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‘A leader’s responsibility

should always be to his or

her country, not other
nations.’ Do you agree?
Yes, a leader’s responsibility should always be to his or her
country, not other nations.

1. Fulfilling the demands of other countries or international

organisations may conflict with local priorities.
2. Political leaders are accountable to the citizens who have
elected them, and are obligated to fulfil their needs.
No, a leader’s responsibility should sometimes extend to
other nations.
1. Aiding other countries may well be beneficial for our
own, or be aligned with our own interests.
2. A failure to consider the needs of other countries can
lead to negative consequences that spill over into our
3. Given the global nature of many crises facing us today,
we have a shared responsibility in collectively
addressing them.
No, a leader’s responsibility should sometimes extend to
other nations.

4. Given the interconnected nature of our world today,

mutual cooperation is often necessary or expected.
5. We may also have a moral obligation to assist other
countries in need.
Extra Resources: Article 1
I’ve included an opinion piece by Mary Obringer, who posits
that governments should prioritise their citizens’ needs.
While she brings up a few valid points, notice how a
number of her arguments go unsubstantiated or are
poorly supported, and how she relies on the strength of
her assertions.
(This is a negative example!)


Extra Resources: Article 2
This article argues that even as more countries are
questioning the need for global cooperation, it is becoming
ever more imperative due to our increased interdependence
and the global challenges that individual governments are
unlikely to overcome without joint efforts.
Caveat: this was written by IMF officials, who clearly favour greater collaboration
between countries.

We can't abandon global cooperation, but it needs an

Extra Resources: Sample Essay
I’ve also included a sample essay on this topic. What I
appreciate about the essay is its clear yet expressive writing,
relevant examples and reference to how modern day
international relations have shaped countries’

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