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A little background information might help us get to know each other a little

better. My Dad was a pastor and my Mom a teacher in middle school grade 6. I am the
only child. I lived most of my younger years in Valencia Spain, my adult years in
the States. I Lost my Wife through a Fatal accident 5 years ago!!.I Live alone with
my 12 years Old Daughter called Karen..she's in grade 6.
Being a Dad has been fantastic AND alot more work then I imagined. We have a dog
named Bingo.
In my free time I enjoy reading and sitting in front of the fire place. I do enjoy
activities outside the home but my favorite activity is spending time at home with
my family.

How big is your extended family? What are the holidays like for you and your
As for my family, I have my parents, one older brother who is married and has an 11
year old son. We rotate among our homes as to where we celebrate holidays. There is
always food, talk, laughter, and often, game playing
When do you feel most afraid?:
I feel most afraid when my physical safety is threatened - ie: hiking in the
wilderness and fearing a grizzly bear might attack, etc.
Why did you join skype?
I am hoping to meet someone with whom I want to share the rest of my life - the
good times and the bad times.
Does life look good to you right now? Describe your current emotional health.:
Life looks very good to me right now. I have been blessed with a good job, good
health, and a great church. All that is missing is someone to share my life with.
Describe your spirituality.:
I have been a Christian since age 10, growing up on a Southern Baptist church. I
have tried to live as the Lord wants me to live, but certainly have lots of room to
grow, especially in my prayer and bible reading. My relationship with the Lord
could be a lot closer, but most people that know me would consider me as
"religious" and know that I have pretty conservative values.
How would you describe your childhood relationship with your mother and/or father?:
Growing up, I was a very compliant child. I am a firstborn, so my parents were
pretty strict. However, I always respected my parents, doing as they asked, not
talking back or arguing. I was a pretty quiet and sensitive child. I was and
continue to be very close to my mother. Both of my parents are remarried. I have an
ok relationship with my father and my stepfather. I'm close to them in different
ways, but not nearly as close as to my mother
Besides love, what one trait have you noticed in couples that have maintained a
successful relationship for many years?:
Communication is very much apart of it but also acceptance of each others faults
and looking beyond them with much love.
Describe an interest you have that you would truly hope your partner could share
with you.:
The sharing of the love of Jesus Christ with others and love of music.
If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?:
That had more confidence in myself, although I've always accomplished any thing
I've set my mind to do.
If you could accomplish only one thing during the rest of your life, what would it
I think it is important to be satisfied with the life that you have and make the
most of it. So the accomplishment would be appreciating each and every day as a
Looking back at your life, describe one particular event that you wish you had
handled differently.:
Generally I find that although we all like to be Monday morning quarterbacks in
reality if we had a chance to turn back the clock for the most part we would make
the same decisions. Every decision whether good or bad brings us to the place we
are today.
Does life look good to you right now? Describe your current emotional health.:
As I look around there are so many people with incredibly difficult burdens to bear
I feel thankful for what I have and who I am.
What interests you the most?:
What are you looking for in a relationship partner?
Describe some personal habits that are important to you.:
When do you feel most afraid?:
I am most afraid when things are beyond my control and I can do nothing to stop
something from happening. I am a nurse. When things are going bad, I cannot stop
it, or when it may involve me or a loved one, I can become fearful of the "what
They say life is about simple pleasures, what is your simplest pleasure, and how
does it make you feel?:
I have lots of simple pleasures. The lst thing that came to mind probably won't
mean a lot to you, but, I will non the less say it. I love quilts. I know how to
quilt and did get involved at one point in time with making them. So, when I am not
feeling well, under the weather, I will go and retrieve a quilt, wrap or drape it
across me and I have instant security, peace and a feeling of being taken care of.
Another is planting flowers on a nice sunny day. I put on the gear, head outside
with my new purchase of flowers and work out a plan in my mind and dig in.
Literally. LOL.... I get a nice feeling of reconnecting with myself, similar to the
quilt feeling and I can think and think and plant and plant......and think some
more ....its a nice warm happy feeling.
Tonight you can do anything you want, no penalties, no reprisals, and the cost is
unimportant. What are you going to do?:
Tonight, tonight...hummm...I am going to get on a plane, head to someplace where
there is an ocean, somewhere I have never been before, have a tour guide to help me
navigate the native land, maybe like Hawaii, and since the cost is no factor, will
reside at the finest prettiest layed out place with someone to bring me supper,
then massage, then tuck me in with the TV on. I will relax, and be ready for a
pampering with nails, hair and hopefully attend the fire throwing show tomorrow
night if I am still there. (Silly huh?) By the way, do you have a picture to
post?????? I would like to see you and I have mine posted for you....Thank you in
advance, have a nice evening.....(((SMILE))))
What do you most like to do on a day off?:
I love to relax, shopping and sightseeing. Maybe go on a weekend mini trip or to a
sporting event or Christian concert or Church function. Really it is what we as a
couple decide works for us. For instance, you may like to play golf on Saturday's
and I might just putter around the house cleaning or reading.
Besides love, what one trait have you noticed in couples that have maintained a
successful relationship for many years?:
Respect for one another and a high regard for their mate.
Looking back on your life, of what are you most proud?:
I suppose proud is a word that could apply to many events--a friend used it to show
her toddler how pleased she was that he learned to eliminate bodily wastes into the
proper container by saying, "Proud, proud, proud!" I'm proud of my wonderful
daughter and her accomplishments. I'm proud of a neighborhood where I sold homes to
some terrific people who are managing to bring some security to their families. I'm
proud of a school where I was pleased to be involved in helping with scholarships
for well-deserving students. Personally, I was a scholarship student with honors in
What is the one dream for your life you most look forward to having come true?:

What interest you the most:

personnel hygiene,being with someone that really cares for me for the person that I
am. and going to church at least on Sunday morning. and being able to Love God,
because he has done so much for
Describe some personal habits that are important to you.:
personal hygiene, getting enough rest at night, dressing decently according to how
I look in my clothes ,singing(mostly in Church) spending time with family and
Describe the worst date you've ever been on.:
i really don't have any answer to that except in HS i remember I ask the worst
looking guy to a saddiehawkins dance and spent the entire evening in the lady's
bathroom. the other was when a guy took me to a drive in movie and i feel asleep
the whole evening after working two jobs. other then that i haven't really dated at
all since my late husband passed away in 2003
What do you most like to do on a day off?:
In the summer it is to go swimming or rather float around in the pool with a good
book to read and a cool drink. I like to play volleyball, read, visit with family
and friends, movies, or dining out.
If you could accomplish only one thing during the rest of your life, what would it
Getting in good enough shape to get to the top of one of the fourteenths without
severe injury to myself.
What do you find physically attractive? :
Tall, dark and handsome, of course, but I firmly believe that beauty or
handsomeness comes from the inside, not the outside package, so I do not believe in
judging a person mainly by their physical attributes or lack thereof. I have a
problem with people who say they are only attracted to "very attractive people" by
the world's standards. While that may be a very honest answer, I think it probably
is more telling about their values. The most outwardly handsome man that I have
ever met was many years ago and within a half hour, he had offended almost everyone
in the office. It was a good lesson to learn on skin deep only beauty. Sorry I got
on that soapbox.
What do you like about your body or appearance:
Hmmm...People say I have beautiful eyes.....So, I guess that they are right. The
rest of me is OK I guess...You know that women are totally critical of themselves's hard for us to say what we "like" about ourselves..
Are you doing what you love? If not, what would you rather be doing?:
Yes- I love my job.... Yes- I love spending time with my child No- Right now I'm
sitting at a computer and typing...I would much rather be with someone special
Describe the worst date you've ever been on.:
Sorry- The last "date" I was on was wayyyyyyy long ago.
How important is it to you that your partner fulfill traditional gender roles?
Would you like a woman who will cook, shop and keep house? Would you like a man who
maintains the cars, manages the finances, and is handy around the house?:
Living on my own and having to be responsible for everything for over 15 years (my
younger sisters used to live with me), I am looking forward to getting some relief
in sharing some of the household responsibilities, such as car maintenance, lawn
care, and of course I appreciate having a handyman around! I don't mind sharing the
kitchen either, and I will gladly turn over grocery shopping to anyone who enjoys
it. I look forward to not going outside of the home to work (I am trying to develop
a home-based business) and being a partner, best friend, housewife, lover, and
When do you feel most afraid?:
Rarely. I am most afraid when I believe that I have done something wrong or
unintentionally put myself in a dangerous place or position, and that is when I
pray earnestly. An example would be falling asleep at the wheel and waking up in
the wrong lane facing oncoming traffic.
Describe your own personal style.:
I am more of a classic feminine style, and I take pride in being appropriately
dressed for all occasions. When I go deer hunting or horse riding, for instance, I
will dress in layered warm clothes, which I would not be afraid of ripping or
getting dirty (and there is nothing feminine about them). For a square dance,
Western or Country would be the style. At work, I like to dress in professional
attire unless the culture or environment dictates otherwise. In the summer, I
prefer long dresses or skirts to shorts or jeans--they are cooler and very
comfortable. My favorite womens fashion eras are the 40s and 50s.

What is the one dream for your life you most look forward to having come true?:
I sincerely desire to have a life partner that I can love and be loved with. (is
that a complete sentence?) I think you can see that I am alluding to a romantic,
responsible relationship, not a school girl type of crush or infatuation. I want
someone to laugh and have fun with, but who is atune and caring about the families
we each bring into the mix. Someone who can share and who is willing to work toward
a successful relationship.
show, shopping, museum, or just nowhere in particular. Would need to be a mutual
agreement what to do and where to go. Some of my most favorite memories of days off
were spur of the moment day trips with friends.
Looking back at your life, describe one particular event that you wish you had
handled differently.:
The event I most regret was reprimanding my parents for "interfering" with my life
when I first started dating at age 17. I thought I had the world by the tail and
ended up hurting my parents terribly. I have apologized and apologized over the
years, but that memory and how I speak to anyone, especially if I am angry, is very
carefully worded. I do not say anything that will hurt anyone purposely and only
say how I view the situation without trying to blame the other person. My parents
always taught me that it takes 2 to argue and 2 to make up.
What are your general feelings about money and personal wealth?:
Hmmmm, well money is a necessity for basic living expenses and to help people in
need. I consider personal wealth in the wonderful family and friends I have who
have been there for me through good and bad times.!!!! I would hope that my special
Woman would be able to financially support herself just as I can financially
support myself. Money does not make a relationship, but depending on one salary
when both people in the relationship are able to work and one chooses not to, well
I will admit that I would have a problem with that.
What do you find physically attractive? :
Physical attraction is difficult to quantify... probably a mixture of confidence
that comes through in the way a person carries himself, as well as a degree of
interest in how one presents himself. I like someone who is as comfortable in a
tuxedo as he is dressed to go camping. Fair to say I don't like mustaches and I
can't remember when I've fallen head over heels for someone with a beard. I could
tolerate the unshaven look from time to time. I don't care if someone is bald or
has a head full of hair. I like a gentleman. I think people feel better when they
are physically fit and clothes fit better. I like it when a man wears clothes that
fit. Show me a man who can cut the rug and I would almost always step onto the
dance floor with him.
What are your political beliefs?:
I'm a registered Democrat. I am fiscally conservative and socially liberal. I
believe in being active in public policy -- locally, nationally, and
internationally. I am drawn to individuals who take stands on policy issues. I have
worked on environmental causes such as smoking bans and hazardous waste disposal. I
am particularly interested in a national health care plan, believing it should be a
priority for America. I am a strong peace advocate, adamantly opposed to the war in
Iraq. I have campaigned vigorously for campaign finance reform in New York State. I
believe there should be public financing of campaigns.I am opposed to the death
Why did you join eHarmony?:
I joined eHarmony to maximize my chances of finding a partner who would like to
create a family. At my age this would most likely mean adoption. I have seriously
considered foreign adoption
What is the most adventuresome thing you've done in the past year?:
I would have to say graduating with my Bachelor's in early Aug and jumping into my
Master's at the end of Aug and carrying 3 grad classes and then jumping into a full
time teaching position in October with those three that's
How important is it to you that your partner fulfill traditional gender roles?
Would you like a woman who will cook, shop and keep house? Would you like a man who
maintains the cars, manages the finances, and is handy around the house?:
For the most part those roles are fine with me but there are also many men that are
wonderful cooks and women that can and often do, handle the finances and are handy
around the house. It comes down to what you as a couple agree what works for you.
It is part of the adjust and compromise and growing together...not competing.
Following what GOD has planned for you and the succession of authority He as
clearly laid out.
What do you most like to do on a day off?:
I love to relax, shopping and sightseeing. Maybe go on a weekend mini trip or to a
sporting event or Christian concert or Church function. Really it is what we as a
couple decide works for us. For instance, you may like to play golf on Saturday's
and I might just putter around the house cleaning or reading.
Describe a typical work day in the life of you and your married partner. Describe a
typical play day the same way.:
You are funny. These are my own questions. Work day. Get up, maybe exercise, maybe
not. Make a pot of coffee. Discuss the plans for the day with everyone, maybe watch
the news or read the to do list from the night before. Shower. Get on the
computer,work work work, sell sell sell, run whatever errands need to happen. Talk
on the phone about dinner plans. Get back together at the end of the day, after
picking up my son at school and running him to his sports activities. Have a nice
dinner and watch some TIVO. Go to bed to start it all over again next day. Play
day- get up early, watch the sunrise, maybe do some gardening or playing in the
outdoors, go for a walk, go for a drive, do something fun or different, or stay
home and cuddle. All depends on everyone's mood and what the menu of opportunities
You have just come to the end of a great dinner party with lots of friends. It was
terrific fun. The kitchen is a mess and its late at night. The garbage can is
overflowing. What do you do next?:
If I'm tired, maybe soak a few dishes to make the work lighter next day. I really
hate waking up to a lot of the previous day's work. I'd be inclined to try to get
it done, HOPEFULLY with a partner to assist. However, if the partner told me he was
going to take care of it for me the next day, I would HAPPILY go to bed early and
not stress about it. But promises made should be promised kept. If they aren't, I'm
out of there.
Where do you see yourself and your live in 1 year? in 5 years? What is your view of
retirement and what does that look like?:
I love where I live right now. On a big hilltop, surrounded by woods and flowers
and wildlife. A little wild and wooly - I had to buy a Polaris to do my own snow
plowing since the driveway is too scary for most of those he-man who drive trucks
with plows. I look forward to building two additions to the place where I live -
one with more bedrooms and bathrooms for the 'youngsters' (many of them early 20s
and students) to come and stay - and the other addition a conservatory with large
fireplace. A wonderful all glass room where the fullness of nature's glory can be
enjoyed. Retirement - I plan to stay as active as possible as long as possible. I
don't like the idea of shriveling up in pain or from inactivity..... Take each day
as it comes.
What is the most adventuresome thing you've done in the past year?:
I have not done much this past year except to move to NC for three months then
moved back to TN so I did not have time to go anywhere to do anything
How big is your extended family? What are the holidays like for you and your
I have four children and eleven grandchildren. I spend most of the holidays with my
three children and grandchildren in Tennessee but travel on Thanksgiving to North
Carolina to my youngest daughters.
What is the most spontaneous thing you have ever done?:
After having surgery I drove to Kansas to see my son when he was stationed at Fort
How important is it to you that your partner fulfill traditional gender roles?
Would you like a woman who will cook, shop and keep house? Would you like a man who
maintains the cars, manages the finances, and is handy around the house?:
It's nice to have communication and the ability to step up to what needs to be
accomplished regardless of gender. But then I don't mind having the door opened for
Tonight you can do anything you want, no penalties, no reprisals, and the cost is
unimportant. What are you going to do?:
I have no idea. I'm not much of a fiction writer.
If you could accomplish only one thing during the rest of your life, what would it
This is hard. There is so much that I want to do. I think I would like to travel
around the world visiting orphanages and providing the kids with necessities, love
and hope.
Describe some personal habits that are important to you.:
Stimulating my mind by reading a variety of books on a variety of subjects.
In general, how many nights a week do you go out for entertainment? What sorts of
things do you like to do when you go out on the town?:
Just one, watch sporting events, go to concerts or coffee houses. Have dinner with
Tell me about your closest friend. How long have you known him/her; and what do you
like best about him/her?:
She is a Nurse and we both share a great love of animals and work hard to make
money through fundraiser for our local animal shelter. We have been friends for
over 17 years we met where I work. She has a great sense of humor and is a very
giving and caring person.
Describe an interest you have that you would truly hope your partner could share
with you.:
I love to run. My goal is to run two marathons a year. It would be so wonderful if
someone could do this with me.
If you had three wishes, what would they be?:
1: be in a loving marriage, 2: have children, 3: I'll hold on to that wish for
another day.
What are you looking for in a relationship partner?:
Someone who can hold their own. Also willing to share time and interests with me.
I'm looking for someone open to love.
What do you most like to do on a day off?:
It seems my days off are usually spent doing things around the house. There is
frequently too much to do and to little time. Without pressing "must dos," a great
day off would be time spent with people I care about. Perhaps a picnic during the
spring or summer, a long ride to view fall foliage, a trip to Amish country, an
afternoon game of mini golf and a stop for ice cream, live theater . . . there are
lots of great things to do. The fun part is combining great company with an
enjoyable activity.
What are your general feelings about money and personal wealth?:
Money is a resource like any other. God provides it and expects us to use it wisely
for His glory. I am able to be content when my basic needs are met. I am not
impressed by money or what it can buy most of the time. I'm in ministry, so that's
probably a good thing. It's more important to me to enjoy what I'm doing than to
have a high-paying position. I'd rather spend money to bless others or do kingdom
work than have a big house or fancy car. That's not to say that I don't
occasionally buy things I don't need or spend money for recreation (vacation,
movies, etc.) I do include those items in my budget. I also believe it's wise to
plan for the future and save for emergencies and retirement.
What have you learned from past relationships?:
I haven't had all that many previous relationships, but I have learned a few things
along the way: Take your time and get to know one another. Listen carefully. Don't
make assumptions. Words can wound--use them carefully. Words are important--actions
are more important and more revealing of a person's heart and character. Meet each
other's friends and family early on. Honesty is not optional. Trust is essential.
We're all individuals--and we're all different. Communication is key to
building/maintaining a healthy relationship. Good communication can be hard work.
The Lord has to be at the center of the relationship. Some of my past relationship
mistakes have been because I've chosen to leave blinders on and see problems that
are right in front of me. Others have been because I've selfishly been concerned
about my needs without even realizing what his needs were. Thankfully, I've learned
from these and hope not to repeat them.
Describe your spirituality.
Well i go to church actively and also i am some what spiritual but i don't go
around telling people how they should live their Life...No one is perfect,Who is??
During a typical week, what sort of physical activities do you enjoy?:
I like to go for walks and when the weather is really nice I enjoy going for bike
rides. I am not much of a team sport player though I have been told that I have a
good serve for volleyball but the rest of my volleyball game pretty much stinks.
Describe your parents' relationship with each other.:
My father died when I was eight and my mother has not married again. I believe that
they had a good and loving relationship. Anything my mother has ever said about my
dad has shown me that she loved him very much and that he loved her.
If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?:
I think it would be my tendency to procrastinate on things that I need to do at
home. I am very focused at work and so when I am home, I tend to be very laid back.
What do you most like to do on a day off?:
It seems my days off are usually spent doing things around the house. There is
frequently too much to do and to little time. Without pressing "must dos," a great
day off would be time spent with people I care about. Perhaps a picnic during the
spring or summer, a long ride to view fall foliage, a trip to Amish country, an
afternoon game of mini golf and a stop for ice cream, live theater . . . there are
lots of great things to do. The fun part is combining great company with an
enjoyable activity.
What are your general feelings about money and personal wealth?:
Money is a resource like any other. God provides it and expects us to use it wisely
for His glory. I am able to be content when my basic needs are met. I am not
impressed by money or what it can buy most of the time. I'm in ministry, so that's
probably a good thing. It's more important to me to enjoy what I'm doing than to
have a high-paying position. I'd rather spend money to bless others or do kingdom
work than have a big house or fancy car. That's not to say that I don't
occasionally buy things I don't need or spend money for recreation (vacation,
movies, etc.) I do include those items in my budget. I also believe it's wise to
plan for the future and save for emergencies and retirement.
What have you learned from past relationships?:
I haven't had all that many previous relationships, but I have learned a few things
along the way: Take your time and get to know one another. Listen carefully. Don't
make assumptions. Words can wound--use them carefully. Words are important--actions
are more important and more revealing of a person's heart and character. Meet each
others friends and family early on. Honesty is not optional. Trust is essential.
We're all individuals--and we're all different. Communication is key to
building/maintaining a healthy relationship. Good communication can be hard work.
The Lord has to be at the center of the relationship. Some of my past relationship
mistakes have been because I've chosen to leave blinders on and see problems that
are right in front of me. Others have been because I've selfishly been concerned
about my needs without even realizing what his needs were. Thankfully, I've learned
from these and hope not to repeat them.
In general, how many nights a week do you go out for entertainment? What sorts of
things do you like to do when you go out on the town?:
I go to church 3 times a week. I volunteer at another local church doing a
wonderful christian kids club called AWANA, which stands for Approved Workman Are
Not Approved. I also volunteer at a local fire hall to help them to make the money
they need to keep doing the job they are doing for the community. If I do go out,
it is mostly to see friends or family. Sometimes I go out with friends to dinner, a
movie either rent one or go to the cinema, shopping, it all depends. If I had a
romantic type of date, then the sky is the limit. I like simple as well as more
romantic. I'm open for most anything as long as it didn't interfere with getting
enough sleep for church. I love to go have fun, share laughter, go and have a
relaxing time with someone that I care about.

If you had three wishes, what would they be?:

First of all, I would wish for all the people of the world to get saved and not go
to a devil's Hell. I hate the thought of people being there forever. A very sad
thought. I know that some will perish. Our God is in charge of these things. He
knows what is best. But you asked for my wishes. This is one of them. For people to
get along and more cooperative with each other. I'd like to see marriages get to be
a better quality than what they seem to be today. I'd love to see kids growing up
in 2 parent families where they are well taken care of and feel very secure. I like
people to be happy. I would love my "Princess Charming" to come and sweep me up and
carry me off to our home and live very happily. I would make Her feel like a
"Queen" as he made me her"king". Kinda like a fairy tale, but it is always
possible! "Princess Charming" will feel like a million bucks if She has me at Her
When do you feel most afraid?:
I know that we are to trust in the Lord for everything, but as a single parent, I
have had some fears about how the future would work out for my children as they
were growing up. It wasn't always easy to provide everything that was needed. We
always had enough, don't get me wrong. But things were very tight at times. My
children were raised in a christian home environment, and have turned away from
what they have been taught since they are both very strong willed children. I
believe what the bible says is true and that they will one day return to their
christian roots. Only the Lord knows if they are truly saved. I pray that their
salvation is real. Them dying and going to Hell is very scary to me. Most of my
family is unsaved as well and will not listen to witnessing.

What do you most like to do on a day off?:
On a day off I really enjoy relaxing or doing something special with family
and friends. If there were a special man in my life I would enjoy a day trip to
a hot rod car
Besides love, what one trait have you noticed in couples that have
maintained a successful relationship for many years?:
Respect for one another and a high regard for their mate.
Looking back on your life, of what are you most proud?:
I suppose proud is a word that could apply to many events--a friend used it
to show her toddler how pleased she was that he learned to eliminate bodily
wastes into the proper container by saying, "Proud, proud, proud!" I'm
proud of my wonderful daughter and her accomplishments. I'm proud of a
neighborhood where I sold homes to some terrific people who are managing
to bring some security to their families. I'm proud of a school where I was
pleased to be involved in helping with scholarships for well-deserving
students. Personally, I was a scholarship student with honors in music.
What is the one dream for your life you most look forward to having come
I sincerely desire to have a life partner that I can love and be loved with. (is
that a complete sentence?) I think you can see that I am alluding to a
romantic, responsible relationship, not a school girl type of crush or
infatuation. I want someone to laugh and have fun with, but who is atune
and caring about the families we each bring into the mix. Someone who can
share and who is willing to work toward a successful relationship.
When do you feel most afraid?:
I am most afraid when things are beyond my control and I can do nothing to
stop something from happening. I am a nurse. When things are going bad, I
cannot stop it, or when it may involve me or a loved one, I can become fearful
of the "what if's".
They say life is about simple pleasures, what is your simplest pleasure, and
how does it make you feel?:
I have lots of simple pleasures. The lst thing that came to mind probably
won't mean a lot to you, but, I will non the less say it. I love quilts. I know
how to quilt and did get involved at one point in time with making them. So,
when I am not feeling well, under the weather, I will go and retrieve a quilt,
wrap or drape it across me and I have instant security, peace and a feeling of
being taken care of. Another is planting flowers on a nice sunny day. I put on
the gear, head outside with my new purchase of flowers and work out a plan
in my mind and dig in. Literally. LOL.... I get a nice feeling of reconnecting
with myself, similar to the quilt feeling and I can think and think and plant
and plant......and think some more ....its a nice warm happy feeling.
Tonight you can do anything you want, no penalties, no reprisals, and the
cost is unimportant. What are you going to do?:
Tonight, tonight...hum mm...I am going to get on a plane, head to someplace
where there is an ocean, somewhere I have never been before, have a tour
guide to help me navigate the native land, maybe like Hawaii, and since the
cost is no factor, will reside at the finest prettiest layed out place with
someone to bring me supper, then massage, then tuck me in with the TV on. I
will relax, and be ready for a pampering with nails, hair and hopefully attend
the fire throwing show tomorrow night if I am still there. (Silly huh?) By the
way, do you have a picture to post?????? I would like to see you and I have
mine posted for you....Thank you in advance, have a dsdsdsd nice
During a typical week, what sort of physical activities do you enjoy?:
Tonight you can do anything you want, no penalties, no reprisals, and the cost is
unimportant. What are you going to do?:
If I were with my special I'd just want to spend time alone with him and would make
the most of our time together.But if not watch out River kings game here I come!
How would you describe your childhood relationship with your mother and/or father?:
My daddy has always been the one person other then my daughter that I look up to!I
was always daddy's little girl!Mom......well all I can say is that God made her my
mom and so I love her as such.I am truly glad that my daughter and I have a better
relationship then that!We are very close.
What are your general feelings about money and personal wealth?:
Personally I feel it is good to be debt free and not have to put money at a high
priority. I haven't got to that place yet but am striving for it.
Are you doing what you love? If not, what would you rather be doing?:
I am recently disabled from an accident at work and will most likely not return for
awhile. This has given me the opportunity to consider what I'd like to do and I
will be going back to school to finish my degree in one of the caring/helping
fields as that is what I would rather do.
How do you act when you're angry?:
I am pretty patient and kind but when I do get angry I usually like to talk about
it. If it something like the news reporting someone putting their baby in the
microwave I usually cry and pray. Once in a while I will wad up paper and try to
make baskets as a release to anger
How would you spend a romantic evening with someone you have been dating for more
than one year?:
So many possibilities. Just a nice dinner and watching a movie can be romantic to
me. Maybe a candle light dinner with some tulips on the table then a slow dance nad
cuddling by a fire.
Looking back at your life, describe one particular event that you wish you had
handled differently.:
Oh, wow, just one? I can't think of a specific one but I know there have been times
when I would say or do things that I would wish I hadn't done or said. I didn't do
these things on purpose, just a case of not thinking before hand.
Why did you join Eharmony?:
I joined Eharmony because it was something I had never done before. I am out of my
comfort zone doing this so I thought it would be good for me. Also, I like to meet
new people and who knows maybe I will met the man God has for me.
During a typical week, what sort of physical activities do you enjoy?:
I workout with my Child 3 nights a week.
Tonight you can do anything you want, no penalties, no reprisals, and the cost is
unimportant. What are you going to do?:
I would like to go to the beach or somewhere with snow for a relaxing dinner.
What are your general feelings about money and personal wealth?:
I think a persons feelings is a lot more important than money because you can't
always have money but you always have your feelings.
What are your political beliefs?:
Pro-life Pro-family I believe we were founded on a belief in God. I believe prayer
and Bible reading should be allowed back in the school system. I understand the
need for the war I vote for the man and/or woman based on their morals not
political party
Are you doing what you love? If not, what would you rather be doing?:
For the last 26 years I have been working in Christian Day cares/Schools. I have
enjoyed everything from teaching children, driving the bus, running the Daycare and
now cooking. Cooking allows me to be around children without being in charge of a
class or responsible for the day to day running of a daycare. I am enjoying the
change of pace. I found I needed it so I would have more for my kids at the end of
the day. I enjoy my work, the only thing I would enjoy more is to be a stay at home
mom. My kids are growing up so fast and I feel that I am missing so much. By the
way my kids are all adopted. I have been a single mom for the last 8 years.
Describe your ideal man/woman.:
My ideal man... wow that is a hard one. Much of what I believe makes an ideal man
is based on my Dad's character. Well here goes... except for the first one in no
particular order: Christian, head of the spiritual family Head of the finances Head
of the household, Strong leader Kind, gentle, easy going Firm but loving with
children Willing to admit to mistakes Romantic Is true to his beliefs Helps around
the home not afraid of "woman's" work Good listener Patient, understanding Enjoys
time alone with me Plays with the kids Is not afraid of tears Enjoys having fun
Puts God first then family then others then work My time is almost up so I better
stop and send this before I lose my answers...
What is one thing you could start doing today that would most improve the quality
of your life?:
Is this a trick question? I guess if I knew it would improve the quality of my
life, I think I would be doing it (hopefully). Maintaining my relationship with God
and spending quality time with Him is the only thing that really comes to mind.
Because, no matter what else you do or have, if you don't have Him, in the long
run, it just won't matter.
How would you spend a romantic evening with someone you have been dating for more
than one year?:
Cooking dinner together, eating by candlelight (preferably outside). Followed by a
motorcycle ride or a long walk. Ending with some cuddling time spent while watching
a movie or listening to music.
Does life look good to you right now? Describe your current emotional health.:
Life looks great to me. I am a happy, emotionally stable individual, who doesn't
need someone to complete me. I am a complete and whole person on my own. I have had
my ups and downs and have come to realize that if you rely on God and His strength,
that He is never changing and he will lead you down the best path for you, as He is
always looking out for your best interest and he can see the whole picture.
In general, how many nights a week do you go out for entertainment? What sorts of
things do you like to do when you go out on the town?:
I work two jobs so I do not go out a lot. I would probably go to the movies or
dinner, our town does not offer many choices. I love theater, museums, laser tag! I
would search out what is happening in the area and look for special events. I think
sporting events are much fun too! I would also attend a church function if we had
something special planned
Describe your own personal style.:
I look good in jeans and a t-shirt or fabulous in an evening gown. I can throw a 3
year old b-day party or host a gala black tie event. I am versatile and so is my
clothing. I dress for the occasion, I like my clothes to fit well and I like to
look my best. I keep my hair up to date, my nails manicured, my leg waxed and my
toenails polished!
Describe your ideal man/woman.:
Someone who can live their life according to the Bible and discuss values,
disagreements, wrong etc with class and without put downs or anger.
How do you act when you're angry?:
I don't get angry much, I think it is an ugly emotion. I like to try and talk tings
Describe the worst date you've ever been on.:
Dinner and a movie with a man who thought I was going to be his play toy. He tried
shoving his tongue don my neck in the movie and then to disrobe me in the parking
lot afterward. To his dismay NOTHING happened and I threatened him with assault and
rape charges.
If you could do something totally out of character and remain anonymous what would
you do?:
Wow, this is quite a question. I would like to tell some parents off. I would like
to point out to some people how their decisions have adversely affected their
children. I would also like to show them how their selfish decisions have hurt and
are continuing to hurt their children. And last, I would like to go up to some who
have something to say about everything and tell them to get a life.
If they were making a movie about your life, what would it be called and which
actor would play you?:
I would love the person from the Facts of life to play me. Don't worry, not
"Blair", but rather "Joe". She played a TV cop on a lifetime series not too long
ago also. Sorry, I can't think of her real name. The name of the movie could be
titled Beyond Reason. I think I have had an interesting and strange life. Most
recently I have fought for my fathers life. About 2 years ago we were told that my
father was suffering from strokes and would not live. I was sure that they were
wrong and I finally made my mom a Dr apt just so I could get one last talk in with
the Dr's. Finally, while on his death bed, my dad's Dr came in a said that they had
made an error and that my dad had a tumor that had now taken over most of his
brain. Treatment and Dr were changed and then I had to battle the ins. co. to get
my dad the care he deserved.I won. Only God could have orchestrated such things. We
didn't understand anything, it was all beyond reason. It was faith that God had it
all under control.
Describe the worst date you've ever been on.:
I have never had a bad date - I have had some interesting dates, but I never had a
true bad date! I guess it is because I won't go out with someone I don't know and
don't have anything in common with so there has always been some kind of a base.
When do you feel most afraid?:
When my children are in harms way.
What do you find physically attractive? :
Good question. I think amongst things a great smile and honestly that twinkle in
the eye that comes from confidence in their faith. I'm not terribly picky when it
comes to physical appearance. Each person was beautifully and wonderfully made.
Tell me about your closest friend. How long have you known him/her; and what do you
like best about him/her?:
My closest friend is Kim. She and I met when I moved to her town in 1978. We were
in the 4th grade. We have been pretty much inseparable since. She has been there
through dating, marriage, birth, divorce and now dating again. She has been an
accountability partner and knows me better then anyone. She lives about 4 hours
away but we still stay in touch and hold each other up in prayer.
How do you act when you're angry?:
I tend to be a clam when I am angry. I very seldom explode at the person who has
angered me. I will hold it in and then go find a reliable friend I can talk to and
let off steam. I generally do not lose my temper. But it totally depends on
situation and person now doesn't it? I can't remember the last time I blew up at
someone. I have gone back to that person afterward and explained things without
getting angry. Am I making any sense?
If you could do something totally out of character and remain anonymous what would
you do?:
I don't know. I can't think of any hidden desires. Anything that I can think of
that would be out of character for me would also be a sin in God's eyes. Now you
are probably wondering what I am thinking of .. well you can keep on wondering.
If they were making a movie about your life, what would it be called and which
actor would play you?:
Well, why in the world would anyone want to make a movie of my life or even watch
it? Let's just say Hollywood ran out of ideas and settled for my normal life. I'd
like it to be called:.... Hmm.. i am thinking... lots of things come to mind.. the
woman inside, the difference maker, the impossible dream, tigers #1 fan, nothing
sounds like a good title. Who would play me? I don't know. Why is this question
even here? Is it just to make me think? I am not going to ramble anymore.
Besides love, what one trait have you noticed in couples that have maintained a
successful relationship for many years?:
I would have to say trust you can always tell how happy and comfortable they are
with each other and I feel that comes with trust.
What is the one dream for your life you most look forward to having come true?:
To see my children grown and happy and see my grandchildren born and saved.
How big is your extended family? What are the holidays like for you and your
I only have 1 sister left both of my brothers have passed away. But holidays are
still a blast my one nieces is married with twin 2-years girls so all hoildays go
hand and hand with spending time with the babies
What do you find physically attractive? :
A man who is self confident and sure of himself. has a real love for Jesus and
serves Him well.
How would you spend a romantic evening with someone you have been dating for more
than one year?:
I really honestly don't know, it depends on how you define romantic. I see romance
in a man opening a door for a lady, and gently guiding her as they walk together.
Standing on the beach as the sun goes down or comes up. Its not what you do but who
you are with.
Describe your spirituality.:
I love my precious Savior first and foremost. I enjoy going to church, and serving
the Lord.
What do you think are the three best traits you have to offer a partner?:
Honesty, faithfulness and ready and willing to communicate.
Does life look good to you right now? Describe your current emotional health.:
Yes, life is good. Emotionally I am doing good, still recovering from the loss of
my fiance. He died end of Sept 2006 and our wedding was end of Oct 2006. He would
want me to move on and be happy.
Describe your spirituality.:
I believe in God, pray and thank him daily for all my blessings. I do consider
myself Christian, although I do not regularly attend church. I believe in miracles
and he makes them possible.
How big is your extended family? What are the holidays like for you and your
I have three brothers and a young lady who while not blood born has been "adopted"
by our family and I consider my sister. I have 19 nieces and nephews the oldest in
her third year of college and the youngest turns two in July. Holidays are a
wonderful kind of chaos. We try to all get together but it is not always possible
as my older brother lives in Michigan. We are a very close, very loving family. My
brothers and sister are my best friends.
Does life look good to you right now? Describe your current emotional health.:
Life always looks good to me. I believe my life is a gift from God to be
appreciated and lived to its fullest. I am an eternal optimist and do my best to
see the best in people and situations.
How do you act when you're angry?:
To be truthful, I don't really get angry. I find it a useless emotion that tends to
rip apart relationships and testimonies. When I do get annoyed I tend to get quiet
and give my self some time to reflect and check what it is I am really upset about.
If it is indeed something valid, then I do my best to address the issue with
whomever I am in disagreement.
During a typical week, what sort of physical activities do you enjoy?:
I love to ride my bike.... if the weather is lousy, I have a trainer that I can set
my bike up on.
Describe your own personal style.:
I like to dress up for Church, I wear jeans and such to work, don't want to ruin my
good clothes. I dress up a lot in formals for Eastern Star, (a fraternal
organization I belong to) but I am just as comfortable in any of the above.
Tell me about your closest friend. How long have you known him/her; and what do you
like best about him/her?:
WOW... My best friend (I have a couple) my cousin Trudy (we were born 3 weeks
apart). She is an awesome prayer partner, and has a very deep love for Christ! She
is a dedicated warrior.

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Gen David Rodriguez

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I m feeling so happy,
do you know why?
cause i m so lucky,
do you know how?
cause God loves me.
Do u know how?
cause he gave me a gift.
Do you know what?
its YOU my love.

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