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Present Rrfet Simpl HOW LONG a3 3g ve known Karen since 1994, ‘She's lived in London for thee years. id tea aS Use with: since 2010, since July, for ten years, for three days. UNFINISHED TIME WORD | haven't seen her this month Use with: this week, today, this ‘month, this year. PRESENT RESULT {ve lost my keys (50 I can't get ito my house). Use with: ever, never. NEWS / RECENT EVENTS ‘The Queen has given a speech. Use with: just | yet | already | recently. rammar eS Gi [have no connection to the present. We use the present perfect for a ical a a wits paiciean tiatahenroueselr ence © Fillin the blanks with the correct verb tense of the given words. My name is Anna, and 'm currently a backpacker. ve abways 1,__wanted (want) to travel through Europe, and now Fm finaly here 12.__started __ (start) my trip in London. | s._have loved _ (ove) British culture ever since | was a child thanks to the show Doctor Who. So, | am so exited tobe here The fist place plan tos. __visit_(wsit)s Westminster Abbey. This church s_has been (be) around for ove 900 years, andi is stil. used (use) to this day. Seventeen royal weddings >.,have been held (hold) at this his:orc church, including the wedding between Prince Wiliam and Catherine Midleton in 2011 Present perfect in English When do we use the fe 2 The structure of the present perfect is as follows. Subject — have/has past participle 1.Talk about past events that are still relevant in the present. “have seen that movie.” Examples 2. Talk about past events that have not yet been completed. “Ihave been working on this project for have broken my arm. two weeks.” Ihave been to France. 3. Talkabout experiences that you have Ihave seen that movie. had in the past. We have had alot of fun. “thave been to France.” Ihave always wanted to travel. = aps ‘She has lived in China for five years. He has been studying Italian for three months. ‘They have been friends since they were children, “Ihave broken my arm.” Ihave been working on this painting for two weeks. PRESENT PERFECT TENSE |__Unfinished Time Periods _ mthoppenedatanurieeedtineihpet. Weve thepresniprfect eo ak abet peidfime SLnEg WHEN ty happenca TN Pe tet ett thoman este tek 7 Te met the President “4 fve been very busy this week 4 She won many auards, 4 She's had five cups of coffee today, 4 We've done this before. 4 Vietve spent alt meney ths month. “4 He has appeared on TV. 0 He has 3 aces pectin been ameter done ‘seco ao someane'fsemeting he been done of Mise. Vwstesten too much sentwaeywaan |_| a finaly fined ry homework, 4 Thee studied forthe test (rm ien opens 5 / Has he ted his room? 2 Het lost his keys fomwcanincnchany 3 We Rave just won ou league. ¢ She's had some bad news. sews scan ¢ Have you written your essay yet? Tso pg tating ested te rst Se Moment COR ROK eight ie, thstrane hatcontingestrom ten nt ay neo 4 We have known each other for many years, (| haven't eaten anything since breakfast. “They Rave rented ourhousefortwomonts. 7 We have rented ths howe sine 2013 “She has been in Spain for tree weoks. she has worked hee since Seprember. “7 He's worked with me forte years “He hasnt been at work since Wednesday. | ave elle hirn ten times and he stil ‘hasnt answered the phone. Z Thacher te ia SO ot 4 She has seen the movie over a dazen tines. “4 Westhe frsttime it as rained on this tp, 7 We have eaten atthat restaurant many times. 4 Itsthe second timewe have been here. \(Swnw.grammarcll | www.woodwardenglishicom | wwwivocabulary.cll J Past Simple vs Present Perfect Examples of Past Simple and Present Perfect Together ‘The past simple and present perfect can be used together to express different meanings. For example: ‘Ihave been walling to school every dy for the past two yrs: This sentence expresses that the action of ‘walking to schoof has been happening for the past two years ands stillin effect today. Another example: ‘Iwalked to school every day when! was a child.” This sentence expresses that the action of ‘walking to school happened at a specific time inthe past andis no longer in effect today. ee and Present Perfect 1. Time Frame ‘The past simple talks about actions or events that happened at a specific time, while the present Perfecthelps talk about past actions or events that are still relevant today. 2. Verb Form ‘We form past simple by adding -ed to the end of the verb, while the present perfect is formed by using the vert» ‘have’ or has’ along with the past participle of the verb. 3. Meaning ‘The past simple helps talk about past habits, routines, or events that happened at a specific point in the past, while the present perfect talks about something that's stillin effect. ‘Can we use past simple and present perfect in a sentence? Yes, we can, providing we can create two distinct time frames, one in the past and the other starting in the past and continuing up to the present. For example: | had breakfast at six o'clock and | haven't had anything to eat since then. © The past-perfect is used for a past @Vent that occurred before another past event. © For the later event, use the simple past. « For the first event, use the past-perfect. Present Future Past Perfect in English subject had past participle Different Forms of the Past Perfect Tense In the affirmative form Uses of the Past Perfect formed with ‘had’ and the past participle of main verb. "He had finished his homework.” 1. To talk about past events that already happened before something else inthe pte eveuce fora past. formed with the verb ‘had not! and the past participle 2. To talk about the duration of an action of the rain vera! . inthe pest. “"He had not finished his homework: 3. Totalk about past events that were In the interrogative form interrupted by another past event. formed with the verb 'had’ and the subject followed by 4. To talk about two past actions that ‘the past participle of the main verb. happened at the same time. “Had he finished his homework?” S Past perfect Tense -ormne S The past perfect tense, made with "had" and the past verb form, talks about something completed before a certain time in the past, helping to show the right order of events. Now She had finished her work. s==-X 44 ey Future 1 had finished Subject had Past Participle (GEE Satie tts peat erccne Se Oo scamaies 1 teases + They had visited the museum. a «He had read the book Before another past action | shehadleft before arrived. “Structure Sub + had not + Past Participle ‘The sun hod sot when th * She had not completed the project. Instorytelting celine on Sit gt Gr: cess. | . = He had not received the email Relevance to a specific past (Serueture) Had + Sub+ Past Partcplo - He had finished by 6 PM. Sea tee ea eae estar inrsinett RRR) Wn et een writ formes + Had we eaten dinner? 9 “Present perfect continuous” en inglés El ‘present perfect continuous” es un tiempo que ayuda describir acciones que ‘comenzaron en el pasado y todavia estén en curso. Lo formamos usando el verbo auxiliar "have" con el verbo principal en el participio presente (terminado en -ing) y el sujeto. El present perfect continuous” es util para acciones cuando empezaron enel pasado y atin estan en curso. El ‘present perfect continuous” se forma con el verbo de ayuda “have” yel verbo principal en su forma de participio presente (terminado en -ing). Sujeto +} have/has “> been (..erPe.. farrooral © Ihave been working on this team for the past two months. © ‘She has been playing for the past three hours. © He has been running for an hour. © They have been cooking for the past two hours. © We have been writing this article for the past week. Nome: Diege Joa! Layo Murilo Age:2! Class of 2025 Lives in: Mexico City, Nout: Hola! My nome is Diego Lua, ard Tm cost to stort my last geor af university. Ln stedying Chemical Engineating at FES Zoroopza. Fret, it uosn't sy dieam to. stedy (oc thot deorwe, but “T hove found mony intemsting opis and even usages Cor i. Tin going 40 stort “ay social eatvioa on my own edicol bot I will be looking for my Fist joo at te come fine. Which me lock! Interests: _ Here are some of my hobkias: | love coding, my fouorite book is “The lady of fhe Condlios’ Ton actually coding “Nosmal qaison!:a must-re0d. book. Tlike to biKe and. deve 400, Soor ts: Te been in koe with socom enve. 1 woo eiht. Teed 40 grodtice, bot T hovart ployed a singla makdh Gor mony years. 1 wot! to vetorn to the, field 05 soon as gossible. Music: L etioy mary ogres of music: 9a9, seojoncl, ogoaion, rock. J con be. listen a Doo. Lipas Me enh then wing cloth Grom Charistion Nodol. TL dont oe t he’s conodlad. love. 10 a9 f conpetts. My favorita ona hos been fron Monel Torte, realy feel his music. That hos been ong of my Foote nionts ever! Bad DYNAMIC VERBS SIEM O Em oie TR meas oe Ree i Preeti action ¢ ather than an Teeny ‘ag COR resl moe Often describe action feelings, perceptions, processes, or sensation Reema CONT Sat eS MEd Ome mi Tete Weta progressive tenses tS Sa Sem Ex: run, jump, sin Tel Ome eee Teios Stative vetbs * We need coffee * Thomas understood clearly * Simon loves his new what his mother told him. trainers. * I've known him since high * Clare adored her daughter. school. * I've always wanted to * No one believed us when we travel. told them that we saw aliens. * Peter wished he exercised —_* I'm afraid | don't agree with more when he was younger... yot Mu. ‘Gas 7 er an * | sawa great film last night. ° !'ve had this car for ten years. * Have you hear happene rd what * He was arrested because he possessed a gun. * The soup smells delicious, | ° Mark ownsa restaurant. * The salad tastes too salty. * These plates belong in that * She's never felt so happy. cupboard. Vocabulary target ‘© Match the words with the definitions. a. an activity you enjoy doing in your free time happening or beginning a short time ago to give something in order to provide or achieve something happening in a place that is outside to go around a place you've never been to before 4 group of people or things that are similar a secret supply of something put in a container ‘an object that is shot at during shooting practice ‘© Look at the different hobbies. Match the hobbies with the best picture. Research online if needed. 1. calligraphy 2. origami 4, bungee jumping 5. diff diving 6. taekwondo Vocabulary @ Listen and number. @amzp © 3. ikebana (flower arrangement) you country? Tal. ‘bout tas a clas ak US én Gl awkward: @ Listen and answer the questions. Gap =, How does the woman feel? How does the man feel? 1 2. 3. How does the woman feel? 4, How does the man feel? 5, How does the woman feel? a. jealous QOregretful ¢. impressed a. awkward @)impressed _c. regretful @amused ba ignored offended a. joyful b.amused —_¢. regretful a.impressed —_. joyful ©awkward ignored d. ignored d. amused d. awkward @ignores d. jealous Expressions Showing personal experience © Look at the table. In my experience, in my experience, you shouldn't say that or you'll offend someone. Tremember when... __| / remember when | felt jealous of my brother. What happened was, | What happened was, my brother said something rude and upset my friend. At the time, At the time, my friend didn’t respond, but he felt very awkward. ‘One time, (when) | One time, | forgot to thank my mom on Mother's Day and felt really regretful about it @ Tok with a partner. Complete the statements below. Use the expressions to give details. ESE LO In my experience, people feel jealous when... One time, I felt At the time, | was. Iremember when! | felt awkward once. disgusted ‘angry because... was impressed by... What happened wos... © Match the words with the definitions. . realize SN Oneawne a . doubt b. . believe « . deny: ¢. e. f. imagine . interests adore . appreciate 9. h. to have feelings of not being certain about something to create an idea in your mind to feel grateful to someone or something to notice or understand something you didn’t before to say that something is not true or refuse to give permission to lave someone or something and have a good opinion of them or it things you enjoy doing, studying, playing, or experiencing to think that something is true Real life heto Moybe, hat I om aboot to do is o little bié bosic of can be constlared os a cliché, bot 1 think Unt my dod is o hero in rool hfe When te wos young he ted 40 work fo gay his etcfessioncl ulies in medicing, boone bis poterts water” able £0 hap hin. He hove 4 mea lot of exparienoas that he. bos hed 40 9p £heoogh covet the years. for core, when the eotlhgunke of 95 courted te belped to fake oot he loobias Cron the motenrily coon ot foke cove of hein in dy ebwel becowse the hospital uber be wos working iN hot me uns in. darget of collapse. Another sibsaton for hich T adnive hin is Hot doring porclenic, he nelet stopped Fis gob even uihen be eifFets chionic. diesases, and. he aligody nad coined covid fun fines, The most cacent pove of bis hewien is Hob de went fo Chiogns for fun weels > donate bis Joh fo pode who neead ora eurgarias in Lok cagon of the country. Refec } Conti

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