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8718722, 716 PM o ~ @e » IRCTC Electronic Reservation Slip ‘Ticketing Service 1. You can tavel on esiket sent on SMS or tke Veal Reservation Message (VRM) along with ny one ofthe prescnbe ID i vignal Please do nt pia the ERS unless exerselynocesu. Tas Ticket Wil be vali With aa ID proof ia erga. lease cary ‘signal denty proof found traveling without ongzal ID proot, passenger willbe ueaed as witout ticket ad carged as pet ‘extent Relay Rules. ‘Only conrmed RACiParially confimed E-ticket is valid for raved booking amount shall be credited tothe account used for payment for booking ofthe deket, Passengers traveling om 2 fully satiated etiket wil be treated at Tickets Vid IDs tobe presented during train journey by one of te passenger hooked os an eaickel- Voter Keniy Cen Passpont/ PAN Card’ Driving License Photo ID card issued by Catal State Govt Public Sector Undertakings of Stat Cental Goverment \Distet Administrations Mic bode and Panchayat Administrations hich are having sera number Stident Ment Card Seth photograph issued by recoglzed School or College far he stuns Nasonalized Bank Passbook with photograph (reds ‘Cards issued by Banks wit laminated phocogrophUnique Identification Card "Aadhaar’, mAadhaa,-Aadhaa Passenger showing the AadhanrDrving Liceas om the Tosud Document” secon by logging ine his/her Digi Locker accunt ‘onsderd a valid proof of deny, (Documents uploaded bythe wer Lethe document in "Uploaded Docume ction wll ot bconsdered avai pool of cent) 5. Service Accounting Code (SAC) 996411 Local land transport services of passengers by rilways fr distance upto 150 KMs Service Accounting Cade (SAC) 386416: Sighacingtrnapartaion services by ralwaya for Tour Ticket Service Accounting Code (SAC) S8OA21; Long distance trangpor series Of petenger ttuoug rl etwock by Ralvays for distance beyond 150 KMS ‘While booking thi tcketyou have agreed of having read the Health Protocol of Destination State of your travel. You are aia advised to clearly read the ‘Healt Protocol advisory of destination state before start Of your travel and fallow them property [PNR No: 107830227 Tain No, & Name: 12810 WH CSMfT MAIL [Quota GN, Fransaction ID 24254S0R0081M106709 [Date & Time of Booking: 18-Aug-2022 19-1517 [Cla SL rom: Wit [Date of Journey: 07-Sep.2022 [Tor CSM [Boarding Station: HWE IRoarding Dat: U'-Sop-2022 [Reservation upto: CSMT [pasenger Count: | Aaule 0 Chien [scheduled Departure: 07-Sep-3002 1950 [Scheduled Arrival: 0.Sep-3022 0125 [Parenger Conta ARE DETAIL Na 9152717109, [Comments:“ATAS Opted No Distance: 1968 KM [amount —[Rount a Words IRCTC ConrenicaceFecnsiat GSN Fev. [Sevensen Rapes Seve Pase [Travel Insurance Charge feass—[miy Five Paso Travel Agent Service Charge fe20_ went pees Payment Gateway Charges 8 Fes.o9_— [Five Rapes Nine Wins Pa ital Fare [e824 [eight hundred and Twenty Four Rapes Four core and False {Convenience Far (nchnve of ST) por kat iespeve of umber peng othe ke PASSENGER DETAILS : te Tame “Age | Gender_[ Booking States | — Current Saar Booking Coach | Booking Benth | Sat Ne j_[NIAHARDDDIN SE pe IM —JRAC inac Races fndian Railways GST Detail : Supplier Infration Receipt Taman Ty, gue | SGOT | SOSTIUGST alien SAC Cod GSTIN | State CodaName [GSTIN| state Name [ Aadros] TP VO PRateT aml Rate [ Ame [Rate] amt | 2! ™ fami —[iraancwonici—[iatiund20 Na NA Na [estaa? ps po Bs oo [so bse "RINCIPLE SERVICE PROVIDER DETAILS. principe Agent; [CSC Governance Saves Indu Ll [ Corporate Name [OSC c governance onion nia “Agent Name: —[ATIUR RAHAMAN SK E-mail ID: fusiyean0sosagnaian | Coated Vamber PTOI Mobile Numbert_[es1253009 ap SATIRIC TTT wat 2Ner 015,(t aie ating Ret Re Cee 1 a ty CT a ein on CA ae yn rn a ig ma nom cca rd 1 8718/22, 7:16 PM Euracesevinms an, coNtAe? Test CHECKING STArSIGUARDOR DIA, HALE. aa Pasegr pee N19) 2 Nome pens it arin Waid Ctr RAC wl pest rt acing wid ponte i riya ket )? Conse teat ae car eure Caeclaton elu uc cede pata of hat te wae by IRCTC cone ult masa ecg Run wou eee Ha ea es Seer ka ences ci estore roma cient coer nb ene ecient eae eee acta eee ai ts ging omc ea pe cccg areca eect ta a tee accent hee chia na PSE cet rer a ernseretpnce ee trtsi ht Lee ee ee oe Hgerare faerecPiecbeaeedme anes remeane me tsar eemneosesagen aes } Ae we ieee a ugprinievenfenttcom an

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