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Ecological Engineering 54 (2013) 128–135

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Ecological Engineering
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Emergy evaluation of environmental sustainability of poultry farming that

produces products with organic claims on the outskirts of mega-cities in China
Li-Xiao Zhang ∗ , Qiu-Hong Hu, Chang-Bo Wang
State Key Joint Laboratory of Environmental Simulation and Pollution Control, School of Environment, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: With increasing concerns about food safety and the enhanced purchasing power of people in China,
Received 10 September 2012 organic agricultural production for domestic consumption is booming, primarily on the outskirts of
Received in revised form megacities. The aim of this study was to perform an emergy evaluation of the environmental sustaina-
27 December 2012
bility of two typical kinds of poultry farms with organic claims in a suburb of Beijing, i.e., a backyard
Accepted 16 January 2013
rearing system and an orchard rearing system. The results of a similar evaluation conducted in Italy were
Available online 24 February 2013
also used for reference and comparison. The results show that the two poultry farming systems in China
had poor environmental sustainability, with ESI values less than 1, despite the fact that they had used no
antibiotics and chemicals, and were trying to increase free range for chickens. The two systems in China
Organic farming system were superior to conventional production systems, but inferior to the grass organic farming system used
Poultry production in Italy, as demonstrated by the indicator comparisons of EYR, ELR and ESI. In light of the potential for
Environmental sustainability decreasing environmental pressure, enhancing ecological complexity (indicated by Em Ex R) and increas-
ing overall sustainability, raising poultry in forests or orchards is a good alternative choice in rural China.
Nevertheless, organic farming practices in China are experiencing challenges on many levels: (1) they
conflict with China’s food safety strategy; (2) they are often having small scale operations; (3) they lack
knowledge of best production practices; and (4) they have a bad reputation with the credit system.
© 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction more middle- and upper-class consumers of first-tier cities prefer

organic chicken products.
Due to growing ecological awareness and frequent worldwide The principles of organic farming make it obvious that envi-
food scares such as, bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), ronmental friendliness or benefits for the environment are a key
foot-and-mouth disease (FMD), bird flu and bacterial contamina- concept of organic farming (IFOAM, 2007; Dabbert, 2006). Although
tion, the consumer’s trust in food safety has drastically decreased the use of synthetic chemical compounds is easily monitored
during the last two decades. Consumers are looking for safer and and controlled, limiting the intensity of production and sustain-
better controlled foods that are produced in more environmentally ing the health of the ecosystem are not so easy, i.e., the organic
friendly, authentic, and local systems. Organically produced foods principles addressing environmental benefits cannot be measured
are widely believed to satisfy the above demands, causing less directly. Organic production systems may improve local sustaina-
environmental damage and providing higher nutritive value bility, however, their effects on global sustainability is not easily
(Rembialkowska, 2004). In China the domestic consumption of assessed. It should also be kept in mind that by treating one
organic food was also triggered by hundreds of food safety issues, problem we often create others, sometimes even more severe con-
although the primary incentive for the development of the organic ditions from the perspective of the larger system. Therefore, it is
food production remains the export market (Sternfeld, 2009). Some a fundamental principle that organic farming should perform bet-
farmers in relatively developed regions of China are abandoning ter environmentally than conventional agriculture from a holistic
the monocrops with high chemical input and livestock factory viewpoint. So far, several methods that focus on a small subset of
farms of the industrial paradigm and adopting more sustainable environmental indicators are available for evaluating the environ-
methods, e.g., organic poultry farming is becoming popular as mental performance of organic farming systems (Haas et al., 2001;
Rattanasuteerakula and Thapa, 2012; Toma and Mathijs, 2007;
Wood et al., 2006). Most studies measure and compare only a small
subset of environmental indicators and are limited to a specific
∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +86 10 59893229; fax: +86 10 8805523. region or even to one experimental site. However, the environ-
E-mail address: zhanglixiao@bnu.edu.cn (L.-X. Zhang). mental sustainability of organic farming requires measurements

0925-8574/$ – see front matter © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
L.-X. Zhang et al. / Ecological Engineering 54 (2013) 128–135 129

that permit the suitability of the system to be assessed in both the investigated, i.e., a backyard rearing system and an orchard rearing
short and long term and, simultaneously, allow the different sys- system, are located in the Jingyu village of the Huairou Region of
tems to be compared in both local and global contexts (Castellini Beijing (N40 23 48.43 , E116 29 37.86 ) (Fig. 1). Both systems claim
et al., 2006). to be using an organic production mode and both are preparing to
The emergy evaluation methodology (Odum, 1996) emphasizes apply for certification as an organic producer. The two systems do
methods to exploit renewable resources more efficiently, such that not rely on formulated feed. Specifically, the backyard chicken rais-
the costly (with respect to resource limitations) non-renewables ing system depends mainly on corn and vegetables, while chickens
may last longer. This goal matches the aim of organic production in the orchard system pick grass and worms in the orchard as foods.
systems (Coppola et al., 2008). In addition, the emergy method Nevertheless, corn is also needed as a supplement to natural food
takes into account all the free environmental contributions to the in the orchard rearing system to increase productivity. The total
system, such as sunlight and wind, as well as the indirect environ- length of the rearing cycle from the chick phase to slaughter, includ-
mental support contributed in human labor and services, which ing a time for egg laying, is about 2 years for both rearing systems.
facilitates analysis of environmental performance of a system on In addition to the feeding pattern, one of the differences between
the global scale. Using solar energy embodied as the measurement these two systems is the different poultry breeds with different
base, emergy is defined as the quantity of solar energy that was lengths of time for egg laying and final weight.
used, directly and indirectly, to obtain a final product or service The backyard chicken farm consisted of 70 m2 , of which 30 m2
(Odum, 1996; Ulgiati and Brown, 2009). The units of the solar trans- is occupied by a chicken house, and the other 40 m2 is a courtyard
formity are solar emjoules J−1 , abbreviated as sej J−1 . Other Unit for free range. Considering the annual capacity of 100 chickens,
Emergy Values (UEV) are the specific emergy, solar emjoules kg−1 the average space for a bird is 0.7 m2 . This rearing system is pri-
(sej kg−1 ) and the emergy to money ratio. One of the strengths of marily for egg production, with an annual output of 792.00 kg, and
the emergy method is its energetic unification of different resource then all the chickens are sold after growth and an egg laying period
inputs of a production system, avoiding difficulties and subjec- of 2 years. The strain of chicken was Hy-line Grey, whose grow-
tivity that could take place with other methods (Bastianoni and ing period is about 5 months to egg production, with a final body
Marchettini, 1996; Zhang et al., 2009), and, therefore, facilitates weight of about 1.7 kg.
the comparison of different production systems. The second poultry farm was in an orchard, and used the Beijing
Emergy has been widely used to compare different farm- Fatty Chicken strain. The cycle of the second poultry production
ing alternatives (De Barros et al., 2009; Lu et al., 2009, 2010; system is also about 2 years, of which 6 months is needed for
Zhang et al., 2011, 2012) and different land uses (Lefroy and chicken growth and the egg production period lasts only about 1.5
Rydberg, 2003; Martin et al., 2006; Zhang et al., 2007), and years. About 2000 chickens are housed in this orchard with a total
to analyze environmental sustainability of agricultural systems area of 6 ha (30 m2 /bird). The annual egg laying capability of this
nationally (Chen et al., 2006; Cohen et al., 2006; Rydberg system is 6.48 kg per bird per year, and the final weight of the bird
and Haden, 2006) and locally (Bastianoni et al., 2001; Cavalett is 3.25 kg.
et al., 2006; Vassallo et al., 2007). The comparison of organic As mentioned above, the previous study in Italy by Castellini
and conventional farming activities has also been covered by et al. (2006) was used for comparison. Two poultry production
emergy analysis (Castellini et al., 2006; Coppola et al., 2008; systems from Italy, the conventional scaled rearing system and
Gonçalves Lima et al., 2012; La Rosa et al., 2008; Xi and Qin, grassland organic rearing system, were compared to the two sys-
2009). tems from China. The four systems were characterized by different
Emergy synthesis was used in this study to evaluate two poul- feeding patterns, e.g., varied space allotments and different culture
try farming systems with organic production claims in the Beijing cycles (Table 1).
suburban area to determine the environmental sustainability of
organic cultivation activities associated with urban agriculture in 2.2. Emergy analysis
China. The two alternative production systems are a backyard
chicken rearing system and an orchard chicken rearing system. In The emergy method is a ‘donor-side’ evaluation approach
addition, the results were compared to results of similar systems (Bastianoni et al., 2001; Ulgiati et al., 2007), and it looks at the sys-
in Italy (Castellini et al., 2006). The main goals of this paper are: tem in a holistic way, by underlining the need for the system to
(1) to measure the environmental sustainability of poultry farming adjust its behavior to the performance of the surrounding ecosys-
activities in a suburban area of a mega-city in China with organic tem, instead of analyzing local efficiency and local flows in an
production claims; (2) to compare the environmental cost of differ- analytical and deterministic way.
ent organic poultry production systems and their products in China Odum (1996) and his colleagues give detailed explanations
to those in another country of the world; (3) to present scientific of the application of emergy accounting procedures for a variety
information for optimizing the mode of production and identifying of systems. The different emergy sources were aggregated as
best management practices; and (4) to highlight emergy analysis renewable resources from nature (R), non-renewable resources
as a useful tool to provide practical indicators for organic farming from nature (N), renewable (PR ) and nonrenewable (PN ) fractions
assessment and certification. of goods and services purchased from outside (Zhang et al., 2011).
Separation of renewable and nonrenewable inputs is essential for
2. Materials and methods emergy analysis, as it makes it possible to define several emergy-
based indicators that can provide decision support tools, especially
2.1. Location and study sites in the case where there are several alternatives to choose from
(Bastianoni and Marchettini, 1996; Odum, 1996). Processes using
Organic farms for domestic markets are generally small-scale, a larger percentage of renewable energy need to be identified,
and many are concentrated near cities and regions that have a because they are likely to be more sustainable than those using
diverse consumer base (e.g., suburban Beijing and Tianjin). Raising a larger percentage of nonrenewable energy (Lefroy and Rydberg,
poultry in courtyards and in woodlands are two prevailing models 2003; Martin et al., 2006). Thus, considering the evolutionary
in rural China and particularly in the provinces of Beijing, Shan- process involved in emergy methodology, the renewability factor
dong, Shanxi and Guizhou. The two poultry rearing systems we was incorporated in this study to gain a better assessment of
130 L.-X. Zhang et al. / Ecological Engineering 54 (2013) 128–135

Fig. 1. Location of study sites and photos of the poultry rearing systems in a suburban area of Beijing. The upper one is the orchard system and the lower one is the backyard

each system’s sustainability, the values of which were based on based on their expected useful life and operation period accord-
previous work by Agostinho et al. (2008), Ortega et al. (2005) and ing to local investigation. In particular, since the production cycle
Ulgiati et al. (1994, 2005). The renewable fraction of purchased of poultry farming, including chicken growth and egg-laying are
emergy was calculated by multiplying the flows of materials and beyond 1 year, i.e., 2 years for our case, they are also scaled to
services that enter the system by the renewability factor, denoted a 1-year cycle. The data on the inputs and outputs of these two
as PR . Correspondingly PN represents the non-renewable fraction. production systems, including local geomorphology (solar irradi-
Emergy-based indices and ratios that are used to evaluate the ation, rain, soil erosion, water resource, etc.), were recorded and
behavior of the investigated production systems are listed and tested throughout by questionnaires, interviews, and statistical
described in Table 2. It is worthwhile to note that the indica- databases, and processed by transforming mass quantities (kg)
tor of emergy/exergy ratio (Em Ex R) was also included besides the and energy quantities (J) into emergy units by multiplying the
conventional emergy indices and ratios, which is related to the effi- raw amounts by appropriate specific emergy factors and trans-
ciency with which a system organizes itself or, if steady, maintain formities. Besides, the global emergy baseline used in this study
its complexity (Jørgensen et al., 2004). This indicator is different is 15.83E+24 sej/year. The comparable results in Castellini et al.
from the concept of transformity: transformity is the emergy that (2006) were also transferred on this baseline. The transformities
contributes to a production system divided by energy content of a used in this study include labor and services required to produce
product, while the Em Ex R represents an emergy flow divided by economic goods. It is also worthwhile to note that the ground
the eco-exergy of the whole system driven by this emery flow water pumped for poultry farming has been considered as a non-
(Bastianoni and Marchettini, 1997). The eco-exergy was calculated renewable resource, since water resource are scarce in Northern
according to the methodology proposed by Jørgensen (2006, 2007). China and replacement is very slow.
Since 1 year was taken as the time scale for the present analysis In this study, we assumed that the total invested energy was
of these two chicken farming systems, all pieces of equipment con- split by the production of egg from the production of final chicken
sidered in the production systems were converted to annual flows product. To avoid confusion, we only calculated the transformity of

Table 1
Comparison of the main characteristics of the four poultry rearing systems.

Items Studied systems (China) Comparison systems (Italy)

Backyard rearing system Orchard rearing system Grassland rearing system Conventional scaled rearing system

Building and space allowance

Birds per unit (n) 100 2000 1000 15,600
Surface area covered (m2 ) 30 300 96 988
Density (birds/m2 covered surface) 3.33 6.67 10.4 15.1
Breathing space (m2 /bird) 0.4 30 9.9 –
Production cycle
Growing time (days) 150 180 81 49
Egg-laying period (days) 570 540 – –
Daily diets (g/bird)
Corn 100 50 38.64 41.47
Vegetable 50 – – –
Soybean meal – – 14.44 14.78
Fava bean – – 17.41 –
Wheat-bran – 4.38 20.25 3.47
Peanut cake – 6.25a – –
Productive performance (for one cycle)
Final weight (kg) 1.7 3.25 2.21 2.73
Total egg production (kg) 12.54 9.72 – –
For chick only.
L.-X. Zhang et al. / Ecological Engineering 54 (2013) 128–135 131

Table 2
Category totals and emergy indices used in this study.

Index Symbol/formula Description

Renewable resource from nature R Renewable flows directly available to the system, such as solar radiation, wind,
rain and biomass on the land.
Non-renewable resource from nature N Including local soil, groundwater, and other environmental resources that are not
replaced within an annual cycle.
Renewable fraction of purchased resources PR The fraction of the emergy of imported resources that is considered to be of
renewable origin.
Non-renewable fraction of purchased resources PN The fraction of the emergy of imported resources that is considered to be of
non-renewable origin.
Total emergy used U = R + N + PR + PN Total emergy flows needed to support a production system.
Renewable emergy fraction %R = (R + PR )/U The ratio of the renewable emergy invested divided by the total emergy driving
the system.
Emergy yield ratio EYR = U/PN The ratio of total emergy (U) to the emergy of those inputs that are fed back from
outside the system. The index measures the return on the emergy investment, i.e.
the ability of a process to exploit local (renewable and nonrenewable sources) by
investing economic resources from outside.
Environmental loading ratio ELR = (N + PN )/(R + PR ) Ratio of nonrenewable (local and imported) emergy resources to the renewable
emergy flows, indicating the load on the environment generated by
human-dominated nonrenewable flows.
Emergy exchange ratio EER = [($income ) × (seJ/$)country ]/U Ratio of the emergy embodied in the money received to the emergy embodied in
the product exported to an outside market. An indicator of the emergy benefits or
losses from the sale of products.
Emergy sustainability index ESI = EYR/ELR It is the composite ratio of the emergy yield ratio EYR to the environmental
loading ratio ELR, indicating the process trade-off between the emergy advantage
provided by the process and its environmental pressure.
Emergy/exergy ratio Em Ex R = U/Ex Here Ex is the eco-exergy content of poultry farming system. It is the ratio of
emergy flow to eco-exergy of the whole system, measuring the
eco-thermodynamic efficiency and the ecological complexity of the systems.

chicken and adopted split principle of emergy allocation, i.e., allo- It is shown clearly by Fig. 2 that the corn input represents
cating the total emergy entering the system to chickens according the largest emergy flow for both production systems, account-
to their energy content proportion. Instead of allocating 100% of ing for 69.00% and 45.15% for the backyard rearing system and
the total emergy U to each item, one was considered a co-product the orchard rearing system, respectively. However, the different
of the other (Bastianoni and Marchettini, 2000). This seems to be a food raw ingredients used and the emergy necessary for producing
better choice in cases where production is diversified, but remains such ingredients affect the emergy value of the two systems differ-
more or less within the same type of output. ently. In the backyard chicken rearing system, corn and vegetables
were the most important emergy cost, while the corn, wheat bran,
and peanut cake were the three largest feed expenditures for the
3. Results and discussion orchard rearing system.
The emergy for the bird housing and fencing were not very
3.1. Emergy evaluation high, accounting for 7.08% and 8.77% of total emergy invested
for the two production systems, respectively. At the same time,
The emergy flows calculated for the two poultry farming sys- these two poultry farming systems are not water intensive, but
tems are itemized in Tables A1 and A2 (see Appendix). Unlike crop they can be regarded as labor intensive. Labor emergy represents
farming, poultry production relies relatively less on local renew- the third largest input for the backyard poultry farming system
able resources such as sunlight, wind and rainfall, but largely on (9.63E+14 sej year−1 ) and the second largest for the orchard rais-
feed sources. Since the energy and resource flows that interact ing system (1.54E+16 sej year−1 ). It is also worthwhile to note that
to produce an agricultural product reflect the emergy structure the rent cost contributes the third largest investment in the emergy
of that product (Rydberg and Jansén, 2002), the major differ- structure of the orchard poultry raising system, which represents
ence between the two systems can be observed in their emergy the opportunity cost of the land use under trees for chicken farming.
structures. Fig. 2 illustrates the emergy structures of these two
poultry farming systems according to sequence in the accounting
table. 3.2. Indicator comparisons
As shown in Fig. 2, for both poultry production systems, the
inputs can span several orders of magnitude. For the backyard Two other poultry production systems in Italy were used for
poultry farming system with a size of 100 chickens, the lowest comparison, to gain better insight into the production systems in
emergy input is rain, i.e., 6.99E+12 sej year−1 , while the largest China. A number of indicators were calculated for the assessment of
input is corn with 6.72E+15 sej year−1 . The difference between the performance and the sustainability of the poultry farming sys-
them is three orders of magnitude. A similar difference can be tems, namely transformity, fraction renewable (%R), emergy yield
found in the orchard rearing system. The largest input is corn at ratio (EYR), environmental loading ratio (ELR), emergy exchange
5.88E+16 sej year−1 , and the lowest input is the groundwater at ratio (EER), emergy/exergy ratio (Em Ex R), and the emergy sustaina-
1.84E+14 sej year−1 . The large area of the orchard helps to increase bility index (ESI) and (Table 3).
utilization of renewable resources of sunlight and rain, one of the Although the transformity is not usually included in the emergy
benefits of which is providing grass and fruit for poultry feeding indices for a system, it is a very important indicator of the effi-
under the trees. Similarly, in the orchard chicken rearing system ciency of a production system, and of the quality of the products
the emergy of rain input is 5.99E+15 sej year−1 on an area of 6 ha as well (Lu et al., 2006). When comparing two or more processes
with 2000 chickens. yielding the same output, a lower transformity can be seen as a
132 L.-X. Zhang et al. / Ecological Engineering 54 (2013) 128–135

Table 3
Emergy indices for the four poultry farming systems.

Items China Italy

Backyard rearing system Orchard rearing system Grassland rearing system Conventional scaled rearing system

Transformity (sej/J) 2.17E+06 1.58E+06 9.73E+05 1.03E+06

%R 0.30 0.30 0.29 0.16
EYR 1.43 1.48 1.51 1.19
ELR 2.34 2.28 2.04 5.21
EER 2.43 4.05 – –
ESI 0.61 0.65 0.74 0.23
Em Ex R 1.03E+04 3.67E+03 8.83E+03 9.76E+03

measure of higher efficiency: less resources are needed to yield are 2.17E+06 sej/J for chicken products obtained from the back-
the same amount of product, or more product is obtained with yard farming system, and 1.58E+06 sej/J for those obtained from
the same amount of emergy invested (Odum, 1996; Vassallo et al., the orchard farming system. Both of these values are significantly
2007). However, this is an indicator sensitive only to the conver- higher than those yielded from systems in Italy, indicating that
sion efficiency, while not affected by alternative resource types. A the two Chinese production systems are actually less efficient in
process can be efficient in processing either renewable or nonre- the transformation of potential energy. These results could be
newable resources. The transformity values obtained in this study attributed to the relatively long life cycle and extensive rearing
process in China. As for the two production systems in this study,
the backyard organic farming system has a lower production effi-
ciency than the orchard farming system, which can be explained
by the relatively low efficiency caused by feeding under extensive
Across the four systems examined, the indicators of the renew-
able emergy fraction are consistent for the farming systems with
organic claims, varying from 0.29 to 0.30, while that of the con-
ventional scaled rearing system is only 0.16. In the long term, as
well as in the presence of fluctuations of price and availability of
fossil fuels and derived products such as feed, production systems
with a higher percentage of renewable emergy are likely to be more
sustainable and to prevail. They are more likely to be successful in
economic competition when non-renewable resources are limited
than those using a high amount of non-renewable resources (Lefroy
and Rydberg, 2003).
The EYR is a measure of a process’s ability to use both local
renewable and non-renewable when matched with the investment
of economic resources from outside. In other words, the higher the
EYR, the less the use of external inputs for a given output, i.e., free
sources of emergy make a higher contribution to the output of the
process (Zhang et al., 2011). It is evident that the EYR value of the
conventional scaled farming system is the lowest among the four
systems, i.e., 1.19 (see Table 3), which indicates that such a produc-
tion process primarily converts resources from outside sources into
a product, without having such contribution from local resources.
The EYRs of the two Chinese systems show values of 1.43 and 1.48,
indicating a higher reliance on free environmental inputs. A sys-
tem can be efficient in converting the available resources, but this
has nothing to do with its ability to exploit what is freely avail-
able locally (Zhang et al., 2011), which further confirms the need
for more than one emergy indicator to provide a comprehensive
picture of investigated processes. In fact, compared with indus-
trialized agriculture systems, traditional farming systems have a
good capability to exploit local free resources but usually with low
production efficiency and vice versa.
With regard to ELR, the values of the two systems under study
are 2.34 and 2.28, respectively. According to Brown and Ulgiati
(2004), ELR values lower than two are indicative of moderate envi-
ronmental impact while an ELR values higher than 10 indicate
much higher environmental impact. In this sense, the three organic
production systems are near an acceptable equilibrium with the
local environment. However, the ELR value calculated for the scaled
production system is much higher (ELR = 5.21), indicating a more
Fig. 2. Structure of detailed emergy inputs for the two poultry farming systems. The intensive non-renewable emergy input and higher environmen-
items are arranged clockwise as a logarithmic coordinate system. tal stress. The ELR is directly related to the fraction of renewable
L.-X. Zhang et al. / Ecological Engineering 54 (2013) 128–135 133

resources, and can be considered a measure of ecosystem stress due but they still have a relatively high environmental loading ratio
to production (Ulgiati and Brown, 1998). Such a stress is not neces- and poor environmental sustainability (ESIs < 1); (2) production
sarily local, but may refer also to more distant resources. In light of efficiency is relatively low, due to the operation on a small scale
ELR, the two (so-called) organic systems have achieved progress in and extensive model; (3) it should be emphasized that the indirect
environmental performance when compared to the conventional costs, other than facilities and feed cost, are also large for organic
scaled rearing system of Italy. However, further improvements are production, such as time, land and labor, which may be the real
still necessary for future processes, as the impacts are still higher obstacle to this industry; (4) from the perspective of emergy, farm-
than those of the grass organic rearing system in Italy. ers could benefit from such organic production practices, though
The EER is a measure of the relative advantage of one part- not strictly certified.
ner over the other, providing a measure of who “wins” and who From the perspective of emergy-based indicators, the organic
“loses” in the economic trade (Lu et al., 2006; Lu and Campbell, poultry practices in China have achieved a favorable improvement,
2009). In general, when the comparison is performed in money compared to the conventional scaled production model, but still
terms (exchange of money related to an exchange of goods) such a suffer from a relatively low renewable emergy fraction, due to
ratio – named “terms of trade” – is more or less equal to 1, because large inputs of purchased feed and building facilities. It demon-
no individuals or countries can spend money in a purchase with- strates the fact that the current organic farming practices near
out also receiving money for a sale. Instead, when emergy is used mega-cities bear a resemblance to intensive production by high
as the accounting method, the hidden value of resources comes energy resource investments. This relatively “intensive” organic
into play. The calculated EERs for the backyard poultry rearing sys- production makes the birds rely more on outside feed than on for-
tem and orchard rearing system were 2.43 and 4.05, respectively, age from the field. Economic efficiency, after all, is the central goal
indicating that they receive more emergy from the consumer than of farmers involved. For the backyard poultry model, the density of
they provide in exchange – or, in other words, they receive more animals in the same area creates a problem of excessive nitrogen
emergy than they have used to make their products. Comparatively and phosphorus concentration. Theoretically, this problem could
speaking, the orchard poultry rearing system benefits more than be resolved in two ways: to decrease the use of corn to force the
the backyard rearing system in the production models with organic utilization of natural biomass as grass or fruits and to use more
claim. local wood and stones for the bird’s housing and fencing. In con-
ESI is the ratio of EYR to ELR, measuring the potential contribu- sideration of these points, raising poultry in orchards, tea gardens
tion of a resource or a process per unit of environmental loading and forests can be a good alternative choice in suburban areas of
(Brown and Ulgiati, 2004). ESI within the scope between 1 and 10 China.
means a living and good potential system, and when ESI is smaller In addition to environmental performance, consideration of
than 1, it indicates a system that is depleting production with high the efficiency of technological and economic systems has been,
environmental pressure (Ulgiati and Brown, 1998). In fact, the ESI and still is, a crucial aspect for the understanding of progress
values of the four systems are all below 1, from 0.23 (conventional toward more sustainable production and consumption. As men-
scaled farming system in Italy) to 0.74 (grass rearing system in tioned above, the two Chinese poultry production systems suffer
Italy), indicating that they are all resource-depleting unsustainable from relatively lower production efficiency in terms of transfor-
systems. Again, the two systems studied in China fall between the mity comparisons, due to their operation at the household scale and
Italian systems on the spectrum, a fact that illustrates that the nat- the extensive management required. It is worth noting that rural
ural or semi-natural production systems of China actually provide China is characterized and managed by the Household Responsi-
a much larger return per unit of environmental loading generated bility System (HRS), i.e., all the agricultural production activities,
when compared to the commercial scaled rearing system of Italy. including organic food production, in China are mainly engaged in
However, in a broad context, the two poultry farming systems in by household units. This unique organizational structure limits the
our study have a relatively poor performance with regard to over- effective implementation of substantial and practical organic tech-
all sustainability, despite being comparable to organic production nology, farmer training and the advantage of scale effects. In fact,
practices when considering details such as the rearing space for there is not much support from the government to help the farmer
exercise and feeding patterns. develop organic farming on a household scale. The Chinese gov-
Although the emergy/exergy ratio (Em Ex R) can be considered ernment is facing huge problems in food security and is trying its
an aggregated measure of complexity, internal thermodynamic best to ensure food production by encouraging chemical inputs and
efficiency and environmental sustainability, it is a slightly more controlling the scale of production. So far, there is no evidence that
complex question for agro-ecosystems, since they are more indus- organic agriculture will not reduce food production. On the con-
trialized than nature ecosystems. Therefore, the backyard rearing trary, some researchers argue that, even for organic poultry meat,
system and conventional scaled rearing system has a relative higher the cost of production is much higher than in conventional rearing
Em Ex R values because their entire productions are more concen- (Castellini et al., 2006). If we consider the efficiency from a broader
trated on chickens and the artificial utilization of emergy resource viewpoint, the efficiency is much lower, since organic production
is relatively very low. On the contrary, the orchard rearing sys- also needs more land, more time and more labor input, which lim-
tem has a lowest Em Ex R value for two reasons: natural availability its its sustainability if land for food production and energy crops
of resources and high conversion efficiency. Therefore, again, it is scarce and if there is a possibility of a potential famine. In our
is recommendable to apply several indices simultaneously to get case, although we think the orchard poultry rearing model is a
a proper picture of the extent of integration, the maturity and favorable choice with regard to its better performance, not every
perhaps also the sustainability of agricultural systems (Jørgensen, farmer will have access to forest land and necessary investment
2006). capital.
The EER results show that the backyard poultry rearing sys-
3.3. Extended discussions tem and orchard rearing system receive more emergy from the
consumer than they provide in exchange. Owners using these two
From the accounting results and indicator comparisons, we can farming systems can obtain three times the normal price for their
form several pictures as follows: (1) the two poultry farming sys- chickens and eggs, because more local residents are willing to pay
tems with organic claims in China use no antibiotics or chemicals, a premium to have free range chickens free from antibiotics and
134 L.-X. Zhang et al. / Ecological Engineering 54 (2013) 128–135

chemicals. We should pay attention to the fact that these two Appendix A. Supplementary data
poultry rearing systems are not strictly certified. It is worth not-
ing that most of the organic products sold in domestic markets are Supplementary data associated with this article can be
certified by COFCC (China Organic Food Certification Center) and found, in the online version, at http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ecoleng.
OFDC (Organic Food Development Center). However, some of the 2013.01.030.
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