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Introduction to Early Childhood

Education Eighth Edition – Ebook PDF

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Uncountable thanks continue to go to my late husband,
Ahmed Essa, whose unwavering support; encouragement;
and wise, steadfast suggestions have always kept me going.
In addition, it is my great joy and pleasure to dedicate this
work to my real-life model of early childhood, my
granddaughter, Jordan, who is also the creator of this book’s
cover picture. I also dedicate the book to my daughter, Fiona,
my son, Eugene, my daughter-in-law, Kristie, and my
“honorary grandsons,” Cadel and Keagan.
Eva L. Essa

My contributions to this book are dedicated to my wife,

colleague, and best friend, LeAn Shelton and our sons, Nick
and Charlie. LeAn pushes my growth as an early childhood
professional, while Nick and Charlie provide important
insights into child development that only full immersion could
Melissa M. Burnham
Eighth Edition

Eva L. Essa

University of Nevada, Reno

Melissa M. Burnham

University of Nevada, Reno

Los Angeles

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Names: Essa, Eva, author. | Burnham, Melissa, author.

Title: Introduction to early childhood education / Eva L. Essa, University of Nevada, Reno,
Melissa Burnham, University of Nevada, Reno.

Description: Eighth Edition. | Los Angeles : SAGE, [2019] | Includes bibliographical references
and index.

Identifiers: LCCN 2018042119 | ISBN 9781544338750 (Paperback : acid-free paper)

Subjects: LCSH: Early childhood education—United States—Textbooks. | Early childhood

educators—Training of—United States—Textbooks.

Classification: LCC LB1139.25 .E87 2019 | DDC 372.21—dc23 LC record available at

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About the Authors
PART I • The WHAT of Early Childhood Education
Chapter 1 • The Scope of and Need for Early Childhood
PART II • The WHO of Early Childhood Education
Chapter 2 • The Children
Chapter 3 • The Families
Chapter 4 • The Teachers and Caregivers
PART III • The WHY of Early Childhood Education
Chapter 5 • Rationale Supporting Early Childhood Education
Chapter 6 • Accountability, Standards, and Assessment
Chapter 7 • Helping Children Cope With Stress
PART IV • The WHERE of Early Childhood Education
Chapter 8 • The Physical Environment
PART V • The HOW of Early Childhood Education—
Chapter 9 • Scheduling and Curriculum Planning
Chapter 10 • Creative Development Through the Curriculum
Chapter 11 • Physical Development Through the Curriculum
Chapter 12 • Cognitive Development Through the Curriculum
Chapter 13 • Language Development Through the
Chapter 14 • Social–Emotional Development Through the
PART VI • The HOW of Early Childhood Education—Guidance
Chapter 15 • Guiding Routines and Group Activities
Chapter 16 • Guiding Social Behaviors
Pulling It All Together: An Early Childhood Classroom
Appendix: Standards Correlation Matrix
About the Authors
PART I • The WHAT of Early Childhood Education
Chapter 1 • The Scope of and Need for Early Childhood
NAEYC Standards Considered in Chapter 1
Developmentally Appropriate Practice and Early
Childhood Standards
The Growth of Early Childhood Education
• Brain Science: Linking Quality Early Learning
Environments With Brain Science
Changes in Family Life
Benefits of Early Childhood Education
Child Advocacy
• Take a Closer Look: Child Care—A Wise
Economic Investment
What Is Included in Early Childhood Education?
Purpose of Programs
Program Settings
Ages of Children
Sources of Support for Programs
Publicly Supported Programs
• Stories From the Field: Meeting Multiple Needs
Defining Quality in Early Childhood Programs
How Do We Measure Quality?
Structural Quality Elements
Process Quality Elements
Quality as a Combination of Factors
The Future of Early Childhood Education
PART II • The WHO of Early Childhood Education
Chapter 2 • The Children
NAEYC Standards Considered in Chapter 2
Age-Related Commonalities Among Children
Six- to Eight-Year-Olds
Factors That Influence Child Development
Culture and Child Development
Play and Child Development
• Take a Closer Look: What Has Happened
to Children’s Play?
The Brain and Child Development
• Brain Science: Neuronal Development
Temperament and Child Development
Self-Esteem and Child Development
Children With Different Abilities
Characteristics of Children With Different Abilities
• Stories From the Field: Tayla: A Special Girl
With Special Needs
Working With Families of Young Children
Chapter 3 • The Families
NAEYC Standards Considered in Chapter 3
A Theoretical Perspective
The Changing American Family
Family Forms
Other Family Variations
The Needs of Families
Coordinating Family Needs and the Program
• Take a Closer Look: The High Price of Child
Communicating With Families
Individual Methods of Communicating With Families
Group Methods of Communicating With Families
• Stories From the Field: Working With Parents
• Brain Science: Communicating With Families
About What Their Children’s Brains Need
Family Engagement
Families as Resources
Family Members in the Classroom
Family Members as Decision Makers
Family Education
Chapter 4 • The Teachers and Caregivers
NAEYC Standards Considered in Chapter 4
The Early Childhood Teacher and Caregiver
Characteristics of the Good Early Childhood
Staffing in Early Childhood Programs
Teaching Staff
Support Staff
Board of Directors
Community Professionals
Training and Regulation in Early Childhood Education
Academic Teacher Training Programs
• Brain Science: The Impact of Teachers
Child Development Associate Program
The T.E.A.C.H. Program
Required Qualifications for Head Start Teachers
Regulation and Licensing
• Take A Closer Look: Culture Matters
Professional Organizations
The Intentional and Reflective Teacher
• Stories From the Field: Reflecting on Teaching
and Learning
Some Current Issues and Dilemmas
A Historical Perspective
Teacher Shortage
High Staff Turnover Rate
Low Pay
Men in Early Childhood Education
Empowerment and Activism
Family Support for the Early Childhood Profession
PART III • The WHY of Early Childhood Education
Chapter 5 • Rationale Supporting Early Childhood Education
NAEYC Standards Considered in Chapter 5
A Look Back—Children Through Time
Influential People in the History of Early Childhood
Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712–1778)
Johann Pestalozzi (1746–1827)
Friedrich Froebel (1782–1852)
Maria Montessori (1870–1952)
Other Leaders in America’s Early Education
Influential Theorists’ Views of Child Development
Erik Erikson (1902–1994)
Jean Piaget (1896–1980)
B. F. Skinner (1904–1990)
Lev Vygotsky (1896–1934)
Application of Theories in Early Childhood Education
Montessori Programs
The Bank Street Approach
The Cognitively Oriented Curriculum
The Reggio Emilia Approach
• Stories From the Field: Introducing
Photography to Kindergartners as an Outlet for
Waldorf Education
Evaluation of Early Childhood Models
Research Support for Early Childhood Education
The Effects of Early Intervention
The Effects of Early Childhood Programs on Low-
Risk Children
• Brain Science: Making a Difference
• Take a Closer Look: We Need Prevention, Not
PK–3: Supporting Continuing Educational Success
for Young Children
Chapter 6 • Accountability, Standards, and Assessment
NAEYC Standards Considered in Chapter 6
Accountability: Program Standards and Assessment
Federal Education Law
• Brain Science: Meeting Standards
Program Standards for Children Aged Birth to Five
Quality Rating and Improvement Systems
Learning Standards for Young Children
Child Assessment: Informal Methods
• Take a Closer Look: Are Standards for Young
Children Compatible With Developmentally
Appropriate Practice?
Teacher-Designed Instruments
Child Assessment: Formal Methods
Screening Tools for Development
Formal Assessments of Development
Standardized Assessments of Academic Skills
Readiness Tests
Concerns About Child Assessment Instruments
Assessment Systems
Selecting and Using Child Assessment Instruments
Family Collaboration in Screening and Assessment
• Stories From the Field: Selecting the Right
Assessment Tool
Chapter 7 • Helping Children Cope With Stress
NAEYC Standards Considered in Chapter 7
Defining Stress and Coping
Sources of Stress in Children’s Lives
• Take a Closer Look: Geography Matters
Family Stressors
Child Abuse and Neglect
• Stories From the Field: Helping Sam Cope
With Stress
Health Stressors
• Brain Science: Handle With Care
Children’s Fears
Community Violence
Natural Disasters
Resilient Children
Techniques to Help Children Cope With Stress
Relaxation Techniques
Play and Coping With Stress
Helping Families Cope With Stress
PART IV • The WHERE of Early Childhood Education
Chapter 8 • The Physical Environment
NAEYC Standards Considered in Chapter 8
Effects of the Physical Environment
Effect of the Environment on Children
Effect of the Environment on Teachers
Arranging the Indoor Environment
Fixed Features
Movable Features
Learning Centers
Safety and Health
Arranging the Outdoor Environment
Fixed Outdoor Play Structures
• Take a Closer Look: Is There Such a Thing as
Nature-Deficit Disorder?
Flexible Outdoor Play Components
Adapting Environments for Different Ages and Abilities
Environments for Infants and Toddlers
Environments for School-Age Children
Environments for Children With Different Abilities
Developmentally Appropriate Equipment
Basic Equipment
Criteria for Selecting Equipment
Developmentally Appropriate Materials
Criteria for Selecting Materials
Teacher- or Family-Made Materials and Resources
Technology and Interactive Media
• Brain Science: Children and Technology
• Stories From the Field: Culture and
PART V • The HOW of Early Childhood Education—
Chapter 9 • Scheduling and Curriculum Planning
NAEYC Standards Considered in Chapter 9
Components of the Early Childhood Schedule
Activity Time
Large-Group Activities
Small-Group Activities
Outdoor Activity
Nap or Rest
Guidelines for Program Scheduling
Alternating Active and Quiet Times
Balancing Child-Initiated and Teacher-Initiated
Activity Level of the Children
Developmental Level of the Children
Group Size
Arrival and Departure of Children
Seasonal Considerations
• Stories From the Field: Developmentally
Appropriate Practice in a Public School Setting
Types of Schedules
Scheduling for Infants and Toddlers
Scheduling for School-Age Children
Examples of Schedules
Flexibility of the Schedule
What Is Curriculum?
• Take a Closer Look: Early Childhood
Curriculum—A Global Perspective
Children’s Development and Curriculum
Culture and the Curriculum
Types of Curriculum
Theme-Based Curriculum
Children as the Focus of the Curriculum
Family as the Focus of the Curriculum
Community as the Focus of the Curriculum
Developing Written Plans for a Theme-Based
Emergent Curriculum
Major Features of Emergent Curriculum
• Brain Science: Learning by Doing
Final Thoughts on Emergent Curriculum
Family Involvement in the Curriculum
Chapter 10 • Creative Development Through the Curriculum
NAEYC Standards Considered in Chapter 10
What Is Creativity?
Multiple Intelligences
An Environment That Encourages Creativity
Attitudes That Encourage Creativity
A Physical Environment That Encourages Creativity
Technology and Creative Arts
Art Theories and Philosophies
Theories of Art Development
Art in Reggio Emilia Programs
Visual Literacy
Aesthetic Appreciation
Art Activities
Two-Dimensional Graphic Arts
• Stories From the Field: The Purple Flower
Music Activities
Music and Child Development
Playing Musical Instruments
• Brain Science: Music and the Brain
Music and Movement
Supporting Creativity in Children of Different Ages and
Supporting Creativity in Infants and Toddlers
Supporting Creativity in School-Age Children
Supporting Creativity in Children With Different
Factors That Decrease Creativity
Electronic Media and Creativity
• Take a Closer Look: Children and the Media
Family Values for Creativity
Chapter 11 • Physical Development Through the Curriculum
NAEYC Standards Considered in Chapter 11
A Developmental Framework for Motor Development
Components of Motor Development
Body Control
Manual Control
Sensory–Perceptual Development
Gross Motor Activities
Physical Fitness
• Brain Science: Physical Activity and Brain
• Take a Closer Look: The Rise in Obesity in
Outdoor Play
Fine Motor Activities—Manipulatives
Benefits of Manipulatives
Types of Manipulatives
Water and Sand Play
Sensory Concepts
Caring for the Body
Nutrition Education and Cooking
Supporting Physical Development in Children of
Different Ages and Abilities
Supporting Physical Development in Infants and
Supporting Physical Development in School-Age
Supporting Physical Development in Children With
Different Abilities
• Stories From the Field: Meeting the Physical
Needs of Children in the Primary Grades
Family Values Related to Physical Development and
Chapter 12 • Cognitive Development Through the Curriculum
NAEYC Standards Considered in Chapter 12
Theoretical Foundations of Cognitive Development
Piaget’s Theory of Cognitive Development
• Take a Closer Look: Brain Research: What
Have We Learned About Learning?
Information Processing
Vygotsky’s Sociocultural Theory
Tools of the Mind
• Brain Science: Executive Functions
Cognitive Tasks
Number Concepts
Temporal Concepts
Spatial Concepts
Acquisition of Information
Supporting STEM Learning in Children of Different Ages
and Abilities
Supporting STEM Learning in Infants and Toddlers
• Stories From the Field: Learning With Bubbles
Supporting STEM Learning in School-Age Children
Supporting STEM Learning in Children With
Different Abilities
Family Values for Cognitive Development
Chapter 13 • Language Development Through the
NAEYC Standards Considered in Chapter 13
Theoretical Views of Language Development
Behaviorist View of Language Development
Innatist View of Language Development
Interactionist View of Language Development
Components of Language
Early Language Development
Language Meaning
Language Rules
English Language Learners
• Brain Science: Becoming Bilingual
Second-Language Teaching Strategies
Language and the Early Childhood Curriculum
Spontaneous Language
Language Activities
Another random document with
no related content on Scribd:
mutton kidneys à la Française, 213
Oxford receipt for mutton kidneys, 214
oyster patties, 359
oyster sausages, 87
patties à la pontife and à la cardinale, 360
pork cutlets, 251
rissoles, 387
salmis of game, 292, 294
savoury croquettes of rice, 386
savoury rissoles, 387
sausages and chestnuts, 262
scallops of fowl au béchamel, 277
Sefton, a, or veal custard, 362
small pain de veau, or veal cake, 222
spring stew of veal, 224
stewed beef-steak, 189
stewed calf’s feet, 228
stewed duck, 278
stewed leg of lamb, with white sauce, 245
stewed ox-tails, 195
stewed tongue, 203
sweetbread cutlets, 227
sweetbreads, stewed, fricasseed, or roasted, 227
truffled sausages, or saucisses aux truffles, 263
veal cutlets, 225
veal cutlets or collops, à la Française, 226
veal cutlets à l’Indienne, or Indian fashion, 225
veal cutlets à la mode de Londres, or London fashion, 226
veal fricasseed, 231
minced, 230
vol-au-vent, 357
small vols-au-vents, 374
Entremets, apfel krapfen (German receipt), 373
apple cake, or German tart, 362
apple calf’s feet jelly, 464
Charlotte, 486
apple custards, 482
apple, peach, or orange fritters, 384
apple hedgehog, or Suédoise, 480
apple tarts, 363
apricot blamange, 479
arocē docē, or sweet rice à la Portugaise, 489
asparagus points, dressed like peas, 319
barberry tart, 364
Bermuda witches, 491
blamanges (various), 476-479
Entremets, Black caps, par excellence, 460
boiled custards, 481
brioche fritters, 384
buttered cherries, or cerises au beurre, 490
calf’s feet jelly, 461, 463
canellons, 385
canellons of brioche paste, 385
cauliflowers à la Française, 326
cauliflowers with Parmesan cheese, 325
Chantilly basket, 474
Charlotte à la Parisienne, 487
chocolate custard, 483
cocoa-nut cheese cakes, 371
compote of peaches, 459
compotes (various) of fruit, 457, 458
constantia jelly, 467
creamed tartlets, 375
crême à la Comtesse, or the Countess’s cream, 472
croquettes of rice, 385
croquettes of rice, finer, 386
croustades, or sweet patties à la minute, 387
cucumbers à la crême, 324
cucumbers, à la poulette, 324
currant jelly tartlets or custards, 375
custards (baked), 483
custards (various), 481, 484
dressed maccaroni, 392
fairy fancies, 368
fanchonettes, 374
forced eggs, or eggs en surprise, 447
French beans à la Française, 321
gâteau of mixed fruits, 461
gâteau de pommes, 460
gâteau de riz, 433
gâteau de semoule, 430
genoises à la Reine, 366
German puffs, 484
Gertrude à la crême, 487
green peas à la Française, 320
green peas with cream, 321
imperial gooseberry fool, 480
Italian creams, 475
jaumange, or jaune manger, 477
Jerusalem artichokes à la Reine, 338
lemon calf’s feet jelly, 467
lemon creams, 475
lemon fritters, 384
lemon sandwiches, 374
lemon sponge, 480
lemon tartlets, 372
lobster au béchamel, 89
lobster salad, 142
Louise Franks’ citron soufflé, 378
Madame Werner’s Rosenvik cheese cakes, 372
Madeleine puddings, 432
Meringue of pears, 486
Meringues, 550, 551
mincemeat fritters, 383
mince pies, 369
mince pies royal, 370
monitor’s tart, 370
moulded rice, or sago, and apple-juice, 422
mushroom-toast, 330
mushrooms au beurre, 329
Nesselróde pudding, 491
omlette aux fines herbes, 380
omlette soufflée, 381
orange calf’s feet jelly, 434
orange fritters, 384
orange isinglass jelly, 465
oranges filled with jelly, 466
pancakes, 382
pastry sandwiches, 374
plain common fritters, 381
pommes au beurre, or buttered apples, 488
potatoes à la Maître d’Hôtel, 315
potato boulettes, 314
potato fritters, 384
potato-ribbons, 313
potted meats, 303
prawns, 93
pudding-pies, 371
Queen Mab’s summer pudding,[195] 470
quince blamange, 478
ramakins à l’Ude, 375
raspberry puffs, 375
rice à la Vathek, 440
salad of lobster, 142
sea-kale, 316
sea-kale stewed in gravy, 316
scooped potatoes, 312
spinach à l’Anglaise, 317
spinach (French receipt), 316
stewed celery, 341
strawberry blamange, 477
strawberry isinglass jelly, 468
strawberry tartlets, 375
suédoise of peaches, 488
sweet carrots, 336
sweet casserole of rice, 438
sweet maccaroni, 490
Swiss cream, or trifle, 473
tartlets of almond paste, 367
tipsy cake, or brandy trifle, 474
tourte meringuée, 363
trifle (excellent), 473
truffles à l’Italienne, 331
truffles à la serviette, 331
turnips in white sauce, 334
Venetian fritters, 383
Vol-au-vent à la crême, 358
Vol-au-vent of fruit, 358
Vols-au-vent, small, à la Parisienne, 374
Epicurean sauce, 151
Eschalots, to pickle, 537
to serve with venison, 284
Eschalot sauce, mild, 127
vinegar, 152
wine, 153
Espagnole, or Spanish sauce, 100
with wine, 100
Fairy Fancies (fantaisies de fées), 368
Fanchonnettes (entremets), 374
Fancy jellies, 469
Fermentation of bread, 604
Feuilletage, or fine puff paste, 345
Figs, stewed, 492
Fillets of mackerel boiled, 71
of mackerel, fried or broiled, 71
of mackerel stewed in wine, 72
of soles, 65
of whitings, 68
Fillet of mutton, 238
of veal au béchamel, with oysters, 215
of veal, boiled, 217
of veal, roast, 216
Finnan haddocks (to dress), 74
Fish, to bake, 55
boiled, to render firm, 54
brine, for boiling, 54
best mode of boiling, 53
to choose, 48
to clean, 50
cooking, mode of, best adapted to different kinds of, 51
fat for frying, 55
to keep, 51
to keep hot for table, 56
to know when cooked, 55
to sweeten when tainted, 51
salt, to boil, 62
salt, à la Maître d’Hôtel, 63
salt, in potato-pasty, 350
shell, dishes of, 85
Flead, or fleed crust, 347
Flavouring, for sweet dishes, 456
Flounders, to boil, and fry, 75
Flour, browned, for thickening soups, &c., 131
Flour of potatoes (fecule de pommes de terre), 154
of rice, 154
Fondu, a, 379
Forced turkeys’ or swans’ eggs, 447
turkey, 268
Forcemeats, general remarks on, 156
Forcemeat balls for mock turtle, No. 11, 161
chestnut, No. 15, 162
Mr. Cooke’s for geese or ducks, No. 10, 161
good common, for veal, turkeys, &c., No. 1, 157
another good common, No. 2, 157
French, an excellent, No. 16, 163
French, called quenelles, No. 17, 163
for hare, No. 8, 160
mushroom, No. 7, 159
oyster, No. 5, 159
oyster, finer, No. 6, 159
for raised, and other cold pies, No. 18, 164
common suet, No. 4, 158
superior suet, No. 3, 158
Fourneau économique, or portable French furnace, 494, 495
Fowl, a, to bone, without opening it, 265
to bone, another way, 265
Fowl, to bone, for fricassees, &c., 266
to broil, 274
à la Carlsfors, 273
fried, à la Malabar (entrée), 276
hashed, 276
minced (French and other receipts), 277
minced, French receipt (entrée), 276
roast (French receipt), 273
to roast a, 272
scollops of, au béchamel, 278
Fowl-Guinea, to roast a, 273
Fowl, wild, 294
salmi of, 294
Fowls à la mayonnaise, 278
to bone, for fricassees, curries, and pies, 266
boiled, 274
cutlets of, English (entrée), 275
fricasseed, 275
cold, fritot of, 277
cold, grillade of, 278
French batter, for frying fruit, vegetables, &c., 130
melted butter, 109
breakfast cake, or Sally Lunn, 549
crust, for hot or cold pies, 347
receipt for boiling a ham, 258
Maître d’Hôtel sauce, 116, 117
rice pudding, 433
partridges, 290
semoulina pudding, 430
salad, 140
salad dressing, 140
salmi, or hash of game, 292
thickening, or roux, 106
beans, à la Française, 321
beans, an excellent receipt for, 322
beans, to boil, 321
Fresh herrings (Farleigh receipt for), 74
Fricandeau of veal, 223
Fried anchovies in batter, 84
bread-crumbs, 131
bread for garnishing, 131
canellons, 385
cod-fish, slices of, 61
Jerusalem artichokes, 338
mackerel, 70
parsnips, 337
potatoes, 313
salsify, 341
soles, 64
Fritters, apple, apricot, orange, or peach, 384
brioche, 384
cake, 382
lemon, 384
mincemeat (very good), 383
orange, 384
plain, common, 381
of plum pudding, 382
potato, 384
of spring fruit (rhubarb), 383
Venetian, 383
Fruit, to bottle for winter use, 522
creams, 475
en chemise, 570
isinglass jellies, 464-469
to weigh the juice of, 498
directions for preserving, 496
remarks on preserved, 493
stewed, 456-459
tart, with royal icing, 363
Frying, general directions for, 176
Galantine of chicken, 266
Galette, 557
Game, to choose, 281
directions for keeping, 281
gravy of, 289
hashes of, 292, 294
Gar-fish, to broil or bake, 77
Garlic, mild ragout of, 126
vinegar, 152
Gâteau of mixed fruits, 461
de pommes, 460
de semoule, or French semoulina pudding, 430
de riz, or French rice pudding, 433
Geneva buns, or rolls, 601
Genevese sauce, 117
Genoises à la Reine, or her Majesty’s pastry, 366
German puffs, 484
pudding, 412
pudding sauce (delicious), 413
yeast, observations on, 598
Gertrude à la Crême, 487
Gherkins, to pickle, 532
to pickle, French receipt, 533
Ginger biscuits, cheap, 560
bread, 553
bread, Acton, 552
bread, cocoa-nut, 553
bread, thick, light, 551
candy, 565
oven cakes, 552
wine (excellent), 584
Glaze, to make, 104
Glaze, to, pastry, 345
Glazing, directions for, 182
for fine pastry and cakes, 345
Goose, to deprive of its strong odour, Obs: 271
to roast, 271
to roast a green, 271
Gooseberries, to bottle for tarts, 499
dried, with sugar, 499
dried, without sugar, 501
Gooseberry jam, red, 500
jam, very fine, 500
jelly, 500, 501
paste, 501
pudding, 435, 408, 420
sauce for mackerel, 120
Grape jelly, 520
Gravies, to heighten the colour and flavour of, 96
introductory remarks on, 84
shin of beef stock for, 97
Gravy, good beef or veal (English receipt), 99
Baron Liebig’s beef (most excellent), 96
rich brown, 99
Gravy cheap, for a fowl, 101
another cheap, 102
curried, 302
Espagnole, highly-flavoured, 100
Espagnole with wine, 100
for a goose, 102
in haste, 101
jus des rognons, or kidney gravy, 101
orange, for wild fowl, 102
veal, rich, deep-coloured, 98
veal, rich, pale, or consommé, 97
for venison, plain, 99
for haunch of venison, 283
rich, for venison, 100
sweet sauce, or gravy, for venison, 100
soup, or stock, clear, pale, 10
soup, cheap, clear, 11
soup, another receipt for, 10
Gray hen, to roast, 291
Green goose, to roast, 271
mint sauce, 132
mint vinegar, 152
orange plum, preserve of, 514
peas, à la Française, 320
peas, with cream, 321
pea-soup, cheap, 40
peas-soup, excellent, 39
peas-soup, without meat, 39
Greengage jam, or marmalade, 515
Groseillée, 513
Ground rice puddings, 435
in pudding-pies, 371
Grouse, to roast, 292
salmi of, 292
Guava, English, 520
strawberry jelly, which resembles, 505
Guinea-fowl, to roast, 273
Gurnards, to dress in various ways, 74
Haddocks, baked, 73
to boil, 73
Finnan, to dress, 74
to fry, 73
Ham, to bake a, 258
to boil a, 256
to boil a (French receipt), 253
potted, excellent, 304
Hams, Bordyke receipt for, 256
to garnish and ornament in various ways, 257
to pickle, 254
superior to Westphalia (Monsieur Ude’s receipt), 255
genuine Yorkshire receipt for, 253
Hamburgh pickle, for hams, beef, and tongues, 197
another pickle, for hams, beef, and tongues, 197
Hare, to choose, 282
forcemeat for, No. 8, 160
sweet gravy for, 284
in pie, 352
potted, 307
to roast, 284
to roast, superior receipt, 285
soup, superlative, 32
soup, a less expensive, 32
stewed, 286
Haricots blancs, 338
Harrico, Norman 224
Hashed bouilli, 206
calf’s head, 213
fowl, 276
venison, 284
Hash, a, of cold beef or mutton (excellent), 205
common, of cold beef or mutton, 205
cheap, of calf’s head, 213
Norman, 206
Haunch of mutton, to roast, 234
of venison, to roast, 282
Herrings, fresh (Farleigh receipt), 74
red, à la Dauphin, 84
red, common English mode, 84
Iced pudding, Nesselrôde, 491
Ice, advantage of, for jellies, fine paste, &c., 575
Ices, observations on, 575
currant, 576
raspberry, 576
strawberry, 576
Icing, for tarts, &c., 345
white or coloured, for fine pastry, or cakes, 543
Imperatrice plums, to dry, 521
very fine marmalade of, 521
Imperial gooseberry fool, 480
Imperials, 545
Indian Burdwan, 612
common currie, 299
curried fish, 615
lobster cutlets, 611
pilaw, 614
corn, to boil, 329
Ingoldsby Christmas pudding, 416
Ingredients, which may all be used in making soups, 1
Invalid’s, the, new baked apple pudding, 608
Irish stew, 242
Isinglass to clarify, 454
jelly, Constantia, 467
jelly, orange, 465
jelly, strawberry, and other fruit, 505-508
Italian creams, 475
jelly, 470
meringues, 551
modes of dressing maccaroni, 391-393
pork cheese, 260
Jack-bottle, 170
spring, 170
Jam, apricot, or marmalade, 516
barberry, 526
cherry, 502
currant, best black, 512
currant, black, 511
currant, red, superlative, 509
currant, white, a beautiful preserve, 510
damson, 519
gooseberry, red, 500
gooseberry, very fine, 500
green gooseberry, 499
greengage, 515
of mixed fruits, 483
of Mogul plums, 515
peach (or nectarine), 518
raspberry, 506
raspberry, very good, red or white, 507
raspberry, very rich, 506
rhubarb, 498
strawberry, 504
Jaumange, or jaune manger, called also Dutch flummery, 477
Jellies, calf’s feet stock for, 453
to clarify calf’s feet stock for, 454
to clarify isinglass for, 454
fancy, 469
meat, for pies and sauces, 103
cheaper meat, 103
Jelly apple, 522
apple, exceedingly fine, 523
apple, calf’s feet, 464
barberry, 527
calf’s feet, 461, 462
calf’s feet, modern varieties of, 463
calf’s feet, strawberry, 468
lemon, calf’s feet, 467
orange, calf’s feet, 464
orange isinglass, 465
orange, very fine, 465
orange, Seville, very fine, 530
Constantia, 467
black currant, common, 511
black currant, fine, 511
currant, red, 508
currant, red, French, 509
red currant, superlative (Norman receipt), 509
currant, white, very fine, 510
damson, 519
green gooseberry, 498
ripe gooseberry, 500, 501
red grape, 520
guava, English, 520
to extract the juice of plums for, 497
mussel plum, 516
quince, 525
raspberry, 507, 508
rhubarb isinglass, 468
Siberian crab, 526
tartlets, or custards, 375
strawberry, very fine, 505
John Dories, small, baked (author’s receipt), 58
John Dory, to boil a, 58
Jewish almond pudding, 608
table, general directions for the, 609
cookery, remarks on, 606
sausage, or Chorissa, 607
smoked beef, 606
Julep, mint (American), 582
Jumbles, 556
Kale, sea, to boil, 316
stewed in gravy (entremets), 316
Kater’s, Captain, receipt for boiling potatoes, 312
Kedgerse (an Indian breakfast dish), 612
Kentish, receipt for cutting up and curing a
pig, 254
suet pudding, 407
Kidneys, mutton, à la Française, 243
mutton, to broil, 244
mutton, Oxford receipt for, 244
Kidney, beef, to dress, 204, 205
Kohl-cannon, or Kale-cannon (Irish receipt), 315
Lait, du, à Madame, 451
Lady’s, the, sauce for fish, 117
Lamb, cutlets, in their own gravy, 246
cutlets, with Soubise sauce, 216
cutlets of cold, 246
leg of, with white sauce, 245
roast loin of, 245
loin of, stewed in butter, 246
to roast a quarter of, 244
roast saddle of, 245
sauce for, 132
Landrail, to roast, 291
Lard, to melt, 248
to preserve unmelted, for many months, 248
to, a pheasant, 287
Larding, general directions for, 181
Larding-needles, 181
Lardoons, 181
Leeks, to boil, 318
Lemonade, delicious, milk, 583
excellent, portable, 583
Lemon, calf’s feet jelly, 467
creams, 475
dumplings, 421
fritters, 384
jelly, calf’s feet, 467
pickle, or catsup, 150
pudding, an excellent, 426
sandwiches, 374
sponge, or moulded cream, 480
suet pudding, 427
tartlets, 372
Lemons in mincemeat, 368, 369
to pickle, 534, 538
Lettuces, in mayonnaise of fowls, 278
stewed, 319
in salads, 140, 141
Liebig’s, Baron, directions for boiling, 53
for roasting, 171
beef gravy, 96
extract of beef, 6
Limes, to pickle, 538
Liver, calf’s, to roast, 229
stoved, or stewed, 228
Lobsters, to boil, 88
boudinettes of (author’s receipt), 92
Lobster, or crab, buttered, 89
butter, 138
cutlets (a superior entrée), 91
cutlets, Indian, 611
cold dressed, 88
fricasseed, or au béchamel, 89
hot, 89
patties, common, 359
patties, superlative, 359
potted, 90
salad, 142
sausages, 91
Luncheon cake, 555
Macaroons, almond, 544
cocoa-nut (very fine), 545
orange-flower, 544
Macaroncini, to boil and to choose, 390
Maccaroni, Genoa, to boil, 391
Neapolitan, to boil, 391
ribbon (or lazanges), to boil, 391
to choose, and other Italian pastes, 390
to dress à la Reine, 393
to dress in various ways, 392
with gravy, 392
ribbon, 391
soup, 13
sweet, 490
Mackerel, to bake, 69
baked (Cinderella’s receipt, good), 70
to boil, 69
broiled whole, 71
fillets of, boiled, 71
fillets of, broiled or fried, 71
fillets of, stewed in wine (excellent), 72
fried (French receipt), 70
stewed with wine, 72
Madeira cake, 548
Madeleine puddings, to serve cold, 432
Magnum bonum plums, to dry or preserve, 515
Mai-Trank (German), 620
Maître d’Hôtel sauce, cold, 133
sauce, French, 116
sauce, maigre, 117
sauce, sharp (English receipt for), 116
Majesty’s, her, pastry, 366
pudding, 410
Mandrang, or mandram, West Indian receipt, 323
another receipt for, 323
Mangoes, lemon, 538
peach, 534
Marmalade, apple, for Charlotte, 487
apricot, 516
barberry, 527
Imperatrice plum, 521
orange (Portuguese receipt), 527
clear (author’s receipt), 529
orange, genuine Scotch receipt for, 528
peach, 518
pine-apple, superior (a new receipt), 513
quince, 524
quince and apple, 525
Marrow bones, baked, 208
to boil, 207
Marrow, clarified, to keep, 208
vegetable, to dress in various ways, 327
Mashed, artichokes, Jerusalem, 338
carrots, 336
parsnips (see turnips), 333
potatoes, 313
potatoes, crust of, for pasty, 350
turnips (an excellent receipt for), 333
Mayonnaise, a delicious sauce to serve with cold meat, &c., 135,
French, 617
Swiss, 617
Mayor’s, the Lord, soup, 17
soup (author’s receipt for), 18
Meat, jellies for, pies, 104
pies, crust for, 347, 348
puddings, 399-401
rolls, excellent, 360
Mélange of fruit for rice-crust, 570
or mixed preserve, 513
Melon, to serve with meat, 325
sweet pickle of, to serve with roast meat (good), 534
Melted butter, 108, 109
Meringue of pears, or other fruit, 486
of rhubarb, or gooseberries, 485
Meringues, 550
Italian, 551

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