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Group 5’s feedbacks


Case: Graham Nash
1. Good and attractive points
- Clarity of Message: The video demonstrates a commendable ability to effectively convey
its main points with a high degree of clarity and conciseness. The explanations presented
throughout the video are notably lucid and easily understandable, showcasing the skill of
your group in breaking down complex concepts into simpler terms. By employing clear
and straightforward language, the video successfully ensures that viewers can grasp the
subject matter without unnecessary confusion or ambiguity.

- Content Quality: The video offers a wealth of valuable information about the domain of
Agile project management, effectively addressing and encompassing all the essential
aspects associated with this subject matter. The inclusion of a relevant example
(President of UEH-ISB Toastmasters Club) serves to deepen the viewer's understanding
and facilitate a more comprehensive grasp of the subject matter, making the video an
informative and insightful resource for individuals seeking to navigate the intricacies of
Agile project management.

- Structure and Organization: The video exhibits a strong sense of structure and
organization, characterized by a well-defined and logical flow. It begins with a captivating
introduction that grabs the viewer's attention and sets the stage for the subsequent
content. The introduction effectively establishes the context and purpose of the video,
generating interest and anticipation. As the video progresses, it smoothly transitions
between different sections, ensuring a seamless flow of information. These contribute to
an engaging and enjoyable viewing experience, as the video maintains a cohesive
storyline and effectively guides the audience through its content.

- Visual and Audio Elements: The incorporation of diverse video footage to summarize the
case not only adds visual appeal but also enhances viewer engagement and facilitates a
deeper understanding of the subject matter. Moreover, the inclusion of illustrations
within the video serves as a valuable tool to help the video become more lively and less
boring. These illustrations visually reinforce key points, making them more memorable
Group 5’s feedbacks

and aiding in comprehension. Finally, the video has good audio quality, featuring clear
narration that is both easy to hear and understand. The clarity of the narration allows for
effective communication of ideas and facilitates comprehension, enabling viewers to fully
absorb the content being conveyed.

2. A detail that amazes us the most

- I found the approach of posing a question before introducing each principle to be
particularly impressive. Providing an answer, accompanied by the presenter's insights into
navigating challenging team dynamics, establishes a helpful context for viewers. This
method enhances comprehension and facilitates easier understanding of the content. It
was the aspect of the video that left the strongest impression on me.

3. Points that need further improvement

- Content: Your team proposed a solution focused on "Open Communication." However, I
believe that Graham Nash's personality or work style may have been formed over many
years, becoming ingrained or a part of his character, which is difficult to change in a short
period (especially in a time-sensitive project). As mentioned in section 15.6 "Limitations
and Concerns," it states that "Intense collaboration is not for everyone. One Agile
manager confessed that she had to let several of her top engineers go because their
lone-wolf personalities were not compatible with collaboration." Therefore, instead of
choosing "Open Communication," I noticed that in your theoretical section, your team
also mentioned "Adaptability" and "Flexibility." My point is that Leader Ken could
consider assigning Nash tasks or aspects of the project where he can work independently
and minimize interaction with others. However, it is important to ensure that this does
not lead to isolating Nash or creating favoritism within the team. Alternatively, if finding
independent work for Nash is not possible, then Ken should discuss with his superior and
HR about reassigning Nash to work that better aligns with his personality. Nash is too
talented not to try to find work that takes advantage of his skill set. Work reassignment
could be combined with training or counseling if necessary.

- Video Production: The integration of interview scenes into each question is

commendable and demonstrates creativity. However, there is a notable issue with the
pace of the interviewee's responses, which appears to be accelerated (presumably due to
Group 5’s feedbacks

the need to limit the overall video duration). This creates a discrepancy when
transitioning to the voice-over for the theoretical segment. Consequently, viewers may
experience a sense of haste, preventing them from fully absorbing and comprehending
the interview portion before transitioning to the subsequent segments.

4. Questions
a) In the video, your group discussed five suggested solutions for Ken Buttrey to address
Graham's communication and collaboration issues. However, it is important to note
that resolving Graham's challenges may not be easy or guaranteed to achieve absolute
success. There could still be other potential issues that arise, such as Graham's
resistance to change in his work style and communication approach, or his belief that
others in the team hold biases against him, etc.
So, in cases where similar issues occur, how should Ken handle them to ensure the
success of the project?

b) In the video, it was mentioned that despite Graham's lack of communication and
collaboration with team members, his contributions are invaluable. So, if in a scenario
where the suggested solutions have been effective in making Graham more open, but
these changes have significantly reduced his work performance, what should Ken do to
address this issue?

c) Regarding the five solutions proposed to Ken, they mainly focused on enhancing
communication skills of Graham to align with the team's goals. However, imagine a
situation where Graham not only refuses to adapt to these solutions but also believes
that Ken is biased towards other team members, resulting in low performance and job
satisfaction. So, in this scenario, do you think that Ken should create personalized
communication plans for each team member, tailored to their preferences and
strengths, or continue to persistently persuade Graham to develop communication
skills to work effectively with his team members?

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