emotions of thei race can rise to heights: of bliss or plumb dark nadirs of anguish that are unknowa to Mankind. These ‘extremes were reached for by many of an arrogant race that increasingly sow itself as far beyond any boundaries of morality. On many Aeldari worlds, cults of pleasure and pain, dabblers in extravagant technologies and lodges ‘that consorced with narcotics distied from across their pan-gelactic empire sprang up. ‘The Aeldari had spread from the worlds at the heart oftheir civilisation to, not ‘only counteteother planets throughout the galaxy bat abo within the webway ive. Nodal cities and mighty porte Aurished within the interconnected network af misted passageways thle to Aaldati colonies far and wide. Some of the pleasure cults, among waose devotees ‘were great numbers of the aristocratic aobility of Aeldar society, relocated into ‘hese webway sttements as they came aiador precure to curb their excesses Within these complex hubs, where shadowy trades in people and substances could be carried out secretly, many of ‘them flourished, The greatest ofthe webway’s mighty portcitles was a vast metropolis known as Comamorragh Is unzivalled connections to countless portals, fenured its valve, and grented the city unprecedented autonomy to ensure that no one faction within the empire sould deny its uee to any other. Yet with Jax regulation, Commorragh grew ever larger and hecame a home for every licit and ceprchensible pastime within the empire. The diletante lords and ladies whe headed maay of the pleasure cults grew more powerful and, with both their influence and Commorraghs vast flows of shipping and connections, countless shadowy creeds spread to world after world, The Aeldaris psyche souls fate brightly in the miezor calm of the warp. Powerful emotions in that dimension can take form, and the soaring highs and crushing loves ofthe psyehically sensitive Aeldari began to coalesce. Quiescent ripples of, agony and ecstacy echoed through ime and space, The surging tides of the warp began to ceil in avortex around the constant stream of extreme sensation that flowed from the increasingly depraved society ofthe Aeldari: Around their emotions accreted a nascent anit of excess contentat first to woit and grov, fed on the torrent of intensity pa oath by the Aeldar while its dreams in ten seeped back to them, driving their vile cexaberance to greater depths, THE FALL There were those inthe Aeldari empire, aong the spiralling insanities aad ‘obsessions pecrading their people, who foresaw calamity, Some ofthe frst to act were the Exedlies, who lef the decadent tre of civilisation behind to begin again on wilderness worlds far from the trappings of indulgence and exces, Much later, afer incalculable efforts of. psychic engineering. a movement af ascetic puritans departed on delicate planet-sized ships, bearing huge colonies through che void and into the depths of empty spoce, These were the caftworlds, and among those who fled upon themt were many with the seer sight. They prophesied a terrifying and tragic hemor ahead that echoed through time. Their warnings were scoffed a or ignored, and some oftheir number fell ful of the influential pleasure cults before they had chance to excape Freed ofthe appalled and doubting