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How to Make Millions in Web and App Development


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How to Make Millions in Web and App Development

How to Make Millions in Web and App


Copyright © 2022 by

Uche Joseph Onwukwalu

Published in Nigeria by:


All rights reserved.

No portion of this book may be used without the written

permission of the author or publisher, with the exception of
brief excerpts in magazine, articles, reviews, etc.

For further information or permission,

Uche Joseph Onwukwalu
Heroic Universal Concept International

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How to Make Millions in Web and App Development



As the value of Naira continues to

depreciates, if you can’t make money in
millions in this country, life will surely be a
challenge to you.

Even if you’re not a Nigerian, you need to

make a lot of money to survive in your
country because economic meltdown is fast
becoming a global issue.

Therefore, it’s worthwhile that whatever you

take up as a profession should have the
potential of building a stable financial future
for you.

If what you’re doing right now does not have

the potential to explode your finances in
millions, that job should be temporal. You
should have plans of scaling higher,

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otherwise, you might regret a lot at your old


There are so many businesses and skills that

can skyrocket your finances if you press the
right buttons. ICT skills are trending now.
People who know the way are hitting it big.

People are making money in

cryptocurrencies, digital marketing, software
development and much more.

The future of ICT has always been bright, but

Covid-19 came and boosted its potential the
more from the year 2019.

Businesses are now being forced to go online.

Thus, programming skills, digital marketing,
copywriting and all manner of internet skills,
have therefore, gained overwhelming
relevance and will continue to do so.

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So if you have internet skills and you’re

smart and strategic, you will hit millions
much quicker.

This book was written with web development

in mind but you can apply its contents to
other areas of app development and even in
other businesses and make millions.

Web development is one of the areas of

software development that I love so much
and it is the center of our discussion in this

However, even if you’re not interested in web

development, the strategy you will learn from
this book can be applied in other fields to
rake millions for you.

I want to expose to you how to make millions

in web development. I want to also correct
some prevailing wrong assumptions among
most of the upcoming web developers.
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Most ICT training centers, both online and

offline, hardly teach their students how to
make money with their skills. Even some of
them who try to teach them, don’t do it well.

No wonder when their students graduate

they end up confused. Many young web
developers thought that the only way to
make money with their web development
skills is to work for other people.

As a result, if they’re not employed or don’t

get clients, they become stranded.

Before I start listing the various ways that

you can make millions of naira or dollars
consistently with web development skills, I
want to start by making it clear to you that if
you’re not very hardworking, smart and
strategic, you won’t make a headway.

If you’re faint-hearted and lazy, you will

make little or no money. Millions and billions
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are for those who are ready to do what it

takes and give it their best shots.

One assumption you must quickly kill in

your mind, as we commence, is thinking that
this is a get rich quick scheme like, MMM.
Please it is not.

When some people saw the caption, HOW TO

many of them quickly assumed that they can
make millions in one day or few weeks.

Yes, it is possible to make millions in few

days or weeks in web development but, as a
beginner, you have to water the ground to get

That said, if you do the following, you will

make millions in web development:

Learn Digital Marketing First

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In the interest of those who don’t know what

digital marketing is, digital marketing
involves various ways to reach out to your
audience or customers with the aid of digital

You can reach your customers and potential

customers via email, Facebook, WhatsApp,
Instagram, websites, YouTube, google and
other social media platforms.

Digital marketing is not just about posting

stuffs in your WhatsApp, Facebook or
Instagram pages. It is much more. You must
learn how to do it properly if you’re serious
about making the millions.

Millions do not fall from heaven. The millions

you need are in other people’s hands. To get
the money from them, you need to learn the
best way to market to them.

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Most small businesses usually ignore

marketing. That’s why they hardly scale. You
may have noticed that most of the small
businesses that you know some ten years
ago are still small today.

You know why, they don’t budget good

money for marketing. If you fail to market
your skills or business, you will not grow.
You will struggle and remain small.

The higher the number of people that know

about your business or skills, the higher the
possibility of making more sales or getting
more contracts and thus, making more

It is important that you learn digital

marketing even before you start learning any
other skill or establish any business. I will
tell you why?

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A good knowledge of digital marketing will

save you a lot of money and help you to
properly assess the kind of skills or business
that will pay you good cash.

If you don’t have knowledge of digital

marketing, you’re most likely going to make
some terrible mistakes and lose money.

Let me give you an example - some people

went into blogging, comedy, etc. because
they heard that some people are making
millions in it.

When they got in they discovered that it

takes a lot more than they anticipated to
build audience and maintain steady traffic.
As a result, they became frustrated and gave
up after spending a lot of time and money.

If they had prior knowledge of digital

marketing they would have been equipped

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with vital information on how to build and

manage audience.

With the knowledge, they would realistically

access whether they have the skill and
resources to make breakthrough in the field
they’re about to go into.

This is why I give all my students free digital

marketing training because I want the
serious ones among them to start on time to
learn how to promote their skills.

I want them to start promoting their skills

and partnering with me even when they’re
still learning so that by the time they
graduate, they would have been established.

So, if you want to learn web development,

learn digital marketing first. If you pay for my
web development course, I will give you
access to my digital marketing course for
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Learn web development skills

After mastering digital marketing skill, you

can then choose additional skill(s) to learn or
the business to go into. Those who love web
development should go ahead and learn web

While venturing into web development,

consider the following factors:

Don’t teach yourself, find a teacher

As a result of lack of fund, some people find

solace in learning through YouTube and
other free or cheap resources. It is not bad to
learn through YouTube but it is counter-
productive to concentrate on learning
through it.

If you don’t have money, start working

towards saving money. Within the time
you’re saving money, you can start learning
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through YouTube but the moment you have

saved enough money, find a mentor.

If you concentrate on learning through

YouTube, it will take you much longer time
to emerge a professional.

If it takes someone who is being mentored six

months to emerge a professional, it will take
you two years if you’re struggling to teach

Regrettably, you might not even emerge a

professional after two years if you’re not very
smart and consistent.

Time is money. It’s wise to use money to buy

time and use time to make more money.

If you pay a mentor to coach you, you stand

the chance of being connected to
opportunities by your mentor.
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I have started working with some of my

students, I have plans of employing many
more of them when they graduate.

A good mentor will not just teach you the

skills, he will also teach you how to make
money with the skills.

So, if you have plans of learning web

development and making good money with it,
I will surely help you. Chat me up after you
are done reading this book.

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1. Building professional websites for


The commonest way to make money in web

development is by developing professional
websites for clients.

Professional websites are not cheap. They

require a lot of skills and creativity. So, if you
possess those skills, you will surely make
good money.

When I talk about professional websites, I’m

not talking about the common WordPress
websites that most people can design. I’m
talking about websites that demand good
coding skills.

Websites like banking websites, school

management websites, transport and
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logistics websites, airline websites, money-

making/donation websites, like MMM,
ecommerce sites like jumia and konga,
cryptocurrency management websites, etc.

That’s the skill I teach my students. If you

learn how to code such professional and
money-spinning websites, you will surely
make millions.

To make millions quickly by developing

professional website for clients, do the

Don’t work alone, work with many people

If you’re advertising your skills consistently

and you’re good at what you do, you’re most
likely going to get more contracts than you
alone can handle, so you need to work with
other professionals to meet up.

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I’ve told you before that the major reason

why I went into teaching web development is
to raise professionals that I can work with.

If you’ve been following my WhatsApp status

for long you would have noticed that I hardly
advertise my web development services.
Instead, I advertise my online web
development training.

If I should concentrate on advertising my

web development services, I will get so much
contracts and I won’t have time to handle all
of them.

Though I partner with some people but the

partnership would have been smoother and
more flexible if I’m partnering with my
students alone.

In fact, right now, I’m already getting more

than I can handle even though I’m yet to
start advertising.
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When the first batch of my students

graduate, I will have more hands to meet up
with more demands, then millions will start
flowing into my bank account.

So, you must not work alone. You must

partner with others to meet up.

2. Build/Sell templates

If you want to make millions in web

development, you must use your spare time
to build templates of popular websites.

Make a list of websites that people demand

for most often. Sites like ecommerce
websites, business websites, school
management websites, cryptocurrency
management websites, Church management
websites, etc.

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Start building some samples of these

websites. Don’t wait until you get a client
before you start building sites, build samples
and keep. Showcase the samples to potential

The easiest way to get a client pay you a

handsome amount is to show them great
samples of the sites that you’ve built.

If you have some already-made samples of

websites that you’ve built, you can complete
a one-month project in few days.

Imagine getting a job of N300,000 and

completing it in three days or a job of
N1million and completing it in one week. If
you have templates, you can.

Apart from showcasing the templates to get

clients, you can also sell the templates and
make good money.

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There are so many web developers who

would prefer buying already developed
websites instead of starting from the scratch.

The beauty of it all is that you can sell one

template to unlimited number of people.

Imagine selling your template to over a

thousand people at, let say, N100k each. Do
the maths. It's N100million. If you sell it at
N50k, you will make N50million.

You might argue that it will be difficult for

one to sell a template to up to a thousand

If you’re extremely aggressive with marketing

and you’re targeting the whole Africa and
beyond, you will surely make even greater

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Let me however, be moderate. If you sell the

template to 100 people at N50k each. That’s

So you see, it’s lucrative.

3. Make millions from your vision app

Having studied the history of popular apps

like Facebook, YouTube and even our own
paystack, I realized something similar in
their stories.

The founders had a vision to solve a certain

problem in the society. They used their
programming skills to develop an app to
power their vision.

They sourced for fund and promoted their

vision. Finally, their vision blossomed and
here they are, reaping the proceeds in
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You can do the same. If you’re serious about

making millions in web development, you
should consider developing an app or apps
that can solve problems of millions of people.

You should strategize to raise fund to

promote your app. With your sound
knowledge of digital marketing, you will
make a headway.

There are lots of problems in Africa. If you

can develop apps to solve one or two major
problems and your app is well promoted, you
will surely sell.

It might take years but when the money

starts flowing in, it flows in billions.

Jack Ma, the founder of Alibaba Group, said

that they got zero profit from for
over two years. They continued to spend, to
strategize and to promote.

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Today, Jack Ma’s net worth is 42.5 billion


If you can create and consistently promote

an app that solves problems of millions of
people, you will end up making billions of
naira or dollars.

I will, surely, create such apps with my

students in the future.

4. Make millions Managing Websites

Another great way to make good money is by

managing people's websites. Having
developed lots of websites, I realized that
most people just own a website and leave it

Some people assume that the moment they

own a website, the website will start
generating money for them. If they were not

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able to get clients through the website, they

tend to abandon the site.

Some will continue to maintain the site

without earning from it.

You, as a web developer and digital

marketer, can come to their aid. You can
propose to manage their websites and
generate revenue for them through the site.

If you’re good at digital marketing, you will

do well here.

You can manage a website effectively by

adding more features to the website, blogging
about the product promoted in the website
and directing people to the website.

You can also run social media ads and direct

traffic to the website.

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You can come up with so many innovations

based on the kind of product(s) the website
is promoting.

To get as many people as possible hand over

their websites to you to manage for them,
you must be good at writing proposals,
making presentations and objective

Remember, you should not work alone. If you

can’t write a good proposal, hire someone
who can. If you’re not good at blogging, hire
someone who is good at it.

If you don’t have money to hire these people,

partner with them and share the proceeds
with them.

Imagine managing 20 websites. If you’re

earning, let’s say N50k per website in a
month, you will be earning total of N1million
in a month.
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Listen, don’t assume that people will not pay

up to N50k monthly for managing their
website. If you can generate the revenue,
they will be willing to pay you even more.

If you’re good at what you do and you know

how to target people who can afford to pay
you well, you will excel.

One of my great plans is to employ my

students to develop and manage websites in
Africa and beyond.

5. Write a book on web development

If you’re good at writing, you can write books

on various aspects of web development and
sell. Even if you’re not good at writing, you
can still write.

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One of the easiest ways to write a book in this

era is by compiling your social media post
and converting them into a book.

I’ve written up to ten ebooks. Almost all of

them are compiled from my social media

This particular book was also compiled from

the lecture I delivered on WhatsApp
sometime ago.

Recently, I lectured on HOW TO RAISE

It has also been converted into an eBook.

If I decide to sell the ebooks, I will make

money. Even if I decide to give some of them
out for free, I will still make money from

Either way, it’s a win win!

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Many people who want to go into web

development were asking so many questions.

Questions like how to make money with the

skill; how to get paying jobs abroad; how to
get started; the programming languages to
learn etc.

So many questions are begging for answers.

So, if you can write books to answer those
questions, many people will be willing to buy.

When I started promoting my Web

development courses in my online Academy,
I realized that some people who need ICT
skills don’t know how to go about it.

I decided to write a book titled, WEB DESIGN

- BEGINNER’S GUIDE. I also made some
videos to show people how to start the
development of a simple business website.

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If you’ve not gotten the book, click the link

below to have it for free….

6. Teach People

If you’re good at teaching, just like I'm, you

can consider setting up your own academy.
There is money in teaching, especial in our
time when social media has given us the
privilege to teach unlimited number of people
without meeting them physically.

I have students in almost all the states in

Nigeria. Most of them have never met me but
they believe so much in me.

You know why, I’m a gifted teacher. I’m

naturally compassionate. When I teach, my

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intention is to make you heroic. I want all my

students to prosper.

One more reason why I’m excelling in online

training is because I try my best to be honest.
Some online trainers are fraudulent. They
take advantage of the fact that their students
can’t easily meet them physically and
defraud them.

Listen, if you truly want to succeed as an

online trainer, you must be very straight-

Few days ago, I got a call from a prospective

student, he explained to me that someone
wants to sponsor him but he wanted me to
inflate the cost in order to get more money
from the person.

Though, his reasons for trying to inflate the

cost seemed very reasonable but I found it

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difficult to dance to his tune as I didn’t want

to be dishonest.

Thankfully, I was able to come up with a

straight-forward and smart way to handle
the situation without being dishonest.

He was shocked at my honesty and

extremely impressed by my smart idea.
Wisdom and honesty will lead you far.

If you’re born to teach, build an online

institute. Physical training is dying fast. It
will continue to die.

Nigerian economy does not favour physical

training, especial if you’re not capable of
investing millions in it.

However, I must warn you. If you’re not good

at teaching. If you’re not the patient and
compassionate type, don’t teach. Exploit
other aspects of web development.
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Teaching is like a calling. Not everybody can

do it well.

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Learn presentation

One of the reasons why I want to conduct

front end web development competition
among all my students this December is to
help them improve on how to present their
skills to clients.

If you truly want to capture the interest of

your potential clients, especially those who
can pay you millions, you must learn how to
present the template to them.

You should learn how to make videos

pointing out, explaining and demonstrating
with various functionalities of the sites.

If you’re good at presentation, people will

easily see you as someone who knows his
onion. Clients will trust you easily. If you win

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the trust of your clients, you win their


Give free solutions

If you constantly come online to post helpful

solutions to those who own websites and
those who are aspiring to own websites,
you’re most likely going to gain more clients
and make more money.

For example, you can constantly make posts

on the following topics: how to make money
with your websites; how to build lists of
customers in your websites, how to generate
constant traffic to your websites, etc.

If you’re consistent with the post, more

people will surely begin to chat you up for
solutions and eventual contracts.

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All along, from the beginning of this book on

How to Make Millions in Web Development,
I’ve been emphasizing the indispensability of

Having a skill or a business is one thing,

knowing how to make large number of people
buy from you or pay for your products or
services is another.

If you’re an expert in a particular field but

you don’t market your business or skill in
any way, your subordinates will make more
money than you if they promote their skills.

Business or skills without marketing equals


As a web development student, prospective

student or professional, consider the
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following strategies to hit the millions in web


Budget money for marketing

As a web development student or someone

who wants to go into web development in the
future, don’t plan to make the same mistake
over 90% of people are making.

Over 90% of people who learn skills or go into

business hardly have plans or budget money
for consistent marketing. Don’t make that

If you’re a web development student or

prospective student, while you’re saving
money for acquiring the skills, also save
money for marketing the skills.

If you’re already a professional web

developer, reserve a good percentage of your
profits for consistent marketing.
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The money budgeted for marketing should

be used for learning marketing strategies
and actual promotion.

Pay people to teach you how to promote your

products or services both online and offline.
Practice consistently and spend good money
on consistent promotion.

Don’t stop marketing

If you stop marketing, you start losing

money. Remember that you have
competitors and many of them are marketing

Even Coca Cola, in spite of its popularity, is

still being promoted with millions of dollars.
They management of the company
understand that if they stop promoting, their
business will start declining because they
don’t have monopoly of the business.

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So, always set aside good percentage of your

profits for consistent marketing.

Consistently build a list of prospects

One of the best marketing strategies is list

building. List building is all about
connecting with so many people who are
interested in your products or services.

Social media has made it so easy to connect

with many people. You can connect with
prospects on WhatsApp by making them
save your contact while you save theirs so
that they can view your WhatsApp status
and receive your WhatsApp broadcast.

You can also create groups on WhatsApp,

Facebook and other social media platforms
and get people into it.

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WhatsApp is my favourite platform for list

building. I build list on email too.

Just spend money to learn how to build lists

of prospects in different social media
platforms. After learning the strategies, you
can sit back and choose your favourite

After which you must spend good morning

on social media ads to get as many prospects
as possible to your favourite platform(s).

When you spend money to build list of

prospects, these prospects become your
customers and potential customers for life.
You will be spending little or no money to
market to them afterwards.

If you fail to build a list of prospects, you will

continue to spend huge amount of money
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any time you want to advertise your product

or service.

Give value for free to build trust

Someone who received my Web Design

eBook and tutorial videos for free was so
surprised. He wondered how I could give
such value for free.

He asked me, why are you giving all these

valuable tutorial videos and eBooks for free?

According to him, he has never received

anything as valuable as that for free. So, he

Listen, after building your list or while

building your list, you must make efforts to
make your prospects trust you enough to
buy from you.

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One of the best ways to make people trust

you on social media is by giving them
something very valuable for free.

You can write an eBook and give them for

free, you can teach them for free just like I’m
doing now.

You can answer their questions and mentor

them for free for some time. Just find out
something that will truly help them so much
and give it to them for free.

As they’re consuming your free gifts, their

trust in you and your products will naturally

If you market to them subsequently, some of

them will consider buying from you.

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Don’t stop posting on social media, be


Sometimes, posting every day on social

media can be very tiring but you must be
disciplined enough to do so if you’re serious
about building trust.

You don’t just have to post anything that

comes from your mind, you must ensure that
your contents are valuable. It can be
entertaining, educative or informative.

Just make sure that you’re posting values.

Don’t post your business advert every day. If

you do, your prospects will get tired of it.

Many people have chatted me up

appreciating my email and WhatsApp post.
They’re truly learning and I’m glad they’re.

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Celebrate your successes publicly

Whenever you make a breakthrough,

celebrate publicly with your prospects. Tell
them your success story. Show them how
they can also make success.

If you develop a fantastic website, showcase

it to them. If you make millions showcase it
but do so carefully and intelligently with
security in mind.

If you’re too private, you may die poor. You

must learn to live a public life to activate
success that follows publicity.

Learn to celebrate yourself for others to

celebrate you.

Use positive testimonials to build trust

Still on building trust, if someone chats you

and appreciates your expertise, screenshot it
and showcase it.
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Build a testimonial system in your website

and collect reviews from your customers and

Showcase their reviews to build trust. The

reviews can come in form of screenshots,
videos or graphic designs.

Use Webinar

Learn how to make a presentation before a

camera. Learn how to use webinar. Webinar
means web seminar, that is seminar that is
conducted on the web.

Listen, people trust you more quickly when

they see you speak live.

You can start by making videos with your

phone. When your confidence grows, go
ahead and go live.

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Exploit affiliate marketing system

One mistake I see people make is trying to do

everything about marketing their business
all by themselves.

Don’t do everything all by yourself. You don’t

have all the talents. Give other people
opportunity to promote your skills and be
honest and generous enough to pay them

I have an affiliate marketing system. People

who are promoting my products and services
are called Heroic Ambassadors. They earn
50% and 20% from my institutes and
services respectively.

I’ve also perfected plans to include heroic

fans in the affiliate marketing system.

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I want to work with everybody, I want

everybody to earn from me. You can do the

You must learn copywriting, you must!

I cannot overemphasize the importance of

copywriting in social media marketing. If you
have no knowledge of copywriting, your
presentation or social media posts will be
less attractive.

You must learn how to write hypnotically.

You must learn how to hypnotize your
audience with your pen. It is a must if you
must make huge exploits on social media.

Sometime ago, I gave some people who

performed some tasks for me my copywriting
eBook and it was very helpful to many of
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Now, I’m thinking of giving the eBook to all

heroic fans for free to help them improve on
their copywriting skills.

If you love what I’m doing, keep watching my

WhatsApp status. You might soon get the
copywriting eBook for free.

Recognize and appreciate little success

while pushing for bigger ones

Most times when we’re pushing for huge

success in a business, we easily get
discouraged when it is not happening as fast
as we expected.

If you must make a breakthrough in any

adventure, you must learn to recognize and
appreciate little successes made.

For example, if you post an advert on social

media and someone asked you about the

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price, you have to recognize that act as a sign

of success.

Even if the person ended up not purchasing

the product, the fact that he asked of the
price shows that he is interested in it.

Success is not made only when you make

money from an adventure. Before you make
money, there are successions of successes
that finally climaxed to the money made.

If you make a post online and many people

show interest in the post, analyse what is
actually attracting them and intensify that.

If it is your write-up that is attracting them

to the product, keep writing that way. If it’s
your graphic design or video, keep creating
similar attractive stuffs.

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Don’t be like most people who give up so

quickly when their exploit is not yielding
profit as quickly as they expected.

Recognizing seemingly insignificant

successes will sustain your enthusiasm to
keep pushing till a breakthrough is made.

The important point here is, recognize little

successes, capitalize on them to hit bigger

See failure as gain

I’m sure you know already that failure is

gain. In case you don’t believe it I will prove
it to you here and now.

Any effort made towards taking an action has

its accompanying gain. Even if you did not
achieve your desired goal, you will achieve
another helpful goal which might eventually

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lead you to achieving your desired goal or

even higher goals eventually.

For instance, as a web developer, you spend

huge money to learn how to promote your
products and services online but after
spending such huge amount you still find it
difficult to sell your products and services for

In a situation like that, an ordinary mind will

say that he has lost all the money he paid to
learn those skills. But a great mind will think

In the course of promoting the products and

services, the person will surely gradually
become better in the skill of marketing.

The perfection of the skill and experience

gotten during the period of trials and error
are all gains.

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Even though the person’s intention was to

sell his products and services but he ended
up gaining more skills and experience even
though he was not able to make sales.

If he decides to persevere and keep applying

the skills and experience, he will eventually
begin to sell.

The only thing that might be called failure is

INACTIVITY. I mean, not doing anything at

If you relax and do nothing you lose. If you

give up too quickly you gain very little. If you
keep applying your experience and skills you
will eventually achieve your ultimate goal.

Learn patience. It’s a virtue

As a beginner, always have it at the back of

your mind that you must be tough and

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consistent to make a breakthrough in your

chosen field.

If success is easy, no one will be poor. Don’t

give up too quickly when success is delaying,
learn to be patient, learn to be persistent and
keep strategizing.

If you’re patient and consistent enough, you

will eventually hit the MILLIONS.

My name is Uche Joe, I’m a software

developer and trainer. I create professional
websites and mobile apps for clients both
within and outside the country.

I’ve been in software development field since

2010 and since then, I’ve taught over a
thousand students who are presently using
their skill to make good money for

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I’ve also writing some books in tech field

which include; Web design beginners guide,
Mobile app development: how to get started
as a beginner, Hypnotic copywriting
strategies, How to make millions in web and
app development and lots more.

Having made millions in software

development and having taught over a
thousand students, I will be grad to help you
achieve your goal of financial freedom in tech

If you’re serious of about achieving financial

freedom in tech world, there are secrets you
should be aware of. Only few people actually
know this.

Today, I will share some of the secrets with

you, pay attention.

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Secret No. 1: Don’t learn skills that are

very easy to learn. A lot of people jump into
skills that are very easy to learn. After
learning that skill, they realize that the skill
they have is something a lot of people can
easily do. So, when they face competition,
they will be frustrated.

Skills like web development and mobile app

development take about six months to
acquire. If you’re lucky to be taught by a
professional, you will emerge a professional
yourself and confidently command good
money like your coaches.

Secret No. 2: Do not insist on learning

offline: A lot of Africans are still looking for
where they can learn tech skills offline but
they don’t know that a lot has changed. ICT
experts prefer to teach their students online
since online method has become so effective
and lucrative.
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So, if you’re waiting for an expert to teach

you in a physical setting, you might end up
in the hands of armatures, and if an
armature coaches you, you will end up as an
armature. As a result, you won’t be skilled
enough to command huge income as an

I taught students in physical setting for a

long time before I went online. The picture in
the next page shows myself and my students
in my Academy in Nnewi Anambra State
back in 2015…

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The picture below is where I visited, taught

and empowered students in my alma mater
in 2015.

So, you can see that I’ve been in this for a

long time. I know what will truly work for you
as a beginner.

Remember that the end goal is to acquire

professional skill to be able to command
massive income. Look for an expert online
and learn from him.
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I shared more secrets in most of my books

and tutorial videos. You will have access to
all of them as soon as you become my

With my over 11 years’ experience in tech

world, I have taken my time to build
comprehensive courses in Web Development
and mobile app Development.

In this course, I analyzed all the

fundamentals of programming you need to
know so that even if you’re a complete
beginner, even if you know absolutely
nothing about web development and mobile
app development, it will be a lot easy for you.

You don’t need to have any prior tech

knowledge, whatsoever, to excel in this
course. A lot of my students are complete
novices when they started, today, they’re
doing great.

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Below are what you stand to learn and gain

How to make money with web

development: I started the course with
this to expose you to opportunities that
abound in the skill you want to acquire.
Concept of Front end, Back end and
full stack web development. These are
part of the fundamentals you need to
know as a beginner
You will learn the following programming

• CSS,
• JavaScript,
• PHP,
• Mysql
• Database Management (SQL)
• jQuery

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Login System: Here you will learn how

to build signup, login, logout and
change password pages in your website
Landing page: You will learn how to
code landing pages for businesses and
make good money.
Admin Panel: Admin panel is probably
the most important part of the website.
It is where all configurations are made.
You will learn things like profile and role
management, product management for
ecommerce and many more.
Blogging System: Here you’re going to
learn how to build blogs. You can build
blogs for clients and make lots of money
Ecommerce System: Here you will
learn how to build a complete functional
online shop. In the tutorial, I built a
complete online shop for a client using
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Object Oriented Programming method

(00P). I recorded every step I took to
build it. As a student, you can follow me
step by step to build your own online

By the time you’re through with building

these systems, you would have learnt all
the principles behind building any kind of

I told you earlier that I’ve taught over a

thousand students in the past. I also told
you that a lot of them are complete novices
when they started. When they started, they
found the tutorials surprisingly easy and

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