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Time allowance: 60 minutes

Number of questions: 2
You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.
You live in Ho Chi Minh city. You just took a trip to Ha Long Bay with an English
friend named Daisy. You received an email from her after she returned to London. Read
part of her email below.
I hope you like the photos we took in Ha Long Bay. Did you get home all right?
I’m back at work now, but it’s a bit difficult to start again. I wish we were still on
Why don’t we plan another trip this spring if you’ve got time and money? Any
suggestions where we could go?
Write a reply to Daisy. In your email, you have to tell her that you really like the photos
and the time you got together, describe a problem you had at the airport to her and
suggest the time and place for the next trip.
You should write at least 120 words.

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.
Write about the following topic:
Some people argue that we have to think twice before deciding to eat fast food
because of some health problems it may cause, while others believe that this kind of
food is a good choice for those with a very busy life.
Which opinion do you agree with?
Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
You should write at least 250 words. Your response will be evaluated in terms of Task
Fulfillment, Organization, Vocabulary and Grammar.
 Task 1:
Dear Daisy,

It’s great to listen to from you again. I hope everything goes well in London.

Thanks for sending me the photos. I like them because they strike a chord in me of a
great time we spent with one another in Ha Long Bay. I feel that you simply enjoyed
the breathtaking scenery here such a lot.

As you almost certainly know, I had a small amount of trouble at Tân Sơn Nhat
airport thanks to the accidental power-cut, but I got home safely within the end.

I’m afraid I won’t be ready to flee this spring as I've got to go to my grandparents in
Central Vietnam then. What a few trips to Hà Nội, the capital city of Viet Nam next
summer? I'll have graduated from university by next June, and I’ve got an entire month
to travel before starting my first job.

Well, that’s all for now, Daisy. Drop me a line once you have time and let me know
what you're thinking that about my plan.

 Task 2:
In most parts of the globe, including Vietnam, the recognition of alimentation is
growing at a substantial rate. Some people hold the view that sustenance poses several
health hazards to consumers. However, I strongly believe that eating victuals may be
a great idea for busy people for 2 following reasons.

To begin with, the general public, especially young adults consider aliment as a
convenient source of food. Sustenance will be prepared and served within an
awfully short time. One day, if you bog down in an exceeding holdup on the way home
from work and don’t have enough time to cook dinner, just take the full family straight
to a KFC restaurant to eat some fried chicken with white potato. The sustenance
industry helps to avoid wasting human time

Another reason is that eaters can enjoy the pleasant atmosphere in an air-
conditioned aliment restaurant which is beautifully decorated with colorful lights, nice
paintings, and modem multi shaped tables and chairs. It can’t be denied that you
just will certainly feel relaxed and comfy after exertions and luxuriate in the nice taste
of hamburgers, hot dogs, pizzas, then on here.
Turning to the opposite side of the argument, consuming an excessive amount
of nutriment is that the reason behind obesity, iabetes, high pressure, and cardiovascular
disease. This type of food is rich in fat, salt, artificial substances, and oils, all of which
increase the chance of these health problems. Some recent surveys show that the
quantity of obese children is alarmingly on the rise.

All in all, I’m in favor of the concept that visiting a quick food restaurant for meals is
that the best option once you are as busy as a bee. However, you ought to limit the
quantity of oily and salty sustenance consumed thanks to many warnings of health
threats suggested by doctors and nutritionists.


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