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Mobile App Development: How to Get Started as A Beginner

How to Get Started as A Beginner

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Mobile App Development: How to Get Started as A Beginner

Mobile App Development: How to Get Started as A


Copyright © 2022 by

Uche Joseph Onwukwalu

Published in Nigeria by:


All rights reserved.

No portion of this book may be used without the written

permission of the author or publisher, with the exception of
brief excerpts in magazine, articles, reviews, etc.

For further information or permission,

Uche Joseph Onwukwalu
Heroic Universal Concept International

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Mobile App Development: How to Get Started as A Beginner


It’s a delight to have you here. This is an

opportunity for you to grab some very vital
information that you need to know about
mobile app development.

My name is Uche Joe. I’m the founder of a

fast-growing ICT and talent development
firm, Heroic Universal Concept Int’l.

I teach ICT courses online in Heroic Online

Academy –

This book is aimed at arming beginners who

want to go into mobile app development with
the requisite knowledge that will enable
them to make informed decision on the area
of mobile app development that they may
want to undertake before they go into it.

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Mobile App Development: How to Get Started as A Beginner

You see, someone who knows nothing about

mobile app development seriously needs a
guide like this to know how to get started.

Note, this lecture is purely theoretical. It is

aimed at preparing you for the practical
aspect of the course.

This is necessary because before you venture

into the practical aspect, you need to be fully
informed so that you can know the right path
to follow. Hence, this book is a very vital tool
to possess.

If you’re not fully informed before jumping

into mobile app development or any other
field of studies, you’re likely going to make
some grave mistakes that will cost you time
and money.

A friend of mine once paid a huge amount of

money as fee to learn mobile app
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Mobile App Development: How to Get Started as A Beginner

development from an academy; but he ended

up being introduced to how to build mobile
apps without coding, whereas he actually
wanted to learn how to code.

He paid the money because he did not know

the difference between no-code app
development and coding. When he later
found out, he felt shortchanged but it was
already too late because his money was
already gone.

So, you see why it is pertinent that you arm

yourself with the fundamental knowledge
that will help you make informed decision
before you commence your journey of
learning app development?

I gave similar lecture on fundamentals for

beginners when I was introducing web
design and development. I understood that a
lot of people do not know anything about web
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development. So I took it upon myself to

analyse the basic concepts in web building
process, which include the following among

1. The concept of design and development

2. Building a website without coding (with
content management systems)
3. Coding
4. Domain
5. Hosting, etc.

I later converted the lecture into a book

You can download the book for free via the
link below

Most people who want to go into mobile app

development would tell me, “I want to learn
App Development”.
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Mobile App Development: How to Get Started as A Beginner

When they say App Development, what they

actually meant is mobile app development.

However, mobile apps are not the only apps

we have. App development is actually a
general term for development of applications.

Applications are softwares that help to

perform certain functions. There are many
types of applications: Mobile apps, Desktop
apps and web apps.

Mobile apps: These are applications used on

mobile devices (smartphones, etc).

Desktop app: Applications used on desktop

devices (e.g Microsoft word, coreldraw, Adobe
photoshop, etc)

Web apps: Applications built on World Wide

Web (functional websites).

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Mobile App Development: How to Get Started as A Beginner

These are all apps. So, one has to be specific

when one wants to say App development. Say
mobile app development if it is what you
want to learn, but if you would like to learn
all of them, that’s great.

In the course of this lecture, we will learn the

following and more:

• Two mobile tech giants - Google and

• Android by google and iOS by Apple
• Ways to build mobile apps:
• No-code mobile app builders,
• Converting websites to mobile apps.
• Coding
• Programming languages for android and
• Cross platform mobile development -
React Native and Flutter

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• Why I chose React Native for my


Like I said earlier, this lecture will be purely

theoretical. I have already made practical
video tutorials for those who would like to
pay and learn practical steps to building real
world mobile apps.

Click the link below to see details of the


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This involves ways to build mobile apps

without coding. I mean, building mobile
applications without using computer
programming languages.

This is equivalent to using content

management system like wordpress or wix to
build websites without learning how to code.

Learning how to code takes longer time and

requires more creativity. So, some people shy
away from it.

Thus, smart programmers came up with the

idea of no-code technology where one can
build applications without necessarily
learning any programming language.

To build apps without learning how to code,

you have to pay and use drag and drop
softwares to build your app.
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One good advantage of this technology is that

it saves time. You can build complex apps in
few days. Secondly, it is easier to learn.

The disadvantages of this method, however,

include the following:

1. There are many apps you cannot build

with this method. For example, some clients,
especially big organizations, would specify a
custom app with complex functionalities,
which will be far beyond what no-code app
builders can handle.

Some big organizations will also clearly

specify the programming language that you
should use to build their app. So, if you can’t
code, the millions of dollars you would have
made from such organization(s) will pass you

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So, you see, if you only know how to build

mobile apps with app builders, you might be
running the risk of not having the
opportunity to work for many big
organizations, thereby losing jobs and losing
opportunity to make good money.

2. The maintenance of your app is dependent

on the app builder that you’re using. If the
company that owns the app builder you’re
using suddenly encounters issues, it will
affect you.

3. You have to pay to have access to most of

the app builders. Some app builders require
monthly and yearly subscription fee, and
many of them are quite expensive.

4. Building mobile apps using app builders

is not as flexible as coding mobile apps with
programming languages.

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With programming languages, you can

create anything you want, any how you want
it, but with app builders, your creativity is
limited to what the app builder can offer.

Nevertheless, despite the fact that no-code

technology has a lot of disadvantages, you
can still use them to build fantastic mobile

Some popular softwares (app builders) that

you can used to build your mobile apps
without coding include the following:

(1) AppyPie

(2) Shoutem

(3) Swiftic

(4) iBuildApp

…and many more.

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The opportunity to convert websites to

mobile apps is another wonderful technology
that has saved web developers and their
clients a lot of time.

Imagine having the opportunity to convert

your website to mobile apps in few minutes
or hours. That’s incredible, isn't it?

It saves a lot of time when compared to

building the mobile app from the scratch.

So, if you have a website and you want to

build a mobile app that will look exactly like
your website, there are technologies that will
help you to accomplish that task seamlessly.

Converting websites to mobile apps is great

but it has its own shortfalls too, which
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Mobile App Development: How to Get Started as A Beginner

1. Native apps built with native apps

programming languages tend to perform
better and more efficiently than apps
converted from a website.

2. Some technologies that convert websites

to mobile apps are not efficient enough or
don’t have all the tools to ensure that all the
functionalities of your website are working
smoothly in the mobile app.

Therefore, after converting your website to

mobile app, you might notice that one
functionality or the other, of your website, is
not working exactly the way you wanted it to

Thus, for you to get a technology that can

convert your website to mobile app and work
exactly as you want it, you might need to
test-run with many of the technologies out
there before you can find a suitable one.
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On the whole, nonetheless, converting

websites to mobile apps is a great idea. Apart
from the fact that it saves time, any update
you make on the website will automatically
get updated on the mobile app.

So you don’t have to update your website and

mobile app(s) differently.

Some technologies or websites that you can

use to convert your website to mobile apps
include the following:

Using the above platform to convert your

website to mobile app will cost you some
money but there are ways you can actually
convert your website to mobile app without
paying any money. The secret is reserved for

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my mobile app development students. Want

to know it? Enroll.

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Here, I’m going to concentrate largely on two

tech giants that are dominating the mobile
app market - Google and Apple.

Google owns android, Apple owns iOS while

Microsoft owns Windows (windows phone).
As I said earlier, I will concentrate more on
google Android and Apple iOS.

If you want to learn how to develop mobile

app, you have to answer this question?
Which mobile app do you want to develop?
Android app, iOS app or both?

If you want to develop android apps, you’re

required to learn the following programming
languages: Java programming language or
Kotlin programming language.

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Java is a very popular programming

language developed in 1996 by Sun
Microsystems (designed by James Goslings).

Millions, if not billions of devices, use Java

for their software, including the Automated
Teller Machines (ATM). Before 2010, most
android devices were built with Java.

In 2010, however, a software development

company, JetBrains, built their own java-like
programming language called Kotlin.

In May, 2019, Google announced that Kotlin

programming language was now its preferred
language for android apps.

Kotlin is more like Java. If you already know

how to code with Java, learning Kotlin will be
a lot easier for you.

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If you’re a complete newbie in both

languages and you’re thinking of the
programming language to learn for android
app development, you might consider going
for Kotlin since Google prefers it. However, if
you have the time and resources, learn both
Java and Kotlin. My advice.

Millions of devices are already using Java

softwares. So, there are lots of job
opportunities out there for Java
programmers. Kotlin is relatively new. Thus,
devices that are using it are also relatively

Hence, learning both programming

languages is highly advised. If you want to
learn both, start with Java and then migrate
to Kotlin.

If you want to build iOS apps (Apps for Apple

devices), learn the following programming
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languages - Objective C or Swift. I will tell

you more about them shortly.

Before I continue with this lecture, I want to

quickly clarify this; a lot of people use Java
and JavaScript interchangeably. They don’t
know the difference between Java and

I made the same mistake when I was

beginning my programming journey. I
thought that JavaScript is a script written
with Java Programming language but I was
absolutely wrong.

Java is different from JavaScript. They are

completely different programming
languages. So, don’t make the mistake of
using them interchangeably.

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iOS stands for iPhone Operating System.

That is, software that powers all Apple's
mobile devices.

If you want to build iOS apps, learn the

following programming languages -
Objective-C or Swift.

Objective-C is a general-purpose, object-

oriented programming language originally
developed by Brad Cox and Tom Love in the
early 1980s.

Objective-C was the standard programming

language supported by Apple for developing
macOS (Mac Operating System) and iOS
applications, until the introduction of Swift
in 2014.

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Swift is a general-purpose programming

language developed by Apple Inc. It's first
released in 2014.

Swift was developed as a replacement for

Apple's earlier programming language -
Objective-C, which had been largely
unchanged since the early 1980s and lacked
modern language features.

So, as a beginner, if you’re interested in

developing iOS apps, you should prefer
Swift. If you have all the time, you can learn
both languages.

Meanwhile, there is one question that should

be hovering on your mind now. The question

“What if you want to learn how to develop

both Android and iOS Apps, are you going

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to learn all the languages for developing

each of the apps?”

The answer to the above question is YES and


You can decide to learn the two languages if

you want to, but there is a shortcut, which is
learning a cross-platform mobile
programming languages, libraries or

Such languages, libraries and frameworks

include: React Native, Flutter, Xamarin,
Ionic, etc.

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Before the introduction of cross-platform

mobile technologies, anyone who wanted to
learn how to build both iOS and Android
Apps was required to learn both native
languages; Java or kotlin for Android and
Objective-C or swift for iOS apps.

The challenge there is that learning and

becoming expert in two different
programming languages is Herculean task.
Again, even when you become an expert in
both languages, it still takes much longer
time and stress to build and maintain one
mobile application with two different
programming languages.

Big companies hired two different teams of

developers for their android and iOS apps.
So, they’re spending almost double the
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amount to build and maintain different

codebase of their apps.

Thus, it’s a big challenge.

Facebook saw this challenge and initially

tried to use HTML5 to build cross-platform
app but the app could not give them the
desired result.

Therefore, Facebook developers swung into

action to find a solution.

Thus, in 2015, react native was developed.

React native is a JavaScript library (ie coded
with JavaScript) used for building cross-
platform applications.

Cross platform applications are apps that

can run both on Android and on iOS mobile
devices and many other devices.
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React Native was so useful as it finally solved

the challenge of building and maintaining
mobile apps with different codebase.

With React Native, one can now build and

maintain both Android and iOS apps with a
single codebase. Amazing, right?

Mobile apps built with React Native include

the following: facebook, Instagram, Skype,
Bloomberg, Discord, Wix, etc

Two years after the release of React Native,

google also released their own version of
cross-platform technology called Flutter.

Flutter is an open-source UI software

development kit, developed by Google. It
allows the development of iOS/Android apps
and uses Dart as the programming language.

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So, react native uses javaScript as a

programming language while Flutter uses
Dart as a programming language.

Some apps built with flutter include: Google

Ads, KlasterMe, Xianyu by Alibaba, etc.

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By now, you already know that I have a

platform where I teach ICT courses such as:
web design and development, mobile app
development, etc.

You can check my mobile app development

course at the link below…

When I wanted to start teaching mobile app

development, I took time to weigh my
options. As you have seen, there are lots of
technologies for mobile apps development.

My initial plan was to teach Java and Kotlin

for Android app development. Java was
actually the first programming language that
I learnt (in 2010).
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When I considered the benefits of cross-

platform technology, I decided to go into
React Native instead.

Why do I choose to teach React/React

Native for mobile app development?

It is easy for web developers to migrate to


I have hundreds of students who are already

learning web design and development. In my
web design and development course, they’re
already learning HTML, CSS, JavaScript and
some JavaScript libraries.

Since they’re already conversant with these

languages, it will be a lot easier for them to
move into mobile app development with
React Native because React Native is a
JavaScript Library.

It will take anyone who already knows web

design and development a shorter time to
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migrate to mobile app development if he

decides to go into React Native.

You don’t have to learn a new language

If you want to learn mobile app development

with Flutter, you’re required to learn Dart
Programming language. You can also learn
Java or Kotlin.

Learning and mastering all these languages

take quite a long time.

So, if you’re already a web developer with the

knowledge of JavaScript, React Native is
your best choice for mobile app development.

With React Native, you will become a good

mobile app developer in less than three
months but with other cross-platform
technologies, the learning curve might take
up to a year or more.

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What if you’re a complete novice?

If you’re a complete novice in programming

and you know nothing about web
development or mobile app development, the
question you need to answer is:

Do you have plans of learning both web

development and mobile app development?
Probably, you want to start with mobile app
development and later divert to web
development or vice versa.

If your answer is yes, then React Native is

your best choice, but if you only want to
learn mobile app development without any
plan of going into web development, you can
choose either Flutter or React Native.

My Advice

It is more strategic and profitable to learn

both web development and mobile app
development together.
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Most clients who need website will, most

likely, need mobile apps as well. So, if you’re
billing them, let say, N250k for website, you
can also bill them same amount or even more
for mobile app.

You will end up making double of the

amount. So, you see, it’s quite strategic.


Another reason why I choose react native is

its popularity. Facebook is one of the leading
tech giants in the world today. Anything they
create tend to be popular and widely

Flutter is also very popular because it was

created by another gigantic tech giant,

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So, both react native and flutter are

competing fiercely.

But, like I said before, if you’re planning to

learn both web and mobile app development,
react native is your best choice. Thus, you
can see why I seriously recommend React
Native, any time.

My name is Uche Joe, I’m a software

developer and trainer. I create professional
websites and mobile apps for clients both
within and outside the country.

I’ve been in software development field since

2010 and since then, I’ve taught over a
thousand students who are presently using
their skill to make good money for

I’ve also writing some books in tech field

which include; Web design beginners guide,
Mobile app development: how to get started
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as a beginner, Hypnotic copywriting

strategies, How to make millions in web and
app development and lots more.

Having made millions in software

development and having taught over a
thousand students, I will be grad to help you
achieve your financial freedom in tech world
by acquiring coding skill and monetizing it.

If you’re ready, there are secrets you should

be aware of. Only few people actually know

Today, I will share some of the secrets with

you, pay attention.

Secret No. 1: Don’t learn skills that are

very easy to learn. A lot of people jump into
skills that are very easy to learn. After
learning that skill, they realize that the skill
they have is something a lot of people can

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easily do. So, when they face competition,

they will be frustrated.

Skills like web development and mobile app

development take about six months to
acquire. If you’re lucky to be taught by a
professional, you will emerge a professional
yourself and confidently command good
money like your coaches.

Secret No. 2: Do not insist on learning

offline: A lot of Africans are still looking for
where they can learn tech skills offline but
they don’t know that a lot has changed. ICT
experts prefer to teach their students online
since online method has become so effective
and lucrative.

So, if you’re waiting for an expert to teach

you in a physical setting, you might end up
in the hands of armatures, and if an
armature coaches you, you will end up as an
armature. As a result, you won’t be skilled
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enough to command huge income as an


I taught students in physical setting for a

long time before I went online. The picture in
the next page shows myself and my students
in my Academy in Nnewi Anambra State in

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Mobile App Development: How to Get Started as A Beginner

The picture below is where I visited, taught

and empowered students in my alma mater
back in 2015.

So, you can see that I’ve been in this for a

long time. I know what will truly work for you
as a beginner.

Remember that the end goal is to acquire

professional skill to be able to command
massive income. Look for an expert online
and learn from him.

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I shared more secrets in most of my books

and tutorial videos. You will have access to
all of them as soon as you become my

With my over 11 years experience in tech

world, I have taken my time to build
comprehensive courses in Web Development
and mobile app Development.

In this course, I analyzed all the

fundamentals of programming you need to
know so that even if you’re a complete
beginner, even if you know absolutely
nothing about web development and mobile
app development, it will be a lot easy for you.

You don’t need to have any prior tech

knowledge, whatsoever, to excel in this
course. A lot of my students are complete
novices when they started, today, they’re
doing great.

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Mobile App Development: How to Get Started as A Beginner

Below are what you stand to learn and gain

How to make money with mobile app

development: I started with this to
expose you to opportunities that
abound in the skill you want to acquire.

You will learn the following programming


• CSS,
• JavaScript,
• ECMAScript 2015 (CS6)
• React,
• React Native
• Database Management (MongoDB)

Login System: Here you will learn how

to build signup, login, logout and
change password screens in your mobile

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Mobile App Development: How to Get Started as A Beginner

How to convert website to mobile app

with react native: You will learn how to
use programming languages to convert
existing websites to mobile app without
spending any money on monthly or
yearly subscription. This skill alone can
generate millions for you.
How to build a TO-DO LIST App: I built
a complete To-do List app that I’m using
to organize my daily tasks. I recorded
every step I took to build the app for you.
Uber App: Here, I went ahead to teach
my students how to build a transport
management app like uber. I taught how
to use google map, location and places
API to track transport vehicles in your
Online shop app: You will learn step by
step procedure to build a complete
professional online shop mobile app. I
recorded every step I took to build mine.
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You’re also going to learn how to

manipulate your phone camera and
other functionalities with computer
How to upload your apps to play
store: You will learn every steps to build
and upload your app to google playstore
for millions of people to download and
install it.

By the time you’re through with building

these systems, you would have learnt all the
principles behind building any kind of

I told you earlier that I’ve taught over a

thousand students in the past. I also told
you that a lot of them are complete novices
when they started. When they started, they
found the tutorials surprisingly easy and

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Click the link below to see details

If you have any questions, chat me on

WhatsApp or call +234 803 774 7461.

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