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HSG tỉnh 01 23-24

Listening practice (26.5)

CPE listening practice

Table of Contents

Part 1: Short extracts ......................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

Part 2: Gap filling ............................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

Part 3: MCQs ...................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

Part 4: Multiple matching .................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.

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HSG tỉnh 01 23-24


Part 1: You will hear three different extracts.

Extract One
You will hear a psychology professor called Humphrey lecturing on the subject of happiness.
(1) Humphrey suggests that we ought to
A reflect on our problems deeply.
B look at our problems in a different light.
C ignore our problems.
(2) What does Humphrey say about people who try to convince themselves they are happy?
A they become quite snide people
B they are delusional
C they may be onto something,
Extract Two
You will hear a formerly homeless woman called Eleanor being interviewed on the radio.
(3) Why does Eleanar mention 'high-flying business people"?
A she was a powerful businesswoman before she became homeless
B to suggest that anyone can become homeless
C to show how far she has come since her recovery
(4) What does Eleanor say was the stimulus for her situation to change?
A nights spent exposed to severe weather
B simple words of kindness spoken to her
C a simple act of physical affection
Extract Three
You will hear a lecturer called Philippa discussing the housing market.
(5) Philippa suggests that
A first-time buyers found it very easy to purchase their homes in the past.
B interest rates on mortgage repayments were lower in the past.
C conditions for first-time buyers were less severe in the past.
(6) Why does Philippe mention the role of parents in property buying for their children?
A she thinks they should pay mortgages off if their children struggle to
B to illustrate how unaffordable homes have become for first-time buyers
C to praise then for their financial support of their children

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HSG tỉnh 01 23-24

Part 2: You will hear a radio presenter called Finbarr Baird discussing reports in the news about
first-born children being the smartest siblings. For questions 7-15, complete the sentences with a word
or short phrase.
 Baird has been angered by deceptive (7) ____________ appearing in the news this week.
 According to the research, the reason for their superior performance is that parents give first-
borns (8) ____________ not that they have a superior intellect.
 Baird suggests it is natural for parents to feel (9) ____________ on the birth of their second child
and subsequent children.
 The research confirmed that first-borns get (10) ____________ in the early days of childhood and
this gives them an advantage, which is evident from as early as one year of age.
 The performance advantage enjoyed by first-borns is regularly highlighted in (11) ____________
 The research accounts for what scientists term (12) ____________ which sees children born later
into a family being more likely to earn and achieve less.
 However, it is only (13) ____________ which is missing for younger siblings; they enjoy
approximately the same amount of emotional support as first-borns.
 Baird suggests the conclusions drawn from the research are logical because the more children
parents have, the more (14) ____________ must be divided between them.
 Baird finds the research interesting and useful in confirming our intuitions, but he Is annoyed
by (15) ____________ which is why he wants to explain the findings clearly.

Part 3: You will hear a radio programme in which two people, Max Verstapp and Cara O'Dell, are
discussing, amateur photography. For questions 16-20, choose the answer (A, B, C or D) which fits
best according to what you hear.
(16) Both Cara and Max agree that
A buying a second-hand camera is best for new starters.
B new starters should refrain from overspending on equipment.
C photography is a very expensive pastime.
D phone cameras are not suitable for everyday photography.
(17) Max is not keen to recommend cheap DSLs to new starters because
A of their questionable image quality.
B they require a lot of accessories. CARRY A LOT TO CARRY

C of their expensive lenses.

D they are too complicated to use. COMPLEXITY
(18) Max and Cara agree that OSLRs

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HSG tỉnh 01 23-24
A are more portable than bridge cameras.
B should be more affordable. SINGLE-LENS CAMERA

C are not as complicated to use as they seem.

D and bridge cameras have identical functionality.
(19) Max has reservations about the
A general build quality of compact system cameras.
B cheap alternatives to compact system cameras.
C price of law- end compact system cameras.
D results achieved using cheap compact system cameras. QUALITY - DUBIOUS
(20) What can we infer that Max thinks about point-and-shoot cameras?
A he doesn't think they are good value for money
B he thinks they are inferior to phone cameras
C he thinks they will help learners progress
D he thinks they serve no purpose at all

Part 4: You will hear five short extracts in which people talk about their commute to work

For questions 21-25, choose from the list (A-H) how each speaker feels about commuting,
A stimulated by all the goings on
B frustrated by the lack of privacy
C resentful of the time wasted
D welcoming of the opportunities to interact
E keen to use the time productively
F very nervous and uneasy in the crowd
G exhausted by the long journey
H fearful of interacting with people

Speaker 1 21
inactivity, dormant
Speaker 2 22
Speaker 3 23 I am fed up of having to listen to what others are
doing on the train.
Speaker 4 24 I’m inquisitive by nature so I must say I find the
Speaker 5 25 commute to work intriguing...

The sense of inertia is painful for me. It literally feels

like I’m throwing away hours of my life

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For questions 26-30, choose from the list (A-H) what each speaker says about their future
A I may use my commute as a case study.
B My commute will cease for good soon.
C I plan to lengthen my work commute.
D Psychology classes will help me cope.
E Altering my commute is impossible.
F My purpose for commuting is changing,
G My commute is about to shorten radically.
H I have no other option short-term.

Speaker 1 26 H
Speaker 2 27 E
Speaker 3 28 G
Speaker 4 29 A
Speaker 5 30 B

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