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M . B .

Patel ff:ng li s h Mediur

Secondary & J-lig h e r Secondary .-...,~ "' a!''V""
Manag<?d by • S.i rvo Vldytllaya Kol.wa,,I M c1 11d~I (Ka di) : f; i, n ~ ~ .Br.l~ ~J
Nr. GH--6 Circle, Sec tot -23, G111nd r - 38? 023. Phono . (Of9f,~..i.,.,U#.J;ll~
o-mall · m bpatolschc,o1@gm' ·
S.S C. lociex. No : ss.cio93 • H.S.C. tndox No : 27 0065 (Selonc" Stream) • H.S C. lnd 0 t N<>. · ?7.0269 (General Ztrearn}

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1 Full Name of the Student PAT E L SO Hf=\ t-<1 Nu B HA 1
{Surname First)

2. Religion a nd Caste
3. Place of Birth
M'ith Taluka / District \J AR,=\ S URAT
Date of Birth (I n figures o 2. o s 2. o o S'
a nd words as per
C~ristian Calendar)

5. Lastschool attended
MorHER T~Rt= Sf\ WORLD s c 1-+0 0 L
6. Date of Ad mission

7 Date of leaving school .3 C59.o23

8. Standard in which
studying & since when

9 Progress ~ O oD
10 Conduct

ii Reason for leaving school

12 t o. o days present S1
in the school Std. l<)-rH
_ Div. Present day( s) Out of
12. Remarks Appea red in the Board Examination of S:-87C / H.S.C.

~1 A R C H 2023,. Sent No. B 3 I(? 0 3: f.

14 UID No 2 ~0 6 nao9 5 ob t ~ l oo o ~
I certify that the abovi& info rmation 1s veri fi ed by me with school reg ister and found to be corre.:t

Date 02 IC5 / ':l D".23 ~ .\

Prl nd pal . P.. t l [11glis h Medium
~. t. -~ i II . '.:> u<: . ~chool
~ --. · .,, .: J, ~lh 111 aga r
Cle rk Clas& l oic hu r Princ ipal
Statutory warning · No one ca 11 Issu,: tnr.. r..c,tJ1,..,E,tu lJI mik• uny 1..h..t'l t-- ~ 1.1 u,, nt• Y •~:t , -pt trN. I l~1Tl,j:il,.,'f <f the 5eh0ul
or the authoru ed pu1son appo111lc:d for i,urh v, 011,; 111 ll ...l ,,t.:;eO<'a or un;,v 11tdb1lrty of the Principal

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