6 WORKBOOK Growing Up English

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wing Up
The English 6 workbook, part of the Growing Up Series,
is a collective effort conceived, designed, and created
for Ediciones Santillana, Inc. by the following team:

Content Director:
Mayra L. Méndez Barreto

Executive Editor:
María Victoria Ratcliff Tirado

Stella Ramírez

Karenin Biaggi
Ashley Schaefer
This Is Your Workbook
Hello, there!

Our English 6 workbook offers additional activities and exercises for you. It will support you
during your learning experience of the English language. This workbook is your tool to further
practice and improve your reading comprehension skills, as well as your vocabulary, grammar,
and writing skills. Each chapter connects to and elaborates on the textbook’s content.

Next, take a look at the structure of your workbook.

Have a great school year!

Santi and Ana

I’m Ana and I will guide you

through the activities that Hi, I’m Santi. This
Santillana has to offer. workbook expands on
the textbook’s content.
Workbook Content

Chapter 1 Who I Am Literary Concepts

You will find activities

The Author and the Story
Reading Comprehension 1 Complete the following information about your favorite story.

and exercises for Tía Lola Comes to Visit

1 Put the events from the story in order, using numbers 1 to 4.
My favorite story is . The story is approximately

pages long. The story is about .

each of the following a. Juanita and Miguel’s mom c. Juanita and Miguel’s
In the beginning of the story . In the middle of the story

got a new job. parents got divorced. . At the end of the story .

sections: Reading b. Tía Lola arrived in Vermont. d. Miguel had Pringles for
2 Choose an author from the list below.

Comprehension, Literary 2 Write T for true or F for false. Explain why the statement is false. a. Julia Álvarez. e. Mark Twain.

b. William Shakespeare f. Kurt Vonnegut

Concepts, Vocabulary, a. Miguel’s mother is happy about the divorce.
c. F. Scott Fitzgerald g. Rudyard Kipling

Grammar, and Writing.

d. Jane Austen. h. Charles Dickens

b. Tía Lola is coming from the Dominican Republic.

3 Write the names of two of his/her literary works.

a. b.
c. The family used to live in New York City.

4 Imagine there is a sequel to “Tía Lola Comes to Visit.” Imagine what the author
would write for the beginning, middle, and end of the story. You can also come up
with a title.
d. Miguel is happy at his new school.

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3 Compare and contrast how Miguel feels at the beginning and at the end of
the story. Middle:


6 7

What Did What Did We Learn?

We Learn? 1 Write a brief summary of author Julia Álvarez’s career. Include the names of her most
important works.

At the end of each

chapter, you will find a 2 Find the following words in a dictionary. Write down their parts of speech and

summary of activities in information about usage.

a. sensitive

What Did We Learn? b. grateful

c. peeling

d. dials

3 Look at the image. Explain why this moment is an important part of the story.
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Review Review

Review: Chapters 1-3

At the end of every 1 Write the plurals of the following nouns. 5 Complete the fragments with a predicate.

a. Tía Lola and Mami .

three chapters, you will a. goose f. egg
b. Rikki-Tikki .
b. child g. opinion

find a comprehensive c. dog h. knife

c. The roller coaster

d. The lady at the counter


review of the previously d. tooth

e. knee
i. mouse

j. yard
6 Use a dictionary or other reference book to define the words below.

a. website
discussed skills and 2 Write a subject for each sentence below. b. family
would rather spend a year in jail.
a. c. love
b. went to find parking. d. story
c. hope you won’t take too long! e. Internet
d. are starving! f. community

3 Write a synonym for each underlined word. 7 Choose a story from the chapters you have read up to now. Write a summary of it in
the space below.
a. Rikki-Tikki was not afraid of anything.

b. He gave the cobras a savage beating.

c. With time, Mami forgot about the small blue bowl.

d. Do you know the meaning of the blue bowl?

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4 Write an antonym for each underlined word.

8 Explain the conflict in the story you chose. What kind of conflict is it?
a. The sky was so dark that you could see the Milky Way. Who is involved?

b. The farmhouse’s basement was enormous.

c. Designing a roller coaster was an exciting project.

d. I fell out of my chair. I am so clumsy!

30 31
Reading / Reading
Chapter Topic Literary Concepts

1 Who I Am Tía Lola Comes to Visit 6 The Author and the Story 7

My School The Plot and

2 Community
The Roller Coaster Expert 14
the Conflict in a Story

The Narrator and

3 Family and Friends Rikki-Tikki-Tavi 22
the Point of View

Around the Characters, Characterization,

4 Neighborhood
Time to Help Out 32

Helping Mother
5 Nature
Ecosystems 40 Types of Paragraphs 41

Learning from
6 the Past
Go West 48 The Diary, Historical Context 49

7 Faraway Lands
Mount Vesuvius 58 The Essay, Transition Words 59

A Great American Inventor,

8 Great Contributors Patriot, and Statesman
66 The Biography 67

9 Life’s Lessons Daedalus and Icarus 74 Heroes and Heroines 75

Love and Poetry, Prose,

10 Relationships
The Highwayman 84
Sensory Images

11 Art and Creativity The Cat Artist 92 Similes, Metaphors 93

The Magical Hyperbole and

12 and the Mystical
The Birds 100
Vocabulary Grammar Writing What Did We Learn?

Sentences, Sentence
The Dictionary, Guide Fragments, Types of
8 10 Summary 12 13
Words, Reference Books Sentences, Punctuation

Subject and Predicate;

Synonyms and Antonyms 16 Singular, Plural, and 18 Parapharsing 20 21
Possessive Nouns

Pronouns, Subject, Brainstorming,

Thesaurus, Internet 24 Object, and Possessive 26 Drawing a Cluster of 28 29
Pronouns Ideas

Verbs, Simple Past

Context Clues,
34 and Simple Present 36 Outline 38 39
Connotation, Denotation

Main Verbs, Helping Paragraph and

Root Words, Preffixes 42 44 46 47
Verbs,The Future Tense Topic Sentence

The Suffix, Word Series Linking Verbs,Verb To Be,

50 52 Diary Entries 54 55
with Suffixes Present Progressive Tense

Subject-Verb Agreement,
Homographs, Supporting Sentences
60 Prepositions of Time and 62 64 65
Homophones and the Conclusion

Homonyms, Word Series Articles, Contractions,

68 70 Narrative Paragraphs 72 73
with Prefixes Conjunctions

Adjectives in the Positive,

76 Comparative and 78 Descriptive Paragraphs 80 81
Rules of Syllabification
Superlative Degrees

Word Derivatives, Adverbs, Comparative

86 88 Persuasive Paragraphs 90 91
Compound Words Adverbs and Their Rules

Interjections, Paragraphs that Give a

Idioms and Analogies 94 96 98 99
The Past Participle Definition

Etymology 102 Syntax and Noun Phrases 104 The Story 106 107
Chapter 1 Who I Am

Reading Comprehension
Tía Lola Comes to Visit
1 Put the events from the story in order, using numbers 1 to 4.

a. Juanita and Miguel’s mom c. Juanita and Miguel’s

got a new job. parents got divorced.

b. Tía Lola arrived in Vermont. d. Miguel had Pringles for


2 Write T for true or F for false. Explain why the statement is false.

a. Miguel’s mother is happy about the divorce.

b. Tía Lola is coming from the Dominican Republic.

c. The family used to live in New York City.

d. Miguel is happy at his new school.

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3 Compare and contrast how Miguel feels at the beginning and at the end of
the story.

Literary Concepts
The Author and the Story
1 Complete the following information about your favorite story.

My favorite story is . The story is approximately

pages long. The story is about .

In the beginning of the story . In the middle of the story

. At the end of the story .

2 Choose an author from the list below.

a. Julia Álvarez. e. Mark Twain.

b. William Shakespeare f. Kurt Vonnegut

c. F. Scott Fitzgerald g. Rudyard Kipling

d. Jane Austen. h. Charles Dickens

3 Write the names of two of his/her literary works.

a. b.

4 Imagine there is a sequel to “Tía Lola Comes to Visit.” Imagine what the author
would write for the beginning, middle, and end of the story. You can also come up
with a title.

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The Dictionary, Guide Words and Reference Books
1 Look up the following words in a dictionary. Write the guide words found at the top
of each page.

a. microphone

b. shakes

c. dials

d. tearfully

2 Use a dictionary to briefly define the underlined words.

a. The new farmhouse was haunted.

b. Juanita suggested that we speak in Spanish.

c. Several businessmen rushed by.

d. Juanita begged Miguel for some chips.

3 Find the following words in a dictionary. Write down the origin and meaning of
each word.

a. pretend

b. Indian

c. sweetened

d. gobbled © SANTILLANA - Any reproduction is prohibited.

e. freckles

f. deal

g. special

h. yummy

Chapter 1: Who I Am

4 Use an encyclopedia to find information on the following topics. Write at least two
sentences about each one.

a. The culture of the Dominican Republic

b. The Greater Antilles

c. immigration

d. Latin America

e. hauntings

5 Write the kind of reference book you would use to find the following information.
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a. Synonyms of the words happiness and travel.

b. A description of New York City.

c. The history of immigration in the United States.

d. Antonyms of the words tearfully, miserable, forward, and rush.

Sentences, Sentence Fragments, Types of Sentences, and Punctuation Marks
1 Write S if each group of words is a sentence or SF if it is a sentence fragment.

a. It was a haunted farmhouse.

b. In his thoughts regarding Tía Lola and her visit.

c. While cleaning the kitchen.

d. Do you think Mami misses Papi?

e. Fantasizing while cleaning the dishes.

f. Tía Lola wore a bright, perky dress.

g. The dark hallway.

2 Add punctuation marks to the following paragraph.

It was almost 11 30 in the morning They could not find a parking spot at the
airport and Tia Lola was due to arrive any minute Mami dropped Miguel and
Juanita off so they could go greet her They were scared and to make things
worse they got lost in the aiport Tia Lola was lost They had to call her over the
intercom but they had to do it in Spanish Juanita and Miguel were so nervous
they could not find the courage to speak.

a. Write four different kinds of sentences about the story “Tía Lola Comes to Visit.”
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Chapter 1: Who I Am

3 Underline the subject and circle the predicate in the following sentences.

a. The trip from the Dominican Republic to Vermont was long and tiring.

b. The boxes weren’t going to unpack themselves!

c. Juanita and Miguel hated their new school.

d. The blue bowl was loaded with memories.

e. Tía Lola had a positive influence on the family.

f. Many adventures were had thanks to Tía Lola.

4 Label the sentences as declarative, interrogative, exclamatory, or imperative.

a. Find the blue bowl, Juanita.

b. I think I saw a ghost!

c. Unpack the boxes, Miguel.

d. Tía Lola was lost in the airport.

e. When are you going to do the dishes, Miguel?

f. Speaking in Spanish made Miguel nervous.

5 Add punctuation marks to the following sentences.

a. Mami said Tomorrow we will start our new adventure

b. Tía Lola is from the Dominican Republic

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c. He will explore investigate and search the haunted farmhouse

d. We will see you at the airport at 11 30 sharp

e. That stuff about a haunted farmhouse is so ridiculous

f. She asked How old is Tía Lola

1 Write a word to summarize each group of words.

a. Puerto Ricans, Dominicans, Cubans, Mexicans, Colombians

b. North America, South America, Europe, Asia, Africa

c. chips, cookies, fried rice, burritos, hot dogs

d. William Shakespeare, Charles Dickens, Julia Álvarez, Jane Austen

2 Mark the correct answer.

a. When you write a summary, you...

include all the characters featured in the story.

include only the most important and necessary information.

include the analysis of a text.

include the most important information and all of the story’s details.

b. When you write a summary, you should not...

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avoid unnecessary words.

include the most important and necessary information.

include personal opinions.

verify accuracy, grammar, spelling, and punctuation.

What Did We Learn?

1 Write a brief summary of author Julia Álvarez’s career. Include the names of her most
important works.

2 Find the following words in a dictionary. Write down their parts of speech and
information about usage.

a. sensitive

b. grateful

c. peeling

d. dials

3 Look at the image. Explain why this moment is an important part of the story.
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Chapter 2 My School Community

Reading Comprehension
The Roller Coaster Expert
1 Fill out the table below. Write down the reaction and how they can overcome
the problem.

How to Overcome
Situation Reaction
the Problem

Brandon’s team did

not test out their

2 Match the character to the adjective that best describes them.

a. Brandon 1. welcoming

b. Melinda 2. annoyed

c. Daniel 3. conceited

d. Mr. Hanson 4. nervous

3 Compare and contrast Brandon and Melinda’s behavior toward Daniel. Why do you
think Brandon and Melinda behaved as they did? Explain.
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Literary Concepts
The Conflict and Plot of a Story
1 Classify the conflicts in the table below.

Situation Kind of Conflict

Melinda and Brandon argued over

the science project.

Daniel could not make it to school

because of the terrible storm.

Everyone treated Daniel terribly at his

new school.

Brandon had never doubted himself

until this moment. Now, he did not
know what to do with himself.

2 Match the terms with their definitions.

1. Within this section of a story,
a. outcome the reader learns about the
consequences of the climax.
2. At this moment, a problem is
b. conflict identified; it is usually just before
the climax.
3. Sometimes called the turning
c. falling action point, this is the part of a story
when suspense is at its highest.
4. Also called rising action, it
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d. exposition includes the introduction of

characters and information about
the setting.

5. By this time in the story, the conflict

e. climax has been solved. It is also called
the resolution or conclusion.

1 Write a synonym for each underlined word.
“Thank you, Brandon.” Mr. Hanson stopped Brandon from saying more. “Now, you will
all work in your groups to construct your model roller coasters. You need to retrieve
your plastic tubing, marbles, and shoeboxes. You may use tape to hold the pieces
together. There are materials on the shelves for decoration. Each group will then
present the project to the entire class. You will have to explain how the forces of mo-
tion and gravity work on the marble as it travels through each roller coaster.”

a. d.

b. e.

c. f.

2 Match the synonyms.

a. snatched 1. reply

b. conceited 2. make

c. answer 3. disregarded

d. competition 4. contest

e. ignored 5. arrogant

f. create 6. grabbed © SANTILLANA - Any reproduction is prohibited.

3 Write a synonym for each word in parentheses.

a. They are all ________________________ (obnoxious).

b. Brandon was ________________________ (angry) at the competition.

c. Daniel was ________________________ (excited) to be on Melinda’s team.

d. Their rollercoaster was ________________________ (gorgeous)!

Chapter 2: My School Community

1 Write an antonym for each underlined word to make the statement true.

a. Brandon and his foes were working next to Melinda and


b. This is always going to work.

c. She placed the marble at the bottom of the roller coaster

and released it.

d. The students scattered into groups.

2 Write an antonym for each word in parentheses.

a. My group is going to have the (best) project.

b. Brandon (raised) his hand.

c. Who can tell me Isaac Newton’s (last) law of motion?

d. The ball (accelerated) before the last hill.

3 Match the antonyms.

a. smile 1. slow

b. build 2. new

c. answer 3. simple

d. sad 4. destroy
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e. nervous 5. frown

f. fast 6. ask

g. old 7. calm

h. complicated 8. happy

The Subject and the Predicate
1 Circle the subject and underline the predicate in the passage below.

“It is not steep enough,” Daniel explained. “Gravity helps to pull the marble each
time it falls down a hill. The potential energy that is built up at the top of the hill will
change to kinetic energy when the marble starts to move. If we make this hill higher,
there will be a greater distance for gravity to pull the marble down. Then, there will
be more kinetic energy. The marble will have more acceleration to roll up the next
hill without slowing down.”

2 Write a sentence for each of the characters below. Underline the subject and
double underline the predicate.

Melinda Brandon Daniel Mr. Hanson





3 Add a subject to complete each sentence.

a. arrived at school with Melinda.

b. was a success.

c. refused to test out his rollercoaster.

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d. fought over the project.

e. suggested that the rollercoaster should be steeper.

f. was not as bad as he thought it would be.

g. became friends.

Chapter 2: My School Community

Singular, Plural, and Possessive Nouns

1 Write the plural form of the following nouns.

a. child d. marble

b. sheep e. tooth

c. student f. class

2 Add apostrophes to the possessive nouns.

a. Daniel joined Melindas group in science class.

b. Brandons roller coaster project was the only one that did not work.

c. Brandon kept interrupting Mr. Hansons lesson.

d. Melindas best friend is really quiet, but very smart.

e. The marbles momentum quickly disappeared.

f. The childrens projects were very interesting!

3 Select the plural noun that completes each sentence correctly.

a. The (groups / group) had to present their projects.

b. A bunch of (paper / papers) flew everywhere when they ran into each other.

c. Mr. Hanson handed out (marbles / marble) to the groups.

d. All the (project / projects) worked, except Brandon’s.

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4 Select the singular noun that completes each sentence correctly.

a. Daniel was nervous. It was his first day at a new (school / schools).

b. The (bus / buses) driver was very nice to Daniel.

c. Melinda and Daniel walked down the (hallway / hallways.)

d. The (boy / boys) was confused during science class.

1 What is paraphrasing?

a. reaction to a text

b. another way of naming a persuasive essay

c. a writing process that rewords and rephrases information

from a publication

d. a summary of a story

2 Paraphrase the following text from the story.

Brandon was disappointed and embarrassed. His group was the

only one with a project that did not work.

After class, Brandon walked over to Daniel and Melinda. “I’m sorry
about what I said earlier,” he told them. “You really did an awesome job
on your project.”

3 Reread the story “The Roller Coaster Expert.” Choose one passage from the story
and paraphrase it. © SANTILLANA - Any reproduction is prohibited.

What Did We Learn?

1 Circle the possessive nouns.

Daniel’s expertise helped Melinda’s group greatly. Brandon’s arrogance hurt his
team. Melinda’s friendship with Daniel was cemented that day. The project’s failure
made Brandon feel bad.

2 Write one synonym and one antonym for each word.

a. children

b. small

c. dark

d. old

3 Write the plural form of the following nouns.

a. deer c. student

b. box d. child

4 Write the singular form of the following nouns.w

a. teeth c. classes

b. classrooms d. skies

5 Circle the subject and underline the predicate in the sentences below.
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a. Brandon boasted about his project to Melinda and her friends.

b. Melinda and Daniel walked to science class.

c. We are totally getting an A on our project!

d. The marble stopped abruptly at the bottom of the hill.

Chapter 3 Family and Friends

Reading Comprehension
1 Write a brief description of each character below its picture.

a. b. c.

2 Imagine what the humans thought of Rikki-Tikki. Write it on the lines below.
Explain your answer.

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3 Could Rikki-Tikki and the cobras ever be friends? Explain your answer.

Literary Concepts
The Narrator and Point of View
1 Label the point of view in the following groups of sentences.

a. first b. third c. third person d. second e. third person

person person omniscient person limited

This is the story of the great war I fought single-handedly in the big bungalow
in Segowlee, India. Darzee, the tailorbird, helped me, and Chuchundra, the
muskrat, gave me advice. However, I, Rikki-Tikki, did the real fighting.

After breakfast the next morning, Rikki-Tikki went out into the garden to see
what was to be seen. He scuttled up and down until he heard very sorrowful
voices in a thorn bush.

You were afraid for a minute. You had never met a live cobra before, but you
knew that all a grown mongoose’s business in life was to fight and eat snakes.
Nag knew that too and, at the bottom of his cold heart, he was afraid of you.

Chuchundra whispered, “Hush! Can’t you hear, Rikki- Tikki?” Rikki-Tikki listened.
He thought he could just catch the faintest scratch-scratch in the world, the dry
scratch of a snake’s scales on brickwork.

2 It’s your turn to be a narrator! Describe the fight between Rikki-Tikki and the cobras.
Identify the point of view you used.
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The Thesaurus
1 Mark the correct answer.

a. A thesaurus is...

a set of books that contains detailed information about different topics

presented in alphabetical order.

a kind of dictionary that contains words that have been grouped based on
a similar meaning.

a reference book that defines words in alphabetical order.

a book about dinosaurs and the places in which they lived.

2 Look up each word in a thesaurus. Write the synonyms in the space provided.

a. stiff

b. triumph

c. companion

d. afraid

e. fight

f. began

3 Mark the information found in a thesaurus.

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a. information on how to e. grammar rules

use a thesaurus

b. pictures f. antonyms

c. parts of speech g. pronunciation key

d. synonyms h. biographies

Chapter 3: Family and Friends

The Internet
1 Use the Internet to find information on the following topic: India. Write a short
paragraph describing India using the information you found on the Internet.

2 Use the Internet to fill in the blanks.

Rudyard Kipling was born on . He was born

in . He moved to England when he was

. He was a writer, perhaps best known for

. This book has the story we read in chapter

. Kipling traveled all over the world. Some of the places

he visited are , , and

. He was awarded the .

3 Use the Internet to find the information requested below.

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a. the definition of roaming

b. the name of Rudyard Kipling’s first book

c. a synonym for rubbish

d. the part of speech for the word settle

Pronouns and Subject and Object Pronouns
1 Answer the following questions:

a. What is a pronoun?

b. What is a subject pronoun?

c. What is an object pronoun?

2 Underline the pronouns.

a. They fought all afternoon.

b. We will go on a ferryboat.

c. It is hissing at me!

d. He asked her if he could read for a while.

3 Circle the subject pronouns. Underline the object pronouns.

a. Will you help me?

b. She gave me this mongoose.

c. She asked them to clean the yard.

d. I will call her tonight.

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e. We wrote it quickly.

f. Why don’t you let us have a turn?

g. I will help you!

h. I will wash it tomorrow.

Chapter 3: Family and Friends

Possessive Pronouns
1 Match the nouns with the appropriate possessive pronouns.

a. Rikki-Tikki and me 1. it

b. my mother 2. they

c. Teddy 3. we

d. my toy 4. he

e. the snakes 5. she

2 Complete the sentences. Replace the pronouns in parentheses with

possessive pronouns.

a. Tom loved present. (you and me)

b. We are definitely going to party. (he)

c. Alice is working in garden. (she)

d. is the biggest house on the entire street. (they)

e. Her backpack is heavier than . (I)

f. Ben’s dog is smarter than . (you)

3 Mark the best option to complete the sentence.

a. Possessive pronouns show…

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people, places, and things.

ownership, but not possession.

ownership or possession.

first, second, or third person point of view.

Brainstorming and Drawing a Cluster of Ideas
1 Brainstorm about friends and family.

2 Complete the sentence fragments with the ideas you generated in your brainstorm.

a. Friendship is...

b. Family is...

c. I think that friendship...

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d. I think that family...

What Did We Learn?

1 Rewrite the following sentences, replacing the nouns with the correct pronouns:

a. Rikki-Tikki and Chuchundra plotted the humans’ defense.

b. Nagaina and I will defend our children!

c. The humans were scared of the cobras.

d. Teddy loved Rikki-Tikki very much.

2 The narrator is…

a. the main character. c. the villain.

b. the person who tells the story. d. involved in the conflict.

3 Mention the four basic points of view.

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4 Circle the subject pronouns and underline the object pronouns.

a. Teddy asked him to protect their home.

b. They spoke to me about the party.

c. No, I don’t know them.

d. The teacher is talking to you!


1 Write the plurals of the following nouns.

a. goose f. egg

b. child g. opinion

c. dog h. knife

d. tooth i. mouse

e. knee j. yard

2 Write a subject for each sentence below.

a. would rather spend a year in jail.

b. went to find parking.

c. hope you won’t take too long!

d. are starving!

3 Write a synonym for each underlined word.

a. Rikki-Tikki was not afraid of anything.

b. He gave the cobras a savage beating.

c. With time, Mami forgot about the small blue bowl.

d. Do you know the meaning of the blue bowl?

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4 Write an antonym for each underlined word.

a. The sky was so dark that you could see the Milky Way.

b. The farmhouse’s basement was enormous.

c. Designing a roller coaster was an exciting project.

d. I fell out of my chair. I am so clumsy!


Review: Chapters 1-3

5 Complete the fragments with a predicate.

a. Tía Lola and Mami .

b. Rikki-Tikki .

c. The roller coaster .

d. The lady at the counter .

6 Use a dictionary or other reference book to define the words below.

a. website

b. family

c. love

d. story

e. Internet

f. community

7 Choose a story from the chapters you have read up to now. Write a summary of it in
the space below.
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8 Explain the conflict in the story you chose. What kind of conflict is it?
Who is involved?

Chapter 4 Around the Neighborhood

Reading Comprehension
Time to Help Out!
1 In what way is volunteering difficult? In what way is it easy? Fill out the table below.

Difficult Easy

2 Choose three characters from “Time to Help Out!” How did these characters use their
talents and abilities to help their community?

3 Explain why this character is an important part of the story. © SANTILLANA - Any reproduction is prohibited.

Literary Concepts
Characters, Characterization, and Setting
1 Mark the correct answer.
a. A character is…

where the story develops.

what is happening in the story.

a person who features in a story, among others.

a distinguishing trait.

b. Characteristics are…

distinguishing traits, features, and qualities.

descriptions of a character’s internal and external characteristics.

people who are featured in stories and other works.

times and places where a story develops.

2 Describe the external characteristics of a character from “Time to Help Out!”

3 Develop the setting of a travel story. Remember to include all its components.
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Context Clues
1 Underline the context clues that help you understand the words in bold. Write what
the words mean on the blank line below. Use a dictionary, if necessary.

a. My mother says that I have to keep my imagination in check.

b. Even though she is a singer, Fiona finds it hard to loosen up in public.

c. People are so indifferent to how they harm the environment!

d. That trash has been there for days. It smells rank!

2 Read the following passage. Circle the context clues that help you understand the
words in bold.

Every Friday afternoon, my mom and I volunteer to help out at a soup kitchen.

There, I help serve food to the homeless and other people in need. My favorite task

is helping people carry their food to the table. I love doing that job because it gives

me a chance to talk to them and listen to their stories. I also enjoy telling them my

own stories and making them laugh.

3 Write a sentence with each context clue from the previous activity.
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Chapter 4: Around the Neighborhood

Connotation and Denotation

1 Write the denotation and connotation of the following words. Use a
dictionary if necessary.

Denotation Connotation





2 Read the following sentences. Explain if the words in bold have a positive or
negative connotation.

a. She looked curiously at the woman.

b. Lisa’s choir is very special.

c. You are very driven. You are so motivated!

d. Tyra tends to exaggerate. She is very dramatic!

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3 Read the synonyms and label them P if they have a positive connotation or N if they
have a negative connotation.

a. idle

sluggish slothful

uncultivated inactive

Verbs, Simple Past, and Simple Present Tense
1 Circle the verb in each group of words.

a. house, tissue, bring

b. drink, glass, life

c. characters, characterize, setting

d. elements, dream, things

e. maid, made, mead

f. act, action, activity

2 Write the simple past tense of each verb.

a. understand f. feel

b. tell g. pay

c. take h. play

d. care i. thank

e. do j. leap

3 Write the simple past tense of the verbs in parentheses to complete the
paragraph below.

My friends and I (love) the “Let’s Clean Up Our City” event! We

(manage) to help our community a lot. John
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(help) out at the park, Lang (paint) some promotional posters,

and Linda (speak) to our classmates about the effects of littering.
Lisa (record) a song inviting families to participate in our clean-up
day. As for me, I (do) a little bit of everything!

Chapter 4: Around the Neighborhood

4 Circle the verb in each sentence. Then classify it as regular (R) or irregular (I).

a. My mother encouraged my comedic abilities.

b. I threw away the trash.

c. Lang and Linda baked some cookies for the volunteers.

d. Manny went to the soup kitchen with his mother.

e. Lisa’s choir sang at a local nursing home.

f. The homeless were very grateful for the food.

5 Circle the irregular verbs in these sentences.

a. Julian’s mom cooked and ate some soup.

b. The wind blew my hat off.

c. The group of friends went to the park.

d. I stayed home and ate dinner.

e. Lisa sang with the choir.

f. Lang made some posters for the event.

6 Write the simple present tense of each verb in parentheses.

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a. Julian (like) to tell stories.

b. Manny (expect) the best from the baseball team.

c. The children (play) at the park.

d. The nursing home (host) a concert.

e. Manny’s mom (serve) food at the soup kitchen.

The Outline
1 What is an outline?

2 Brainstorm about the topic below.

Helping Our Community

3 Use the information from the previous activity to make an outline about the topic.

Helping Our Community

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What Did We Learn?

1 Write a few sentences to explain why helping our community is important.

2 Use the verbs in the word bank below to complete the following paragraph.

planting help plan reusing save putting wait

When I grow up, I on helping my community as much as possible.

Well, I don’t have to until I am an adult. I can

out now! Simple things like the garbage in the trash can,

things at home, and trees in our yards help! If

we all work together, we can our communities and our planet!

3 List several internal and external characteristics for this character from “Time to
Help Out!”
Internal External
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Chapter 5 Helping Mother Nature

Reading Comprehension
1 Mark the correct answer.

a. Temperate forests…

have four seasons. are close to the equator.

are located near the tundra. have animals that stay during winter.

b. A scavenger is…

an animal that has died from an animal that hibernates.

natural causes.

an animal that feeds on an animal that grazes the savanna.

carrion, dead plant material,
or refuse.

c. Animals are consumers. This means…

they can produce their own they are the dominant part of the
food for energy. ecosystem.

they cannot create their own they are a minority group in the
food for energy. ecosystem.

2 Are coral reefs important? Why? Explain your answer.

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Literary Concepts
Types of Paragraphs
1 Write a descriptive paragraph about your favorite ecosystem.

2 Circle a type of paragraph from the ones featured below. Then write a paragraph in
that style.

Expository paragraph

Process paragraph Problem/solution paragraph

3 Write a narrative paragraph about an experience you had in your favorite type of
natural environment.
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Root Words
1 Mark the correct answer.

a. A root word is…

an inflectional change. a word element added to the back

of a word.

a word element added to the basic element of a word.

the front of a word.

2 Read the passage below. Write the root words of the items in bold type.
Arctic foxes have thick fur and furry tails to stay warm. These animals are scaven-
gers that eat the food that is left over by polar bears when they are finished eating.
In the winter months, their fur is white. In spring, their fur turns brownish grey. These
colors help foxes camouflage themselves. This allows them to sneak up on their prey.

a. d.

b. e.

c. f.

3 Circle each root word.

a. sharing d. mainly e. unbalanced

b. protected c. systematic f. stretches

4 Write each root word.

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a. varieties e. pollution

b. repopulate f. hibernation

c. inaccurate g. readily

d. unacceptable h. admired

Chapter 5: Helping Mother Nature

The Prefix
1 Classify the words under the prefixes below. Write the new words in the chart.

place respect stable view

lock pose rest like activate

dis- re- un-

2 Write words with prefixes in the blank spaces to complete the paragraph.

We have learned that our environment is . It is important

to clean up garbage and . If we do not do this, we are

. Restoring our ecosystems is not ! We can

do it if we all work together!

3 Define each prefix. Define the root word as well. Next, use both definitions to figure
out the meaning of the original word and define that word. Follow the example
precaution: pre: earlier or before + caution: to avoid danger or mistakes
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precaution: an action or attitude taken in advance to avoid danger or mistakes

a. disenchanted: dis- : + enchanted:


b. reevaluate: re- : + evaluate:


Main Verbs, Helping Verbs, and the Future Tense
1 Underline the main verbs in the paragraph below.

People in the Caribbean live in a tropical habitat. The Caribbean has endured
many natural disasters. These natural disasters have affected our ecosystems. This
has also affected all species found in Puerto Rico. You can see past damage done
to El Yunque, our tropical rainforest. I have visited both dry forests and rainforests.
Ecosystems cannot improve without our help. We should do our best to protect the

2 Circle the helping verb that completes each sentence.

a. Many problems (did / have) plagued our ecosystems.

b. She (might / is) learning the importance of protecting our environment.

c. You (should / have) recycle and reuse as a way of protecting the environment.

d. We (can / do) start by properly disposing of the trash we generate.

e. There are many ways we (is / can) help our planet.

f. We (shall / do) protect our ecosystems!

3 Write a paragraph about an animal belonging to your favorite ecosystem. Circle the
main verbs and underline the helping verbs that you used.

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Chapter 5: Helping Mother Nature

4 Use the verb in parentheses correctly to express the future tense.

a. I (fly) to Jordan tomorrow morning.

b. The bad weather (stop) tonight at nine.

c. Carlos (meet) with us after lunch.

d. She (visit) her grandmother.

5 Circle the words that indicate future tense in the paragraph below.
Jeremy and I are going to Guánica tomorrow. We will go to the dry forest there. It is
called the Guánica State Forest. We will leave early in the morning and will be there
by dawn. Why do we have to go so early? Well, if we go in the afternoon, it will be too
warm to have fun! We will also go bird watching. We will take pictures of endemic
bird species found in the state forest. These will be part of our science project! After
we do that, we will go to the beach!

6 Select the future tense verb that completes each sentence. Write it in the
space provided.

a. We (will go / have gone) to the movies tomorrow.

b. Sofía (will / can) clean her room this weekend.

c. Our parents (will be / can be) visiting your parents this


d. They (are going to / is going to) repair their damaged

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e. My grandparents (will / can) visit next month.

f. My sister (opened / will open) the store.

g. The class (will stop / stopped) at 11:20 a.m.

h. Michael (is going / is gone) to cook dinner tonight.

The Paragraph and the Topic Sentence
1 Circle the topic sentence in the paragraph below.

Having a pet is wonderful. When you get home after school, your pet usually comes
to greet you. They keep you company and sit by your side when watching television.
You have to take care of them! Always provide fresh water and food for your pet.
Periodical veterinary visits are important, as well.

2 Choose one of the following themes.

Earth’s ecosystems Oceanic ecosystems

Forests in the Caribbean Damage to ecosystems

3 Use your notebook to brainstorm about the theme you selected.

4 Write a topic sentence about the theme you selected.

5 Write a paragraph about the topic you selected. Remember to incorporate your
topic sentence into the paragraph.

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What Did We Learn?

1 Write a problem/solution paragraph about an ecosystem that has been affected in

Puerto Rico somehow. Circle the topic sentence.

2 Add the prefixes mis-, fore-, or anti- to form a new word.

a. biotic f. virus

b. read g. manage

c. finger h. front

d. place i. understood

e. bacterial j. head

3 Read the passage below. Then, circle the main verbs and underline the
helping verbs.

Every member of an ecosystem has an important niche. A niche is the role the
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organism plays in its environment. If part of an ecosystem becomes more

dominant than another, the entire ecosystem could become unbalanced. A food
chain explains how organisms interact in their ecosystem. Plants are called
producers. They use sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide to produce their own food.
This process is called photosynthesis.

Chapter 6 Learning from the Past

Reading Comprehension
Go West!
1 Mark the correct answer.

a. “Go West!” is...

an essay. a book.

a diary. a comic.

b. They are going to Oregon because…

they got tired of Missouri. they are hoping to be able to get

free land.

they are looking for adventure. they were tired of being settled in
one place.

c. The Homestead Act is…

a law that grants Oregon land an incentive for people to move

to farmers. to the West Coast.

a law that grants California a five-year farming plan.

land to farmers.

2 Describe the story’s setting or settings. Did it affect the characters? How so?
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Literary Concepts
The Diary and Historical Context
1 Mark the correct answer.

a. Historical context…

helps you better understand is the collected works of a nation.

the text you are reading.

is irrelevant to the reading is a reflection of culture.


2 Mark the sentences that reveal the historical context in the story “Go West!”

a. In two months, we are going to travel by wagon train to Oregon.

b. We have had good weather so far.

c. Ma made us ride in the wagon most of the day because she

saw a rattlesnake.

d. We have a lot to do in the next month.

e. Ma traded some flour and sugar for moccasins.

3 Describe the general writing style of a diarist.

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4 Explain why diaries are important.

The Suffix
1 Add a suffix to the words below. Then name the part of speech that they change to.

a. use

b. immediate

c. tight

d. noise

e. law

2 Review the text “Go West!” Find three words with the suffix –ly. Write them down below.



3 Write a sentence with each word you chose.




4 Add the suffix –less to the underlined words to change the meaning of the
sentences. Write a new sentence for each new word.

a. Pa never experienced fear.

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b. We could not see a single star in the sky.

c. I felt like I had no power over people.

Chapter 6: Learning from the Past

Word Series with Suffixes

1 Write three word series with the following base words. Add the part of speech next to
each word.

a. dust

b. quiet

c. loud

d. sweet

2 Circle the base word in the following word series.

a. build, builder, building, builds

b. settled, settling, settlement, settle

c. rocks, rocking, rocker, rock

d. navigation, navigator, navigate, navy

3 Write the base word of each word series.

a. write, writer, writing

b. walked, walking, walks

c. small, smaller, smallest

d. moving, moves, moved

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4 Complete the sentences with a word from the word series of the word in parenthesis.

a. Pa treated the oxen . (kind)

b. We watched our step after the rattlesnake incident. (care)

c. Ma us around while she took care of our sister. (order)

d. Pa and the other men us from the horse thieves. (protect)

Linking Verbs, the Verb to be, and the Present Progressive Tense
1 Read the passage below. Circle the verb to be.
July 20, 1844
It is rough country out here. Last night one of our oxen died. Luckily, Pa bought two
extra oxen at Fort Bridger. It is still sad, though.

We are camped at a place called Craters of the Moon. There is nothing to see here
but rocks, rocks, and more rocks.

2 Rewrite each sentence using the present progressive tense of the verb.

a. The narrator writes about his family’s journey to Oregon.

b. Ma trades some dry goods for some shoes.

c. Pa and the other men stay up at night to defend the wagon.

d. My baby sister sings while she cooks.

3 Underline the linking verbs in the following sentences.

a. My brothers and I thought we would grow up in Missouri.

b. Ma and Pa looked over the farm one last time.

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c. My sister feels like the trip is a bad idea.

d. The oxen acted strange after drinking the unclean water.

e. This land will become our new farm.

f. Pa said, “We are being watched by the horse thieves.”

Chapter 6: Learning from the Past

4 Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the verb to be.

a. We very worried about the horse thieves.

b. The Native Americans excellent craftsmen.

c. Ma and I going to cook beans.

d. I interested in learning more about the Oregon Trail.

e. Pa a very brave and resourceful man.

f. The narrator born in Missouri.

5 Complete the following sentences with a form of the verb to be.

a. You waiting impatiently for the rain to stop.

b. Because she working in the back of the wagon, she doesn’t

hear Jesse calling for her.

c. We quietly working our way through this mountain of


d. He telling his friend the story about the Craters of the Moon.

e. They thinking about moving to another state.

f. Ma very tired, but she is helping us cook.

6 Write a brief paragraph about a far-away place you would love to visit. Use at least
three linking verbs.
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Diary Entries
1 Describe the diary entries in “Go West!”

2 Select the type of entry you would most like to write about in a diary.

a. an interesting observation you made about a person, place, or thing

b. a description of a person you love

c. something special about yourself

d. a problem you had and how you solved it

e. a particular goal you hope to reach

f. an important event in your life and your feelings toward it

3 Write a diary entry about the topic you chose. Your entry should be eight to twelve
lines long, in paragraph form.

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What Did We Learn?

1 Complete the following sentences with the present progressive tense of the words in
the word bank.

put write run read sit sleep

a. Ma was when she heard the rattlesnake.

b. My sister was in the wagon while it rained.

c. My brother and I were around the wagon.

d. I am a diary about the journey.

e. Pa is out the fire.

f. Ma is to my baby sister.

2 Write a summary of “Go West!” Explain why you liked or did not like the story.

3 Explain how you can identify historical context within a story.

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1 Add the prefix re-, mis-, or im- to complete the word.

a. We need to _________cycle. Doing so helps our environment.

b. It is easy to _________interpret the instructions in the manual.

c. Some say that saving the planet is _________possible.

d. People need to _________view their littering habits.

e. We need to _________part these lessons to everyone in our community.

f. Many people are _________informed about reusing and recycling.

2 Underline the main verb.

We have learned about ecosystems and how we can protect them. After I

saw the huge pile of trash, I knew the community needed our help. We bumped

into our science teacher at the recycling center. He was very proud of us for

helping out our community. We can all contribute to make the world a better

place. Now, many people want to volunteer with us.

3 Select the future tense verb that completes each sentence. Write it in the
space provided.

a. We _____________ (is going, are going) to help our community.

b. The community _____________ (will, can) start a recycling program.

c. Our parents _____________ (are going, is going) to help us build a booth to

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promote the program.

d. They _____________ (can, will) also set up a reuse program.

e. People _____________ (can, will) bring the items they do not want so that others
can reuse them.

f. The first batch of materials _____________ (arrive, arrives) tomorrow.


Review: Chapters 4-6

4 Cross out the word that is not a helping verb.

a. can, may, say, must

b. is, am, are, where

c. do, does, don, did

d. shall, call, will, why

e. could, count, would, should

f. have, hang, had, has

5 Circle the verb in each sentence. Then classify it as regular (R) or irregular (IR).

a. Manny liked to play baseball.

b. I asked my friends to come and help me at the soup kitchen.

c. My mom paid for the man’s food when his card was declined.

d. Linda thought that it was important to explain the littering problem.

e. We set up paper, plastic, glass, and aluminum recycling areas.

f. People need to actively help out their community.

6 Write a paragraph comparing and contrasting the journey in “Go West!” with a trip
you have made. What are some similarities? What are the differences?
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Chapter 7 Visiting Faraway Lands

Reading Comprehension
Mount Vesuvius
1 Why is Pompeii important? Explain your answer.

2 List the warning signs that happened prior to the eruption.

3 Put the events from the story in order, using numbers 1 to 6.

a. Scientists monitor Mount Vesuvius for warning signs.

b. By the year 79, Mount Vesuvius was surrounded by settlements.

c. The people of Pompeii decided to rebuild the city. © SANTILLANA - Any reproduction is prohibited.

d. Workers stumbled upon Pompeii many years later.

e. A loud roar was heard all over town in 62 CE.

f. On August 24 of the year 79, Mount Vesuvius started to erupt.

Literary Concepts
The Essay
1 List three ideas to discuss in an essay about natural disasters in the Caribbean.




2 Pick a topic from the previous activity and brainstorm in your notebook.

3 Group the ideas you generated in the previous activity into the
following categories.

Introduction Body Conclusion

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4 Organize your ideas and write an essay in your notebook.

Homographs and Homophones
1 Think of two meanings for each homograph in the word bank. Write the
definitions for each. Then, write two sentences for each homograph. Use a dictionary,
if necessary.

kind miss bat bit




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Chapter 7: Visiting Faraway Lands

2 Circle the homophone that completes each sentence.

a. The eruption went on for (ours / hours).

b. The citizens tried to hide (in / inn) their homes.

c. If you could (see / sea) the eruption, it was already too late.

d. If they had heeded the warnings, the people of the city (would / wood)
have survived.

e. Pliny loved to (right / write) letters.

f. Many people refused to believe that Pompeii was (reel / real).

3 Underline the homographs in each sentence. Define them in your notebook.

a. The loss of the city was too much to bear.

b. The bears in the forest left after the first warning signs.

c. The people saw the eruption from across the bay.

d. They found many tools in Pompeii. I do not know if they found a saw.

e. Making fun of people who suffer through natural disasters is mean.

f. What do you mean that Pompeii completely disappeared?

4 Match the homophone to its corresponding meaning.

a. knight 1. the opposite of day

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b. ball 2. to cry or weep noisily

c. night 3. a medieval noble

d. bawl 4. a solid or hollow sphere

Subject-Verb Agreement, Prepositions of Time, and Prepositions of Place
1 Circle the mistakes in subject-verb agreement.

a. Living in luxury were one of the many things you could do in Pompeii.

b. Many people ignores the impending eruption’s signs.

c. The large volcano are dormant.

d. Nobody know when Mt. Vesuvius will erupt again.

2 Cross out the prepositions of time used incorrectly and write the correct ones
on the blanks.

a. The volcano exploded by one last time.

b. It happened at the afternoon.

c. The first warning was in February 6, 62 CE.

d. On a few minutes, the city of Pompeii was destroyed.

3 Circle the verbs in each sentence. Determine if the subject is singular (S) or
plural (P).

a. Many rich Romans lived in ample quarters.

b. The Romans flocked to Pompeii for many reasons.

c. The eruption was devastating and quick. © SANTILLANA - Any reproduction is prohibited.

d. The city never recovered from the disaster.

4 Underline the prepositions of place in each sentence.

a. A lot of houses were built near the mouth of the volcano.

b. There were great gardens close to the volcano’s crater.

c. Many people hid inside their houses to escape the eruption.

Chapter 7: Visiting Faraway Lands

5 Fill in the blank with the correct preposition of place.

a. Pliny saw the eruption from the bay.

b. The area Pompeii was devastated as well.

c. There was no upside to living a volcano.

d. Pompeii’s ruins hid the lava flows for many years.

6 Write a sentence with each subject. Make sure there is subject-verb agreement in
your sentences.

a. The eruption

b. The ruins of Pompeii

c. Scientists

d. Mount Vesuvius
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7 Choose the prepositions of time to complete the sentences below.

during until after by

a. We will go to the ruins the semester is over.

b. He was falling asleep class.

c. You cannot open your presents your birthday!

Supporting Sentences and the Conclusion
1 Select one of the following topic sentences. Write five supporting sentences and a
conclusion. Use your notebook.

a. I will always remember the first time I .

b. How to rebuild after a natural disaster.

c. There are many threats to life in the Caribbean due to natural disasters.

2 Mark the supporting sentences of the following topic sentence:

Living on an island can be dangerous.

a. Puerto Rico is a lovely island, but it has its hidden dangers.

b. This tropical paradise might be in the path of hurricanes coming from the

c. Puerto Rico enjoys lovely weather all year round.

d. The island rests on a tectonic plate that is shifting constantly. This might
cause earthquakes.

e. It is important to be prepared for natural disasters when living in Puerto Rico.

3 Circle the sentence that works as a conclusion.

a. I strongly encourage tourists to come to Puerto Rico, even if it is natural

disaster prone.

b. I will always stay in Puerto Rico, no matter what!

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c. I strongly support leaving the island due to the possibility of natural disasters.

d. The Caribbean is an amazing place to live.

e. Living on an island like Puerto Rico might be dangerous, but it is a risk I am

willing to take.

f. I will travel all over the Caribbean and see its islands.

What Did We Learn?

1 Choose the preposition that correctly completes the following sentences.

a. Many people went (at / in / to) Pompeii for either business or leisure.

b. There had been many warning signs (before / after / during) the eruption.

c. The houses (on / in / at) the volcano were the first to be destroyed.

d. If you lived (in / at / across) the bay, you were safe.

e. People could not see (around / during / through) the falling ash.

f. The smoke rose high (under / on / above) the city. It looked like a tree.

2 Underline the verb that agrees with the subject.

a. Romans (lives / live) in Pompeii because it is beautiful.

b. Pliny (writes / write) to his friends every week.

c. He (have / has) a great view of the Bay of Naples.

d. Few citizens were able to (escapes / escape) the disaster.

e. No one will ever (knows / know) how many people perished in Pompeii.

f. You can (visit / visits) the Pompeii ruins today.

3 Imagine Puerto Rico is about to experience a natural disaster similar to the one
experienced in Pompeii. Create an evacuation plan for the population. Explain
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it below.

Chapter 8 Great Contributors

Reading Comprehension
A Great American Inventor, Patriot, and Statesman
1 Mark the correct answer.

a. What did Franklin do after Francis’s death?

He promoted inoculation He categorized the vaccine as

against smallpox. controversial.

He spoke out against inocula- He started an investigation

tion. on inoculation.

2 Answer:

a. What did the governor of Pennsylvania promise? Did he keep his promise?

3 List some of the accomplishments that Benjamin Franklin achieved throughout

his lifetime.

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4 Explain how Franklin’s accomplishments changed America and shaped how we

live today.

Literary Concepts
The Biography
1 Which sort of information is included in a biography? List some examples below.

a. d.

b. e.

c. f.

2 Imagine that you are to write a biography about your favorite artist or athlete. Who
would you choose? Write down their name and occupation.

3 Carry out some research about the person you chose. Then, write a brief biography
in the space provided. Remember to give your biography a title.
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Homonyms and Word Series with Prefixes
1 Write word series using the following prefixes. Consult a dictionary, if necessary.

a. post-

b. un-

c. ir-

d. pre-

e. dis-

f. im-

2 Complete each sentence. You may use the homonyms from the word bank below
more than once.

bat well key bank

a. I wonder, did Ben Franklin invent the baseball ?

b. They didn’t have running water back then, so they had to use a .

c. Ben and his son went to the river to fly a kite.

d. His son tied their house to the kite.

e. The was closed so they couldn’t get the money.

f. Benjamin was optimistic. He believed the experiment would go .

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g. They saw a fly around at sunset.

h. Lightning was a element for their experiment.

i. It didn’t seem like it was going to rain, so they sat down on a .

j. The air was teeming with flies. The boy had to them away.

Chapter 8: Great Contributors

3 Look up the following words in a dictionary. Mark the words that are homonyms.

a. well e. boy i. hurry

b. again f. stalk j. play

c. box g. cake k. text

d. stall h. student l. glance

4 Select a homonym from the previous exercise. Write a sentence with each meaning
of the homonym you chose.



5 Complete the sentences using the word bank. Select a word from the word series
indicated by the prefix in parentheses.

monologue bilingual antisocial

monolingual unable triathlon

a. Benjamin wanted to participate in a (tri).

b. He wasn’t (anti), he was just obsessed with work.

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c. Benjamin and Deborah weren’t (mono).

d. We know that Benjamin was (bi). He spoke fluent French.

e. They were getting bored with the politician’s lengthy (mono).

f. Benjamin was (un) to stay awake at the meeting.

Articles, Contractions, and Conjunctions
1 Match the term with its definition.

1. precedes nouns and specifies

a. conjunction noun gender and number

2. the shorter form of two words

b. article
3. a word used to connect words or a
c. correlative conjunction group of words

4. a conjunction that works in pairs

d. contraction

2 Mark the sentences that contain articles. Then, underline the articles.

a. Benjamin was tired from working and began to doze off.

b. The printing press was not working. He had to figure out what was wrong.

c. He found himself taking it apart.

d. He realized that the press was an old, broken mess.

e. He took down a seemingly inconspicuous old jar and opened it.

f. The jar was actually used as a piggy bank.

3 Write four sentences about Benjamin Franklin using correlative conjunctions. Circle
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the correlative conjunctions.





Chapter 8: Great Contributors

4 Underline the coordinating conjunctions.

a. The diplomats were not happy with Benjamin, so they sent him home.

b. He was at a loss because of his son’s death, but he worked hard to save
other children.

c. Ben invented the Franklin stove and fire insurance, among other things.

d. When he started out, he did not have money or connections.

e. Benjamin promoted inoculation because he did not want any more children
to suffer.

f. Printing presses were neither cheap nor readily available.

5 Complete the sentences using correlative conjunctions.

a. Politics was their favorite topic the one they knew

the most about.

b. The couple had the option of allowing grief to get the best of
them helping other couples save their children.

c. People admired the couple’s strength their ability

to help others.

d. You are brave for going out in this weather, crazy!

6 Write the contraction for the words below.

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a. it is e. he will

b. is not f. he would

c. cannot g. she had

d. she will h. could not

Narrative Paragraphs
1 Write a narrative paragraph about the day Benjamin Franklin was reprimanded by
British officials and returned to Philadelphia.

2 Identify the point of view used in the paragraph below.

It was a terrible, stormy day when Benjamin decided to fly a kite. He was trying to
prove to everyone that lightning really was electricity. He made sure to calm down
his children. “I promise I will not get electrocuted! It is perfectly safe!” But his son did
not believe him. “I will go with you, father,” he said as he put on his coat and hat.
They went outside and began to fly the kite. They did not have to wait long. The loud
crackling sounds of thunder began, and the sky lit up. The bright bolt of lightning hit
the key. They knew they had proved their hypothesis.

3 Complete the narrative paragraph about Franklin’s quest to gain French support.
Being ambassador to the court of Louis XVI is hard work. Many people think it is just
a constant party, but between the cake and the drinks, serious politics are
discussed. The French love me, but I wonder how I can get them to support the
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United States…

What Did We Learn?

1 Mark the sentences that use articles correctly.

a. The bifocal is a very useful invention.

b. An English language is not so hard when you practice.

c. That was the very interesting story.

d. I thought the homework was due yesterday.

e. Go get a rice that is on the counter!

f. Deborah, the inventor’s wife, is very smart!

2 Write two sentences for each homonym.

a. ring

b. kind

c. book
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d. bark

Chapter 9 Life’s Lessons

Reading Comprehension
Daedalus and Icarus
1 Answer the following questions:

a. Did Ariadne help Theseus because she was kind? Or did she have another

b. Do you think that making wings like Daedalus and Icarus did is possible? Why?

c. Why did Icarus ignore his father’s warning? Explain your answer.

2 What were the events that led to the death of Icarus? Use the graphic organizer
below to put in sequential order the events ranging from the characters’ exile from
Athens to Icarus’s death.
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Icarus falls
while flying
and dies.

Literary Concepts
Heroes and Heroines
1 Think of a person whom you consider a hero or heroine. Write their
name and the reasons they should be considered a hero or heroine below.

2 List the characteristics that make the person you selected above a hero or heroine.

3 Name four people who could be considered real life heroes or heroines. Explain
why you would consider them heroes or heroines.


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Monosyllables and Syllabification
1 Read the passage below. Circle all the monosyllables that you find.

Daedalus led Icarus out of the labyrinth safely. But Daedalus knew they still had
to leave Crete and get away from King Minos. He was certain that the King would
harm them once he discovered they had escaped. Daedalus and Icarus headed
for the shore. Their plan was to board a ship and act as stowaways. However, the
King’s guards were standing close to the docks. King Minos controlled everything in
Crete, including the seas that surrounded the island. Daedalus realized there was
no route of escape by land or sea.

2 Divide the following words into syllables. Write the rule of syllabification that you used.

a. doomed e. seagulls i. initial m. escape

b. scared f. thinking j. looks n. realized

c. careful g. fastened k. feathers o. covered

d. disappearance h. punishment l. trapped p. forever

3 Match the syllables. Write the words they form. © SANTILLANA - Any reproduction is prohibited.

a. un 1. cate

b. ban 2. it

c. lo 3. ish

d. ex 4. wound

Chapter 9: Life’s Lessons

4 Write a detailed summary of the story “Daedalus and Icarus.”

5 Circle monosyllables you used in the previous activity. Write the number below.

6 Circle the vowel sounds. Underline the monosyllables.

a. giraffe e. cupboard i. tablet

b. head f. raid j. computer

c. lion g. keyboard k. rhythm

d. week h. glove l. pause

7 Use the syllables in the word bank to fill in the blanks and form words.

ceed spond

myth re
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su ic

ture er

crea viv

id pause

Adjectives and Adjectives in the Positive, Comparative and Superlative Degrees
1 Circle the adjectives in the following sentences. Classify the adjectives as being in
the positive (P), comparative (C), or superlative (S) degrees.

a. Daedalus is smarter than King Minos.

b. The King thought himself to be the wisest of men.

c. The Minotaur had the best sense of smell.

d. Daedalus and Icarus crafted the most beautiful wings you could ever see.

e. They were banished from the great city of Athens.

f. Icarus was the most careless flyer.

2 Imagine and describe the labyrinth. Circle all the adjectives in your description.

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Chapter 9: Life’s Lessons

3 List six adjectives you would use to describe the story’s characters.

a. d.

b. e.

c. f.

4 Complete the sentences with the comparative or superlative degrees of the

adjectives in parentheses.

The (scary) monster I have read about is the Minotaur. He is a

mythological creature that was trapped in a huge maze. It was
(big) than Puerto Rico! Or at least, that’s what some people say. Anyway, King Minos
thought he was the (smart) of all kings by locking him in there.
But Theseus, who wanted to be (brave) than all the other heroes,
had decided that he would kill the Minotaur. In the end, Daedalus ended up be-
ing the (clever) of the lot. He escaped the maze, created wings
(large) than those of birds, and flew off the island.

5 Complete the table using adjectives in the positive, comparative, and

superlative degrees.

Positive Comparative Superlative

the cutest of all

happier than
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bigger than

the scariest of all

Descriptive Paragraph
1 Picture the Minotaur. List six adjectives to describe the Minotaur.

a. c. e.

b. d. f.

2 Write two phrases containing sensory images about the Minotaur.

3 Write a descriptive paragraph about the Minotaur.

4 Describe a place you have traveled to that you have enjoyed the most. Use as
many comparative and superlative adjectives and sensory images as possible.

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What Did We Learn?

1 Divide the following words into syllables.

a. dispute e. better

b. jumping f. approach

c. oven g. crying

d. sadden h. wonder

2 Underline the adjectives.

a. A great wind lifted Icarus toward the heavens.

b. Daedalus and Icarus found large and small feathers.

c. Why is the Minotaur silent today?

d. I can build a gigantic labyrinth with winding walls.

e. That is an excellent idea, Daedalus.

f. The Minotaur could not escape the highly complex maze.

3 Imagine you are flying like Icarus. Write a descriptive paragraph about
the experience.
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1 Look at the picture. Write four sentences to describe the objects in the picture using
adjectives in positive, comparative, and superlative degrees.

2 Select the homophone that completes each sentence.

a. Flying to Icaria takes less than an (our / hour).

b. Did you (hear / here) about Daedalus? People say he killed his nephew.

c. The (scent / sent) of pine always reminds me of the holiday season.

d. Have you ever (bin / been) to Pompeii?

3 Mark the meaning of each homograph.

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a. Ariadne was not content in Crete.

peaceful, happy satisfy, please

b. The temperature on the island was nice and cool.

at a fairly low temperature to become less hot


Review: Chapters 7-9

4 Circle the article that can be used before each word or group of words.

a. (a / the) English language e. (the / an) smallpox vaccine

b. (an / a) amazing invention f. (a / the) United States

c. (a / the) Constitution g. (a / an) great American inventor

d. (an / a) great loss h. (the / a) Junto Club

5 Write contractions for the words in the word bank.

I will had not we are there is

a. b. c. d.

6 Write a sentence with each contraction from the previous activity.





7 Complete the following sentences using coordinating conjunctions.

a. Deborah was about to cry, she talked herself out of it.

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b. The new press was quick, it helped the business a lot.

c. Ben needed glasses to read to see from afar.

d. They couldn’t choose between buying a new printing press

a new home.

Chapter 10 Love and Relationships

Reading Comprehension
The Highwayman
1 Imagine that you are Tim the Hostler. Write a paragraph as him, telling his story.

2 Explain why Bess fired the musket.

3 Explain why you think the redcoats were after the highwayman.

4 Explain, in one sentence, why the highwayman returned. © SANTILLANA - Any reproduction is prohibited.

5 Describe the kind of relationship that Bess and the highwayman had.

Literary Concepts
Poetry, Prose, and Sensory Images
1 Write four sentences in prose to describe Bess and the men in love with her.

2 Write four lines of poetry to describe the highwayman.

3 Write four sentences using sensory images to describe the poem “The Highwayman.”

4 Match the sensory image with the corresponding sense.

a. the warmest, softest blanket 1. sight

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b. a bright blue sky 2. sound

c. a fragrant flower 3. taste

d. salty, yet sweet, caramel 4. smell

e. a loud metallic noise 5. feel

Word Derivatives and Compound Words
1 What is a word derivative?

2 Mark the compound words. Divide them into two smaller words.

a. character g. superstructure

b. herself h. upside

c. infrastructure i. volunteerism

d. sailboat j. airplane

e. crossing k. beginning

f. boardwalk l. carefully

3 Choose four compound words from the previous activity. Write four sentences
using them.


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Chapter 10: Love and Relationships

4 What is a compound word?

5 Write two derivatives for each word below.

a. type e. brave

b. kind f. courage

c. soul g. rave

d. music h. bake

6 Reread “The Highwayman.” Did you find any compound words? Write them down in
your notebook.

7 Make compound words by filling in the blank spaces below. Use a

dictionary, if necessary.

a. glasses g. walk

b. bee h. dog

c. bag i. clip

d. star j. eye
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e. phone k. pack

f. ear l. grand

Adverbs and Comparative Adverbs
1 What is an adverb?

2 Circle the adverbs inside the word bank.

loudly repeatedly anxious quickly

fly groggy bravest colder

extremely quite faster easier

slightly then more fast

happy often cloudy general

3 Choose five adverbs from the previous activity and write a sentence with each one.






4 Mark the sentence that uses a comparative adverb correctly.

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a. The highwayman behaved more bravely than Tim.

b. San Juan is the most dangerous city in Puerto Rico.

c. Bess cried more loudly than she had ever done before.

d. The inn keeper lived more happily before the redcoats appeared.

Chapter 10: Love and Relationships

5 Name the three degrees of comparative adverbs.




6 Give an example of each comparative adverb.




7 Replace the underlined adverbs to make the sentences true. Rewrite each sentence
in the space provided.

a. Bess never loved the highwayman.

b. The country is a slightly beautiful place.

c. Bess always gave in to the redcoats’ demands.

d. The highwayman returned slowly when he heard the news.

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8 Complete each sentence with the correct form of the adverb in parentheses.

a. Bess acted (brave) in the face of death.

b. Chemistry is (hard) than English.

c. The moon shined the most (bright) of all the celestial objects.

Persuasive Paragraphs
1 List three essential parts of a good persuasive paragraph.




2 Mark the characteristics of a good persuasive paragraph.

a. It is clear and logical.

b. It has one supporting sentence.

c. It has many topic sentences.

d. It has only one sentence.

e. It includes a conclusion.

f. It clearly states an opinion.

g. It is well organized.

h. It has the topic sentence at the end.

3 Write a persuasive paragraph about why we should express love to others.

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What Did We Learn?

1 Write a persuasive paragraph explaining why Bess was the story’s heroine.

2 Match the words to make compound words.

a. whirl 1. robe

b. up 2. beat

c. bath 3. fly

d. butter 4. wind

3 Circle the adverbs in the sentences below.

a. He answered the exam carefully.

b. She made sure to exercise daily.

c. The ballet dancers carried out their number effortlessly.

d. Michael jealously eyed his friend’s new gaming system.

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4 Underline the sensory images in the sentences below.

a. The redcoats cheered loudly at the sight of the dead highwayman.

b. Bess’s heart froze when she caught a glimpse of the highwayman’s silhouette
in the bright moonlight.

c. The rope felt rough and painful as she struggled against it.

Chapter 11 Art and Creativity

Reading Comprehension
The Cat Artist
1 Mark the correct answer.

a. The priest let Kenji into the church because…

he was kind. he was a lonely man.

he needed someone to he took pity on him.

take his place.

b. Kenji ran from the church because…

he hated being there. the priest was disappointed

in him.

the priest caught him he missed his family.

drawing cats.

c. The church…

became Kenji’s new home. became the priest’s new home.

was the home of the Goblin Rat. was a safe haven for all people.

2 Do you think that running away solves problems? Explain your answer.
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Literary Concepts
Similes and Metaphors
1 What is the difference between a simile and a metaphor? Explain.

2 Write three sentences describing your friends using similes.

3 Write three sentences describing objects in the classroom using metaphors.

4 Classify the phrases as similes (S) or metaphors (M).

a. cute as a button e. my broken heart

b. I feel blue f. as brave as a lion

c. riding an emotional g. as dry as bone

roller coaster

d. as happy as a clam h. a bubbly personality

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5 Choose one simile and one metaphor from the previous activity. Write a sentence
with each.

Idioms and Analogies
1 Match the underlined idiom in each sentence with its meaning.

a. honest and truthful d. extremely angry

b. leave e. die

c. not easy to believe f. remained alert

It is hard to swallow when you are deathly afraid.

Kenji stayed on his toes when he noticed that something was wrong.

The Goblin Rat was fit to be tied when he found Kenji in his church.

Kenji decided it was time to hit the road.

The priest knew that he would kick the bucket soon.

Kenji’s words are good as gold.

2 Complete the following analogies. Use the word bank. Follow the example below:
king : queen :: prince : princess

ugly granddaughter adult

sand biped Puerto Rico

a. pyramids : Egypt :: bohíos :

b. beach : :: mountains : snow

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c. man: :: dog: quadruped

d. mother : daughter :: grandmother :

e. child : :: kitten : cat

f. exciting : boring :: beautiful :

Chapter 11: Art and Creativity

3 Complete the following analogies.

a. sad is to happy as bad is to

b. book is to reading as pen is to

c. music is to musician as poetry is to

d. ship is to water as airplane is to

e. wheel is to car as kitchen is to

f. school is to students as palace is to

4 Make a list of idioms to describe the characters from “The Cat Artist.”

a. d.

b. e.

c. f.

5 Choose five idioms to write your own sentences about the characters.
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6 Circle the sentence if it contains an idiom or underline it if it contains an analogy.

When the priest saw that Kenji had drawn on the ancient books, he flipped his wig.

Kenji said, “Don’t have a cow, man!” When Kenji saw how angry the priest was, he

was as quiet as a mouse. However, the priest’s velvety voice calmed him a little.

Interjections and the Past Participle
1 Underline the interjections.

a. Ouch! I cut my finger on the Goblin Rat’s sword.

b. Hey, stop playing with the rice!

c. Oops, I forgot I couldn’t draw on the walls.

d. Ah, I think the priest is not going to be happy.

e. Hurrah! I have found a place to live!

f. Oh, I finally understand!

2 Write six sentences using the past participle to describe the characters in “The
Cat Artist.”

3 Select the interjections that complete the following sentences.

a. (Wow / Oh)! I didn’t know English was that easy! © SANTILLANA - Any reproduction is prohibited.

b. (Hurrah / Wow) for Kenji! He finally found a home!

c. (Hey / Oh), put that back where it belongs.

d. “(Ugh / Gee whiz), I’m just a kid,” Kenji thought as they chastised him.

e. (Ouch / Hey), that really hurt!

f. (Oh / Hey), be careful what you wish for!

Chapter 11: Art and Creativity

4 Rewrite the following sentences using the past participle.

a. Kenji loved painting cats ever since he was a baby.

b. He went to the abandoned temple on the hill.

c. Kenji drew on many of the old priest’s books.

d. They always remembered the day Kenji saved their village.

e. Everyone welcomed Kenji with open arms.

f. The priest liked going for walks in the garden.

g. Kenji took the calico cat with him to the hollowed out tree.

h. All of the cat paintings came to life.

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5 Write four sentences using interjections.

A Paragraph that Gives a Definition
1 Read the paragraph below.
Ukiyo-e are a series of woodblock prints and paintings using a very old Japanese
painting style. Ukiyo-e are full of bold colors, complex patterns, and dynamic illustra-
tions. The color in a ukiyo-e painting is usually defined by the linework. Ukiyo-e were
available in printing and print form, which means that it was more accessible to
the general public. Ukiyo-e paintings usually depicted women, actors, wrestlers, and
landscapes, among other things.

2 Review the example above. Answer the questions.

a. What concept is defined in the paragraph?

b. What key words are used to explain the concept?

3 Write a paragraph that gives a definition about your favorite art style.

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What Did We Learn?

1 How do you think Kenji felt at the end of the story? Compare it to how he felt
at the beginning.

2 Write four sentences using the past participle.

3 Look at the image. Then, explain why this moment is an important part of the story.
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Chapter 12 The Magical
and the Mystical
Reading Comprehension
The Birds
1 Do you think that Pisthetaerus and Euelpides really wanted to help Epops and the
birds? Or do you think they had an ulterior motive? Explain your answer.

2 Match the characters to their descriptions or accomplishments.

a. Heracles 1. messenger goddess

b. Prometheus 2. makes Zeus’s lightning

c. Poseidon 3. king of the birds

d. Iris 4. Zeus’s son; a divine hero

e. Basileia 5. Greek god of the sea

6. Greek god who created

f. Epops humankind

3 What consequences did the construction of Cloud-Cuckoo-Town have? Fill out the
chart below.
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Wall and Cloud-

Cuckoo-Town are

Literary Concepts
Hyperbole and Personification
1 Mark the sentences that use hyperbole. Next, underline the hyperbole.

a. He jumped up and down like a bouncing ball.

b. Most of the gods ate so much food that they thought they were
going to explode.

c. Hercules’s heart raced when he found out he would be the heir.

d. The birds were very confused.

e. They flew away from Athens, burning with curiosity.

f. The birds nestled comfortably on the wall.

2 Circle what is personified in each sentence.

a. The birds smiled proudly and congratulated themselves for a job well done.

b. Zeus’s anger was so great that even the lightning was scared of him.

c. The clouds bowed as the gods descended from Olympus.

d. The rain cackled as it ruined my hairstyle.

3 Classify the sentence with an H if it is hyperbole or a P if it is personification.

a. Epops was bored to tears. He hadn’t had visitors for hundreds of years.
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b. The birds tried to distract him with funny stories, but it didn’t work.

c. The desert rocks were all ears, but Epops told them to stop eavesdropping.

d. The king tried to take up dancing, but he had two left feet.

1 What is etymology? Why is it useful?

2 Look at the entry and identify where the word poetry comes from. Write your answer
in the space provided.
poetry n. [M.E. poetrie < OF. < ML. poetria < L. poeta, Poet.] 1. the art, theory, or
structure of poems 2. poems; poetical works 3. a) poetic qualities; the rhythm,
feeling, spirit, etc. of poems. b) the expression or embodiment of such qualities.

3 Use an etymological dictionary to look up the origins of the following words. Write
their origins in the space provided.

a. gods

b. poet

c. king

d. fire

e. smite

f. affection

g. mystical

h. messenger
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4 Choose three words from the previous exercise and write a sentence with each.

Chapter 12: The Magical and the Mystical

5 Read the following passage from “The Birds.” Write the underlined words in
alphabetical order. Use an etymological dictionary to find their origins.
EPOPS: Oh, a brilliant thought!
PISTHETAERUS: [To Euelpides.] Go, friend, to help the workers who are building the
wall. I must help with the sacrifice to the new gods and must go to summon the
Priest who will preside at the ceremony.
EPOPS: Priest, it is high time to sacrifice to the new gods.
PRIEST: I begin: We pray to the gods of the birds and to all the god and goddess-
birds who dwell in the sky...






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Syntax and Noun Phrases
1 Identify the word order in each sentence. Label the sentences as NE for natural
English word order or IO for inverted order.

a. A city in the sky is Pisthetaerus’s dream.

b. There are many places in the world that can be described as magical.

c. For many people, New York is the city that never sleeps.

d. The land of enchantment is how Puerto Rico is known.

e. The wall was built in the clouds.

f. Sitting in Olympus were the angry gods.

g. The birds chattered away as they worked on the wall.

h. The assignment was left at home by my friend.

2 Use the subject noun birds to write three sentences with noun phrases. Circle the
noun phrases in each sentence.

3 Write three sentences about a magical, mystical place. Label the subject, verb,
and object of each sentence.
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Chapter 12: The Magical and the Mystical

4 Mark the sentences that do not have subject-verb agreement.

a. Magical and mystical places is interesting.

b. Many fictional works take place in imaginary places.

c. I think that Olympus are a fictional place.

d. He say that Olympus is based on an actual place in Greece.

e. The Moon are surely a magical place.

f. There are some places on Earth that look like the surface of Mars!

5 Underline the noun phrases in each sentence.

a. The tiny wings on Eulpides’s and Pisthetaerus’s backs were a pitiful sight.

b. The sneaky gods have already sent a spy!

c. Cloud-Cuckoo-Town is a great city built by brilliant birds.

d. Hercules is not the brightest hero.

e. The wise king allowed the paranoid gods to ask many questions.

6 Circle the words that complete the sentences.

a. The author (have / has) a great imagination.

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b. The buildings (are / is) magnificent architectural wonders.

c. Zeus and Hercules (is / are) father and son.

d. (Does / Do) you have the theater tickets?

e. I wonder if the author (know / knows) how important his work is.

f. (Are / Is) Diana and I seated together?

A Story
1 Complete the following activities to write a story about a magical, mystical place.
a. List the character or characters in your story.

b. Explain the plot of your story.

c. Describe the conflict of the story.

d. Give details about the conclusion of the story.

2 Use the information from the previous activity to write your short story. Remember
to use similes and metaphors in your description of the characters and plot. Don’t
forget to include a title!
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What Did We Learn?

1 Define hyperbole and personification. Provide at least one example for each.

2 Write a noun phrase for the following subjects.

a. author

b. king

c. goddess

d. messenger

e. sacrifice

f. Olympus

3 Define syntax. Explain why it is important.

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4 Write four sentences in natural English word order.


1 Underline the interjection in each sentence. Match each interjection with

what it expresses.

a. Oh, that is such a nice house. 1. grief or pity

b. Hurrah, the semester is over! 2. calling attention

c. Ouch! I closed the door on my hand! 3. surprise

d. Hey! You broke the window! 4. celebration

e. Alas, I lost my essay and it was due today. 5. pain

2 Use the following words to write sentences in natural English word order.

a. drawing/cats/in/Kenji/specialized

b. a/magnificent/birds/wall/the/built/great

c. promise/his/highwayman/the/kept

d. the/admired/to/ability/priest/the/boy’s/draw

3 Review “The Birds.” Write down six compound words found in the text. Divide them
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into the smaller words they are made up of.

a. d.

b. e.

c. f.


Review: Chapters 10-12

4 Circle the past participle verbs.

a. Kenji has painted cats for many years.

b. Epops had escaped Athens and established his own kingdom.

c. All of the birds had helped build the wall.

d. The priest has thought a lot about Kenji since he left.

e. The Goblin Rat has not returned to the temple.

f. The redcoats have trapped the highwayman!

5 Complete each analogy with the missing word.

a. mango tree is to mango as is to coconuts

b. sister is to sibling as mother is to

c. honey is to as leather is to cow

d. car is to road as train is to

e. is to hard as cotton is to soft

f. San Juan is to Puerto Rico as is to Greece

6 Write a persuasive paragraph that explains why Kenji’s special skill was crucial to the
story’s plot.
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The graphic design, page layout, and illustrations were created by the following team:

Art Director:
Daniel Pintado Rodríguez

Design and Page Layout:

Elsa L. Santiago Díaz
Ricardo Martínez Camacho
Jamillette E. Blanco Muriente

Cover Art and Design:

Arturo Barrón Meléndez
Daniel Pintado Rodríguez

David Martínez Rivera
Reynaldo León
Santillana Archives

Multimedia Resources:
Eastern Sky Studios

Director of Operations:
Carlos Vázquez López

Ricardo Martínez Camacho

Luis D. Santos Coss

© 2014 - Ediciones Santillana, Inc.

1506 Roosevelt Ave.
Guaynabo, PR 00968

Printed in: Puerto Rico

Printed by: Santillana
ISBN: 978-1-61875-264-2

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any
means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any other information storage
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Ediciones Santillana has made every effort to locate the copyright holders of all copyrighted material in this
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would be grateful if notified of any corrections that should be incorporated in future reprints or editions of
this book.
English 6 Workbook

Growing Up is available for kindergarten to sixth-grade students in Spanish, English, and

Math; and for first-grade to sixth-grade students, in Social Studies and Science.

The series has been created to accompany our children throughout the different stages of
their development. In addition, Growing Up has been designed to foster respect for animals,
which is the cross-curricular theme of the series. It promotes sensibility towards the well-being
of animals and the importance of protecting and caring for them. Its main purpose is to
develop compassion and empathy, and also foster healthy relationships between humans
and animals.

The educational fundamentals are found throughout the Growing Up series in all subjects.
Each one incorporates them differently according to the skills and topics it develops
in its content.

The fundamentals included in Growing Up in English are:

• Content Standards and Grade-Level Expectations - The academic standards that Santillana
establishes as its curricular framework takes into consideration the areas of competence
that have been established in Puerto Rico, as well as the Common Core State Standards
that the United States has been applying.

• Depth of Learning Strategies

• 21 Century Skills

• Ethics and Civic Values

• Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)
• Curricular Connections
• Constructivism
• Critical Thinking
Growing Up is available in digital format (both offline and online, kindergarten through
sixth-grade), as well as in printed format (from kindergarten through sixth-grade).

Social Studies Science Math

ISBN 978-1-61875-264-2

9 781618 752642

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