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Equation sheet Exam 1 PHY2048

Chapter 2&3: Motion in a Straight Line and in a Plane

Chapter 1: Measurements, Estimation, Vectors
A+ B = C Distance: A “scalar” quantity that describes the length of the path taken between

 s
B Ax  Bx  C x two locations dist  i
C Ay  B y  C y i

A B=C Displacement: A “vector” that points between two locations. The vector begin at the
A C  C x2  C y2 initial location and ends at the final. x = x f  xi
Ax  Bx  C x 
Ay  By  C y   tan 1 Definition of velocity and acceleration. note: velocity and acceleration are vector
Cx v t t
C  C x2  C y2 v average 
x f  xi
, vinst  lim
x f  xii dx

dv   a (t )dt  v = v0   a (t )dt
t0 t0
|A| t t 0 t dt x t t
Cy v f  vi v f  vi dv
  tan 1 aaverage  , ainst  lim   dx   v (t )dt  x = x0   v (t )dt
Cx t t 0 t dt x0 t0 t0
|A|sin equations of motion that apply generally
 B 
Equations of motion in 2 or 1 dimension are given below. These apply only when the
acceleration is constant, gravitational acceleration is an example of a constant a. The
A time t is the quantity that is common to both dimensions for 2-D problems
C  v fy  v0 y  a y t For projectile motion in the plane
v fx  v0 x  ax t
ay   g y
1 1 ax  0
Chapter 4&5: Newton’s Law and Applications
𝑣 x f  x0  v0 xt 
axt 2 y f  y0  v0 y t  a yt 2
2 v( f |0) x  v f |0 cos 
v 2fx  v02x  2ax  x f  x0  v fy  v0 y  2a y  y f  y0 
2 2
v( f |0) y  v f |0 sin   x
Newton’s Laws of Motion
For motion in a circle the acceleration vector points towards
1. A body at rest will remain at rest a body in motion will remain in motion v2
the center of the circle with a magnitude given by: 

unless acted upon by an external force a rad
F =0 R
2. The net sum of forces accelerates an object by an amount proportional to Force of friction comes in two flavors. Static frictional forces apply when the object is at rest

 F = ma
its mass and in the direction of the net forces. with respect to the surface. Kinetic frictional forces apply when the object is moving with
respect to the surface. Both frictional forces always act parallel to the surface and are
proportional to the normal force.
3. For every action there is an opposite and equal reaction. Action reaction F friction  k N
pairs never act on the same object
FA on B  FB on A F friction   s N

Force due to spring is given by: FSpring  kx

Use FBD for spring problems, the sign of the force should be clear from the diagram
Equation sheet Exam II
Chapter 6: Work, Energy and Power Chapter 7: Potential Energy and Conservation of Energy
Work definition Potential Energy (U ) (conservative forces)
Definition of Power Force from Energy is
Wgravity  U grav ,1  U grav ,2   U grav  mg ( y1  y2 )
W  F  s  Fs cos  W dU ( x)
Pav  , Pav  F||vav 1 Fx ( x)  
Work by varing force or curved path t Welastic  U elas ,1  U elas ,2   U elas  k ( x12  x22 ) dt
s2 s2 2
dW In 3-D
W   F  d s   F cos  ds P , P  F||v Conservation of Energy
ETotal ,2  ETotal ,1  U ˆ U ˆ U ˆ 
F  
s1 s1
i+ j+ k
Work-energy relation, definition of KE ETotal ,1  KE  U elas  U grav  Wother  x y x 
1 1
W  K  KE2  KE1  mv22  mv12 KE2  U grav ,2  U elas ,2  KE1  U grav ,1  U elas ,1  Wother
2 2

Chapter 8: Momentum, Impulse, Conservation of Momentum Chapter 9: Rotational Motion

p  mv : px  mvx , p y  mv y Angular velocity and acceleration Angular to linear relations
d d sarc length  r
Momentum is conserved if there are no external forces inst  ;  inst 
dt dt vtangential   r
 Fext  t = 0  pT ,initial  pT , final Angular kinematic relations
atangential   r
Impulse is defined as: Collisions (momentum is cnrv’d) 2  1   t 2
aradial    2r
1 ntial
 2  1  0t   t 2

J =   F dt
Elastic: KE is conserved implies r
the following velocity relation 2
v  v A, f     v B ,i  v A,i  22  12  2 ( 2  1 )
B, f
Impulse-momentum theorem:
Inelastic: KE is not conserved
J = p2  p1 Potential Energy
Completely inelastic: objects stick U  MgyCM
Center of Mass and Momentum together after they collide and
Moment of Inertia, general form, see table 9.2
x1m1  x2 m2  x3m3  v B , f  v A, f
xcm  I   mi ri 2  m1r12  m2 r22  m3 r32  ...
m1  m2  m3 
y m  y2 m2  y3m3 
ycm  1 1
m1  m2  m3 
Chapter 11: Equilibrium
Chapter 10: Rotational Dynamics Equillibrium of rigid body
The torque  is given by   r  F, the magnitude of   r F sin  , where r is a vector F  0:F x  0,  Fy  0 and   0
pointing from the pivot point to the where the F acts. The angle  is the smallest angle between
FBD for man w/ladder on friction less wall, The torque is computed
the vectors when located tail to tail.
about axis at B but you can use anywhere else as axis of rotation
  I  , for rigid bodies the relation a  r is useful
To solve equilibrium problems
Kinetic Energy of object with rotational and linear motion begin by using FBD approach.
Each force is now applied on
KEtotal  12 Mvcm
 12 I cm 2 Rolling without slipping extended object. Next write down
vbottom  0, vCM  R , vtop  2 R S F = 0, in x and y, and then write
Angular Momentum down S  = 0, take the axis of
rotation for the torques to be
L  I  , where I is the moment of inertia and  is the angular velocity
anywhere on the object that is the
L  mvl , for a single particle where l is perpendicular distance from most convenient. Finally solve for
axis and mv is the linear momentum the unkwnown(s) from the
resulting three equation.
Conservation of Angular Momenta follows from Newton's 2nd Law
dL d
  ext  I  I
dt dt
Work Energy theorem for angular motion
W  I CM (22  12 )
thus LTotal ,1  LTotal ,2 if and onf if  ext  0, ie., the are no external torques
Equation sheet Final Exam, PHY2048
Chapter 12: Fluid Mechanics Pressure in a fluid at rest (Pascal's Law)
p2  p2   gh, Where the p2 and p1 are the
Density and pressure pressures at pts 2 and 1, 𝜌 is the density of the fluid, g is
m the gravitational acceleration and h is the distance in the
 ; vertical btw pts 2&1
dF Absolute pressure: The total pressure including
p  atmospheric. Gauge pressure: The excess pressure
above atmospheric pressure p p p
gauge ab atm
Archimede's principle
FB   f gV The Buoyant is the Bernoulli's equation
upward force
excerted by fluid on a p1   gy1  12  v12 = p2   gy2  12  v22
 F0 body immersed
FB  mg  0 equal to amount of
fluid displaced.

Chapter 13: Gravitation

Kepler’s Laws
Newton’s Law of Universal Gravity. F is the force exerted by objects of mass
1. Each planet moves in an elliptical orbit with the sun at one of the foci of the ellipse
m1 and m2 on one another at a distance r apart. The direction of force is along
2. A line from a planet to sun sweeps out equal area in equal times
the line joining the two objects. These force obey Newton’s third law and can
3. The periods of the planets are proportional to the 3/2 power of the major axis
be considered an action reaction pair.
length of their orbit
F = GN r Potential Energy (U ) of a mass a distance r from center of the Earth
r2 G m m
Equations for satellite motion in a circular orbit. Here r is the distance between the UE   N E
satellite and the object being orbited. GN is Newton’s constant and T is the period
The weigth and gravitational constant g at surface of the earth is
or time it takes the satellite to go one time around.
G m m G m
v2 mEarth  2 r  w  Fg  N 2E ,i g  N 2 E
FG = marad => FG = mSat    T 
GN r 3/ 2 RE RE
r r  T  GN mEarth
mSat mEarth v2 m
GN  mSat  GN Earth  v 2 GN  6.67 1011 N  m 2 kg 2
r2 r r

Chapter 14: Periodic Motion A  Amplitude (  max displacement from equillibrium)  m 

Simple harmonic motion, restorative force proportional to x T  Period, time it takes to complete one cycle  s 
d 2x d 2x k f  Frequency, how many cycles per sec  Hz or 1 s 
Fx  kx, max  kx, m  kx  2   x
  Angular frequency which is equal to 2 f  rad s 
dt dt m
Equations of motion for a mass attached to a spring
f  , frequency and period are inverse of each other
dx d 2x k
x(t )  A cos(t ); vx    A sin t ; a x  2   2 A cos t ;   T
dt dt m
Total Energy of a mass attached to a spring on a frictionless surface Angular simple harmonic motion is

1 2 1 2 k  , where  is the torsion constant and I is the moment of inertia
ET  mv  kx ,  vx  A2  x 2 I
2 2 m
The simple pendulum
 , where g is the gravitational acceleration, L is the length of the pendulum
The physical pendulum L

 , where g is gravitational constant and d is the distance btw center-of-mass and axis, m is the mass and I is the moment of inertia

Chapter 15: Mechanical Waves Power and Intensity and the Inverse square law Wave superposition
The speed of a mechanical wave is: P I1 r22 ytotal ( x, t )  y1 ( x, t )  y2 ( x, t )
I ; 
vwave  f  , where f is frequency and  is the wavelength. 4 r 2
I 2 r12
Standing waves on a string
The magnitude of v depends only on the physical properties Power in a sinousoidal wave,
y ( x, t )  ASW sinkxsint
of the media through which the wave is propagating. Thus for a string of P( x, t )   F  2 A2sin 2  kx  t 
length l the wave speed 1 fn  n  nf1 (n  1, 2,3...)
Pmax   F  2 A2 , Pave   F  2 A2 2L
F 2 2L 1
vwave  , where  is the linear mass density or mass per unit length of the string. n   1 (n  1, 2,3...)
 n n
Equation that describes a mechanical wave
x t
 Velocity and acceleration of any particle on a transverse wave
y ( x, t )  A cos 2  
 T
 dx
v y ( x, t )    A sin  kx  t 
y ( x, t )  A cos  kx  t  , dt These eq. describe waves propagating to the right
2 with a phase (), amplitude A, angular frequency
2 2 d x
a y ( x, t )  2   2 A cos  kx  t  𝜔 and wave number k
with k  and  
 T dt

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