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Higher Nationals

Internal verification of assessment decisions – BTEC (RQF)

Programme title BTEC HND in Computing

Ms. Gayani nisansala

Assessor Internal Verifier
Unit: 6 Planning a Computing Project
Planning a Project on the Big Data Technologies in achieving operational
Assignment title efficiency
W.G. Dinayuru welagedara
Student’s name
List which assessment criteria Pass Merit Distinction
the Assessor has awarded.


Do the assessment criteria awarded match

those shown in the assignment brief? Y/N
Is the Pass/Merit/Distinction grade awarded
justified by the assessor’s comments on the Y/N
student work?
Has the work been assessed
Is the feedback to the student:
Give details:
• Constructive? Y/N
• Linked to relevant assessment criteria? Y/N
• Identifying opportunities for Y/N
improved performance?
• Agreeing actions? Y/N
Does the assessment decision need

Assessor signature Date

Internal Verifier signature Date

Programme Leader signature (if required)
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Internal Verifier
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Higher Nationals – Summative Assignment Feedback Form
Student Name/ID W.G. Dinayuru welagedara/ E178640
Unit Title Unit: 6 Planning a Computing Project

Assignment Number 1 Assessor

07/15/2024 DateReceived1stsub 07/15/2024
Submission Date
Re-submission Date
Assessor Feedback:

LO1. Conduct small-scale research, information gathering and data collection to generate knowledge on an

identified subject

Pass, Merit & Distinction P1 P2 M1 D1

LO2. Explore the features and business requirements of organisations in an identified sector

Pass, Merit & Distinction P3 P4 M2


LO3. Produce project plans based on research of the chosen theme for an identified organisation

Pass, Merit & Distinction P5 M3


LO4. Present your project recommendations and justifications of decisions made, based on research of the
identified theme and sector
Pass, Merit & Distinction P6 P7 P8 M4 D2

Grade: Assessor Signature: Date:

Resubmission Feedback:

Grade: Assessor Signature: Date:

Internal Verifier’s Comments:

Signature & Date:

* Please note that grade decisions are provisional. They are only confirmed once internal and external moderation has taken place and grades decisions have
been agreed at the assessment board.

Dinayuru Welagedara PCP 3

Assignment Feedback
Formative Feedback: Assessor to Student

Action Plan

Summative feedback

Feedback: Student to Assessor

Assessor signature Date 07/13/2024
Student signature m Date

Dinayuru Welagedara PCP 4

Higher Nationals in
Unit: 6 Planning a Computing Project

Dinayuru Welagedara PCP 5

General Guidelines

1. A Cover page or title page – You should always attach a title page to your assignment. Use previous page as
your cover sheet and make sure all the details are accurately filled.
2. Attach this brief as the first section of your assignment.
3. All the assignments should be prepared using a word processing software.
4. All the assignments should be printed on A4 sized papers. Use single side printing.
5. Allow 1” for top, bottom, right margins and 1.25” for the left margin of each page.

Word Processing Rules

1. The font size should be 12 point and should be in the style of Time New Roman.
2. Use 1.5 line spacing. Left justify all paragraphs.
3. Ensure that all the headings are consistent in terms of the font size and font style.
4. Use footer function in the word processor to insert Your Name, Subject, Assignment No, and Page Number
on each page. This is useful if individual sheets become detached for any reason.
5. Use word processing application spell check and grammar check function to help editing your assignment.

Important Points:

1. It is strictly prohibited to use textboxes to add texts in the assignments, except for the compulsory
information. eg: Figures, tables of comparison etc. Adding text boxes in the body except for the before
mentioned compulsory information will result in rejection of your work.
2. Carefully check the hand in date and the instructions given in the assignment. Late submissions will not be
3. Ensure that you give yourself enough time to complete the assignment by the due date.
4. Excuses of any nature will not be accepted for failure to hand in the work on time.
5. You must take responsibility for managing your own time effectively.
6. If you are unable to hand in your assignment on time and have valid reasons such as illness, you may apply
(in writing) for an extension.
7. Failure to achieve at least PASS criteria will result in a REFERRAL grade.
8. Non-submission of work without valid reasons will lead to an automatic REFERRAL. You will then be asked to
complete an alternative assignment.
9. If you use other people’s work or ideas in your assignment, reference them properly using HARVARD
referencing system to avoid plagiarism. You have to provide both in-text citation and a reference list.
10. If you are proven to be guilty of plagiarism or any academic misconduct, your grade could be reduced to A
REFERRAL or at worst you could be expelled from the course

Dinayuru Welagedara PCP 6

Student Declaration

I hereby, declare that I know what plagiarism entails, namely to use another’s work and to present it as my own
without attributing the sources in the correct way. I further understand what it means to copy another’s work.

1. I know that plagiarism is a punishable offence because it constitutes theft.

2. I understand the plagiarism and copying policy of the Pearson UK.
3. I know what the consequences will be if I plagiaries or copy another’s work in any of the assignments for this
4. I declare therefore that all work presented by me for every aspects of my program, will be my own, and where I
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5. I acknowledge that the attachment of this document signed or not, constitutes a binding agreement between
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6. I understand that my assignment will not be considered as submitted if this document is not attached to the

Student’s Signature: Date: 06/30/2024

(Provide E-mail ID) (Provide Submission Date)

Dinayuru Welagedara PCP 7

Higher National Diploma in Computing

Assignment Brief
Student Name /ID Number W.G. Dinayuru welagedara/E178640

Unit Number and Title Unit: 6 Planning a Computing Project

Academic Year 2023/2024018

Unit Tutor Ms. Gayani nisansala

Assignment Title Planning a Project on the Big Data Technologies in achieving operational efficiency

Issue Date

Submission Date 06/30/2024

IV Name & Date

Submission Format:
The submission should be in the form of an individual report with the following sections.

Section 1: Project Management Plan

Section 2: Research report

Section 3: Action Plan

You are required to make use of headings, paragraphs, and subsections as appropriate, and all work must be
supported with research and referenced using Harvard referencing system. Please provide in-text citation and a
list of references using Harvard referencing system.

Please note that this is an individual assessment, and your report should include evidence to that you have
conducted a research to collect relevant data individually.

Dinayuru Welagedara PCP 8

Unit Learning Outcomes:
LO1 Conduct small-scale research, information gathering and data collection to generate knowledge on an
identified subject

LO2 Explore the features and business requirements of organisations in an identified sector.

LO3 Produce project plans based on research of the chosen theme for an identified organisation

LO4 Present your project recommendations and justifications of decisions made, based on research of the
identified theme and sector

Assignment Brief and Guidance:

Research Theme: Big Data

Research Topic: The impact of the application of Big Data Technologies in operational efficiency

Dinayuru Welagedara PCP 9

in a range of academic, scientific and economic areas.

“Big data is a term that has become more and more common over the last decade. It was originally defined as
data that is generated in incredibly large volumes, such as internet search queries, data from weather sensors or
information posted on social media. Today big data has also come to represent large amounts of information
generated from multiple sources that cannot be processed in a conventional way and that cannot be processed
by humans without some form of computational intervention. Big data can be stored in several ways:
Structured, whereby the data is organised into some form of relational format, unstructured, where data is held
as raw, unorganised data prior to turning into a structured form, or semi-structured where the data will have
some key definitions or structural form, but is still held in a format that does not conform to standard data
storage models. Many systems and organisations now generate massive quantities of big data on a daily basis,
with some of this data being made publicly available to other systems for analysis and processing. The
generation of such large amounts of data has necessitated the development of machine learning systems that
can sift through the data to rapidly identify patterns, to answer questions or to solve problems. As these new
systems continue to be developed and refined, a new discipline of data science analytics has evolved to help
design, build and test these new machine learning and artificial intelligence systems. Utilising Big Data requires a
range of knowledge and skills across a broad spectrum of areas and consequently opens opportunities to
organizations that were not previously accessible. The ability to store and process large quantities of data from
multiple sources has meant that organisations and businesses are able to get a larger overall picture of the
pattern of global trends in the data to allow them to make more accurate and up to date decisions. Such data
can be used to identify potential business risks earlier and to make sure that costs are minimized without
compromising on innovation. However, the rapid application and use of Big Data has raised several concerns.
The storage of such large amounts of data means that security concerns need to be addressed in case the data is
compromised or altered in such a way to make the interpretation erroneous. In addition, the ethical issues of
the storage of personal data from multiple sources have yet to be addressed, as well as any sustainability
concerns in the energy requirements of large data warehouses and lakes”. (Pearson, 2023)

Assignment Scenario

You are expected to carry out a small-scale research project in order to explore the “impact of the application of
Big Data Technologies in operational efficiency in a range of academic, scientific and economic areas” from the
standpoint of a computing professional or a data scientist. The research that you carry out can be based on an
organization / organization, a field, a case study, a scenario, etc. that you have access to gather sufficient
information to investigate the applications, benefits and limitations of Big Data technologies.

The findings of the research should be presented in a professionally compiled report and the report should cover

Dinayuru Welagedara PCP 10

the given tasks including,

 A comprehensive project plan - including a work, time and resource allocation/ breakdown using
appropriate tools. A business area analysis Including the features and operational areas of the
business and the role of stakeholders and their impact on the success of the business.
 A research paper - including application and evaluation of quantitative and qualitative research
methods to generate relevant primary data and examination of secondary sources to collect
relevant secondary data and information.
 An Action plan – including recommendations and evaluation of project outcomes comparing the
decisions given in the project plan.

TASK – 01 and 02: Project Management Plan

Task 1
1.1. Select an organization/ organization, a field, a case study or a scenario of your choice that allows
you to explore and study the relevant data of the application of Big data technologies. Plan a small-
scale research project on the impact of the application of big data technologies in operational
Provide an introduction and background to your project and the chosen organization / field or the scenario.
Define the scope and devise aims /objectives of the project that you are going to carry out. You also should
include risks and benefits of exploring the impact of big data technologies of the chosen organization/s or
the field.

1.2. Produce a comprehensive project plan including the following.

 Cost, scope, time, quality, communication, risk, and resources management plan.
 Comprehensive Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) with clearly defined activities and
 Gantt chart to illustrate project schedule with realistic time allocated for each activity and
clearly defined deadlines for milestones.

TASK – 02
Discuss the features and operational areas of the chosen organization/s , the role and the impact of stakeholders
for the success of the business. You also need analyse the challenges the organization/s may face in achieving

Dinayuru Welagedara PCP 11

the success and meeting business objectives by applying big data technologies to achieve operational efficiency.

TASK – 03: Research Report

Carry out the research to investigate the “impact of the application of big data technologies in operational
efficiency” and generate relevant primary data by applying appropriate qualitative and quantitative research
methods. You need to examine secondary sources to collect relevant secondary data and information to support
the research. You then need to analyse the data and information and interpret the findings to generate
knowledge on how the application of big data technologies supports business requirements in the identified

TASK – 04: Action Plan

4.1 Communicate appropriate project recommendations derived from the research data
analyzed for technical and non-technical audiences and assess the extent to which the
project recommendations meet the needs of the chosen organization/s.
4.2 Discuss the reliability, accuracy, and the appropriateness of the research methods applied
while arguing and evaluating the planning recommendations made in the project plan
comparing them to the actual outcomes and the need of the chosen organization/s.

Dinayuru Welagedara PCP 12

I would like to acknowledge and share my warmest gratitude towards each individual for helping me with
this assignment. And a special gratitude towards the HND course lecture Ms. gayani nisansala in Esoft
Metro College Kiribathgoda, I grant my special gratitude for giving me this opportunity to take part in this
valuable assignment in the topic Planning a Project on the Big Data Technologies in achieving operational
efficiency. And finally, I would like to thank my parents, friends who helped and inspired me to complete
this assignment. please comment your suggestions and criticisms on my work which will inspire me to
improve the quality of the assignment.

Thank you.

Dinayuru Welagedara PCP 13

Table of content
Table of figures............................................................................................................................................16
Big data of Connex technology (Pvt) Ltd....................................................................................................18
Qualitative Research Methodology..............................................................................................................18
Quantitative Research Methodology............................................................................................................19
1.1.2 Sample size..........................................................................................................................................19
1.1.3 Ethics...................................................................................................................................................20
1.1.4 Methods...............................................................................................................................................21
1.1.5 Survey..................................................................................................................................................21
1.1.6 Big data literature review paper..........................................................................................................22
Big data in Connex technology Pvt. Ltd......................................................................................................23
1.2.0 Data Collection....................................................................................................................................26
1.2.1 Secondary Data Collection..................................................................................................................26
1.2.2. Primary Data Collection and Analysis...............................................................................................28
Quantitative Methods for Primary Data.......................................................................................................28
Qualitative Methods for Primary Data.........................................................................................................41
Task 02.........................................................................................................................................................49
2.1.1 Value Proposition Features of a Business...........................................................................................49
2.1.2 Operational Areas of a Business.........................................................................................................50
2.1.3 Sector-Specific Considerations...........................................................................................................51
2.2 The influence of stakeholders on business success................................................................................51
2.1.2 Importance of Stakeholder Management............................................................................................52
2.1.3 Analyze the challenges to the success of a business in an identified sector.......................................53
Keeping up with the market.........................................................................................................................53
Planning ahead.............................................................................................................................................53
Cash flow and financial management..........................................................................................................53
Problem solving............................................................................................................................................54
The right systems..........................................................................................................................................54
Skills and attitudes........................................................................................................................................54

Dinayuru Welagedara PCP 14

Task 03.........................................................................................................................................................55
Project proposal............................................................................................................................................55
Executive Summary.....................................................................................................................................55
Background and Rationale...........................................................................................................................56
Tripple Constraint.........................................................................................................................................56
GENERAL PROJECT INFORMATION....................................................................................................56
Project overview...........................................................................................................................................57
Key milestone...............................................................................................................................................57
Scope management plan...............................................................................................................................58
Project scope.................................................................................................................................................58
Project Time management plan....................................................................................................................58
Gantt chart with activity durations...............................................................................................................60
Activity Resource Requirement Plan...........................................................................................................60
Quality Management Plan............................................................................................................................60
Human resource management plan..............................................................................................................61
Risk matrix...................................................................................................................................................61
Project Risk management plan.....................................................................................................................62
Project Cost management plan.....................................................................................................................63
Tools and techniques for the communication...............................................................................................63
Work break down structure (WBS)..............................................................................................................64
Task 04.........................................................................................................................................................65
4.1.1 Technical Audience: IT Department, Sustainability Teams...............................................................65
Non-technical audience: All employees.......................................................................................................66
4.1.2. Action Plan for Non-Technical Audiences........................................................................................67
4.2.1 Arguments for the planning decisions made when developing the project plans...............................70
Increasing Validity in Big Data Technologies for Operational Efficiency..................................................71
Increasing Reliability in Big Data Technologies for Operational Efficiency..............................................71
Ensuring Validity and Reliability of Secondary Data in Big Data Initiatives..............................................71
Consideration collected the information or data..........................................................................................72
Age of data collected....................................................................................................................................72
Original purpose of the data collection........................................................................................................73
Potential errors or variability in the data......................................................................................................73
Assess the extent to which the project recommendations meet the needs of the identified organization,
including fully supported rationales for planning decisions made Alignment with Company needs..........74
Justification of Recommendations...............................................................................................................74

Dinayuru Welagedara PCP 15

Accuracy and reliability research maintenance activities for each phase of the Big Data Efficiency project
Accuracy and reliability research maintenance data analyzing tools and techniques..................................80
Accuracy and reliability research maintenance for recommendation..........................................................81
Accuracy and reliability research maintenance for user experience during collection................................81
Accuracy and reliability research maintenance for sampling techniques....................................................82

Dinayuru Welagedara PCP 16

Table of figures
Figure 1 sample size.........................................................................................................................................20
Figure 2 feedback form picture 1....................................................................................................................29
Figure 3 feedback form picture 2.....................................................................................................................30
Figure 4 feedback form picture 3.....................................................................................................................30
Figure 5 feedback form picture 4.....................................................................................................................31
Figure 6 feedback form picture 5.....................................................................................................................31
Figure 7 feedback form picture 6.....................................................................................................................32
Figure 8 feedback form picture 7.....................................................................................................................32
Figure 9 feedback form picture 8.....................................................................................................................33
Figure 10 feedback form picture 9...................................................................................................................33
Figure 11 feedback chart 1...............................................................................................................................34
Figure 12 feedback chart 2..............................................................................................................................34
Figure 13 feedback chart 3..............................................................................................................................35
Figure 14 feedback chart 4..............................................................................................................................35
Figure 15 feedback chart 5..............................................................................................................................36
Figure 16 feedback chart 6..............................................................................................................................36
Figure 17 feedback chart 7..............................................................................................................................37
Figure 18 feedback chart 8..............................................................................................................................37
Figure 19 feedback chart 9..............................................................................................................................38
Figure 20 feedback chart 10............................................................................................................................38
Figure 21 feedback chart 11............................................................................................................................39
Figure 22 feedback chart 12............................................................................................................................39
Figure 23 feedback chart 13............................................................................................................................40
Figure 24 feedback chart 14............................................................................................................................40
Figure 25 Project proposal...............................................................................................................................55
Figure 26 Gantt chart........................................................................................................................................60
Figure 27 Work breakdown structure (WBS)..................................................................................................64
Figure 28 Age of data collection......................................................................................................................72

Dinayuru Welagedara PCP 17

Table of table
Table 1 Project duration...................................................................................................................................56
Table 2 GENERAL PROJECT INFORMATION...........................................................................................56
Table 3 Budget.................................................................................................................................................57
Table 4 Project overview..................................................................................................................................57
Table 5 Key milestone......................................................................................................................................58
Table 6 Project scope.......................................................................................................................................58
Table 7 Project Time management plan...........................................................................................................59
Table 8 Activity Resource Requirement Plan..................................................................................................60
Table 9 Human resource management plan.....................................................................................................61
Table 10 Risk matrix........................................................................................................................................61
Table 11 Project Risk management plan..........................................................................................................62
Table 12 Project Cost management plan..........................................................................................................63
Table 13 Tools and techniques for the communication...................................................................................63

Dinayuru Welagedara PCP 18

Task 01
Big data of Connex technology (Pvt) Ltd

Connex Information Technologies is a leading value-added technology distributor that is driven to adapt to
each scenario in the rapidly changing world surrounding us. If you are looking for a broad range of solutions
scaling across servers and storages, IT infrastructure, and cyber security among many others… you have met
your match! With over 15 industry-leading technologies, 60+ global vendors, 150+ channel partners, and a
workforce of 200+ employees where 60% are of technical expertise, Connex is fully equipped to aid you in
reaching your highest technological capabilities across 15 countries/territories.

In terms of cybersecurity, employing Big Data analysis is critical for improving threat detection capabilities.
Organizations that integrate Cortex XDR analytics may effectively spot network and user behavior
anomalies, enhancing their defenses against changing threats. LogSign's advanced analysis improves
security by detecting sophisticated threats such as malware and phishing assaults. Using Big Data for user
behavior analytics provides preemptive detection of insider threats, reducing possible dangers before they
increase. Furthermore, the combination of Cortex XDR's machine learning capabilities with LogSign's
thorough data analysis optimizes incident response tactics, resulting in fast and accurate responses to
security problems. This comprehensive strategy not only strengthens cybersecurity frameworks, but also
enables enterprises such as Connex Technology Pvt. Ltd. to stay ahead of the curve in protecting their digital
assets from modern cyber threats.

Qualitative Research Methodology
Connex Technology Pvt. Ltd. can study the subtle facets of the perception and application of Big Data
technologies using qualitative research methods. To achieve this, it may be necessary to in-depth interview
important stakeholders, such as IT managers, data scientists and operational staff. Researchers can gain an
in-depth understanding of the opportunities, challenges, and attitudes related to the adoption and use of
these technologies using qualitative methods. Rich, context-specific data that helps understand the
organizational and human dynamics impacting operational efficiency gains can be obtained from the
themes and patterns that emerge from these interviews.

Dinayuru Welagedara PCP 19

Quantitative Research Methodology
Quantitative research techniques are useful for calculating the quantitative impact and efficacy of big data
technologies. To gather structured data on particular metrics, such as processing time reductions, cost
savings, or productivity increases linked to the usage of Big Data tools, surveys can be distributed
throughout the organization's divisions. Numerical proof of the observable advantages and return on
investment (ROI) of these technologies can be obtained through statistical analysis of operational data and
survey responses. This approach enables statistical inference and generalizable results, which are essential
for data-driven decision-making and assessing the scalability of technical solutions.

1.1.2 Sample size

A popular online survey tool, SurveyMonkey provides tools to efficiently determine sample sizes for
research projects. It offers a simple way to calculate the necessary sample size depending on a number of
variables, including the size of the population, the degree of confidence, and the margin of error. The
sample size calculator on SurveyMonkey allows users to enter these factors, and it then calculates the ideal
sample size required to provide findings that are statistically significant. Because it guarantees that the data
gathered is representative and trustworthy, this feature is very helpful for researchers and organizations that
conduct surveys. It helps them make well-informed judgments and derive significant conclusions from
their research endeavors.

A crucial part of the study methodology is choosing the appropriate sample size, especially for studies on
Big Data technologies and Connex Technology Pvt. Ltd.'s operational efficiency. The sample size should
take into account practical constraints such as time and money, while remaining large enough to ensure the
statistical reliability and generalizability of the results. The required confidence level (e.g., 95%), margin of
error, demographic variability and expected effect size are generally taken into account when calculating
the sample size. Researchers can reduce sampling bias and safely obtain results that appropriately reflect
the broader organizational context and the effect of Big Data technologies on operational efficiency by
carefully choosing an appropriate sample size.

When my population is 40, deciding on an optimal sample size requires balancing statistical accuracy with
practical factors. SurveyMonkey’s default settings are a 95% confidence level and a 5% margin of error.
This suggests that if you repeated your poll 100 times, 95 of them would be within the margin of error of
the genuine population value. The sample size required for a population of 40 can be computed using
several statistical formulae, such as the proportion formula, if your survey is designed to ascertain a
proportion of the population.

Dinayuru Welagedara PCP 20

Figure 1 sample size

1.1.3 Ethics
Any research project must prioritize ethical issues, especially when handling sensitive data and cutting-edge
technologies like big data. These fundamental ideas will help to guarantee moral behavior during the whole
study process.
1. Informed Consent: Ensure that participants have given their informed consent and are aware of the
goals, dangers, and advantages of the study before accepting an invitation to participate.
2. Data Privacy and Security: Put strong safeguards in place to preserve the integrity and privacy of data at
every stage of its lifecycle, from gathering and storing it to analyzing and sharing it.
3. Avoiding Harm: When working with sensitive data or themes, take precautions to reduce any potential
harm to participants, including psychological or reputational harm.
4. Transparency: To maintain open lines of communication with stakeholders, be truthful about the
objectives of the research, the methods used, and any potential conflicts of interest.
5. Respect for Participants: Respect participants' rights, including their ability to withdraw from the study
at any time without penalty.
6. Compliance with Regulations: Follow applicable laws, regulations, and ethical guidelines that govern
research techniques, such as data protection legislation (e.g., GDPR, HIPAA) and institutional review
board (IRB) clearances.
7. Accountability: Accept responsibility for doing research in an ethical manner, responding to any ethical
concerns or violations as soon as possible.

Dinayuru Welagedara PCP 21

By adhering to these ethical norms, researchers can ensure that their work with Big Data technologies is
responsible and trustworthy, building confidence among participants, stakeholders, and the larger

1.1.4 Methods
Connex Technology Pvt. Ltd. may conduct research on Big Data technologies and their influence on
operational efficiency using a methodological approach that combines qualitative and quantitative

1. Qualitative Phase: Begin by conducting qualitative research to investigate attitudes, difficulties, and
possibilities relating to Big Data technologies. This could involve:
 In-depth Interviews: Conduct interviews with important stakeholders such as IT managers,
service officer to learn about their experiences and viewpoints.
 Focus Groups: Use facilitated group talks to investigate shared views and identify underlying
challenges or possibilities.
2. Quantitative Phase: Use quantitative research to measure and validate findings on a bigger scale.
This phase contains:
 Survey Design: Create surveys to collect structured data on specific metrics such as time saves, cost
reductions, or productivity gains due to Big Data technologies.
 Sampling and Data Collection: Use platforms like SurveyMonkey to efficiently calculate and
manage sample sizes, resulting in statistically meaningful results.
 Statistical Analysis: Using proper statistical approaches, measure the impact of Big Data
technologies on operational efficiency.
3. Integration and Analysis: Combine qualitative and quantitative data to acquire a thorough grasp of
the study issues. This integration enables a more in-depth examination of variable interactions while
also providing strong evidence for decision-making.
4. Ethical Considerations: Maintain ethical standards throughout the research process by getting
informed consent, protecting data privacy and confidentiality, and respecting participant rights. To
ensure the integrity and credibility of study results, follow all applicable legislation and guidelines.
5. Reporting and Recommendations: Finally, give clear and actionable findings supported by research
evidence. Make recommendations based on the information gathered to impact strategic decisions
and increase operational efficiency at Connex Technology Pvt. Ltd.
1.1.5 Survey
To measure the influence of Big Data Technologies on operational efficiency, Connex Technology Pvt. Ltd.
can efficiently extract quantitative insights from stakeholders through a survey technique. The purpose of

Dinayuru Welagedara PCP 22

this survey is to collect data on critical indicators such as time saves, cost reductions, and productivity gains
as a result of using Big Data tools. By collecting and evaluating data in a methodical manner, the study will
provide useful insights into how these technologies help to enhancing operational procedures and overall
organizational efficiency. The findings will help Connex Technology Pvt. Ltd. make strategic decisions and
potentially improve its use of Big Data for operational excellence.

1.1.6 Big data literature review paper

Abstract: The rapid development of data generation in the digital world needs effective big data
management methods, which are critical for firms such as Connex Technology Pvt. Ltd. This literature
analysis looks at the current approaches and practices used by Connex Technology Pvt. Ltd. to improve big
data efficiency. The evaluation covers a wide range of methodologies, including data storage optimization,
advanced data processing algorithms, and novel data analysis tools. This paper examines recent
achievements and case studies inside the organization to show the critical role of big data efficiency in
generating operational excellence and competitive advantage. It also identifies significant obstacles and
offers potential solutions for continual development in large data handling. The findings provide a full
insight of Connex Technology Pvt. Ltd.'s tactics and will be useful for future research and implementation
of big data efficiency techniques.

Keywords: Advanced Data Processing Algorithms, Operational Excellence, Continuous Improvement

In today's digital landscape, data multiplication has been unparalleled, pushing enterprises to implement
strong big data management techniques. Connex Technology Pvt. Ltd., a technical innovation leader,
understands the crucial need of improving big data efficiency to maintain a competitive advantage and
promote operational excellence. Big data efficiency involves a variety of factors, including data storage
optimization, the use of modern processing algorithms, and sophisticated data analysis tools. The importance
of big data efficiency goes beyond data management; it is essential for decision-making, expanding
corporate information, and improving consumer experiences. This literature research will look into the
approaches and procedures used by Connex Technology Pvt. Ltd. to reach high levels of big data efficiency.
The assessment aims to provide a thorough overview of the company's approach to big data management by
assessing current tactics and recent achievements. Furthermore, it tackles the issues that exist in the field of
big data and suggests alternative ways to overcome them. Through this investigation, the study hopes to
illustrate the critical role of big data efficiency in promoting innovation and preserving a competitive
advantage in the technology sector. The insights gained from this evaluation will not only throw light on
Connex Technology Pvt. Ltd.'s methods, but will also add to the broader discussion of big data efficiency,
providing significant perspectives for future research and application.

Dinayuru Welagedara PCP 23

Big data in Connex technology Pvt. Ltd
Big data has transformed many sectors, and Connex Technology Pvt. Ltd. is no exception. In recent
literature, the impact of big data on technical developments and corporate optimization has been thoroughly
studied. Big data refers to the huge volume of organized and unstructured data that businesses encounter on
a daily basis, necessitating the use of modern storage, processing, and analysis capabilities. Companies such
as Connex Technology Pvt. Ltd. use big data to improve decision-making processes, consumer experiences,
and innovation. Chen et al. (2014) found that big data analytics plays an important role in translating raw
data into meaningful insights, allowing for predictive analytics and informed decision making. Furthermore,
Manyika et al. (2011) highlight the economic potential of big data, predicting significant growth and
competitive advantage for companies that effectively leverage its possibilities. Integrating big data analytics
at Connex Technology has resulted in increased operational efficiency and a better awareness of market
trends, allowing the company to align with global industry standards and maintain a competitive advantage
in the technology sector.

Connex Technology Pvt. Ltd. is in the forefront of using big data to improve operational efficiencies and
decision-making processes. The assessment of big data efficiency is critical for understanding and enhancing
the performance of big data systems. (Kim, 2013) created an evaluation technique that examines the needs
for efficiency and quality in big data systems. This method provides a thorough framework for evaluating
performance and finding opportunities for development (Yang and Kim, 2013).

Corbett and Chen (2015) presented the concept of reducing information waste and enhancing data efficiency
as part of Lean Big Data Management. Their study suggests using data envelopment analysis to measure big
data efficiency, offering a novel strategy to effectively handling enormous datasets (Corbett and Chen,
2015). Similarly, Sazu and Jahan (2022) investigated the significance of big data in producing
recommendations for shared transport architecture, resulting in considerable improvements in urban
transportation efficiency.

The integration of cloud computing and big data analytics has proved critical in controlling power systems
effectively. suggested a cloud-based architecture to address issues in power management systems, such as
execution time and computational complexity, resulting in significant efficiency gains. Wang, Sui, and
Zhang (2020) also looked into how financial technology (fintech) affects the efficiency of commercial
banks. Their findings showed that fintech may lower operating expenses, increase service efficiency, and
strengthen risk control capabilities, ultimately increasing profitability and competitiveness (Wang, Sui, &
Zhang, 2020).

Dinayuru Welagedara PCP 24

In terms of energy efficiency, Varlamis et al. (2022) proposed the application of federated learning to
manage energy saving suggestions without cloud data sharing. This system efficiently manages sensor
events and delivers individualized recommendations, improving overall energy efficiency (Varlamis et al.,
2022). Furthermore, Ahmad et al. (2022) found that integrating AI, big data, and business intelligence (BI)
improved e-learning infrastructure and organizational efficiency in Jordanian telecoms enterprises (Ahmad
et al., 2022).

In addition to operational and economic benefits, big data at Connex Technology Pvt. Ltd. has accelerated
the development of personalized services and improved customer relationship management (CRM). The use
of big data analytics enables Connex to personalize their products and services to particular consumer needs,
enhancing customer happiness and loyalty. According to Gandomi and Haider (2015), big data analytics
allows businesses to study client behavior patterns, forecast future trends, and create more successful
marketing tactics. This feature is especially useful in a competitive market where client preferences are
continuously changing.

Furthermore, big data enables better risk management and fraud detection at Connex Technology. By
analyzing massive databases in real time, the organization can more efficiently detect anomalies and
suspicious activity. Chen, Mao, and Liu (2014) found that big data analytics improves the ability to detect
and manage hazards, resulting in increased security and compliance with regulatory standards. Furthermore,
Zhang, Yang, and Appelbaum (2015) demonstrated that combining machine learning algorithms with big
data analytics improves the accuracy and speed of fraud detection systems.

The scalability of big data solutions enables Connex Technology to handle and analyze an increasing
volume of data from a variety of sources, including social media, IoT devices, and transaction databases.
According to Tsai et al. (2015), the use of scalable big data architectures assures that firms can handle data
growth without sacrificing performance. Connex Technology's investment in scalable data infrastructure
enables their ongoing innovation and capacity to respond swiftly to market developments.

Furthermore, incorporating big data analytics into Connex Technology Pvt. Ltd. has considerably improved
their research and development (R&D) skills. Connex can shorten the innovation cycle by using massive
datasets, from conceptualization to product development. Kusiak's (2017) research underlines the
importance of big data analytics in identifying upcoming technologies and market needs, helping businesses
to stay ahead of the curve. This method not only minimizes the time-to-market for new products, but it also
raises the likelihood of product success by ensuring that they are in line with customer demand and
technology advancements.

Dinayuru Welagedara PCP 25

Connex Technology has also had a significant impact from big data in the area of supply chain management.
Connex can strengthen supplier relationships, lower operational costs, and optimize inventory levels by
evaluating data across the supply chain. Wamba et al. (2015) demonstrate how big data analytics may
improve visibility and transparency in supply chain operations, resulting in better informed and quicker
decision-making. This comprehensive picture of the supply chain enables Connex to reduce risks, better
manage disruptions, and maintain a competitive advantage in the marketplace.

Furthermore, big data analytics enables improved performance monitoring and predictive maintenance of
Connex Technology's products. Connex can forecast equipment faults before they occur by evaluating data
from numerous sensors and devices, which reduces downtime and maintenance costs. Lee et al. (2014) show
that predictive maintenance enabled by big data analytics improves operational efficiency and equipment
longevity. This proactive approach to maintenance not only increases product durability and performance,
but it also builds customer trust and happiness.

Furthermore, big data has played an important role in developing a data-driven culture at Connex
Technology. Employees from all departments are encouraged to use data analytics to guide their decisions,
resulting in a more collaborative and informed workplace. As Davenport and Patil (2012) point out,
developing a data-driven culture is critical for realizing the full potential of big data, enabling continuous
improvement, and promoting innovation.

Finally, the broad examination of literature highlights the transformative influence of big data on Connex
Technology Pvt. Ltd. Connex's decision-making processes, customer relationship management, and supply
chain operations have all improved dramatically as a result of big data analytics. The use of big data has not
only increased operational efficiency but also encouraged innovation, allowing Connex to stay ahead in a
competitive market. The incorporation of advanced analytics has improved predictive maintenance, resulting
in increased product reliability and performance. Furthermore, instilling a data-driven culture within the firm
has resulted in better informed and collaborative decision-making across functions. The conclusions of this
research emphasize the crucial importance of big data in propelling Connex Technology toward long-term
growth and competitive advantage. Future study should focus on developing big data technologies and their
applications to help Connex Technology Pvt. Ltd. optimize and innovate.

(, n.d.)

(, n.d.)

Dinayuru Welagedara PCP 26

(, n.d.)

(, n.d.)

(, n.d.)

(, n.d.)

(, n.d.)

(, n.d.)

1.2.0 Data Collection

Data collection is an important step in research since it involves the systematic collection, measurement,
and analysis of data to answer research questions, test hypotheses, and evaluate outcomes. Surveys,
interviews, observations, and existing records can all be used to carry out this research. The approach used
is determined by the study objectives, the type of the data, and the available resources. Effective data
collecting ensures that the information is accurate and reliable, laying the groundwork for drawing
meaningful findings and making sound decisions.
1.2.1 Secondary Data Collection
Secondary data refers to information obtained, processed, and analyzed by someone other than the
researcher. It is already available, and is frequently used for purposes other than the current research.
Connex Technology (Pvt) Ltd collects secondary data from many sources to gain a thorough view of market
trends, competitor activity, and industry insights.
 Online Databases and Journals
Databases and online publications are important resources for Connex Technology (Pvt) Ltd when
collecting secondary data. These platforms provide access to a broad collection of peer-reviewed articles,
industry-specific research, and statistical data essential for making informed decisions. Databases such as
JSTOR, PubMed, and Statista provide the organization with current and credible information on industry
trends, technological advancements, and scientific findings. This access allows Connex Technology to keep
up with the latest advances in its field, ensuring its strategies are based on robust and accurate data.
Additionally, the extensive nature of these Internet tools allows the company to perform comprehensive
literature reviews and benchmarking, resulting in higher quality research and business insights.
 Government Publications
Government publications are an important source of secondary data for Connex Technology (Pvt) Ltd.
These documents, available through government websites and official channels, include detailed and
authoritative information on a variety of topics. Access to census data, economic reports, policy documents

Dinayuru Welagedara PCP 27

and regulatory standards allows the company to gain insight into demographic trends, economic situations
and legislative changes that may affect its operations. Government publications are often comprehensive
and well compiled, resulting in high-quality documents that enable in-depth analysis and informed decision-
making. With these resources, Connex Technology can adapt its strategy to existing laws and predict future
policy developments, improving its ability to effectively navigate the market.
 Industry Reports
Industry reports are the primary source of secondary data for Connex Technology (Pvt) Ltd. These reports,
frequently published by market research companies, industry groups and consulting firms, offer in-depth
projections and analyzes essential for strategic planning. They provide an in-depth understanding of
customer behavior, competitive environments, market dynamics and technological developments. Connex
Technology can spot new trends, evaluate its performance against industry standards, and find areas for
innovation and expansion by browsing industry reports. Since these reports are usually created by
professionals with in-depth industry knowledge, the material is guaranteed to be accurate, relevant and
useful. Connex Technology can stay ahead of the competition, make informed decisions and successfully
negotiate the intricacies of its business environment using industry research.
 Media Sources
Connex Technology (Pvt) Ltd also uses media sources as a vital source of secondary data. Through
reviewing news, press releases and media reports from credible sources, the organization can stay abreast of
current affairs, industry developments and market development prospects. Strategic planning requires up-to-
date information on competitor actions, legislative changes and consumer behavior, all of which can be
found in these sources. Connex Technology can make proactive decisions using media monitoring to
uncover potential dangers and opportunities in the market. Additionally, information from various channels
can be enriched with information from media sources, resulting in a completer and more nuanced picture of
the business environment.
 Company Websites and Annual Reports
The main secondary data sources of Connex Technology (Pvt) Ltd. are company websites and annual
reports. The company can learn about the market positioning, strategic initiatives, and financial performance
of competitors and other industry players by reviewing these documents. An organization's revenues, costs,
profits, and overall financial health are all covered in depth in its annual report, which is useful for
benchmarking and competitive analysis purposes. Additionally, updates, press releases, and details about
goods and services are frequently included on company websites, providing a wealth of information about
current activities and future goals. Connex Technology uses this data to develop strategic plans and
informed decisions by identifying market trends, investment opportunities and possible growth regions.

Dinayuru Welagedara PCP 28

 Social Media and Online Forums
Connex Technology (Pvt) Ltd can obtain important secondary data from dynamic sources such as social
media and online forums. Through monitoring social media sites like Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and
specialized online forums, the company can obtain up-to-date information on consumer opinions, industry
discussions and public opinion. These forums provide frank and unvarnished views on consumer
preferences, new market developments and potential industry issues. Connex Technology can discover
popular topics, sentiment patterns and influential voices by interacting with social media content. This
information can be used to inform product development and marketing strategies. Online forums can also
help a company better understand technology issues and community needs by providing in-depth
conversations and expert perspectives.
1.2.2. Primary Data Collection and Analysis.
Primary data refers to firsthand and original information that researchers have directly collected for a
particular research purpose. Direct information from the subjects, entities, or phenomena under investigation
is gathered via techniques like as questionnaires, interviews, observations, focus groups, and experiences.
Primary data is distinct due to its timeliness, direct relevance to research objectives, and lack of prior
analysis or interpretation by other parties. When addressing particular research questions, researchers choose
to gather primary data because it enables them to tailor data collection techniques to their study needs and
retain control over the caliber and dependability of the material gathered.
As an external research team еngagеd by Connex technology (Pvt) Ltd, comprehensive study on the big data
analysis adept utilization of both quantitative and qualitative research methods
Quantitative Methods for Primary Data
Quantitative methods for primary data involve systematic research techniques that gather and examine
numerical data directly from the source. Structured research instruments, including questionnaires,
observations and interviews, are used in these procedures. The goal is to quantify, measure and evaluate
data numerically so that statistical analysis can find patterns, trends and relationships within the data
collection. Objectivity, accuracy, and the use of statistical procedures are prioritized when using
quantitative approaches to draw conclusions that can be applied to a broader population. They are widely
used in many academic fields, such as economics, psychology, sociology and natural sciences. In order to
answer specific research questions, researchers who employ quantitative approaches typically use
statistical software for analysis and interpretation after collecting reliable and statistically correct data.
digital copy of the Google Form used to collect this quantitative data is provided below:

Dinayuru Welagedara PCP 29

Figure 2 feedback form picture 1

Dinayuru Welagedara PCP 30

Figure 3 feedback form picture 2

Figure 4 feedback form picture 3

Dinayuru Welagedara PCP 31

was to
Figure 5 feedback form picture 4

sеnd this form dirеctly to thе

company and havе thеm distributе
it among thе
samplе. Howеvеr, considеring it
might disrupt thе company's
opеrations to somе еxtеnt, thе

Dinayuru Welagedara PCP 32

was madе to collеct thе data using a
Googlе Form instеad

Figure 6 feedback form picture 5

Dinayuru Welagedara PCP 33

Figure 7 feedback form picture 6

Figure 8 feedback form picture 7

Dinayuru Welagedara PCP 34

Figure 9 feedback form picture 8

Figure 10 feedback form picture 9

Originally, this form was to be sent directly to the company, who would then distribute it to the sample.
However, the choice was made to collect the data via a Google form rather than attempting to disrupt the
company's operations in any way.

Dinayuru Welagedara PCP 35

Figure 11 feedback chart 1

Figure 12 feedback chart 2

Dinayuru Welagedara PCP 36

Figure 13 feedback chart 3

Figure 14 feedback chart 4

Dinayuru Welagedara PCP 37

Figure 15 feedback chart 5

Figure 16 feedback chart 6

Dinayuru Welagedara PCP 38

Figure 17 feedback chart 7

Figure 18 feedback chart 8

Dinayuru Welagedara PCP 39

Figure 19 feedback chart 9

Figure 20 feedback chart 10

Dinayuru Welagedara PCP 40

Figure 21 feedback chart 11

Figure 22 feedback chart 12

Dinayuru Welagedara PCP 41

Figure 23 feedback chart 13

Figure 24 feedback chart 14

Dinayuru Welagedara PCP 42

The quantitative method's results offer insightful information about how.
Connex Technology (Pvt) Ltd has implemented Big Data technologies to improve operational efficiency and
customer satisfaction. Users find Cortex XDR's big data analytics to be extremely effective in identifying
irregularities in network and user behavior, providing important insights into potential security issues.
Additionally, LogSign's user behavior analytics can accurately predict insider threats, strengthening the
company's security posture. The integration of big data analytics has significantly improved incident
response processes, enabling faster and more accurate solutions. This improvement is visible in the way
Connex Technology engages with customers, as big data analytics has resulted in more personalized and
timely engagements.

Big Data insights have improved decision-making processes for Cortex XDR and LogSign. As a result, there
is a strong view that Connex Technology management should continue to invest in advanced technology to
improve risk management.

Customers value Connex Technology's use of Big Data to improve the quality of their offerings because it
allows the company to better understand and respond to their changing needs. Big Data has increased
communication and collaboration with customers, resulting in more reliable products and services. Most
customers are satisfied with the level of service offered, observing faster and more responsive interactions.
However, others have found limitations in current machine learning models, identifying opportunities for
further improvement. Overall, Connex Technology's services meet customer expectations, demonstrating the
importance of Big Data in operational and service excellence.

Qualitative Methods for Primary Data.

Connex Technology (Pvt) Ltd believes that qualitative approaches to primary data acquisition are essential
to the use of Big Data technologies to achieve operational efficiency. In-depth interviews with key
stakeholders, such as IT managers, data analysts, and employees, can provide meaningful insights into their
experiences and issues with big data implementation. Focus groups can be formed to enable discussions
between departments, highlighting areas where data-driven initiatives have streamlined processes or where
changes are needed. Participant observations allow researchers to gain first-hand knowledge of how big data
technologies are used in daily operations, revealing bottlenecks and areas for improvement. Additionally,
obtaining qualitative feedback through open-ended surveys allows for varied opinions on the effectiveness
of current data techniques. These qualitative results can help Connex Technology refine its Big Data
strategy, fostering a culture of continuous improvement and operational excellence.
Below is the model of the interview script used for that
Hello, my name is [--------], and I work as a researcher at Connex Technology Pvt Ltd. I am researching the

Dinayuru Welagedara PCP 43

use of Big Data Technologies to improve operational efficiency. I'm here today to get insights from your
experiences and perspectives on these themes.
Thank you for taking the time to talk to me today. Our discussion will focus on the importance of Big Data
technologies in improving operational efficiency at Connex Technology Pvt. Ltd. Your ideas will be
important to our understanding and analysis. Let's start with some basic knowledge.
Background Information:
1. Can you please introduce yourself and describe your role at Connex Technology Pvt. Ltd.?
2. How long have you been with the company?
Understanding Big Data Implementation:
3. Could you please give an overview of how Connex Technology Pvt. Ltd. has adopted Big Data
4. Which Big Data tools and platforms does the organization use?

Operational Efficiency:
5. How have Big Data Technologies improved operational efficiency at Connex Technology?
6. Can you give concrete examples or case studies where Big Data had a substantial impact?
Data Collection and Analysis:
7. What data kinds are most important to Connex Technology's operating efficiency?
8. How does the organization gather, store, and manage this information?
9. What mechanisms are in place to analyze this data and generate actionable insights?
Challenges and Solutions:
10. What challenges did Connex Technology confront when integrating and exploiting Big Data
11. How has the company handled these challenges?
Outcomes and Metrics:
12. Which indicators does Connex Technology utilize to assess the impact of Big Data on operational
13. Can you provide any quantitative results or benefits from Big Data initiatives?
Future Directions:
14. What are Connex Technology's future plans for exploiting Big Data technologies?
15. Are there any emerging technologies or trends that the company is particularly keen on
Employee Perspective:
16. How have employees at various levels reacted to the use of Big Data technologies?

Dinayuru Welagedara PCP 44

17. What kind of training or support has been offered to help staff adjust to these new technologies?
Final Thoughts:
18. What do you believe is the greatest significant benefit Connex Technology has derived from Big
Data Technologies?
19. Do you have any further comments or insights to contribute concerning the impact of Big Data in
improving operational efficiency at Connex Technology?
20. Interviewer: Thank you for your time and expertise. This information will be highly useful in our
research. If we have any further queries, may we contact you?
Of course, I'd be happy to help.
Thank you once again. Have a great day!
 Suresh Wijesinghe a Service Officer at Connex technology Pvt Ltd colombo, responded to the
interview given below.
Hello, my name is Dinayuru Welagedara, and I am a researcher undertaking a study on Big Data
Technologies to achieve operational efficiency at Connex Technology Pvt Ltd. Today, I'm here to
get insight from your experiences and perspectives on these themes.
1. Interviewer: Can you please introduce yourself and describe your role at Connex Technology
Pvt. Ltd.?
Interviewee: My name is Suresh Wijesinghe, and I am an Officer at Connex Technology Pvt.
Ltd. I manage our data strategy, which includes data collection, management, and analysis, to
ensure that we use Big Data to promote operational efficiency and innovation.
2. Interviewer: How long have you been with the company?
Interviewee: I've been with Connex Technology for almost six years now. I started as a Data
Analyst and worked my way up to become Chief Data Officer two years later.
3. Interviewer: Could you please give an overview of how Connex Technology Pvt. Ltd. has
adopted Big Data Technologies?
Interviewee: Certainly. We've been incorporating Big Data Technologies into our operations for
the past five years. To extract insights from our data, we combine Hadoop for distributed storage
and processing, Spark for real-time analytics, and a variety of machine learning frameworks.
4. Interviewer: Which Big Data tools and platforms does the organization use?

Dinayuru Welagedara PCP 45

Interviewee: We mostly utilize Apache Hadoop and Spark for big data processing. For data
storage, we use HDFS and Amazon S3. We also use machine learning tools such as TensorFlow
and Scikit-learn, as well as data visualization software Tableau.
5. Interviewer: How have Big Data Technologies improved operational efficiency at Connex
Interviewee: Big Data technologies have improved supply chain optimization, customer service,
and product quality. Predictive analytics, for example, helps forecast demand properly,
decreasing inventory costs and improving delivery times.
6. Interviewer: Can you give concrete examples or case studies where Big Data had a substantial
Interviewee: One such example is our predictive maintenance programme. By evaluating data
from our machinery's sensors, we can forecast when it will fail and do maintenance before it
does. This has cut downtime by 30% and saved us substantial money on repairs and lost
7. Interviewer: What data kinds are most important to Connex Technology's operating efficiency?
Interviewee: Operational data from our manufacturing processes, consumer input, and supply
chain information are critical. This data allows us to track performance, detect bottlenecks, and
improve our operations.
8. Interviewer: How does the organization gather, store, and manage this information?
Interviewee: Data is collected from numerous sources, such as IoT devices, ERP systems, CRM
software, and market research. This data is stored in our HDFS and S3 data lakes and controlled
with data governance frameworks to assure quality and compliance.
9. Interviewer: What mechanisms are in place to analyze this data and generate actionable insights?
Interviewee: We employ both batch processing using Hadoop and real-time processing with
Spark. Our data scientists use machine learning algorithms to uncover patterns and trends, which
they then depict with tools like as Tableau. These findings are shared with relevant teams to aid
10. Interviewer: What challenges did Connex Technology confront when integrating and exploiting
Big Data Technologies?
Interviewee: One important problem was integrating data from many sources while maintaining
data quality. We also had concerns about data security and ensuring compliance with data
protection standards.
11. Interviewer: How has the company handled these challenges?

Dinayuru Welagedara PCP 46

Interviewee: We created comprehensive data integration and cleansing processes, as well as a
data governance system. For security, we utilize encryption and access controls, and we audit our
data processes on a regular basis to verify compliance with legislation such as GDPR.
12. Interviewer: Which indicators does Connex Technology utilize to assess the impact of Big Data
on operational efficiency?
Interviewee: Our metrics include reduced downtime, faster delivery times, cost savings from
streamlined inventory, and customer satisfaction. We also calculate the ROI for our Big Data
13. Interviewer: Can you provide any quantitative results or benefits from Big Data initiatives?
Interviewee: Since implementing our Big Data projects, we've witnessed a 20% drop in operating
expenses, a 15% rise in on-time deliveries, and a 25% boost in customer satisfaction. Our
predictive maintenance program alone has saved us over $2 million each year.
14. Interviewer: What are Connex Technology's future plans for exploiting Big Data technologies?
Interviewee: We intend to expand our use of AI and machine learning to further automate our
operations and improve decision-making. We are also investigating the application of blockchain
for supply chain transparency and security.
15. Interviewer: Are there any emerging technologies or trends that the company is particularly keen
on investigating?
Interviewee: We are particularly interested in edge computing, which allows us to process data
closer to its source, lowering latency and boosting real-time decision-making. We are also
keeping an eye on developments in quantum computing for difficult data analysis applications.
16. Interviewer: How have employees at various levels reacted to the use of Big Data technologies?
Interviewee: The overall response has been positive. Employees value the insights and
efficiencies obtained. However, there was an initial learning curve, particularly for those
unfamiliar with data analysis.
17. Interviewer: What kind of training or support has been offered to help staff adjust to these new
Interviewee: We have provided extensive training programs, including workshops and online
courses. We've also launched a data literacy project to help all employees understand the value of
data and how to use it effectively in their professions.
18. Interviewer: What do you believe is the greatest significant benefit Connex Technology has
derived from Big Data Technologies?

Dinayuru Welagedara PCP 47

Interviewee: The most major advantage is the capacity to make data-driven decisions that boost
operational efficiency and innovation. Big Data has allowed us to be more proactive than reactive
in our operations.
19. Do you have any further comments or insights to contribute concerning the impact of Big Data in
improving operational efficiency at Connex Technology?
Interviewee: I'd want to underline that the success of Big Data initiatives is dependent not just on
technology, but also on people and processes. To fully realize the promise of Big Data, it is
critical to foster a data-driven culture and ensure cross-functional collaboration.
20. Interviewer: Thank you for your time and expertise. This information will be highly useful in our
research. If we have any further queries, may we contact you?
Of course, I'd be happy to help.
Thank you once again. Have a great day!
 Ruwan kahawalage IT manager at connex technology Pvt. Ltd colombo, responded to the interview
given below.
Hello, my name is Dinayuru Welagedara, and I am a researcher working on the Big Data
Technologies in Achieving Operational Efficiency in connex technology. Today, I'm here to get
insight from your experiences and perspectives on these themes.
1. Intеrviеwеr: Can you explain how Big Data technologies affect operational efficiency at Connex
Intеrviеwее: Absolutely. Big Data technologies are fundamental to Connex Technology's
operations. They allow us to collect, process and analyze huge amounts of data from various
sources. This provides us with vital information about our processes, customer behaviors and
market trends, allowing us to make informed decisions and manage our operations.
2. Intеrviеwеr: Can you give us some specific examples of how Big Data has improved operational
efficiency in your company?
Intеrviеwее: Certainly. Big Data has had a big impact on our supply chain management. Real-
time analysis of data from our suppliers, transportation networks, and inventory systems allows
us to detect inefficiencies and bottlenecks. This has allowed us to optimize our supply chain, cut
expenses, and accelerate delivery times.
Additionally, we apply Big Data analytics to track and predict equipment maintenance needs. By
analyzing data from sensors and machine logs, we can predict when equipment will fail and
perform preventive maintenance, reducing downtime and increasing production.

Dinayuru Welagedara PCP 48

3. Interviewer: That sounds impressive. How has the use of Big Data technologies influenced your
decision-making processes?
Intеrviеwее: The use of Big Data technologies has transformed our decision-making processes.
Our decision-makers can make more relevant and timely decisions now that they have access to
real-time data and advanced analytics. This resulted in better resource allocation, increased
customer satisfaction and overall operational efficiency.
For example, in our marketing department we use Big Data to analyze customer preferences and
behavior. This allows us to personalize our marketing campaigns according to our customers'
individual requirements and tastes, leading to increased engagement and conversion rates.
4. Interviewer: What problems did Connex Technology confront while using Big Data technology,
and how did you overcome them?
Intеrviеwее: Integrating Big Data technologies poses unique challenges. One of the biggest
issues we encountered was integrating data from various sources. We needed to ensure that data
from different departments and systems could be merged and evaluated seamlessly. To solve this
problem, we invested in powerful data integration technologies and platforms that enabled
seamless data collection and analysis.
Another issue was ensuring data quality and security. We have robust data governance policies
and advanced security procedures in place to protect our data from breaches while ensuring its
accuracy and reliability.
5. Interviewer: What recommendations would you give to other firms thinking about utilizing Big
Data technology to increase operational efficiencies?
Intеrviеwее: My advice is to start with a clear plan and identify the s where Big Data can bring
value to your business. Invest in the necessary tools and technology and ensure you have a
qualified team to manage and analyze the data. Prioritize data quality and security to increase
confidence in your data-driven decisions.key area
It’s also essential to cultivate a culture of data-driven decision-making within your company.
Encourage your staff to apply data insights to their daily operations and decision-making

Common Themes. (Key word Analysis)

 Position and duties:
Suresh Wijesinghe: Service Officer
Ruwan kahawalage: IT manager
 Supply Chain Management:

Dinayuru Welagedara PCP 49

Real-time data analysis identifies inefficiencies and bottlenecks, resulting in more efficient
operations and lower expenses.
 Predictive Maintenance:
Analyzing sensor and machine log data enables predictive maintenance, which reduces downtime
and increases productivity.
 Marketing Strategies:
Big Data analysis of customer activity allows for more tailored marketing methods, which improve
engagement and conversion rates.
 Enhanced Decision-Making:
Access to real-time data and advanced analytics allows for more accurate and rapid decision
 Data Integration:
Integrating data from multiple sources was a major problem, which was overcome by investing in
powerful data integration tools.
 Data Quality and Security:
Ensuring data accuracy and protecting it from breaches were major issues, which were overcome by
instituting tight data governance regulations and advanced security measures.
 Right Tools and Skills:
Invest in relevant tools and technologies, and establish a professional staff to manage and analyze
 Operational Efficiency Improvements:
Using predictive maintenance has a significant impact on reducing equipment downtime.
overall theme:
The overall focus of the interview revolves around the transformative impact of Big Data
technology on improving operational efficiency within organizations. Big Data allows companies
like Connex Technology to optimize their operations, streamline their supply chains, perform
predictive maintenance, and adjust their marketing tactics to better meet customer needs by enabling
the collection, processing and analyzing huge volumes of data from various sources. The integration
of these technologies improves decision-making processes by providing actionable insights in real-
time, resulting in better resource allocation and improved customer satisfaction. Despite the
obstacles related to data integration, quality and security, the successful use of Big Data technology,
when accompanied by a clear strategy and a data-driven culture, can significantly improve
operational efficiency and business performance.

Dinayuru Welagedara PCP 50

Task 02
In today's fast changing digital landscape, companies like Connex Technology Pvt. Ltd. are increasingly
leveraging big data to improve operational efficiency and strategic decision-making. Big data technologies
provide transformational capabilities, allowing businesses to process massive amounts of data in real time,
extract actionable insights, and optimize operations across several business domains. Connex Technology
Pvt. Ltd. prioritizes knowing the individual characteristics and business requirements required for effective
big data harnessing. This investigation digs into how Connex Technology Pvt. Ltd. navigates these
dynamics, highlighting essential elements and detailing critical business imperatives that drive their
journey toward increased efficiency and competitiveness in the market.
2.1.1 Value Proposition Features of a Business
1. Economic Activity
Connex Technology is involved in various economic operations, including the creation, production and
sale of technological products and services. These activities benefit the economy as a whole by creating
jobs, encouraging innovation and generating revenue.
2. Buying and Selling
Companies purchase raw materials, components and services to manufacture their goods and solutions.
They sell these finished products and services to customers, businesses and individuals, which increases
their sources of income.
3. Profit Motive
Connex Technology, like any other business, seeks to maximize profits. These profits are reinvested in the
company to fund R&D, expand operations and pay dividends to shareholders.
4. Risk and Uncertainty
Face a variety of risks and uncertainties, including market rivalry, technological improvements and
changing consumer tastes. Managing these risks is critical to the long-term success and growth of the
5. Continuous Process
Business operations are continuous and cyclical. This includes ongoing activities such as R&D, production,
marketing, sales and customer service. The company is constantly evolving to meet market demands and
remain competitive.
6. Customer Satisfaction
Using Big Data technologies, the organization analyzes user inputs and behavior to improve products and
services, ensuring they meet or exceed customer expectations.
7. Social Activity

Dinayuru Welagedara PCP 51

engaged in social activities, such as corporate social responsibility (CSR) projects, community
participation and promotion of sustainable practices. These actions help improve the company’s reputation
while also benefiting society.
8. Creative and Dynamic
The business climate is innovative and dynamic. The company encourages innovation and originality in the
production of cutting-edge technological solutions. Adapting to market changes and technological
advancements requires a flexible approach to business operations.
2.1.2 Operational Areas of a Business
1. Sales and Marketing
raise awareness, attract customers and close sales of products and services. This includes customer
relationship management, sales channels, promotions and advertising.
2. Finance and Accounting
Managing the business's money, including accounting, financial reporting, budgeting, and strategic
financial planning.
3. Operations and Production
ensuring that the organization operates efficiently on a daily basis, including inventory management,
supply chain management, quality control, and manufacturing processes.
4. Human Resources
Staff management includes recruiting, training, performance reviews, employee relations, and labor law
5. Information Technology (IT)
IT facilitates daily operations, cybersecurity, data management, and ensures technical efficiency and
innovation throughout the firm.
6. Customer Service
Responding to client inquiries, resolving difficulties, and fostering strong connections. client service is
essential for maintaining client satisfaction and loyalty.
7. Research and Development
Use research and development to innovate and improve products or services. This is necessary to remain
competitive and adapt to changing customer needs.
8. Legal and Compliance
ensure the company complies with industry regulations and operates within the law. This topic includes
contracts, defending intellectual property, and complying with industry standards.
9. Supply Chain Management

Dinayuru Welagedara PCP 52

Coordinating supplier deliveries of goods and services to customers. This include distribution, logistics,
and procurement.
10. Strategic Planning
Establish long-term goals, plans and strategies to guide the organization towards success. This includes
competitive positioning, market analysis, and adaptability in response to changing market conditions.
2.1.3 Sector-Specific Considerations
1. Manufacturing Sector: Focuses on production efficiency, quality control, and supply chain optimization.
2. Service Sector: Focuses on customer experience, personnel training, and frequently relies on information
3. Retail Sector: Prioritizes inventory management, customer interaction, and effective sales procedures.
4. Technology Sector: focuses on research and development, innovation, and rapid adaption to technology
2.2 The influence of stakeholders on business success
The long-term success and viability of a business are strongly determined by its stakeholders. A
stakeholder is defined as any individual or group with the ability to influence or be impacted by a
company's decisions, activities, policies or objectives. A company’s stakeholders have a significant and
diverse impact on it.
1. Investors/Shareholders
Give the company financial resources in exchange for ownership (shares).
Impact: Investors look for a return on their investment. Their self-assurance influences stock prices and the
company's ability to raise financing.
2. Customers
Consume the items or services provided by the company. Revenue and positive word of mouth have a
positive correlation with customer satisfaction. Unsatisfied customers could lead to lower sales and a
damaged reputation.
3. Employees
Bring your expertise, time and effort to the business.
Impact: Motivated and engaged employees improve performance and stimulate creativity. Increased hiring
and training costs can come from excessive employee turnover or dissatisfaction.
4. Suppliers
Supply raw materials, components or services to the company.
Impact: Suppliers that are both cost-effective and reliable improve operational efficiency. Supply chain
interruptions or unreliable suppliers can impact production and increase costs.
5. Government and Regulatory Bodies

Dinayuru Welagedara PCP 53

Establish and implement regulations, tax policies and legal frameworks.
Impact: Compliance with the law and rules is essential to avoid legal difficulties and maintain a positive
public image.
6. Local Communities
Host the business and are immediately affected by its operations.
Impact: Maintaining positive relationships with the community can help the company's reputation and
social license to operate. Community reactions may be prompted by undesirable consequences, such as
environmental concerns.
7. Competitors
Be competitive in the same market and target the same customers.
Impact: Healthy competition can drive innovation and efficiency. Aggressive competition or unethical
business practices can reduce the company's market share.
8. Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)
Advocate for social or environmental causes likely to have an impact on public opinion.
Impact: Through their reviews and campaigns, NGOs can influence a company's reputation, thereby
affecting consumer loyalty and brand perception.
9. Media
Influence public opinion through reporting and analysis.
Impact: Positive or negative media coverage can have a significant impact on public perception, affecting
investor and customer confidence.
10. Trade Unions
Represent the interests of employees in discussions with their employer.
Impact: Labor disputes or strikes can disrupt operations, affecting company reputation and productivity.
2.1.2 Importance of Stakeholder Management
1. Reputation Management
Good stakeholder interactions boost the company's reputation by creating a favorable public view.
2. Risk Mitigation
Recognizing and addressing stakeholder concerns minimizes the likelihood of experiencing legal, moral, or
practical issues.
3. Innovation and Adaptation
Diverse stakeholders' opinions can stimulate innovation and help firms adapt to changing market
4. Operational Efficiency
Good relationships with suppliers, employees and operational stakeholders all impact overall efficiency.

Dinayuru Welagedara PCP 54

5. Financial Performance
The financial performance of the company is positively impacted by happy employees, clients, and
2.1.3 Analyze the challenges to the success of a business in an identified sector
Organizations' increasing reliance on Big Data to achieve operational efficiency raises significant
sustainability and environmental responsibility concerns, posing numerous challenges to their operational
Keeping up with the market
Companies face various obstacles when implementing Big Data technology to improve their operational
efficiency, especially in terms of market competitiveness. An important issue is the rapid pace of
technological innovation, which requires frequent upgrades and the incorporation of new tools and
procedures. This can be resource costly, requiring continued investment in technology and skilled people.
Additionally, the volume and diversity of data can be intimidating, requiring strong data management and
analysis skills. Businesses also face the risk of data privacy and security breaches, which can erode
customer trust and lead to regulatory sanctions. Finally, integrating Big Data initiatives with business
objectives and ensuring that insights gained from data analysis are translated into effective strategies is
essential but challenging, requiring a coordinated effort across all departments.
Planning ahead
Implementing Big Data technology to improve operational efficiency presents various hurdles that
businesses must overcome with careful preparation. An important issue is the integration of various data
sources, which requires robust data management techniques and modern tools to ensure consistent and
accurate data flow. Additionally, companies must invest in experienced employees who can properly
analyze and understand huge data sets, which often requires ongoing training and development. Data
security and privacy are also major issues, as the growing volume of data can attract cybercriminals.
Additionally, maintaining the infrastructure required for Big Data operations can be costly, requiring a
defined ROI strategy. Finally, balancing the need for rapid technology adoption with sustainable practices
is a major challenge that requires businesses to plan ahead in order to mitigate environmental impacts and
ensure long-term sustainability.
Cash flow and financial management
Using big data technology to improve operational efficiency presents significant challenges to business
success, particularly in terms of cash flow and financial management. Implementing and maintaining a big
data infrastructure requires a significant initial investment as well as ongoing operational expenses, which
can restrict cash flow, especially for smaller businesses. Additionally, the complexity of financial data

Dinayuru Welagedara PCP 55

processing requires skilled individuals and advanced instruments, which drives up prices. Ensuring data
quality and security requires significant resources. Therefore, it is essential to balance financial expenses
with expected efficiency gains, and poor management in this area can lead to financial instability and
jeopardize the overall success of the business.
Problem solving
Applying Big Data technology to achieve operational efficiency presents various challenges for businesses.
To begin with, integrating data from multiple sources can be complicated and time-consuming, requiring
solid infrastructure and skilled people. Second, it is essential to ensure data quality and accuracy, as poor-
quality data can lead to faulty analyzes and judgments. Additionally, the sheer volume of data requires
enormous storage and processing capacity, which can be costly. Privacy and security considerations are
also crucial, as handling sensitive information requires strict safeguards to prevent breaches and ensure
regulatory compliance. Additionally, rapid technological advancement requires businesses to constantly
adapt and update their systems in order to remain competitive, which can strain resources. Properly
addressing these issues is critical to using big data to improve operational efficiencies and problem
The right systems
Implementing Big Data technology to improve operational efficiency creates a number of problems for
businesses. An important problem is integrating various data sources into a unified system. Ensuring that
the appropriate mechanisms are in place to collect, store and analyze huge amounts of data is vital but
challenging. This requires significant investment in infrastructure, such as high-performance processing
and scalable storage solutions. Additionally, businesses need to address data quality and consistency issues
in order to conduct effective analysis. Managing and analyzing big data requires skilled workers, but
recruiting and retaining this talent can be difficult. Finally, ensuring strong data security and regulatory
compliance is essential to protect sensitive information and maintain trust. Overcoming these issues is
essential for businesses to effectively use big data to increase operational efficiency.
Skills and attitudes
Implementing Big Data technology to improve operational efficiencies presents a number of skill and
attitudinal challenges within an organization. First, there is often a shortage of people with the technical
capabilities required to successfully process and analyze massive information. This skills gap can limit the
ability to use big data to make informed decisions. Additionally, there may be a reluctance to change
among employees who are used to established practices. Overcoming this problem requires creating a
culture of continuous learning and adaptability, as well as providing appropriate training and support.
Additionally, aligning attitudes toward data-driven initiatives across all levels of the business is critical to
fully realizing the potential of Big Data technology to improve operational efficiencies.

Dinayuru Welagedara PCP 56

Task 03
Project proposal

Figure 25 Project proposal

Executive Summary
This proposal details a comprehensive strategy to leverage Big Data technology to improve the operational
efficiency of Connex Technology Pvt. in Sri Lanka. With the exponential expansion of data, traditional
information management and evaluation techniques are no longer suitable. Big Data technologies provide
the capabilities to process massive amounts of data, identify hidden patterns, and acquire useful insights
that can improve operational efficiency. This project aims to develop a Big Data strategy consistent with
Connex Technology's business objectives, resulting in improved performance, reduced costs and
competitive advantage in the market.

Dinayuru Welagedara PCP 57

Background and Rationale
Connex Technology Pvt. Ltd. operates in a highly competitive environment, so operational efficiency is
essential to success. With the rapid growth of technology and the explosion of data, it becomes urgent to
implement current data management and analysis strategies.
Tripple Constraint
Time-project duration: 22 days
Start Date June 08th 2024
End Date June 30th 2024
Table 1 Project duration


Planning a Project on the Big Data Technologies in
achieving operational efficiency in connex W.G. Dinayuru welagedara
technology Pvt. Ltd
EMAIL PHONE 0718831912


2024.06.08 2024.06.30




Cost-Estimated budget
Transport 480.00

Stationery 500.00

Foods 1000.00

Beverage 800.00

other 2500.00

Dinayuru Welagedara PCP 58

Total(LKR) 5280.00

Table 3 Budget

Project overview
Evaluate how connex technology ensure compliance with local and international
OR ISSUE data security and privacy regulations while leveraging big data technologies.
This effort aims to provide decision-makers with actionable insights obtained
PURPOSE from data analytics, ultimately stimulating innovation, increasing customer
satisfaction, and establishing Connex Technology as a market leader in Sri Lanka
The country's strategic position, competent people, and favorable economic
environment for technology innovation all contribute to a compelling business
case. Connex may develop cost-effective operations, tap into regional markets,
CASE and take advantage of government incentives to encourage technical investment
by using local talent and infrastructure. This enables Connex Technology to
extend its footprint, improve operational efficiency
Increase customer satisfaction by 15% with individualized service offers based on
METRICS Big Data insights.

DELIVERABLE Comprehensive documentation of project outcomes

Table 4 Project overview

Key milestone

Form Project Team / Preliminary Review / Scope 05.05.2024 06.05.2024

Finalize Project Plan / Charter / Kick Off 07.05.2024 06.05.2024

Data gathering phase 27.05.2024 30.05.2024

Measurement Phase 14.06.2024 15.06.2024

Analysis Phase 26.06.2024 27.06.2024

Documentation Phase 27.05.2024 30.05.2024

Proof reading the Documentation Phase 27.05.2024 30.05.2024

Dinayuru Welagedara PCP 59

Project Summary Report and Close Out 30.05.2024 30.05.2024
Table 5 Key milestone

Scope management plan

The purpose is to define, document, and control the scope of the project. It clarifies what is included and
excluded from the project, ensuring that all stakeholders have a vision.
Project scope
Connex Technology (Pvt) Ltd.’s project will focus on the integration and analysis of
data from key operational areas such as supply chain management, production,
WITHIN sales, and customer support. It will entail implementing relevant Big Data tools and
SCOPE platforms, training employees to use these technologies, and building processes for
continuing data management and analysis. The goal is to uncover inefficiencies,
optimize operations, and increase overall productivity in these specific areas.
This project will not cover the development or implementation of new hardware
infrastructure, or major changes to existing IT systems unrelated to Big Data
OUTSIDE analytics. It will also not address unrelated business functions such as external
OF SCOPE marketing campaigns, customer relationship management, or employee training
programs that are not related to Big Data technologies.

Project Time management plan

The project time management plan, which provides instructions for making the best use of the available
time, is the most important tool for project managers. Punctuality, milestones and deadlines are all well
specified, enabling effective project management. The plan organizes activities, dependencies, and
durations in a way that allows for accurate planning and allocation of resources. Its assistance in
identifying potential obstacles enables proactive problem resolution. By evaluating and modifying
regularly, the approach ensures that the project schedule is met, avoiding delays and increasing
productivity. Finally, the project time management plan serves as a guide that encourages accountability,
enables communication, and supports timely completion of projects.

Table 6 Project scope

Date Task

05.05.2024-06.05.2024 Choosing the company that uses big data

07.05.2024-08.05.2024 Gathering information about the Connex company

Dinayuru Welagedara PCP 60

09.05.2024-11.05.2024 Emailing the Connex company and receiving the
company's reply
12.05.2024-12.05.2024 Asking for the permission letter from Esoft
13.05.2024-14.05.2024 Writing the permission letter
15.05.2024-15.05.2024 Giving the permission letter to Esoft
16.05.2024-19.05.2024 Receiving the permission letter from Esoft"
20.05.2024-20.05.2024 Emailing the permission letter to the Connex Company
20.05.2024-23.05.2024 Receiving the response email from the Connex Company
24.05.2024-25.05.2024 Company visiting
27.05.2024-30.05.2024 Documenting the gathered information about Big data in
the Company
31.05.2024-04.06.2024 Formulating the objectives and hypothesis.
05.06.2024-07.06.2024 Creating the questionnaire
08.06.2024-10.06.2024 Formulating the positive and negative hypotheses
11.06.2024-12.06.2024 Creating variables
13.06.2024-13.06.2024 Developing the feedback forms
14.06.2024-15.06.2024 Selecting two groups in the Connex Company to send the
feedback forms
17.06.2024-19.06.2024 Sending the Google form to the initial group.
20.06.2024-21.06.2024 Sending the Google form to the second group
22.06.2024-25.06.2024 Receiving responses for the submitted feedback form.
26.06.2024-27.06.2024 Analyzing the responses
Table 7 Project Time management plan

Dinayuru Welagedara PCP 61

Gantt chart with activity durations

Figure 26 Gantt chart

Activity Resource Requirement Plan

The goal is to systematically identify, allocate, and manage the resources required to carry out project
Types of resource Requirement
Human resource Required for all activities
Equipment and Tools Computers and Laptops for Data Analysis and Modeling
External Resources Collaboration with Environmental Experts for Impact
Budget Funding for Research Activities, including Data
Collection and Reporting
Documentation Tools Software for Data storage and Retrieval
Stationery Items To record the necessary information throughout the
Table 8 Activity Resource Requirement Plan

Quality Management Plan

Purpose: to verify that the project's outputs fulfill set quality standards and satisfy the customer's
 Quality measures
1. Questionnaire Pееr Review Process
Designate a peer review team made up of members with different perspectives. Provide clear guidelines
for answering the question, emphasizing specific aspects like clarity, relevance, and objectivity.
2. Interview Script Pееr Review Process

Dinayuru Welagedara PCP 62

Form a peer review team including individuals with expertise in qualitative research methodologies.
Explicate expectations for interview script assessment in a clear and concise manner, emphasizing
alignment with research objectives, clarity, and depth.
3. Gantt Chart Monitoring
A responsible team member should be assigned to oversee Gantt chart updates and timeline observance.
To discuss progress and identify any issues affecting the project schedule, have regular team meetings.
 Quality Control
1. Implementation of Fееdback
Create a methodical procedure for integrating feedback obtained from peer reviews. Make sure that the
revised documents are submitted for a final review to verify that the suggestions were implemented
2. Continuous Gantt Chart Evaluation
Assess the Gantt chart against the real project progress on a regular basis. Make necessary adjustments
to the schedule, taking into account unforeseen opportunities or challenges.
Human resource management plan
Coordinator – Dinayuru welagedara
Resource investigator – Chamindu pushpika
Implementer – Hiruni nawodya
Shaper – Akimi hewakottage
Palo alto
Data Analysts
SPECIAL Training and Development
NEEDS Retention Strategies

Table 9 Human resource management plan

Risk matrix
Table 10 Risk matrix

Risk Event Likelihood Impact Risk level Mitigation strategy

Lack of access to necessary data High High High Establish data access agreements or
sources partnerships
Data quality issues Medium High Medium- Implement data validation and
High cleansing processes

Dinayuru Welagedara PCP 63

Technology failures or data loss Medium High Medium- Backup systems, redundancy
High planning
Insufficient budget or resources Low Medium- Medium Prioritize resource allocation, seek
High funding
Regulatory changes affecting data Medium High Medium Stay updated on regulatory
use changes, legal advice
Security breaches or data privacy Medium High Medium- Implement robust security
concerns high measures, encryption
Scope creep, changing project Medium Medium Medium Clear project scope definition,
requirements change control
Lack of stakeholder buy-in or Medium Medium Medium Engage stakeholders early,
support communicate benefits

Potential vulnerabilities in handling large datasets.

Difficulties in integrating Big Data technologies with existing systems.
Insufficient expertise among staff to manage and analyze Big Data.
Employees may resist adopting new technologies and processes

Limited financial resources for implementing and maintaining Big Data infrastructure.
CONSTRAINTS Strict project deadlines could impact thorough implementation.
Limited availability of skilled personnel and necessary technology tools.

Data available from various departments is accurate and reliable.

Continuous support from senior management for the project.
Existing IT infrastructure can support the new Big Data technologies.
Employees will engage in and benefit from the provided training programs.


Project Risk management plan

Table 11 Project Risk management plan
Crow island to homagama
Transport 2 2 LKR 500
Homagama to crow island

Food Uludu wade 2 2 LKR1000

Dinayuru Welagedara PCP 64

2 smacks
Beverage Coca-Cola 1L 3 3 LKR 800
20 A4
Stationery Pen 3 3 LKR 500

Other LKR 2500


Project Cost management plan

Tools and techniques for the communication

Table 12 Project Cost management plan

Stakeholder Communication schedule Medium
Connex technology Pvt. Ltd Weekly Physical
Staff of Connex technology Weekly Physical
Team members Daily Calling/ Meeting/ Email/ Group chat

Table 13 Tools and techniques for the communication

Dinayuru Welagedara PCP 65

Work break down structure (WBS)


Reporting and
Project Mabagement Data Collection Data Processing Data Analysis

Data Source Exploratory Data

Project planing Budget management Risk management Data Acquisition Data cleaning Data Transformation Analysis Reporting Documentation
identification Analysis

Document data
Identify potential Identify internal data Extract data from Format data for Perform initial data Prepare detailed
Define project scope Estimate project cost Remove duplicates sources and
risks sources identified sources analysis exploration analysis reports

Present findings to
Develop project Develop risk Identify External data Validate data handle missing Visualize data stakeholders Create user manuals
Secure funding Aggregate data
timeline mitigation plans sources integrity values patterns and guides

Assign project team Implement risk Intergrate data from Maintain projct
Monitor expenses Store data securely Normalize data Identify key variables
roles monitoring multiple sources documentaion

Figure 27 Work breakdown structure (WBS)

Connex Technology Pvt. Ltd.'s integration of Big Data technology promises to transform operational
efficiencies while also cultivating an innovative and data-driven decision-making environment. This
proposal asks clearance to begin on a transformative journey towards long-term growth and competitive

Dinayuru Welagedara PCP 66

Task 04
Research on Big Data technologies at Connex Technology Pvt. Ltd. demonstrates that the strategic use of
these technologies significantly improves operational efficiency. Key findings show that by using big data
analytics, Connex Technology can optimize resource allocation, improve decision-making processes and
increase predictive maintenance, thereby reducing downtime and operational costs. Examining web
databases, company reports and social media interactions reveals important insights into customer
preferences and market trends, enabling more effective and targeted initiatives. Additionally, the integration
of Big Data technologies creates a data-driven decision-making culture within the company, resulting in
continuous development and innovation. Overall, the study highlights the critical importance of Big Data in
transforming business processes and achieving competitive advantage for Connex Technology Pvt. Ltd.
4.1.1 Technical Audience: IT Department, Sustainability Teams
Recommendation 1: Adopt Advanced Analytics Tools
Adopting modern analytics solutions allows you to unlock the power of your data. These complex solutions
go beyond simple reporting, including machine learning and predictive modeling. Advanced analytics
allows you to uncover hidden patterns, predict future trends, and make data-driven decisions that will propel
your organization forward.

Recommendation 2: Implement Data Security Measures

Increase your data protections with strong security measures. This includes classifying sensitive data,
restricting access, and encrypting vital information. Implementing these precautions reduces the danger of
unwanted access and protects your sensitive data.

Recommendation 3: Continuous Skill Development

Improve your team's data literacy with our comprehensive big data and analytics training courses. We
provide in-depth education on cutting-edge technologies like Apache Spark and complex machine learning
methods. These seminars go beyond the basics, preparing your team to tackle tough data challenges and
maximize the value of your information assets.

Recommendation 4: Integrate Real-Time Data Processing

Implementation of real-time data processing solutions at Connex Technology (Pvt) Ltd will provide timely
insights and faster decision making. With modern analytics tools and real-time data feeds, the organization
can continuously monitor operations, uncover inefficiencies, and quickly adapt to changing situations. This
method not only improves operational efficiency, but also enables proactive problem solving, reducing
downtime and increasing total production. Real-time data processing ensures that decision-makers have

Dinayuru Welagedara PCP 67

access to the most recent and correct information, resulting in more informed and effective business

Non-technical audience: All employees

Recommendation 1: Highlight Benefits of Big Data

Big Data can help Connex Technology (Pvt) Ltd improve efficiency, cut expenses, and make better
decisions. By analyzing huge amounts of data from numerous sources, the organization may uncover
patterns and trends that help to streamline processes, optimize resource allocation, and reduce waste. This
results in cost reductions through more efficient procedures and improved inventory management.
Furthermore, Big Data gives actionable insights that aid in informed decision-making, allowing leaders to
anticipate market trends, understand customer preferences, and adapt quickly to changing conditions.
Finally, embracing Big Data enables the organization to function more efficiently, saving money while
increasing productivity and strategic planning.
Recommendation 2: User-Friendly Dashboards

Connex Technology (Pvt) Ltd will develop intuitive dashboards that provide actionable insights without
getting technical. These user-friendly dashboards will allow employees at all levels to quickly access and
understand critical data, enabling more informed decision-making and process optimization. Dashboards
will enable employees to immediately discover improvement opportunities and take timely action by
displaying key metrics and trends in a clear visual format, establishing a data-driven culture across the entire
organization. 'Business.

Recommendation 3: Ongoing Training Programs

Connex Technology will frequently host workshops and training sessions. These efforts will give staff
hands-on exposure to Big Data tools and methodologies, increasing their technical skills and confidence.
The organization aspires to build an innovative and adaptable culture by providing continuous learning
opportunities, enabling employees to effectively leverage emerging technologies and contribute to increased
operational efficiency.

Recommendation 4: Employee Feedback Mechanism

This method will include frequent surveys, suggestion boxes and interactive question-and-answer sessions
where employees can discuss their experiences, problems and ideas about new technologies. By
aggressively soliciting and responding to employee feedback, the organization can make informed changes
to training programs, improve user interfaces, and quickly address technical difficulties. This collaborative

Dinayuru Welagedara PCP 68

approach develops a culture of transparency and constant learning, ensuring staff feel valued and supported
during the shift, resulting in increased operational efficiency.

4.1.2. Action Plan for Non-Technical Audiences

1. Awareness Campaign
Launch an internal awareness campaign to highlight the benefits of Big Data technologies, focusing on
how they will improve daily operations, decision-making and overall productivity. Use simple language
and concrete examples to make concepts more accessible.
2. Training Workshops
Host hands-on training classes for non-technical workers, focusing on how to use new tools and
dashboards. Make sure these seminars are participatory, with plenty of opportunity for questions and
practical tasks.
3. User-Friendly Resources
Create simple guidelines, FAQs, and video lessons that staff can browse at their leisure. These resources
should be accessible via the company intranet or a dedicated e-learning platform.
4. Ongoing Support
Establish a support team to provide ongoing assistance and manage any issues or concerns employees may
have as they transition to new technologies. Offer regular sessions or office hours for one-on-one support.
5. Feedback Loop
Establish a feedback loop where employees can share their thoughts and experiences with new
technologies. Use questionnaires, suggestion boxes and regular feedback meetings to gather information
and make necessary changes.
6. Incentives and Recognition
Create an incentive program to reward employees who successfully use Big Data technologies to improve
their work processes. Recognize and celebrate successes to inspire others and show the practical benefits of
the new approach.
To effectively expose Big Data technology to a lay audience, Connex Technology (Pvt) Ltd has designed
an action plan that includes an in-depth awareness campaign, practical training workshops and user-
friendly tools. A dedicated team will provide ongoing support and a feedback loop will be formed to
collect employee feedback and make necessary changes. Additionally, an incentive program will reward
staff who have successfully integrated Big Data into their operations, with success stories highlighted to
inspire others. This comprehensive strategy ensures that non-technical staff are well informed, properly
trained and fully supported, resulting in easier adoption and increased operational efficiency.

Dinayuru Welagedara PCP 69

Audience Recommendation Action plan Timeline
Technical Adopt Advanced Analytics To enhance data processing capabilities, Connex 3-6 months
audience Tools Technology (Pvt) Ltd will select and integrate
advanced analytics tools like Hadoop and Spark.
This plan involves evaluating software, configuring
systems, and training staff on tool usage, ensuring
rapid optimization of analytical processes within
three months.
Provide Continuous Skill Implement a continual skill-development program Ongoing
centered on Big Data analytics and emerging process,
technologies. Provide regular workshops, webinars, start
and online courses to help employees improve their immediately
technical skills and keep up with industry changes.
Integrate Real-Time Data Big Data technologies are critical in improving 6-9 months
Processing operational efficiency through real-time data
processing because they enable instant access to
insights, drive value, reduce costs, and boost
efficiency. This is visible in a variety of
applications across multiple sectors. For example,
using machine learning and data analytics into
drilling operations has showed promise in
optimizing the Rate of Penetration (ROP), so
boosting drilling productivity and lowering
operational costs.
Implement Data Security Using advanced analytics, the business detects 3-6 months
Measures potential security flaws and mitigates hazards in
real time. To protect sensitive information, the
action plan calls for the deployment of encryption,
access controls, and constant monitoring. Connex
integrates various technologies to assure data
integrity, regulatory compliance, and cyber threat
protection, while streamlining operational
operations and retaining consumer trust.
Non- Awareness Campaign They use cutting-edge advanced analytics to 1-2 months
technical methodically process massive amounts of data in
audience order to identify intricate patterns and profound
insights. This data-centric methodology enables

Dinayuru Welagedara PCP 70

them to rigorously customize campaigns, ensuring
that communications are accurately targeted to the
ideal audience at the most appropriate times. The
strategic use of Big Data enables real-time
monitoring and dynamic optimization, resulting in
smart resource allocation and greatly increasing the
campaign's overall effectiveness. Such operational
efficiency is critical for the long-term success and
longevity of awareness programs, enabling
sustained involvement and effect.
Conduct Connex Technology Pvt. Ltd. uses Big Data 2-4 months
Training Workshops technology to improve operational efficiency. They
empower their teams to effectively use data
insights by conducting customized training
workshops, driving strategic action plans, and
streamlining business processes.
Develop These technologies enable more efficient data 3-6 months
User-Friendly Resources processing, intelligent analytics and proactive
decision-making. Connex Technology uses Big
Data to optimize resource allocation, improve
service delivery and drive innovation in its
operations, resulting in agile and efficient
responses to market dynamics and customer needs.
Provide Ongoing Support This includes using real-time data analytics to Ongoing
monitor system performance, predictive analytics process,
to anticipate maintenance needs, and incorporating start
customer feedback loops to drive continuous immediately
improvement. By leveraging these features,
Connex may improve resource allocation, reduce
downtime, and provide proactive assistance,
ultimately increasing overall operational efficiency.
Establish Feedback Loop Connex may extract insights from a variety of 1-3 months
sources, including customer interactions,
operational indicators, and market trends, by
leveraging advanced analytics and real-time data
processing. This feedback loop allows for continual
monitoring and adjustment of tactics, ultimately

Dinayuru Welagedara PCP 71

increasing operational efficiency through informed
decision-making and proactive changes to company
Implement Incentives and Their action plan includes the implementation of 3-6 months
Recognition incentives and recognition programs. Connex may
create key performance indicators (KPIs) and
milestones by analyzing data insights, and then
reward teams or individuals who make substantial
contributions to meeting these objectives. This
method not only inspires people, but also links their
efforts with strategic goals, promoting an
organization-wide culture of continual
development and innovation.

4.2.1 Arguments for the planning decisions made when developing the project plans
By conducting this research as a research team. The team completed the research almost successfully, but
some of the mistakes the team made are described below.

The research team initially planned to distribute the questionnaire to Connex Technology Sri Lanka by
printing it and personally visiting the site. However, about a week before the team was scheduled to depart,
the Connect Technology manager informed the team coordinator that the organization was exceptionally
busy at that time. In response, the team collectively decided to collect responses to the questionnaire via a
Google form.

The key takeaway is that having clear communication with the necessary stakeholders when doing research
has a direct impact on the research's success.

The study team collected data using a qualitative methodology including interviews. With a dynamic
workforce. Several staff members showed hesitation during the operation. Interviews lasted longer than
expected due to high participation rates. As a result, the group was successful. The issue was resolved by
adding an hour to the daily search time. It takes more time. The takeaway from the above case is that each
phase of research must have a backup plan. In all other circumstances, the researcher and the research team
will be unduly busy. The points raised above are based on the experiences of the study team. Furthermore, it
should be emphasized that the study must take place at the same time as the development of a research
strategy and that the steps must be precisely stated and verified.

Dinayuru Welagedara PCP 72

Increasing Validity in Big Data Technologies for Operational Efficiency
Ensuring the utility of Big Data technologies to improve operational efficiency at Connex Technology Pvt.
Ltd. requires extensive design planning and implementation. For example, by carefully preparing how data
will be collected, processed and analyzed, the project can avoid bias and errors. Creating operational
definitions is essential; for example, defining “operational effectiveness” in measurable terms ensures
consistency and clarity in data interpretation. Additionally, adopting triangulation by merging data from
customer satisfaction surveys, operational logs, and market analytics helps cross-reference results and
strengthen conclusions from Big Data analytics.

Increasing Reliability in Big Data Technologies for Operational Efficiency

Several tactics can be used to ensure the reliability of Big Data projects at Connex Technology Pvt. Ltd.
Increasing the amount of data points, for example by adding more operational metrics and customer
interaction records, can improve the accuracy of analytical results. Eliminating uncertain elements, such as
ambiguous data entries or inconsistent records, ensures that data collection is clean and trustworthy.
Standardizing circumstances, such as maintaining consistent data collection techniques across departments
and limiting the complexity of data analysis models, can help ensure more reliable results. Inconsistencies
can be avoided by minimizing the impact of exogenous events such as seasonal fluctuations or unforeseen
market changes, as well as by harmonizing data processing instructions. Finally, consistent scoring
techniques, such as uniform data processing algorithms, ensure analysis is reliable over time.

Ensuring Validity and Reliability of Secondary Data in Big Data Initiatives

Connex Technology Pvt. Ltd. prioritizes the authenticity and reliability of secondary data while leveraging
Big Data technologies for operational efficiency. Secondary data sources must be carefully examined for
credibility and relevance in order to be considered valid. This involves choosing credible and reliable
sources, such as peer-reviewed publications, government reports, and well-known industry databases. Cross-
checking information from multiple sources can help ensure data accuracy and consistency. For example,
when studying market trends, relying on data from industry reports, academic studies, and recognized
market research agencies can build confidence in the findings.

In contrast, reliability necessitates that the data be consistent and stable across time. This can be
accomplished by utilizing data from sources with strict data collecting and reporting requirements. Regular
database updates guarantee that analyses are based on the most recent data, lowering the risk of outdated or
erroneous insights. Furthermore, standardizing data gathering and processing procedures inside the business
promotes consistency in data handling, hence increasing the dependability of secondary data utilized in Big
Data analytics. For example, creating clear data entry processes and using automated data validation tools
can help to reduce human error and assure consistency among datasets.

Dinayuru Welagedara PCP 73

Consideration collected the information or data
While evaluating the use of Big Data technologies to improve operational efficiency at Connex Technology
Pvt. Ltd., it is essential to evaluate the source and reliability of the information or data used. Data integrity
requires determining who collected the data and under what conditions. Reliable data often comes from
recognized industry sources, academic research, or internal data rigorously compiled by company personnel.
Assessing the qualifications and potential biases of data collectors helps ensure accuracy and relevance.
Leveraging this carefully verified data allows Connex Technology to effectively implement strategic
decisions, improve operational procedures and improve efficiency.

Im, Dinayuru Welagedara, a student at Esoft Metro Campus Kiribathgoda Branch, have been investigating
and gathering information on how Big Data technologies are contributing to operational efficiency at
Connex Technology Pvt. Ltd. Our research focuses on using data from industry sources and internal
analytics to improve processes and drive strategic decisions within the organization, resulting in increased
overall efficiency and performance.

Age of data collected

When collecting data for a project using Google Forms, data age is a significant issue. The timeliness of the
data ensures its relevance and accuracy by reflecting current trends or attitudes. For example, if you are
conducting a survey to learn consumer preferences for IT products, incorporating recent responses ensures
that the results represent the most current market opinion. Timely data collection also enables real-time
changes and informed decision-making. Therefore, staying focused on collecting and evaluating current data
from Google Form responses is essential to achieve relevant and practical results for your project. Below
photo you can see responses, All are the responses over 18.

Figure 28 Age of data collection

Dinayuru Welagedara PCP 74

Original purpose of the data collection
The original goal of data collecting for the Big Data Efficiency initiative was most likely to improve
operational efficiency inside Connex Technology Pvt. Ltd. Specifically, this could include:

1. Identifying inefficiencies: Collecting data to determine where inefficiencies or bottlenecks exist in

current operations.
2. Optimizing processes: Process optimization is analyzing data to optimize workflows, reduce costs, or
improve resource allocation using insights gained from big data analysis.
3. Enhancing decision-making: Data-driven insights are used to inform decisions about strategic
initiatives, investments, and operational adjustments.
4. Predictive analytics: Using historical and real-time data to forecast trends, client needs, and market
5. Improving customer experience: Improving customer service or product offers by better knowing
their behavior and preferences.

These goals seek to use big data technology to improve efficiencies, innovation, and competitive advantage
at Connex Technology Pvt. Ltd.

Potential errors or variability in the data

In the Big Data Efficiency project, various potential faults or sources of unpredictability in the data can
develop, including:
1. Incomplete data: Missing values or incomplete datasets might distort analysis, resulting in erroneous
2. Inconsistent data: Data obtained from many sources may differ in format, quality, or organization,
making integration and analysis difficult.
3. Data duplication: Duplicate records or entries can inflate metrics or skew patterns in an analysis.
4. Data outliers: Outliers or anomalies in data can greatly impact statistical analysis and may necessitate
specific handling or removal.
5. Data bias: Biases in data collection methods or sources might produce skewed results that do not fully
reflect the total population or target group.
6. Sampling errors: Results could not transfer well to a broader population if sample sizes are too small or
if sampling techniques are not representative.
7. Data security and privacy issues: Concerns around illegal access, data breaches, or regulatory
compliance can affect project results and data integrity.
8. Technological issues: Analytical errors or delays may arise from issues with data processing,
transmission, storage, or handling.

Dinayuru Welagedara PCP 75

To guarantee the correctness and dependability of insights obtained from big data analytics, addressing
these possible problems calls for cautious data management, preprocessing, and validation procedures.
Assess the extent to which the project recommendations meet the needs of the identified
organization, including fully supported rationales for planning decisions made Alignment with
Company needs
The project planning recommendations for implementing Big Data technologies at Connex Technology
Pvt. Ltd. are meticulously designed to meet the company's strategic objectives of operational efficiency and
enhanced performance. The recommendations address the critical needs of data integration, process
optimization, and resource management, which are essential for the company's growth and
Justification of Recommendations
cost/benefits analysis The deployment of Big Data tools is expected to lower
operational expenses by 20%. This is accomplished
through more efficient data processing, less redundancy,
and better resource use.
Using advanced analytics, the organization may make
data-driven decisions to improve operational workflows
and forecast market trends.
Automation and enhanced data accessibility are
predicted to increase productivity by 25%, allowing
employees to focus on more important activities.
deliverables Build a strong data architecture with interconnected data
sources and basic analytics capabilities. The deliverables
include a consolidated data repository and basic
reporting tools.
Use advanced analytics and machine learning models to
improve operations. Dashboards for predictive analytics
and automated reporting systems are among the
Continuous enhancement and expansion of Big Data
capabilities. Real-time analytics, improved data security,
and frequent performance assessments are all part of the
success criteria Data processing times were reduced by 30%, and
decision-making procedures had faster turnaround times.

Dinayuru Welagedara PCP 76

Obtaining a 20% reduction in operational expenses
through optimal resource allocation and process
A 25% improvement in productivity, aided by improved
data accessibility and automation.
impact analysis Faster response times, better resource management,
improved customer satisfaction, and enhanced
competitive edge.
Initial resistance to change, data privacy concerns, and
the need for continuous training and support.
work and resource allocation Assign specialist teams to manage data infrastructure,
analytics development, and user training. Ensure cross-
functional collaboration in order to harness expertise
from other departments.
Allocate resources intelligently, prioritizing vital tasks
and ensuring that key individuals are available
throughout the project. Invest in the tools and
technologies that will enable Big Data projects.
key deadlines and timescales complete data infrastructure setup and initial analytics
capabilities. Take six months. Phase 3 entails continuing
improvement, the expansion of Big Data capabilities,
and regular performance assessments. These schedules
ensure that the project moves forward efficiently and
achieves the strategic goals of operational efficiency and
improved performance.

Dinayuru Welagedara PCP 77

Accuracy and reliability research maintenance activities for each phase of the Big Data Efficiency
project planning
Phase Accuracy Maintenance Reliability Maintenance

Initiation Phase involves creating a core structure for entails establishing the framework for
assuring data veracity throughout the the project's success. This phase
project's lifecycle. This step entails entails defining specific goals, setting
determining important objectives, critical success criteria, and
defining the scope, and establishing evaluating potential risks and
explicit expectations for data quality. mitigation solutions. It is critical to
It also entails putting together a form a qualified project team and
qualified project team, defining roles give roles and tasks to ensure
and duties, and creating a complete responsibility. Choosing relevant data
project plan. The emphasis is on sources and developing rigorous data
finding dependable data sources, validation methods are critical during
executing basic data validation this phase to ensure data accuracy
methods, and establishing strong data and reliability. Furthermore, creating
governance standards. By focusing a detailed project plan with realistic
on accuracy from the start, this phase schedules, resource allocation, and
attempts to lay the groundwork for budget considerations will pave the
obtaining accurate and useful insights way for successful execution and
from the project's big data activities. constant monitoring throughout the
project's lifecycle.

Planning Phase Standardized data gathering This entails defining clear goals and
procedures, rigorous validation developing a solid structure for data
standards, and advanced data collection, validation, and analysis.
cleaning techniques are all necessary We can reduce errors and maintain
steps to remove errors and data integrity by establishing
inconsistencies. Furthermore, proper standardized procedures and
resource allocation, realistic deadline powerful data management solutions.
scheduling, and thorough effect The project plan will be reviewed and
analysis are critical to ensuring that updated on a regular basis to
the project stays on track and accommodate any changes and stay
accomplishes its goals. Maintaining on track with the overall project
precision from the start not only goals. Fostering a culture of
improves the credibility of the study accountability and precision among
results, but it also increases team members will also improve the

Dinayuru Welagedara PCP 78

stakeholder confidence and allows trustworthiness of the planning phase,
for better project execution. laying the groundwork for following
project stages.

Data Collection Phase This phase entails putting in place Rigorous reliability maintenance
strong mechanisms for accurately begins with the establishment of
collecting data from various sources. explicit protocols and regulated data
To reduce errors and maintain collection methods. This involves
consistency, techniques such as using automated data capturing tools
automated data capture, standardized wherever possible, which not only
data gathering methodologies, and lowers human error but also improves
rigorous validation procedures are uniformity. Validation processes,
used. Regular audits and inspections such as cross-validation and
are performed to ensure the quality statistical analysis, must be
and integrity of obtained data, and performed on a regular basis to
adhering to data governance ensure that obtained data is accurate.
principles and regulatory standards Furthermore, constant monitoring
improves accuracy even further. and upgrades to data gathering
algorithms and processes aid in the
adaptation to changing data patterns
and provide long-term reliability
throughout the project lifecycle.

Data Processing Phase Ensuring accuracy during the data Data integrity and correctness must
processing step is critical to the be ensured by comprehensive quality
success of any Big Data Efficiency assurance methods and regular
project. This step entails rigorous checks. Implementing automated
examination of data inputs, monitoring tools and hiring qualified
processing procedures, and data analysts to discover
algorithmic outputs to ensure abnormalities and guarantee data
reliability and accuracy. consistency are both critical
Implementing comprehensive quality strategies. Organizations can improve
assurance techniques and continuous the reliability of insights gained from
validation protocols can help Big Data by adhering to high
stakeholders reduce errors, maintain reliability requirements, streamlining
data integrity, and improve decision- decision-making processes and
making processes. This systematic efficiently reaching operational
approach not only improves

Dinayuru Welagedara PCP 79

operational efficiency, but it also efficiency targets.
strengthens the framework for
generating actionable insights that
generate long-term business

Data Analysis Phase We hope to obtain actionable insights Ensuring stability during the data
that drive operational efficiency and processing phase is critical to the
strategic decision-making by success of our Big Data Efficiency
prioritizing data quality and project. We rigorously preserve the
employing advanced analytics authenticity and consistency of our
techniques. This dedication to data through rigorous verification
accuracy not only improves the processes and periodic audits. By
quality of our research, but it also adhering to strict reliability
strengthens our capacity to produce requirements, we hope to reduce
meaningful results that correspond errors and biases, so improving the
with our organization's goals. integrity of our findings. This
proactive strategy not only maintains
the quality of our research, but it also
improves our capacity to extract
actionable insights that create
operational efficiencies throughout
our technical efforts.

Implementation Phase Maintaining accuracy is critical to Maintaining dependability is critical

assuring the reliability and efficacy of to completing project goals
operational initiatives. This phase successfully. This phase entails
focuses on turning data insights into transforming planning and analysis
practical steps, which necessitates into concrete measures, requiring
strict adherence to certified data strong methods to maintain data
sources and precise implementation integrity and operational efficiency.
methods. Accuracy maintenance To avoid errors and deviations from
entails using comprehensive quality the project plan, reliable
control techniques to ensure the implementation necessitates strict
integrity of data utilized in decision- adherence to defined norms and
making. Regular audits and reviews thorough task performance.
are carried out to assess the Continuous monitoring and feedback
implementation of data-driven methods guarantee that any concerns

Dinayuru Welagedara PCP 80

strategies against set benchmarks and are handled as soon as possible, while
success criteria. Connex Technology frequent audits and quality checks
may improve operational efficiency, verify the accuracy of implemented
optimize resource allocation, and solutions.
accomplish long-term corporate
success by focusing on accuracy
throughout the Implementation

Monitoring and Evaluation Phase Maintaining accuracy during the This phase is the essential link
Monitoring and Evaluation phase is between data insights and practical
critical for obtaining relevant insights outputs, necessitating rigorous
and meeting project objectives. This maintenance methods to assure the
phase is dedicated to regularly accuracy and relevance of findings.
assessing data quality and Reliable monitoring entails real-time
performance against predetermined data tracking with advanced analytics
metrics and benchmarks. Connex tools to spot anomalies and patterns
assures data accuracy throughout the effectively. Simultaneously, rigorous
project lifetime by using evaluation systems, backed up by
sophisticated monitoring tools and established metrics and benchmarks,
processes such as real-time analytics examine project performance against
and performance dashboards. Regular predefined goals and success
audits and quality control measures indicators. By prioritizing
are carried out to ensure the accuracy dependability in monitoring and
of data sources and analytical results. assessment, Connex Technology may
This thorough approach not only streamline decision-making
improves the dependability of the processes, validate project impacts,
insights gained, but also allows for and develop tactics to successfully
rapid modifications and optimizations minimize risks, ultimately increasing
based on correct data, promoting total project efficacy and success.
informed decision-making and
creating long-term company

Closure Phase Maintaining accuracy is critical for This phase entails compiling
successfully combining project findings, evaluating them against
outputs. This process ensures that all predetermined success criteria, and
data analysis and conclusions are creating thorough reports or

Dinayuru Welagedara PCP 81

thoroughly evaluated and validated presentations. To maintain reliability,
against predetermined accuracy stringent quality assurance processes
benchmarks. Rigorous quality control are in place, including peer reviews
methods are in place to ensure that and validation checks performed by
findings are precise and correspond domain experts. Data integrity is
with project objectives and preserved by meticulously
stakeholder expectations. Continuous documenting techniques, ensuring
improvement of analytical models that findings are transparent and
and validation of data sources help to reproducible.
reduce potential errors and biases,
increasing the reliability of final
deliverables. By putting accuracy
first in the closure phase, Connex
Technology can safely deliver
actionable insights that drive strategic
decision-making and maximize
operational efficiencies in thread
detection technology.

Accuracy and reliability research maintenance data analyzing tools and techniques
Tools/techniques Accuracy and reliability

Data Collection Implement standardized data collection methods to ensure consistency and accuracy.

Use automated data capturing technology to reduce human error and increase reliability.

Continuous Implement real-time monitoring systems to track data streams and spot anomalies quickly.
Set up alerts and thresholds based on historical data patterns to spot threats early.

Documentation and To validate findings, use statistical procedures such as regression analysis and hypothesis
Reporting testing.

Conduct a sensitivity analysis to determine the impact of assumptions on outcomes


Quality Assurance Establish QA procedures to ensure data quality throughout the analytical process.
and Audits
Conduct periodic audits to ensure compliance with quality standards and regulatory

Statistical To validate findings, use statistical procedures such as regression analysis and hypothesis
Techniques testing.

Conduct a sensitivity analysis to determine how assumptions affect the dependability of the

Dinayuru Welagedara PCP 82


Data Integration Integrate different data sources with dependable tools to ensure data integrity.

Use cross-validation techniques to assure consistency amongst integrated datasets.

Accuracy and reliability research maintenance for recommendation

Recommendation Accuracy and reliability

Cost/Benefits Analysis Conduct a thorough cost-benefit analysis with solid data sources and tested models.

Update cost forecasts and benefit realization measures on a regular basis, using reliable

Deliverables Define explicit deliverables with measurable results and quality criteria.

Implement checkpoints and evaluations to ensure that deliverables match the required

Success Criteria Establish clear success criteria that are consistent with project objectives and stakeholder

Use precise data metrics to track and assess progress toward success criteria.

Impact Analysis Conduct detailed impact assessments to determine the project's impact on stakeholders
and outcomes.

Use dependable data analytics technologies to precisely assess and qualify project

Work and Resource Allocate resources according to accurate workload evaluations and resource availability.
Monitor resource usage and change allocations based on real-time data insights.

Key Deadlines and Establish reasonable deadlines and timeframes based on reliable estimates and project
Timescales milestones.

Use project management tools to monitor progress and alter timelines as needed.

Accuracy and reliability research maintenance for user experience during collection
Maintaining accuracy and reliability during the data gathering phase is critical in the context of Big Data
analysis for thread detection. This ensures a robust user experience and valuable insights. Several major
aspects influence users' experience during this time, including:

1. Clear Data Collection Protocols: Clear rules for data collecting enhance consistency and reduce
uncertainty. This includes determining what data to collect, how it should be collected (e.g.,
automated tools versus manual entry), and under what conditions.

Dinayuru Welagedara PCP 83

2. Real-time Validation and Quality Checks: Implementing real-time validation checks helps to ensure
data accuracy as it is collected. This entails employing algorithms or rules to quickly detect and fix
incorrect data entries.
3. User-Friendly Interfaces: Designing user-friendly interfaces for data gathering tools improves the
overall user experience. Intuitive interfaces limit the possibility of user errors and allow for smooth
data entry operations.
4. Data Security and Privacy: Ensuring strong data security procedures and respect to privacy standards
increases user trust and confidence. Clear communication about data handling policies is critical for
reducing concerns about privacy breaches.
5. Feedback Mechanisms: Establishing feedback systems enables consumers to report difficulties or
provide feedback on the data collection process. This fosters teamwork and allows for the fast
resolution of any inconsistencies or complaints.
6. Training and Support: Providing proper training and assistance to data gathering users ensures that
they appreciate the value of accuracy and reliability. Training sessions might also include best
practices for data entry and troubleshooting frequent problems.

Connex Technology Pvt. Ltd. improves the user experience while also laying a solid platform for further
stages of Big Data analysis. This approach makes it easier to generate actionable insights for thread
detection, which contributes to better decision-making and risk management tactics.

Accuracy and reliability research maintenance for sampling techniques

Big Data analysis for thread discovery, along with SurveyMonkey sample procedures, can improve the
accuracy and reliability of project planning research. SurveyMonkey has many sampling methods that may
be customized to assure representative data collecting.

1. Random Sampling: Random sampling ensures that every person of the population has an equal
chance of being included in the survey, minimizing bias.
2. Stratified Sampling: This technique splits the population into homogeneous subgroups (strata) based
on important variables (such as demographics and behaviors). Surveys are then carried out within
each stratum to guarantee proportionate representation.
3. Cluster Sampling: Cluster sampling is useful when the population is geographically distributed. It
entails splitting the population into clusters (for example, geographical regions) and randomly
picking clusters to survey.
4. Convenience Sampling: While less rigorous, convenience sampling surveys those who are easily
available or reachable. It is important for getting early insights, but it may add prejudice.

Dinayuru Welagedara PCP 84

To maintain accuracy and reliability:

 Survey Design: Create clear and simple survey questions that are consistent with the research
objectives to reduce ambiguity and maintain data consistency.
 Validation and pilot testing: Before complete implementation, perform validation and pilot testing to
detect and correct potential issues with survey structure, language, and respondent interpretation.
 Data Quality Checks: Implement checks during data collection to track response rates, detect
outliers, and verify data completeness and correctness.
 Continuous Monitoring: Monitor response trends throughout the survey and alter sampling
procedures as needed to ensure data relevance and reliability.

Conclusions concerning the potential accuracy and dependability of statements require a careful
consideration of numerous elements. First, it is critical to analyze the trustworthiness and knowledge of the
sources making the claims. Peer-reviewed studies, reputable organizations, and expert viewpoints are
frequently given additional weight due to rigorous inspection and validation processes. Furthermore, the
process for data collection and analysis is critical in evaluating reliability. Rigorous methodologies, such as
randomized controlled trials or thorough data analysis frameworks, contribute to more robust assertions
than anecdotal evidence or small-scale investigations. Furthermore, assessing the consistency and
coherence of data across multiple research or sources can assist determine the strength of assertions. By
rigorously evaluating these factors, one can draw educated judgments regarding the veracity and
dependability of assertions, allowing for confident decision-making and strategic planning.

Dinayuru Welagedara PCP 85

Gantt chart

Figure 29 Gantt chart

(, n.d.)
(, n.d.)
(, n.d.)
(, n.d.)
(, n.d.)
(, n.d.)
(, n.d.)
(Kim, 2013)

Dinayuru Welagedara PCP 86

Grading Rubric
Grading Criteria Achieved Feedback

LO1 Conduct small-scale research, information gathering and data collection to generate knowledge
on an identified subject
P1 Demonstrate qualitative and quantitative research methods to generate relevant primary data for
an identified theme.
P2 Examine secondary sources to collect relevant secondary data and information for an identified
M1 Analyse data and information from primary and secondary sources to generate knowledge on an
identified theme.
D1 Interpret findings to generate knowledge on how the research theme supports business
requirements in the identified sector.
LO2 Explore the features and business requirements of organisations in an identified sector

P3 Discuss the features and operational areas of a businesses in an identified sector.

P4 Discuss the role of stakeholders and their impact on the success of a business

M2 Analyse the challenges to the success of a business in an identified sector

LO3 Produce project plans based on research of the chosen theme for an identified organisation

Dinayuru Welagedara PCP 87

ensive project plans for a chosen scenario, including a work and resource allocation reakdown using
appropriate tools.

M3 Produce comprehensive project plans that effectively consider aims, objectives fied organization.

LO4 Present your project recommendations and justifications of decisions made, based on research
of the identified theme and sector
P6 Communicate appropriate project recommendations for technical and non-technical audiences. .

P7 Present arguments for the planning decisions made when developing the project plans.

P8 Discuss accuracy and reliability of the different research methods applied.

M4 Assess the extent to which the project recommendations meet the needs of the identified
organisation, including fully supported rationales for planning decisions made.

LO3 & LO4

D2 Evaluate the project planning recommendations made in relation to the needs of the identified
organisation and the accuracy and reliability of the research carried out.

Dinayuru Welagedara PCP 88

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