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BOARD OF INTERMEDIATE AND SECONDARY senha, OBJEC: ei Rr Lovet | pet 3 i | Downs cell | Nelons cell | Galvaniccell | Electrolytic | Spontaneous chemical reaction | eis eet uit cell take place in: = et He sets SEL dH In the redox reaction between Zr 7 | Zn ea Oe Ww and HCH, the oxidizing agent is: | ' iM tien l bat kudads | : aetna Tone Todine Phosphorous | Sulpher | Which one of the following t 8 wet rs | ge | Ron-motal i lustrous? | | See Mate tite | | |"“Gireconamic | Oncommercial | On micro Th the Tndustrlal choniisiry deals withthe | 9 scale scale | scale laboratory | manuiacuuring of compounds: i} ydiedy | gd | neh hi tall es peisr Paseo ¥ 7 ihich one of the following is ¢ 1 | 192x107 zsxio# | $3.12x10% | 32 amu — | molecular mass of O, in amu? Ae us fat oul | te tenet amu 260; a tulious | Ls T ‘The mont penciraling clement out [11 Alphu particles | Neutrons | Protons of these is: Aw fab, Ta seeetchitt ed ferent! | ~~ -— 2 4 ibe need Octet rule ‘Atomic mass | Electronic | Mendeleev’s periodic table was 12 ees | purty | Configuration | based upon the: APG | SRSA ee 21 (Oty PTH -2023(2c-A)- 13 SAMULTAN) Ca Paper Code | 2073 GA) uu Number: 1485 | SSC PART-I (9" Class) CHEMISTRY PAPER-I [fice ALLOWED: 15 Minutes | MAXIMUM MARKS: 12 | opmetivedsy2 R SAN BPWe L neve LUMLE ZL br pie tZ 2D CBee ly Liven You have four choices for Satu mSi teu SSE MLS slime Ber Seth each objective type question as A, B, C and D. The choice which you think is cotrect, fill that bubble in front of that question number, on bubble sheet. Use matker or pen to fill the bubbles, Cutting or filling two or more bubbles will result in zero mark in that question, prone cs Hess QUESTIONS /asy te | The most penetrating element oot U Alpha particles | Neutrons Protons Electrons | ofthe: Fgh | Seid tes aK secbithd Sec pubien re evel By | ' 2 Ws eabind Se e Octet rule | Atomic number | Atomic mass | Electronic | Mendeleey's periodic table was 2 Wags 2 | rcty | Configuration | based upon the: | Ao oP RSE thy ges i “‘Covalentbond |~ ionic bond | Coordinate | Metallic bond | Transfer of elecirons from one Seu ee a Covalent | yg, | atom to another atom results ini t Bord | | eb SP tie ue Al | / Both Band C Covalent | A bond formed between two non- | 4 | ocak. 4 tond metals is expected to be: i Medal egret tyne oiend: r i Densities of gases are expressed in | 5 | Agden? mgems | terms of: et hitaad Stat | Gas in solid Solid in gas | Gas in liqaid | Liquid in gas | Mistisan cxample of solution: 6 | aut set uted Butt -gUilehhos Idm' of solvent | l00g0f | I kgof | Molarityis the rumber of moles of | 7 solution dm Lande solvent solution | solute dissolved in: | eld Lope | - 5 10Lenir | Keg ane freteuSirLeded de ESE si eee ae vet | ae, Downs cell Nelsons cell | Galvanic cell | Electrolytic | Spontaneous chemical reaction 8 ess et est cell take place in: EG | Tn the redox reaction between Za | 9 Zn H, cre i [ ee PATE [Carbon Todine | Phosphorous | Sulpher | Which one of the following “| 10 | pa oe pe ‘non-metal is lustrous? | ede ile A bits Oneconomic | Oncommercial | Oamicro | Inthe | Industrial chemistry deals with the ae scale scale scale laboratory | manufacturing of compounds: | segditgla? EB | ntddad PE EIS YP AEE bt i i | Which oné of the following isa |. 1 yoast0* 25x10 | 53.1210 | 32.amu | molecular masa of O, in amu? [eae oe ore | Sebo tamn WHO, 2 = 45) Pi nse Bb En tparine Boer Le a LJir, gle g 2 DAC BAS RL Sue You have four choices for frills sentietere de 14 ond /plusiimiie fineze kh | 4 diye ach objective type question as A, B, Cand 1D, The choice which you think is correct, fll thai bubble in front of that question number, on bubble sheet. Use marker of pen to fill the bubbles. | Q.No.1 | | Cutting or filling two or more budbles will result in zero mark in that question. | Diss B [ A | ___quesrions eur SENG. | | Which one ofthe following is a 7 192x107 25x10 | s342K10% | “32amu | molecular mass of O, in amu? — | { resin ar gm tebostam sV780, auibien | The most penetrating clement out | 2 Alpia pasticles Tlestrons | of thes Lab oe a HL Fon Octel rule ‘Atomic mimber | Atomic mass | Fleetronic | Mendeleev’s periodic table was 3 unig jecfe | fatty | Configuration | based upon the: | rH, of pS Ao | Eovalentbond |~ tonic bond | Coordinate | Metallic bond | Transfer of elecicons from one 4 nucer | Covalent 2 ¢¢ | atom to another atom results in: | Bond | | ea ieee ti fi | detrei | ! | Both B and C Metallic bond | lonic bond | Covalent A bond formed between two aon- aucus net | weer | bond) metals is expected to be | | \ des | abrgd FHS oben Ld | | spe ieee] kgeine® gai? gem? mgom c i | eet brood bob Sod Gasinsold | Solid in gas 1 gas. isan example ofsolaton: =| - 7 | aut Ae wt neue hes Lim? of | ldnt otsaivent | 100g of Tkgot | Molorityisthe number ofmoles of | 8 solution | dm 3. solvent solution | solute dissolved in: Fld’ of 100L ss net Pag InbteLaded de | a | oe onl Downscell | Nelsons cell | Galvanic cell’ | Electrolytic | Spontancous chemical reaction | 9 eek are cell take place in: | eee Sauce | es seri KinL ans | | | | Tn the redox reaction between Zn Zn Hy ce | ae and HC@, the oxidizing agent is: | | PES ile nL NSA AE Carbon fedine | Phosphorous | Sulpher | Which one of the following yar | ew wet Gee |) # non-metal is lustrous? Nee Motlele tbite ~ s _ | Oncommercial | On miera Inthe Tndustial chemistry deals with the | 1Z seale scale Jeborctory | manufacturing of compounds: Oe | ghee eet eee ea SP ns Le Ul eeeaah 21 Obj seeeveye)-20230nd-A)-/3SS(MULTAN)

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