Identifying Hofstede's Model by watching the round table

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Hofstede’s Model from The Round Table According to Merlin

Based on the round table scene from Merlin, a television series from BBC One in 2008. We also
discussed the scene by using the Hofstede’s Model for understanding cultural dimension.

Power Distance
From this video, the power distance between each character is egalitarian because the form of
communications in terms of verbal and non-verbal are simple and easy to understand.

In this video represented the conference of the war. It is totally collectivism which is also thinking
on our victory from this war.

Most characters are men which can represent a lot of skills from fighting and being the leader. It can
describe that the dimension is slightly masculinity.

Uncertainly Avoidance (UAI)

After watching 8 minutes scene, Strong uncertainly avoidance is represented in the scene. They
need the rule for controlling others.

Long-Term Orientation (LTO)

The character is shown as the long term orientation for getting some allies by using kindness and
reasonable to each other.

Indulgence (IND)
It seems that everyone is restrained because nothing is happy. They need to fight for victory.

Pharita 099
Kelly 003
Tadsawan 010
Sirasak 031
Sirasa 032
Korrawan 092
Nutdhanai 148

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