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Teaching Aids for Let’s Play Grammar

Unit I......................................................................................................................................... 1

Unit II........................................................................................................................................ 2
Subject and Predicate...............................................................................................................................................................................2
Linking Verbs and Subject Complement...........................................................................................................................................3
Object and Its Complement...................................................................................................................................................................4

Unit III....................................................................................................................................... 4
Primary Auxiliaries.....................................................................................................................................................................................4
Modal Auxiliaries........................................................................................................................................................................................5

Unit IV....................................................................................................................................... 7
The Gerund...................................................................................................................................................................................................8

Unit V........................................................................................................................................ 9
The Present Tense.......................................................................................................................................................................................9
The Past Tense.............................................................................................................................................................................................9
The Future Tense.........................................................................................................................................................................................9

Unit VI....................................................................................................................................... 9
Adverbs and Adverbials.........................................................................................................................................................................10

Unit VII.................................................................................................................................... 12

Unit VIII................................................................................................................................... 12
Direct and Indirect Speech...................................................................................................................................................................12
Active and Passive Voice........................................................................................................................................................................12
Printables............................................................................................................................................................................................ 13–64

Teaching Aids for Let’s Play Grammar

Unit I
1. Spot the wrong determiners.
For the teacher:
You may use the following phrases for the activity.
1. an advice. 2. much challenges
3. some sunlight 4. any day
5. room for four another people on the boat 6. a hundred-times better job
7. that spectacles 8. those supermarket
9. a few good furniture 10. a lot of wisdom
11. some oranges 12. many oil
13. many rice 14. many a tourists
15. three seat in the two row 16. much troubles
17. many money 18. a little money
19. a lot of trouble 20. a piece of advice
21. a good news 22. some bad news
23 that tall old man 24. that young tall woman
25. these both tasks 26. my all friends
27. the all time in the world 28. half an hour ago
29. my all free time 30. half my income
31. those all oranges 32. her next book
33. next his film 34. the ten first candidates
35. the twenty last minutes of the film 36. all the little five children
37. your all troubles 38. all my books
39. half the pastry 40. the all waiting people

2. Know your determiners.

For the teacher:
Print the determiner cards from Printable 1 given at the end.
The examples of each kind of determiner have been given in the book. Please refer to them if needed.

1. Article test
For the teacher:
You may use the following sentences for this activity.
1. A weather is nice today.
2. What the beautiful day!
3. I went to watch movie last night.
4. There is a car in front of a house.
5. What exciting night it was!
6. An education is essential for progress.
7. The human beings share the earth with other animals.
8. Alka showed much interest in the astronomy ever since she was child.


9. Start-ups are becoming the increasingly popular choice for youngsters.

10. The movie began and a audience went silent.
11. The girl won the first prize in her age category.
12. Purple is one of my three favourite colours.
13. What did you have for the breakfast today?
14. A eucalyptus tree grows in front of my bedroom window.
15. I have a pencil but I do not have a eraser.
16. He arrived at the unfortunate time.
17. A excellent service record is a valuable credential when applying for the job.
18. Do you know how to prepare the salad?
19. A first step is always the hardest.
20. French is spoken by French.
21. Yesterday, I bought a pair of trousers.
22. I was watching the TV when Father came home last evening.
23. He was the really smart guy.
24. I went there by the train.
25. What waste of time the film is!
26. We mostly have the dinner by 9 p.m.
27. Please open a window.
28. Isha doesn’t like the maths much; but she likes the English.
29. He is the European.
30. A Mr Rajeev came looking for you this morning.
31. This is Deepak I told you about.
32. Apurva can play violin very well.
33. Can I get one and half kilo of carrot?
34. I forgot to bring an umbrella.
35. Mr Dinesh is an NASA scientist.
36. The Mount Everest is the highest mountain in world. It is part of Himalayas.
37. ‘I will be asking you questions,’ the inspector told the suspect.
38. The Lake Michigan is in United States of America.
39. I am afraid I have a bad news for you.
40. The man has exploited nature for his greed.
2.Find the missing articles!
For the teacher:
Print the passage from Printable 2 given at the end. Some of the blanks will not have any articles. The
students have to write NA in such blanks.
The passage given on Printable 2 has been extracted from chapter 5 (‘The Sleeping Wolf ’) of the novel
White Fang by Jack London. You will find the full text of the novel on the following link:

Unit II
Subject and Predicate
Know your sentence well.
For the teacher:
You may use these sentences for the activity:


1. Fresh milk is wholesome.

2. The President of America, Kennedy, was assassinated.
3. He himself said this.
4. A rolling stone gathers no moss.
5. His will to live pulled him through the most challenging phase of his life.
6. My little sister is quite fond of puppies.
7. Talking too much is a sign of vanity.
8. Janet’s father is an architect.
9. The doubting policeman inspected the entire house.
10. White roses are my favourite.
11. The young nurse got pretty scared when the patient started screaming.
12. The strong winds pulled the structure down.
13. The captain of the football team has resigned.
14. The hot and humid weather is affecting me.
15. The priceless diamond of the queen is in the museum.
16. Bad habits grow unconsciously.
17. Nature is the best physician.
18. We should profit by experience.
19. Borrowed garments never fit well.
20. The days of our youth are the days of our glory.
21. The Physics teacher is going on leave for three weeks.
22. A kind old man used to live in this house many years ago.
23. Cleopatra was the queen of Egypt.
24. Her willingness to help others made her popular.
25. Both Mumbai and Pune are in Maharashtra.
26. My best friend Chitra is pursuing a Master’s degree in Linguistics.
27. Varun lives in Chennai but does not speak Tamil.
28. Borrowed garments never fit well.
29. On the top of the hill lives a hermit.
30. No man can serve two masters.
31. My son’s dream profession is to be a photographer.
32. Either Neha or Susan will buy a new phone.
33. A motorcycle, along with a car, was towed away by a crane.
34. Chandler and Joey decided to drive to Las Vegas all by themselves.
35. Jan jumped on her bike and rode around the block.
36. The students of Class X are learning about Subject and Predicate.
37. You are a friend upon whom I can rely.
38. Their plan was to undermine the tower.
39. The protesters were fighting for a cause.
40. His sincerest intention was that you should remain here.

Linking Verbs and Subject Complement

Linking verb or doing verb?
For the teacher:
Print the sentence cards for both Round 1 and Round 2 from Printable 3 given at the end.


Object and Its Complement

1. Object quiz
For the teacher:
You may use the following sentences for this activity.
1. Kashmira passed the book to Pamela.
2. Mohini and Jainita sang at the school concert.
3. The Hetam family dance together regularly.
4. Kavita sleeps in the verandah on summer afternoons.
5. John married Maggie at St. George’s Cathedral.
6. Girish bought the toy shop yesterday.
7. The crowd moved across the field in an attempt to see the movie star get into her car.
8. I would like to know the reason for the delay.
9. The audience attentively watched the latest episode of Kaun Banega Crorepati.
10. The teacher gave the students their test papers.
11. Anita tasted the biscuits while they were still hot.
12. My brother bought a new motorbike.
13. Aditi wrote a letter to her best friend.
14. Sara is studying for the final exams.
15. Shivam waved his arms to attract the attention of his friends.
16. My mother sends our clothes to the laundry every Friday.
17. We argued about the matter fiercely.
18. Rajiv watched the movie all alone.
19. The child began to scream suddenly.
20. It is difficult to play without proper equipment.
21. They burst out laughing at her story.
22. I want to go home early today.
23. I usually start my day with a cup of hot tea.
24. The teacher asked the new boy his name.
25. James runs in the park every morning.
2. Complement sprint
For the teacher:
Print the sentence cards from Printable 4 given at the end.

Unit III
Primary Auxiliaries
Auxiliary test
For the teacher:
You may use the following sentences for the activity. The missing auxiliaries have been given in brackets. Make
sure you leave them out when you read the sentences.
1. Mishka,     you coming to the party? (are)
2. The workmen     finished the job. (have)
3. What     you do every Sunday? (do)
4. I     like to watch some shows on TV in the evenings. (do)
5. Raveena     want to go to her aunt’s house. She would rather play with her friends. (does not)


6. Mr Das     called me twice today. (has)

7. What     Priya do in her free time? (does)
8. Where     the girls go yesterday? (did)
9. Mohit     believe in ghosts. He makes fun of those who do. (does not)
10. What     they doing when you came in? (were)
11.     they coming to the meeting on Monday? (Are)
12. What     Kavita told you about me? (has)
13. Yutika     planning to go to Kerala in the winter vacation but she fell ill. (was)
14. What     you doing till now? The work is still incomplete. (were)
15. Why     you come to the party yesterday evening? I was expecting you. (didn’t)
16. I     like his practical jokes. They are dangerous. (don’t)
17. Mercedes-Benz     produced a wide range of luxury cars. (has)
18. I love all kinds of fruits, but I     like green vegetables. (do not)
19. Rakhi     returned from the market yet. I am worried about her. (has not)
20. Why     you take the day off? You look unwell. (don’t)
21.     Einstein propound the theory of general relativity? (Did)
22. I     been given a lot of homework yesterday. I could not play with Shyam. (had)
23. I     bring my umbrella today. How will I go home in such a downpour? (did not)
24. I     still thinking about the matter. (am)
25. Meenu     have many friends, but she is happy. (does not)
26. I     only trying to help them, but they mistook my intention. (was)
27.     you have a pencil that I can borrow? (do)
28. Raj and Meenal     playing in tomorrow’s match. (are)
29. I     be there at the appointed time tomorrow. (will)
30. We     taken all possible precautions, but still we couldn’t prevent the crime. (had)
31. The window     opened by him. (was)
32. She     brought these sweets to me before. (had)
33. He     to complete the task before Sunday. (has)
34. He     his homework. (did)
35. I     not been to England. (have)
36. She     only trying to be funny. (is)
37.     you waiting for me? (were)
38. He     got all the qualifications for the job. (has)
39. I     not know how to speak Mandarin. (do)
40. She     practise yoga every day. (does)

Modal Auxiliaries
1. Use the right modals!
For the teacher:
You may use the following scenarios.


1. You are having a party at home. You request your friend to get some snacks for the party. Your friend
accepts/rejects your request.
2. Your mother needs milk to make a dessert for the family. She asks you to get a packet of milk from the
shop across the road. You agree.
3. Your brother has tickets for a cricket match at the Wankhede Stadium in Mumbai. He asks you if you’d
like to go with him. You have an outing planned with your friends. You hesitate but agree.
4. You wish to go swimming. You ask your friend if he/she would like to go with you. He/she rejects your
5. You request your elder sister to allow you to use her laptop for a day. She agrees.
6. Your friend invites you to watch a movie with him. You refuse.
7. A stranger asks you to allow him to use your mobile phone to make a call. You refuse.
8. You parents ask you to accompany your small sister to her school picnic. You agree.
9. You ask your aunt to convince your parents to let you buy a pet dog. She agrees with hesitation.
10. Your teacher requests you to change partners for maths project. You decline her request.
11. You ask the waiter at a restaurant if they have vanilla ice cream for dessert. He says they do. You then
ask him to bring one for you and one for your sister.
12. You ask your father to help you with your science project that’s due tomorrow. He asks you why you’ve
waited till the last minute and then agrees.
13. You ask your friend if she can accompany you to the town carnival. She shows interest but is not sure if
her parents will allow. She declines your request.
14. You ask your music teacher if he will allow you to participate in the school fete musical competition. He
15. You request your elder brother to talk to your teacher about postponing your exam. He agrees.
16. You and your best friend are having a conversation about what you’ll do if you become the prime
minister for a day.
17. Your father asks you what you want to be when you grow up. You tell him about your dreams and why
you want to achieve them.
18. You are at the mall and have lost your backpack. You request the security guard nearby to help you find
it. He agrees to your request.
19. You ask the librarian at your school to let you borrow your favourite book. She agrees.
20. You are at a restaurant with your mother. There is a fly in your soup. You ask the waiter to take it back
and get you another bowl of soup. He agrees.

2. The modal letter

For the teacher:
You may use this letter for the activity.
Dear Leena
I received a letter from Anu yesterday. She must be going to Goa next month for her grandmother’s
birthday. She has asked me if I should join her too in Goa. In fact, she also asked if you too may be willing
to come. Do you remember Gran, Anu’s grandmother? Gran need be eighty now. Do you remember the
small pleasant garden in Gran’s house where we could spend the evenings playing? And the small deserted
cottage behind the public library which many said was haunted?
It can be fun if we should have a get-together when Anu visits. Why didn’t you come over? We might plan
something really good. We shall invite Riya as well, although I’m not sure if she can be too willing to come.
It may be fun meeting after such a long time.
Do let me know if you should come.


Unit IV
1. ‘To’ be or not ‘to’ be?
For the teacher:
Print the sentence cards from Printable 5 given at the end. Make seven placards. The placards will have the
following labels on them:
1. Subject of a Verb
2. Object of a Transitive Verb
3. Direct Object of a Verb with Two Objects
4. Subject Complement
5. Object of a Preposition
6. Adjective
7. Adverb
2. Follow the cue.
For the teacher:
For sentences with the bare infinitive, you can use cues like:
• When I am
• in a shopping mall
• at the beach
• in the museum
• in the garden
• on a holiday
• travelling
• sick
• in school
• reading
• bored
For sentences with to-infinitives, you may give cues such as:
• Twice a week, I    
• Last weekend,    
• Every Saturday,    
• Lost in the huge fort, Pari requested    
• Mohit wanted Shadaab    
• The teacher    
• I do not like    
• My father told my uncle    
• I wanted    
• Tell me when    
You can add your own cues to this list.

1. Get the participles right!
For the teacher:
Print the verb cards from Printable 6 given at the end.


2. The great participle challenge

For the teacher:
Print the verb cards from Printable 7 and sentence cards from Printable 8 given at the end.

The Gerund
1. Using gerunds correctly
For the teacher:
Make four slips (each using a different colour as mentioned in the book) and put them in a box that is to
be kept on your desk. Each colour corresponds to a particular role that a gerund can take in a sentence.
Examples of each role have been given in the chapter. Please refer to them if needed.
2. Gerund or present participle?
For the teacher:
You can use the following sentences for the activity:
1. I saw him jogging in the park.
2. Not knowing what to do, she called her mother.
3. His big fear is driving on the main road.
4. He was advised to quit smoking.
5. You have no excuse for being early.
6. Do you know skiing?
7. Drinking milk at night helps with digestion.
8. His goal is becoming a teacher.
9. Andrew does not like going to school parties.
10. She loves reading books to the children at the library.
11. Kitty loves playing with kittens.
12. Hunting has been banned and for good reasons.
13. The thing she hated the most about school was getting up early.
14. I felt fine after taking a bath.
15. She was punished for coming late.
16. Wow! She is brilliant at solving sums.
17. Jessica enjoys performing.
18. Mohan told me that he found writing in Hindi difficult.
19. Celia loves procrastinating.
20. Do mark your attendance before leaving the seminar.
21. He is snowboarding.
22. Combing your hair keeps it in shape.
23. Reading has been my passion since childhood.
24. The ballerina taught us dancing.
25. Mary was baking cookies for her grandchildren.
26. Apologizing to me isn’t enough this time.
27. Lily is singing a melodious tune.
28. John enjoys paragliding.
29. Discussing the problem with you really helped.
30. I decided to give gardening another chance.


31. I am tired of waiting.

32. My mother spent her life teaching children.
33. I saw him mowing his lawn yesterday.
34. My love for reading has helped me build a large vocabulary.
35. Crying won’t help solve your problem.
36. Isha has received ten job offers since graduating.
37. Staring at the finish line, the runner prepared for the race.
38. Kira is obsessed with watching online videos.
39. We will be moving to a new house next month.
40. I can see you hiding from me.

Unit V
The Present Tense
Use the correct present tense form.
For the teacher:
Print the use slips from Printable 9 given at the end. These uses have been taken from the book. You will find
examples for each of them in the chapter. You can have multiple copies of the slips so that you have enough
slips for the whole class. After a student has completed their turn, make sure they don’t put the slip back into
the box.

The Past Tense

Pass the ball!
For the teacher:
Print the action cards from Printable 10 given at the end.

The Future Tense

Future without will or shall
For the teacher:
Print the slips from Printable 11 given at the end. You can make more similar slips if needed.

Unit VI
1.Brainstorm with clauses!
For the teacher:
Here is a tentative list of subordinate clauses and main clauses which you can use for this activity. You can
add more clauses to this list.
Subordinate clauses:
1. This is the place
2. Though we are many
3. Although I may not be ready


4. Whenever something scares you

5. Once the work is done
6. because it is convenient
7. before the holidays begin
8. ever since I met him
9. even with a back injury
10. since I was 12 years old

Main clauses:
1. she danced gracefully
2. come to Mr Sharma’s house
3. I won’t stop you
4. I’ll be there
5. The Internet is not working today
6. He prefers playing the piano
7. I’ll leave work at 5 p.m.
8. she was anxious to be married
9. it might snow
10. I will buy you a new video game
2. Sort it right!
For the teacher:
Print the sentence cards from Printable 12 given at the end.

Adverbs and Adverbials

1. Adverbial challenge
For the teacher:
Part 1: You can write the following adverbs on the board: softly, well, greedily, beautifully, seldom,

patiently, hard, quickly, further, now, nearby, outside, quite, soon, often, today, regularly, inside, curiously,
diligently, rarely, always, elegantly, vigorously, tomorrow, extremely, inconsolably, deeply, fervently, yet
You may give the following sentences to the students:
1. She spoke.
2. He ate the chocolate cake.
3. He plays the flute.
4. The train is about to leave the station.
5. We play football in the evening.
6. Neha misses the school bus. She is very punctual.
7. He waited for his mother to arrive.
8. The rain fell during the storm.
9. She agreed to retype the letter.
10. Let’s go to the river.
11. I can’t decide which dress to wear.
12. It was sunny but not very warm.
13. I study in the evening.
14. Come and have your breakfast.
15. Blake opened the golden box.
16. He studied to become a doctor.


17. They opened a shop.

18. Maya danced at the annual function.
19. She finds it difficult to finish her work on time.
20. I take the metro to work.
21. The lady walked around the hall.
22. The children love to play.
23. The movie is releasing.
24. I was pleased to see my sister’s progress in school this year.
25. We regret the inconvenience caused.
26. He started crying.
27. The two dogs devoured the meat.
28. The farmers prayed for rain.
29. I haven’t heard about it.
30. I can’t walk. My feet have given up.
Part 2: You can use the following sentences:
1. Shina is tired because she didn’t sleep well.
2. If I don’t pass the exam, I’m destined for the hamburger industry.
3. After they set up the tent, they quickly built a fire.
4. Keep your hand on the wound until the bleeding stops.
5. She ran as fast as she could.
6. Although it’s raining, it’s still warm outside.
7. In the office, Kara told me about her holiday.
8. Read me a story when I go to bed.
9. The training had to be postponed as the trainer was unwell.
10. The scene was filmed at the site of the new bridge.
11. The pike moves like lightning.
12. Even though I might lose my job, I will cover for you.
13. I have to go to the office three days a week.
14. Put the plates near the sink.
15. When the whistle blows, jump into the water.
16. The future is as bright as your faith.
17. He sings in a soulful voice.
18. We lost the match due to our complacence.
19. I packed all my luggage at night so that I could leave early in the morning.
20. Should they bother you again, report the matter to the police.
2. Which adverb phrase is it?
For the teacher:
Print the adverb phrase cards from Printable 13 given at the end.

1. Poem chain
For the teacher:
You may use the following prompts or come up with prompts of your own:
1. If I go to the mall 2. If the weather improves 3. If had studied
4. If I exercise regularly 5. If I visit my grandmother 6. If I had the power


7. If I have time 8. If my brother was here 9. If it doesn’t rain

10. If you feel bad
2. Get your conditionals right.
For the teacher:
Print the conditional cards from Printable 14 given at the end.

Unit VII
Sort them right!
For the teacher:
Print the sentence cards from Printable 15 given at the end.

Go to the right group.
For the teacher:
Print the sentence cards from Printable 16 given at the end.

Direct and Indirect Speech
For the teacher:
Encourage the groups to choose their own topics for the conversation.

Active and Passive Voice

For the teacher:
You may give the following situation to the class:
A burglary has happened in your housing society and someone has informed the police.
The following sentences give an account of that burglary and what happened thereafter.
•  r Daksh, the caretaker of the Mansarovar Housing Society in Wakad, Pune, informed the police about
a burglary that happened in the society last night.
• Mr Daksh discovered the burglary in the morning.
• Mr and Mrs Das, the residents of Flat No 203, where the burglary happened, informed Mr Daksh about
the incident at 7 a.m. in the morning.
• The burglars stole gold and diamond jewellery worth INR 20 lakh in addition to 5 lakh in cash.
• Reportedly, the Das family had left the rear window of their living room open.
• The burglars probably entered the flat through that window.
• The Wakad police have begun investigating the case.
• They have not made any arrests so far.
• Inspector Ranjan Matthew is looking into the case.
• The RWA of the society has convened a meeting to discuss the security lapse that led to the incident.






Then came _____ day when ____ last bandage and ____ last plaster cast were taken off. It
was ____ gala day. All _____ Sierra Vista was gathered around. _____ master rubbed his ears,
and he crooned his love-growl. ____ master’s wife called him ______ ‘Blessed Wolf,’ which
name was taken up with acclaim and all ________women called him_____ Blessed Wolf.
He tried to rise to his feet, and after several attempts fell down from_______ weakness. He
had lain so long that his muscles had lost their cunning, and all ______ strength had gone
out of them. He felt ______ little shame because of his weakness, as though, forsooth, he
were failing ______gods in ______ service he owed them. Because of this he made______
heroic efforts to arise and at last he stood on his four legs, tottering and swaying back and
‘______ Blessed Wolf!’ chorused _____ women.
Judge Scott surveyed them triumphantly.
‘Out of your own mouths be it,’ he said. ‘Just as I contended right along. No mere dog could
have done what he did. He’s ______ wolf.’
‘A Blessed Wolf,’ amended _____ Judge’s wife.
‘Yes, Blessed Wolf,’ agreed ____ Judge. ‘And henceforth that shall be my name for him.’
‘He’ll have to learn to walk again,’ said _____ surgeon; ‘so he might as well start in right now.
It won’t hurt him. Take him outside.’
And outside he went, like _____ king, with all____ Sierra Vista about him and tending
on him. He was very weak, and when he reached ______ lawn he lay down and rested for
________ while.
Then ______ procession started on, _______little spurts of strength coming into White
Fang’s muscles as he used them and ______ blood began to surge through them. ______
stables were reached, and there in ________ doorway, lay Collie, ______ half-dozen pudgy
puppies playing about her in _______ sun.
White Fang looked on with ______ wondering eye. Collie snarled warningly at him, and he
was careful to keep his distance. ______ master with his toe helped one sprawling puppy
towards him. He bristled suspiciously, but ______ master warned him that all was well.
Collie, clasped in _____ arms of one of ____ women, watched him jealously and with ______
snarl warned him that all was not well.
______ puppy sprawled in_____ front of him. He cocked his ears and watched it curiously.
Then their noses touched, and he felt _____ warm little tongue of ______ puppy on his jowl.
White Fang’s tongue went out, he knew not why, and he licked ______ puppy’s face.
Hand-clapping and ______pleased cries from _______ gods greeted _____ performance. He
was surprised, and looked at them in ______ puzzled way. Then his weakness asserted itself,
and he lay down, his ears cocked, his head on_______ one side, as he watched the puppy.
_____ other puppies came sprawling towards him, to Collie’s great disgust; and he gravely
permitted them to clamber and tumble over him. At _____first, amid ______ applause of
______ gods, he betrayed ______ trifle of his old self-consciousness and awkwardness. This
passed away as ______ puppies’ antics and mauling continued, and he lay with half-shut
patient eyes, drowsing in ______ sun.

Round 1

Janet walked to the mall. Pierce seemed to be sad.

Isabelle experimented with her

The fruit smells fresh.

Beethoven was an amazing

Joan ran in the marathon.

Jack organized the documents. Izzy looks ill.

The first cup of coffee every

Penelope skated across the ice rink.
morning tastes great.

Everyone was tired after the bike

Marcia grew to be very tall.

I am happy that I passed my maths

Nancy feels a bit sick today.

There seems to be some trouble

That car was incredibly fast.
with the engine.

I was really scared when I heard of

I tasted the cake and it was awful.
the accident.

Kelly grows a variety of plants in her Seeing the stranger, the dog barked
garden. loudly.


Even after their repeated attempts

The dog smelled the man’s boots.
to cheer him up, he remained upset.

A red car appeared from nowhere. Julian wrote a book.

She became tense on hearing the

He accepted my apology.

The idea sounds exciting. The woman grew silent.

Ellen put the cake in the fridge. John is climbing the fence.

This summer, Maria grew

This place looks beautiful!
watermelons in her garden.

She grew pale as she looked at the

Tamara had gone to the store.

Liz looked through the microscope. I am afraid they have fallen ill.

His hair has turned grey, but he’s

His theory finally proved true.
not any wiser.

In time, she proved everyone My belt came loose, so I made a

wrong. new hole.


Round 2

My favourite food is pizza. It smelled stinkier than a skunk.

The blanket is green. The soda tasted like oranges.

It seems as if it might rain any

He was a man on a mission.

The audience grew silent when the

This mushy bread tastes terrible.
actors took the stage.

My daughter acts shy around All it took was one wrong word to
strangers. make the situation turn ugly.

They were pleased to see us. Raj seemed to enjoy himself.

The crowd stayed calm in spite of Building the house was difficult for
the imminent threat. them.

The theatre gets dark when the show

You were foolish to believe her.
is about to begin.

Your child is gifted. It suddenly grew cold.

These vegetables look so fresh. He was as clueless as the rest of us.


Even after two years, she remains Jenny appears too mature for her
faithful. age.

It always seems impossible until it is

She turned thirty yesterday.

The lost child looked scared. The magician was disappointing.

He became a tiger in the battlefield. Sam is polite with others.

Jennifer grew angry at the mention

The jacket looks perfect on you.
of his name.

I felt terrible when they stranded the The crowd went silent after Virat
dog. lost his wicket.

He remained faithful to the

Your story sounds convincing.

Even after losing his job, Max

You are my true friend.
remained positive.

We stayed motivated even after

He seemed confused.
losing the match.

He turned violent as soon as he got

I felt quite good after meeting him.


Speaking before an audience makes

Boring movies make me sleepy.
Henry nervous.

The students elected Garry secretary

Jane painted her nails red.
of the debate club.

They elected my uncle mayor of the

They named their daughter Alice.

The students kept the room tidy. I painted my room red.

My dad made the curry very spicy. Margo dyed her hair pink.

The minister made his nephew his The manager kept the clerks busy
private secretary. throughout the day.

The jury found the accused not I found the guard sleeping during his
guilty. work hours.

The minister declared the centre We all consider her unworthy of the
open for business. position.

Please call me Barney when we’re

The garlic had made the soup awful.
not at work.

They found the report lacking in

Shane made Neil frustrated.


The weather is making our travel

I consider her my good friend.

Mom called me something silly

They have declared the case closed.
before she left.

This work will keep me busy till

The incident left everyone shocked.

The people declared him their The letter you wrote made me
leader. joyful.

She believed she could make him a

I find my best friend amusing.
better person.

The algae had turned the water

It makes me want to puke.
brown and turbid.

She put the yogurt in the fridge. I saw him reading quietly.

I found Sahil unconscious on the You haven’t made the sleeves the
kitchen floor. same length.

The principal designated Tina the This makes the problem even more
student of the year. complicated.

The explorers found the old building Megha keeps her house meticulously
empty. clean.


He asked me to be on time. I’d like to learn some of your tricks.

She came to collect her pay cheque. I am calling to ask about your dad.

His dream was to become an

They went there to find firewood.

To be decisive is important. I love to read in my free time.

This is the time to rest. I am going to the mall to buy a suit.

He needs to be more patient with his

The flight is about to take off.
little brother.

Do you have any choice except to She forgot to carry her mobile
comply? phone.

My passion is to learn music. He told me to bring the cake.

My advice is to file a complaint at

It is a day to celebrate.

To err is human. My dream is to become a novelist.


shine speak fly drive

begin break talk watch

play wait drink leave

make burn swim spend

throw study cook forget

fight enjoy take do

bleed awake lock smoke

fall write shave think

dig find edit work

hide dream recite live


interest fry shock excite horrify

pound embarrass haunt tire exhaust

relax break bore wound paint

visit fascinate groom grin miss

irritate know beat overwhelm cram

run sleep ambush trek watch

help gift shatter surprise entertain

travel confuse imagine alarm cancel


The class prankster Rohit

We spent the morning        substituted the       
on the beach. chair for the good chair just before
Mohit entered the class.

Gunjan finds her job as a tourist

The        soldiers were
guide        . She is
rushed to a nearby hospital.
looking for a change.

I was invited to be a judge of a The        delegates were

       competition for invited to a dinner party at the
differently-abled children. chief minister’s residence.

Nishant spends a lot of time

The stranger had an unending
       himself every
supply of        anecdotes.
morning before leaving for work.

What’s so funny? What are you ‘You will be sorely        ’,

       about? Nayan said as I left the house.

What is bothering you so much? Let it be        that

Why do you have such an        we won’t tolerate such brash
expression? behaviour in the future.

There was a rumour

The evidence against him
that the prisoner was
was        .
severely        .

The hall was        with Don’t try to catch a       

people. bus.

It is an        book. You The onions are        in

must read it. the pan. Please add the spices.


He saw a        cat The policemen were       

yesterday. by the terrorists.

We’re planning a        I got the feeling that I was

trip for the weekend. being        .

The injured cyclist was        Preeti was        these

by the passersby. books by her grandma.

       pieces of glass lay We were all        by his

all over the floor. transformation.

The film did well at the box-office I will be        to Europe

as it was very        . next week.

I find these instructions The men were arrested for

very        !        crimes.

COVID cases are increasing at an She is known for       

       rate. plans at the last minute.

That was a        piece of It’s really        to be on

news! No one expected it. this cruise!

The villagers were        I could feel my heart       

by the violence unleashed by the as they were about to announce
bandits. the result.

Mr and Mrs Shyam were        The house is supposedly

by the behaviour of their son-in-        . The villagers know
law at the party. it and avoid going close to it.

The workers had an       

The trekkers were       
look on their faces after working in
after a long day in the forest.
the sun for hours.


to talk of habits and regular to express facts and general

actions truths

to express a future event that an action going on at the time

is part of a fixed timetable of speaking

an action which may not

actually be happening now,
an action already arranged or
but the process started
planned for the near future
some time back and is
not complete

actions that were completed in

a particularly obstinate habit
the recent past

past actions which occurred

at an unspecified time, but actions that began sometime
have a reference to the present in the past and are still
because they are part of a continuing
person’s experience

an action which is already

over, when it is used to give an


1. brushing teeth 1. cooking

2. the bell rang 2. parcel arrived

1. train departed 1. finished shopping

2. reached station 2. went to cafe for lunch

1. switched off laptop 1. doing assignment

2. went out 2. fire alarm rang

1. robbers escaped 1. watering plants

2. police arrived 2. water ran out

1. watching film 1. reached my house

2. power cut 2. switched on lights

1. taking lunch 1. taking medicine

2. got your letter 2. mother asked to come downstairs

1. took a shower 1. worked hard

2. went to meet Sarah at a cafe 2. got good grades

1. missing parents 1. waiting for thirty minutes

2. went home 2. rain stopped

1. reading for three hours 1. playing the piano

2. mother reached home 2. Siraj called

1. crossing road 1. movie started

2. accident happened 2. reached theatre


1. began raining 1. walking to my car

2. took shelter under a tree 2. dropped the keys

1. went to the theatre 1. got a new job

2. went to the grocery store 2. moved to a new city

1. the sun set 1. got married

2. the party began 2. moved to London

1. was leaving for work 1. took father’s permission

2. father arrived 2. asked mother

1. I phoned the office 1. cleared all the mess

2. Emma had left 2. went to bed

1. just gone to sleep 1. Toby arrived

2. phone rang and woke me up 2. meeting began

1. all the shops closed 1. posted the letter

2. we got into town 2. Father called

1. waiting for a bus for an hour 1. frustrated at work

2. neighbour offered lift 2. resigned

1. workers putting up scaffolding 1. tasted the milk

2. the roof fell 2. threw it away

1. having lunch 1. music started

2. visitors arrived 2. curtains opened


this course – help speak English

hope – she – forgives

we – go – swimming Sunday train – tomorrow – 8 p.m.

milk – expires – today look – cat – drink – milk

Jen – finish – book – summer Alice – speech – Friday

Sam – bring – documents –

My sister – fly – Australia – Friday

buy – car – next month join – yoga – classes – tomorrow

learn – driving – this – Sunday watch out! – baby – fall

chief guest arrived – we begin soon match – begin – 3 pm – tomorrow

Be ready – the – guest – arrive we – get items – billed

he – faint – heat she – appear – in court today


we – staff meeting – next Friday you – wait for me – by the temple

I – undergo – surgery they – fall sick – in these conditions

flight – leave – 9:15 p.m. you – host – this year

she – sign – contract the show – start – 8 p.m.

Isha – undergo – surgery today You – enjoy – the trip

holidays – start – next week aunt – drop me – school

Geeta – arrive – on time mother – unhappy – this mess

Frank – leave – at 7 p.m. I – fall – asleep

minister – visit – new museum I – go – home

She – buy – a dress Neha – get married – June


Why my pet turtle stares at me all She chose to photograph whoever

day is beyond me. was willing to pose for her.

Jamie, who scored the winning

The children who hate chocolate
goal, was congratulated by his
are uncommon.

The reason why I came here today

He has to borrow money.
is not important.

That incident upset my schedule No one knows why she is afraid of

for the entire week. lizards.

Let’s go to a country where the The doctor that I was hoping to

sun always shines. see wasn’t on duty.

Do you have anything that will

My father bought a typewriter.
help my throat?

The squirrel darted up a tree in That’s the girl who won the first
no time. prize in the cycle race.

Nothing that anyone does can

Do you know what time it is?
replace my lost bag.


I hope to hear from the person

The pharmacist checked that the
whom I spent hours talking with
prescription was correct.
last night.

The dinner made by the cook last I like the bike that my father
night was very delicious. gave me.

No one knew what happened to Many rivers have been polluted by

those two men. industrial sewage.

The programme had to be

It was clear that she was hiding
cancelled at the last minute
because of an emergency.

Do you think that he can do the I don’t really know how reliable
job? she is.

He was known among his

We still don’t know why he
colleagues for his hawkish
behaved that way in the party.

Rita and her sister study in the It’s not an easy thing to convince
same college. Mr Saini to change his approach.


in a prompt
very quickly right here over the rainbow

to make the most as quickly as tomorrow

by the birdbath
of it possible afternoon

all the time at long last in total darkness

by avoiding disproportionately
in case of rainfall without trying
chocolate low

for several by the side of the

since 1997 five days a week
centuries building

for seven hours in a silly way by accident in a careful way

in an abrupt
under the bridge at all places towards me

somewhere more often than

all over the world almost never
not far away not

quite early to go on a foreign

a while ago in order to
tomorrow trip

with anger in his during the

on the terrace like an angel
eyes summer


win lottery-buy reduce price-buy

heat ice-melts told me-helped you
house more

late school-teacher sleep late-wake up was rich-would

sad movie-cry
scolds late travel

public transport
not enough
rain-got wet was you – refused efficient – people
water – plants die
stop using cars

drink too much

winter – wear warm sun goes down – gets not exercise – lose
coffee – can’t sleep at
clothes dark fitness

complete this
make a mistake – don’t leave – call the
project – teacher he calls – I go
somebody notice police

rich – travel the married Mary – sleep eight hours – build a robot – make
world happy feel better it do my homework

stayed at the
control the weather – told me about the no recession –
university – got
make it sunny meeting – come company survived
master’s degree

was a lawyer – added ginger – John is absent – I wake up early – take

helped the poor curry tasted better take the calls the bus

written to me – calls you – don’t am better – go doesn’t rain – we go

helped take call to school to the show

work harder – pass get up early – catch had gone – missed eat spicy food too
exam the first train the chance much – get unwell


third conditional zero conditional first conditional zero conditional

first conditional zero conditional zero conditional zero conditional

first conditional zero conditional second conditional third conditional

first conditional zero conditional zero conditional zero conditional

first conditional first conditional first conditional first conditional

first conditional zero conditional third conditional second conditional

third conditional third conditional third conditional second conditional

zero conditional zero conditional third conditional second conditional

first conditional first conditional zero conditional third conditional

first conditional third conditional first conditional first conditional


He was born in September. My interview is on 3 p.m.

The football game is at the stadium. I live at a two-storey house.

He is nothing for my support. We are playing from the tree.

The interior in this house is The dumping ground is near

mind-blowing. the riverside.

The dog jumped above the fence. Where did this letter come from?

The brain is located under the skull. I learned how to ski in the holidays.

The store is open until midnight. He usually arrives by 3 p.m.

Wait for me in the corner of My aunt is visiting us at

the street. Christmas Eve.

The place gets extremely cold I mostly prefer to read and write in
during winter. night after my dinner.

I have been waiting for you We have not been in touch since
since noon. the last two years.


The police jeep came under attack How long will you take to swim
as it was passing across the forest. through the lake?

There is a pet shop across

We walked on the shop.
the street.

I need a key by which I can open With your help we will certainly
this lock. complete this mission.

Being your father, it is natural that I

I can manage all this with ease.
feel concerned with you.

She pulled a blanket above herself I’ve been unwell for last
and slept. Wednesday.

He is too mature to his age. I first went to Europe by 2018.

They asked us to wait around the

He poured the milk on the glass.

The match was cancelled for

The cat climbed by the couch.
the storm.

We spent the evening walking on

Harry hid between the door.
the lake.

Thanks for your timely help, we The traveller saw many interesting
were able to complete the project sights as he travelled across the
on time. country.


You can eat your cake with a spoon I found it hard to concentrate on my
or a fork. book after that terrible noise.

I don’t want to go to the movies She wasn’t my friend, but I loaned

because I hate the smell of popcorn. her the money.

Bill refuses to eat peas, nor will he I have invited Prateek as well as his
touch carrots. brother Sumit to my birthday party.

I am allergic to cats, yet I have three As soon as the alarm goes off, I hit
of them. the snooze button.

Once you look at the car, you will Thomas will be late to work, for he
like it. has a dental appointment.

I was bit of a wild child when I was Art is making something out of
younger. nothing and selling it.

You wouldn’t know how it tastes Though I’d love to say yes, the
unless you taste it. answer is no.

You can take my car for the day as

Wash your hands before you enter
long as you promise not to drive
the dining hall.

We can drive to the pool or walk to We may not have another stopover
the park. until we get there.

Sally forgot to do her maths

If it’s an emergency, you can leave. homework even though I had
reminded her.


We can’t go to the mall because our Whenever I am in France, I always

car broke down. get a croissant.

I did not have many friends until I Though I tried to be free with them,
went to Pune for my masters. they did not seem to like me.

It was a long time since

He works so hard that he can
someone had come to talk with
provide everything we need.
me on their own.

I started reading when I was You must leave the ball before the
thirteen. clock strikes midnight.

I like to have fish, but she is a Pakhi did not feel bad about her
vegeterian. choices, nor should she.

Chinta really wants to open

her presents, but her mother Hand me a purple or blue crayon.
won’t let her.

I live in Delhi, and my family lives We could play outside, or we could

in Mysore. play board games in my room.

I bought two shirts, two hats and Would you have mushroom or
three pairs of socks. paneer on your sandwich?

I want to own a cat, but my sister Thomas will be late to work, for he
does not allow. has a doctor’s appointment.

It’s December, yet the weather is far Rohan could not wake up on time,
from cold. so he missed his exam.


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