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Tercera unidad de inglés

1. Match the pictures with the expressions.

(6) Would you mind answering the phone, please?

(5) May I help you?

(1) Could you, please, sign these papers?

(2) Can I ask a question?

(4) Would you turn the volume down, please?

(3) Can you close the door, please?


1. Listen to these conversations. Underline the correct answer. (Audio CD Track 6). a.

Sam went to the bank (to cash a check/for some money/because he had a meeting there).

b. Laura went to the supermarket (for some milk and bread/because she works there/to get
some fruits and vegetables).

c. Craig went to the park (to walk his dog/for some fresh air/because he needed some

d. Yasmin traveled to Dublin (for work/to visit a friend/because she wanted to visit some

Listen to this conversation. Then, role play it with a partner. (Audio CD Track 7).



Modals are different from normal verbs:

1. They don't use an ’s’ for the third person singular.

2. They make questions by inversion ('she can go' becomes 'can she go?').

3. They are followed directly by the infinitive of another verb (without 'to')

Probability or speculation:

First, they can be used when we want to say how sure we are that something happened / is
happening / will happen. We often call these 'modals of deduction' or 'speculation' or
'certainty' or 'probability'.

Por ejemplo:

It must be cold outside. Debe hacer frío afuera.

He could miss the train. El podría perder el tren.

This bill cant be right. Esta cuenta no puede estar bien.


We use 'can' and 'could' to talk about a skill or ability.

Por ejemplo:

She can speak six languages.

My grandfather could play golf very well.

I can't drive.

Obligation or advice:

We can use verbs such as 'must' or 'should' to say when something is necessary or
unnecessary, or to give advice.

Por ejemplo:

Children must do their homework.

We have to wear a uniform at work.

You should stop smoking.


We can use verbs such as 'can', 'could' and 'may' to ask for and give permission. We also
use modal verbs to say something is not allowed.
Por ejemplo:

Could I leave early today, please?

You may not use the car tonight

Can you swim in the lake


We can use 'will' and 'would' to talk about habits or things we usually do, or did in the past.

Por ejemplo:

When I live in Italy, we would often eat in the restaurant next to my flat

John will always be late.

Fill in the blanks. Complete with a modal. In some cases, there can be more than a
possible answer.

a. “Where is Julie?” I don’t know. She should be at work.

b. Rosalie can run very fast.

c. Natalia should study more, otherwise she can flunk.

d. Excuse me, Can you open the door?

e. When Mayra studied in Chicago, she would always carry an umbrella everywhere.


For very formal requests, you’d better use:

Do you mind/Would you mind + Verb-ing.


Would you mind helping me with this box?

Q: Would you mind closing the door, please?

A: No, not at all.

A: No, no problem.
2. Correct the mistakes and write the right sentence.

a. Can you mind opening the window?

b. Could you close the door?

c. Silvana should study more.

d. Would you mind turning off the lights?

e. Will you help me with this?


You can express purpose in three different forms:

• Using the infinitive with TO. E. g. Q: Why did you go to the bank? A: To get some money.

• Using BECAUSE: E. g. Q: Why did you go to the bank? A: Because I needed some money.

• Using the preposition FOR: E. g. Q: Why did you go to the bank? A: For some money.

3. Answer the questions in the three different forms of purpose. Use the expressions
from the parentheses.

a. Why did Celine travel to Aruba? (Vacations).

To go on vacations

Because, she needs some vacations

For vacations.

b. Why did you go to the supermarket? (Shopping for groceries).

To shop for groceries

because I need some groceries

for shopping some groceries

c. Why are the boys in the park? (Playing football).

To play football

because they want to play football

for playing football


I. Unscramble the words to make sentences.

Collen must be at work

I went to the store for the food

She is eating because she is hungry

Jose can speak four languages fluently

II. Fill in the blanks. Complete the sentences with the infinitive of purpose. Use the
expressions in the parentheses.

1. Tamara visited her mother, because her mom is very sick (be very sick).

2. Julio is learning languages, to find a good job abroad (find a good job abroad).

3. The children are in the park, because they are getting exercise (get exercise)

4. I‘m not going to finish this report, because I don't want to (not want).

III. Write questions to these answers.

What can she do?

She can cook and use a computer.

Why are you in debt?

Because, I needed to buy a new TV.

Should he wear a shirt for the job interview?

No, he shouldn’t. He should wear a tie and a suit for a job interview.

Could you read at age 3?

Yes, I could read at age 3.

IV. Underline the modal in each sentence and write their grammatical function.

1. It’s really cloudy. It could rain today.


2. I don’t know where he is. He must be at home.


3. Jenny can’t swim. She’s afraid of the ocean.


4. May I help you?


5. Can I have the menu, please?


6. You shouldn’t wear shorts. It’s freezing outside.


V. Correct the mistakes and write the right sentence.

Lolita could read when she was 5 years old.

2. You shouldn’t eat a lot of sugar.

3. Can you mind closing the window, please?

4. Would you mind helping me with this box?

VI. Answer these questions.

1. Why are you studying in this university?

Because I want to learn new things

2. What things can you do?

I can do so many things

3. Would you mind lending me your book?

Not, no at all

4. Do you think it might rain today?

Yes, I think that it would rain today

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