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Submitted by: Reteracion, Athenna M. BSN 1D

Case Study: Promoting Healthy Eating Behaviors and Positive Body Image

1. Ask: The health issue identified is the influence of social media on body image dissatisfaction
and eating disordered behaviors among first-year students living in on-campus.
Patient problem or characteristics: First-year students.
Intervention: A program promoting healthy eating behaviors and positive body image.
Comparison: Current situation without intervention.
Outcome: Improvement in eating behaviors and body image perception.

2. Acquire: A program called “Intuitive Eating” was found during the research process. This
approach promotes listening to the body’s hunger and fullness cues, eating a variety of foods that
satisfy both physical and emotional needs, and engaging in regular physical activity for
enjoyment rather than weight control.

3. Appraise: The “Intuitive Eating” approach is based on the principle of developing a healthy
relationship with food and body, which could potentially counteract the negative influence of
social media on body image and eating behaviors. However, the effectiveness of this approach
needs to be evaluated through a research study.

4. Apply: If the research study shows positive outcomes, the “Intuitive Eating” program could be
implemented in the university. The program could include workshops on intuitive eating
principles, group discussions, cooking classes, and individual counseling sessions.

5. Assess: The success of the program could be measured through pre- and post-program surveys
assessing changes in eating behaviors, body image satisfaction, and overall mental health.
Additionally, the program’s impact could be evaluated through focus group discussions and
individual interviews.

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