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Republic ofthe Philippines E AND TECHNOLOGY reer Development Center ‘Cabanatuan City 1S 9001:2015 Certified NUEVA ECHA UNIVERSITY OF SCIENC! (On-the-Job Training and Car OJT/INTERNSHIP TRAINING PLAN STUDENT-TRAINEE INFORMATION Name: PowruGAL , RUTfA MAE DE VERA Age: 94 Sex: F - Home Address: 41244. Dist RUT G, BRGY TALABUIAB NORTE GEN M NATIVIDAD NE. Telephone No. 0455499 148, ParenvGuardian: Yegnona O. PORTUGAL Telephone No: 6qo4¢C00 403 School: NEUST - guMACAB _CAMOUS Address: Synacab &te, Cobanatuea City Nueva Ect a College: CRIMINOLO Ly Program: BS CRiIMiNOLCG y Y Required No. of Hours: 7 2 Subject: Ost 2 OIT Coordinator: YRGINIA CRISTINA JIMM7 Telephone No.: Host Training Establishment (HTE): BrP CABANATUA Nn ‘Address: Kferan PEPE, caganaruan cory NUEVA ECUA Telephone No: Oqya ~ 303° 4272 OMT Trainor/Supervisor: GfO1 [EL ANDRET = MENDO?A Date OJT Started: Marcy f- 27 , “9024 Republic ofthe ITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 1g and Career Development Center Cabanatuan City 180 9001:2015 Certified NUEVA ECUA UNIVE! On-the-Job T TRAINING PLAN INFORMATION AND INSTRUCTIONS: are course requirements that provide J ideas learned in the school but also tudents towards work necessary for the trainees 10 work realities graduate. On-the-Job Training (OST) or Internship programs opportunites fora Stunt Trance to apply the theories ane cahanced the technical knowledge, skills and attitudes of st {raining programs expose satisfactory job performance. These are cl improve their competencies or skills and prepare them once they nee with actual workplace experience, expand rocedures of occupations in rlation to his/het field or akil requirements for an HITE based jtored. It has two parts: This Training Plan provides Student to various management styles, industrial and py of study. This plan outlines the specific comperency Gaining program which need to be mentored, evaluated and moni fh evaluate the traince’s values and attitudes toward work. ‘This is equivalent to 40% of the traince’s overall competency. ¥ Specific Work Competencies which ree uate the trainee’s technical knowledge and skills. petnsks are direetly related to his/her field of specialization/study. This is equivalent to 60% of the trainec’s overall competency v Competency Requirements: List of competenciesskills needed to perform the job to the cotdards specified and agreed by NEUST ret the HITE, Skills should be stated as specifically stantafly a possible, identifying the sill Be learned. ¥ General Competencies whicl evel during the training period 3.0 (100 —75) is consi sg Used to assess the tainee's competency ighlight the traince’s wal or skill deficiencies. Rating of 1.0 0 ‘dered Failed. Remarks hi Competency Ratins and to document exceptior Passed. A rati exceptional ski ing. of 5.0 (below 75) is consi I or skill deficiencies. The student-trainee’s ratings shall be forwarded by the HTE to the concemed OJT Coordinator right after the training period. GRNRKAL COMPETENCIES Republic of the Philipines NUEVA ECUA UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY On-the-Job Training and Career Development Center Cabanatuan City 180 9001:2015 Certified PUNCTUALITY i Demonstrate punctuality in reporting for work, tas | | I } L Notify the employer of any shift misses, ws | Perform tacks in an accurate and timely manner, j Return from meals and/or breaks on time. | Demonstrate cihicl practices (ie. honesty and integrity). Lag | Demonstrate the ability to set priorities. fas | Follow rales and regulations. Lo | INITIATIVE Rating Remarks Perform assigned duties without continuous supervision and has | directions. ras | Sce what needs to be done and do it. Loe | Follow through and get all work completed. reo | APPEARANCE Rating Remarks p | Exhibit good grooming. Lo | Demonstrate appropriate dress/attire for the job. Las [ ‘Demonstrate personal hygiene and cleanliness. 1.0 I ADAPTABILITY Rating Remarks Demonstrate the ability to catch on quickly. Le Change focus easily and without complaint. eo lr i COMMUNICATION Rating Remarks [ Read and comprehend written information. 1-25 [i Use correct grammar. 1-5 | Communicate eectivly wit supervisor and customers Le | Use job-related terminology. Ls [Listen attentively. 12s | Wit egbly. bo | Folow witen directions. we | NEUST-OJT-F013 aw. ANLA7 AA 101 Republic ofthe Philippines NUEVA ECHA UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY On-the-Job Training and Career Development Center Cabanatuan City 180 9001:2015 Certified Follow oral directions. ‘Ask questions so that assigned tasks can be completed. ha task, ns Locate information in order to accomplis ‘Assist in training new employees. ctively with employer/eo-workers. Communicate effe SAFETY AND SECURITY Le ts Utilize equipment correctly. Ms rate action during emergencies. We Comply with safety and health rules. Select the correct tools and equipment. Use approp! Maintain clean work areca. las Lo Maintain orderly work area. ‘General Competency Rating: SPECIFIC WORK COMPETENCIES: Task Category Remarks States a desire to produce or sella top or better quality . product or service lw oes personal research on how to provide a product or ie service LE Seeks information or asks questions to clarify a client's ora Log supplier's need . Uses information or business tools to improve efficiency Pitches in with workers or works in their place to get the job done has. Responds flexibly to deal with changing priorities Persists in pursuing goals despite obstacles and setbacks Creates common purpose with colleagues through shared vision and values We Writing communication abilities Interpersonal communication abilities Expresses confidence in own ability to complete a tas! meet a challenge ¥ plete atask or [2s NEUST-OJT-FO13 Rev, 00 (03.04.19) Seeks opportunities 10 work on Republic of the Philippines NUEVA ECUA UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY ‘On-the-Job Training and Career Development Center Cabanatuan City 180 9001:2015 Certified ~ 1 ams as a means to develop ~ t | experience, and knowledge i | Carefially weighs the priority of things to be done fos \ | Quickly and effectively solves customer problems os | s - rea | Approaches a complex task or prablem by breaking it down w | into its component parts and considering each part in detail le \ | Specific Work Competency Rating: | Conforme: mere ne 9 2 hd ie Ba eomdcn Student-Trainee OVERALL COMPETENCY RATING: S¥ol_ let Rupees ENDS: HTE OJT Tr: (Signature over Printed Name) or/Supervisor (Signature over Printed Name) $80 90811 2015 Cen Republic of the Philippines: CE AND TECHNOLOGY Mt Corner Development Center Cabsnanatn City NUEVA BCUA UNIVERSITY OF $C1 On thet Train STUDENT ON-THE FOR TRAINING WEEKLY REPORT Monday Qlsntaner © Seqging and eraieice Tuesday * toe aed eeareue Nurcrg stederts Prepared by: ann4 os JT Trainee Noted by: Checked by: oa Sto We ntoyo 1 Abt maoe Trainor/Supervisor Soy LEAN WOOL Trainar/Sunervicar Republic of the Philippines NUEVA ECUA UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY On-the-Job Training and Career Development Center Cabanatuan City 1S0 90012015 Certified STUDENT ON-THE-JOB-TRAINING WEEKLY REPORT Name PORTUGAL Ruera wit OV [company Course and Section: CRING -0e a] Training Station. BFP CAB. Date:_ Maney 626. “Thursday Saturday Monday + Assisting Gallege rursing Shackents + dehwe about fist wel IARY OF WORK, DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITL ES. SUMM. + Attend flag Kaising Gremeny 8 8 Po Sunday aced by Wi ffree IPCAU MAE Noted by: / Checked by: |e sect a TOTAL TRAINING HOURS ST Lee ANOLEL ¢ InegUDA Trainor/Supervisor ONT Trainee STS! Lee phupel ¢ ReNDUA Frainnr/Sunervicar ii i aaa lla e " Republic of the Philippines NUEVA ECUA UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECINOLOGY On-the-Job Training and Career Development Center Cabanatuan City 150.9001 2015 Certified STUDENT ON-THE-JOB-TRAINING WEEKLY REPORT Monday wth eeerest * Sogtey er ernie Jogorns and Graduation Checked by: Prepared by: Pe Seoy_Lee sods ¢ WEN cdtatae DU AC Trainor/Supervisor OMT Trainee CFO LEE ANON Noted by: Trainor/Supervisor OST Coordinator ne

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