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SOP for the membership of CNLU Legal Aid Cell

Driven by my unwavering passion for [CNLU Legal Aid Cell], I am eager to

embark on a transformative academic journey that aligns with my aspirations and
nurtures my potential to make a meaningful impact in this area. My objective is
to bridge the gap between the haves and haves not by bringing EQUITY AND
Legal aid is a government program that provides help, advice, and representation
to those who cannot afford it. Free legal aid is every Indian’s fundamental human
right according to the Indian Constitution. The National Legal Services Authority
regulates this component of legal services. It guarantees help to the poorer parts
of society who fall under section 12 of the Legal Services Authority Act, 1987.
Legal help to the poor, weak, and illiterate is required for the rule of law to exist.
Poor, illiterate people are denied access to justice unless they are given legal
The vision of CNLU Legal Aid Cell is to ensure fair and meaningful justice to the
marginalized and disadvantaged by bringing them legal awareness and aid. Being
the student of CNLU who has always took steps in providing justice in society
through various means. Today also by seeking permission from our honourable
VC mam the committee organised a candle march in our college premise to
showcase solidarity for the victims of Manipur Violence. This cell has also
adopted village Dilwarpur in Vaishali district Of Bihar. It has drive various
program under this cell such as Consumer Protection Drive on 16 th and 19th of
November 2016. It also gives the service of free client councelling by experts 2
days in a week. It held awareness camp in St. Joseph School of Begusarai for both
the children and parents and very positive respond was came from there, the
children were well aware of their rights like “Right to education”. THESE are the
things that MOTIVATED me to be the part of this noble cause cell. The members
of this cell has also from time to time has updated us with the work that they have
done and encouraged us to do the same.
From a young age, I have nurtured an unwavering passion for promoting social
justice and serving the underprivileged. Witnessing the disparities prevalent in
our society, particularly in terms of access to justice and legal representation, I
am motivated to utilize my legal education to make a positive impact. Joining the
Legal Aid Cell would offer me an ideal platform to channelize my dedication into
tangible actions that address pressing legal issues faced by marginalized
Being the student of this prestigious college as well as the law student it is my
responsibility to make the lay man aware of their fundamental rights and bring
social justice in our society. This disparity among the people comes to an END
soon. I firmly believe that every individual, regardless of their economic
background, deserves equitable access to justice. By collaborating with like-
minded individuals in the Cell, I aim to contribute proactively to initiatives that
empower those in need and ensure the protection of their fundamental rights.
In my school days also, I was the member of a social camp ALHARH that worked
for the awareness among women on cleanliness and sanitation and mensural
cycle. It worked in the outskirts area of Bhagalpur and also within the areas of
cities. I always wanted to carry on my efforts in social activities in future alsi and
this cell can give me an opportunity to give my ideas and effort to the cell.
I firmly believe that impactful change can be achieved through collective efforts.
As a team player, I am open to sharing ideas, listening to diverse perspectives,
and collaborating effectively with fellow members. I am confident that my ability
to work harmoniously in a team will contribute to the success of the CNLU Legal
Aid Cell's endeavors.

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