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English work

Task 4 – Movie critic

presented by

Diego Fernando Seco Romero


Alexandra Moreno



National Open and Distance University UNAD

School of Social Sciences Arts and Humanities


Step 1: Check vocabulary (individual work) 1. Look at the movies posters and write
sentences which describe the kind of movie they are. For that, you must use the words in
the following box.

1.1. Write your sentences here: Madela a biopic, considered a

documentary, like a historical Drama.
1.2. Iron Man: is a science fiction films, an action films, it has many
special effects.

1.2. Now, answer these questions:

¿Can you think of examples of the other types of films in the box?

Zero Theorem: This films m is fictional, showing the search forone's

true soul and the true meaning of existence, accompanied by
the advancement of technologies.
- Have you seen any of the films in the posters? What is your
opinion about them?
This great biographical films and drama production, like the
films "Mandela", tells the life and work of a great sub-African
leader, who was elected by the people with the objective of
seeking and giving freedom by destroying the gaps of the
police elites. of this country, facing quite complex social
problems. On the other hand, this 昀椀lm shows how this great
leader views sport as the only way to unite a community full

¿What’s your favorite type of film?

My favorite films are fantasy films, bibliographic films, I like to analyze what other people have
contributed to social development and the history of our world, as well as the imaginary.

Step 2: let’s read (individual work)

1. Can you name any movies that have been very popular recently? Why do you
think they were so popular?
The Count is a black comedy films of Chilean origin, directed by Pablo Larrain, which
tells the story of the Chilean Dictator Augusto Pinochet. It was so popular because of
how this character is captured in a vampire, which causes many positions in the films.
world of cinema.
2. Do you think blockbusters have a ‘formula’ (fixed rules for writing them)?
I consider that in order to have box ofice success, it is composed of several group actions, from
the producer, cast, stories of general interest, proposing a proposal that contributes to
knowing historical aspects in the world, everything is based on treating creativity.

To answer the second question, read the article “How to write a Hollywood
Blockbuster” by clicking this link:

3. After reading the article, find words in it that match the following definitions:

➢ A very old story about gods, magical creatures, etc. (paragraph 1). Myths
➢ The place or time in which the events of a films or book happen (paragraph
Alternative worlds, atmosphere.
➢ Someone who is competing against you (paragraph 3) dinosaurs, cat-petting
genies Monsters, and evil wizards.
➢ The way in which the parts of something are organized (paragraph4).
1. The first act introduces the main character and the
problem you face.
2. The second act sees the character. Trying to solve the problem but failing
3. In the third act, the character finally defeats the opponent.

➢ A short part of a films, where the events happen in one place (paragraph 5)
➢ films company or the place where films are made (paragraph 6)

Step 3: let’s discuss

1. Discuss with your classmates these questions on the forum:

➢ Do you think it’s easy to write a blockbuster if you follow the ‘rules’ in
the text? What can be dificult?
Being clear about whether a films will be successful is a bit complex, since you
cannot predict something when the public has not seen it, only an expectation is

generated with the elements proposed for its production, this industry is subject to
many obstacles from luck., but it cannot be denied that teamwork is oriented
towards the success of production.

➢ Have you seen any of the top four biggest-selling movies? If so, do you think
they follow the ‘rules’? Did you enjoy these films) why/why not?
Several years ago I had the privilege of seeing the movie Titanic, one of the highest-
grossing films in history, starring the great actor Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet,
directed by James Cameron, this 昀椀lm is of the romantic genre. I reallyenjoyed
this movie because it tells the story of a young royal who falls in love with a low-
income painter, and because it is based on real events.
➢ What must a films contain for being a Blockbuster for you? Why?
From my point of view, I consider that for a film to be successful at the box o昀케ce,
they must have a great team.

Step 4: Let’s share your favorite movie

1. Choose one of your favorite movies and describe it. For that, you must completethese
phrases below:
The fillm is about the romance of a young royal woman and a lower-class painter; it is a
shipwrecked journey.
- It’s set in lower california
- It’s directed by James Cameron
- The star(s) of the film is/are, Jack Dawson, played by Leonardo Dicaprio and Rose
Dewitt, played by Kate Winslet.
- She violated all the rules of royalty
- One of the best scenes takes place when the painter portrays the beautiful Rous.
- It has a sad ending, due to the shipwreck and Jack's death.
- I like the film because it demonstrates the value of love, without social strata, and we
all deserve the same treatment.

Step 5: Describe your favorite movie:

1. Create a short video (maximum 3 minutes) in which:
A. you have to tell us the reasons you like your favorite movie. For that, it is necessary
to complete these phrases:
video link

B. you must re-tell three of the iconic phrases that movies have in history.

Movie: Titanic:


Jack Says: A woman's heart is an ocean of secrets

Re-telling: Jack told Rouse that a woman's heart is an ocean

of secrets.

Movie: Coco

Luisa rivera Says: "Never forget how much your family loves

Re-telling: "Never forget how much your family loves you,"

Luisa Rivera, Miguel's mother, reminds her son.

Step 6: Self-evaluation

In this step, you must check your performance during the time this task is developed. For
that, you must answer the following questions in a scale from 0 to 2. You can answer the
questions within the chart is given. This step must appear inthe consolidation step. These
are the questions:

1. Did I follow accurately the steps according to what the worksheet requires?
2. Did I attend and participate in the STT (synchronous meeting) that the task required?
3. Did I consider tutor’s recommendations on the forum?
4. Did I record the video according to all the indications in the worksheet?
5. Did I consolidate all the steps in the fi nal document to be posted on the Evaluation

1. Questions 0 1 2
1 2
2 0
3 1
4 2
5 2
Total: 0 1 6


The final conclusion of this work is that it is important to carry out these activities to be able to
interact and learn more. I liked being able to interact with activities like your favorite movie
where we can express what we like.

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