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International Conference on Research Advances in Integrated Navigation Systems (RAINS - 2016),

May 06-07, 2016, R. L. Jalappa Institute of Technology, Doddaballapur, Bangalore, India

Mathematical Modelling and Simulation of Solar

Photovoltaic Array System
Omveer Singh, IEEE Member and Saurabh Kumar Rajput
Electrical Engineering Department, Maharishi Markandeshwar University, Mullana, Haryana, India
Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department, NITRA, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh, India

Abstract² The solar photovoltaic array system is the Solar energy is present in the huge amount on the earth
interface which transfers the sun light into electrical energy. that has yielded it feasible to generate it and easily use it. Solar
Information data of weather conditions is the compulsory energy can be generated independently by the solar
need for solar photovoltaic array model. Its input variables photovoltaic (PV) generating plant or can be a grid
are irradiance and temperature. The output of this model can
interconnected generating plant and also, dependent on the
be current, voltage, power or others. If some change in input
variables then it implies immediately change in the output location of a nearby the grid. Thus, it might be utilized to
variables. So, it is very necessary to develop appropriate electric power for remote locations where micro-grids or grids
model for photovoltaic array system. This article also exhibits are not present. Addition with this using solar energy
a complete modelling of the impression of irradiance and generating plant can be small and transportable operation for
temperature on the results of photovoltaic module. This electric power generation if required [1, 2].
proposed model included the single diode model with series In order to manage the present electric power problem it
and shunt resistors for higher accuracy precision. In the next has to create a useful path in which electric energy has to be
section, photovoltaic array system modelling is simulated and taken from the radiated power from the solar. The power
investigated in the MATLAB/SIMULINK 2013a software
transformation techniques have been largely minimized in size
and cost in the last two decades. The electronic semiconductor
Keywords² Solar Power, Photovoltaic module/array, devices growth has supported utilizers to develop small level
irradiance and temperature but strong units to stand for the large power requirement. But
the limitation of these units is the enhancement of electric
I. INTRODUCTION power. Fashion of the development has permanent platform
for the utilization of variety of input converter systems that
Electrical energy is normally generated from diverse type of can efficiently control the voltage variations. But due to large
power generating plants. These plants are divided into two generation price and the low level efficiency of these units
categories of power plants. First category of the generating they can be in trouble whenever competition arises in the
plants includes Non-renewable Energy Sources (NESs) and commercial market [1].
Renewable Energy Sources (RESs) come in another sort of the
sources. NESs are known as traditional power sources
contribute more to the pollution of the environment and also
limited on the earth. The RESs are used to refer to power
earth and that are friendlier to the environment. In this context,
it is necessary to initiate by investigating RESs i.e. solar,
wind, small hydro energy and other renewable sources. RESs
are the basic need of the green and clean world because global
air quality index is going to be poor day by day. For
improving global air quality index, whole world is serious to
generate their electrical energy from the RESs. Moreover, Fig.1 Solar photovoltaic array system
RESs are also reducing dependency on generation from fossil
fuels [1]. The constant growth of the solar cells making scheme
At present, standalone solar and wind energy sources could surely create the benefit of these schemes possible on a
have been promoted around the world [2]. But these large base according to present situation. The utilization of the
LQGHSHQGHQW VRXUFHV FDQ¶W JLYH FRQWLQXRXV HOHFWULFDO HQHUJ\ latest electric power control techniques called the Maximum
as they are seasonal. Therefore, suitable energy storage Power Point Tracking (MPPT) techniques has moved to
systems will be needed for these energy systems in order to enhance the effectiveness of solar system operation modules
satisfy the power demands. So, RES can be developed for and thus is effective in the field of RES use. Therefore,
predictions with respect to the physical structure of the cell
fulfilling the electric demand of the consumer.
behavior can be developed a mathematical model of the PV

978-1-4673-8819-8/16/$31.00 ©2016 IEEE

Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIVERSIDAD POLITECNICA SALESIANA. Downloaded on March 09,2021 at 23:41:52 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
International Conference on Research Advances in Integrated Navigation Systems (RAINS - 2016),
May 06-07, 2016, R. L. Jalappa Institute of Technology, Doddaballapur, Bangalore, India
module. Additional factor for PV cells that with zero pollutant interconnected in series to achieve an incremental voltage or
emission, PV cells changes sun rays directly proportionate to in shunt to get an incremental value of current.
electricity. These are practically created by PN junction diode A solar cell is the foundation structure of a solar panel. A
structures. PV module is developed through interconnecting number of
In the goal of this manuscript, the development of PV solar cells in series and shunt. Taking a single solar cell; it can
module or array as one device in an electro-magnetic system, be modeled by using a current source, a diode and two
therefore the focus is to attain at any time scale, the highest resistors.
power but also the near to scale value, therefore the nearest to
the practical value. Standard solar PV array system is
represented in the Fig. 1 which is considered as a reference for
the modelling.
A number of research articles are available on the modelling
of PV module for solar power plant [1] but detailed literature
survey is published in less number of the articles. In this
article, some of major articles are discussed. T. Salmi, et al.
[3] demonstrated the mathematical model with an equivalent
circuit including a photocurrent, diode, series resistor and Fig. 2 Model of solar PV cell (Single diode model)
shunt resistor. The created model permitted the assumption of
PV cell behavior according various physical and This model is generally famous as a single diode model of
environmental scales. The model can also be utilized to solar cell. The similar modeling idea is useful for modeling a
calculate the physical scaling factors for an identified solar PV PV module [8]. The picture of PV cell equivalent circuit is
cell as a function of temperature and solar irradiance. In reflected in Fig. 2, which have a photocurrent source, diode,
addition with J. Patel and G. Sharma [4] reflected that the parallel resistor also known as shunt resistor (Rsh) expressing a
Current (I)-Voltage (V), and Power (P)-Voltage characteristics leakage current and a series resistor (Rs) explaining internal
obtained for (i) Single solar cell module (ii) Solar PV module resistance to the current flow. 7KH 39 FHOOµV FKDUDFWHULVWLF
with variable temperature and non-variable irradiance (iii) under solar irradiance is presented in terms of PV cell external
Solar PV module with fixed temperature and variable current and voltage of PV cell. According to the Kirchhoff¶V
irradiance, and mathematical model using current first law, the basic equations which describing
MATLAB/SIMULINK software. characteristics of the PV cell model can be explained by the
Further, Krismadinata et al. [5] experimented on the following expressions [6].
characteristics of PV cells that were affected by irradiance and
temperature. Irradiance and temperature were modeled by a Solar cell model
circuit model. A simplified PV equivalent circuit with a diode A solar cell can be presented by a current source
equivalent employed as model. The simulation results were interconnected in parallel with a rectifying diode, as
compared with difference types of PV module datasheets. represented in the circuit of Fig. 2. The Current-Voltage
Also, a detailed study is completed through the help of characteristic is written by the Shockley solar cell equation
MATLAB/Simulink by the H. Bellia, R. Youcef and M. [9]:
Fatima [6]. B. Gorgan et al. [7] investigated similar type of qV
investigations with PSCAD software and given good I=Iph -Id =Iph -I0 (e kT -1) (1)
comparisons on PV module performance. But the detailed
modeling is simulated step by step using Solar cell characteristics
MATLAB/SIMULINK due to its frequent use and its The Current-Voltage characteristic of a solar cell differs to
effectiveness. some level from the ideal characteristic equation (1). The
equivalent circuit may constitute series and shunt resistances,
III. MATHEMATICAL MODELING OF PHOTOVOLTAIC ARRAY heading to a characteristic of the below expression:
I=Iph -Id -Ish (2)
A solar PV array system is an interconnection of modules
which reflects development of number of PV cells in series
and shunt. The electric power yielded by a single diode Where:
module which is seldom sufficient for the market based s
Iph =[Iscr +k i (T-Tr )]( ) (3)
electric consumption, so such modules are interconnected to sr
develop array to electric output for the load. The
interconnection of the modules in an array is similar as that of
cells in a module. Additionally, modules could be

978-1-4673-8819-8/16/$31.00 ©2016 IEEE

Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIVERSIDAD POLITECNICA SALESIANA. Downloaded on March 09,2021 at 23:41:52 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
International Conference on Research Advances in Integrated Navigation Systems (RAINS - 2016),
May 06-07, 2016, R. L. Jalappa Institute of Technology, Doddaballapur, Bangalore, India
Vd V V
Id =I0 [exp( )-1]=I0 [exp( d )-1] (4) ( )
nkT Vt N s
I=N p I ph -N p I0 {exp[ ]-1} (18)
q nkT
( )
T qEg 1 1 q
I0 =I0,r ( )3exp[ ( - )] (5)
Tr nk Tr T The presented circuit diagram for the solar array managed
in Np parallel and Ns series is represented in the Fig. 3. The
Į7 2
E g =E g0 - (6) given circuit of the solar PV array system is identified from
T+ȕ the article [6].
Vt = (7)
Tr = (Tr1 -32) + 273 (8)

Vsh = Vd and Vd = V + IRs (9)

Vsh Vd V+IR s
Ish = = = (10)
R sh R sh R sh

V+IR s V+IR s
I=Iph -I0 [exp( )-1]- (11)
nkT R sh Fig. 3 Equivalent circuit model of solar PV array
The ideality factor (n) which is a constant setting
PV module and array model factor utilized to correct for discrepancies between an ideal PN
6LQJOH VRODU FHOO FDQ¶W FRPSOHWHO\ IXOILOO WKH UHTXLUHPHQW RI junction expression and a measured device working according
electric power demand of the consumers. So, in order to to PV technique, and is presented in the Table-1. Ideality
enhance the ability of electric power generation from solar PV factor and other parameters of equation (6) can be seen from
systems, the solar cells should be implemented in series and the article [10]. The parametric values of Eg0ĮDQGȕare also
shunt combinations. If Np represents the cells interconnected used in the modeling phase which are shown in Table-2.
in parallel and Ns shows the cells interconnected in series, the Irradiance and temperature are the two input parameters for
relationship between the output current and voltage is this proposed model. The key specifications are represented
presented in [6]: in Table-1 and Table-2.
Iph,final = NpIph (12) Complete simulated solar PV array system model by
I0,final = NpI0 (13) MATLAB/SIMULINK software is presented in the Fig. 4.
nfinal = Nsn (14)
N Table-1: Ideality Factor
R s,final = s R s (15)
Np Technology Ideality factor
Expression (11) can be presented as below: Si-mono 1.2
N N AsGa 1.3
V+I s R s V+I s R s Si-poly 1.3
Np Np
I=N p Iph -N p I0 {exp[ ]-1}- (16) CdTe 1.5
nkT R sh CIS 1.5
Ns ( )
q a-Si:H 1.8
V R Np a-Si:H Tandem 3.3
+I s V +IR s a-Si:H Triple 5
Ns N p Ns
I=N p Iph -N p I0 {exp[ ]-1}- (17)
nkT R sh Table-2: The specifications of Eg0, ĮDQGȕLQthe expression (6)
( )
Materials Eg (T = 0 Kelvin), Į[-4 electron ȕ
electron Volt Volt/Kelvin2 Kelvin
The above equation explains the dynamic behavior of the Si 1.17 4.730 636
electrical current and identifies the adjustment between InP 1.42 4.906 327
voltage and current generated by a solar PV array. It is a non- AsGa 1.52 5.405 204
linear numerical expression. For realistic natural condition, Rs
is equal to zero and Rsh is to be infinite [6], therefore:

978-1-4673-8819-8/16/$31.00 ©2016 IEEE

Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIVERSIDAD POLITECNICA SALESIANA. Downloaded on March 09,2021 at 23:41:52 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
International Conference on Research Advances in Integrated Navigation Systems (RAINS - 2016),
May 06-07, 2016, R. L. Jalappa Institute of Technology, Doddaballapur, Bangalore, India


Fig. 5 Power-Voltage characteristic curve on standard test conditions


Fig. 6 Current-Voltage characteristic curve on standard test conditions


Fig. 4 MATLAB/SIMULINK based model of the solar 
photovoltaic array system 


The proposed solar PV array system model has been 9ROWDJH 9ROW
developed in MATLAB/SIMULINK software platform which
is dependent on numerical expressions (3-6, 10, 18) that Fig. 7 Current-Voltage Characteristics curve on different value of irradiance
characterize the dynamic performance of solar PV array
system. Simulink model of PV array system is presented in ,UUDGLDQFH

Fig. 4 which is developed through the series and shunt ,UUDGLDQFH

combinations of 81 solar cells. ,UUDGLDQFH

Solar PV characteristic curve is presented on standard test

conditions in Fig. 5. Considered parameters for standard test 
conditions are temperature T= 250 Centigrade and irradiance S 
= 1000 Watt/meter2. The power transferred by PV cell 
contains largest value at the 62 Watt. Current-Voltage 

characteristic also on standard test conditions is exhibited in 

Fig. 6. It shows that an inverse proportionate relation between
Fig. 8 Power-Voltage characteristics curve on different value of irradiance
current and voltage of solar cell.
A beautiful category of irradiance [100, 400, 700, 1000],
Watt/meter2 at constant temperature 250 Centigrade is Fig. 8 is also depicts on same parametric conditions as
experimented and its results are printed in the Fig. 7. It also Fig. 7. In the depicted figure, power and voltage characteristic
reflect that whenever voltage of the cell is going to increase relation is shown and also irradiance varies from 100
then current through solar cell will be also decrease at certain Watt/meter2 to 1000 Watt/meter2 under standard test
level. All the wave shapes in this figure follows same type of temperature.

978-1-4673-8819-8/16/$31.00 ©2016 IEEE

Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIVERSIDAD POLITECNICA SALESIANA. Downloaded on March 09,2021 at 23:41:52 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
International Conference on Research Advances in Integrated Navigation Systems (RAINS - 2016),
May 06-07, 2016, R. L. Jalappa Institute of Technology, Doddaballapur, Bangalore, India
V. CONCLUSION Iph: Photocurrent (Ampere)
Iph,final: Final value of photocurrent (Ampere)
The initial motive of the manuscript is the implementation of a Is : Series Current (Ampere)
solar PV array system model by the mathematical expressions, ISC: Short-circuit current (Ampere)
and the array module that analyses the electrical output of an Iscr: Short circuit current at reference temperature (3.8 Ampere)
arbitrary module using a single diode equivalent circuit or a Ish: Current by the shunt resistance (Ampere)
MPPT circuit interconnected to the module. The Current- N%ROW]PDQQµVFRQVWDQW î-23 Joule/Kelvin)
Voltage characteristics of PV array with various combinations Ki &HOOµVVKRUW-circuit current temperature coefficient (Ampere
can be simulated and analyzed. /Kelvin)
The solar PV array parameters have been identified n : Ideality factor
nfinal: Ideality factor final value
according to their variation with irradiance and temperature.
Np: Cells interconnected in parallel
Presented solar PV array system shows all the important Ns: Cells interconnected in series
parameters under different level of irradiance and temperature. Pmp: Power at the maximum-power point (Watt)
Then, it achieves the Current-Voltage and Power-Voltage q: Electron charge (1.602 × 10-19 Coulomb)
characteristics. This model can be counted as a solution which Rs: Cell series resistance (Ohm)
can be utilized to analyses all major possible types of solar PV Rs,final: Cell series resistance final value (Ohm)
arrays present in markets, especially, their behavior under Rsh: Cell shunt resistance (Ohm)
different weather data i.e. sunny, cloudy, rainy etc. conditions. S: Solar irradiance (Watt/meter2)
Therefore, it can be assumed to be more real and appropriate Sr : Reference solar irradiance (1000 Watt/meter2)
T: Cell operating temperature (Kelvin)
in simulating the solar PV array system.
Tr&HOOµVUeference temperature in degree (Kelvin)
References V: Cell output voltage (Volt)
1. J. Twidel and T. Weir, Renewable Energy Resources, Second Vd: Diode voltage (Volt)
Edition, Taylor and Francis Publication, New York, 2006. Vmp: Voltage at the maximum-power point (Volt)
2. G. Parkinson, New Modelling Shows Renewable-based System VOC: Open circuit voltage (Volt)
Cheaper than Fossil Fuels, Newsletter, Australian Energy Week, Vt: Thermal junction voltage (Milli-volt)
March 2016. Įȕ3DUDPHWHUVsemiconductor band gap energy (Electron
3. T. 6DOPL HW DO ³0$7/$%6LPXOLQN Eased Modelling of Solar
Volt/Kelvin2, Kelvin)
Research, Vol. 2, No. 2, 2012. Si : Silicon
4. - 3DWHO DQG * 6KDUPD ³0RGHOLQJ DQG 6LPXODWLRQ RI 6RODU Si-mono: Monocristalline-Silicon
Photovoltaic Module XVLQJ 0$7/$% 6LPXOLQN´ ,QWHUQDWLRQDO Si-poly: Polycrystalline-Silicon
Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology, Vol. 2, Issue AsGa: Gallium Arsenide
3, pp. 225-228, March 2013. a-Si: Amorphous-Silicon
6LPXOLQN0$7/$%´ 7KH rd International Conference on CIS: Copper indium diselenide
Sustainable Future for Human Security, Precedia Environment
Sciences, Elsevier, Vol. 17, pp. 537 ± 546, 2013.
6. + %HOOLD 5 <RXFHI DQG 0 )DWLPD ³$ 'HWDLOHG 0RGHOLQJ RI Author¶V Biographies
3KRWRYROWDLF 0RGXOH XVLQJ 0$7/$%´ 15,$* -RXUQDO RI Dr. Omveer Singh has rich experience of teaching as well as research.
Astronomy and Geophysics, Vol. 3, pp. 53-61, 2014. Currently he is an Associate Professor in the Department of
,QWHJUDWLRQ XVLQJ 36&$' 6RIWZDUH´ ,((( 9th International Electrical Engineering, Maharishi Markandeshwar
Symposium on Advanced Topics in Electrical Engineering, University (NAAC accredited A grade deemed university),
Romania, May 07-09, 2015. Ambala, Haryana, India. He got Ph.D. degree from Jamia
0$7/$% 39 0RGHO´ $XVWUDODVLDQ 8QLYHUVLWLHV 3RZHU Millia Islamia University, New Delhi. He has diversified
Engineering Conference, AUPEC, Brisbane, 2000. research interests in the areas of automatic generation control, soft computing
9. T. Markvart and L. Castaner, "Practical Handbook of techniques, and hybrid renewable power generation.
Photovoltaics, Fundamentals and Applications," Elsevier, 2003.
10. + 7VDL & 7X DQG < 6X ³'HYHORSPHQt of Generalized
3KRWRYROWDLF 0RGHO XVLQJ 0$7/$%6LPXOLQN´ 3URFHHGLQJV RI Er. Saurabh Kumar Rajput has experience of teaching, research &
the World Congress on Engineering and Computer Science, San consultancy. Currently he is Assistant Professor in NITRA
Francisco, USA, October 22 - 24, 2008.
(Linked to Ministry of Textiles, Govt. of India), Ghaziabad,
UP, India. He got M.Tech. Degree from IIT Delhi. He has
Eg: Semiconductor band gap energy (Electron Volt) provided energy consultancy to different government/private
Eg0: Band gap energy at T = 0 Kelvin (Electron Volt) organizations at national and international levels.
I: Cell output current (Ampere)
I0: Dark saturation current (Ampere)
I0,final: Final value of I0 (Ampere)
Id: Diode current (Ampere)
Imp: Current at the maximum-power point (Ampere)
I0,r: Short circuit current of given ceOOµVat standard test condition
(2.1-5.0 Ampere)

978-1-4673-8819-8/16/$31.00 ©2016 IEEE

Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIVERSIDAD POLITECNICA SALESIANA. Downloaded on March 09,2021 at 23:41:52 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

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