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Human & Experimental Toxicology (2001) 20, 84-89

O 2001 Amold AJI rights reserved 0960-3271/01

Trichothecene toxicity on human

megakaryocyte progenitors (CFU-MK)
R Froquet, Y Sibiril and D Parent-Massin
Laboratoire de Microbiologie et Securit6 Alimentaire, Ecole Superieure de Microbiologie et Securit6 Alimentaire de
Brest, ISAMOR, Technop6le Brest-Iroise, 29280 Plouzane, France
Trichothecenes are mycotoxins produced by various spe- toxicological studies. Trichothecenes cause, at low concen-
cies of fungi, which can occur on various agricultural trations, cytotoxic effects in megakaryocyte progenitors,
products. Among these compounds, T - 2 toxin, HT - 2 toxin, which could induce thrombocytopenia. Sensitivity of
diacetoxyscirpenol (DAS) and deoxynivalenol (DON) are human CFU-MK is compared to respective sensitivities of
the most naturally encountered and the most potent human red blood cell progenitors (BFU -E) and white blood
trichothecenes. Consumption of trichothecene contami- cell progenitors (CF-U-GM) that were described in pre-
nated foods by farm animals and humans leads to vious works. (2001) 20, 84-89.
mycotoxicosis. Trichothecenes are known to induce hae-
matological disorders such as neutropenia, aplastic anemia
and thrombocytopenia in humans and animals.
Four trichothecenes, T-2 toxin, HT-2 toxin, DAS and
DON have been tested on human platelet progenitors (CFU - Keywords: food toxicology; trichothecenes; haematotoxicity; plate-
MK) using a culture model of CFU-MK optimized for let progenitors; mycotoxins

In order to determine the origin of the haematological Trichothecene mycotoxins comprise a large group
troubles observed in trichothecene intoxication, clo- of closely related compounds designated as sesqui-
nogenic assays have been used by Parent-Massin et terpenoids. Among these compounds, T-2 and HT-2
a],1,2 Lautraite et a]3'6 and Rio et al.7 These authors toxins, diacetoxyscirpenol (DAS), deoxynivalenol
showed that human white blood cell progenitors (DON or vomitoxin) and nivalenol (NIV) are the
(CFU-GM) and red blood cell progenitors (BFU-E) most commonly detected.
are the targets of trichothecene's cytotoxic effects. In Consumption of trichothecene - contaminated foods
the present work, the sensitivity of platelet progeni- leads to severe mycotoxicosis. The three most known
tors (CFU-MiK) to trichothecenes is evaluated to human fusariotoxicoses induced by trichothecenes are
determine whether the thrombocytopenia and coagu- alimentary toxic aleukia (ATA, so named because the
lation troubles observed upon trichothecene con- number of white blood cells decreased markedly in
sumption could be related to a decrease in platelet affected patients), stachybotryotoxicosis and akakabi
progenitor proliferation. byo disease. In 1942-1947, over 10% of the population
Trichothecenes are mycotoxins produced by of Orenburg (west Siberia) were fatally affected by
various species of fungi such as Fusarium, Stachy- over-wintered millet and other kinds of cereals.
botrys, Trichothecium, Verticimasporium, Cephalospo- Thrombocytes decreased to below 5000 per cubic
rium and Cylindrocarpon.8-10 These fungi develop millimeter. The death of patients could occur during
under specific conditions of temperature and humid- this stage because of infections or haemorrhages. Some
ity.9 Trichothecenes are known as major contami- cases of human stachybotriotoxicosis have been
nants of cereals and cereal-containing foods. observed and were induced by either inhalation of
aerosols during the handling of contaminated hay and/
or direct skin contact with hay.1' They are character-
*Correspondence: D Parent-Massin, Laboratoire de Microbiologie ized by haematological disorders such as thrombocy-
et de Securit6 Alimentaire, Ecole Sup6rieure de Microbiologie et topenia, coagulation troubles, leukopenia and
S6curit6 Alimentaire de Brest, ISAMOR, TechnopBle Brest-Iroise, agranulocytosis. Akakabi byo disease was identified
29280 Plouzan6, France
Received 12 January 2000; revised 22 December 2000; accepted 7 in Asia after the ingestion of rice, wheat or oat induced
January 2001 nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, feed refusal, congestion
In vitro trichothecene haematotoxicity
R Froquet et al
and haemorrhages.12,3 These pathologies present Culture of human CFU-MK
common symptoms. Among these, the most important Human umbilical cord blood samples were col-
is the occurrence of haematological disorders respon- lected in heparinized tubes from placentas obtained
sible for leukopenia, agranulocytosis, aplastic anae- after normal deliveries. Because the cord blood
mia, thrombopenia and coagulation troubles.14,15 samples were collected from placentas destined to
Haematological troubles can be due to either a toxic be discarded after delivery, the informed consent of
effect on circulating blood cells or a decrease or a block the patients was not necessary. Light density cells
in blood cell renewal. Haematopoiesis is the general were separated by gradient density centrifugation
mechanism by which haematopoietic progenitors can (d=1.077 g ml-1). Cells were seeded at a concen-
give rise to mature blood cells of all lineages. It occurs tration of 3.3x104 cells ml-' in a semisolid
in the bone marrow. Megakaryocytopoiesis is the medium containing collagen, Kit Megacult3'-C
complex process producing platelets from megakar- (StemCell Technologies). Cultures were realized in
yocyte progenitors (CFU-MK); the process includes double-chamber slides. Each chamber contained 0.7
proliferation and differentiation of the progenitors, ml of the culture medium with cells. Human
thus allowing platelet release in the blood vessels. recombinant thrombopoietin (TPO) (50 ng ml-')
Blood platelets are small cell fragments derived from and human recombinant IL-6 and IL-3 (10 ng
megakaryocytes. The first step in megakaryocytopoi- ml-1) provided cytokine stimulation. Cultures were
esis is the prolifera-tion of megakaryocyte progenitors, incubated at 370C at 100% humidity with 5% CO2
the second is the differentiation (synthesis of platelet for 12 days.
glycoproteins, polyploidization) of megakaryocyte
precursors. Megakaryocytopoiesis polyploidization Exposure to trichothecenes
(or en-domitosis) is a process by which nuclear The exposure to chemicals was performed as pre-
division occurs without cytoplasmic separation. Only viously described.22 Trichothecenes were dissolved in
mature polyploid megakaryocytes are able to produce acetone and mixed with the culture medium before
platelets by breaking long cytoplasmic extensions in plating. Based on previous studies,3-7 four concentra-
the blood vessel. tions were tested for each mycotoxin: 10-10,
Myelotoxicity of xenobiotics, commonly measured 5x10 10, 10o- and 10-8 M for T-2 toxin
in standard animal toxicological studies, does not (MW= 466.5), 0-10, 5x10- 10, 2.5x10-9 and 10 -7
allow the identification of target haematopoietic M for HT-2 toxin (MW=424.5), 5x10-10100 -,
progenitors in the bone marrow. To eliminate this 5.3x10-9 and 10 -7 M for DAS (MW=366.4) and
drawback, in vitro clonogenic assays (CFU-GM, BFU- 10, 3.3x10-8, 7.5x10-8and 2.5x10-7 M for DON
E) have been used. Pesticides, drugs, antineoplastic (MW= 296.3).
agents, heavy metals and natural contaminants have Cultures with acetone alone and cultures without
been evaluated in these in vitro assays.1 -7,16-20 Culture solvent and without xenobiotics were also used as
conditions of CFU-MK usable in toxicology have been controls.
proposed recently by Casati et al2l and Froquet et al.22 Assays of each concentration were carried out in
In this work, T- 2 toxin, HT- 2 toxin, DAS and DON, duplicate and each experiment was performed at least
known to be very toxic for human CFU-GM and BFU- three times.
E, have been tested on human CFU-MK using the
protocol defined by Froquet et al.22 Staining procedures
Following fixation in an acetone/methanol solution
for 20 min, the slides were air dried. Megakaryocyte
Material and methods lineage cells were identified with immunocytochem-
ical staining. A primary monoclonal antibody directed
Chemicals against CD 41, a component of the glycoproteins lIb/
Trichothecenes were purchased from Sigma (St. Louis, IlIa present on the surface of megakaryocytes, was
MO). T-2 toxin (4/3, 15-diacetoxy-3a-hydroxy-8a- used. A secondary staining system utilizes an alkaline
[3 -methylbutyryloxy]-12,13 epoxytrichothec -9- ene)
- phosphatase reaction step, which is followed by a
was produced from Fusarium sp. and chromatographi- nuclear counterstain such as Evan's blue.
cally purified. DAS (4,3, 15- diacetoxy- 3a- hydroxy-
12,13 epoxy-trichothec-9-ene) was produced by Criteria of toxicity
F. sambucinum. The origins of HT-2 toxin (15-acet- CFU-MK development was scored after staining.
oxy-3a, 4/3-dihydroxy-8a -[3 me thylbutyryloxyl - Megakaryocyte lineage cells were stained pink
12,13-epoxytrichothec-9-ene) and DON (3a, 7a, whereas the nuclei were stained blue. Among the
15 -trihydroxy- 12,13 epoxytrichothec 9-en-8 -one)
- - megakaryocyte lineage cells, two main cellular types
were not specified by Sigma. could be observed: small circular cells with little blue
In vitro trichothecene haematotoxicity
R Froquet et al
nuclei and large cells with large nuclei and invagi-
nated cytoplasms. Platelets were also more numerous
in the proximity of large cells.
A colony was defined as an arrangement of at least
three cells. The inhibition due to trichothecene
exposure was expressed as a percentage of the control 5S +.CFu-GM
growth, 100% corresponding to the growth in control
dishes. Three types of colonies were differentiated + CFUUW
according to their cell number and have been defined
as large colonies (more than 50 cells), medium
colonies (from 20 to 49 cells) and small colonies
(from 3 to 19 cells).
Statistical analysis OM 10-10 5S10 M 10- M 2.2.10-M M
Different groups of mean values were compared to T-2 TOXIN CONCERMTION
control values according to the least significant Figure 1 T -2 toxin myelotoxic effects on human CFU -MK, CFU -

GM3 and BFU-E7

differences (LSD) test of the multifactor ANOVA
analysis using Statgraphic Plus for Windows (version
1.4) Effect of HT-2 toxin
All cells were destroyed in the presence of 10-7 M
HT-2 toxin. A slight decrease in the total colony
Results number was observed for 2.5x10-9 M. Taking into
account the distribution between the three types of
Results are presented in Table 1 and Figures 1-4. colonies, a shift from large colonies (51%) to
medium (136%) and small (180%) colonies was
Effect of T-2 toxin observed. In the presence of the lowest concentra-
Not a single cell was detected in the presence of 10-8 tions (5 x 10 - 10 and 10 -10 M), the growth percentage
M T-2 toxin. Only 52% of total colonies were was not affected.
observed in the presence of 10-9 M T-2 toxin. Large
colonies were more severely affected (22%) than Effect of DAS
medium and small colonies (57% and 103%, DAS was cytotoxic at 10-7 M. In the presence of
respectively). The growth percentage was more than 5.3 x 10 - 9 DAS, the total colony growth was decreased
70% for the two lowest concentrations (5 x 10-10 and to 31% compared to control, and the large colony
1010 M). A no-effect concentration could not be growth (5%) was more affected than the medium
determined. (45%). However, small colony growth percentage
Table 1 Proliferation of human CFUI-MK in the presence of T- 2 toxin, HT- 2 toxin, DAS and DON trichothecene mycotoxins. Growth is
expressed as percentage of colonies, 100% corresponding to the number of colonies in control dishes
Trichothecene Mycotoxin Growth percentage Total colonies
mycotoxins concentration (M) meon number
Small colony Medium colony Large colony Total colonies
T-2 toxin 10- 8 0 0 0 0 0
10 - 9 103 57** 22*** 52 10*** 34
5x10-10 89 76 63* 77±24* 51
10 - 10 83 65* 64* 72 14* 47
HT-2 toxin 10 -7 0 0 0 0 0
2.5x10- 180* 136* 51*** 82 11* 87
5xlO-1° 119 126 90 100 9 106
10 - 10 106 128 91 98 6 104
DAS 10 - 7 0 0 0 0 0
5.3x10-9 143 41*** 5*** 31 1*** 22
l0 - 183* 119 75 98 29 65
5x10-10 127 98 78 88 5 61
DON 2.5x10- 7 194* 82 22*** 55 20* 50
7.5x10 8 147 85 77 87 15 75
3.3x10 152 100 102 107 20 87
10 -8 115 94 102 100 19 82

***,* ** Differences statistically significant at P< 0.05, P< 0.01, P< 0.001, respectively when compared with control cultures under similar
experimental conditions.
In vitro trichothecene haematotoxicity
R Froquet et al

z u

Hf-2 TOWN CONCrNRATION Om 10-8 M 25.10-SM 3.3.10- M M751M 10-t7 M 2.510-7M

Figure 22 HT -2 toxin myelotoxic effects on human CFU -MK,, CU
GM4 and BFU-ET
Figure 4 DON myelotoxic effects on human CFU-MK, CFU-GM5
and BFU-E7

increased (143%%). Lower concentrations down to Discussion

10o- M had no effect on human megakaryocyte
progenitor proliferation, with the exception of an Each colony detected in CFU-MK cultures corre-
increase in small colony growth. sponds to one megakaryocyte progenitor. The size of
the colony, i.e., the number of cells in the colony,
Effect of DON reflects the number of mitoses entertained by the
No cytotoxic level was detected for DON. Total colony initial progenitor. T-2 toxin was cytotoxic for human
growth was decreased to 55% compared to control in megakaryocytes progenitors in the presence of 10-8
the presence of 2.5 x 10 -7 M. This decrease was M. For 10 -10 and 5x10- 10 M, 75% of CFU-MK gave
mainly observed with large colony growth that was rise to colonies. The cytotoxic concentration for HT - 2
more affected (26%). However, small colony growth toxin was equal to 10- 7 M. In the presence of
percentage increased to 139%. The three lowest 2.5x10-9 M, a decrease in large colony number
concentrations (10- 8, 3.3x10 -8 and 7.5x10 8 M) compensated by an increase in small colony number
did not show significant effects on human megakar- was observed. These results seem to reflect a
yocyte progenitors proliferation. cytostatic effect of HT-2 toxin on CFU-MK prolifera-
Platelets were observed in all treated cultures tion. Level without effect of HT-2 toxin was obtained
including those with cytotoxic concentrations of for 5x10-10 M. In the presence of 10-7 M of DAS,
mycotoxins, but they have not been scored. human CFU-MK progenitors were destroyed. The
decrease of large colonies compensated by the
increase of small colonies showed a cytostatic effect
of DAS in the presence of 5.3 x10 -9 M. DAS had no
effect when its concentration was equal to 5 x 10- 10
M. DON had no cytotoxic effects at tested concentra-
tions. In the presence of the highest concentration, a
cytostatic effect was observed.
In comparison, T-2 toxin appears to be the most
potent toxin among the four tested trichothecenes
and DON the least. DAS and HT - 2 toxin have a
similar profile of myelotoxicity. T- 2 toxin, HT- 2
toxin and DAS present an antimitotic activity
revealed by a cytostatic effect. Megakaryocytic pro-
genitors exposed to the lowest concentrations of HT-
2 toxin, DAS and DON, seem to recover their capacity
to undergo mitosis.
OM 5.tO-1OM 10-SM 510-SM 53.10-SM 10-TM These results show that human megakaryocyte
Figure 3 DAS myelotoxic effects on human CFUJ-MK, CFU-GM6 progenitors are very sensitive in vitro to trichothe-
and BFBU-E cenes. In consequence, platelet production could be
In vitro trichothecene haematotoxicity
R Froquet et al
Table 2 Toxic effects in vitro of trichothecenes on human hematopoietic progenitors: CFU - GM (white blood cells progenitors), BFU - E (red
blood cells progenitors) and CFU- MK (platelet progenitors). IC50 is defined as a statistical value corresponding to a concentration inducing
50% of growth inhibition, 100% corresponding to the number of colonies in control dishes
T-2 toxin (M) HT-2 toxin (M) DAS (M) DON (M)
CFU-MK Cytotoxic level lo- 10 10 - >2.5x 10
No effect level <10 _ 10 5x 10 -10 l-9 3.3x 10- 8
BFU-E7 Cytotoxic level lo-1 10 -1 10-7 >2.5x10 -7
No effect level 2.2x10- < 10 10 5xl0 -i 7.5x10 -8
CFU-GM3-6 Cytotoxic level 10 lo108 10-7 10-7
No effect level < 10lo 10 < lo_10 5 10-9 lo-8
IC50 2.6xlO-9 1.8xlO-9 6.2xlO-9 3.8x10-8

affected by destruction of CFU-MK due to tri- 4.5x10 -9 and 4.1x10 -9 M, respectively. In the same
chothecenes. In the presence of the lowest concen- study, the IC50 for rat stimulated spleen T cells was
tration tested, the slight of large colonies (>50 2.8x10-9 M. Data concerning the three other myco-
cells) to small colonies could induce a decrease in toxins were less numerous. BHK 21 were totally
progeny from platelet production. The number of destroyed by 2.4x10- 7 M HT-2 toxin and 2.7x10 8
megakaryocytes produced by one CFU-MK could MDAS.23Inthe presence of 25 ,ugml '(6.8x10-5M)
decrease and in consequence, platelet number DAS, chicken macrophage viability decreased to
could be less important. Taking into account these 29.6%.26 The bone marrow is rich in fat tissue and
aspects, trichothecenes could induce two types of trichothecenes are rapidly accumulated in this type of
toxic effects: a cytotoxic effect on megakaryocyte tissue. Thirty minutes after an intramuscular injec-
progenitors (CFU-MK), and a cytostatic effect tion of 1.04 mg kg -1 T-2 toxin (DL 50) in guinea pig,
causing a decrease in megakaryocyte production 3H-labelled T- 2 toxin was found in the plasma and in
and consequently in platelet. the fat tissue at concentrations of 9.2 x 10 - 8 and
Sensitivity of human CFU-MK to T-2 toxin, HT-2 117x10 -8 M, respectively.27
toxin, DAS and DON can be compared to the The strong myelotoxicity of trichothecenes shows
respective sensitivities of human BFU-E7 and CFU- that the haematological troubles observed in tri-
GM3-6 (Figures 1-4 and Table 2). The shape of the chothecene intoxication have, in part, a central origin.
dose-response curves is very similar for the HT-2 However, mycotoxins present in blood could have a
toxin, DAS and DON in the case of BFU-E and CFU- direct effect on the survival of peripheral blood cells
MK. However, a decrease of growth percentage of and could provoke neutropenia, thrombopenia and
CFU-MK is detectable for 2.5 x 10- 7 M DON. Erythro- coagulation troubles, observed in cases of severe
blastic progenitors exposed to T-2 toxin seem less intoxication. The haemolytic effect of trichothecenes
sensitive than CFU-M1K. Megakaryocyte progenitors has been demonstrated by incubating human or
are more sensitive to T-2 toxin than CFU-GM. The mouse erythrocytes under in vitro conditions
cytotoxic concentration is 10- 8 M for CFUI-MK (3 x10 -4 M T- 2 toxin) .28 The direct cytotoxic effect
compared to 10-7 M for CFU-GM. Concerning HT-2 of the toxins on white blood cells has also been
toxin, CFU-GM are more sensitive than CFU-MK. studied in vitro but only with human leukocytes.29 In
Sensitivity to DAS is very similar except for 5 x 10 -10 1984, the study by Gentry et a130 demonstrated that
M. The shape of curves obtained from CFU-GM and trichothecenes interfere with bovine blood cells and
CFU-MK cultures in the presence of DON are very coagulation. Haematopoietic progenitor sensitivity to
different. Whereas DON exhibits cytotoxic effects for trichothecenes has to be compared to human blood
2.5 x10 - 7 M on CFU-GM, CFU-MK proliferation is cell sensitivity in order to determine the kinetic origin
inhibited at 50%. T- 2 toxin was the most potent toxic and nadir of cytopenia induced by these mycotoxin
trichothecene on haematopoietic progenitors and intoxications. In consequence, further studies have to
DON was the least. be done to explore the effect of trichothecenes on
Sensitivity of other cell lineages to trichothecenes human coagulation.
had also been tested in vitro. Neoplastic cells were
sensitive to T-2 toxin. Cytotoxic concentrations were
3.5 x 10 M for B16 and K562 cells.23 HeLa cells were
destroyed at a concentration higher than 5.5 x10-7 Acknowledgement
M.23 In the presence of 10 - 8 T- 2 toxin, baby hamster
kidney cells (BHK 21) were totally destroyed.25 CTLL The Brittany Regional Council provided financial
and EL425 mouse T-cell line presented IC50 equal to support for this research.
In vitro trichothecene haematotoxicity
R Froquet et al
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