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Step 1: Enter examination room, show your ID/Student card. Take the seat as
instructed by proctors. Note: paper, references are not allowed. A white sheet of
paper will be provided for taking note during the exam. You are also not allowed
to take this paper out of exam room.
Step 2: Log in
User name: Student ID.
Password: 4 characters provided by proctors.
Step 3: Double check your information: Name, Date of birth on the upper left.
Sign on the name list if your information is correctly shown. Inform proctors in
case you find anything wrong.
Step 4: Select language Vietnamese/English on the left as you prefer.
Step 5: Select course name Tin học đại cương IT1xxx-20201.
Step 6: Press the button [Attempt quiz] to view general exam info.
Step 7: Press the button [Start attempt] to start the exam. Exam time will be
counted-down from here.
Step 8: Doing the exam
• The Navigation bar on the upper right lists all questions in the exam, and
shows a count-down timer.
• You can work on any question first, and use the Navigation bar to go any
question at any time during the exam.
• For the single-choice questions: select the answer of your choice.
• For the C-programming question:
- Input source code into the textbox under the line Answer.
- Select Precheck to run your source code with 1 test case.
- Select Check to test your source code against all test cases and save the
score of the current test. When the test is done, one of the following two
messages will show up.
o "Passed all tests": your source code passed all test cases. You will
receive the full score of the current question.
o "Your code failed one or more hidden test": your source code
failed one or more test cases. You will not receive score for these
test cases.
Important note:
- You can select Check multiple times. Your source code will be tested,
and score will be saved each time.
- If you do not select Check, your current (latest) source code will be
scored when time is up, or when you submit your exam.
- The highest score of each programming question will be used to calculate
your overall result.
• Press the button [Next page] on the bottom to move to the next page.
• Press the button [Finish attempt] to submit your exam.
• Press the button [Submit all and finish] confirm your submission.
Step 9: Exam score will be calculated and shown after you submit your exam.
Step 10: Inform proctors when you finished your submission then write your score
on the exam list.
Step 11: Log out, leave the note paper on your table, and leave exam room.
• Students need to sign on both exam result sheet, and name list.
• Final result shown on will be rounded value of your
exam score.

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